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www/gnu po/yes-give-it-away.fr.po po/yes-give-i...

From: GNUN
Subject: www/gnu po/yes-give-it-away.fr.po po/yes-give-i...
Date: Thu, 04 Feb 2016 15:37:10 +0000

CVSROOT:        /web/www
Module name:    www
Changes by:     GNUN <gnun>     16/02/04 15:37:10

Modified files:
        gnu/po         : yes-give-it-away.fr.po 
Added files:
        gnu            : yes-give-it-away.fr.html 
        gnu/po         : yes-give-it-away.fr-en.html 

Log message:
        Automatic update by GNUnited Nations.


Index: po/yes-give-it-away.fr.po
RCS file: /web/www/www/gnu/po/yes-give-it-away.fr.po,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -b -r1.1 -r1.2
--- po/yes-give-it-away.fr.po   4 Feb 2016 14:56:22 -0000       1.1
+++ po/yes-give-it-away.fr.po   4 Feb 2016 15:37:10 -0000       1.2
@@ -150,10 +150,12 @@
 "can be sent to <a href=\"mailto:address@hidden";>&lt;address@hidden"
 msgstr ""
+"Veuillez envoyer les requêtes concernant la FSF et GNU à <a href=\"mailto:";
+"address@hidden">&lt;address@hidden&gt;</a>. Il existe aussi <a 
+"\">d'autres moyens de contacter</a> la FSF. Les liens orphelins et autres "
+"corrections ou suggestions peuvent être signalés à <a href=\"mailto:";
 #.  TRANSLATORS: Ignore the original text in this paragraph,
 #.         replace it with the translation of these two:
 #.         We work hard and do our best to provide accurate, good quality
@@ -171,6 +173,14 @@
 "\">Translations README</a> for information on coordinating and submitting "
 "translations of this article."
 msgstr ""
+"Nous faisons le maximum pour proposer des traductions fidèles et de bonne "
+"qualité, mais nous ne sommes pas parfaits. Merci d'adresser vos commentaires 
+"sur cette page, ainsi que vos suggestions d'ordre général sur les "
+"traductions, à <a href=\"mailto:address@hidden";> &lt;web-"
+"<p>Pour tout renseignement sur la coordination et la soumission des "
+"traductions de nos pages web, reportez-vous au <a href=\"/server/standards/"
+"README.translations.html\">guide de traduction</a>."
 #. type: Content of: <div><p>
 msgid "Copyright &copy; 2015, 2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
@@ -182,6 +192,10 @@
 "creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/\">Creative Commons Attribution-"
 "NoDerivatives 4.0 International License</a>."
 msgstr ""
+"Cette page peut être utilisée suivant les conditions de la licence <a rel="
+"\"license\" href=\"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/deed.fr";
+"\">Creative Commons attribution, pas de modification, 4.0 internationale "
+"(CC BY-ND 4.0)</a>."
 #. TRANSLATORS: Use space (SPC) as msgstr if you don't want credits.
 #. type: Content of: <div><div>
@@ -193,4 +207,4 @@
 #.  timestamp start 
 #. type: Content of: <div><p>
 msgid "Updated:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Dernière mise à jour :"

Index: po/yes-give-it-away.translist
RCS file: /web/www/www/gnu/po/yes-give-it-away.translist,v
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -b -r1.2 -r1.3
--- po/yes-give-it-away.translist       4 Feb 2016 08:31:34 -0000       1.2
+++ po/yes-give-it-away.translist       4 Feb 2016 15:37:10 -0000       1.3
@@ -3,10 +3,12 @@
 value='<div id="translations">
 <span dir="ltr" class="original"><a lang="en" hreflang="en" 
href="/gnu/yes-give-it-away.en.html">English</a>&nbsp;[en]</span> &nbsp;
+<span dir="ltr"><a lang="fr" hreflang="fr" 
href="/gnu/yes-give-it-away.fr.html">français</a>&nbsp;[fr]</span> &nbsp;
 <span dir="ltr"><a lang="ja" hreflang="ja" 
href="/gnu/yes-give-it-away.ja.html">日本語</a>&nbsp;[ja]</span> &nbsp;
 </div>' -->
 <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="/gnu/yes-give-it-away.html" 
hreflang="x-default" />
 <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" lang="en" hreflang="en" 
href="/gnu/yes-give-it-away.en.html" title="English" />
+<link rel="alternate" type="text/html" lang="fr" hreflang="fr" 
href="/gnu/yes-give-it-away.fr.html" title="français" />
 <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" lang="ja" hreflang="ja" 
href="/gnu/yes-give-it-away.ja.html" title="日本語" />
 <!-- end translist file -->

