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www planetfeeds.html

From: GNUN
Subject: www planetfeeds.html
Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2018 00:56:14 -0400 (EDT)

CVSROOT:        /web/www
Module name:    www
Changes by:     GNUN <gnun>     18/10/01 00:56:14

Modified files:
        .              : planetfeeds.html 

Log message:
        Updating planetfeeds.html


Index: planetfeeds.html
RCS file: /web/www/www/planetfeeds.html,v
retrieving revision 1.628
retrieving revision 1.629
diff -u -b -r1.628 -r1.629
--- planetfeeds.html    27 Sep 2018 07:26:13 -0000      1.628
+++ planetfeeds.html    1 Oct 2018 04:56:14 -0000       1.629
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
-<!-- Autogenerated by planetrss.pl 1.17 --><!--#set var="a_close" value="</a>" 
+<!-- Autogenerated by planetrss.pl 1.18 --><!--#set var="a_close" value="</a>" 
 <p><!--#set var="link"
-value="<a href='http://savannah.gnu.org/forum/forum.php?forum_id=9245'>" 
 encoding="none" var="link" -->
-<span class="gnun-split"></span>GNU Parallel 20180922 (&#39;Danske&#39;) 
released [stable]<span class="gnun-split"></span><!--#echo encoding="none"
+<span class="gnun-split"></span>Upcoming Talk: &quot;Everyday Use of GNU 
Guix&quot;<span class="gnun-split"></span><!--#echo encoding="none"
 var="a_close" --><span class="gnun-split"></span><!-- TRANSLATORS: 
-http://savannah.gnu.org/forum/forum.php?forum_id=9245 -->:
- GNU Parallel 20180922 (&#39;Danske&#39;) [stable] has been released. It is 
available for download at: http://ftpmirror.gnu.org/para...
+ At SeaGL 2018, Chris Marusich will present a
+talk introducing GNU Guix to people of all skill levels and
+backgrounds. SeaGL is an annual G...
 <p><!--#set var="link"
 encoding="none" var="link" -->
-<span class="gnun-split"></span>Sonali&#39;s Internship work on the Free 
Software Directory, part 2<span class="gnun-split"></span><!--#echo 
+<span class="gnun-split"></span>first release of StepSync!<span 
class="gnun-split"></span><!--#echo encoding="none"
 var="a_close" --><span class="gnun-split"></span><!-- TRANSLATORS: 
- For context, see the previous blog post, Sonali&#39;s Progress on the Free 
Software Directory, weeks 1-2
-Also, by the time...
+http://multixden.blogspot.com/2018/09/first-release-of-stepsync.html -->:
+ I&#39;m proud to announce the first release of StepSync, a file sync tool for 
GNUstep and MacOS (even for venerable PowerPC).StepSync allows synchronization 
of fol...
 <p><!--#set var="link"
 encoding="none" var="link" -->
-<span class="gnun-split"></span>David&#39;s internship work on the Free 
Software Directory, part 2<span class="gnun-split"></span><!--#echo 
+<span class="gnun-split"></span>GNU Spotlight with Mike Gerwitz: 15 new GNU 
releases!<span class="gnun-split"></span><!--#echo encoding="none"
 var="a_close" --><span class="gnun-split"></span><!-- TRANSLATORS: 
- For context, see the previous blog post, David&#39;s Progress on the Free 
Software Directory, weeks 2-3
-Also, by the time t...
+ * autogen-5.18.16 * bison-3.1 * dico-2.7 * gdb-8.2 * gnupg-2.2.10 * 
gnu-pw-mgr-2.4.2 * gnutls-3.6.4 * guile-cv-0.2.0 * help2man-1.47.7 *...

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