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Re: manual section 4.7.1

From: Ed Morton
Subject: Re: manual section 4.7.1
Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2023 11:05:48 -0500
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Andy - I know that's what https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4180 says but that's just one CSV "standard" and in practice most CSVs created/used on Unix end with LF alone and if there's a CR before the LF then it's just another character unless you write code to remove it.

If the CSV file format as used by --csv defines the record terminator as CR LF and --csv strips the CRs then it's output would no longer be valid CSV by that same definition so that's a surprising choice. Does that mean it'll fail if the input is just LF-terminated as most Unix files are (and in which case you couldn't write `awk --csv 'foo' input | awk --csv 'bar'`)?


On 4/4/2023 10:48 AM, Andrew J. Schorr wrote:
Hi Ed,

The CSV file format defines the record terminator as CR LF, so the new --csv
option does in fact strip CRs.


On Tue, Apr 04, 2023 at 10:32:49AM -0500, Ed Morton wrote:
Are you sure in the FPAT output you're not just seeing the expected
effects of there being a CR in your data? The `--csv` output is the
one that looks wrong to me if you have `CR`s at the end of each
line, unless `--csv` is documented to strip `CR`s from the output.

Please provide the input file you used as it's hard to tell what's
going on from just the output. Also pipe the output to `cat -v` or
`od -c` or similar so we can see where the CRs are in the output but
my best guess right now is that `FPAT` is retaining the CRs as
expected while `--csv` is stripping them (which may or may not be
expected - I'm not familiar with that option).


On 4/4/2023 5:12 AM,cph1968@proton.me  wrote:
the regex fp[2] in section 4.7.1 (below) don't quite cut it if the CSV file 
records end in both CR and NL [0H0D 0H0A]. I believe this is a common feature 
of Windows files.
A simple fix is however to use the gawk --csv option.

❯ head -n 2 TSCAINV_022023.csv| gawk -f print-fields.awk
F = 1 <1,50-00-0,50000,,,Formaldehyde,,,,ACTIVE
note here that the last '>' is first character on the next line.

output using the --csv option:
❯ head -n 2 TSCAINV_022023.csv| gawk --csv -f print-fields.awk
NF = 10 <ID><CASRN><casregno><UID><EXP><ChemName><DEF><UVCB><FLAG><ACTIVITY>
NF = 10 <1><50-00-0><50000><><><Formaldehyde><><><><ACTIVE>

much better :-)

❯ cat print-fields.awk
     print "<" $0 ">"
     printf("NF = %s ", NF)
     for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) {
         printf("<%s>", $i)
     print ""

>from section 4.7.1:
      fp[0] = "([^,]+)|(\"[^\"]+\")"
      fp[1] = "([^,]*)|(\"[^\"]+\")"
      fp[2] = "([^,]*)|(\"([^\"]|\"\")+\")"
      FPAT = fp[fpat+0]

kind regards,


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