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www/education education-old.ar.html education-o...

From: Matteo Gamba
Subject: www/education education-old.ar.html education-o...
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2011 12:45:40 +0000

CVSROOT:        /web/www
Module name:    www
Changes by:     Matteo Gamba <argoncordell>     11/09/27 12:45:40

Added files:
        education      : education-old.ar.html education-old.fr.html 
                         education-old.it.html education-old.pt-br.html 
        education/po   : education-old.fr.po 
Removed files:
        education      : education.ar.html education.fr.html 
                         education.it.html education.pt-br.html 
                         education.zh-cn.html education.zh-tw.html 
        education/po   : education.fr.po 

Log message:
        Moving outdated translation files of education.html to 
education-old.lang.html and existing outdated po files.


Index: education-old.ar.html
RCS file: education-old.ar.html
diff -N education-old.ar.html
--- /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ education-old.ar.html       27 Sep 2011 12:43:45 -0000      1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"
+    "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd";>
+<html dir="rtl" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"; xml:lang="en">
+    <title>البرامج المجانية في التعليم - مشروع 
جينيو - مؤسسة البرمجيات الحرة (FSF)</title> 
+    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="application/xhtml+xml; 
charset=utf-8" />
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+    <!-- consistent with W3C xhtml 1.1 and CSS standards -->
+    <!-- See validator.w3.org -->
+    <p>
+        <a href="#translations">ترجمات </a>هذه
+        الصفحه 
+    </p>
+    <h3>البرامج المجانية في التعليم 
+    </h3>
+    <!-- When you replace 
+this graphic, make sure you change -->
+    <!-- the link to also point to the correct HTML page. -->
+    <!-- If you make a new graphic for this page, make sure it -->
+    <!--has a corresponding entry in /graphics/graphics.html. -->
+    <p>
+        <a href="http://www.gnu.org/graphics/babygnu.html";><img height="136" 
alt=" [The GNU &#13;&#10;Baby] " src="/graphics/baby-gnu-sm.png" width="101" 
+    </p>
+    <hr />
+    <!-- this list is the page's contents. -->
+    <h4>قائمة المحتويات 
+    </h4>
+    <ul>
+        <li>
+            <a id="TOCIntroduction" href="#introduction">المقدمة</a> 
+        </li>
+        <li>
+            <a id="TOCwhy" href="#why">لماذا؟</a> 
+        </li>
+        <li>
+            <a id="TOChow" href="#how">كيف؟</a> 
+        </li>
+        <li>
+            <a id="TOCevents" href="#events">الأحداث</a> 
+        </li>
+        <li>
+            <a id="TOCstatistics" href="#statistics">من
+            يستخدمه؟</a> 
+        </li>
+        <li>
+            <a id="TOCadvocacy" href="#advocacy">التأييد</a> 
+        </li>
+        <li>
+            <a id="TOCsoftware" href="#software">برامج
+            مجانية للتعليم</a> 
+        </li>
+        <li>
+            <a id="TOCprojects" href="#projects">فرق
+            ومشاريع</a> 
+        </li>
+        <li>
+            <a id="TOChelp" href="#help">يمكنك مساعدتنا</a> 
+            <!-- at one time, the wiki was down.
+   <li><a href="#serverdown" id="TOCserverdown">Warning: Wiki Down</a></li> -->
+        </li>
+    </ul>
+    <hr />
+    <h4><a id="introduction" href="#TOCIntroduction">المقدمة</a> 
+    </h4>
+    <p>
+        قد تشكّل <a 
href="http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html";>البرامج الم
جانية</a> مصدراً
+        قيّماً في مجال التعليم، ليس فقط 
لتفوقها على البدائل المسجّلة على الصعيد 
الفني والتربوي،
+        بل لمساهمته أيضاً في تعزيز قيم مشروع 
جنيو في المدارس التي تتمثل بالحرية 
+    </p>
+    <p>
+        نجد اليوم أن العديد من الطلاب والمدارس 
يجهلون حتى ما هو "البرنامج المجاني" وما هي
+        الفوائد التي تنتج عنه، في حين تبرز 
الحاجة إلى الإلمام بالبرامج أكثر فأكثر للم
زيد من
+        المهام، وللبرامج المجانية أفضلية في 
هذا المجال. فإن كنت واحداً من الذين لا 
+        حتى اليوم في الظلمة، ما عليك سوى قراءة 
بعض هذه المعلومات التي جمعناها لك في هذه 
+    </p>
+    <p>
+        في ما يلي، بعض المعلومات التي جمعناها 
عن العلاقة بين مشروع جنيو والتعليم ( يمكنك 
+        على المزيد من العلاقات من خلال قراءة <a 
+        مشروع جنيو</a>). يرجى إرسال التعليقات 
والمقترحات، في ما يختص بهذه المعلومات، إلى 
+        بريد "جنيو والتربية": <a 
+    </p>
+    <h4><a id="why" href="#TOCwhy">لماذا</a> 
+    </h4>
+    <p>
+        نحن نعمل، بالتعاون مع مجموعة جديدة هي 
<a href="http://www.gnufans.net/fsedu.pl";>البرنامج
+        التعليمي المجاني</a>, على إنتاج هذه الم
قدمات. فإن لم يسبق لك الإطلاع على البرامج 
+        بالشكل المطلوب، تعرّف إليها الآن لتعلم
 لمَ هي ملائمة لك. 
+    </p>
+    <p>
+        تؤدي كل مادة سهلة الفهم قابلة للتوزيع، 
مثل نشرات الطلاب المعلّقة، إلى مدخل مباشر م
+        إلى مجموعة معينة حيث يستطيع الشخص الم
عني معرفة المزيد عن "البرامج المجانية" 
+        استخدامها والحصول عليها. 
+    </p>
+    <ul>
+        <li>
+            الإدارة:المساهمة عبر اقتراحات على 
هيئة مقال مع إمكانية دعم الأبحاث لاحقاً على 
+        </li>
+        <li>
+            الأساتذة: المساهمة عبر مقالة أو برام
ج ومناهج مثيرة للاهتمام... على المدخل (جارٍ 
تنفيذه؛ <a href="http://www.gnufans.net/fsedu.pl?ForFaculty";>يرجى
+            التقييم واقتراح التغييرات</a>.) 
+        </li>
+        <li>
+            الطلاب: المساهمة عبر صفحة TeX ملائمة 
للتعليق على لوح النشرات، مع مقالٍ أطول وم
+            قابلة للتوزيع (تم إنجاز النشرة <a 
+            التقييم واقتراح التغييرات</a>.) 
+        </li>
+    </ul>
+    <p>
+        <strong>إن الطريقة المثلى لمساعدتنا هي 
</strong>هي بالعمل على هذه الوثائق أو بمساعدتنا
+        على صعيد أوجه أخرى من مشروع البرنامج 
التعليمي المجاني. نرجو زيارة موقع <a 
+        Wiki</a> وتعديل بعض الصفحات. 
+    </p>
+    <p>
+        وقد خرج نظام جنيو بفكرة تحويل "الم
وسوعة العالمية والمصادر التعليمية الم
جانية" الى 
+        <!-- reopen this comment if Nupedia reappears: two projects: <a 
+ href="http://www.nupedia.com";>Nupedia</a> and -->
+        <a href="http://www.wikipedia.org/";>Wikipedia</a>. سوف تعرف 
هنا <a href="http://www.gnu.org/encyclopedia/free-encyclopedia.html";>هنا
+        لمَ نحتاج الى مصدر مماثل ولم علينا 
الإهتمام بشأنه</a>. 
+    </p>
+    <p>
+        مقالات أخرى: 
+    </p>
+    <ul>
+        <li>
+            <a 
+            الأولوية في المدرسة للبرامج الم
جانية؟"</a>, لـ جان بيرا توت. 
+        </li>
+    </ul>
+    <!--
+ TODO: The aim of the lists <a href="http://mail.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/info-
+ tech reports">info-tech-reports</a> is to alert people to new articles, and 
+ build up a bibliography of freely redistributable technical reports on free 
+ software. where should this go? -->
+    <h4><a id="how" href="#TOChow">كيف؟</a> 
+    </h4>
+    <p>
+        على الرغم من أن المجتمع التعليمي ملمّ 
نسبياً من الناحية الفنية، إلا أنه لا يزال 
+        الى تعلم نظم تشغيلية مجانية مثل جنيو. 
