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bug#70792: 30.0.50; [PATCH] Add Eshell support for expanding absolute fi

From: Jim Porter
Subject: bug#70792: 30.0.50; [PATCH] Add Eshell support for expanding absolute file names within the current remote connection
Date: Mon, 6 May 2024 13:05:28 -0700

Before I respond to the initial points, I wanted to emphasize one part first: my patch is intended to make Eshell behave more like other shells and to simplify how users can perform "common" tasks. By "common", I mean specifically that, when you've started a remote "session" (by cd'ing into a remote host), normal filenames all refer to something on that host, just like if you used SSH on a terminal. To refer to something on another host, you use remote file name syntax (or /:quoted file name syntax to explicitly refer to a local file[1]).

Also, even with this option, absolutely nothing changes about how Eshell works when the current directory is local.

On 5/6/2024 11:43 AM, Eli Zaretskii wrote:
I know this, but we are explicitly talking about _absolute_ file
names, which normally trivially expand to themselves.  _That_ is the
problem which I was talking about: you seem to propose a feature where
an absolute file name is sometimes expanded not to itself, but to a
remote file name.

Correct. Eshell's transparent remote access forces us to consider a question that other shells don't have: how do I refer to a file that's absolute *on the current connection*?

Currently, for Lisp-based commands, you have to type the the full remote part of the file name again, like "/ssh:user@remote:/some/file". For external commands, you have to type just the local part, like "/some/file". For commands that could be *either* Lisp-based or external (this includes most Eshell built-ins), there's no way to do this. (Unless you know exactly how Eshell implements things.)

    ##### 2. Change to an absolute directory, stay as root
/sudo:root@host:~ # cd /etc; pwd; *pwd

So you are saying that to chdir to the _local_ /etc I must quote it as
in "/:/etc", or somesuch?  If not, how do I chdir to a local directory
by its absolute file name?

If your current working directory is local, "cd /etc" is enough (since the current host is the local one). If your current working directory is remote, any of the following would change back to the local /etc:

  cd /:/etc
  cd \/etc
  cd "/etc"
  cd '/etc'

    ##### 3. Change to the home directory, stay as root
/sudo:root@host:~ # cd ~; pwd; *pwd

Likewise here: how to chdir to the _local_ home directory? quote it?

If your cwd is local, just "cd ~" is enough. If cwd is remote then you'd use "cd /:~".

    ##### 4. Write the expanded "~/foo.txt" to the *local* "~/bar.txt".
    ##### Using "/:" quoting lets you explicitly name a local file
/sudo:root@host:~ # *echo ~/foo.txt > /:~/bar.txt
/sudo:root@host:~ # cat bar.txt
/bin/cat: bar.txt: No such file or directory

    ##### 5. Change to the *local* home directory, stop being root
/sudo:root@host:~ # cd /:~; pwd; *pwd

That's awful!  Completely un-natural, let alone a lot of typing!

It's only two extra characters compared to the equivalent command that all happens on a single host (which I think would be the more-common scenario):

  ##### 4b. Write the expanded "~/foo.txt" to the remote "~/bar.txt".
  ##### Using "/:" quoting lets you explicitly name a local file
/sudo:root@host:~ # *echo ~/foo.txt > ~/bar.txt
/sudo:root@host:~ # cat bar.txt
['-c', '/root/foo.txt']

The example I chose is somewhat contrived, of course. I just wanted to show off how you can mix local and remote expanded file names in a single command for this case.

Also, am I still able to specify remote file names when my default
directory is local?  Or do I have to chdir to a remote directory

Yes. Just type the full remote name, like "/ssh:user@remote:/file".

    ##### 6. "bar.txt" ended up here
~ $ cat bar.txt
['-c', '/root/foo.txt']

Is "/root/foo.txt" a local or remote file name?  (I know you used
*echo, but the file bar.text has no memory of that.)

