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bug#70277: Crash when attempting to create a regular button

From: Marc Coquand
Subject: bug#70277: Crash when attempting to create a regular button
Date: Mon, 08 Apr 2024 08:44:41 -0500
User-agent: mu4e 1.10.8; emacs 29.3


I'm having issues creating a regular Hyperbole button with {C-h h i c}
and Info-index.

I wanted to link to a specific info page, however, after setting a label
and attempting to link to Info-index, I get the error:

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "Cannot clone a file-visiting buffer")
  error("Cannot clone a file-visiting buffer")
  byte-code("\304\305 \306 \307\30\31\32\33\310 \210\311\216r\nq\210\312
  \210\313\314\315\".\6C\207" [Info-history-list Info-complete-nodes
  Info-complete-menu-buffer completion-ignore-case t clone-buffer
  Info-index-nodes nil info--ensure-not-in-directory-node
  #f(compiled-function () #<bytecode 0x1f9d9807f94f6>) Info-goto-index
  completing-read "Index topic: " Info-complete-menu-item] 4)
  hargs:iform-read((interactive (byte-code "\304\305 \306
  \307\30\31\32\33\310 \210\311\216r\nq\210\312
  \210\313\314\315\".\6C\207" [Info-history-list Info-complete-nodes
  Info-complete-menu-buffer completion-ignore-case t clone-buffer
  Info-index-nodes nil info--ensure-not-in-directory-node
  #f(compiled-function () #<bytecode 0x1f9d9807f94f6>) Info-goto-index
  completing-read "Index topic: " Info-complete-menu-item] 4)) nil)
  hargs:action-get(#<subr Info-index> nil)
  hui:ibut-create(nil nil)
  funcall-interactively(hui:ibut-create nil nil)
  hui:menu-act(hyperbole nil nil nil)
  hyperbole(nil nil nil nil)
  funcall-interactively(hyperbole nil nil nil nil)

Version is 20240401.1927.

I'm also noticing that regular info is broken as well:

{C-h h i c eat<RET>info<RET>}

Creates the following:

<[eat]> - <nil nil nil>

Thanks in advance for any help.


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