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bug#65768: Bump persist.el version

From: Stefan Kangas
Subject: bug#65768: Bump persist.el version
Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2024 13:39:34 -0800

Joseph Turner <joseph@breatheoutbreathe.in> writes:

> Stefan Kangas <stefankangas@gmail.com> writes:
>> Perhaps before releasing v0.6, it would make sense to update the
>> Maintainer header comment to reflect that you're now the maintainer?
>> If you agree, feel free to send a patch.
> Sounds good!  Please see attached patches.
> Thank you!
> Joseph

Sorry for the belayed reply here.

I was about to install this, when I noticed that this package is
actually maintained as an external package at:


So I guess the easiest option is to continue running it externally,
unless you want to move its maintenance to elpa.git, in which case we
can arrange that.

If you want to maintain it externally, I guess Philip would either hand
over that repository to you, or you would have to create a new one.


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