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bug#63634: nar 404 leads to hard ‘guix substitute’ crash

From: Ludovic Courtès
Subject: bug#63634: nar 404 leads to hard ‘guix substitute’ crash
Date: Mon, 22 May 2023 00:12:37 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/28.2 (gnu/linux)

Like this:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
 gst-plugins-bad-minimal-1.22.2  650KiB                 6.8MiB/s 00:00 
▕██████████████████▏ 100.0%
 guile-bytestructures-1.0.10  222KiB                    4.1MiB/s 00:00 
▕██████████████████▏ 100.0%
In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
  1752:10 19 (with-exception-handler _ _ #:unwind? _ # _)
In unknown file:
          18 (apply-smob/0 #<thunk 7f6df0f172a0>)
In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
    724:2 17 (call-with-prompt _ _ #<procedure default-prompt-handle…>)
In ice-9/eval.scm:
    619:8 16 (_ #(#(#<directory (guile-user) 7f6df0f1cc80>)))
In guix/ui.scm:
   2300:7 15 (run-guix . _)
  2263:10 14 (run-guix-command _ . _)
In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
  1752:10 13 (with-exception-handler _ _ #:unwind? _ # _)
  1752:10 12 (with-exception-handler _ _ #:unwind? _ # _)
In guix/scripts/substitute.scm:
   854:15 11 (_)
    646:2 10 (process-substitution _ _ _ #:cache-urls _ #:acl _ # _ # …)
In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
  1752:10  9 (with-exception-handler _ _ #:unwind? _ # _)
In guix/scripts/substitute.scm:
    463:7  8 (download-nar #<<narinfo> path: "/gnu/store/dg0rm1mp9q…> …)
In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
  1747:15  7 (with-exception-handler #<procedure 7f6df0fa71e0 at ic…> …)
  1685:16  6 (raise-exception _ #:continuable? _)
  1683:16  5 (raise-exception _ #:continuable? _)
  1685:16  4 (raise-exception _ #:continuable? _)
  1780:13  3 (_ #<&compound-exception components: (#<&error> #<&irri…>)
  1685:16  2 (raise-exception _ #:continuable? _)
  1683:16  1 (raise-exception _ #:continuable? _)
  1685:16  0 (raise-exception _ #:continuable? _)

ice-9/boot-9.scm:1685:16: In procedure raise-exception:
  1. &http-get-error:
      uri: #<<uri> scheme: https userinfo: #f host: "bordeaux.guix.gnu.org" 
port: #f path: "/nar/zstd/dg0rm1mp9qvjhvlwra5mc8dz5pfky4hj-guile-colorized-0.1" 
query: #f fragment: #f>
      code: 404
      reason: "Not Found"
      headers: ((server . "nginx") (date . #<date nanosecond: 0 second: 39 
minute: 59 hour: 21 day: 21 month: 5 year: 2023 zone-offset: 0>) (content-type 
text/plain (charset . "utf-8")) (content-length . 3) (connection keep-alive))
  2. &message: 
 HTTP download failed: 404 (\"Not Found\")"
substitution of /gnu/store/dg0rm1mp9qvjhvlwra5mc8dz5pfky4hj-guile-colorized-0.1 
guix system: error: corrupt input while restoring archive from #<closed: file 
$ guix describe
Generation 263  May 21 2023 23:56:04    (current)
  guix c5bc698
    repository URL: https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/guix.git
    branch: master
    commit: c5bc698e8922d78ed85989985cc2ceb034de2f23
  guile 36fd2b4
    repository URL: https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/guile.git
    branch: main
    commit: 36fd2b4920ae926c79b936c29e739e71a6dff2bc
  shepherd 954742c
    repository URL: https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/shepherd.git
    branch: master
    commit: 954742cd0d066ac4be7de4a031d7e229fd445c5d
$ guix package -p /run/current-system/profile -I guix
guix            1.4.0-6.dc5430c out     
guix-icons      0.1             out     
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

This might be related to 8bd4126917f59f4af9a4323c3d5699201862dca2.  The
two ‘download-nar’ calls are guarded against ‘http-get-error?’ though.


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