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bug#63368: Build coordiantor "Signals delivery fails constantly" crashes

From: Christopher Baines
Subject: bug#63368: Build coordiantor "Signals delivery fails constantly" crashes
Date: Wed, 10 May 2023 13:47:11 +0100
User-agent: mu4e 1.8.13; emacs 28.2

Christopher Baines <mail@cbaines.net> writes:

> Since the recent core-updates merge, I've seen the build coordinator
> using less memory, but it's also been crashing in a new way, up to 10
> times a day.
> In the log, you see something like:
>   2023-05-07 09:15:42 Signals delivery fails constantly at GC #71051
>   2023-05-07 09:15:42 Signals delivery fails constantly
> I'm guessing the switch from libgc-8.0.4 to libgc-8.2.2 has something to
> do with this.

I think I've found a workaround. I found a list of environment variables
[1] you can set to affect the GC behaviour, and the first one I tried
(GC_RETRY_SIGNALS=0) seems to have had the desired affect, in that the
crashes/restarts have stopped.

1: https://github.com/ivmai/bdwgc/blob/master/docs/README.environment

I've sent a patch [2] to apply this setting as part of the service.

2: https://issues.guix.gnu.org/63417

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