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www/philosophy po/ubuntu-spyware.hr.po po/ubunt...

From: GNUN
Subject: www/philosophy po/ubuntu-spyware.hr.po po/ubunt...
Date: Mon, 09 Sep 2013 07:03:27 +0000

CVSROOT:        /web/www
Module name:    www
Changes by:     GNUN <gnun>     13/09/09 07:03:27

Modified files:
        philosophy/po  : ubuntu-spyware.hr.po ubuntu-spyware.translist 
Added files:
        philosophy     : ubuntu-spyware.hr.html 
        philosophy/po  : ubuntu-spyware.hr-en.html 

Log message:
        Automatic update by GNUnited Nations.


Index: po/ubuntu-spyware.hr.po
RCS file: /web/www/www/philosophy/po/ubuntu-spyware.hr.po,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
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--- po/ubuntu-spyware.hr.po     9 Sep 2013 06:54:11 -0000       1.3
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@@ -310,21 +309,12 @@
 "drugom obliku negativnog utjecaja koji Ubuntu vrši u zajednici slobodnog "
 "softvera, a to je legitimiziranje neslobodnog softvera."
 #. TRANSLATORS: Use space (SPC) as msgstr if you don't have notes.
 #. type: Content of: <div>
 msgstr " "
-# || No change detected.  The change might only be in amounts of spaces.
 #. type: Content of: <div><p>
-#| msgid ""
-#| "Please send general FSF &amp; GNU inquiries to <a 
-#| "org\">&lt;address@hidden&gt;</a>.  There are also <a href=\"/contact/"
-#| "\">other ways to contact</a> the FSF.  Broken links and other corrections "
-#| "or suggestions can be sent to <a href=\"mailto:address@hidden";>&lt;"
-#| "address@hidden&gt;</a>."
 msgid ""
 "Please send general FSF &amp; GNU inquiries to <a 
 "\">&lt;address@hidden&gt;</a>.  There are also <a href=\"/contact/\">other 
ways "

Index: po/ubuntu-spyware.translist
RCS file: /web/www/www/philosophy/po/ubuntu-spyware.translist,v
retrieving revision 1.8
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 <span dir="ltr"><a lang="de" hreflang="de" 
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+<span dir="ltr"><a lang="hr" hreflang="hr" 
 <span dir="ltr"><a lang="ru" hreflang="ru" 
 </div>' -->

Index: ubuntu-spyware.hr.html
RCS file: ubuntu-spyware.hr.html
diff -N ubuntu-spyware.hr.html
--- /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ ubuntu-spyware.hr.html      9 Sep 2013 07:03:24 -0000       1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+<!--#include virtual="/server/header.hr.html" -->
+<!-- Parent-Version: 1.75 -->
+<!-- This file is automatically generated by GNUnited Nations! -->
+ <!--#set var="ENGLISH_PAGE" value="/philosophy/ubuntu-spyware.en.html" -->
+<title>Ubuntu je špijunski softver: Što učiniti? - Projekt GNU - Zaklada za
+slobodan softver</title>
+<!--#include virtual="/philosophy/po/ubuntu-spyware.translist" -->
+<!--#include virtual="/server/banner.hr.html" -->
+<h2>Ubuntu je špijunski softver: Što učiniti?</h2>
+<p>napisao <a href="http://www.stallman.org/";>Richard Stallman</a></p>
+<p>Jedna od glavnih prednosti slobodnog softvera je da zajednica Å¡titi
+korisnike od zlonamjernog softvera. Sada je Ubuntu <a
+href="/gnu/linux-and-gnu.html"> GNU/Linux </a> postao primjer suprotnog. Å to
+mi kao korisnici možemo učiniti?</p>
+<p>Vlasnički je softver povezan sa zlonamjernim postupcima prema korisniku:
+ubačeni kod za nadzor, digitalne lisice (DRM ili upravljanje digitalnim
+ograničenjima) i skriveni udaljeni pristup računalu mogu korisniku učiniti
+dosta neugodnih stvari. Programe koji rade takve stvari treba tretirati
+jednako kao i špijunski softver (malware). Najčešći su primjeri Windows,
+iProizvodi i Amazon &ldquo;Kindle&rdquo;, koji koriste sva tri postupka;
+Macintosh i Playstation III, koji su nametnuli DRM, većina mobilnih
+telefona, koji špijuniraju korisnike i pružaju skriveni pristup uređaju;
+Adobe Flash Player, koji špijunira i nameće DRM, te mnoge aplikacije za
+iPhone i Android, koje rade jednu ili više ovakvih ružnih stvari.</p>
