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www/philosophy motivation.es.html motivation.fr...

From: Pavel Kharitonov
Subject: www/philosophy motivation.es.html motivation.fr...
Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2012 17:22:09 +0000

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-  <TITLE>Estudios Encuentran que la Recompensa a Menudo no es Motivadora - GNU 
Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF)</TITLE>
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- <BODY text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#1F00FF" vlink="#9900DD" 
-  <H3>
-  <FONT color="#000099">Estudios Encuentran que la Recompensa a Menudo no es 
-  <H4>
-   <FONT color="#000099">La creatividad y el inter&eacute;s intr&iacute;nseco
-  disminuyen si la tarea se hace por ganar</FONT></H4>
-  Por Alfie Kohn
-  <BR>Especial para el Boston Globe
-  <BR>[ reimpreso del Boston Globe con el permiso del autor, edici&oacute;n
-  del lunes 19 de enero de 1987 ]
-  <P><A href="http://www.gnu.org/graphics/philosophicalgnu.html";><IMG 
SRC="/graphics/philosophical-gnu-sm.jpg" ALT="[image of a Philosophical Gnu]" 
height=200 width=160></A>
-  <P>
-  <HR>
-  <H4>
-  Tabla de Contenidos</H4>
-  <UL>
-   <LI> <A href="http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/motivation.es.html#sec1";>El 
-   juega un rol</A></LI>
-   <LI>
-   <A href="http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/motivation.es.html#sec2";>Medios para 
-   fin</A></LI>
-   <LI>
-   <A href="http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/philosophy.html";>Otros Textos para
-  Leer</A></LI> </UL>
-  <HR>
-  <P>En el laboratorio, las ratas consiguen Arroz Krispies.  En la sal&oacute;n
-  de clase los estudiantes m&aacute;s destacados alcanzan las mayores
-  calificaciones, y en la f&aacute;brica o en la oficina los mejores 
-  obtienen aumentos. Es una cuesti&oacute;n de fe para la mayor&iacute;a de
-  nosotros que las recompensas promueven un desempe&ntilde;o mejor.
-  <P>Pero un cuerpo creciente de investigaci&oacute;n sugiere que esta ley no
-  es tan rigurosa como se pens&oacute; una vez. Los psic&oacute;logos han
-  estado encontrando que las recompensas pueden bajar los niveles de
-  desempe&ntilde;o, especialmente cuando el desempe&ntilde;o implica
-  creatividad.
-  <P>Una serie de estudios relacionados muestra que el inter&eacute;s
-  intr&iacute;nseco en una tarea - en el sentido de que algo es valioso de 
-  por su propia raz&oacute;n - t&iacute;picamente declina cuando alguien es
-  recompensado por hacerlo.
-  <P>Si una recompensa - dinero, premios, elogios, o el ganar una competencia
-  - llega a ser visto como la raz&oacute;n n&uacute;mero uno para engancharse
-    en una actividad, esa actividad ser&aacute; vista como menos agradable que
-    por su propia raz&oacute;n.
-  <P>A excepci&oacute;n de algunos comportamentalistas quienes dudan de la
-  existencia misma de la motivaci&oacute;n intr&iacute;nseca, ahora estas
-  conclusiones son aceptadas extensamente entre psic&oacute;logos. En conjunto,
-  sugieren que podemos estar variando involuntariamente el inter&eacute;s y
-  desalentando la innovaci&oacute;n entre trabajadores, estudiantes y artistas.
-  <P>El reconocimiento que las recompensas pueden tener efectos 
-  se basa en una variedad de estudios, que han venido aflorando con hallazgos
-  tales como &eacute;stos: Los ni&ntilde;os j&oacute;venes a quienes se
-  recompensa por dibujar, es menos probable que lo hagan por su propia cuenta 
-  aquellos que dibujan s&oacute;lo por la diversi&oacute;n de hacerlo.  Los
-  adolescentes a quienes se les ofrece recompensas por jugar juegos de 
-  gozan menos de los juegos y no juegan tan bien como quienes lo hacen sin
-  recompensas.  Los empleados que son alabados por cumplir con las las
-  expectativas de un directivo sufren un baj&oacute;n en la motivaci&oacute;n.
-  <P>Gran parte de la investigaci&oacute;n sobre creatividad y
-  motivaci&oacute;n ha sido realizada por Theresa Amabile, profesora asociada
-  de psicolog&iacute;a de la Universidad de Brandeis.  En un art&iacute;culo
-  publicado a comienzos del a&ntilde;o pasado en su estudio m&aacute;s
-  reciente, present&oacute; un informe de los experimentos realizados con
-  estudiantes de educación básica y de universidad. A los dos grupos se les
-  pidio realizar collages "tontos".  Tambi&eacute;n se les pidi&oacute; a los
-  ni&ntilde;os que inventaran historias.
-  <P>Los proyectos menos creativos, seg&uacute;n lo calificaron varios
-  profesores, fueron hechos por aquellos estudiantes con quienes se 
-  convenido recompensas. Puede ser que el trabajo comisionado, en general, sea
-  menos creativo que el trabajo que se hace fuera de puro inter&eacute;s, dijo
-  Amabile.
-  <P>En 1985, Amabile pidi&oacute; a 72 escritores creativos de la Universidad 
-  Brandeis y de Boston que escribieran poes&iacute;a. Entonces a algunos
-  estudiantes se les di&oacute; una lista de razones extr&iacute;nsecas
-  (externas) para escribir, tales como impresionar a los profesores, ganar 
-  y graduarse en la escuela, y se les pidi&oacute; pensar en sus propios 
-  con respecto a esas razones. A otros se les di&oacute; una lista de razones
-  intr&iacute;nsecas: el disfrute de jugar con palabras, satisfacci&oacute;n de
-  auto-expresi&oacute;n, y otras. A un tercer grupo no se le di&oacute; ninguna
-  lista. A todos se les pidi&oacute; que escribieran m&aacute;s.
-  <P>Los resultados fueron claros. Los estudiantes a quienes se les di&oacute;
-  las razones extr&iacute;nsecas escribieron no s&oacute;lo en forma menos
-  creativa que los otros, seg&uacute;n lo juzgado por 12 poetas independientes,
-  sino que la calidad de su trabajo baj&oacute; perceptiblemente. Las
-  recompensas, dice Amabile, tienen este efecto destructivo sobre todo con 
-  creativas, incluyendo soluci&oacute;n de problemas de alto nivel. "A mayor
-  complejidad de la actividad, mayor es el da&ntilde;o causado por las
-  recompensas extr&iacute;nsecas", dice.
-  <P>Pero otra investigaci&oacute;n muestra que los artistas no son los
-  &uacute;nicos afectados.
-  <P>En un estudio, ni&ntilde;as de quinto y sextos grado ense&ntilde;aron a
-  ni&ntilde;os m&aacute;s j&oacute;venes en forma mucho menos efectiva si a 
-  se les promet&iacute;a entradas para ir al cine. El estudio, de James 
-  ahora presidente del Instituto Erikson de Chicago para Estudios avanzados en 
-  Desarrollo del Ni&ntilde;o, mostr&oacute; que a los profesores particulares 
-  trabajaban por la recompensa les tom&oacute; m&aacute;s tiempo para comunicar
-  sus ideas, se frustraron m&aacute;s f&aacute;cilmente, y al final hicieron un
-  trabajo m&aacute;s pobre que aquellos que no fueron recompensados.
-  <P>Tales hallazgos llaman a cuestionar la creencia extendida que el dinero es
-  una manera eficaz e incluso necesaria de motivar a la gente. Tambi&eacute;n
-  desaf&iacute;an la suposici&oacute;n comportamentalista que cualquier 
-  es m&aacute;s probable de llevar a cabo si se recompensa.  Amabile dice que 
-  investigaci&oacute;n "definitivamente refuta la noci&oacute;n de que la
-  creatividad se puede condicionar operantemente".
-  <P>Pero Kenneth McGraw, profesor asociado de psicolog&iacute;a de la
-  Universidad de Mississippi, advierte que esto no significa que el
-  comportamentalismo se ha invalidado a s&iacute; mismo. Los principios
-  b&aacute;sicos del refuerzo y recompensas ciertamente funcionan, pero en un
-  contexto restringido" - restringido, eso es, a tareas que no son
-  especialmente interesantes.
-  <P>Los investigadores ofrecen varias explicaciones para sus hallazgos
-  sorprendentes sobre recompensas y desempe&ntilde;o.
-  <P>Primero, las recompensas animan a la gente a centrarse estrechamente en 
-  tarea, para hacerla tan r&aacute;pidamente como sea posible y para tomar 
-  riesgos. "Si sienten que esto es algo que tienen que hacer para alcanzar el
-  premio, ellos lo har&aacute;n en forma menos creativa", dice Amabile.
-  <P>Segundo, la gente llega a verse como si ellos mismos estuvieran siendo
-  controlados por la recompensa. Ellos sienten menos autonom&iacute;a, y esto
-  puede interferir con su desempe&ntilde;o. "La extensi&oacute;n de la
-  experiencia de una persona que est&aacute; siendo auto-determinada es
-  limitada", dice Richard Ryan, profesor asociado de psicolog&iacute;a de la
-  Universidad de Rochester, "la creatividad de una persona se reducir&aacute;
-  tambi&eacute;n".
-  <P>Finalmente, las recompensas extr&iacute;nsecas pueden erosionar
-  inter&eacute;s intr&iacute;nseco. Quienes se miran a si mismos trabajando por
-  dinero, aprobaci&oacute;n o &eacute;xito competitivo, encuentran sus tareas
-  menos placenteras, y por lo tanto no las hacen tan bi&eacute;n.
-  <P>La &uacute;ltima explicaci&oacute;n refleja los 15 a&ntilde;os de trabajo
-  hecho por el mentor de Ryan en la Universidad de Rochester, Edward Deci. En
-  1971, Deci mostr&oacute; que el "el dinero puede cortar la motivaci&oacute;n
-  intr&iacute;nseca de una persona por una actividad" en el largo plazo.  Diez
-  a&ntilde;os m&aacute;s tarde, Deci y sus colegas demostraron que tratar ser
-  mejores que otros tiene el mismo efecto. Los estudiantes que compitieron para
-  solucionar un rompecabezas r&aacute;pidamente lo hacen en forma menos gustosa
-  que aquellos que no compet&iacute;an por mantenerse trabajando en esto una 
-  que hab&iacute;a terminado el experimento.
-  <H4> <A href="http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/motivation.es.html#toc1";
-name="sec1">El Control juega un rol</A></H4>
-<P>Hay acuerdo general, sin embargo, de que no todas las recompensas tienen el
-mismo efecto. Ofrecer un valor sustancioso por participar en un experimento
-- similar a un salario por hora en el mercado laboral - usualmente no reduce la
-motivaci&oacute;n intr&iacute;nseca. Es solamente cuando las recompensas se
-basan en la ejecuci&oacute;n de una tarea dada o en hacer un buen trabajo
-- an&aacute;logo al pago y bonos por pieza-tarifa, respectivamente - que el
-problema se desarrolla.
-<P>La clave, entonces, radica en c&oacute;mo se experimenta una recompensa.  Si
-nosotros mismos llegamos a mirar el trabajo como medio para conseguir algo,
-nunca m&aacute;s encontraremos esta actividad valiosa por s&iacute; misma.
-<P>Hay un viejo chiste que ilustra agradablemente el principio. Un hombre
-mayor, acosado por las mofas de los ni&ntilde;os de la vecindad, finalmente
-idea un esquema. Ofreci&oacute; pagar a cada ni&ntilde;o un d&oacute;lar si
-ellos pod&iacute;an regresar el martes y proferir sus insultos otra vez. Ellos
-lo hicieron con impaciencia y recibieron el dinero, pero &eacute;l les dijo que
-s&oacute;lo les podr&iacute;a pagar 25 centavos el mi&eacute;rcoles.  Cuando
-volvieron, lo insultaron otra vez y recogieron sus cuartos, el les
-inform&oacute; que la tarifa del jueves deber&iacute;a ser s&oacute;lo un
-centavo. "Olv&iacute;dalo", dijeron - y nunca se mofaron otra vez de &eacute;l.
- <A href="http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/motivation.es.html#toc2";
-NAME="sec2">Medios para un fin</A></H4>
-<P>En un estudio realizado en 1982, el psic&oacute;logo de Stanford Mark L.
-Lepper mostr&oacute; que cualquier tarea, sin importar que tan placentera haya
-parecido una vez, ser&iacute;a devaluada si fuese presentada como un medio
-antes que como un fin. Les dijo a un grupo de preescolares que no
-podr&iacute;an comprometerse con una actividad que les gustara hasta tanto no
-hayan tomado parte en otra. Aunque hab&iacute;an disfrutado de ambas
-actividades por igual, los ni&ntilde;os llegaron a tener aversi&oacute;n a la
-tarea que era un requisito previo para el otra.
-<P>No deber&iacute;a sorprender que cuando la retroalimentaci&oacute;n verbal
-se experimenta como una forma de control, el efecto sobre la motivaci&oacute;n
-puede ser similar al del pago. En un estudio de empleados corporativos, Ryan
-encontr&oacute; que a quienes se les dijo, "Bien, usted est&aacute; haciendo
-como <I>deber&iacute;a</I>" estuvieron "significativamente menos movitados
-intr&iacute;nsecamente que aquellos quienes recibieron
-retroalimentaci&oacute;ni informacional".
-<P>Hay una diferencia, dice Ryan, entre decir, "Le voy a dar esta recompensa
-porque reconozco el valor de su trabajo" y "Usted obtiene esta recompensa
-porque ha vivido en conformidad con mis est&aacute;ndares".