Index: yes-give-it-away.fr.html
RCS file: yes-give-it-away.fr.html
diff -N yes-give-it-away.fr.html
--- /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ yes-give-it-away.fr.html    4 Feb 2016 15:37:09 -0000       1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+<!--#set var="ENGLISH_PAGE" value="/gnu/yes-give-it-away.en.html" -->
+<!--#include virtual="/server/header.fr.html" -->
+<!-- Parent-Version: 1.78 -->
+<!-- This file is automatically generated by GNUnited Nations! -->
+<title>Oui, donnez-les - Projet GNU - Free Software Foundation</title>
+<!--#include virtual="/gnu/po/yes-give-it-away.translist" -->
+<!--#include virtual="/server/banner.fr.html" -->
+<h2>Oui, donnez-les</h2>
+<p><strong>par <a href="http://www.stallman.org/";>Richard 
+  <blockquote>
+    <p>Richard Stallman a écrit ce texte, retrouvé dans un fichier daté de 
+1983, mais on ne sait pas exactement s'il l'a écrit à ce moment-là ou à une
+date antérieure. En mai 1983, il réfléchissait en privé à des solutions 
+développer un système d'exploitation libre, mais il n'avait peut-être pas
+encore décidé de faire un système semblable à Unix plutôt qu'à la machine
+Lisp du MIT.</p>
+    <p>Il ne différenciait pas encore les deux sens du mot <cite>free</cite>
+(« gratuit » et « libre ») sur le plan conceptuel ; ce message 
est formulé
+en termes d'« exemplaires gratuits » mais, prenez-le pour acquis, cela
+signifie que les utilisateurs ont aussi la liberté.</p>
+  </blockquote>
+<p>Une des raisons pour lesquelles il est important de donner gratuitement les
+logiciels est d'offrir aux utilisateurs la possibilité de les modifier. Ceci
+leur permet d'en faire le meilleur usage possible, et par ailleurs les
+encourage à participer au travail tout en leur en donnant les moyens. De
+plus, ils acquièrent autonomie, confiance et sens des responsabilités.</p>
+<p>J'ai souvent entendu dire que, si une chose était gratuite, les Américains
+penseraient qu'elle ne vaut rien. C'est peut-être vrai, mais en aucun cas
+rationnel. Les gens ont le droit d'être névrosés mais nous ne devons pas les
+y encourager. En même temps, donner un logiciel ne signifie pas « le 
+comme ne valant rien » simplement parce que certains masochistes pourraient
+en tirer une telle conclusion.</p>
+<p>Les utilisateurs ne modifieraient pas un logiciel s'il ne valait rien ; 
+le font parce qu'au contraire le logiciel a plus de valeur pour eux une fois
+modifié. Une maintenance centralisée est également utile, mais il existe
+d'autres façons de l'assurer qu'en importunant les utilisateurs.</p>
+<p>J'ai beaucoup d'expérience dans le partage de logiciels et leur 
+par les utilisateurs. J'observe plusieurs choses :</p>
+  <li>les gens n'ont pas vraiment tendance à trouver EMACS sans valeur</li>
+  <li>les utilisateurs modifient énormément EMACS</li>
+  <li>leurs changements contribuent au développement d'EMACS</li>
+  <li>la maintenance centralisée d'EMACS continue</li>
+<p>J'ai abordé les utilisateurs dans un esprit coopératif, sans essayer de 
+manipuler, et ils ont réagi avec enthousiasme et envie de coopérer. Quand on
+leur dit que des restrictions leur sont imposées pour leur éviter la névrose
+ou parce qu'ils sont considérés a priori comme incompétents, ils en
