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www/software gethelp.zh-cn.html po/gethelp.zh-c...

From: GNUN
Subject: www/software gethelp.zh-cn.html po/gethelp.zh-c...
Date: Sun, 10 Jun 2018 06:31:07 -0400 (EDT)

CVSROOT:        /web/www
Module name:    www
Changes by:     GNUN <gnun>     18/06/10 06:31:07

Modified files:
        software       : gethelp.zh-cn.html 
Added files:
        software/po    : gethelp.zh-cn-en.html 

Log message:
        Automatic update by GNUnited Nations.


Index: gethelp.zh-cn.html
RCS file: /web/www/www/software/gethelp.zh-cn.html,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -b -r1.1 -r1.2
--- gethelp.zh-cn.html  25 Sep 2015 05:46:02 -0000      1.1
+++ gethelp.zh-cn.html  10 Jun 2018 10:31:06 -0000      1.2
@@ -1,65 +1,132 @@
-<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>ÈçºÎµÃµ½GNUÈí¼þ°ïÖú- ×ÔÓÉÈí¼þ»ù½ð»á (FSF)</TITLE>
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-<BODY aLink=#ff0000 bgColor=#ffffff link=#1f00ff text=#000000 vLink=#9900dd>
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-  ÎñÊÕ·Ñ¡£<b>ËùÒÔÇë²»ÒªµçÓÊ»òÖµç»ù½ð»á°ì¹«ÊÒÀ´Ñ°Çó¼¼ÊõÖ§³Ö¡£</b>
 <a href="mailto:address@hidden";>mailto:address@hidden</a>ÓʼþÁÐ±í¡£
-<P><a href="http://www.gnu.org/prep/service.html";>GNU·þÎñĿ¼£¨58k 
-  Emacs·¢²¼µÄ¡°ect/SERVICE¡± ÎļþÖкÍ<a 
-  ÓÐÓʼþÁбíδÁгö£¬µäÐ굯 
-  £¬ÇëÊÔ×Å°´Õâ¸ö·½·¨±¨¸æ¡£
-  ×Ö·û)</a>¡£
+<!--#set var="ENGLISH_PAGE" value="/software/gethelp.en.html" -->
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+<!-- Parent-Version: 1.77 -->
+<!-- This file is automatically generated by GNUnited Nations! -->
+<title>如何获得关于GNU软件的帮助 - GNU工程 - 
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 ·æä¾›æŠ€æœ¯æœåŠ¡ï¼›åŒ»å­¦å’Œæ³•å¾‹çŸ¥è¯†éƒ½æ˜¯è‡ªç”±ä¼ æ’­çš„,但是å…
+<p>还有一些<a href="/server/irc-rules.html">å…
+<div class="translators-notes">
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+<div id="footer">
+<div class="unprintable">
-·µ»Ø <A HREF="/home.html">GNU Ê×Ò³</A>¡£
+<!-- TRANSLATORS: Ignore the original text in this paragraph,
+        replace it with the translation of these two:
+        We work hard and do our best to provide accurate, good quality
+        translations.  However, we are not exempt from imperfection.
+        Please send your comments and general suggestions in this regard
+        to <a href="mailto:address@hidden";>
+        &lt;address@hidden&gt;</a>.</p>
+        <p>For information on coordinating and submitting translations of
+        our web pages, see <a
+        href="/server/standards/README.translations.html">Translations
+        README</a>. -->
+<!-- Regarding copyright, in general, standalone pages (as opposed to
+     files generated as part of manuals) on the GNU web server should
+     be under CC BY-ND 4.0.  Please do NOT change or remove this
+     without talking with the webmasters or licensing team first.
+     Please make sure the copyright date is consistent with the
+     document.  For web pages, it is ok to list just the latest year the
+     document was modified, or published.
+     If you wish to list earlier years, that is ok too.
+     Either "2001, 2002, 2003" or "2001-2003" are ok for specifying
+     years, as long as each year in the range is in fact a copyrightable
+     year, i.e., a year in which the document was published (including
+     being publicly visible on the web or in a revision control system).
+     There is more detail about copyright years in the GNU Maintainers
+     Information document, www.gnu.org/prep/maintain. -->
+<p>Copyright &copy; 2008, 2009, 2010, 2014, 2015 Free Software Foundation, 
+<p>本页面使用<a rel="license"
+href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/";>Creative Commons
+Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License</a>授权。</p>
+<!--#include virtual="/server/bottom-notes.zh-cn.html" -->
+<div class="translators-credits">
+<!--TRANSLATORS: Use space (SPC) as msgstr if you don't want credits.-->
+<b>翻译团队</b>:<a rel="team"
+<p class="unprintable"><!-- timestamp start -->
-Ç뽫ÓйØ×ÔÓÉÈí¼þ»ù½ð»á(FSF) &amp; GNU µÄ²éѯ &amp; ÎÊÌâ·¢Ë͵½
+$Date: 2018/06/10 10:31:06 $
-<A HREF="mailto:address@hidden";><EM>address@hidden</EM></A>¡£
-Ò²¿ÉÒÔͨ¹ý <A HREF="/contact/">ÆäËûÁªÏµ·½·¨</A> ÁªÏµ×ÔÓÉÈí¼þ»ù½ð»á(FSF)¡£
-<A HREF="mailto:address@hidden";><EM>address@hidden</EM></A>£¬
-<A HREF="mailto:address@hidden";><EM>address@hidden</EM></A>¡£
-Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 Free Software Foundation, 
-51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110,  USA
-·­ÒëУÕý£º ÁõÕѺê
-<P> ±¾Ò³·­Òë×Ô<A HREF="/philosophy/reliability.html">Ó¢ÎÄÔ­ÎÄ</A>¡£
-È«ÎÄÔÚ±£Ö¤ÍêÕûÐÔµÄÇ°ÌáÏ¿ÉÒÔÔÚÈÎÒâýÌåתÔØ - Ðë±£Áô´Ë±ê×¢¡£
-<P>×îºóÐÞ¸ÄÈÕÆÚ£º2002Äê03ÔÂ09ÈÕ 17:12:09 ×÷ÕߣºSisa
+<!-- timestamp end -->

