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[Xbindkeys-devel] xbindkeys locking mouse

From: El Sjaako
Subject: [Xbindkeys-devel] xbindkeys locking mouse
Date: Fri, 27 May 2011 16:12:18 +0200


I've got a mouse with many buttons, and I want to use these as
modifier keys. For example, I want to use button 8 as Ctrl. I have
already managed to do this, using the following command:

"xdotool keydown ctrl"

"xdotool keydown ctrl"
    m:0x14 + b:8

"xdotool keyup ctrl"
    release + b:8

"xdotool keyup ctrl"
    release + m:0x14 + b:8

I've also got the guile version:
(xbindkey '("m:0x14" "b:12") "xdotool keydown ctrl")
(xbindkey '( Release "m:0x14" "b:12") "xdotool keyup ctrl")

(xbindkey '("b:12") "xdotool keydown ctrl")
(xbindkey '( Release "b:12") "xdotool keyup ctrl")

Unfortunately, this locks up the mouse, so I can't use this to do
things like ctrl click or ctrl scroll, because it blocks all signals
from the mouse until you release button 8. I can do things with the
keyboard without any problem, such as using button 8 + a to select

I have checked that it blocks the mouse (including all clicks and
movements of the mouse) using xev.

It also blocks the mouse using other programs (I used "play file.wav"
to test this), so the problem seems to be on the xbindkeys end.

Is there a way to not block the mouse in these cases?


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