-<P>Existe una serie distinta pero relacionada de problemas en el caso de la
-creatividad. Los artistas deben poder sobrevivir, por supuesto, pero Amabile
-enfatiza que "el impacto negativo del trabajo por recompensas sobre la
-creatividad se puede reducir al m&iacute;nimo" disminuyendo el significado de
-estas recompensas e intentando no utilizarlas en una forma controlada.  El
-trabajo creativo, sugiere la investigaci&oacute;n, no puede ser forzado, sino
-&uacute;nicamente permitido que ocurra.
-<P><B>Alfie Kohn, un escritor de Cambridge, MA, es el autor de ``No Contest:
- The Case Against Competition,'' recientemente publicado por Houghton Mifflin
-Co., Boston, MA. ISBN 0-395-39387-6.</B>
-<H4> <A href="http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/philosophy.html";>Otros Textos para
-<P>Regresar a la <A href="/home.es.html">P&aacute;gina inicial GNU</A>.
-<P>Por favor env&iacute;e sus comentarios y preguntas acerca de la FSF
-y el Proyecto GNU a: <A 
-Existen tambi&eacute;n <A href="/home.es.html#ContactInfo">otras formas
-de contactar</A> a la FSF.
-<P>Por favor env&iacute;e sus comentarios sobre estas p&aacute;ginas a 
-<A href="mailto:address@hidden";><EM>address@hidden</EM></A>,
-y otras preguntas a <A 
-<P>Original:&nbsp;<!-- hhmts start -->tower 9/18/99<!-- hhmts end -->
-<P>Traductor:&nbsp;<!-- hhmts start --><a
-href="mailto:address@hidden";>Pablo Chamorro C.</A> 30/08/99<!-- hhmts
-end -->
-<BR>Revisores:<!-- hhmts start --> <a
-href="mailto:address@hidden";>&Aacute;lvaro Herrera</A> 09/10/99
-<!-- hhmts end -->
-<P>Coordinacion: <A href="http://hgayosso.linuxbox.com";>Hugo Gayosso</A> <A 
-<P>Updated:<!-- hhmts start -->9/18/99 tower<!-- hhmts end -->

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-<!--#include virtual="/server/header.fr.html" -->
-<!-- This file is automatically generated by GNUnited Nations! -->
-<title>Des études montrent que la récompense n'est pas un moteur de 
motivation -
-GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF)</title>
-<!--#include virtual="/server/banner.fr.html" -->
-<!--#include virtual="/philosophy/po/motivation.translist" -->
-<h2>Des études montrent que la récompense n'est pas un moteur de 
-<h3>La créativité et l'intérêt intrinsèque diminuent si la tâche est 
-pour de l'argent</h3>
-par <strong>Alfie Kohn</strong>
-<br />
-Article spécial du Boston Globe
-<br />
-[réimprimé avec la permission de l'auteur, du lundi 19 janvier 1987, Boston
-Globe. Les droits de traduction sont également autorisés avec l'aimable
-permission de l'auteur en 2003. ed.]</p>
-En laboratoire, les rats gagnent des céréales, en classe, les meilleurs
-étudiants obtiennent un 20/20 et, à l'usine ou au bureau, les meilleurs
-travailleurs obtiennent des augmentations. Pour la plupart d'entre nous,
-c'est un credo que les récompenses poussent à de meilleures performances.</p>
-Mais un nombre grandissant de recherches suggère que cette loi n'est plus
-aussi solide qu'on le pensait. Les psychologues ont été amenés à trouver 
-les récompenses peuvent diminuer le niveau des performances, surtout si la
-performance à trait à la créativité.</p>
-Une série d'articles montre que l'intérêt intrinsèque pour une tâche, le
-sentiment qu'une chose vaille la peine qu'on la fasse pour elle-même,
-décline de façon caractéristique lorsqu'on récompense quelqu'un pour
-accomplir cette tâche.</p>
-Si une récompense (argent, prix, éloge ou gagner une compétition) vient à
-être considérée comme la raison de s'engager dans une activité, cette même
-activité sera perçue comme fondamentalement moins agréable.</p>
-À l'exception de quelques Béhavioristes qui doutent de l'existence réelle de
-la motivation intrinsèque, ces conclusions sont maintenant largement
-acceptées dans le monde des psychologues. Globalement, elles suggèrent que
-nous réprimerions, inconsciemment, l'intéressement et que nous
-découragerions l'innovation chez les travailleurs, les étudiants et les
-Reconnaître que les récompenses peuvent avoir des effets contre-productifs,
-s'appuie sur de nombreuses études qui ont montré par exemple que&nbsp;: les
-enfants récompensés pour avoir fait un dessin sont moins enclins à dessiner
-d'eux-mêmes que ceux qui dessinent juste pour s'amuser. Les adolescents
-récompensés aux jeux de lettres y prennent moins de plaisir et ne font pas
-aussi bien que ceux qui jouent sans récompenses. Les employés qui reçoivent
-des éloges pour avoir réussi dans ce que leur demandait leur patron,
-souffrent d'une baisse de motivation.</p>
-La plupart des recherches sur la créativité et la motivation ont été 
-par Theresa Amabile, Professeur adjointe de psychologie à l'Université de
-Brandeis. Au début de l'année dernière, dans un journal publiant ses toutes
-dernières recherches, elle rapportait des expériences effectuées en milieux
-scolaire et étudiant. On a demandé aux deux groupes de réaliser des collages
-«&nbsp;saugrenus&nbsp;». On a demandé aussi aux jeunes enfants d'inventer
-des histoires.</p>
-Les projets les moins créatifs, ainsi évalués par plusieurs enseignants, ont
-été réalisés par les étudiants à qui on a avait promis une
-récompense. «&nbsp;Il se peut qu'un travail commissionné soit, en général,
-moins créatif qu'un travail fait en dehors de toute considération
-intéressée&nbsp;», dit Mme Amabile.</p>
-En 1985, Amabile demanda à 72 écrivains créatifs des Universités de 
-et de Boston d'écrire de la poésie. On a donné alors à quelques étudiants
-les raisons extrinsèques (externes) d'écrire, comme d'impressionner le
-professeur, gagner de l'argent et de passer le troisième cycle et on leur a
-demandé de réfléchir à ce qu'ils pourraient mettre dans leur propre
-écriture, en respectant ces raisons. On a donné à d'autres une liste de
-raisons intrinsèques&nbsp;: le plaisir de jouer avec les mots, la
-satisfaction de s'exprimer soi-même etc. Aucune liste n'a été donnée à un
-troisième groupe. Puis on a demandé à tous d'écrire plus encore.</p>
-Les résultats furent limpides. Non seulement les étudiants à qui avaient 
-données les raisons extrinsèques, ont été moins créatifs dans leur 
-que les autres (ainsi en ont jugé 12 poètes indépendants), mais la qualité
-de leur travail a baissé de façon significative. Les récompenses, dit Mme
-Amabile, ont cet effet destructeur, principalement dans les tâches
-créatives, y compris dans la résolution de problèmes de haut
-niveau. «&nbsp;Plus une activité est complexe, plus elle est touchée par les
-récompenses extrinsèques&nbsp;», dit-elle.</p>
-Mais d'autres recherches montrent qu'il n'y a pas que les artistes qui
-soient touchés.</p>
-Dans une étude, des filles de sixième et de cinquième faisaient la leçon à
-de plus jeunes enfants avec beaucoup moins d'efficacité quand on leur
-promettait des billets de cinéma gratuits si elles enseignaient
-bien. L'étude, menée par James Gabarino, maintenant président du Chicago's
-Erikson Institute for Advanced Studies in Child Development, a montré que
-les tuteurs travaillant pour une récompense étaient plus lents à communiquer
-les idées, frustrés plus facilement et qu'au bout du compte travaillaient
-moins bien que ceux qui ne recevaient pas de récompense.</p>
-De telles découvertes remettent en question la croyance largement répandue
-que l'argent est un moyen efficace et même nécessaire de motiver les
-gens. Elles lancent aussi un défi à la présomption béhavioriste qui veut 
-n'importe quelle activité soit plus à même de se réaliser si elle est
-récompensée. Mme Amabile dit que ses recherches «&nbsp;réfutent
-définitivement la notion de créativité conditionnée de façon
-Mais Kenneth McGraw, Professeur adjoint de psychologie à l'Université du
-Mississippi, met en garde&nbsp;: cela ne signifie pas que le béhaviorisme en
-lui-même s'en retrouve invalidé. «&nbsp;Les principes de base du
-renforcement et des récompenses fonctionnent certainement, mais dans un
-contexte restreint&nbsp;» &mdash; restreint, il faut bien le dire, à des
-tâches pas spécialement intéressantes.</p>
-Les chercheurs proposent différentes explications à leurs surprenantes
-découvertes sur les récompenses et les performances.</p>
-D'abord, la récompense encourage les gens à se focaliser étroitement sur une
-tâche, à la faire aussi vite que possible et à prendre peu de
-risques. «&nbsp;S'ils se disent 'il faut que j'en passe par là pour avoir le
-prix, ils vont devenir moins créatifs&nbsp;», dit Mme Amabile.</p>
-Ensuite, les gens finissent par se sentir contrôlés par la récompense. Ils
-se sentent moins autonomes, ce qui peut interférer sur les
-performances. «&nbsp;À la limite, quelqu'un qui fait l'expérience de sentir
-son auto-détermination limitée&nbsp;», dit Richard Ryan, Professeur adjoint
-de psychologie de l'Université de Rochester, «&nbsp;verra diminuer d'autant
-sa créativité&nbsp;».</p>
-Enfin, les récompenses extrinsèques peuvent éroder l'intérêt
-intrinsèque. Les gens qui considèrent travailler pour de l'argent,
-desapprobations ou un succès dans la compétition, trouvent leurs tâches
-moins plaisantes et du fait, ne les accomplissent pas aussi bien.</p>
-La dernière explication est le reflet des 15 années de travail par le mentor
-de Ryan, au sein de l'Université de Rochester, Edward Deci. En 1971, Deci a
-montré que «&nbsp;l'argent peut agir de telle sorte qu'il rachète à
-quelqu'un sa motivation intrinsèque pour une activité&nbsp;», en voyant sur
-le long terme. Dix ans plus tard, Deci et ses collègues démontrèrent
-qu'essayer de dépasser les autres a le même effet. Des étudiants, en
-compétition pour résoudre rapidement un puzzle, s'avérèrent moins doués 
-ceux qui n'étaient pas en compétition, continuant à travailler sur le
-problème une fois l'expérience terminée.</p>
-<h3 id="sec1">Le contrôle joue un rôle</h3>
-Il est généralement accepté, cependant, que les récompenses n'ont pas 
-le même effet. Offrir une maigre rémunération pour participer à une
-expérience &mdash; l'équivalent d'un salaire horaire &mdash; ne réduit
-généralement pas la motivation intrinsèque. Ce n'est que lorsque la
-rémunération est basée sur la réalisation ou le dépassement d'une tâche
-donnée &mdash; par analogie, le paiement à la pièce et les bonus,
-respectivement &mdash; que le problème se développe.</p>
-Dès lors, la clef réside dans la façon dont la récompense est vécue. Si 
-en arrivons à nous voir comme travaillant pour obtenir quelque chose, il
-nous faudra peu de temps pour nous rendre compte que cette activité n'en
-vaut pas la peine.</p>
-Il y a une vieille blague qui explique joliment le principe. Un homme d'un
-certain âge, fatigué des sarcasmes des enfants voisins, finit par inventer
-un stratagème. Il offrit de donner un dollar à chaque enfant qui reviendrait
-le mardi et qui hurlerait à nouveau ses insultes. Ce qu'ils firent avec zèle
-et reçurent leur argent ; mais il leur dit que le mercredi, il ne pourrait
-leur donner que 25 cents. Quand ils revinrent, l'insultèrent à nouveau et
-reçurent leurs piécettes, ils s'entendirent dire que le jeudi, le montant ne
-serait que d'un penny. «&nbsp;Laissez tomber&nbsp;», dirent-ils et ils ne
-l'ont plus jamais ennuyé.</p>
-<h3 id="sec2">Quelques mots pour la fin</h3>
-Dans une étude de 1982, le psychologue Mark L. Lepper, de Stanford, a montré
-que toute tâche, quelle que soit l'apparence agréable qu'on lui ait vue,
-sera dévalorisée si elle est présentée comme un moyen plutôt que comme une
-fin. Il raconta l'histoire d'un groupe de futurs écoliers qui ne pouvaient
-s'engager dans l'activité de leur préférence, sans avoir d'abord pris part 
-une autre. Bien qu'ils aient eut un plaisir identique à pratiquer les deux
-activités, les enfants en sont venus à ne pas aimer la tâche qui était la
-condition préalable de l'autre activité.</p>
-Il ne devrait pas être surprenant que lorsque la rétroaction verbale est vue
-comme un contrôle, l'effet sur la motivation peut être assimilée à un
-paiement. Dans une étude portant sur des employés d'un groupement
-corporatif, Ryan a trouvé que ceux à qui on disait «&nbsp;Bien, tu fais
-comme il le <em>faut</em>&nbsp;», ceux-là étaient «&nbsp;nettement moins
-motivés intrinsèquement que ceux qui ont reçu un feedback par voie
-Il y a une différence, dit Ryan, entre dire «&nbsp;je te donne cette
-récompense parce que je reconnais la valeur de ton travail&nbsp;» et
-«&nbsp;tu vas recevoir cette récompense parce que tu t'es conformé à mes
-Une série de problèmes, différents, mais liés, existe dans le cas de la
-créativité. Les artistes doivent gagner leur vie, bien entendu, mais Mme
-Amabile met l'accent sur le fait que «&nbsp;l'impact négatif sur la
-créativité en travaillant pour de l'argent peut être minimisé&nbsp;» en
-atténuant la signification de ces récompenses et en essayant de ne pas les
-utiliser comme moyen de contrôle. Comme le suggèrent les recherches, on ne
-peut forcer le travail créatif, simplement le laisser se produire.</p>
-Alfie Kohn, MA writer de Cambridge, est l'auteur de «&nbsp;No Contest: The
-Case Against Competition&nbsp;», publié récemment par Houghton Mifflin Co.,
-Boston, MA. ISBN 0-395-39387-6. Pour plus d'informations sur ce sujet,
-consultez le site de l'auteur (www.alfiekohn.org) et son livre PUNISHED BY
-REWARDS (rev. ed., Houghton Mifflin, 1999).</p>
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-  <TITLE>Nuovi studi dimostrano che la ricompensa spesso non è
-  motivante - Progetto GNU - Free Software Foundation (FSF)</TITLE>
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-                 Modifiche successive di Giorgio V. Felchero e
-                 Paola Blason - bfteam e Francesco Potortì">
-<BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#1F00FF" ALINK="#FF0000" 
-<H3>Nuovi studi dimostrano che la ricompensa spesso non è motivante</H3>
-<H4>La creatività e la motivazione intrinseca diminuiscono se si lavora
-per il guadagno</H4>
-Di Alfie Kohn
-Speciale per il Boston Globe
-[ristampato con il permesso dell'autore dal Boston Globe
-di lunedì 19 gennaio 1987]
-<A HREF="/graphics/philosophicalgnu.it.html">
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-  <A HREF="/philosophy/motivation.en.html">Inglese</A>
-| <A HREF="/philosophy/motivation.it.html">Italiano</A>
-  <LI><A HREF="motivation.it.html#sec1"
-         NAME="toc1">L'importante ruolo del controllo</A>
-  <LI><A HREF="motivation.it.html#sec2"
-         NAME="toc2">Mezzi e fini</A>
-  <LI><A HREF="/philosophy/philosophy.it.html">Altri testi da leggere</A>
-In laboratorio, le cavie ricevono cibo.  In classe gli studenti
-più bravi ricevono la massima valutazione ed in fabbrica o in ufficio
-i migliori lavoratori ottengono aumenti.
