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Virus Found in message "Mail Delivery (failure address@hidden org)"

From: Hart, Nikki
Subject: Virus Found in message "Mail Delivery (failure address@hidden org)"
Date: Fri, 8 Oct 2004 10:07:19 -0400

Symantec AntiVirus found a virus in an attachment you (address@hidden
<address@hidden>) sent to Hart  Nikki.

To ensure the recipient(s) are able to use the files you sent, perform a
virus scan on your computer, clean any infected files, then resend this

Attachment:  message.scr
Virus name: address@hidden
Action taken:  Clean failed : Quarantine succeeded : 
File status:  Infected

This e-mail, and any files transmitted with it, may contain confidential
and/or privileged information and may be read or used only by the intended
recipient. If you are not the intended recipient, please be advised that you
have received the same in error and that any use, dissemination,
distribution, forwarding, printing or copying of this e-mail or any attached
files is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error,
please immediately notify the sender and delete this e-mail from your
system, or contact the Privacy Officer of Hope Network at (877) 244-2444.
Thank you.


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