Index: po/gethelp.zh-cn-en.html
RCS file: po/gethelp.zh-cn-en.html
diff -N po/gethelp.zh-cn-en.html
--- /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ po/gethelp.zh-cn-en.html    10 Jun 2018 10:31:07 -0000      1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+<!--#include virtual="/server/header.html" -->
+<!-- Parent-Version: 1.77 -->
+<title>Getting help with GNU software
+- GNU Project - Free Software Foundation</title>
+<!--#include virtual="/software/po/gethelp.translist" -->
+<!--#include virtual="/server/banner.html" -->
+<h2>Getting help with GNU software</h2>
+<p>The Free Software Foundation does not provide technical support.  Our
+mission is developing, preserving, and protecting <a
+href="/philosophy/free-sw.html">free software</a>.  We leave it to
+others to earn a living providing support.  We see programmers as
+providing a service, much as doctors and lawyers do now; both medical
+and legal knowledge are freely redistributable, but their practitioners
+charge for service.  So <strong>please do not email us or call the FSF
+Office for technical support.</strong></p>
+<p>You can obtain <a href="/doc/doc.html">GNU Project documentation</a>
+through various methods, which should answer many of your questions.</p>
+<h3>Reporting bugs</h3>
+<p>Many companies now redistribute GNU software, often as part of a <a
+distribution</a>.  When you find bugs in a GNU program that you
+installed with a given GNU/Linux distribution, please first try
+reporting the bug directly to the distributor, not to us, using the
+distributor's mailing lists or web forms.  It is common for distributors
+to modify the original GNU software we release (as they are free to
+do!), and/or distribute older versions.  The maintainers of the original
+GNU packages usually have no knowledge of what particular distributors
+have done.</p>
+<p>However, if you find a deficiency in the canonical release of a GNU
+package, we want to know.  You can find out where to report bugs for a
+given package as follows:</p>
+<li>If you run the program on the command line with the <code>--help</code>
+    option, you should find the location where to report bugs, usually
+    at the end of the help message.</li>
+<li>Otherwise, look for the home page of the package.  Usually this is
+    <code>http://www.gnu.org/software/</code><em>pkgname</em>.  If this
+    doesn't work or you don't know the package name, information for all
+    GNU packages is included in the FSF <a
+    href="http://directory.fsf.org/wiki/GNU/";>Free Software Directory</a>.
+    The home page should also be prominently mentioned in the package
+    documentation or README files, and is often findable with a general
+    Internet search.</li>
+<li>The email address &lt;bug-<em>pkgname</em>@gnu.org&gt; will generally work
+    for GNU packages, even if it is not a mailing list in its own
+    right.</li>
+<li>The source files for a package may give other clues.</li>
+<p>When we receive a bug report for our canonical releases, we usually
+try to fix the problem.  While our bug fixes may seem like individual
+assistance, they are not; they are part of preparing a new improved
+version.  We may send you a patch for a bug so that you can help us test
+the fix and ensure its quality.  If your bug report does not evoke a
+solution from us, you may still get one from another user who reads our
+bug report mailing lists.</p>
+<p>In other words, please do not ask us to help you install software or
+learn how to use it&mdash;but do tell us how an installation script
+fails or where documentation is unclear.</p>
+<p>If an important bug report goes unheeded by the maintainer after a
+reasonable time (please allow at least two weeks), you can
+&ldquo;escalate&rdquo; the bug by writing to
+&lt;address@hidden&gt;.  This is especially warranted if you can't
