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www/philosophy stallman-mec-india.html

From: Dora Scilipoti
Subject: www/philosophy stallman-mec-india.html
Date: Wed, 09 May 2012 14:31:11 +0000

CVSROOT:        /web/www
Module name:    www
Changes by:     Dora Scilipoti <dora>   12/05/09 14:31:11

Modified files:
        philosophy     : stallman-mec-india.html 

Log message:
        Add 'e' to CompuServE.


Index: stallman-mec-india.html
RCS file: /web/www/www/philosophy/stallman-mec-india.html,v
retrieving revision 1.19
retrieving revision 1.20
diff -u -b -r1.19 -r1.20
--- stallman-mec-india.html     8 May 2012 15:28:24 -0000       1.19
+++ stallman-mec-india.html     9 May 2012 14:30:53 -0000       1.20
@@ -371,11 +371,11 @@
 have GZIP, and a lot of people use GZIP.  So, in that one case it was 
 considerable work but we were able to do it, to avoid that patent.</p> 
-<p> But in the 80's, CompuServ defined an image format called GIF and used 
-LZW compression in defining it.  Well, of course once the uproar about 
-these patents became known, people defined another image format using a 
-different compression algorithm.  They used the GZIP algorithm, and that 
-format is called PNG format, which I suppose means 
+<p> But in the 80's, CompuServe defined an image format called GIF and 
+used LZW compression in defining it.  Well, of course once the uproar 
+about these patents became known, people defined another image format 
+using a different compression algorithm.  They used the GZIP algorithm, 
+and that format is called PNG format, which I suppose means 
 &ldquo;PNG is Not GIF.&rdquo;</p> 
 <p> But there was a problem: lots of people had already started using 
@@ -2124,7 +2124,7 @@
 <p> Updated: 
 <!-- timestamp start --> 
-$Date: 2012/05/08 15:28:24 $ 
+$Date: 2012/05/09 14:30:53 $ 
 <!-- timestamp end --> 

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