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Re: How to use XF86TouchpadOn as modifier key?

From: Jason Miller
Subject: Re: How to use XF86TouchpadOn as modifier key?
Date: Tue, 2 Jun 2020 17:31:13 -0700

On Mon, 1 Jun 2020 17:04:44 +0530, Rocky Ji <rockyji3438@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'd like my laptop to mimic *Home* button pressed when I press
> *XF86TouchpadOn* + *KP_4*.
> But AFAIK, modifier keys can only be one of Shift, Ctrl, Alt, AltGr, Meta,
> Super. Because my .xbindkeysrc isn't working as expected.
> ```~/.xvindkeysrc
> "xvkbd -xsendevent -text '\[Home]'"
>   XF86TouchpadOn + KP_4
> ```
> Worse yet, this rcfile completely blocks KP_4, like...  I can't press it
> and see 4 on my screen even when I press it singularly (i.e. no other key
> pressed/touched).
> So, how can I hack XF86TouchpadOn to work as modifier key?

I can think of two options, but haven't tried either myself:

1. If you aren't using Super for anything, you can use xmodmap to set
whatever key sends XF86TouchpadON to be the super modifier.

2. You can base what you are doing off of one of the chording examples, but
this will require changing your configuration file format to use the guile
format. (xbindkeys -dg will show a sample guile configuration file that should
include examples of keyboard chording).

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