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bug#69129: sbcl-mcclim broke on upgrade to sbcl@2.4.0

From: Guillaume Le Vaillant
Subject: bug#69129: sbcl-mcclim broke on upgrade to sbcl@2.4.0
Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2024 10:28:28 +0000

Christopher Howard <christopher@librehacker.com> skribis:

> Hello, sbcl-mcclim library broke on the upgrade to sbcl@2.4.0. Something 
> changed so that many applications (include :clim-examples demos) break in 
> runtime with an error like so:
> ```
> invalid keyword argument: :CLIPPING-REGION (valid keys are :INK,
>    [Condition of type SB-INT:SIMPLE-PROGRAM-ERROR]
> ```
> The problem is not present if I time-machine back to a commit with sbcl@2.3.7.
> Rather than troubleshooting this problem, I would recommend upgrading 
> sbcl-mcclim to the latest official release, which is Version 0.9.8.

I don't reproduce the issue. I tried with:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
guix shell sbcl sbcl-mcclim -- sbcl --no-userinit

(require :asdf)
(asdf:load-system "clim-examples")
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

and it worked. What command did you use to get the error?

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