-E' una credenza diffusa che le ricompense spingano a migliori prestazioni.
-Ma un numero crescente di ricerche suggerisce che questa legge
-non è affatto così inconfutabile come si pensava.
-Alcuni psicologi hanno scoperto che le ricompense possono abbassare la
-qualità delle prestazioni, specie quando si tratta di lavori creativi.
-Una serie di studi dimostra che la motivazione intrinseca - il
-senso cioè che qualcosa valga la pena di essere fatta per se stessa -
-tipicamente diminuisce quando chi la compie viene ricompensato per
-Se una ricompensa - denaro, premi, elogi, o la vittoria in una
-competizione - viene vista come la ragione per cui ci si impegna in
-un'attività, quell'attività sarà vista come meno
-piacevole di per sé.
-Con l'eccezione di alcuni comportamentisti che dubitano della reale
-esistenza della motivazione intrinseca, queste conclusioni sono ora
-ampiamente accettate dagli psicologi.  Le loro ricerche suggeriscono
-che si può involontariamente soffocare la motivazione e scoraggiare
-il desiderio d'innovazione di lavoratori, studenti ed artisti.
-Il concetto che le ricompense possano avere effetti controproducenti
-si basa su un certo numero di studi, che hanno prodotto risultati di
-questo tipo: è meno probabile che disegnino per conto proprio i
-bambini che vengono ricompensati per disegnare piuttosto che quelli
-che disegnano solo per il piacere di farlo.
-Adolescenti a cui sono state offerte ricompense per fare giochi
-linguistici si divertono meno e non li fanno con gli stessi risultati
-di coloro che giocano senza alcuna ricompensa. I dipendenti che vengono
-elogiati per aver soddisfatto le aspettative del dirigente subiscono
-una caduta di motivazione.
-Molte delle ricerche sulla creatività e sulla motivazione sono
-state effettuate da Theresa Amabile, professoressa associata di psicologia
-alla Brandeis University.  In una relazione pubblicata all'inizio dello
-scorso anno sul suo studio più recente, Amabile ha riferito di esperimenti
-che coinvolgevano studenti di scuola elementare e college.  Ad entrambi
-i gruppi fu chiesto di fare collage "di fantasia". Ai bambini fu chiesto
-anche di inventare storie.
-I progetti valutati meno creativi da diversi insegnanti, erano stati
-fatti da quegli studenti che avevano contrattato ricompense.
-Secondo Amabile «Il lavoro commissionato, in generale, è
-apparentemente meno creativo del lavoro svolto per puro interesse».
-Nel 1985, Amabile chiese di scrivere poesie a 72 studenti di corsi
-di scrittura creativa delle Università di Brandeis e di Boston.
-Ad alcuni studenti quindi venne data una lista di motivazioni
-estrinseche (esterne) per scrivere, come fare buona impressione sui
-docenti, fare denaro e ottenere l'accesso a scuole di
-specializzazione post-universitaria e fu chiesto loro di pensare
-i propri scritti in relazione a queste motivazioni.  Ad altri fu data
-una lista di motivazioni intrinseche:  il piacere del gioco con le
-parole, la soddisfazione di esprimere se stessi, e così via.
-Ad un terzo gruppo non venne data alcuna lista.
-A tutti fu quindi chiesto di produrre gli elaborati.
-I risultati furono chiari.  Gli studenti a cui furono date le motivazioni
-estrinseche non solo scrissero in modo meno creativo degli altri,
-come risultò dalla valutazione di 12 poeti indipendenti,
-ma la qualità del loro lavoro scadde in modo significativo.
-Le ricompense, secondo Amabile, hanno questo effetto distruttivo
-principalmente sulle attività creative, ivi compresa la risoluzione di
-problemi ad alto livello.  Secondo Amabile, «più è complessa
-l'attività, maggiore è il danno causato dalla motivazione
-Altre ricerche dimostrano che questi risultati non riguardano solo
-gli artisti.
-In uno studio, ragazze di quinta e sesta classe svolgevano il ruolo
-di tutor di ragazze più giovani in modo meno efficace se per insegnare
-bene venivano loro promessi biglietti omaggio per il cinema.
-Lo studio, di James Gabarino, ora presidente dell'Erikson Institute for
-Advanced Studies in Child Development di Chicago, dimostrò che
-le tutor che avevano lavorato per la ricompensa avevano avuto bisogno
-di più tempo per comunicare idee, erano state più facilmente soggette a
-frustrazioni, e alla fine avevano svolto la loro attività in modo
-più scadente di quelle che non erano state ricompensate.
-Tali scoperte chiamano in causa la diffusa convinzione che il denaro sia
-un modo efficace ed anche necessario per motivare le persone.  Esse
-mettono anche in dubbio l'assunzione comportamentista che qualsiasi
-attività è più probabile che avvenga se è ricompensata.  Amabile
-dice che la sua ricerca «confuta definitivamente la nozione che
-la creatività possa essere soggetta a condizionamento operante».
-Tuttavia Kenneth McGraw, professore associato di psicologia all'Università
-del Mississippi, avverte che questo non significa che il comportamentismo
-stesso sia stato invalidato.  «I principi base del rinforzo e della
-ricompensa certamente funzionano, ma in un contesto limitato» - limitato,
-cioè, a compiti che non siano particolarmente interessanti.
-I ricercatori offrono diverse spiegazioni alle loro sorprendenti scoperte
-riguardo ricompense e prestazioni.
-Primo, le ricompense incoraggiano le persone a concentrarsi strettamente
-su di un compito, facendolo nel modo più rapido possibile ed assumendosi
-pochi rischi.  Secondo Amabile «Se percepiscono che "è qualcosa che
-devo fare se voglio ottenere il premio", saranno meno creativi».
-Secondo, le persone si sentono controllate dalla ricompensa.  Si
-sentono meno autonome, e questo può interferire
-con le prestazioni.  Secondo Richard Ryan, professore
-associato di psicologia all'Università di Rochester, «la
-creatività si riduce nella misura in cui diminuisce il senso di
-Infine, le ricompense estrinseche possono erodere la motivazione intrinseca.
-Le persone che percepiscono se stesse come se lavorassero per denaro,
-approvazione o successo competitivo trovano il loro lavoro meno piacevole,
-e perciò non lo svolgono bene.
-L'ultima spiegazione riflette 15 anni di lavoro del mentore di Ryan
-all'Università di Rochester, Edward Deci.  Nel 1971, Deci
-dimostrò che «il denaro può riuscire a tacitare la
-motivazione intrinseca per un'attività» a lungo termine.
-Dieci anni più tardi, Deci ed i suoi colleghi dimostrarono che
-competere con altri ha lo stesso effetto.  Era meno probabile che
-continuassero a lavorarci, una volta che l'esperimento fosse finito,
-gli studenti che gareggiavano fra loro per risolvere velocemente un
-rompicapo piuttosto che quelli che non erano in competizione.
-<H4><A HREF="motivation.it.html#toc1"
-       NAME="sec1">L'importante ruolo del controllo</A></H4>
-C'è un generale accordo, tuttavia, sul fatto che non tutte le
-ricompense hanno lo stesso effetto.  Offrire una quota fissa per
-partecipare ad un esperimento - dell'ordine di un'ora di salario di un
-lavoratore - non riduce di solito la motivazione intrinseca.  Questo
-accade solo quando le ricompense sono basate sull'esecuzione di un dato
-compito o sull'eseguirlo bene - situazioni analoghe, rispettivamente, alla
-retribuzione a cottimo e alle gratifiche.
-La differenza, allora, consiste nel come una ricompensa viene vissuta.
-La percezione di lavorare per ottenere qualcosa diminuisce il desiderio
-di svolgere l'attività per se stessa.
-C'è una vecchia storiella che illustra bene il principio. Un vecchio,
-molestato dagli scherni dei bambini del vicinato, finalmente escogita
-un piano.  Si offre di ricompensare ogni bambino con un
-dollaro se ognuno fosse tornato ad insultarlo il martedì successivo.  I
-bambini lo fanno entusiasti e ricevono la ricompensa,
-ma ottengono una promessa di soli 25 cent per il mercoledì.
-I bambini tornano, lo insultano di nuovo e ottengono il loro quarto
-di dollaro, ma il vecchio dichiara che la paga di giovedì sarebbe
-stata solamente di un penny.  Allora i bambini gli dicono di lasciar
-perdere, e non si prendono più gioco di lui.
-<H4><A HREF="motivation.it.html#toc2"
-       NAME="sec2">Mezzi e fini</A></H4>
-In uno studio del 1982, lo psicologo di Stanford Mark L. Lepper
-dimostrò che qualsiasi compito, non importa quanto piacevole
-inizialmente, si svaluta se presentato come mezzo piuttosto che
-come fine.  Nell'esperimento, egli disse ad un gruppo di bambini
-in età prescolare che non avrebbero potuto impegnarsi in
-un'attività di loro gradimento se prima non avessero preso parte
-ad un'altra. Sebbene si fossero divertiti allo stesso modo in
-entrambe le attività, i bambini incominciarono a non gradire il
-compito che era un prerequisito per l'altro.
-Non deve sorprendere che quando il riscontro verbale viene
-sperimentato come forma di controllo, l'effetto sulla motivazione
-può essere simile a quello del pagamento.  In uno studio sui
-dipendenti di un'azienda, Ryan osservò che quelli a cui era stato
-detto, «Bene, ti stai comportando proprio come <I>dovresti</I>»
-erano «significativamente meno intrinsecamente motivati
-rispetto a quelli che ricevevano solo feedback informativi».
-C'è una differenza, dice Ryan, tra dire, «ti do questo premio
-perché riconosco il valore del tuo lavoro» e «stai ricevendo questo
-premio perché sei stato all'altezza dei miei standard».
-Un diverso ma correlato insieme di problemi si riscontra nel caso
-della creatività.  Gli artisti devono guadagnarsi da vivere,
-naturalmente, ma Amabile sottolinea che «l'impatto negativo sulla
-creatività del lavorare per un compenso può essere ridotto
-al minimo» minimizzando il significato dei compensi e provando
-a non utilizzarli come forma di controllo.  Il lavoro creativo,
-suggerisce la ricerca, non può essere forzato, ma gli si può
-solamente permettere di accadere.
-Alfie Kohn, scrittore MA, di Cambridge, è l'autore di "No
-Contest: The Case Against Competition", recentemente pubblicato
-da Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, MA.  ISBN 0-395-39387-6.
-<H4><A HREF="/philosophy/philosophy.it.html">Altri testi da leggere</A></H4>
-Ritorna alla <A HREF="/home.it.html">pagina principale di GNU</A>.
-Per informazioni e domande sulla FSF e GNU rivolgersi,
-possibilmente in inglese, a
-<A HREF="mailto:address@hidden";><EM>address@hidden</EM></A>.
-Altri <A HREF="/home.it.html#ContactInfo">modi per contattare</A> la FSF.