ويملك الطلاب والأساتذة والمدراء تحت تصرفهم 
+        الوسائل التي تتيح لهم التعلم. 
+    </p>
+    <p>
+        ونحن ننصح بتركيب نظام تشغيلي مجاني أو 
العثور على نظام مركّب مسبقاً، وتعلم كيفية 
+        ببساطة من خلال استعماله. بأية حال، قد 
تساهم هذه المصادر في تسهيل عملية الانتقال. 
+    </p>
+    <ul>
+        <li>
+            Learn Free Software (هو حالياً مجرد عمل 
تجريبي على the wiki) 
+        </li>
+        <li>
+            The <a href="http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/users-guide/users- 
+            Guide</a>, <a href="http://www.progeny.com/";>لـ 
بروجيني</a>, مكيّف للاستعمال مع Debian
+            . وهو عبارة، بالدرجة الأولى، عن درس 
تعليمي. لمزيد من التفاصيل، راجع <a 
+            ديبيان</a>. 
+        </li>
+    </ul>
+    <p>
+        أعدّ ماريو فوكس <a 
href="mailto:address@hidden";>mailto:address@hidden</a> الموقع 
+        . org/projects/education/tgs/tgs.en.html</a> <a 
+        مشروع تعليمي لمؤسسة FSF Europe</a>. وهو 
يتناول عينة من برامج تعليمية مجانية في كل
+        المجالات. 
+    </p>
+    <h4><a id="events" href="#TOCevents">الأحداث</a> 
+    </h4>
+    <p>
+        ندرج أدناه بعض المشاريع التي تشجع 
البرامج والتعليم مجاناً. نرجو إطلاعنا على 
أية أحداث
+        تعليمية أخرى تتبع <a 
href="http://www.gnu.org/philosophy";>فلسفة جنيو</a>, من خلال
+        مراسلة لائحة بريد جنيو والتربية على 
العنوان التالي <a 
+    </p>
+    <!--
+ cleanup -->
+    <h4><a id="statistics" href="#TOCstatistics">من يستخدمه؟</a> 
+    </h4>
+    <p>
+        ثمة مجموعات تتابع عمليات إحصاء للم
دارس التي تستخدم البرامج المجانية في عدة م
ناطق في
+        العالم: 
+    </p>
+    <ul>
+        <li>
+            <a 
+            عملية الإحصاء مجموعة <a 
href="http://libresoftware.educ.april.org/";>The Libre Software
+            School Day</a>. 
+        </li>
+        <li>
+            <a href="http://www.rittershofer.de/info/linux/linout.htm";>ألم
انيا</a>, يتابع عملية
+            الإحصاء أندرياس ريترشوفر. 
+        </li>
+        <li>
+            <a 
+            عملية الإحصاء مجموعة:&nbsp; <a 
href="http://libresoftware.educ.april.org/";>The Libre
+            Software School Day</a>. 
+        </li>
+    </ul>
+    <p>
+        نسعى الى عرض بعض القصص المستقاة من 
الصفوف والدورات التي يتم فيها استخدام 
البرامج المجانية.
+        وسواءً كان استخدامك للبرنامج مبدعاً أم
 لا، نرجو مشاركتنا قصتك عبر إرسالها إلى 
+        التالي 
+        <!-- GNU &amp; Education List at -
+ ><A href="mailto:address@hidden";><EM>address@hidden</EM></A>. </P> <H4><A 
+ id=advocacy 
+ href="#TOCadvocacy">الدعم</A></H4> 
+ <P>قبل أن يسعنا تشجيع البرامج المجانية على 
الصعيد المحلي، الأمر الذي يسعى إليه 
+ مشروع البرامج المجانية في التعليم، يجب أن 
نعرف  <EM>كيف</EM>  نفعل ذلك. وفي 
+ الواقع أن العديد من مقالات <A 
+ wiki</A> هي مخصصة لهذا الغرض تحديداً. نحن نبحث 
عن مقالات تكون شبيهة بما يلي<A 
+ href="http://digitalspeech.org/campus.shtml";>"كيف ننشىء مؤسسة 
+ (digitalspeech.org). </P> <UL> <LI><A 
+ href="http://www.gnufans.net/fsedu.pl?ForStudentsInstallGnuLinux";>    كيف 
+ مدرستك بتركيب GNU/Linux</A> </LI></UL> <H4><A id=software 
+ href="#TOCsoftware">البرامج 
+ التعليمية المجانية</A></H4> <P>نحن نتابع  <A 
+ href="http://www.gnu.org/education/software.html";>لائحة بالبرامج 
+ وبمشاريع البرامج المجانية للتعليم</A>. </P> 
<H4><A id=projects 
+ href="#TOCprojects">مجموعات ومشاريع 
+ أخرى</A></H4> <P>ثمة مجموعات ومشاريع عديدة تعمل 
في مجال البرامج المجانية 
+ والتعليم، وقد تم إدراج بعضها أدناه. إن كان 
مشروعك يدعم البرامج المجانية فقط 
+ وليس مدرجاً هنا، نرجو إرسال بريد إلكتروني 
الى <!-- GNU &amp; Education List at 
+ -->
+        <a href="mailto:address@hidden";><em>address@hidden</em></a>. 
+    </p>
+    <!--
+ keep this list in strict alphabetical order, except for official 
+ pages, which should go at top. -->
+    <ul>
+        <li>
+            تسعى <a 
التعليمية المجانية
+            (Free Learning Resources)</a> الى إدخال مبادىء 
البرامج المجانية الى المواد التربوية
+            وسائر المعارف العامة. 
+        </li>
+        <li>
+            يشجع<a 
href="http://www.debian.org/devel/debian-jr/index";>Debian Jr.</a>, إنشاء 
+            لبرامج مجانية ملائمة للأطفال. 
+        </li>
+        <li>
+            يشكّل <a 
href="http://wiki.debian.net/?DebianEdu";>DebianEdu</a>, مشروعاً م
تصلاً لإنشاء
+            إصدارات برامج ملائمة لتركيبها في 
شبكات المدارس. ويتم الآن من خلاله إدخال نظام
 <a href="http://developer.skolelinux.no/index.html.en";>Skolelinux</a>,
+            الذي قد يصبح الإصدار المفضل لدى مجم
وعة البرامج المجانية في التعليم (Free Software
+            in Education).. 
+        </li>
+        <li>
+            <a href="http://www.gleducar.org.ar/";>Gleducar</a>, مشروع 
للجنيو في الأرجنتين. 
+        </li>
+        <li>
+            تشجع مؤسسة البرامج المجانية في 
التربية والتعليم<a 
+            البرامج المجانية في التعليم. <a 
href="http://www.ofset.org/freeduc-cd";>ألقِ نظرة على
+            Freeduc-cd</a>, وهو قرص مضغوط مباشر يتعلق بم
نشأة تربوية (إصدار OFSET).. 
+        </li>
+    </ul>
+    <h4><a id="help" href="#TOChelp">يمكنكم مساعدتنا</a> 
+    </h4>
+    <p>
+        كنتم تعرفون أي مشروع تعليمي يرتكز على 
البرامج المجانية، يرجى إرسال الصفحة الخاصة 
+        مع وصف موجز له الى <a 
+    </p>
+    <!--
+uncomment if Wiki goes down again, along with above contents entry
+<h4><a href="#TOCserverdown" id="serverdown">Warning: Wiki Down</a></h4>
+<em>The Wiki is currently down.</em>  According to <a 
href="http://www.gnufans.org/";>deego</a> <a 
+<tt>My new computer has indeed died too :( ---I keep getting "crc error"
+"system halted" whether trying to boot from a floppy or a cd or any
+hd.  Most likely a motherboard issue.  I am trying to return this
+computer and have them send me a new one, which could mean weeks
+before gnufans.net and its content is back up, i only had one working
+computer :(</tt>
+James Michael DuPont <a href="mailto:address@hidden";>&lt;address@hidden></a> 
is <a 
 on a solution</a> to the "central point of failure" problem.
