Here is the thing for me. In the beginning, I read a little bit about subversion. Its model, at least from a user's perspective, was simple and straightforward. I was able to make use of it immediately. As my needs expanded, I found simple solutions with subversion. I never got caught up in a knot.
When GIT came out, I too was excited about using this great new tool. Getting the basics down was easy, and I got it all up and running trivially. However, as I used it, I sometimes needed to do something a little less common, or I needed information out of the repo that I had difficulty finding. I read several books on the topic. It seems that at its heart, GIT is a key/value pair database. Try as I might, I could not reconcile the theory with its use.
When I got myself in a mess with GIT, I requested help from the local "GIT expert." However, more often than not, they couldn't figure it out either.
I have owned a few software companies over the years. In the more recent (20) years, I've always used subversion. It is simple to understand and does what I need.
Many times I have done work for other companies. Especially in the last 15 years or so, everyone seems to use GIT. And during that time, in every case I can think of, I've had problems with GIT.
Given this experience, I have asked several people why they use GIT. Although I get a variety of answers at first, when I probe deeper, the answer always seems to be "because everyone else is using it!"
So, my conclusion is the following. If you work for others and want to maximize your opportunities, it's best to use GIT because that's what they're hiring for. However, if you own your own business and need a practical solution that does the job with minimum expense and hassle, you use subversion.