At this point, it's just text, so *technically* it's neither. However, that text was created from the local portion of a remote file name, so the string is local to the remote host where Python was executed. (In the example, I used "sudo", so I suppose local/remote are misnomers, but the same reasoning applies if you used "ssh".)

In the last line above, note that the value we wrote to our file is just
the local part.

And that's considered a feature??

As mentioned above, this is a contrived example to show the lifecycle of these names, but yes. The Python command I used just shows off the internals. For a more practical example, suppose I want to write the word counts of a remote file into a local file. This might actually come up in practice: if the remote file is large, I don't want to copy the whole thing locally first. With this new option, I could do the following:

  /ssh:user@remote:/somedir $ *wc ~/file.txt > /:~/counts.txt

Today, you could do this like so:

  /ssh:user@remote:/somedir $ *wc ~/file.txt > ~/counts.txt

That looks a bit simpler at a glance (no "/:"), but now there's a problem lurking: "~" points to the remote homedir in the first case, and the local homedir in the second.

Now suppose a slightly different case. What if I'm in a remote directory and want to write this summary file to my remote homedir? With this new option, I could type the following:

  /ssh:user@remote:/somedir $ *wc ~/file.txt > ~/counts.txt

Today, you'd need to do this:

/ssh:user@remote:/somedir $ *wc ~/file.txt > /ssh:user@remote:~/counts.txt

Or this:

  /ssh:user@remote:/somedir $ cd /ssh:user@remote:~
  /ssh:user@remote:~ $ *wc file.txt > counts.txt

In both of the "today" cases, you need to type "/ssh:user@remote:~" somewhere, which is the thing I'd consider to be unnatural and a lot of typing.

With this option *disabled* (the default), there are some problems that
(in my opinion) make working with remote file names in Eshell even more
complex. For example, suppose I'm on a remote host, and want to change
to my home directory on that remote. There's not an easy way to do that:

The simplest solution is to introduce a special command for that, so
that the user could tell Eshell explicitly whether he/she wants to
consider him/herself on the local or the remote host.  Similar to what
we did with rlogin or ssh.

Eshell users already have a command for explicitly moving between local and remote hosts: it's just "cd".

I'm not familiar with what we do about rlogin and ssh though. Where would I find that info? If someone else has come up with a better way to handle a similar scenario, I'd be happy to take a look.

Or suppose my cwd is /ssh:user@remote:/somedir. If I run "cat
/etc/hosts", Eshell will print my local hosts file. But what if I run
"cat -n /etc/hosts"? Eshell's "cat" implementation doesn't understand
"-n", so it calls the "cat" on "remote". Now it prints the remote hosts
file. You can only predict which hosts files you'll get if you know
exactly which flags Eshell's "cat" implementation supports.

If Eshel knew that I consider myself on the remote, it could have
modified the logic accordingly, to DTRT.  Without such an explicit
knowledge, we are _guessing_, and our guesses are bound to be wrong

Unless I'm misunderstanding what you mean here, Eshell *does* know that you consider yourself on the remote. You previously cd'ed into a remote directory, expressing your intention to Eshell explicitly. With my patch, there's no guesswork here. At least the way I interpret your message, this patch does exactly what you suggest: because Eshell knows that you consider yourself on the remote (you cd'ed into it) and that you chose this new option, it knows that "/foo/bar" should refer to a file on the remote system, ensuring that your commands work the same no matter whether they're Lisp-based or external programs.

Without using this option, I don't think there's a way to DTRT in general. Currently, the string "/foo/bar" is just that, a string. It carries no information about the host Emacs should look on. Existing commands (whether Lisp-based or external) will just look on the host where the process is running. Conceptually, my patch adds annotations to these strings so that we can determine authoritatively which host they belong to.

[1] Eshell has some code to handle this syntax, but it's built on the one of the intended uses for quoted file names. From "Quoted File Names" in the Emacs manual: "For example, you can quote a local file name which appears remote, to prevent it from being treated as a remote file name."

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