+<!-- If needed, change the copyright block at the bottom. In general, -->
+    <!-- all pages on the GNU web server should have the section about    -->
+    <!-- verbatim copying.  Please do NOT remove this without talking     -->
+    <!-- with the webmasters first. -->
+    <!-- Please make sure the copyright date is consistent with the document 
+    <!-- and that it is like this "2001, 2002" not this "2001-2002." -->
+    <p style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt">
+        <a id="translations"></a><b>ترجمات&nbsp;هذة الصفحة 
</b>:<br />
+        <!-- Please keep this list alphabetical, and in the original -->
+        <!-- language if possible, otherwise default to English -->
+        <!-- If you do not have it English, please comment what the -->
+        <!-- English is.  If you add a new language here, please -->
+        <!-- advise address@hidden and add it to -->
+        <!--    - in /home/www/bin/nightly-vars either TAGSLANG or WEBLANG -->
+        <!--    - in /home/www/html/server/standards/README.translations.html 
+        <!--      one of the lists under the section "Translations Underway" 
+        <!--    - if there is a translation team, you also have to add an 
alias -->
+        <!--      to mail.gnu.org:/com/mailer/aliases -->
+        <!-- Please also check you have the 2 letter language code right 
versus -->
+        <!--     http://www.w3.org/WAI/ER/IG/ert/iso639.htm -->[  <A 
href="http://www.gnu.org/education/education.ar.html";>العربية</A> <!-- 
Arabic -->| <a 
href="http://www.gnu.org/education/education.ca.html";>Catalan</a> | <a 
href="http://www.gnu.org/education/education.cn.html";>Chinese(Simplified)</a> | 
| <a href="http://www.gnu.org/education/education.html";>English</a> | <a 
href="http://www.gnu.org/education/education.fr.html";>French</a> | <a 
href="http://www.gnu.org/education/education.it.html";>Italian</a> | <a 
href="http://www.gnu.org/education/education.pt.html";>Portuguese</a> | <a 
href="http://www.gnu.org/education/education.es.html";>Spanish</a> ] 
+    </p>
+    <div class="copyright">
+        <p>
+            العودة الى صفحة <a 
href="http://www.gnu.org/home.html";>مشروع جينيو الرئيسية</a>. 
+        </p>
+        <p>
+            يمكن الإستعلام عن جنيو أو FSF عبر <a 
+            توجد وسائل <a 
href="http://www.gnu.org/home.html#ContactInfo";>أخرى للأتصال ب</a> 
+            <br />
+            الرجاء الإبلاغ عن أي عطل بالروابط أو 
عن أية اقتراحات أخرى الى <a 
+        </p>
+        <!-- I don't know where this would go...: -->
+        <!-- Please send comments on this web page to -->
+        <!-- <a href="mailto:address@hidden";><em>address@hidden</em></a>, -->
+        <!-- send other questions to -->
+        <!-- <a href="mailto:address@hidden";><em>address@hidden</em></a>. -->
+        <p>
+            Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 
Temple Place - Suite
+            330, Boston, MA 02111, USA 
+            <br />
+            Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is 
permitted in any medium,
+            provided this notice is preserved. 
+        </p>
+        <P>revision by <a href="http://www.optel.net/";>Hossam Hossny</a><P>
+    </div>

Index: education-old.fr.html
RCS file: education-old.fr.html
diff -N education-old.fr.html
--- /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ education-old.fr.html       27 Sep 2011 12:43:45 -0000      1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+<!--#include virtual="/server/header.fr.html" -->
+<!-- This file is automatically generated by GNUnited Nations! -->
+<title>Les logiciels libres dans l'éducation - GNU Operating System</title>
+<!--#include virtual="/server/banner.fr.html" -->
+<h2>Les logiciels libres et les universités</h2>
+De plus en plus d'étudiants se posent la question de savoir si une
+université enseigne l'informatique et le développement en utilisant des
+logiciels libres quand vient le moment de choisir leur université. Des
+logiciels libres signifient que les étudiants sont libres d'étudier la façon
+dont fonctionnent les logiciels qu'ils utilisent et d'apprendre à les
+adpater à leurs propres besoins. Apprendre sur les logiciels libres peut
+aussi aider dans l'apprentissage de l'éthique de développement et des
+pratiques professionnelles. Si vous connaissez une université qui s'oriente
+vers les logiciels libres, veuillez envoyer un courriel à <a
+href="mailto:address@hidden";>address@hidden</a> pour nous le
+signaler afin que nous la citions ici.
+<h2>Votre école s'implique-t-elle dans les logiciels libres ?</h2>
+Free Horizon Montessori in Arvada, Colorado has 63 GNU/Linux user systems,
+plus 6 GNU/Linux servers. Their favorite apps are Ktouch, TuxTyping, and
+Si votre école s'implique dans les logiciels libres, alors nous aimerions le
+savoir pour la lister ici. Votre école a-t-elle migré vers GNU/Linux, ou
+a-t-elle adopté une politique ferme de rejet des logiciels
+propriétaires&nbsp;? Si c'est la cas, contactez <a
+href="mailto:address@hidden";>&lt;address@hidden&gt;</a> pour nous le
+faire savoir.
+<h2>Les logiciels libres dans l'éducation</h2>
+<a href="/philosophy/free-sw.fr.html">Le logiciel libre</a> peut constituer
+une ressource pr&eacute;cieuse dans l'enseignement. En effet, il peut
+&ecirc;tre non seulement sup&eacute;rieur aux alternatives
+propri&eacute;taires d'un point de vue technique ou p&eacute;dagogique, mais
+il peut aussi faire passer les valeurs du projet GNU au sein des
+&eacute;tablissements scolaires&nbsp;:
+Aujourd'hui, beaucoup d'&eacute;tudiants et d'&eacute;tablissements
+scolaires ne connaissent m&ecirc;me pas les logiciels libres ou les grands
+avantages qu'ils apportent. En m&ecirc;me temps, des comp&eacute;tences en
+informatique sont requises pour de plus en plus de t&acirc;ches, et les
+logiciels libres ont un avantage s&eacute;rieux sans ce domaine. Si vous
+faites partie de ceux qui sont rest&eacute;s dans le noir jusqu'&agrave;
+pr&eacute;sent, veuillez lire les quelques informations que nous avons
+rassembl&eacute;es ici.
+Voici des informations que nous avons r&eacute;unies sur les relations entre
+le projet GNU et l'enseignement (vous pourrez en apprendre plus en lisant <a
+href="/gnu/thegnuproject.fr.html">l'histoire du projet GNU</a>). Merci de
+faire part de vos commentaires et de vos suggestions &agrave; <a
+<h3 id="why">Pourquoi&nbsp;?</h3>
+Nous travaillons en proche collaboration avec un nouveau groupe, les
+logiciels libres dans l'enseignement, pour produire ces introductions. Si
+vous n'&ecirc;tes pas totalement familier avec les logiciels libres,
+d&eacute;couvrez pourquoi ils sont bons pour vous&nbsp;!
+Chaque &eacute;l&eacute;ment distribuable, facilement assimilable, comme les
+billets du journal des &eacute;tudiants, m&egrave;ne &agrave; un portail en
+ligne, taill&eacute; sur mesure pour le groupe particulier, sur lequel
+l'int&eacute;ress&eacute; peut en apprendre plus sur ce que signifie les
+logiciels libres, apprendre &agrave; les utiliser et bien s&ucirc;r les
+Une id&eacute;e de GNU, l'Encyclop&eacute;die libre universelle et des
+ressources d'apprentissage, est devenue <a
+href="http://www.wikipedia.org";>Wikip&eacute;dia</a>. D&eacute;couvrez <a
+href="/encyclopedia/free-encyclopedia.html">pourquoi nous avons besoin d'une
+telle ressource et pourquoi nous devons y faire attention</a>.
+<li><a href="/philosophy/schools.fr.html">Pourquoi les &eacute;coles devraient
+utiliser exclusivement des logiciels libres</a>, par Richard Stallman.</li>
+pr&eacute;f&eacute;rer l'utilisation de logiciels libres dans
+l'&Eacute;ducation&nbsp;?</a>, par Jean Peyratout.</li>
+<!-- TODO: The aim of the
+lists <a 
+is to alert people to new articles, and to build up a bibliography of
+freely redistributable technical reports on free software. where
+should this go? -->
+<h3 id="how">Comment&nbsp;?</h3>
+Bien que la tendance dans l'&eacute;ducation est de devenir de plus en plus
+technique, elle a encore besoin d'aider &agrave; l'apprentissage de
+syst&egrave;me d'exploitation libres tel que GNU. Les &eacute;tudiants, les
+professeurs et les administrateurs ont des outils &agrave; leur disposition
+avec lesquels apprendre.
