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www/philosophy malware-microsoft.html

From: Dora Scilipoti
Subject: www/philosophy malware-microsoft.html
Date: Mon, 12 May 2014 19:15:30 +0000

CVSROOT:        /web/www
Module name:    www
Changes by:     Dora Scilipoti <dora>   14/05/12 19:15:30

Modified files:
        philosophy     : malware-microsoft.html 

Log message:
        Rewording as requested by RMS in RT #914788: removed reference to iOS, 
since this page is about Microsoft only.


Index: malware-microsoft.html
RCS file: /web/www/www/philosophy/malware-microsoft.html,v
retrieving revision 1.7
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -u -b -r1.7 -r1.8
--- malware-microsoft.html      12 May 2014 12:57:48 -0000      1.7
+++ malware-microsoft.html      12 May 2014 19:15:29 -0000      1.8
@@ -65,10 +65,9 @@
   Microsoft informs the NSA of bugs in Windows before fixing them.</a></p></li>
-  <li>
-  <p><a 
-  8 also has a back door for remotely deleting apps</a>.
-  </p>
+  <li><p><a 
+  Windows 8 also has a back door for remotely deleting apps</a>.</p>
   You might well decide to let a security service that you trust
@@ -77,11 +76,8 @@
   should have the right to decide who (if anyone) to trust in this way.
-  <p>
-  As these pages show, if you do want to clean your computer of malware,
-  the first software to delete is Windows or iOS. 
-  </p>
-  </li>
+  <p>As this page shows, if you do want to clean your computer of malware,
+  the first software to delete is Windows.</p></li>
@@ -151,7 +147,7 @@
 <p class="unprintable">Updated:
 <!-- timestamp start -->
-$Date: 2014/05/12 12:57:48 $
+$Date: 2014/05/12 19:15:29 $
 <!-- timestamp end -->

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