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Re: split current-toplevel for guix compatibility

From: Mortimer Cladwell
Subject: Re: split current-toplevel for guix compatibility
Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2022 07:09:13 -0400

OK great! Where do we start?

Do you want to create a dedicated guix branch or do I issue pull requests to an existing branch?

I can test if temporary files moved to /tmp/myapp is compatible with a gnu make install. If it is, is there any need for the server.guix variable? Another need for server.guix would be to determine the default location of artanis.conf which can't be in /gnu/store/.../myapp/conf with guix.  If ../myapp/conf is eliminated as an option i.e. only /etc/artanis/artanis.conf or use of the --config flag is enforced, then maybe a server.guix variable is not needed.  I use ~/.config/myapp/artanis.conf


On Sat, Sep 3, 2022 at 1:15 PM Nala Ginrut <> wrote:

Hi Mortimer!

Mortimer Cladwell writes:

> Hi Nala,
> Currently Artanis can be installed by the Guix package manager. However the
> presence of a .../tmp subdirectory in an Artanis application directory
> precludes an Artanis application's installation by guix package manager
> into the immutable /gnu/store...  I have a toy Artanis application I call
> "myapp" that can be installed by the Guix package manager. The needed
> modification to Artanis to accomplish this is to split the
> "current-toplevel" variable into 2 directories:
> 1. immutable-toplevel: those current-toplevel directories that don't
> change, and will remain in /gnu/store..., the installation directory
> 2. current-toplevel: redirect changing (temporary) files to the linux
> directory /tmp/myapp

I think one of the way to implement immutable-toplevel is to add a
config item server.guix. If it's false, then use
default (current-toplevel), otherwise (current-toplevel) returns /gnu/store

Feel free to share your ideas.

> 1. You are not interested. This is fine - I have hacks.
> 2. You are not interested but willing to accommodate non-breaking changes
> (such as splitting current-toplevel) that will facilitate guix development.
> 3. A future version of Artanis will enable guix package manager installable
> Artanis applications.

My answer is definitly 3, moreover, we should be able to install Artanis
speicific plugins via Guix in the future.
I have to admit that I've given up to write Artanis own package manager
since I won't have any time for that. So Guix will be the most important
package manager in Artanis community.

> If you are in scenario 2 or 3 and are interested I can submit pull requests
> for my modifications.  Maybe you have better suggestions?

Yes, please, let's make a plan to integrate Artanis with Guix, and do it!

Best regards.

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