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Re: [Bug-gnubg] Coding Styles - Indentation / Tabs / Spaces

From: Michael Petch
Subject: Re: [Bug-gnubg] Coding Styles - Indentation / Tabs / Spaces
Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2012 18:01:42 -0600
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On 2012-10-26 16:54, Russ Allbery wrote:
> Of course, any IDE or tags system will let you do this more easily and
> without regard for formatting, but when I'm hacking on code or
> investigating some problem, I frequently find that poking about with a
> pager, grep, and a UNIX shell is faster than diving into an IDE, so these
> sorts of neat tricks can be quite helpful.

I appreciate the feedback, and I think (and it is a personal opinion)
that I'd probably stick to a more standardized format for C functions,
although others opinions on the matter would be welcome. As you point
out a tags system works well for this (and I use this procedure quite
often when I'm working from a command line).

Just in case anyone reading hasn't used a tags system, it is a utility
that usually parses any of the common languages and dumps all the
identifiers and their context to a file/stdout so that one can easily
search for occurrences more easily with utilities like grep. Many of the
text editors (including vim,vi,emacs etc) can actually use a ctags
generated file.

It might be easier to find functions using grep directly (and formatting
the source a certain way as you suggest) but finding global variable
definitions can be more problematic.

Generally what I do is use ctags (it handles a lot of languages, not
just C) to process a directory, dump the tags to the file once and from
then on I simply grep the tags file rather than rescan a directory. In
the case of gnubg running ctags and outputting to a file allows me to do

ctags -R -x  >tagfile

and then when needed:

grep -w ^main tagfile

main             function     41 makeweights.c    extern int main( int
argc, /*lint -e{818}*/char *argv[] )
main             function     53 bearoffdump.c    main( int argc, char
**argv ) {
main             function     67 mec.c            int main (int argc,
char **argv)
main             function    183 lib/mt19937ar.c  int main(void)
main             function    536 config.guess     main()
main             function    546 simpleboard.c    main(int argc, char
main             function    598 makehyper.c      main ( int argc, char
**argv ) {
main             function    682 config.guess     main ()
main             function   1293 makebearoff.c    extern int main( int
argc, char **argv )
main             function   1342 config.guess     main ()
main             function   1763 non-src/sgf_y.c  int main( int argc,
char *argv[] ) {
main             function   1855 sgf_y.c          int main( int argc,
char *argv[] ) {
main             function   1864 external_y.c     main( int argc, char
*argv[] ) {
main             function   1864 non-src/external_y.c main( int argc,
char *argv[] ) {
main             function   4743 gnubg.c          int main(int argc,
char *argv[])

I find ctags convenient. The output above was from the cross reference
output which includes global variables, macros, functions etc.

Michael Petch
CApp::Sysware Consulting Ltd.
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