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Re: important 1.18/1.19 difference (ie a bug)

From: Derek M Jones
Subject: Re: important 1.18/1.19 difference (ie a bug)
Date: Fri, 01 Aug 2003 14:12:21 +0100


Thanks for the prompt response.

>> Version 1.19 appears to have broken the support for bounding boxes.
>> That is, adding a bounding box and running it through epstopdf does
>> not produce a cropped pdf, but a full page pdf.
>This is intentional, not a bug.  groff isn't meant to produce
>encapsulated PostScript (volunteers are welcome to add that feature to


I use pic and grap (and hence groff) to produce small figures and
graphs for my book (see some draft material at
www.knosof.co.uk/cbook/cbook.html).  The groff output is a stage in
the process (gs produces the dimensions of the bounding box
and the eps file is included as a graphic by LaTeX).

I suspect that other people have similar usage patterns and are going to
be surprised by this change of default behavior.

>grops, perhaps in a similar way to dvips).  To avoid the emission of
>/setpagedevice pass option `-b16' to grops, e.g.

Thanks for telling me about this option.  I think you need to tell
people about this option in the CHANGES file (it is not obvious in
the groff or grops man pages).

>PS: We hope to fix HTML very soon now.

1.19 was a big improvement over 1.18 (which often seemed to go
into a loop).  The C Standard troff sources makes full use of troff
functionality, so it is likely to be difficult getting reasonable quality
html generated from it.


Derek M Jones                                           tel: +44 (0) 1252 520 
Knowledge Software Ltd                            mailto:address@hidden
Applications Standards Conformance Testing   http://www.knosof.co.uk

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