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a lisp function that replaces macros in LaTeX document

From: Uwe Brauer
Subject: a lisp function that replaces macros in LaTeX document
Date: Wed, 01 Nov 2023 14:44:43 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/29.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Hi all

Almost all LaTeX source files I receive from colleagues have dozens or
more definitions of the sort 

\newcommand{\fluidenergy}[1]{\underline{E}_{\partial \Phi;#1}}


I understand that this might be a little faster for typing (if one
remembers all the definitions 😇), but it causes problems

    1. The Emacs, AuCTeX filling functions will not work properly

    2. The prettify-mode will not work as expected (and I am going to
       add these definitions to the tex--prettify-symbols-alist
       (add-to-list 'tex--prettify-symbols-alist more)) 

So usually I expand (query-replace) the most annoying definitions.

Do you think that could be done somehow in a bit more automated way.

For example
\newcommand{\fluidenergy}[1]{\underline{E}_{\partial \Phi;#1}}

Run magic, auctex-replace-macro-in-buffer

That magic lisp function would scan the line, 

    1. Observe  what is the definiens (\fluidenergy)

    2. Observe what is the  definiendum, \underline{E}_{\partial

But then would run query-replace correctly?

Do you think that is possible

Now that I realize it, I think I will also write the auctex-dev list

Kind regards

Uwe Brauer

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