+<p>Slobodan softver korisniku pruža priliku da se zaštiti od zlonamjernog
+softvera. Osim toga, najčešće zajednica štiti sve korisnike, tako da 
+ljudi ne mora ništa učiniti da bi se zaštitila. Evo na koji način.</p>
+<p>Ponekad korisnici koji se razumiju u programiranje naiđu na slobodan 
+koji u sebi ima zlonamjerni kod. Uobičajeno je da se tada izdaje ispravljena
+inačica takvog programa (ali ne pod istim imenom). Uz četiri slobode koje
+definiraju slobodni softver (pogledaj <a
+oni su u mogućnosti to učiniti. To se naziva "forkanje" programa. Ubrzo se
+zajednica prebacuje na tu drugu, ispravljenu verziju (fork), dok se
+zlonamjerna verzija odbacuje. Å anse za neslavnu propast zlonamjernog
+programa su velike tako da i oni kojima savjest ili društvene norme nisu
+prepreka za takve aktivnosti uglavnom zaziru od toga. </p>
+<p>Ali ne uvijek. Ubuntu, Å¡iroko rasprostranjena i utjecajna distribucija <a
+href="/gnu/linux-and-gnu.html">GNU/Linuxa </a>, ima instaliran nadzorni
+kod. Kad korisnik pretražuje neki izraz u vlastitim lokalnim datotekama
+koristeći Ubuntuovo sučelje, Ubuntu šalje taj izraz na neki od Canonicalovih
+servera. (Canonical je kompanija koja razvija Ubuntu.) </p>
+<p>To je upravo poput prvog slučaja nadzora u Windowsima s kojima sam se
+upoznao. Moj mi je pokojni prijatelj Fravia ispričao da, dok je u lokalnim
+datotekama Windowsa tražio neki izraz, njegov vatrozid je otkrio slanje
+paketa nekakvom serveru. Nakon tog prvog primjera, počeo sam obraćati
+pozornost na takve stvari, te uočio sklonost vlasničkog softvera
+&ldquo;uglednih&rdquo; softverskih firmi prema špijuniranju. Možda i nije
+tek stjecaj okolnosti da Ubuntu Å¡alje iste informacije.</p>
+<p>Ubuntu koristi te informacije da bi prikazivao reklame za kupnju proizvoda
+na Amazonu. Amazon čini razne loše stvari (pogledaj <a
+a reklamirajući Amazon i Canonical sudjeluje u njima. Međutim, najveći
+problem nisu reklame. Najveći problem je špijuniranje. Iz Canonicala tvrde
+da ne šalju Amazonu podatke o tome tko je što tražio. Svejedno, prikupljanje
+osobnih podataka nije u redu, bio to Canonical ili Amazon.</p>
+<p>Ljudi će vjerojatno napraviti prerađene inačice Ubuntua bez takvog
+nadzora. U stvari, nekoliko GNU/Linux distribucija je nastalo od
+Ubuntua. Kad se te distribucije ažuriraju na novu Ubuntuovu osnovu, očekujem
+da će izbaciti nadzor iz svojih inačica. To svakako očekuje i Canonical.</p>
+<p>Većina bi razvijatelja slobodnog softvera napustila ovakav plan ako bi 
+priliku prebaciti se na drugu, ispravljenu verziju. Ali Canonical nije
+napustio Ubuntu spyware. Vjerojatno Canonical računa da ime
+&ldquo;Ubuntu&rdquo; ima toliki momenat i utjecaj da može izbjeći uobičajene
+posljedice i izvući se s nadziranjem korisnika.</p>
+<p>Canonical tvrdi da se internet tako samo pretražuje na drugačiji
+način. Ovisno o detaljima, to može učiniti problem većim, ali svakako ne
+<p>Ubuntu dopušta korisniku isključivanje nadzora. Očito je da u Canonicalu
+misle da će većina korisnika Ubuntua ostaviti nadzor uključenim. I mnogi to
+i čine, zato što nisu svjesni toga i da bi trebali nešto učiniti s tim u
+vezi. Tako da postojanje tog prekidača ne čini samim time i nadzor
+<p>Čak i da je špijuniranje u startu onemogućeno, i dalje bi bilo
+opasno. &ldquo;Uključivanje za stalno&rdquo; u riskantne pothvate, gdje
+rizik ovisi o detaljima, stvara nemarnost. Da bi se zaštitila privatnost
+korisnika, sustav mora omogućiti da oprez i obazrivost pri upotrebi budu
+jednostavno dostižni: ako lokalni program za pretragu ima opciju za
+pretraživanje mreže, korisnik mora imati posebnu opciju da <em>svaki
+put</em> isključivo izabere mrežno pretraživanje ako to želi.  To nije 
+napraviti. Potrebno je samo postaviti posebnu dugmad za mrežno i lokalno
+pretraživanje, kako je uostalom i bilo na prijašnjim verzijama
+Ubuntua. Mrežna pretraga bi također trebala informirati korisnika kome šalje
