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From: Ulrich Lauther
Subject: mm-macros
Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2013 13:27:33 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.20 (2009-06-14)

To whom it may concern:

1. a short question about the mm-macros (1.20.1):

I have sometimes the problem, that a list triggers a page break too early,
e.g. when a list or a picture would easily fit onto the page.

I circumvent this in this way:

        .ch address@hidden
        [any stuff here]
        .wh \n[pg*foot-trap]u address@hidden

Is there a better way to do this or to avoid the problem in the first

(The problem occurs just with lists and with .PSPIC, not with plain text;
so their vertical space demand seems to be overestimated).

2. Issues with the groff_mm man-page:

        The BP-macro seems to be missing in groff_mm(7).

        PIC [-L] [-C] [-R] [-I n] filename [width [height]]

should read

        PSPIC [-L] [-C] [-R] [-I n] filename [width [height]].

Kind regards,

     ulrich lauther

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