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bug#66068: 30.0.50; xwidget-webkit-browse-url makes Emacs abort

From: Ramon Diaz-Uriarte
Subject: bug#66068: 30.0.50; xwidget-webkit-browse-url makes Emacs abort
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2023 22:03:02 +0100
User-agent: mu4e 1.10.7; emacs 29.1.50

On Sun, 10-December-2023, at 14:36:09, Stephen Berman <stephen.berman@gmx.net> 
> I would really like to know why xwidget-webkit-browse-url works with -q
> -xrm "emacs.synchronous: true" only under gdb and crashes otherwise.
> And also why Ramon Diaz-Uriarte does not get a crash: it seems to me
> unlikely that it started working with webkitgtk 2.42.2 but stopped again
> with 2.42.3 (I cannot readily try with 2.42.2 now).

In my main machine, it does not crash with 2.42.2 and did not crash, either, 
with 2.42.1. However, I just tried on a different machine (also Debian, also 
XMonad as window manager), with 2.42.2, and it crashes.

And it crashes for other people too with other versions of Linux, etc:


So that it does not crash in my main machine might be some happy exception.



> Steve Berman
> [2. application/octet-stream; core-backtrace]...

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