+find evidence of recent activity by the maintainer.</p>
+<p>When sending a bug report, please do not include very large
+attachments.  Messages to GNU mailing lists have a limit of about 200k,
+and will reject anything larger than that.  Uploads to <a
+href="http://savannah.gnu.org";>Savannah</a> have a limit of 16 MB.
+The best approach is to put the files on the web and include a url in
+your message.  If you have no way to do that, then ask about it;
+something can be worked out.</p>
+<h3>Getting general help</h3>
+<p>We host many <a href="http://lists.gnu.org/";>mailing lists for GNU
+and other free software</a>, both for bug reporting and general
+discussion and help.  The mailing lists with names beginning with
+<code>help-</code> are lists for getting help from the community.  If
+you can't find a mailing list for a particular GNU program, then please
+use the <a
+mailing list.</p>
+<p>The <a href="http://www.fsf.org/resources/service";>FSF Service
+Directory</a> is a list of people who offer support and other consulting
+services.  (Contact information for new and updated listings is on that
+<p>There are also <a href="/server/irc-rules.html">active IRC channels
+for GNU software</a> in which you can chat with developers and
+</div><!-- for id="content", starts in the include above -->
+<!--#include virtual="/server/footer.html" -->
+<div id="footer">
+<div class="unprintable">
+<p>Please send general FSF &amp; GNU inquiries to
+<a href="mailto:address@hidden";>&lt;address@hidden&gt;</a>.
+There are also <a href="/contact/">other ways to contact</a>
+the FSF.  Broken links and other corrections or suggestions can be sent
+to <a href="mailto:address@hidden";>&lt;address@hidden&gt;</a>.</p>
+<p><!-- TRANSLATORS: Ignore the original text in this paragraph,
+        replace it with the translation of these two:
+        We work hard and do our best to provide accurate, good quality
+        translations.  However, we are not exempt from imperfection.
+        Please send your comments and general suggestions in this regard
+        to <a href="mailto:address@hidden";>
+        &lt;address@hidden&gt;</a>.</p>
+        <p>For information on coordinating and submitting translations of
+        our web pages, see <a
+        href="/server/standards/README.translations.html">Translations
+        README</a>. -->
+Please see the <a
+README</a> for information on coordinating and submitting translations
+of this article.</p>
+<!-- Regarding copyright, in general, standalone pages (as opposed to
+     files generated as part of manuals) on the GNU web server should
+     be under CC BY-ND 4.0.  Please do NOT change or remove this
+     without talking with the webmasters or licensing team first.
+     Please make sure the copyright date is consistent with the
+     document.  For web pages, it is ok to list just the latest year the
+     document was modified, or published.
+     If you wish to list earlier years, that is ok too.
+     Either "2001, 2002, 2003" or "2001-2003" are ok for specifying
+     years, as long as each year in the range is in fact a copyrightable
+     year, i.e., a year in which the document was published (including
+     being publicly visible on the web or in a revision control system).
+     There is more detail about copyright years in the GNU Maintainers
+     Information document, www.gnu.org/prep/maintain. -->
+<p>Copyright &copy; 2008, 2009, 2010, 2014, 2015 Free Software Foundation, 
+<p>This page is licensed under a <a rel="license"
+Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License</a>.</p>
+<!--#include virtual="/server/bottom-notes.html" -->
+<p class="unprintable">Updated:
+<!-- timestamp start -->
+$Date: 2018/06/10 10:31:07 $
+<!-- timestamp end -->

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