-Commenti relativi a queste pagine web a
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-<p><a href="#translations">T³umaczenia</a> tej strony</p>
-<h2>Badania wskazuj±, ¿e nagrody czêsto nie s± czynnikiem motywuj±cym</h2>
-<h3>Kreatywno¶æ i wewnêtrzna motywacja zanikaj±, je¿eli zadanie jest 
wykonywane dla&nbsp;korzy¶ci</h3>
-Dla Boston Globe napisa³ Alfie Kohn (przedrukowane za zgod± autora z Boston 
Globe, nr&nbsp;z&nbsp;19&nbsp;stycznia 1987. Dziêki uprzejmo¶ci autora 
w&nbsp;roku 2003 udzielone zosta³y tak¿e prawa do t³umaczeñ).</p>
-<a href="/graphics/philosophicalgnu.pl.html">
-<img src="/graphics/philosophical-gnu-sm.jpg"
-   alt=" [rysunek: filozofuj±ca GNU] "
-   width="160" height="200" /></a>
-<hr />
-<h3>Spis tre¶ci</h3>
-  <li><a href="#sec1"
-         name="toc1">Kluczem jest kontrola</a></li>
-  <li><a href="#sec2"
-         name="toc2">¦rodek do celu</a></li>
-  <li><a href="/philosophy/philosophy.pl.html">Inne teksty</a></li>
-<hr />
-Szczury w laboratoryjnych klatkach dostaj± smako³yki. Najlepsi uczniowie 
w&nbsp;szkole dostaj± szóstki, a&nbsp;w&nbsp;fabrykach i&nbsp;biurach najlepsi 
pracownicy dostaj± podwy¿ki. Wiêkszo¶æ z&nbsp;nas wierzy, ¿e nagrody sprzyjaj± 
lepszym wynikom. 
-Coraz liczniejsza grupa badañ wskazuje jednak, ¿e ta zasada nie jest wcale tak 
niepodwa¿alna, jak kiedy¶ s±dzono. Psychologowie odkrywaj±, ¿e nagrody mog± 
obni¿aæ wyniki; szczególnie wtedy, gdy wymagana jest kreatywno¶æ.
-Szereg badañ wskazuje, ¿e wewnêtrzne zainteresowanie zadaniem (tj. poczucie, 
¿e co¶ jest samo z&nbsp;siebie warte zrobienia) zazwyczaj obni¿a siê, je¶li 
jest siê za nie wynagradzanym. 
-Je¿eli nagroda &mdash; pieni±dze, wyró¿nienie, pochwa³a, czy zwyciêstwo 
w&nbsp;konkursie&nbsp;&mdash; zaczyna byæ postrzegana jako motor dzia³ania, 
wtedy samo dzia³anie staje siê mniej satysfakcjonuj±ce. 
-Za wyj±tkiem niektórych behawiorystów, którzy poddaj± w&nbsp;w±tpliwo¶æ samo 
istnienie wewnêtrznej motywacji, wnioski te s± obecnie akceptowane przez 
wiêkszo¶æ psychologów. Sugeruj± one mo¿liwo¶æ, ¿e niezamierzenie zduszamy 
zainteresowanie i&nbsp;zniechêcamy innowacyjnych pracowników, uczniów 
-Stwierdzenie, ¿e nagrody mog± nie¶æ ze sob± negatywne skutki, oparte jest na 
ró¿norodnych badaniach, które wskazuj± na takie fakty jak: szanse, ¿e ma³e 
dzieci które by³y nagradzane za rysowanie bêd± to robiæ dalej z&nbsp;w³asnej 
inicjatywy, s± mniejsze ni¿ przypadku tych, które robi³y to tylko dla zabawy. 
Nastolatkowie, którym zaoferowano nagrodê za grê w&nbsp;s³ówka, cieszyli siê 
ni± mniej i&nbsp;radzili sobie gorzej ni¿ ci, którym nagród nie oferowano. 
Pracownicy, którzy s± chwaleni za spe³nienie oczekiwañ prze³o¿onego, wykazuj± 
spadek motywacji. 
-Profesor psychologii na Uniwersytecie Brandeis, Theresa Amabile, jest autork± 
znacznej czê¶ci badañ nad kreatywno¶ci± i&nbsp;motywacj±. W&nbsp;opublikowanych 
w&nbsp;ubieg³ym roku wynikach jej najnowszych badañ zrelacjonowany zosta³ 
eksperyment przeprowadzony na uczniach podstawówek i&nbsp;¶rednich. Obie grupy 
poproszono o&nbsp;stworzenie zabawnych kola¿y. Ma³e dzieci poproszono równie¿ 
o&nbsp;wymy¶lanie historyjek. 
-Najmniej kreatywne projekty, co ocenia³o kilku nauczycieli, wykonali 
uczniowie, z&nbsp;którymi umówiono siê na nagrody. W&nbsp;opinii Amabile: 
&bdquo;Mo¿liwe, ¿e zlecona praca bêdzie z&nbsp;regu³y mniej twórcza ni¿ ta, 
która jest wykonywana z&nbsp;czystego zainteresowania&rdquo;.
-W roku 1985 Amabile poprosi³a 72 studentów literatury na Uniwersytecie 
Brandeis i&nbsp;na Uniwersytecie Bostoñskim o&nbsp;napisanie wiersza. Nastêpnie 
niektórzy ze studentów otrzymali listê motywacji zewnêtrznych sk³aniaj±cych do 
pisania, takich jak wywieranie wra¿enia na nauczycielach, zarabianie pieniêdzy, 
czy dostanie siê na studia, zostali przy tym poproszeni o&nbsp;przemy¶lenie 
swojej w³asnej twórczo¶ci pod k±tem tych powodów. Inni otrzymali listê 
motywacji wewnêtrznych: przyjemno¶æ czerpana z&nbsp;zabawy ze s³owami, 
satysfakcja zwi±zana z&nbsp;wyra¿aniem siebie, i&nbsp;tak dalej. Trzecia grupa 
nie otrzyma³a ¿adnej listy. Nastêpnie wszyscy zostali poproszeni 
o&nbsp;napisanie czego¶ jeszcze.
-Rezultaty by³y jednoznaczne. W opinii 12 niezale¿nych poetów, studenci, którzy 
otrzymali listê powodów &bdquo;zewnêtrznych&rdquo; nie tylko pisali mniej 
twórczo, ale równie¿ poziom ich prac znacznie spad³. Wed³ug Amabile, nagrody 
maj± zgubny wp³yw zw³aszcza na twórcze zadania, w³±cznie z&nbsp;rozwi±zywaniem 
problemów wy¿szego szczebla. W&nbsp;jej ujêciu: &bdquo;Im 
-bardziej skomplikowana czynno¶æ, tym dotkliwiej wp³ywa na ni± zewnêtrzna 
-Inne badania wskazuj± ponadto, ¿e bynajmniej nie tylko arty¶ci s± poddani temu 
-W jednym z eksperymentów, uczennice pi±tych i szóstych klas radzi³y sobie 
znacznie gorzej z&nbsp;udzielaniem korepetycji m³odszym dzieciom, je¿eli 
w&nbsp;zamian obiecano im bilety do kina. James Gabarino, obecnie szef 
Instytutu Eriksona Zaawansowanych Badañ nad Rozwojem Dzieci, wykaza³ 
w&nbsp;swoim badaniu, ¿e korepetytorzy pracuj±cy dla nagrody potrzebowali 
wiêcej czasu na przekazanie swoich pomys³ów, ³atwiej ulegali frustracji 
i&nbsp;ogólnie radzili sobie gorzej ni¿ ci, którzy nie byli nagradzani.
-Przytoczone odkrycia poddaj± w w±tpliwo¶æ powszechne przekonanie, ¿e pieni±dze 
s± skutecznym, a&nbsp;nawet niezbêdnym sposobem motywowania. Kwestionuj± one 
równie¿ przyjmowane przez behawiorystów za³o¿enie, ¿e ka¿de dzia³anie, je¿eli 
jest nagradzane, bêdzie podejmowane czê¶ciej. Amabile twierdzi, ¿e jej badania 
&bdquo;definitywnie obalaj± pogl±d, jakoby twórczo¶æ mog³a podlegaæ 
warunkowaniu sprawczemu&rdquo;.
-Jednak Kenneth McGraw, profesor psychologii na Uniwersytecie Mississippi, 
przestrzega, ¿e nie oznacza to uniewa¿nienia dorobku behawiorystów. 
&bdquo;Podstawowe zasady wzmocnienia i&nbsp;nagradzania niew±tpliwie 
obowi±zuj±, jednak¿e w&nbsp;ograniczonym kontek¶cie&rdquo;&nbsp;&mdash; 
tzn.&nbsp;ograniczaj± siê do zadañ niezbyt interesuj±cych. 
-Badacze proponuj± kilka wyja¶nieñ dla ich zaskakuj±cych odkryæ dotycz±cych 
zale¿no¶ci pomiêdzy nagrodami a&nbsp;wynikami.
-Pierwsze wyja¶nienie sugeruje, ¿e nagrody zachêcaj± do zawê¿onego spojrzenia 
na zadanie, gdzie nacisk k³adzie siê na jak najszybsze jego wykonanie 
i&nbsp;podejmowanie jak najmniejszego ryzyka. Jak ujê³a to Amabile: 
&bdquo;Je¶li ludzie czuj±, ¿e robi± co¶ po to, by móc dostaæ nagrodê, to bêd± 
mniej kreatywni&rdquo;.
-Zgodnie z drugim wyja¶nieniem, gdy ludzie zaczynaj± dostrzegaæ, ¿e nagroda 
warunkuje ich zachowanie, wtedy odczuwaj± mniejsz± autonomiê, a&nbsp;to mo¿e 
negatywnie wp³ywaæ na wyniki. Wed³ug Richarda Ryana, profesora psychologii na 
Uniwersytecie w&nbsp;Rochester: &bdquo;kreatywno¶æ jednostki spada 
proporcjonalnie do stopnia, w&nbsp;jakim ogranicza siê jej mo¿liwo¶æ 
podejmowania decyzji&rdquo;.
-Ostatnie wyja¶nienie wskazuje, ¿e zewnêtrzne nagrody mog± zredukowaæ 
wewnêtrzne zainteresowanie. Osoby, dla których celem pracy jest zdobycie 
pieniêdzy, aprobaty, czy pokonanie konkurencji, czerpi± mniejsz± przyjemno¶æ 
z&nbsp;wykonywanych zadañ, przez co osi±gaj± s³absze wyniki. 
-To ostatnie wyja¶nienie odzwierciedla wyniki piêtnastu lat badañ, prowadzonych 
przez Edwarda Deci, mentora Ryana na Uniwersytecie w&nbsp;Rochester. 
W&nbsp;1971 roku Deci wykaza³, ¿e w&nbsp;d³ugiej perspektywie czasowej 
&bdquo;pieni±dze mog± s³u¿yæ jako zachêta do dzia³ania kosztem utraty 
wewnêtrznej motywacji&rdquo;. Dziesiêæ lat pó¼niej Deci i&nbsp;jego 
wspó³pracownicy zademonstrowali, ¿e rywalizacja przynosi ten sam skutek. 
Studenci, którzy wspó³zawodniczyli w&nbsp;rozwi±zywaniu ³amig³ówki rzadziej 
zajmowali siê ni± po zakoñczeniu eksperymentu ni¿ ci, którzy nie uczestniczyli 
-<h3><a href="#toc1"
-       name="sec1">Kluczem jest kontrola</a></h3>
-Panuje jednak powszechna zgoda co do tego, ¿e nie wszystkie nagrody wywieraj± 
ten sam efekt. Zaoferowanie jednakowego wynagrodzenia za uczestnictwo 
w&nbsp;eksperymencie&nbsp;&mdash; podobnie do sta³ej stawki godzinowej dla 
pracowników&nbsp;&mdash; zazwyczaj nie obni¿a wewnêtrznej motywacji. Problem 
pojawia siê dopiero wtedy, gdy nagrody uzale¿nione s± od wykonania konkretnych 
zadañ lub &bdquo;dobrego spisania siê&rdquo;&nbsp;&mdash; analogicznie do 
wynagrodzenia akordowego i&nbsp;premiowego w&nbsp;miejscu pracy.
-Kluczowe zatem jest to, w jaki sposób nagroda jest postrzegana. 
W&nbsp;momencie gdy zaczynamy uwa¿aæ, ¿e pracujemy, aby co¶ zdobyæ, dzia³anie 
przestaje byæ warte wykonania samo z&nbsp;siebie.
-Pewien stary dowcip zgrabnie ilustruje tê zasadê. Starszy cz³owiek, 
prze¶ladowany szyderstwami przez dzieci z&nbsp;s±siedztwa, wpad³ w&nbsp;koñcu 
na pomys³. Zaoferowa³ dzieciom po dolarze, je¶li tylko wróc± we wtorek 
wykrzykiwaæ pod jego oknem. Chêtnie siê z&nbsp;tego wywi±za³y i&nbsp;otrzyma³y 
pieni±dze. Tym razem starszy cz³owiek powiedzia³ jednak, ¿e w&nbsp;¶rodê mog± 
dostaæ tylko 25&nbsp;centów. Historia powtórzy³a siê kolejnego dnia, z&nbsp;tym 
¿e stawka na czwartek spad³a ju¿ do 1&nbsp;centa. &mdash;&nbsp;Nie ma 
mowy!&nbsp;&mdash; us³ysza³ w&nbsp;odpowiedzi i&nbsp;od tego czasu mia³ 
z&nbsp;nimi ¶wiêty spokój. 
-<h3><a href="#toc2"
-       name="sec2">¦rodek do celu</a></h3>
-W 1982 roku, psycholog ze Stanford, Mark L. Lepper wykaza³, ¿e ka¿de zadanie, 
niezale¿nie od tego jak wydawa³o siê satysfakcjonuj±ce, je¿eli zamiast jako cel 
zostanie przedstawione jako ¶rodek do osi±gniêcia celu, straci na warto¶ci. 