+Notre conseil est juste d'installer un syst&egrave;me d'exploitation libre
+ou de trouver une installation existante, et d'apprendre &agrave; s'en
+servir, simplement en l'utilisant. Cependant, ces ressources peuvent vous
+aider &agrave; faciliter la transition.
+Mario Fux <a href="mailto:address@hidden";>&lt;address@hidden></a>
+&eacute;crit <a
+pour le <a
+&eacute;ducation de la FSF Europe</a>. Il passe en revue des logiciels
+&eacute;ducatifs libres pour chaque usage.
+<h3 id="events">Événements</h3>
+Certains projets qui ne font la promotion que de logiciels libres dans
+l'&eacute;ducation sont list&eacute;s ci-dessous. Veuillez nous signaler
+tout autre &eacute;v&eacute;nement concernant l'&eacute;ducation qui suit la
+<a href="/philosophy/philosophy.fr.html">Philosophie GNU</a>, en
+&eacute;crivant &agrave; la liste de diffusion GNU &amp; Education &agrave;
+<a href="mailto:address@hidden";><em>address@hidden</em></a>.
+<!-- cleanup -->
+<h3 id="statistics">Qui les utilisent&nbsp;?</h3>
+Certains groupes maintiennent des statistiques sur les &eacute;coles qui
+utilisent des logiciels libres dans plusieurs r&eacute;gions du monde&nbsp;:
+<!-- Those links are dead 2008-08-15 ccorazza
+<li><a href="http://libresoftware.educ.april.org/fr/carteFrance.html";>
+France</a>, maintained by the
+group <a href="http://libresoftware.educ.april.org";>The Libre Software
+School Day</a>.</li> -->
+<li><a href="http://www.rittershofer.de/info/linux/linout.htm";>Allemagne</a>,
+maintenu par Andreas Rittershofer. Il existe un miroir obsolète à <a
+<!-- Those links are dead 2008-08-15 ccorazza
+<li><a href="http://libresoftware.educ.april.org/it/carteItalieit.html";>
+Italy</a>, maintained by the
+group <a href="http://libresoftware.educ.april.org";>The Libre Software
+School Day</a>.</li> -->
+Nous voulons pr&eacute;senter des exp&eacute;riences de classes ou de cours
+o&ugrave; les logiciels libres sont utilis&eacute;s. Que votre utilisation
+soit cr&eacute;ative ou pas, veuillez partager votre histoire. Si vous le
+faites, veuillez &eacute;crire &agrave; <a
+<h3 id="advocacy">Plaidoyer</h3>
+Avant de plaider pour les logiciels libres &agrave; un &eacute;chelon local,
+comme le projet Logiciels libres dans l'&eacute;ducation voudrait le faire,
+nous devons trouver <em>comment</em> faire cela. Nous recherchons des
+articles concernant votre r&eacute;gion. Si vous connaissez un bon lien sur
+les logiciels libres et l'&eacute;ducation, veuillez nous contacter.
+<h3 id="software">Logiciels libres dans l'éducation</h3>
+Nous maintenons une <a href="/education/software.html">de logiciels libres
+et de projets de logiciels libres pour l'&eacute;ducation</a>.
+<h3 id="projects">Autres groupes et projets</h3>
+Il existe plusieurs groupes et projets qui travaillent dans les logiciels
+libres et l'&eacute;ducation. Certains d'entre-eux sont list&eacute;s
+ci-dessous. Si votre projet ne soutient que les logiciels libres et qu'il
+n'est pas list&eacute; ici, veuillez envoyer un courriel &agrave; <a
+<!-- keep this list in strict alphabetical order, except for official
+GNU-affiliated pages, which should go at top. -->
+<li><a href="/education/freelearning.html">Free Learning Resources</a>, dont le
+but est d'apporter les principes du logiciel libre sur les supports
+d&eacute;di&eacute;s &agrave; l'&eacute;ducation ou &agrave; la connaissance
+en g&eacute;n&eacute;ral.</li>
+<li><a href="http://www.gleducar.org.ar";>Gleducar</a>, un projet argentin GNU
+dans l'&eacute;ducation.</li>
+<li><a href="http://www.ofset.org";>OFSET</a>, The Organization for Free 
+in Education and Teaching (Organisation pour les logiciels libres dans
+l'&eacute;ducation et l'enseignement), qui soutient l'utilisation des
+logiciels libres dans l'&eacute;ducation. <a
+href="http://www.ofset.org/freeduc-cd";>Jetez un &oelig;il &agrave;
+Freeduc-cd</a>, un live-cd pour l'&eacute;ducation cr&eacute;&eacute; par
+<li><a href="http://www.sugarlabs.org";>Sugar Labs</a>, qui fournit le Sugar
+Learning Environment, soutien le partage et l'apprentissage collaboratif, et
+la r&eacute;flexion.</li>
+<h3 id="help">Vous pouvez nous aider</h3>
+<p>Si vous connaissez un projet &eacute;ducatif bas&eacute; sur les logiciels
+libres, veuillez nous soumettre la page du projet et une br&egrave;ve
+description &agrave; <a
+<div style="font-size: small;">
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+ </div>
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+Veuillez envoyer les requêtes concernant la FSF et GNU à <a
+href="mailto:address@hidden";><em>address@hidden</em></a>. Il existe aussi <a
+href="/contact/">d'autres moyens de contacter</a> la FSF. <br /> Veuillez
+envoyer les liens orphelins ou d'autres suggestions sur cette page Web à <a
+Veuillez consulter le <a
+href="/server/standards/README.translations.fr.html">README des
+traductions</a> pour des informations sur la coordination et la soumission
+de traductions de cet article.
+<p>Copyright &copy; 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.</p>
+La reproduction exacte et la distribution intégrale de cet article est
+permise sur n'importe quel support d'archivage, pourvu que cette notice soit
+<div class="translators-credits">
+<!--TRANSLATORS: Use space (SPC) as msgstr if you don't want credits.-->
+Traduction&nbsp;: Cédric Corazza.<br /> Révision&nbsp;: <a
+ <p>
+<!-- timestamp start -->
+Dernière mise à jour&nbsp;:
+$Date: 2011/09/27 12:43:45 $
+<!-- timestamp end -->
+<div id="translations">
+<h4>Traduction de cette page</h4>
+<!-- Please keep this list alphabetical by language code. -->
+<!-- Comment what the language is for each type, i.e. de is German. -->
+<!-- Write the language name in its own language (Deutsch) in the text. -->
+<!-- If you add a new language here, please -->
+<!-- advise address@hidden and add it to -->
+<!--  - /home/www/html/server/standards/README.translations.html -->
+<!--  - one of the lists under the section "Translations Underway" -->
+<!--  - if there is a translation team, you also have to add an alias -->
+<!--  to mail.gnu.org:/com/mailer/aliases -->
+<!-- Please also check you have the language code right; see: -->
+<!-- http://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/php/code_list.php -->
+<!-- If the 2-letter ISO 639-1 code is not available, -->
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+<!-- Please use W3C normative character entities. -->
+<ul class="translations-list">
+<!-- Arabic -->
+<!-- Catalan -->
+<li><a href="/education/education.ca.html">Catal&agrave;</a>&nbsp;[ca]</li>
+<!-- English -->
+<li><a href="/education/education.html">English</a>&nbsp;[en]</li>
+<!-- Spanish -->
+<li><a href="/education/education.es.html">Espa&ntilde;ol</a>&nbsp;[es]</li>
+<!-- French -->
+<li><a href="/education/education.fr.html">Fran&ccedil;ais</a>&nbsp;[fr]</li>
+<!-- Italian -->
+<li><a href="/education/education.it.html">Italiano</a>&nbsp;[it]</li>
+<!-- Brazilian Portuguese -->
+<li><a href="/education/education.pt-br.html">portugu&ecirc;s do 
+<!-- Chinese (Simplified -->
+<!-- Chinese (Traditional) -->

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--- /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ education-old.it.html       27 Sep 2011 12:43:45 -0000      1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+<!--#include virtual="/server/header.html" -->
+  <title>Educazione - Progetto GNU - Free Software Foundation (FSF)</title>
+  <link rev="made" href="mailto:address@hidden"; />
+  <link rev="translated" href="mailto:address@hidden"; />
+  <meta name="Description"
+        content="Tradotto originariamente da
+                Paola Blason e Giorgio V. Felchero - bfteam
+                Modifiche successive di Andrea Pescetti" />
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+<!-- Please make sure to properly nest your tags -->
+<!-- and ensure that your final document validates -->
+<!-- consistent with W3C xhtml 1.1 and CSS standards -->
+<!-- See validator.w3.org -->
+<a href="#translations">Translations</a> of this page
+<h3>GNU ed Educazione</h3>
+<!-- when you replace this graphics, make sure you change the link
+     to also point to the correct html page.
