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bug#67759: [ android ] 30.0.50; unable to access device storage

From: Po Lu
Subject: bug#67759: [ android ] 30.0.50; unable to access device storage
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2023 09:08:58 +0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

It is hard to wrap my head around such a curt and superficial account of
different experiences, each of which might or might not be a bug.

జిందం వాఐి <jindam.vani@disroot.org> writes:

> * downloaded from sourceforge_ emacs-30.0.50-16-armeabi-v7a.apk
> * install, close on installation
> * device settings_ apps_ emacs_
> permissions_ storage
> * open emacs
> * find file or directory_ tabbing
> storage or sdcard doesnt auto
> complete

This might seem trivial, but people have run across this pithole before:
have you erased the leading "~" character in the default file name
prompt?  If not, do so, as Android's storage directory is located at
/sdcard rather than your home folder.

But assuming that you have, you've likely omitted the trailing "/" after
the file name that informs Emacs it is a directory.  Absent this
character, file name completion will complete from / instead of /sdcard,
and your device is one of those which deny Emacs the rights to examine

> * it also doesnt show org.gnu.emacs
> in my device filemanager

This isn't a bug: your device's file manager doesn't support SAF
volumes.  The Android file manager does, and even when hidden, can
generally be accessed by means of a program that launches system
activities.  A web search should answer questions in this respect.

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