Zabroni³ on grupie przedszkolaków zajmowaæ siê pewn± czynno¶ci±, któr± lubi³y, 
dopóki nie wziê³y udzia³u w&nbsp;innym zajêciu. Chocia¿ wcze¶niej dzieci 
cieszy³y siê obydwoma czynno¶ciami, zaczê³y mieæ niechêtny stosunek do tej, 
która by³a konieczna, by móc przej¶æ do innej.
-Nie powinno byæ zaskoczeniem, ¿e je¶li s³owna zachêta odbierana jest jako 
forma kontroli, mo¿e wywieraæ podobny efekt jak zap³ata. W&nbsp;badaniu nad 
pracownikami firm Ryan odkry³, ¿e ci, którym mówiono: &bdquo;¦wietnie, 
pracujesz tak jak <em>powiniene¶</em>&rdquo;, wykazywali &bdquo;znacznie 
mniejsz± wewnêtrzn± motywacjê ni¿ ci, których praca by³a komentowana 
-Ryan twierdzi, ¿e jest ró¿nica pomiêdzy powiedzeniem &bdquo;Nagradzam ciê, 
poniewa¿ dostrzegam warto¶æ twojej pracy&rdquo;, a&nbsp;stwierdzeniem 
&bdquo;Otrzymujesz nagrodê, poniewa¿ spe³niasz moje oczekiwania&rdquo;.
-W przypadku twórczo¶ci istniej± ró¿ne powi±zane ze sob± problemy. Arty¶ci 
musz± oczywi¶cie zarabiaæ na ¿ycie, ale jak podkre¶la Amabile &bdquo;negatywny 
wp³yw nagradzania na pracê twórcz± mo¿e byæ minimalizowany&rdquo;, poprzez 
zani¿anie znaczenia nagród i&nbsp;nie u¿ywanie ich jako formy kontroli. Badania 
sugeruj±, ¿e twórczej pracy nie mo¿na wymusiæ, a&nbsp;jedynie pozwoliæ jej 
-Alfie Kohn jest autorem ksi±¿ki &bdquo;No Contest: The Case Against 
Competition&rdquo; [Bez zawodów. Argumenty przeciwko rywalizacji], 
opublikowanej przez Houston Mifflin Co., Boston, MA. ISBN 0-395-39387-6. Wiêcej 
informacji na ten temat mo¿na znale¼æ na stronie autora (www.alfiekohn.org) 
oraz w&nbsp;jego ksi±¿ce PUNISHED BY REWARDS [Ukarani przez nagrody] (rev.ed., 
Houghton Mifflin, 1999).
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-ʵÑéÊÒÖУ¬ÀÏÊóµÃµ½ Krispies ÅÆ´óÃס£¿ÎÌÃÖУ¬¶¥¼¶µÄѧÉúµÃµ½ A £¬
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-´ó¶àÊýÓйش´ÔìÐÔºÍÇý¶¯Á¦µÄÑо¿¶¼ÊÇÓÉ Brandeis ´óѧµÄÐÄÀíѧ¸±½ÌÊÚ Theresa 
-Ëý±¨µÀÁË°üÀ¨ÁËСѧºÍ´óѧÉúÔÚÄÚµÄʵÑé¡£Á½×鶼±»ÒªÇóÖÆ×÷ ``ÎÞÁÄ'' µÄÆ´Ìù»­¡£
-Amabile ˵£º ``ͨ³££¬Î¯ÈεŤ×÷µÄ´´ÔìÐÔ²»Èç´¿´âΪÁËÐËȤ¶ø¹¤×÷µÄ´´ÔìÐÔ¡£''
-1985 Ä꣬ Amabile Èà Brandeis ºÍ Boston ´óѧÖÐµÄ 72 λ¸»Óд´ÔìÐÔµÄ×÷¼Òдʫ¡£
-½á¹ûÊÇÇå³þµÄ¡£ÓÉ 12 
-¶øÇÒËûÃÇ×÷Æ·µÄÖÊÁ¿Ò²Ã÷ÏÔϽµ¡£ Amabile ˵£¬
- ``»î¶¯Ô½¸´ÔÓ£¬Ëü¾ÍÔ½»á±»ÍⲿµÄ½±ÀøËùË𺦡£'' Ëý˵¡£
-ËýÃǽÌСº¢µÄЧ¹ûÒª²îµÃ¶à¡£Õâ´ÎÑо¿ÊÇÓÉ James Gabarino Ëù½øÐеģ¬
-ËûÏÖÔÚÊÇÖ¥¼Ó¸ç¶ùͯ·¢Õ¹¸ß¼¶Ñо¿ Erikson Ñо¿ËùµÄÖ÷ϯ£¬
-Amabile ˵ËýµÄÑо¿ ``×îÖÕ²µ³âÁË´´ÔìÐÔ¿ÉÒÔ±»²Ù×÷µ÷½ÚµÄ¹ÛÄî¡£''
-µ«ÊÇ Mississippi ´óѧµÄÐÄÀíѧ¸±½ÌÊÚ Kenneth McGraw 
- ``Ç¿»¯ºÍ½±ÀøµÄ»ù±¾Ô­Àí¿Ï¶¨ÓÐЧ£¬µ«ÊÇÒªÏÞÓÚÒ»¶¨µÄÇé¿öÏ¡£''
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Amabile ˵¡£
- ``ÔÚÒ»¶¨³Ì¶ÈÉÏÏÞÖÆÁËÈ˵Ä×ÔÖ÷µÄÌåÑ飬''  Richard Ryan ˵£¬
-ËûÊÇ Rochester ´óѧµÄÐÄÀíѧ¸±½ÌÊÚ£¬ ``Ò»¸öÈ˵Ĵ´ÔìÐÔÒ²½«Ï½µ¡£''
-×îºóµÄ½âÊÍ·´Ó³ÁË Ryan ÔÚ Rochester ´óѧµÄµ¼Ê¦ Edward Deci 15 ÄêµÄ¹¤×÷¡£ 1971 
-Deci ÔÚ³¤ÆÚÑо¿µÄ»ù´¡ÉϽÒʾÁË ``½ðÇ®»áÊÕÂòÐÐΪµÄÄÚÔÚÇý¶¯Á¦'' ¡£ 10 Äêºó£¬
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-ÔÚ 1982 µÄÒ»´ÎÑо¿ÖУ¬Ë¹Ì¹¸£ÐÄÀíѧ¼Ò Mark L. Lepper 
-ÔÚÒ»Ïî¶Ô¹«Ë¾Ö°Ô±µÄÑо¿ÖУ¬ Ryan ·¢ÏÖ±»¸æÖª ``ºÜºÃ£¬ÄãÕýÔÚ×öÄãÓ¦¸Ã×öµÄ'' µÄÖ°Ô±
- ``Ã÷ÏԵıȵõ½ÐÅÏ¢·´À¡µÄÄÇЩְԱȱ·¦ÄÚÔÚµÄÇý¶¯Á¦¡£''
-Ryan ˵£¬ÔÚ ``ÎÒ¸øÄã½±ÀøÊÇÒòΪÎÒÒâʶµ½Ä㹤×÷µÄ¼ÛÖµ'' ºÍ
- ``ÄãµÃµ½½±ÀøÊÇÒòΪÄãÂú×ãÁËÎҵıê×¼'' Ö®¼äÊÇ´æÔÚ²»Í¬µÄ¡£
-µ«ÊÇ Amabile Ç¿µ÷ ``¿ÉÒÔ¼õÉÙΪÁ˱¨³ê¶ø¹¤×÷µÄ¸ºÃæÓ°Ïì''
-Alfie Kohn £¬½£ÇÅ MA ×÷¼Ò£¬´´×÷ÁË ``ûÓоºÈü£ºÓ뾺ÕùÏà·´µÄÇéÐÎ'' £¬
-¸ÃÊé×î½üÓÉ Honghton Mifflin Co.£¬Boston£¬ MA ³ö°æ¡£ISBN 0-395-39387-6¡£
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address@hidden@address@hidden - address@hidden@ªº·Pı -
-¦pªG¼úÀy - address@hidden -
-¤j¦h¼Æ¦³Ãö³Ð³y©Ê©MÅX°Ê¤Oªº¬ã¨s³£¬O¥Ñ Brandeis ¤j¾Çªº¤ß²z¾Ç°Æ±Ð±Â Theresa 
-¦o³ø¹D¤F¥]¬A¤F¤p¾Ç©M¤j¾Ç¥Í¦b¤ºªº¹êÅç¡C¨â²Õ³£³Q­n¨D»s§@ ``µL²á'' ªº«÷¶Kµe¡C
-Amabile »¡¡G address@hidden@ªº³Ð³y©Ê¡C''
-1985 ¦~¡A Amabile Åý Brandeis ©M Boston ¤j¾Ç¤¤ªº 72 address@hidden
-µ²ªG¬O²M·¡ªº¡C¥Ñ 12 address@hidden
address@hidden Amabile »¡¡A
- ``¬¡°Ê¶V´_Âø¡A¥¦´N¶V·|³Q¥~³¡ªº¼úÀy©Ò·l®`¡C'' ¦o»¡¡C
-¦o­Ì±Ð¤p«Äªº®ÄªG­n®t±o¦h¡C³o¦¸¬ã¨s¬O¥Ñ James Gabarino ©Ò¶i¦æªº¡A
-¥L²{¦b¬OªÛ¥[­ô¨àµ£µo®i°ª¯Å¬ã¨s Erikson ¬ã¨s©Òªº¥D®u¡A
-Amabile »¡¦oªº¬ã¨s address@hidden''
-¦ý¬O Mississippi ¤j¾Çªº¤ß²z¾Ç°Æ±Ð±Â Kenneth McGraw 
- address@hidden''
-- address@hidden@¡C
- ``¦pªG¥L­Ìı±o¡¥³o¬O§Ú­Ì­nÀò±o¼úª÷©Ò¥²»Ý§¹¦¨ªº¡¦¡A¥L­Ì´N·|Åܱo¯Ê¥F³Ð³y¤O¡C'' 
Amabile »¡¡C
- address@hidden''  Richard Ryan »¡¡A
-¥L¬O Rochester ¤j¾Çªº¤ß²z¾Ç°Æ±Ð±Â¡A address@hidden''
-³Ì«áªº¸ÑÄÀ¤Ï¬M¤F Ryan ¦b Rochester ¤j¾Çªº¾É®v Edward Deci 15 address@hidden 
1971 ¦~¡A
-Deci ¦bªø´Á¬ã¨sªº°ò¦¤W´¦¥Ü¤F ``ª÷¿ú·|¦¬¶R¦æ¬°ªº¤º¦bÅX°Ê¤O'' ¡C 10 ¦~«á¡A
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-¦b 1982 address@hidden Mark L. Lepper address@hidden
address@hidden Ryan µo²{³Q§iª¾ ``«Ü¦n¡A§A¥¿¦b°µ§AÀ³¸Ó°µªº'' ªºÂ¾­û
- ``©úÅ㪺¤ñ±o¨ì«H®§¤ÏõXªº¨º¨Ç¾­û¯Ê¥F¤º¦bªºÅX°Ê¤O¡C''
-Ryan »¡¡A¦b address@hidden'' ©M
- ``§A±o¨ì¼úÀy¬O¦]¬°§Aº¡¨¬¤F§Úªº¼Ð­ã'' ¤§¶¡¬O¦s¦b¤£¦Pªº¡C
-¦ý¬O Amabile ±j½Õ address@hidden''
-Alfie Kohn ¡A¼C¾ô MA address@hidden@¤F ``¨S¦³ÄvÁÉ¡G»PÄvª§¬Û¤Ïªº±¡§Î'' ¡A
-¸Ó®Ñ³Ìªñ¥Ñ Honghton Mifflin Co.¡ABoston¡A MA ¥Xª©¡CISBN 0-395-39387-6¡C
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-<title>Studies Find Reward Often No Motivator - GNU Project - Free Software 
Foundation (FSF)</title>
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-<h2>Studies Find Reward Often No Motivator</h2>
-<h3>Creativity and intrinsic interest diminish if task is done for gain</h3>
-by <strong>Alfie Kohn</strong>
-<br />
-Special to the Boston Globe
-<br />
-[reprinted with permission of the author from the Monday, 19 January
-1987, Boston Globe.  Also granted translation rights by kind courtesy
-of the author in 2003.  ed.]</p>
-In the laboratory, rats get Rice Krispies.  In the classroom the top
-students get A's, and in the factory or office the best workers get
-raises.  It's an article of faith for most of us that rewards promote
-better performance.</p>
-But a growing body of research suggests that this law is not nearly as
-ironclad as was once thought.  Psychologists have been finding that
-rewards can lower performance levels, especially when the performance
-involves creativity.</p>
-A related series of studies shows that intrinsic interest in a task
-&mdash; the sense that something is worth doing for its own sake
-&mdash; typically declines when someone is rewarded for doing it.</p>
-If a reward &mdash; money, awards, praise, or winning a contest
-&mdash; comes to be seen as the reason one is engaging in an activity,
-that activity will be viewed as less enjoyable in its own right.</p>
-With the exception of some behaviorists who doubt the very existence
-of intrinsic motivation, these conclusions are now widely accepted
-among psychologists.  Taken together, they suggest we may unwittingly
-be squelching interest and discouraging innovation among workers,
-students and artists.</p>
-The recognition that rewards can have counter-productive effects is
-based on a variety of studies, which have come up with such findings
-as these: Young children who are rewarded for drawing are less likely
-to draw on their own that are children who draw just for the fun of
-it.  Teenagers offered rewards for playing word games enjoy the games
-less and do not do as well as those who play with no rewards.