+     If you make a new graphics for this page, make sure it has
+     a corresponding entry in /graphics/graphics.html                     -->
+<a href="/graphics/babygnu.html"><img src="/graphics/baby-gnu-sm.png"
+   alt=" [The GNU Baby] "
+   width="101" height="136" /></a>
+<hr />
+<!-- this list is the page's contents. -->
+  <li><a href="#introduction" id="TOCIntroduction">Introduzione</a></li>
+  <li><a href="#why" id="TOCwhy">Perché?</a></li>
+  <li><a href="#how" id="TOChow">Come?</a></li>
+  <li><a href="#events" id="TOCevents">Eventi</a></li>
+  <li><a href="#statistics" id="TOCstatistics">Statistiche</a></li>
+  <li><a href="#advocacy" id="TOCadvocacy">Diffusione</a></li>
+  <li><a href="#software" id="TOCsoftware">Software educativo libero</a></li>
+  <li><a href="#projects" id="TOCprojects">Gruppi e progetti</a></li>
+  <li><a href="#help" id="TOChelp">Aiutateci</a></li>
+<!-- at one time, the wiki was down.
+  <li><a href="#serverdown" id="TOCserverdown">Attenzione: Wiki non 
disponibile</a></li> -->
+<hr />
+<h4><a href="#TOCIntroduction" id="introduction">Introduzione</a></h4>
+Il <a href="/philosophy/free-sw.it.html">software libero</a>
+può essere una risorsa importante in ambito educativo. Può essere
+non solo tecnicamente o pedagogicamente superiore alle alternative
+proprietarie, ma può anche promuovere nelle scuole i valori del
+progetto GNU:
+Oggi, molti studenti e scuole non conoscono nemmeno il software libero
+e i suoi grandi vantaggi. Allo stesso tempo, conoscere il software
+è sempre più necessario, e il software libero ha un chiaro vantaggio
+in questo campo. Se siete tra quelli finora tenuti all'oscuro, leggete
+le informazioni che abbiamo raccolto qui sotto.
+Ecco alcune informazioni che abbiamo raccolto sulle relazioni tra il
+Progetto GNU e il mondo dell'educazione (potete trovare ulteriori
+relazioni leggendo la <a href="/gnu/thegnuproject.it.html">storia
+del Progetto GNU</a>). Siete invitati ad inviare commenti e
+suggerimenti in inglese riguardo a queste informazioni a
+<a href="mailto:address@hidden";><em>address@hidden</em></a>
+<h4><a href="#TOCwhy" id="why">Perché?</a></h4>
+Collaboriamo con un nuovo gruppo, Free Software in Education, per produrre
+questo materiale introduttivo. Se non siete del tutto familiari con
+il software libero, scoprite perché è la cosa giusta per voi!
+Ogni materiale ridistribuibile e semplice, come gli "Students
+bulletin posting", conduce ad un portale online, pensato per quel
+particolare gruppo, nel quale l'interessato può scoprire il significato
+del software libero, imparare ad usarlo ed ovviamente scaricarlo.
+Un'idea di GNU, l'Enciclopedia e Risorsa del Sapere Libera, e' diventata
+<!-- reopen this comment if Nupedia reappears: two projects: <a 
href="http://www.nupedia.com";>Nupedia</a> and --> <a 
+Scoprite <a href="/encyclopedia/free-encyclopedia.html">perché ci serve una 
risorsa del
+genere, e perché interessa anche a voi</a>.
+preferire il software libero a scuola?"</a>, (in inglese) di Jean 
+<!-- TODO: The aim of the lists <a 
 is to alert people to new articles, and to build up a bibliography of freely 
redistributable technical reports on free software. where should this go? -->
+<h4><a href="#TOChow" id="how">Come?</a></h4>
+Anche se il pubblico in questo campo ha spesso esperienze informatiche,
+ha comunque bisogno di aiuto per imparare sistemi operativi liberi come GNU.
+Studenti, docenti ed amministratori hanno a disposizione strumenti con cui
+Il nostro consiglio è semplicemente quello di installare un sistema
+operativo libero, o sfruttare un'installazione esistente, e imparare
+ad usarlo con l'esperienza pratica.
+Queste risorse possono comunque essere utili per semplificare la
+<li>La <a 
Utente</a>, di <a href="http://www.progeny.com/";>Progeny</a>, adattata per 
Debian GNU/Linux. Questa è
+essenzialmente un tutorial; per informazioni più approfondite, vedete la <a 
href="http://www.debian.org/doc/";>Debian documentation</a>.</li>
+Mario Fux <a href="mailto:address@hidden";>&lt;address@hidden></a> scrive <a 
 per <a href="http://fsfeurope.org/projects/education/education.en.html";>il 
progetto educazione di FSF Europe</a>.
+In ogni edizione fa una recensione di un programma libero per l'educazione.
+<h4><a href="#TOCevents" id="events">Eventi</a></h4>
+Qui sotto sono elencati alcuni progetti che promuovono soltanto software 
libero in
+campo educativo. Fateci sapere di altri eventi educativi che si ispirano alla
+<a href="http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/philosophy.it.html";>filosofia GNU</a>, 
scrivendo a
+<a href="mailto:address@hidden";><em>address@hidden</em></a>.
+<h4><a href="#TOCstatistics" id="statistics">Statistiche</a></h4>
+Ci sono alcuni gruppi che mantengono statistiche sulle scuole che utilizzano
+software libero in diverse parti del mondo:
+mantenuta dal gruppo <a href="http://libresoftware.educ.april.org";>
+The Libre Software School Day</a>.</li>
+<li><a href="http://www.rittershofer.de/info/linux/linout.htm";>Germania</a>,
+mantenuta da Andreas Rittershofer.</li>
+mantenuta dal gruppo <a href="http://libresoftware.educ.april.org";>
+The Libre Software School Day</a>.</li>
+Vogliamo presentare alcune storie di aule e corsi che usano software libero.
+Per favore raccontateci vostre storie d'uso, innovative o meno, inviandole
+in inglese a <a href="mailto:address@hidden";><em>address@hidden</em></a>.
+<h4><a href="#TOCadvocacy" id="advocacy">Diffusione</a></h4>
+Prima di diffondere il software libero a livello locale, come da intenzioni
+del progetto "Free Software in Education", dobbiamo capire
+<em>come</em> farlo. Cerchiamo articoli su questo tema: se trovate un
+link interessante sul software libero e l'educazione, contattateci.
+<h4><a href="#TOCsoftware" id="software">Software educativo libero</a></h4>
+E' disponibile una <a href="/education/software.html">lista di software e 
+liberi per l'educazione</a>.
+<h4><a href="#TOCprojects" id="projects">Altri gruppi e progetti</a></h4>
+Ci sono diversi gruppi e progetti che lavorano con il software libero in campo
+educativo.  Alcuni di loro sono qui sotto elencati. Se il vostro progetto 
+soltanto il software libero e non è elencato qui, inviate un'e-mail a
+<a href="mailto:address@hidden";><em>address@hidden</em></a>.
