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Re: [Bug-gsl] interpo

From: Raymond Rogers
Subject: Re: [Bug-gsl] interpo
Date: Sun, 1 Nov 2015 13:23:52 -0500
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Below is a script and response files for an extended,/*failed*/, gcc 
execution on my machine Ubuntu 14.04
For the untrusting (smart ones) here is the script.    Google blocked 
the executable script so I will have to dodge that if anybody wants a copy.

# The following might have to be changed
cd /opt/gsl-1.99.90/doc/examples

# Verbose record of compiler in interp2d.lst
gcc -v -g -Wall -o interp2d interp2d.c -lgsl -lgslcblas -lm &>interp2d.lst
# You will notice that everything looks okay, to me, in interp2d_locate.lst
locate interp2d &> interp2d_locate.lst

It's been some time since I debugged gcc output so I just glanced at interp2d.lst and found nothing strange. All of the dates looked okay; Oct 31 1015 except for the present .lst files. If you want a deeper look into the file linkages/contents let me know.

On 10/31/2015 09:56 PM, Patrick Alken wrote:
gcc -g -Wall -o interp2d interp2d.c -lgsl -lgslcblas -lm
 Two views on life:
life is an art not to be learned by observation.
George Santayana:Interpretations of Poetry and Religion
It's kinda nice to participate in your life
Raymond Rogers

Attachment: interp2d_locate.lst
Description: Text document

Attachment: interp2d.lst
Description: Text document

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