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[Xbindkeys-devel] [PATCH] Prevent xbindkeys from grabing all keys if Key

From: Nicolas Boichat
Subject: [Xbindkeys-devel] [PATCH] Prevent xbindkeys from grabing all keys if KeySym is not mapped on current layout
Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2013 12:52:02 +0800


xbindkeys grabs all keys if the specified KeySym is not mapped on the
current keyboard layout, making it impossible to type anything.

This is because XKeysymToKeycode returns 0 if KeySym is not mapped,
and 0 also happens to mean "AnyKey".

This patch checks the return value, and warns the user if necessary.

Example test case: Overlay1_Enable is not mapped on standard PC keyboards.

; Map Search+click to middle button
(xbindkey-function '(Overlay1_Enable) (lambda ()
    ; Map on Release so that it does not appear both buttons are pressed
    (xbindkey '(release "b:1") "xte 'mouseclick 2'")
(xbindkey-function '(release Overlay1_Enable) (lambda ()
    (remove-xbindkey '(release "b:1"))

Thank you and best regards,

 grab_key.c | 23 +++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 21 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/grab_key.c b/grab_key.c
index 0702f0a..1a867a3 100644
--- a/grab_key.c
+++ b/grab_key.c
@@ -226,8 +226,27 @@ grab_keys (Display * dpy)
          for (screen = 0; screen < ScreenCount (dpy); screen++)
-             my_grab_key (dpy, XKeysymToKeycode (dpy, keys[i].key.sym),
-                          keys[i].modifier, RootWindow (dpy, screen));
+             KeyCode code = XKeysymToKeycode (dpy, keys[i].key.sym);
+             if (code != 0)
+               {
+                 my_grab_key (dpy, code,
+                              keys[i].modifier, RootWindow (dpy, screen));
+               }
+             else
+               {
+                 fprintf (stderr, "--- xbindkeys error ---\n");
+                 if (!verbose)
+                   {
+                     verbose = 1;
+                     print_key (dpy, &keys[i]);
+                     verbose = 0;
+                   }
+                 fprintf (stderr,
+                      "  The key symbol '%s' cannot be used, as it's not 
+                      "  on your keyboard.\n"
+                      "  xbindkeys will keep running, but will ignore this 
+                      XKeysymToString (keys[i].key.sym));
+               }
       else if (keys[i].type == BUTTON)

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