+<!-- keep this list in strict alphabetical order, except for official 
GNU-affiliated pages, which should go at top. -->
+<li><a href="/education/freelearning.html">Free Learning Resources</a> vuole
+portare i principi del software libero nella didattica e nella conoscenza.</li>
+<li><a href="http://www.debian.org/devel/debian-jr/index";>Debian Jr.</a>,
+promuove la creazione di una distribuzione di software libero adatta ai 
+<li><a href="http://wiki.debian.net/?DebianEdu";>DebianEdu</a>, un progetto 
collegato, punta
+a creare una distribuzione da installare nelle scuole. Sta ora integrando <a 
href="http://developer.skolelinux.no/index.html.en";>Skolelinux</a>, quindi 
potrebbe diventare la
+distribuzione preferita del gruppo Free Software in Education.</li>
+<li><a href="http://www.gleducar.org.ar";>Gleducar</a>, il progetto argentino 
su GNU e l'educazione.</li>
+<li><a href="http://www.ofset.org";>OFSET</a>, promuove l'utilizzo del software 
+in campo educativo. <a href="http://www.ofset.org/freeduc-cd";>Freeduc-cd</a>, 
è un CD educativo live preparato da Ofset.</li>
+<h4><a href="#TOChelp" id="help">Aiutateci</a></h4>
+<p>Se conoscete prgetti educativi basati su software libero, inviate la pagina
+del progetto e una breve descrizione a <a 
+<!-- If needed, change the copyright block at the bottom. In general, -->
+<!-- all pages on the GNU web server should have the section about    -->
+<!-- verbatim copying.  Please do NOT remove this without talking     -->
+<!-- with the webmasters first. --> 
+<!-- Please make sure the copyright date is consistent with the document -->
+<!-- and that it is like this "2001, 2002" not this "2001-2002." -->
+<p style="font-size: 10pt;">
+<a id="translations"></a>
+<b>Traduzioni di questa pagina</b>:<br />
+<!-- Please keep this list alphabetical, and in the original -->
+<!-- language if possible, otherwise default to English -->
+<!-- If you do not have it English, please comment what the -->
+<!-- English is.  If you add a new language here, please -->
+<!-- advise address@hidden and add it to -->
+<!--    - in /home/www/bin/nightly-vars either TAGSLANG or WEBLANG -->
+<!--    - in /home/www/html/server/standards/README.translations.html -->
+<!--      one of the lists under the section "Translations Underway" -->
+<!--    - if there is a translation team, you also have to add an alias -->
+<!--      to mail.gnu.org:/com/mailer/aliases -->
+<!-- Please also check you have the 2 letter language code right versus -->
+<!--     http://www.w3.org/WAI/ER/IG/ert/iso639.htm -->
+    <a href="education.ca.html">Catalano</a>  
+  | <a href="education.cn.html">Cinese(Semplificato)</a>
+  | <a href="education.zh.html">Cinese(Tradizionale)</a>
+  | <a href="education.fr.html">Francese</a>
+  | <a href="education.html">Inglese</a>
+  | <a href="education.it.html">Italiano</a>
+  | <a href="education.pt.html">Portoghese</a>
+  | <a href="education.es.html">Spagnolo</a>
+<div class="copyright">
+Ritorna alla <a href="/home.it.html">pagina principale di GNU</a>.
+Per informazioni e domande sulla FSF e GNU rivolgersi,
+possibilmente in inglese, a 
+<a href="mailto:address@hidden";><em>address@hidden</em></a>.
+Altri <a href="/home.it.html#ContactInfo">modi per contattare</a> la FSF.
+<br />
+Inviate segnalazioni di link errati e altre correzioni (o suggerimenti)
+a <a href="mailto:address@hidden";><em>address@hidden</em></a>.
+Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2003, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+51 Franklin St -
+Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,  USA
+<br />
+La copia letterale e la distribuzione di questo articolo nella sua
+integrità sono permesse con qualsiasi mezzo, a condizione
+che questa nota sia riprodotta.
+<!-- timestamp start -->
+$Date: 2011/09/27 12:43:45 $ $Author: argoncordell $
+<!-- timestamp end -->

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+<TITLE>Educação - O Projeto GNU e a Fundação para o Software Livre 
+<LINK REV="made" HREF="mailto:address@hidden";>
+<BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#1F00FF" ALINK="#FF0000" 
+<H3>GNU e Educação</H3>
+<!-- when you replace this graphics, make sure you change the link
+     to also point to the correct html page.
+     If you make a new graphics for this page, make sure it has
+     a corresponding entry in /graphics/graphics.html                     -->
+<A HREF="/graphics/agnuhead.html"><IMG SRC="/graphics/gnu-head-sm.jpg"
+   ALT=" [imagem da cabeça de um GNU] "
+   WIDTH="129" HEIGHT="122"></A>
+<!-- Please keep this list alphabetical -->
+    <A HREF="education.es.html">Espanhol</A>
+  | <A HREF="education.fr.html">Francês</A>
+  | <A HREF="education.html">Inglês</A>
+  | <A HREF="education.pt.html">Português</A>
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+<!-- Please keep this list alphabetical -->
+<!-- Replace this list with the page's contents. -->
+  <LI><A HREF="#introduction" NAME="TOCIntroduction">Introdução</A>
+  <LI><A HREF="#software" NAME="TOCsoftware">Software Educacional no GNU</A>
+  <LI><A HREF="#gnuprojects" NAME="TOCgnuproject">Projetos Educacionais no 
+  <LI><A HREF="#statistics" NAME="TOCstatistics">Estatísticas</A>
+  <LI><A HREF="#projects" NAME="TOCprojects">Grupos e Projetos</A>
+  <LI><A HREF="#events" NAME="TOCevents">Eventos</A>
+  <LI><A HREF="#stories" NAME="TOCstories">Histórias</A>
+<H4><A HREF="#TOCIntroduction" NAME="introduction">Introdução</A></H4>
+O <a href="/philosophy/free-sw.pt.html">Software Livre</a>
+pode ser um recurso valioso na educação. Ele pode não ser apenas superior
+técnicamente ou pedagogicamente às alternativas proprietárias, mas
+ele também promove os valores do Projeto GNU nas escolas:
+Aqui temos algumas informações que colhemos sobre a relação do Projeto GNU com 
a educação
+(você pode ver mais relacionamentos ao ler a
+<a href="/gnu/the-gnu-project.html">história do Projeto GNU</a>).
+Por favor envie os seus comentários e sugestões sobre esta informação para
+<a href="mailto:address@hidden";><em>address@hidden</em></a>
+<H4><A HREF="#TOCsoftware" NAME="software">Software Educacional no GNU</A></H4>
+Além do <a href="/gnu/linux-and-gnu.pt.html">GNU/Linux</a>, do <a
+href="/software/software.html">Software GNU</a>  e da  <a
+href="/doc/doc.pt.html">Documentação do GNU</a>,  existem algums pacotes
+GNU criados especificamente para educação:
+<li><a href="/software/dr_geo/dr_geo.html">Dr. Geo</a>
+é uma ferramenta gráfica e interativa que permite ao usuário explorar e 
descobrir a Geometria Euclidiana.
+<li><a href="/software/ggradebook/ggradebook.html">Ggradebook</a>
+é uma aplicação gráfica para professores que permite o controle das notas dos 
+<li><a href="/software/gtypist/gtypist.html">GNU Typist</a>
+é um tutor de datilografia. Ele é um interpretador para tutoriais de 
datilografia, que inclui tutoriais para
+vários idiomas e layouts de teclados.
+<li><a href="/software/solfege/solfege.html">Solfege</a>
+é um programa para ajudar no treinamento do seu ouvido musical.
+Nós mantemos uma lista de tarefas pendentes que inclui uma seção de programas 
relativos à educação.
+Você pode nos ajudar realizando uma dessas tarefas:
+Outros softwares livres úteis para educação podem ser encontrados em:
+<li>Na seção de <a href="/gnulist/production/education.html">Education</a>
+do Diretório de Software Livre do GNU.
+<li>O diretório <a href="http://www.ofset.org/freeduc/";>freeduc</a> mantido 
pela OFSET.
+<H4><A HREF="#TOCgnuprojects" NAME="gnuprojects">Projects Educacionais no 
+<li><a href="/encyclopedia/index.html">A Enciclopédia Livre Universal</a>
+<li>O objetivo da lista <a 
+é avisar às pessoas sobre novos artigos, e construir uma bibliografia de 
relatórios técnicos livremente
+redistribuíveis sobre software livre.
+<li>O projeto <a href="http://www.ofset.org";>OFSET</a>
+é um parceito do Projeto GNU, desenvolvendo programas educacionais que são 
pacotes GNU.