-Employees who are praised for meeting a manager's expectations suffer
-a drop in motivation.</p>
-Much of the research on creativity and motivation has been performed
-by Theresa Amabile, associate professor of psychology at Brandeis
-University.  In a paper published early last year on her most recent
-study, she reported on experiments involving elementary school and
-college students.  Both groups were asked to make &ldquo;silly&rdquo;
-collages.  The young children were also asked to invent stories.</p>
-The least-creative projects, as rated by several teachers, were done
-by those students who had contracted for rewards.  &ldquo;It may be
-that commissioned work will, in general, be less creative than work
-that is done out of pure interest,&rdquo; Amabile said.</p>
-In 1985, Amabile asked 72 creative writers at Brandeis and at Boston
-University to write poetry.  Some students then were given a list of
-extrinsic (external) reasons for writing, such as impressing teachers,
-making money and getting into graduate school, and were asked to think
-about their own writing with respect to these reasons.  Others were
-given a list of intrinsic reasons:  the enjoyment of playing with
-words, satisfaction from self-expression, and so forth.  A third group
-was not given any list.  All were then asked to do more writing.</p>
-The results were clear.  Students given the extrinsic reasons not only
-wrote less creatively than the others, as judged by 12 independent
-poets, but the quality of their work dropped significantly.  Rewards,
-Amabile says, have this destructive effect primarily with creative
-tasks, including higher-level problem-solving.  &ldquo;The more
-complex the activity, the more it's hurt by extrinsic reward,&rdquo;
-she said.</p>
-But other research shows that artists are by no means the only ones
-In one study, girls in the fifth and sixth grades tutored younger
-children much less effectively if they were promised free movie
-tickets for teaching well.  The study, by James Gabarino, now
-president of Chicago's Erikson Institute for Advanced Studies in Child
-Development, showed that tutors working for the reward took longer to
-communicate ideas, got frustrated more easily, and did a poorer job in
-the end than those who were not rewarded.</p>
-Such findings call into question the widespread belief that money is
-an effective and even necessary way to motivate people.  They also
-challenge the behaviorist assumption that any activity is more likely
-to occur if it is rewarded.  Amabile says her research
-&ldquo;definitely refutes the notion that creativity can be operantly
-But Kenneth McGraw, associate professor of psychology at the
-University of Mississippi, cautions that this does not mean
-behaviorism itself has been invalidated.  &ldquo;The basic principles
-of reinforcement and rewards certainly work, but in a restricted
-context&rdquo; &mdash; restricted, that is, to tasks that are not
-especially interesting.</p>
-Researchers offer several explanations for their surprising findings
-about rewards and performance.</p>
-First, rewards encourage people to focus narrowly on a task, to do it
-as quickly as possible and to take few risks.  &ldquo;If they feel
-that &lsquo;this is something I have to get through to get the
-prize,&rsquo; they're going to be less creative,&rdquo; Amabile
-Second, people come to see themselves as being controlled by the
-reward.  They feel less autonomous, and this may interfere with
-performance.  &ldquo;To the extent one's experience of being
-self-determined is limited,&rdquo; said Richard Ryan, associate
-psychology professor at the University of Rochester, &ldquo;one's
-creativity will be reduced as well.&rdquo;</p>
-Finally, extrinsic rewards can erode intrinsic interest.  People who
-see themselves as working for money, approval or competitive success
-find their tasks less pleasurable, and therefore do not do them as
-The last explanation reflects 15 years of work by Ryan's mentor at the
-University of Rochester, Edward Deci.  In 1971, Deci showed that
-&ldquo;money may work to buy off one's intrinsic motivation for an
-activity&rdquo; on a long-term basis.  Ten years later, Deci and his
-colleagues demonstrated that trying to best others has the same
-effect.  Students who competed to solve a puzzle quickly were less
-likely than those who were not competing to keep working at it once
-the experiment was over.</p>
-<h3 id="sec1">Control plays role</h3>
-There is general agreement, however, that not all rewards have the
-same effect.  Offering a flat fee for participating in an experiment
-&mdash; similar to an hourly wage in the workplace &mdash; usually
-does not reduce intrinsic motivation.  It is only when the rewards are
-based on performing a given task or doing a good job at it &mdash;
-analogous to piece-rate payment and bonuses, respectively &mdash; that
-the problem develops.</p>
-The key, then, lies in how a reward is experienced.  If we come to
-view ourselves as working to get something, we will no longer find
-that activity worth doing in its own right.</p>
-There is an old joke that nicely illustrates the principle.  An
-elderly man, harassed by the taunts of neighborhood children, finally
-devises a scheme.  He offered to pay each child a dollar if they would
-all return Tuesday and yell their insults again.  They did so eagerly
-and received the money, but he told them he could only pay 25 cents on
-Wednesday.  When they returned, insulted him again and collected their
-quarters, he informed them that Thursday's rate would be just a penny.
-&ldquo;Forget it,&rdquo; they said &mdash; and never taunted him
-<h3 id="sec2">Means to an end</h3>
-In a 1982 study, Stanford psychologist Mark L. Lepper showed that any
-task, no matter how enjoyable it once seemed, would be devalued if it
-were presented as a means rather than an end.  He told a group of
-preschoolers they could not engage in one activity they liked until
-they first took part in another.  Although they had enjoyed both
-activities equally, the children came to dislike the task that was a
-prerequisite for the other.</p>
-It should not be surprising that when verbal feedback is experienced
-as controlling, the effect on motivation can be similar to that of
-payment.  In a study of corporate employees, Ryan found that those who
-were told, &ldquo;Good, you're doing as you <em>should</em>&rdquo;
-were &ldquo;significantly less intrinsically motivated than those who
-received feedback informationally.&rdquo;</p>
-There's a difference, Ryan says, between saying, &ldquo;I'm giving you
-this reward because I recognize the value of your work&rdquo; and
-&ldquo;You're getting this reward because you've lived up to my
-A different but related set of problems exists in the case of
-creativity.  Artists must make a living, of course, but Amabile
-emphasizes that &ldquo;the negative impact on creativity of working
-for rewards can be minimized&rdquo; by playing down the significance
-of these rewards and trying not to use them in a controlling way.
-Creative work, the research suggests, cannot be forced, but only
-allowed to happen.</p>
-Alfie Kohn, a Cambridge, MA writer, is the author of &ldquo;No
-Contest: The Case Against Competition,&rdquo; published by Houghton
-Mifflin Co., Boston, MA.  ISBN 0-395-39387-6.  For more information on
-this topic, see the author's website (www.alfiekohn.org) and his book
-PUNISHED BY REWARDS (rev. ed., Houghton Mifflin, 1999).</p>
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-# French translation of http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/motivation.html
-# Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the motivation.html 
-# Pierre-Yves Enderlin, 2008.
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-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: motivation.html\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-20 12:29-0300\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-02 21:43+0100\n"
-"Last-Translator: Cédric Corazza <cedric.corazza AT wanadoo.fr>\n"
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-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: fr\n"
-#. type: Content of: <title>
-msgid ""
-"Studies Find Reward Often No Motivator - GNU Project - Free Software "
-"Foundation (FSF)"
-msgstr ""
-"Des études montrent que la récompense n'est pas un moteur de motivation - "
-"GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF)"
-#. type: Content of: <h2>
-msgid "Studies Find Reward Often No Motivator"
-msgstr ""
-"Des études montrent que la récompense n'est pas un moteur de motivation"
-#. type: Content of: <h3>
-msgid "Creativity and intrinsic interest diminish if task is done for gain"
-msgstr ""
-"La créativité et l'intérêt intrinsèque diminuent si la tâche est 
accomplie "
-"pour de l'argent"
-#. type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "by <strong>Alfie Kohn</strong>"
-msgstr "par <strong>Alfie Kohn</strong>"
-#. type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "Special to the Boston Globe"
-msgstr "Article spécial du Boston Globe"
-#. type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"[reprinted with permission of the author from the Monday, 19 January 1987, "
-"Boston Globe.  Also granted translation rights by kind courtesy of the "
-"author in 2003.  ed.]"
-msgstr ""
-"[réimprimé avec la permission de l'auteur, du lundi 19 janvier 1987, Boston 
-"Globe. Les droits de traduction sont également autorisés avec l'aimable "
-"permission de l'auteur en 2003. ed.]"
-#. type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"In the laboratory, rats get Rice Krispies.  In the classroom the top "
-"students get A's, and in the factory or office the best workers get raises.  "
-"It's an article of faith for most of us that rewards promote better "
-msgstr ""
-"En laboratoire, les rats gagnent des céréales, en classe, les meilleurs "
-"étudiants obtiennent un 20/20 et, à l'usine ou au bureau, les meilleurs "
-"travailleurs obtiennent des augmentations. Pour la plupart d'entre nous, "
-"c'est un credo que les récompenses poussent à de meilleures performances."
-#. type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"But a growing body of research suggests that this law is not nearly as "
-"ironclad as was once thought.  Psychologists have been finding that rewards "
-"can lower performance levels, especially when the performance involves "
-msgstr ""
-"Mais un nombre grandissant de recherches suggère que cette loi n'est plus "
-"aussi solide qu'on le pensait. Les psychologues ont été amenés à trouver 
que "
-"les récompenses peuvent diminuer le niveau des performances, surtout si la "
-"performance à trait à la créativité."
-#. type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"A related series of studies shows that intrinsic interest in a task &mdash; "
-"the sense that something is worth doing for its own sake &mdash; typically "
-"declines when someone is rewarded for doing it."
-msgstr ""
-"Une série d'articles montre que l'intérêt intrinsèque pour une tâche, le 
-"sentiment qu'une chose vaille la peine qu'on la fasse pour elle-même, "
-"décline de façon caractéristique lorsqu'on récompense quelqu'un pour "
-"accomplir cette tâche."
-#. type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"If a reward &mdash; money, awards, praise, or winning a contest &mdash; "
-"comes to be seen as the reason one is engaging in an activity, that activity "
-"will be viewed as less enjoyable in its own right."
-msgstr ""
-"Si une récompense (argent, prix, éloge ou gagner une compétition) vient à 
-"être considérée comme la raison de s'engager dans une activité, cette 
même "
-"activité sera perçue comme fondamentalement moins agréable."
-#. type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"With the exception of some behaviorists who doubt the very existence of "
-"intrinsic motivation, these conclusions are now widely accepted among "
-"psychologists.  Taken together, they suggest we may unwittingly be "
-"squelching interest and discouraging innovation among workers, students and "
-msgstr ""
-"À l'exception de quelques Béhavioristes qui doutent de l'existence réelle 
de "
-"la motivation intrinsèque, ces conclusions sont maintenant largement "
-"acceptées dans le monde des psychologues. Globalement, elles suggèrent que "
-"nous réprimerions, inconsciemment, l'intéressement et que nous "
-"découragerions l'innovation chez les travailleurs, les étudiants et les "
-#. type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"The recognition that rewards can have counter-productive effects is based on "
-"a variety of studies, which have come up with such findings as these: Young "
-"children who are rewarded for drawing are less likely to draw on their own "
-"that are children who draw just for the fun of it.  Teenagers offered "
-"rewards for playing word games enjoy the games less and do not do as well as "
-"those who play with no rewards.  Employees who are praised for meeting a "
-"manager's expectations suffer a drop in motivation."
-msgstr ""
-"Reconnaître que les récompenses peuvent avoir des effets contre-productifs, 
-"s'appuie sur de nombreuses études qui ont montré par exemple que&nbsp;: les 
-"enfants récompensés pour avoir fait un dessin sont moins enclins à 
dessiner "
-"d'eux-mêmes que ceux qui dessinent juste pour s'amuser. Les adolescents "
-"récompensés aux jeux de lettres y prennent moins de plaisir et ne font pas "
-"aussi bien que ceux qui jouent sans récompenses. Les employés qui 
reçoivent "
-"des éloges pour avoir réussi dans ce que leur demandait leur patron, "
-"souffrent d'une baisse de motivation."
-#. type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"Much of the research on creativity and motivation has been performed by "
-"Theresa Amabile, associate professor of psychology at Brandeis University.  "
-"In a paper published early last year on her most recent study, she reported "
-"on experiments involving elementary school and college students.  Both "
-"groups were asked to make &ldquo;silly&rdquo; collages.  The young children "
-"were also asked to invent stories."
-msgstr ""
-"La plupart des recherches sur la créativité et la motivation ont été 
menées "
-"par Theresa Amabile, Professeur adjointe de psychologie à l'Université de "
-"Brandeis. Au début de l'année dernière, dans un journal publiant ses 
toutes "
-"dernières recherches, elle rapportait des expériences effectuées en 
milieux "
-"scolaire et étudiant. On a demandé aux deux groupes de réaliser des 
collages "
-"«&nbsp;saugrenus&nbsp;». On a demandé aussi aux jeunes enfants d'inventer 
des "
-#. type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"The least-creative projects, as rated by several teachers, were done by "
-"those students who had contracted for rewards.  &ldquo;It may be that "
-"commissioned work will, in general, be less creative than work that is done "
-"out of pure interest,&rdquo; Amabile said."
-msgstr ""
-"Les projets les moins créatifs, ainsi évalués par plusieurs enseignants, 
ont "
-"été réalisés par les étudiants à qui on a avait promis une récompense. 
-"Il se peut qu'un travail commissionné soit, en général, moins créatif 
qu'un "
-"travail fait en dehors de toute considération intéressée&nbsp;», dit Mme "
-#. type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"In 1985, Amabile asked 72 creative writers at Brandeis and at Boston "
-"University to write poetry.  Some students then were given a list of "
-"extrinsic (external) reasons for writing, such as impressing teachers, "
-"making money and getting into graduate school, and were asked to think about "
-"their own writing with respect to these reasons.  Others were given a list "
-"of intrinsic reasons: the enjoyment of playing with words, satisfaction from "
-"self-expression, and so forth.  A third group was not given any list.  All "
-"were then asked to do more writing."
