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Re: [Bug-gcal] Display length of non-ASCII

From: Karlheinz Geyer
Subject: Re: [Bug-gcal] Display length of non-ASCII
Date: Sat, 11 Jun 2016 08:39:41 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)

Hi Göran,
Göran Uddeborg <address@hidden> [10.06.2016 23.28.28 +0200]:

> Hello,
> Is this a new bug, or is it a well known issue already in the backlog
> of things to fix?

The same errors showing up for the german language, 
e.g. gcal -qDE_HE -n 2016

Pfingstmontag (DE_HE)                    + Mo,  16 Mai 2016 =  -26 Tage
Fronleichnam (DE_HE)                     + Do,  26 Mai 2016 =  -16 Tage
Siebenschläfer (DE_HE)                  - Mo,  27 Jun 2016 =  +16 Tage
St. Peter und St. Paul (DE_HE)           - Mi,  29 Jun 2016 =  +18 Tage
Erntedankfest (DE_HE)                    - So,   2 Okt 2016 = +113 Tage
Tag der Deutschen Einheit (DE_HE)        + Mo,   3 Okt 2016 = +114 Tage
Volkstrauertag (DE_HE)                   - So,  13 Nov 2016 = +155 Tage
Buß- und Bettag (DE_HE)                 - Mi,  16 Nov 2016 = +158 Tage
Totensonntag (DE_HE)                     - So,  20 Nov 2016 = +162 Tage

I've mentioned that strange behavior nearly two years ago, but nothing
happened in the meantime.

If you do a "gcal -hh | more" (search for bahai) you'll see 
english text, even if a translation file for your language is available.
(-> special character treatment).

A couple of strange things for DE_x:
- Hardcoded: Germany/Baden-Württemberg
- Wrong abbreviation of monthname "März" ("Mä") instead of "Mär"
- Wrong alignment of holidays containg german umlauts

Die wirklich wichtigen Dinge im Leben sind keine Dinge.
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 /_\    uid Karlheinz Geyer <address@hidden>
 I I    uid Karlheinz Geyer <address@hidden>

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