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bug#67968: [PATCH] A small patch to make emacs support transparent image

From: Stefan Kangas
Subject: bug#67968: [PATCH] A small patch to make emacs support transparent image (png, webp, svg)
Date: Sun, 24 Dec 2023 06:36:51 -0800

Qiutum <zh4710jj@gmail.com> writes:

> Hi everyone,
> Recently, I've been reading the code of image.c and wondering how to make 
> emacs support transparent image. Then I find that a small change on the
> src/image.c can make it worked (and wonder why this have not been solved 
> since the solution is so simple).
> This patch can support the transparent png, webp and svg. The core of the 
> patch is to change the code,
>  PUT_PIXEL (mask_img, x, y, *p > 0 ? PIX_MASK_DRAW : PIX_MASK_RETAIN);
> to
>  PUT_PIXEL (mask_img, x, y, *p > 0 ? *p : PIX_MASK_RETAIN);
> Then all worked like a magic.
> I have checked my patch in linux by default configure option "../configure" 
> for dwm and pgtk build for hyprland, both are fine. I don't know whether it
> could support other platforms since I don't have them.
> Please check my patch and happy to hear comments.

I thought we already supported transparency in png, webp and svg?

Could you please explain more about the problem you are trying to solve?

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