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Re: spanish hyphenation

From: Werner LEMBERG
Subject: Re: spanish hyphenation
Date: Sat, 26 Jul 2003 18:11:13 +0200 (CEST)

> I'm trying to get hyphen for spanish with groff 1.17.2 under
> GNU/Linux `Woody'  -- kernel 2.4.18

Please update to groff 1.19!

> I'm not sure this is a bug or my mistake. I've copied `eshyph.tex'
> by Javier Bezos in my tmac directory. I've changed all commented
> lines from % to .\"

With groff 1.19 no changes to TeX's hyphenation file are necessary.

> Then I've made a symlink from eshyph.tex to
> hyphen.es My document preamble includes
>  .hy
>  .hpf hyphen.es
>  .hla es
>  .hcode á á A á é é É é í í I í ó ó O ó a a A a ú ú U ú ñ ñ Ñ ñ ¿ ¿ ¡ ¡

There are several mistakes.  First, you have to switch to a new
language.  Then, the hyphenation codes must be set.  Finally, the
patterns are loaded.  Assuming that the file eshyph.tex is in the
macro path, the following works (I've removed ¿ and ¡) since those
characters can't be part of hyphenation patterns AFAIK.  Doing

  .hcode A á

etc., is a bad idea BTW.  I don't think that you want to make CATALUÑA
equal to cátálúñá w.r.t. hyphenation.

  .hla es
  .hcode á á Á á é é É é í í Í í ó ó Ó ó ú ú Ú ú ñ ñ Ñ ñ
  .hpf eshyph.tex
  .ll 1.6i


  cataluña catalu-
  ña cataluña  ca-


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