+<H4><A HREF="#TOCstatistics" NAME="statistics">Estatísticas</A></H4>
+Existem alguns grupos que mantém estatísticas de escolas que utilizam software 
livre em várias regiões do mundo:
 mantida pelo grupo <a 
mantida pelo grupo <a href="http://libresoftware.educ.april.org";>The Libre 
Software School Day</a>.
+<li><a href="http://www.rittershofer.de/info/linux/linout.htm";>Alemanha</a>, 
mantida por Andreas Rittershofer.
mantida pelo grupo <a href="http://libresoftware.educ.april.org";>The Libre 
Software School Day</a>.
+<H4><A HREF="#TOCprojects" NAME="projects">Grupos e Projetos</A></H4>
+Existem vários grupos e projetos que estão trabalhando com Software Livre
+e Educação. Alguns deles estão listados abaixo. Se o seu projeto suporta 
apenas software
+livre e não está listado aqui, por favor envie uma mensagem para
+<a href="mailto:address@hidden";><em>address@hidden</em></a>.
+<li><a href="http://www.debian.org/devel/debian-jr/index";>Debian Jr.</a>,
+promove a criação de uma distribuição de software livre apropriada para 
+<li><a href="http://www.ofset.org";>OFSET</a>, 
+promove o uso do software livre na educação.
+promove o uso do software livre na Colômbia.
+<H4><A HREF="#TOCevents" NAME="events">Eventos</A></H4>
+Alguns projetos que promovem somente software livre e edicação estão listados 
abaixo. Por favor
+nos comunique sobre outros eventos educacionais que seguem a
+<a href="http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/philosophy.pt.html";>Filosofia do 
+escrevendo para <a href="mailto:address@hidden";><em>address@hidden</em></a>.
+<li>Fev/Mar 2001. <a 
+curso livre de administração de redes GNU/Linux nas escolas colombianas</a>
+<li>Julho, dias 4 a 9 de 2001.  <a href="http://lsm.abul.org/";>Libre Software 
+em Bordeaux (France) irá incluir uma sessão temática sobre educação.
+<H4><A HREF="#TOCstories" NAME="stories">Estórias</A></H4>
+Nesta seção queremos apresentar algumas histórias de escolas onde só é 
utilizado software livre.
+Por favor compartilhe conosco sua história. Se você desejar fazer isso, por 
favor escreva seguindo
+nossos <a href="/server/fsf-html-style-sheet.html">guias de estilo</a> e envie 
+<A HREF="mailto:address@hidden";><em>address@hidden</em></A>.
+Você também pode checar os nossos <a 
+Sobre o GNU.
+  * If needed, change the copyright block at the bottom. In general, all pages
+    on the GNU web server should have the section about verbatim copying. 
+    do NOT remove this without talking with the webmasters first.
+<!-- Please keep this list alphabetical -->
+    <A HREF="education.es.html">Espanhol</A>
+  | <A HREF="education.fr.html">Francês</A>
+  | <A HREF="education.html">Inglês</A>
+  | <A HREF="education.pt.html">Português</A>
+<!-- | A HREF="education.LG.html" LANGUAGE /A  -->
+<!-- Please keep this list alphabetical -->
+Retorna à <A HREF="/home.pt.html">Página Inicial do GNU</A>.
+Por favor envie dúvidas ou questões sobre FSF e/ou GNU para
+<A HREF="mailto:address@hidden";><EM>address@hidden</EM></A>.
+Há também <A HREF="/home.pt.html#ContactInfo"> outros meios
+de contactar</A> a FSF.
+Por favor envie comentários sobre estas páginas web para
+<A HREF="mailto:address@hidden";><EM>address@hidden</EM></A>,
+envie outras questões para
+<A HREF="mailto:address@hidden";><EM>address@hidden</EM></A>.
+Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+51 Franklin St -
+Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,  USA
+A cópia fiel e a distribuição deste artigo completo é permitida em qualquer 
+desde que esta nota seja preservada
+Traduzido por: Fernando Lozano
+<a href="mailto:address@hidden";>&lt;address@hidden&gt;</a>
+<!-- hhmts start -->
+$Date: 2011/09/27 12:43:46 $ $Author: argoncordell $
+<!-- hhmts end -->

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+<TITLE>½ÌÓý - GNU ¼Æ»­ - ×ÔÓÉÈí¼þ»ù½ð»á(FSF)</TITLE>
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312">
+<LINK REV="made" HREF="mailto:address@hidden";>
+<BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#1F00FF" ALINK="#FF0000" 
+<H3>GNU ºÍ½ÌÓý</H3>
+<!-- when you replace this graphics, make sure you change the link
+     to also point to the correct html page.
+     If you make a new graphics for this page, make sure it has
+     a corresponding entry in /graphics/graphics.html                     -->
+<IMG SRC="/graphics/baby-gnu-sm.png"
+   ALT=" [Image of a GNU Baby] "
+   WIDTH="101" HEIGHT="136">
+<!-- Please keep this list alphabetical -->
+  <A href="/education/education.cn.html">¼òÌåÖÐÎÄ</A>
+| <A href="/education/education.zh.html">·±ÌåÖÐÎÄ</A>
+| <A href="/education/education.ca.html">¼ÓÌ©ÂÞÄáÑÇÓï</A>
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+| <A href="/education/education.fr.html">·¨Óï</A>
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+| <A href="/education/education.pt.html">ÆÏÌÑÑÀÓï</A>
+| <A href="/education/education.es.html">Î÷°àÑÀÓï</A>
+<!-- | A HREF="education.LG.html" LANGUAGE /A  -->
+<!-- Please keep this list alphabetical -->
+<!-- Replace this list with the page's contents. -->
+  <LI><A HREF="#introduction" NAME="TOCIntroduction">½éÉÜ</A>
+  <LI><A HREF="#software" NAME="TOCsoftware">GNU 
+  <LI><A HREF="#gnuprojects" NAME="TOCgnuproject">GNU 
+  <LI><A HREF="#statistics" NAME="TOCstatistics">ͳ¼Æ×ÊÁÏ</A>
+  <LI><A HREF="#projects" NAME="TOCprojects">С×éºÍ¼Æ»®</A>
+  <LI><A HREF="#events" NAME="TOCevents">ʼþ</A>
+  <LI><A HREF="#stories" NAME="TOCstories">¹ÊÊÂ</A>
+  </LI>
+<H4><A HREF="#TOCIntroduction" NAME="introduction">½éÉÜ</A>
+<P><A href="/philosophy/free-sw.html">×ÔÓÉÈí¼þ</A>
+¶øÇÒÄܽøÒ»²½·¢»Ó GNU ¼Æ»®ÔÚѧУÖеļÛÖµ:
+  <LI>×ÔÓÉ
+  <LI>ºÏ×÷
+ </LI>
+<A href="/gnu/the-gnu-project.html">GNU ¼Æ»®µÄÀúÊ·</A> )¡£
+Ç뽫Äã¶ÔÕâЩ×ÊÁϵÄÒÉÎʺͽ¨Òé·¢Ë͵½ <A 
+<H4><A HREF="#TOCsoftware" NAME="software">GNU 