+éprouvent un ressentiment justifié. Et ont tendance, au final, à devenir
+incompétents et névrosés.</p>
+<div class="translators-notes">
+<!--TRANSLATORS: Use space (SPC) as msgstr if you don't have notes.-->
+ </div>
+<!-- for id="content", starts in the include above -->
+<!--#include virtual="/server/footer.fr.html" -->
+<div id="footer">
+<div class="unprintable">
+<p>Veuillez envoyer les requêtes concernant la FSF et GNU à <a
+href="mailto:address@hidden";>&lt;address@hidden&gt;</a>. Il existe aussi <a
+href="/contact/">d'autres moyens de contacter</a> la FSF. Les liens
+orphelins et autres corrections ou suggestions peuvent être signalés à <a
+<!-- TRANSLATORS: Ignore the original text in this paragraph,
+        replace it with the translation of these two:
+        We work hard and do our best to provide accurate, good quality
+        translations.  However, we are not exempt from imperfection.
+        Please send your comments and general suggestions in this regard
+        to <a href="mailto:address@hidden";>
+        &lt;address@hidden&gt;</a>.</p>
+        <p>For information on coordinating and submitting translations of
+        our web pages, see <a
+        href="/server/standards/README.translations.html">Translations
+        README</a>. -->
+Nous faisons le maximum pour proposer des traductions fidèles et de bonne
+qualité, mais nous ne sommes pas parfaits. Merci d'adresser vos commentaires
+sur cette page, ainsi que vos suggestions d'ordre général sur les
+traductions, à <a href="mailto:address@hidden";>
+<p>Pour tout renseignement sur la coordination et la soumission des
+traductions de nos pages web, reportez-vous au <a
+href="/server/standards/README.translations.html">guide de traduction</a>.</p>
+<!-- Regarding copyright, in general, standalone pages (as opposed to
+     files generated as part of manuals) on the GNU web server should
+     be under CC BY-ND 4.0.  Please do NOT change or remove this
+     without talking with the webmasters or licensing team first.
+     Please make sure the copyright date is consistent with the
+     document.  For web pages, it is ok to list just the latest year the
+     document was modified, or published.
+     If you wish to list earlier years, that is ok too.
+     Either "2001, 2002, 2003" or "2001-2003" are ok for specifying
+     years, as long as each year in the range is in fact a copyrightable
+     year, i.e., a year in which the document was published (including
+     being publicly visible on the web or in a revision control system).
+     There is more detail about copyright years in the GNU Maintainers
+     Information document, www.gnu.org/prep/maintain. -->
+<p>Copyright &copy; 2015, 2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.</p>
+<p>Cette page peut être utilisée suivant les conditions de la licence <a
+Commons attribution, pas de modification, 4.0 internationale (CC BY-ND
+<!--#include virtual="/server/bottom-notes.fr.html" -->
+<div class="translators-credits">
+<!--TRANSLATORS: Use space (SPC) as msgstr if you don't want credits.-->
+Traduction : Sébastien Poher.<br />Révision : <a
+<p class="unprintable"><!-- timestamp start -->
+Dernière mise à jour :
+$Date: 2016/02/04 15:37:09 $
+<!-- timestamp end -->