+te osobne informacije i koje informacije Å¡alje. </p>
+<p>Ako većina vodećih mislilaca u našoj zajednici vide ovo kao osobni 
+svakog korisnika, ako sami na svom sustavu isključe nadzor i nastave
+promovirati Ubuntu, Canonical bi se mogao izvući s tom praksom. To bi
+načinilo veliku šteta zajednici slobodnog softvera. </p>
+<p>Mi koji predstavljamo slobodni softver kao obranu od malwarea, ne kažemo da
+je ta obrana savršena. Ne postoji savršena obrana. Mi ne kažemo da je
+zajednica u stanju držati malware podalje <em>bez ijedne greške</em>, tako
+da primjer s Ubuntu-ovim špijunskim softverom ne znači da moramo priznati da
+nismo u pravu.</p>
+<p>Ali ovdje je u igri nešto više od toga tko je u pravu a tko nije. U 
+je to može li naša zajednica pravilno koristiti argument o zlonamjernom
+vlasničkom softveru. Ako možemo reći samo da  &ldquo;vas slobodni softver
+neće špijunirati osim ako to nije Ubuntu,&rdquo;, to ima puno manju snagu
+nego ako se kaže &ldquo;slobodni vas softver neće uopće 
+<p>Na nama bi bilo da učinimo sve što je potrebno da se Canonical spriječi u
+takvoj praksi. Bilo kakav izgovor Canonicala je neprihvatljiv. Čak i da
+iskoriste sav novac koji dobiju od Amazona za razvoj slobodnog softvera, to
+neće nadoknaditi ono što će slobodni softver izgubiti ako prestane nuditi
+dobar način zaštite korisnika od zlostavljanja.  </p>
+<p>Ako budete preporučivali ili instalirali nekome GNU/Linux, molim vas da
+isključite Ubuntu sa popisa distribucija koje preporučujete. Ako vas dosad
+nije uvjerila praksa Ubuntua da instaliraju i preporučuju neslobodni
+softver, neka vam ovo bude pouka. Na vašim instal-feštama, na Danima
+slobodnog softvera itd., nemojte instalirati niti preporučivati
+Ubuntu. Umjesto toga, recite ljudima da Ubuntu treba izbjegavati zbog
+Å¡pijuniranja.  </p>
+<p>I dok to radite, recite ljudima da Ubuntu sadrži i preporučuje druge
+neslobodne programe. (Pogledaj <a href="/distros/common-distros.html">
+http://www.gnu.org/distros/common-distros.html</a>.) To će biti protuteža
+drugom obliku negativnog utjecaja koji Ubuntu vrši u zajednici slobodnog
+softvera, a to je legitimiziranje neslobodnog softvera.</p>
+<div style="font-size: small;">
+<!--TRANSLATORS: Use space (SPC) as msgstr if you don't have notes.-->
+ </div>
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+<div id="footer">
+<p>Molimo vas, općenite upite o FSF &amp; GNU šaljite na <a
+href="mailto:address@hidden";>&lt;address@hidden&gt;</a>. Postoje i <a
+href="/contact/">drugi načini kontaktiranja</a> FSF-a. Prekinute poveznice i
+ostale ispravke ili prijedloge možete poslati na <a
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+        replace it with the translation of these two:
+        We work hard and do our best to provide accurate, good quality
+        translations.  However, we are not exempt from imperfection.
+        Please send your comments and general suggestions in this regard
+        to <a href="mailto:address@hidden";>
+        &lt;address@hidden&gt;</a>.</p>
+        <p>For information on coordinating and submitting translations of
+        our web pages, see <a
+        href="/server/standards/README.translations.html">Translations
+        README</a>. -->
+Radimo naporno i dajemo sve od sebe kako bismo pružili točne, visoko
+kvalitetne prijevode. Međutim, nismo oslobođeni od nesavršenosti. Molimo
+vas, šaljite svoje komentare i općenite prijedloge u tom smislu na <a
+Za informacije o koordiniranju i dostavljanju prijevoda naših mrežnih
+stranica, pogledajte <a
+href="/server/standards/README.translations.html">PROČITAJME za
+<!-- Regarding copyright, in general, standalone pages (as opposed to
+     files generated as part of manuals) on the GNU web server should
+     be under CC BY-ND 3.0 US.  Please do NOT change or remove this
+     without talking with the webmasters or licensing team first.
