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bug#66849: (no subject)

From: lgcoelho
Subject: bug#66849: (no subject)
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2023 22:22:06 +0000

Now it seems more plausible that telegram-desktop suffered from the same problem. I discovered my pavucontrol acting the same way as mpv, and after some investigation I got that:

+radio at buer in ~ > for file in ~/.guix-home/profile/bin/*
                          file -L $file
                      end | grep empty
/home/radio/.guix-home/profile/bin/mpv: empty
/home/radio/.guix-home/profile/bin/pamixer: empty
/home/radio/.guix-home/profile/bin/pavucontrol: empty
/home/radio/.guix-home/profile/bin/pinentry: empty
/home/radio/.guix-home/profile/bin/pinentry-gtk-2: empty
/home/radio/.guix-home/profile/bin/redshift: empty
/home/radio/.guix-home/profile/bin/yt-dlp: empty


I hope it can be useful to understand what is happening.

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