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Re: [Adonthell-artwork] Game graphics repository

From: Andrew Phillips
Subject: Re: [Adonthell-artwork] Game graphics repository
Date: Sat, 1 Apr 2006 22:26:10 -0600

Sounds good to me.


On 4/1/06, Kai Sterker <address@hidden> wrote:
> In preparation for (hopefully) getting some game graphics done, I
> would like to set up a graphics repository in CVS. Before, some of
> the stuff was posted to the mailing list, some to the ftp server
> that's gone and lost, some stuff is lying around on cirrus'
> webserver. All in all, it's not very organized and might disappear
> sooner or later.
> Given that the structure of a CVS repository cannot be changed that
> easily, I'd like to make sure it is properly laid out from the
> beginning. So here's my proposal:
> gfx/
> - characters/           all living things
>    - npc/               player/non-player characters
>      <name of npc>/
>    - animal/            beasts of the wild
>      <name of animal>/
>    - creature/          mystical beings
>      <name of creature>/
> - cutscene/             all cutscene graphics
>    - <name of scene>/
>    - ...
> - map/                  all objects on the map
>    - buildings/         constructions
>      - <name of building>/
>    - decoration/                things that liven up the landscape
>      - inside/          (furniture, paintings, tapestries, ...)
>      - outside/         (boulders, plants, ...)
>    - ground/            floor tiles
>      - inside/          (flooring, carpets, ...)
>      - outside/         (grass, sand, stone, road, ...)
>    - walls/             vertical 'borders'
>      - inside/          (stone, plaster, timber ...)
>      - outside/         (fences, walls, riverbanks, mountain sides ...)
> - icons                 graphical representations
>    - spells             (earth, air, fire and water magicks)
>    - songs              (songs of birds, beasts and trees)
>    - runes              (tattoos and runes)
>    - feats              (combat moves and fighting feats)
>    - stats              (properties, abilties and skills)
> - items/                stuff that appears in inventories
>    - armour/            (bracers, helmets, shields, vests, ...)
>    - ingredients/       (herbs, powders, ...)
>    - jewellery/         (rings, necklaces)
>    - keys               (keys and lockpicks)
>    - misc               (everything else)
>    - potions            (flasks, bottles, potions)
>    - tools              (alchemy sets, tattoo instruments, ...)
>    - treasure/          (gems, gold, ...)
>    - weapons/           (weapons and ammunition)
>    - writings/          (books, scrolls, ...)
> - ui                    user interface elements
>    - backgrounds/       (window backgrounds)
>    - widgets/           (widget graphics)
> If you think anything is missing or should be layed out differently
> (i.e. more subdivisions in certain areas), please let me know. Once
> everything seems okay, I will create the structure in CVS, add what
> little v0.4 graphics I could gather from the places mentioned above
> and document the layout in the Wiki.
> Kai
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