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[bug-gnu-libiconv] Re: 3 char from UTF-8 to MacRoman iconv

From: Bruno Haible
Subject: [bug-gnu-libiconv] Re: 3 char from UTF-8 to MacRoman iconv
Date: Wed, 2 Jul 2008 00:31:10 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.5.4


address@hidden wrote:
> While playing with libiconv 1.12 I noticed that it is unable
> to convert the 3 particular characters from UTF8 to MACROMAN
> (going from MACROMAN to UTF8 works fine). They are
> CE A9       189 937     0xBD    U+03A9  &Omega
> E2 82 AC    219 8364    0xDB    U+20AC  &euro
> EF A3 BF    240 63743   0xF0    U+F8FF  Apple logo
> Is this a known issue?

Yes. When you follow the links from
  -> Macintosh encodings
  -> Mac-Roman
you see that various converters implement Mac-Roman differently, especially
around the byte values that you mention.

0xBD = U+2126 OHM SIGN  or  U+03A9 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMEGA - how do you
want to decide which is right?

0xDB = U+00A4 CURRENCY SIGN  or  U+20AC EURO SIGN - this is an incompatible
change. Even if Apple did this change.

0xF0 =? U+F8FF is a "private-use" character. It may be APPLE LOGO on Apple
systems, but on Linux systems it's more likely to be used as a chinese


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