+     Please make sure the copyright date is consistent with the
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+     If you wish to list earlier years, that is ok too.
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+     being publicly visible on the web or in a revision control system).
+     There is more detail about copyright years in the GNU Maintainers
+     Information document, www.gnu.org/prep/maintain. -->
+<p>Copyright &copy; 2012 Richard Stallman</p>
+<p>Ovo djelo dano je na korištenje pod <a rel="license"
+Creative Commons Imenovanje-Bez prerada 3.0 SAD</a>.</p>
+<!--#include virtual="/server/bottom-notes.hr.html" -->
+<div class="translators-credits">
+<!--TRANSLATORS: Use space (SPC) as msgstr if you don't want credits.-->
+ Prijevod: JK, 2013.</div>
+ <p><!-- timestamp start -->
+Vrijeme zadnje izmjene:
+$Date: 2013/09/09 07:03:24 $
+<!-- timestamp end -->

Index: po/ubuntu-spyware.hr-en.html
RCS file: po/ubuntu-spyware.hr-en.html
diff -N po/ubuntu-spyware.hr-en.html
--- /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ po/ubuntu-spyware.hr-en.html        9 Sep 2013 07:03:25 -0000       1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+<!--#include virtual="/server/header.html" -->
+<!-- Parent-Version: 1.75 -->
+<title>Ubuntu Spyware: What to Do? 
+  - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation</title>
+<!--#include virtual="/philosophy/po/ubuntu-spyware.translist" -->
+<!--#include virtual="/server/banner.html" -->
+<h2>Ubuntu Spyware: What to Do?</h2>
+<p>by <a href="http://www.stallman.org/";>Richard Stallman</a></p>
+<p>One of the major advantages of free software is that the community
+  protects users from malicious software.  Now
+  Ubuntu <a href="/gnu/linux-and-gnu.html"> GNU/Linux </a> has become
+  a counterexample.  What should we do?</p>
+<p>Proprietary software is associated with malicious treatment of the user:
+  surveillance code, digital handcuffs (DRM or Digital Restrictions
+  Management) to restrict users, and back doors that can do nasty things
+  under remote control.  Programs that do any of these things are
+  malware and should be treated as such.  Widely used examples include
+  Windows, the iThings, and the Amazon &ldquo;Kindle&rdquo; product for 
virtual book
+  burning, which do all three; Macintosh and the Playstation III which
+  impose DRM; most portable phones, which do spying and have back doors;
+  Adobe Flash Player, which does spying and enforces DRM; and plenty of
+  apps for iThings and Android, which are guilty of one or more of these
+  nasty practices.</p>
+<p>Free software gives users a chance to protect themselves from
+  malicious software behaviors.  Even better, usually the community
+  protects everyone, and most users don't have to move a muscle.  Here's
+  how.</p>
+<p>Once in a while, users who know programming find that a free program
+  has malicious code.  Generally the next thing they do is release a
+  corrected version of the program; with the four freedoms that define
+  free software (see <a 
+  are free to do this.  This is called a &ldquo;fork&rdquo; of the program.  
+  the community switches to the corrected fork, and the malicious
+  version is rejected.  The prospect of ignominious rejection is not
+  very tempting; thus, most of the time, even those who are not stopped
+  by their consciences and social pressure refrain from putting
+  malfeatures in free software.</p>
+<p>But not always.  Ubuntu, a widely used and
+  influential <a href="/gnu/linux-and-gnu.html"> GNU/Linux </a>
+  distribution, has installed surveillance code.  When the user
+  searches her own local files for a string using the Ubuntu desktop,
+  Ubuntu sends that string to one of Canonical's servers.  (Canonical
+  is the company that develops Ubuntu.)</p>
+<p>This is just like the first surveillance practice I learned about in
+  Windows.  My late friend Fravia told me that when he searched for a
+  string in the files of his Windows system, it sent a packet to some
+  server, which was detected by his firewall.  Given that first example
+  I paid attention and learned about the propensity of &ldquo;reputable&rdquo;
+  proprietary software to be malware.  Perhaps it is no coincidence that
+  Ubuntu sends the same information.</p>
+<p>Ubuntu uses the information about searches to show the user ads to buy
+  various things from Amazon.  Amazon commits many wrongs (see
+  <a 
href="http://stallman.org/amazon.html";>http://stallman.org/amazon.html</a>); by 
promoting Amazon, Canonical
+  contributes to them.  However, the ads are not the core of the
+  problem.  The main issue is the spying.  Canonical says it does not
+  tell Amazon who searched for what.  However, it is just as bad for
+  Canonical to collect your personal information as it would have been
+  for Amazon to collect it.</p>
+<p>People will certainly make a modified version of Ubuntu without this
+  surveillance.  In fact, several GNU/Linux distros are modified
+  versions of Ubuntu.  When those update to the latest Ubuntu as a base,
+  I expect they will remove this.  Canonical surely expects that too.</p>
+<p>Most free software developers would abandon such a plan given the
+  prospect of a mass switch to someone else's corrected version.  But
+  Canonical has not abandoned the Ubuntu spyware.  Perhaps Canonical
+  figures that the name &ldquo;Ubuntu&rdquo; has so much momentum and 
influence that
+  it can avoid the usual consequences and get away with surveillance.</p>
+<p>Canonical says this feature searches the Internet in other ways.