-msgstr ""
-"En 1985, Amabile demanda à 72 écrivains créatifs des Universités de 
Brandeis "
-"et de Boston d'écrire de la poésie. On a donné alors à quelques 
étudiants "
-"les raisons extrinsèques (externes) d'écrire, comme d'impressionner le "
-"professeur, gagner de l'argent et de passer le troisième cycle et on leur a "
-"demandé de réfléchir à ce qu'ils pourraient mettre dans leur propre "
-"écriture, en respectant ces raisons. On a donné à d'autres une liste de "
-"raisons intrinsèques&nbsp;: le plaisir de jouer avec les mots, la "
-"satisfaction de s'exprimer soi-même etc. Aucune liste n'a été donnée à 
un "
-"troisième groupe. Puis on a demandé à tous d'écrire plus encore."
-#. type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"The results were clear.  Students given the extrinsic reasons not only wrote "
-"less creatively than the others, as judged by 12 independent poets, but the "
-"quality of their work dropped significantly.  Rewards, Amabile says, have "
-"this destructive effect primarily with creative tasks, including higher-"
-"level problem-solving.  &ldquo;The more complex the activity, the more it's "
-"hurt by extrinsic reward,&rdquo; she said."
-msgstr ""
-"Les résultats furent limpides. Non seulement les étudiants à qui avaient 
été "
-"données les raisons extrinsèques, ont été moins créatifs dans leur 
écriture "
-"que les autres (ainsi en ont jugé 12 poètes indépendants), mais la 
qualité "
-"de leur travail a baissé de façon significative. Les récompenses, dit Mme "
-"Amabile, ont cet effet destructeur, principalement dans les tâches "
-"créatives, y compris dans la résolution de problèmes de haut niveau. 
-"Plus une activité est complexe, plus elle est touchée par les récompenses "
-"extrinsèques&nbsp;», dit-elle."
-#. type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"But other research shows that artists are by no means the only ones affected."
-msgstr ""
-"Mais d'autres recherches montrent qu'il n'y a pas que les artistes qui "
-"soient touchés."
-#. type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"In one study, girls in the fifth and sixth grades tutored younger children "
-"much less effectively if they were promised free movie tickets for teaching "
-"well.  The study, by James Gabarino, now president of Chicago's Erikson "
-"Institute for Advanced Studies in Child Development, showed that tutors "
-"working for the reward took longer to communicate ideas, got frustrated more "
-"easily, and did a poorer job in the end than those who were not rewarded."
-msgstr ""
-"Dans une étude, des filles de sixième et de cinquième faisaient la leçon 
à "
-"de plus jeunes enfants avec beaucoup moins d'efficacité quand on leur "
-"promettait des billets de cinéma gratuits si elles enseignaient bien. "
-"L'étude, menée par James Gabarino, maintenant président du Chicago's 
Erikson "
-"Institute for Advanced Studies in Child Development, a montré que les "
-"tuteurs travaillant pour une récompense étaient plus lents à communiquer 
les "
-"idées, frustrés plus facilement et qu'au bout du compte travaillaient moins 
-"bien que ceux qui ne recevaient pas de récompense."
-#. type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"Such findings call into question the widespread belief that money is an "
-"effective and even necessary way to motivate people.  They also challenge "
-"the behaviorist assumption that any activity is more likely to occur if it "
-"is rewarded.  Amabile says her research &ldquo;definitely refutes the notion "
-"that creativity can be operantly conditioned.&rdquo;"
-msgstr ""
-"De telles découvertes remettent en question la croyance largement répandue "
-"que l'argent est un moyen efficace et même nécessaire de motiver les gens. "
-"Elles lancent aussi un défi à la présomption béhavioriste qui veut que "
-"n'importe quelle activité soit plus à même de se réaliser si elle est "
-"récompensée. Mme Amabile dit que ses recherches «&nbsp;réfutent "
-"définitivement la notion de créativité conditionnée de façon 
-#. type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"But Kenneth McGraw, associate professor of psychology at the University of "
-"Mississippi, cautions that this does not mean behaviorism itself has been "
-"invalidated.  &ldquo;The basic principles of reinforcement and rewards "
-"certainly work, but in a restricted context&rdquo; &mdash; restricted, that "
-"is, to tasks that are not especially interesting."
-msgstr ""
-"Mais Kenneth McGraw, Professeur adjoint de psychologie à l'Université du "
-"Mississippi, met en garde&nbsp;: cela ne signifie pas que le béhaviorisme en 
-"lui-même s'en retrouve invalidé. «&nbsp;Les principes de base du 
renforcement "
-"et des récompenses fonctionnent certainement, mais dans un contexte "
-"restreint&nbsp;» &mdash; restreint, il faut bien le dire, à des tâches pas 
-"spécialement intéressantes."
-#. type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"Researchers offer several explanations for their surprising findings about "
-"rewards and performance."
-msgstr ""
-"Les chercheurs proposent différentes explications à leurs surprenantes "
-"découvertes sur les récompenses et les performances."
-#. type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"First, rewards encourage people to focus narrowly on a task, to do it as "
-"quickly as possible and to take few risks.  &ldquo;If they feel that &lsquo;"
-"this is something I have to get through to get the prize,&rsquo; they're "
-"going to be less creative,&rdquo; Amabile said."
-msgstr ""
-"D'abord, la récompense encourage les gens à se focaliser étroitement sur 
une "
-"tâche, à la faire aussi vite que possible et à prendre peu de risques. 
-"S'ils se disent 'il faut que j'en passe par là pour avoir le prix, ils vont "
-"devenir moins créatifs&nbsp;», dit Mme Amabile."
-#. type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"Second, people come to see themselves as being controlled by the reward.  "
-"They feel less autonomous, and this may interfere with performance.  &ldquo;"
-"To the extent one's experience of being self-determined is limited,&rdquo; "
-"said Richard Ryan, associate psychology professor at the University of "
-"Rochester, &ldquo;one's creativity will be reduced as well.&rdquo;"
-msgstr ""
-"Ensuite, les gens finissent par se sentir contrôlés par la récompense. Ils 
-"se sentent moins autonomes, ce qui peut interférer sur les performances. "
-"«&nbsp;À la limite, quelqu'un qui fait l'expérience de sentir son auto-"
-"détermination limitée&nbsp;», dit Richard Ryan, Professeur adjoint de "
-"psychologie de l'Université de Rochester, «&nbsp;verra diminuer d'autant sa 
-#. type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"Finally, extrinsic rewards can erode intrinsic interest.  People who see "
-"themselves as working for money, approval or competitive success find their "
-"tasks less pleasurable, and therefore do not do them as well."
-msgstr ""
-"Enfin, les récompenses extrinsèques peuvent éroder l'intérêt 
intrinsèque. "
-"Les gens qui considèrent travailler pour de l'argent, desapprobations ou un "
-"succès dans la compétition, trouvent leurs tâches moins plaisantes et du "
-"fait, ne les accomplissent pas aussi bien."
-#. type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"The last explanation reflects 15 years of work by Ryan's mentor at the "
-"University of Rochester, Edward Deci.  In 1971, Deci showed that &ldquo;"
-"money may work to buy off one's intrinsic motivation for an activity&rdquo; "
-"on a long-term basis.  Ten years later, Deci and his colleagues demonstrated "
-"that trying to best others has the same effect.  Students who competed to "
-"solve a puzzle quickly were less likely than those who were not competing to "
-"keep working at it once the experiment was over."
-msgstr ""
-"La dernière explication est le reflet des 15 années de travail par le 
mentor "
-"de Ryan, au sein de l'Université de Rochester, Edward Deci. En 1971, Deci a "
-"montré que «&nbsp;l'argent peut agir de telle sorte qu'il rachète à 
quelqu'un "
-"sa motivation intrinsèque pour une activité&nbsp;», en voyant sur le long "
-"terme. Dix ans plus tard, Deci et ses collègues démontrèrent qu'essayer de 
-"dépasser les autres a le même effet. Des étudiants, en compétition pour "
-"résoudre rapidement un puzzle, s'avérèrent moins doués que ceux qui "
-"n'étaient pas en compétition, continuant à travailler sur le problème une 
-"fois l'expérience terminée."
-#. type: Content of: <h3>
-msgid "Control plays role"
-msgstr "Le contrôle joue un rôle"
-#. type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"There is general agreement, however, that not all rewards have the same "
-"effect.  Offering a flat fee for participating in an experiment &mdash; "
-"similar to an hourly wage in the workplace &mdash; usually does not reduce "
-"intrinsic motivation.  It is only when the rewards are based on performing a "
-"given task or doing a good job at it &mdash; analogous to piece-rate payment "
-"and bonuses, respectively &mdash; that the problem develops."
-msgstr ""
-"Il est généralement accepté, cependant, que les récompenses n'ont pas 
toutes "
-"le même effet. Offrir une maigre rémunération pour participer à une "
-"expérience &mdash; l'équivalent d'un salaire horaire &mdash; ne réduit "
-"généralement pas la motivation intrinsèque. Ce n'est que lorsque la "
-"rémunération est basée sur la réalisation ou le dépassement d'une tâche 
-"donnée &mdash; par analogie, le paiement à la pièce et les bonus, "
-"respectivement &mdash; que le problème se développe."
-#. type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"The key, then, lies in how a reward is experienced.  If we come to view "
-"ourselves as working to get something, we will no longer find that activity "
-"worth doing in its own right."
-msgstr ""
-"Dès lors, la clef réside dans la façon dont la récompense est vécue. Si 
nous "
-"en arrivons à nous voir comme travaillant pour obtenir quelque chose, il "
-"nous faudra peu de temps pour nous rendre compte que cette activité n'en "
-"vaut pas la peine."
-#. type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"There is an old joke that nicely illustrates the principle.  An elderly man, "
-"harassed by the taunts of neighborhood children, finally devises a scheme.  "
-"He offered to pay each child a dollar if they would all return Tuesday and "
-"yell their insults again.  They did so eagerly and received the money, but "
-"he told them he could only pay 25 cents on Wednesday.  When they returned, "
-"insulted him again and collected their quarters, he informed them that "
-"Thursday's rate would be just a penny.  &ldquo;Forget it,&rdquo; they said "
-"&mdash; and never taunted him again."
-msgstr ""
-"Il y a une vieille blague qui explique joliment le principe. Un homme d'un "
-"certain âge, fatigué des sarcasmes des enfants voisins, finit par inventer "
-"un stratagème. Il offrit de donner un dollar à chaque enfant qui 
reviendrait "
-"le mardi et qui hurlerait à nouveau ses insultes. Ce qu'ils firent avec 
zèle "
-"et reçurent leur argent ; mais il leur dit que le mercredi, il ne pourrait "
-"leur donner que 25 cents. Quand ils revinrent, l'insultèrent à nouveau et "
-"reçurent leurs piécettes, ils s'entendirent dire que le jeudi, le montant 
ne "
-"serait que d'un penny. «&nbsp;Laissez tomber&nbsp;», dirent-ils et ils ne "
-"l'ont plus jamais ennuyé."
-#. type: Content of: <h3>
-msgid "Means to an end"
-msgstr "Quelques mots pour la fin"
-#. type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"In a 1982 study, Stanford psychologist Mark L. Lepper showed that any task, "
-"no matter how enjoyable it once seemed, would be devalued if it were "
-"presented as a means rather than an end.  He told a group of preschoolers "
-"they could not engage in one activity they liked until they first took part "
-"in another.  Although they had enjoyed both activities equally, the children "
-"came to dislike the task that was a prerequisite for the other."
-msgstr ""
-"Dans une étude de 1982, le psychologue Mark L. Lepper, de Stanford, a 
montré "
-"que toute tâche, quelle que soit l'apparence agréable qu'on lui ait vue, "
-"sera dévalorisée si elle est présentée comme un moyen plutôt que comme 
une "
-"fin. Il raconta l'histoire d'un groupe de futurs écoliers qui ne pouvaient "
-"s'engager dans l'activité de leur préférence, sans avoir d'abord pris part 
à "
-"une autre. Bien qu'ils aient eut un plaisir identique à pratiquer les deux "
-"activités, les enfants en sont venus à ne pas aimer la tâche qui était la 
-"condition préalable de l'autre activité."
-#. type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"It should not be surprising that when verbal feedback is experienced as "
-"controlling, the effect on motivation can be similar to that of payment.  In "
-"a study of corporate employees, Ryan found that those who were told, &ldquo;"
-"Good, you're doing as you <em>should</em>&rdquo; were &ldquo;significantly "
-"less intrinsically motivated than those who received feedback "
-msgstr ""
-"Il ne devrait pas être surprenant que lorsque la rétroaction verbale est 
vue "
-"comme un contrôle, l'effet sur la motivation peut être assimilée à un "
-"paiement. Dans une étude portant sur des employés d'un groupement "
-"corporatif, Ryan a trouvé que ceux à qui on disait «&nbsp;Bien, tu fais 
comme "
-"il le <em>faut</em>&nbsp;», ceux-là étaient «&nbsp;nettement moins 
motivés "
-"intrinsèquement que ceux qui ont reçu un feedback par voie "
-#. type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"There's a difference, Ryan says, between saying, &ldquo;I'm giving you this "
-"reward because I recognize the value of your work&rdquo; and &ldquo;You're "
-"getting this reward because you've lived up to my standards.&rdquo;"
-msgstr ""
-"Il y a une différence, dit Ryan, entre dire «&nbsp;je te donne cette "
-"récompense parce que je reconnais la valeur de ton travail&nbsp;» et 
-"tu vas recevoir cette récompense parce que tu t'es conformé à mes "
-#. type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"A different but related set of problems exists in the case of creativity.  "
-"Artists must make a living, of course, but Amabile emphasizes that &ldquo;"
-"the negative impact on creativity of working for rewards can be "
-"minimized&rdquo; by playing down the significance of these rewards and "
-"trying not to use them in a controlling way.  Creative work, the research "
-"suggests, cannot be forced, but only allowed to happen."
