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Re: verbatim shorthand problem

From: Arash Esbati
Subject: Re: verbatim shorthand problem
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2023 11:38:36 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

Mandar Mitra <> writes:

> I'm facing a fontification problem with \lstinline + beamer. Just
> wondering if it might be vaguely related to your fix for
> fancyvrb.el. I have the following line in a frame environment:
> \lstinline[language=C,basicstyle=\ttfamily]{for (i=0; i<8; i++) 
> printf("%c\n", str1[i]);} \\
> The attached screenshot suggests that the closing ] of str1[i] somehow
> throws fontification off-track.

No, it has nothing to do with my latest change to fancyvrb.el.  I can
reproduce what you describe but I don't understand why.  As you said,
AUCTeX currently gets confused by the pair of brackets inside the
mandatory argument

> If this does NOT sound like an "Ah, of course" type problem, then I'll
> try and put together an MWE starting with emacs -Q. Could you please
> let me know?

Can you please file a bug report for this, incl. a MWE starting with
emacs -Q?  TIA.

For the time being, you can use delimiters instead of braces for the
optional argument which works, e.g.:

\lstinline[language=C,basicstyle=\ttfamily]|for (i=0; i<8; i++) printf("%c\n"), 
str1 [ i]);|

Best, Arash

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