Index: po/yes-give-it-away.fr-en.html
RCS file: po/yes-give-it-away.fr-en.html
diff -N po/yes-give-it-away.fr-en.html
--- /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ po/yes-give-it-away.fr-en.html      4 Feb 2016 15:37:09 -0000       1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+<!--#include virtual="/server/header.html" -->
+<!-- Parent-Version: 1.78 -->
+<title>Yes, Give It Away
+- GNU Project - Free Software Foundation</title>
+ <!--#include virtual="/gnu/po/yes-give-it-away.translist" -->
+<!--#include virtual="/server/banner.html" -->
+<h2>Yes, Give It Away</h2>
+<p><strong>by <a href="http://www.stallman.org/";>Richard 
+  <blockquote>
+    <p>Richard Stallman wrote this text, which was found in a file dated May
+      1983, though it is not clear whether it was written then or earlier.
+      In May 1983 he was privately considering plans to develop a
+      free operating system, but he may not yet have decided to make it a
+      Unix-like system rather than something like the MIT Lisp Machine.</p>
+    <p>He had not yet conceptually distinguished the two meanings of
+      &ldquo;free;&rdquo; this message is formulated in terms of gratis 
+      copies, but take for granted that this means users also have freedom.</p>
+  </blockquote>
+<p>One of the important reasons for giving software away free is to
+enable the users to change it.  This allows them to make better use of
+it, and also encourages and enables them to contribute to the
+effort.  Furthermore, they develop self-reliance, confidence, and a
+sense of responsibility.</p>
+<p>I've often heard that Americans will think something is worthless
+if it's free.  It might be true, but it's not rational.  People have a
+right to be neurotic but we should not encourage this.  In the mean
+time, giving software away is not &ldquo;treating it as
+worthless&rdquo; just because some masochists might conclude it was
+<p>Users would not change software if it were worthless; rather,
+because it is worth more to them as changed than before.
+Some central maintenance is also useful, but there are other
+ways to provide for this aside from hassling the users.</p>
+<p>I have a lot of experience with sharing software and having
+the users change it.  I find that</p>
+  <li>there is little tendency to believe EMACS is worthless</li>
+  <li>users change EMACS a lot</li>
+  <li>users' changes contribute to EMACS development</li>
+  <li>centralized maintenance of EMACS continues</li>
+<p>I approached users in a non-manipulative cooperative spirit, and
+they reacted enthusiastically and cooperatively.  When told that
+restrictions are being imposed to trick their neuroses or because they
+are assumed in advance to be incompetent, they feel justifiable
+resentment.  They also tend to become incompetent and neurotic as a
+</div><!-- for id="content", starts in the include above -->
+<!--#include virtual="/server/footer.html" -->
+<div id="footer">
+<div class="unprintable">
+<p>Please send general FSF &amp; GNU inquiries to
+<a href="mailto:address@hidden";>&lt;address@hidden&gt;</a>.
+There are also <a href="/contact/">other ways to contact</a>
+the FSF.  Broken links and other corrections or suggestions can be sent
+to <a href="mailto:address@hidden";>&lt;address@hidden&gt;</a>.</p>
+<p><!-- TRANSLATORS: Ignore the original text in this paragraph,
+        replace it with the translation of these two:
+        We work hard and do our best to provide accurate, good quality
+        translations.  However, we are not exempt from imperfection.
+        Please send your comments and general suggestions in this regard
+        to <a href="mailto:address@hidden";>
+        &lt;address@hidden&gt;</a>.</p>
+        <p>For information on coordinating and submitting translations of
+        our web pages, see <a
+        href="/server/standards/README.translations.html">Translations
+        README</a>. -->
+Please see the <a
+README</a> for information on coordinating and submitting translations
+of this article.</p>
+<!-- Regarding copyright, in general, standalone pages (as opposed to
+     files generated as part of manuals) on the GNU web server should
+     be under CC BY-ND 4.0.  Please do NOT change or remove this
+     without talking with the webmasters or licensing team first.
+     Please make sure the copyright date is consistent with the
+     document.  For web pages, it is ok to list just the latest year the
+     document was modified, or published.
+     If you wish to list earlier years, that is ok too.
+     Either "2001, 2002, 2003" or "2001-2003" are ok for specifying
+     years, as long as each year in the range is in fact a copyrightable
+     year, i.e., a year in which the document was published (including
+     being publicly visible on the web or in a revision control system).
+     There is more detail about copyright years in the GNU Maintainers
+     Information document, www.gnu.org/prep/maintain. -->
+<p>Copyright &copy; 2015, 2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.</p>
+<p>This page is licensed under a <a rel="license"
+Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License</a>.</p>
+<!--#include virtual="/server/bottom-notes.html" -->
+<p class="unprintable">Updated:
+<!-- timestamp start -->
+$Date: 2016/02/04 15:37:09 $
+<!-- timestamp end -->

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