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Re: about build under windows

From: Simon Waters
Subject: Re: about build under windows
Date: Thu, 07 May 2009 17:36:53 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla-Thunderbird (X11/20090103)

Cézar Freitas wrote:
> Hi. I'd like to know where I get information about build (compile)
> gnuchess under windows. I searched at gnuchess FAQ and google but didn't
> found any information about how I can do it (which compiler, makefiles
> and so).

The last release I tested under Microsoft Windows was compiled using
Cygwin and GCC. 5.07 was built with GCC 3 and GNU Make. There is a one
line change to compile with GCC 4.

If you just want a compiled version Tim Mann ships GNU Chess in Winboard.


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