+  Depending on the details, that might or might not make the problem
+  bigger, but not smaller.</p>
+<p>Ubuntu allows users to switch the surveillance off.  Clearly Canonical
+  thinks that many Ubuntu users will leave this setting in the default
+  state (on).  And many may do so, because it doesn't occur to them to
+  try to do anything about it.  Thus, the existence of that switch does
+  not make the surveillance feature ok.</p>
+<p>Even if it were disabled by default, the feature would still be
+  dangerous: &ldquo;opt in, once and for all&rdquo; for a risky practice, 
where the
+  risk varies depending on details, invites carelessness.  To protect
+  users' privacy, systems should make prudence easy: when a local search
+  program has a network search feature, it should be up to the user to
+  choose network search explicitly <em>each time</em>.  This is easy:
+  all it takes is to have separate buttons for network searches and
+  local searches, as earlier versions of Ubuntu did.  A network search
+  feature should also inform the user clearly and concretely about who
+  will get what personal information of hers, if and when she uses the
+  feature.</p>
+<p>If a sufficient part of our community's opinion leaders view this
+  issue in personal terms only, if they switch the surveillance off for
+  themselves and continue to promote Ubuntu, Canonical might get away
+  with it.  That would be a great loss to the free software community.</p>
+<p>We who present free software as a defense against malware do not say
+  it is a perfect defense.  No perfect defense is known.  We don't say
+  the community will deter malware <em>without fail</em>.  Thus,
+  strictly speaking, the Ubuntu spyware example doesn't mean we have to
+  eat our words.</p>
+<p>But there's more at stake here than whether some of us have to eat
+  some words.  What's at stake is whether our community can effectively
+  use the argument based on proprietary spyware.  If we can only say,
+  &ldquo;free software won't spy on you, unless it's Ubuntu,&rdquo; that's 
much less
+  powerful than saying, &ldquo;free software won't spy on you.&rdquo;</p>
+<p>It behooves us to give Canonical whatever rebuff is needed to make it
+  stop this.  Any excuse Canonical offers is inadequate; even if it used
+  all the money it gets from Amazon to develop free software, that can
+  hardly overcome what free software will lose if it ceases to offer an
+  effective way to avoid abuse of the users.</p>
+<p>If you ever recommend or redistribute GNU/Linux, please remove Ubuntu
+  from the distros you recommend or redistribute.  If its practice of
+  installing and recommending nonfree software didn't convince you to
+  stop, let this convince you.  In your install fests, in your Software
+  Freedom Day events, in your FLISOL events, don't install or recommend
+  Ubuntu.  Instead, tell people that Ubuntu is shunned for spying.</p>
+<p>While you're at it, you can also tell them that Ubuntu contains
+  nonfree programs and suggests other nonfree programs.  (See
+  <a href="/distros/common-distros.html">
+    http://www.gnu.org/distros/common-distros.html</a>.)  That will counteract
+  the other form of negative influence that Ubuntu exerts in the free
+  software community: legitimizing nonfree software.</p>
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+<p>Please send general FSF &amp; GNU inquiries to
+<a href="mailto:address@hidden";>&lt;address@hidden&gt;</a>.
+There are also <a href="/contact/">other ways to contact</a>
+the FSF.  Broken links and other corrections or suggestions can be sent
+to <a href="mailto:address@hidden";>&lt;address@hidden&gt;</a>.</p>
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+        We work hard and do our best to provide accurate, good quality
+        translations.  However, we are not exempt from imperfection.
+        Please send your comments and general suggestions in this regard
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+        README</a>. -->
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+README</a> for information on coordinating and submitting translations
+of this article.</p>
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+<p>Copyright &copy; 2012 Richard Stallman</p>
+<p>This page is licensed under a <a rel="license"
+Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License</a>.</p>
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+<!-- timestamp start -->
+$Date: 2013/09/09 07:03:25 $
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