-msgstr ""
-"Une série de problèmes, différents, mais liés, existe dans le cas de la "
-"créativité. Les artistes doivent gagner leur vie, bien entendu, mais Mme "
-"Amabile met l'accent sur le fait que «&nbsp;l'impact négatif sur la "
-"créativité en travaillant pour de l'argent peut être minimisé&nbsp;» en "
-"atténuant la signification de ces récompenses et en essayant de ne pas les "
-"utiliser comme moyen de contrôle. Comme le suggèrent les recherches, on ne "
-"peut forcer le travail créatif, simplement le laisser se produire."
-#. type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"Alfie Kohn, a Cambridge, MA writer, is the author of &ldquo;No Contest: The "
-"Case Against Competition,&rdquo; published by Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, "
-"MA.  ISBN 0-395-39387-6.  For more information on this topic, see the "
-"author's website (www.alfiekohn.org) and his book PUNISHED BY REWARDS (rev. "
-"ed., Houghton Mifflin, 1999)."
-msgstr ""
-"Alfie Kohn, MA writer de Cambridge, est l'auteur de «&nbsp;No Contest: The "
-"Case Against Competition&nbsp;», publié récemment par Houghton Mifflin 
Co., "
-"Boston, MA. ISBN 0-395-39387-6. Pour plus d'informations sur ce sujet, "
-"consultez le site de l'auteur (www.alfiekohn.org) et son livre PUNISHED BY "
-"REWARDS (rev. ed., Houghton Mifflin, 1999)."
-#. TRANSLATORS: Use space (SPC) as msgstr if you don't have notes.
-#. type: Content of: <div>
-msgstr " "
-#. type: Content of: <div><p>
-msgid ""
-"Please send FSF &amp; GNU inquiries to <a href=\"mailto:address@hidden";
-"\"><em>address@hidden</em></a>.  There are also <a href=\"/contact/\">other "
-"ways to contact</a> the FSF."
-msgstr ""
-"Veuillez envoyer les requêtes concernant la FSF et GNU à <a href=\"mailto:";
-"address@hidden">&lt;address@hidden&gt;</a>. Il existe aussi <a 
-"contact.fr.html\">d'autres moyens de contacter</a> la FSF."
-#. type: Content of: <div><p>
-msgid ""
-"Please send broken links and other corrections or suggestions to <a href="
-msgstr ""
-"Veuillez envoyer (en anglais) les liens morts ou d'autres suggestions sur "
-"cette page web à <a href=\"mailto:address@hidden";>&lt;address@hidden"
-#. type: Content of: <div><p>
-msgid ""
-"Please see the <a href=\"/server/standards/README.translations.html"
-"\">Translations README</a> for information on coordinating and submitting "
-"translations of this article."
-msgstr ""
-"Veuillez consulter le <a href=\"/server/standards/README.translations.fr.html"
-"\">README des traductions</a> pour des informations sur la coordination et "
-"la soumission de traductions de cet article."
-#. TRANSLATORS: Use space (SPC) as msgstr if you don't want credits.
-#. type: Content of: <div><div>
-msgstr ""
-"Traduction&nbsp;: Pierre-Yves Enderlin.<br />Révision&nbsp;: <a href="
-#.  timestamp start 
-#. type: Content of: <div><p>
-msgid "Updated:"
-msgstr "Dernière mise à jour&nbsp;:"

Index: po/motivation.pot
RCS file: po/motivation.pot
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-# Copyright (C) YEAR Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
-# FIRST AUTHOR <address@hidden>, YEAR.
-#, fuzzy
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-20 12:29-0300\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
-"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <address@hidden>\n"
-"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <address@hidden>\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: ENCODING"
-#. type: Content of: <title>
-msgid ""
-"Studies Find Reward Often No Motivator - GNU Project - Free Software "
-"Foundation (FSF)"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <h2>
-msgid "Studies Find Reward Often No Motivator"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <h3>
-msgid "Creativity and intrinsic interest diminish if task is done for gain"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "by <strong>Alfie Kohn</strong>"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "Special to the Boston Globe"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"[reprinted with permission of the author from the Monday, 19 January 1987, "
-"Boston Globe.  Also granted translation rights by kind courtesy of the "
-"author in 2003.  ed.]"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"In the laboratory, rats get Rice Krispies.  In the classroom the top "
-"students get A's, and in the factory or office the best workers get raises.  "
-"It's an article of faith for most of us that rewards promote better "
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"But a growing body of research suggests that this law is not nearly as "
-"ironclad as was once thought.  Psychologists have been finding that rewards "
-"can lower performance levels, especially when the performance involves "
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"A related series of studies shows that intrinsic interest in a task &mdash; "
-"the sense that something is worth doing for its own sake &mdash; typically "
-"declines when someone is rewarded for doing it."
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"If a reward &mdash; money, awards, praise, or winning a contest &mdash; "
-"comes to be seen as the reason one is engaging in an activity, that activity "
-"will be viewed as less enjoyable in its own right."
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"With the exception of some behaviorists who doubt the very existence of "
-"intrinsic motivation, these conclusions are now widely accepted among "
-"psychologists.  Taken together, they suggest we may unwittingly be "
-"squelching interest and discouraging innovation among workers, students and "
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"The recognition that rewards can have counter-productive effects is based on "
-"a variety of studies, which have come up with such findings as these: Young "
-"children who are rewarded for drawing are less likely to draw on their own "
-"that are children who draw just for the fun of it.  Teenagers offered "
-"rewards for playing word games enjoy the games less and do not do as well as "
-"those who play with no rewards.  Employees who are praised for meeting a "
-"manager's expectations suffer a drop in motivation."
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"Much of the research on creativity and motivation has been performed by "
-"Theresa Amabile, associate professor of psychology at Brandeis University.  "
-"In a paper published early last year on her most recent study, she reported "
-"on experiments involving elementary school and college students.  Both "
-"groups were asked to make &ldquo;silly&rdquo; collages.  The young children "
-"were also asked to invent stories."
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"The least-creative projects, as rated by several teachers, were done by "
-"those students who had contracted for rewards.  &ldquo;It may be that "
-"commissioned work will, in general, be less creative than work that is done "
-"out of pure interest,&rdquo; Amabile said."
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"In 1985, Amabile asked 72 creative writers at Brandeis and at Boston "
-"University to write poetry.  Some students then were given a list of "
-"extrinsic (external) reasons for writing, such as impressing teachers, "
-"making money and getting into graduate school, and were asked to think about "
-"their own writing with respect to these reasons.  Others were given a list "
-"of intrinsic reasons: the enjoyment of playing with words, satisfaction from "
-"self-expression, and so forth.  A third group was not given any list.  All "
-"were then asked to do more writing."
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"The results were clear.  Students given the extrinsic reasons not only wrote "
-"less creatively than the others, as judged by 12 independent poets, but the "
-"quality of their work dropped significantly.  Rewards, Amabile says, have "
-"this destructive effect primarily with creative tasks, including "
-"higher-level problem-solving.  &ldquo;The more complex the activity, the "
-"more it's hurt by extrinsic reward,&rdquo; she said."
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"But other research shows that artists are by no means the only ones "
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"In one study, girls in the fifth and sixth grades tutored younger children "
-"much less effectively if they were promised free movie tickets for teaching "
-"well.  The study, by James Gabarino, now president of Chicago's Erikson "
-"Institute for Advanced Studies in Child Development, showed that tutors "
-"working for the reward took longer to communicate ideas, got frustrated more "
-"easily, and did a poorer job in the end than those who were not rewarded."
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"Such findings call into question the widespread belief that money is an "
-"effective and even necessary way to motivate people.  They also challenge "
-"the behaviorist assumption that any activity is more likely to occur if it "
-"is rewarded.  Amabile says her research &ldquo;definitely refutes the notion "
-"that creativity can be operantly conditioned.&rdquo;"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"But Kenneth McGraw, associate professor of psychology at the University of "
-"Mississippi, cautions that this does not mean behaviorism itself has been "
-"invalidated.  &ldquo;The basic principles of reinforcement and rewards "
-"certainly work, but in a restricted context&rdquo; &mdash; restricted, that "
-"is, to tasks that are not especially interesting."
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"Researchers offer several explanations for their surprising findings about "
-"rewards and performance."
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"First, rewards encourage people to focus narrowly on a task, to do it as "
-"quickly as possible and to take few risks.  &ldquo;If they feel that "
-"&lsquo;this is something I have to get through to get the prize,&rsquo; "
-"they're going to be less creative,&rdquo; Amabile said."
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"Second, people come to see themselves as being controlled by the reward.  "
-"They feel less autonomous, and this may interfere with performance.  "
-"&ldquo;To the extent one's experience of being self-determined is "
-"limited,&rdquo; said Richard Ryan, associate psychology professor at the "
-"University of Rochester, &ldquo;one's creativity will be reduced as "
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"Finally, extrinsic rewards can erode intrinsic interest.  People who see "
-"themselves as working for money, approval or competitive success find their "
-"tasks less pleasurable, and therefore do not do them as well."
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"The last explanation reflects 15 years of work by Ryan's mentor at the "
-"University of Rochester, Edward Deci.  In 1971, Deci showed that "
-"&ldquo;money may work to buy off one's intrinsic motivation for an "
-"activity&rdquo; on a long-term basis.  Ten years later, Deci and his "
-"colleagues demonstrated that trying to best others has the same effect.  "
-"Students who competed to solve a puzzle quickly were less likely than those "
-"who were not competing to keep working at it once the experiment was over."
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <h3>
-msgid "Control plays role"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"There is general agreement, however, that not all rewards have the same "
-"effect.  Offering a flat fee for participating in an experiment &mdash; "
-"similar to an hourly wage in the workplace &mdash; usually does not reduce "
-"intrinsic motivation.  It is only when the rewards are based on performing a "
-"given task or doing a good job at it &mdash; analogous to piece-rate payment "
-"and bonuses, respectively &mdash; that the problem develops."
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"The key, then, lies in how a reward is experienced.  If we come to view "
-"ourselves as working to get something, we will no longer find that activity "
-"worth doing in its own right."
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"There is an old joke that nicely illustrates the principle.  An elderly man, "
-"harassed by the taunts of neighborhood children, finally devises a scheme.  "
-"He offered to pay each child a dollar if they would all return Tuesday and "
-"yell their insults again.  They did so eagerly and received the money, but "
-"he told them he could only pay 25 cents on Wednesday.  When they returned, "
-"insulted him again and collected their quarters, he informed them that "
-"Thursday's rate would be just a penny.  &ldquo;Forget it,&rdquo; they said "
-"&mdash; and never taunted him again."
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <h3>
-msgid "Means to an end"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"In a 1982 study, Stanford psychologist Mark L. Lepper showed that any task, "
-"no matter how enjoyable it once seemed, would be devalued if it were "
-"presented as a means rather than an end.  He told a group of preschoolers "
-"they could not engage in one activity they liked until they first took part "
-"in another.  Although they had enjoyed both activities equally, the children "
-"came to dislike the task that was a prerequisite for the other."
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"It should not be surprising that when verbal feedback is experienced as "
-"controlling, the effect on motivation can be similar to that of payment.  In "
-"a study of corporate employees, Ryan found that those who were told, "
-"&ldquo;Good, you're doing as you <em>should</em>&rdquo; were "
-"&ldquo;significantly less intrinsically motivated than those who received "
-"feedback informationally.&rdquo;"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"There's a difference, Ryan says, between saying, &ldquo;I'm giving you this "
-"reward because I recognize the value of your work&rdquo; and &ldquo;You're "
-"getting this reward because you've lived up to my standards.&rdquo;"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"A different but related set of problems exists in the case of creativity.  "
-"Artists must make a living, of course, but Amabile emphasizes that "
-"&ldquo;the negative impact on creativity of working for rewards can be "
-"minimized&rdquo; by playing down the significance of these rewards and "
-"trying not to use them in a controlling way.  Creative work, the research "
-"suggests, cannot be forced, but only allowed to happen."
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"Alfie Kohn, a Cambridge, MA writer, is the author of &ldquo;No Contest: The "
-"Case Against Competition,&rdquo; published by Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, "
-"MA.  ISBN 0-395-39387-6.  For more information on this topic, see the "
-"author's website (www.alfiekohn.org) and his book PUNISHED BY REWARDS "
-"(rev. ed., Houghton Mifflin, 1999)."
-msgstr ""
-#. TRANSLATORS: Use space (SPC) as msgstr if you don't have notes.
-#. type: Content of: <div>
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <div><p>
-msgid ""
-"Please send FSF &amp; GNU inquiries to <a "
-"href=\"mailto:address@hidden";><em>address@hidden</em></a>.  There are also <a 
-"href=\"/contact/\">other ways to contact</a> the FSF."
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <div><p>
-msgid ""
-"Please send broken links and other corrections or suggestions to <a "
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <div><p>
-msgid ""
-"Please see the <a "
-"href=\"/server/standards/README.translations.html\">Translations README</a> "
-"for information on coordinating and submitting translations of this article."
-msgstr ""
-#. TRANSLATORS: Use space (SPC) as msgstr if you don't want credits.
-#. type: Content of: <div><div>
-msgstr ""
-#.  timestamp start 
-#. type: Content of: <div><p>
-msgid "Updated:"
-msgstr ""

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+++ /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
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