+<P>³ýÁË <A href="/gnu/linux-and-gnu.html">GNU/Linux</A>£¬
+<A href="/software/software.html">GNU Èí¼þ</A> ºÍ
+<A href="/doc/doc.html">GNU Îĵµ</A>, »¹ÓÐһЩרÃÅ
Ϊ½ÌÓýÁìÓòÉè¼ÆµÄ GNU °ü:
+  <LI><a href="http://ofset.sourceforge.net/drgenius/";>ÇÇÖβ©Ê¿</A>
+  <LI><A href="/software/ggradebook/ggradebook.html">³É¼¨²¾</A>
+  <LI><A href="/software/gtypist/gtypist.html">GNU ´ò×ÖÔ±</A>
+  <LI><A href="/software/solfege/solfege.html">Solfege</A>
+  ÊÇÒ»¸ö¸¨ÖúÌá¸ßÌýÁ¦µÄ³ÌÐò¡£
+  <LI><A href="http://savannah.gnu.org/projects/gcompris/";>Gcompris</A>
+  ÊÇÒ»Ì×ÊʺÏÄêÇá¶ùͯµÄ½ÌÓý×é¼þ¡£
+ </LI>
+  <LI>ÓÉ×ÔÓÉÈí¼þ»ù½ð»áά³ÖµÄ <a 
href="/directory/">×ÔÓÉÈí¼þĿ¼</a> ÖÐµÄ <a 
href="/directory/Education/">½ÌÓý</A> ÕâÒ»²¿·Ö¡£
+  <LI>OFSET ÖÐµÄ <A href="http://www.ofset.org/freeduc/";>freeduc</A> 
+ </LI>
+Çë²Î¹Û <a 
+»òÕßÇë·¢ÓʼþÖÁ <A 
href="mailto:address@hidden";>address@hidden</A> ¡£
+<H4><A HREF="#TOCgnuprojects" NAME="gnuprojects">GNU 
+  <LI><A 
+  <LI> <A
+  href="http://mail.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/info-tech-reports";>IT ±¨¸æ</A>
+  <LI> <A href="http://www.ofset.org/";>OFSET</A> ¼Æ»®ÊÇ GNU 
+  ËüÖ÷Òª¿ª·¢ÊôÓÚ GNU °üµÄ½ÌÓýÁìÓòµÄ³ÌÐò¡£
+  </LI>
+<H4><A HREF="#TOCstatistics" NAME="statistics">ͳ¼Æ×ÊÁÏ</A>
+  <LI><A 
+  ÓÉ <A href="http://libresoftware.educ.april.org/";>The Libre Software 
School Day</A>
+  С×éά»¤¡£
+  <LI><A 
+  ÓÉ Andreas Rittershofer ά»¤¡£
+  <LI><A 
+  ÓÉ <A href="http://libresoftware.educ.april.org/";>The Libre Software 
School Day</A>
+  С×éά»¤¡£
+ </LI>
+<H4><A HREF="#TOCprojects" NAME="projects">С×éºÍ¼Æ»®</A>
+Çë·¢ÓʼþÖÁ <A 
href="mailto:address@hidden";><EM>address@hidden</EM></A> ¡£
+  <LI><A href="http://www.debian.org/devel/debian-jr/index";>Debian Jr.</A>£¬
+  <LI><A href="http://www.ofset.org/";>OFSET</A> 
+<H4><A HREF="#TOCevents" NAME="events">ʼþ</A>
+href="http://www.gnu.org/philosophy";>GNU ÕÜѧ</A> 
µÄ½ÌÓýÁìÓòʼþ£¬ÇëдÐÅÖÁ <A
+  <LI>2002 Äê 1 ÔÂ / 3 ÔÂ <A href="http://libresoftware-
+  educ.org/fr/2002.html">Libre Software Days 2002</A>
+  <LI>2002 Äê 7 Ô½«ÔÚ·¨¹ú²¨¶û¶àÕÙ¿ªµÚÈþ´Î <A 
+   Software 
+ </LI>
+<H4><A HREF="#TOCstories" NAME="stories">¹ÊÊÂ</A>
+<a href="http://www.gnu.org/server/fsf-html-style-sheet.html";>Ö¸µ¼</A>
+дÏÂÄãµÄ¹ÊÊ£¬°ÑËü·¢µ½ <A 
+<P>ÄãÒ²¿ÉÒÔÈ¥¿´¿´¹ØÓÚ GNU µÄ <A 
+  * If needed, change the copyright block at the bottom. In general, all pages
+    on the GNU web server should have the section about verbatim copying. 
+    do NOT remove this without talking with the webmasters first.
+<!-- Please keep this list alphabetical -->
+  <A href="/education/education.cn.html">¼òÌåÖÐÎÄ</A>
+| <A href="/education/education.zh.html">·±ÌåÖÐÎÄ</A>
+| <A href="/education/education.ca.html">¼ÓÌ©ÂÞÄáÑÇÓï</A>
+| <A href="/education/education.html">Ó¢Óï</A>
+| <A href="/education/education.fr.html">·¨Óï</A>
+| <A href="/education/education.it.html">Òâ´óÀûÓï</A>
+| <A href="/education/education.pt.html">ÆÏÌÑÑÀÓï</A>
+| <A href="/education/education.es.html">Î÷°àÑÀÓï</A>
+<!-- | A HREF="education.LG.html" LANGUAGE /A  -->
+<!-- Please keep this list alphabetical -->
+·µ»Ø <A HREF="/home.html">GNU Ê×Ò³</A>¡£
+Ç뽫ÓÐ¹Ø ``×ÔÓÉÈí¼þ»ù½ð»á ºÍ GNU'' µÄ 
²éѯºÍÎÊÌâ Ë͵½
+<A HREF="mailto:address@hidden";><EM>address@hidden</EM></A>¡£
+Ò²¿ÉÒÔͨ¹ý <A HREF="/home.html#ContactInfo">ÆäËû·½·¨</A>
+ÁªÏµ×ÔÓÉÈí¼þ»ù½ð»á (FSF)¡£
+<A HREF="mailto:address@hidden";><EM>address@hidden</EM></A>£¬
+<A HREF="mailto:address@hidden";><EM>address@hidden</EM></A>¡£
+Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+51 Franklin St -
+Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,  USA
+·­Ò룺½­ ½¨¾ü
+ÑéÖ¤£ºÂí ѩƼ
 - Ðë±£Áô´Ë±ê×¢¡£
+<!-- timestamp start -->
+$Date: 2011/09/27 12:43:46 $ $Author: argoncordell $
+<!-- timestamp end -->

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+<TITLE>±Ð¨| - GNU ­pµe - ¦Û¥Ñ³nÅé°òª÷·|(FSF)</TITLE>
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+<LINK REV="made" HREF="mailto:address@hidden";>
+<BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#1F00FF" ALINK="#FF0000" 
+<H3>GNU ©M±Ð¨|</H3>
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+     to also point to the correct html page.
+     If you make a new graphics for this page, make sure it has
+     a corresponding entry in /graphics/graphics.html                     -->
+<IMG SRC="/graphics/baby-gnu-sm.png"
+   ALT=" [Image of a GNU Baby] "
+   WIDTH="101" HEIGHT="136">
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+| <A href="/education/education.es.html">¦è¯Z¤ú¤å</A>
+<!-- | A HREF="education.LG.html" LANGUAGE /A  -->
+<!-- Please keep this list alphabetical -->
+<!-- Replace this list with the page's contents. -->
+  <LI><A HREF="#introduction" NAME="TOCIntroduction">¤¶²Ð</A>
+  <LI><A HREF="#software" NAME="TOCsoftware">GNU ¤¤ªº±Ð¨|»â°ì³nÅ
+  <LI><A HREF="#gnuprojects" NAME="TOCgnuproject">GNU 
+  <LI><A HREF="#statistics" NAME="TOCstatistics">²Î­p¸ê®Æ</A>
+  <LI><A HREF="#projects" NAME="TOCprojects">¤p²Õ©M­pµe</A>
+  <LI><A HREF="#events" NAME="TOCevents">¨Æ¥ó</A>
+  <LI><A HREF="#stories" NAME="TOCstories">¬G¨Æ</A>
+  </LI>
+<H4><A HREF="#TOCIntroduction" NAME="introduction">¤¶²Ð</A>
+<P><A href="/philosophy/free-sw.html">¦Û¥Ñ³nÅé</A>
address@hidden GNU ­pµe¦b¾Ç®Õ¤¤ªº»ù­È:
+  <LI>¦Û¥Ñ
+  <LI>¦X§@
+ </LI>
+<P>³o¸Ì¬O§Ú­Ì¦¬¶°ªº¦³Ãö GNU ­pµe©M±Ð¨|address@hidden
+<A href="/gnu/the-gnu-project.html">GNU ­pµeªº¾ú¥v</A> )¡C
+½Ð±N§A¹ï³o¨Ç¸ê®ÆªººÃ°Ý©M«Øijµo°e¨ì <A 
+<H4><A HREF="#TOCsoftware" NAME="software">GNU ¤¤ªº±Ð¨|»â°ì³nÅ
+<P>°£¤F <A href="/gnu/linux-and-gnu.html">GNU/Linux</A>¡A
+<A href="/software/software.html">GNU ³nÅé</A> ©M
+<A href="/doc/doc.html">GNU ¤åÀÉ</A>, address@hidden|»â°ì³]­pªº 
GNU ®M¸Ë³nÅé:
+  <LI><a href="http://ofset.sourceforge.net/drgenius/";>³ìªv³Õ¤h</A>
+  address@hidden
+  <LI><A href="/software/ggradebook/ggradebook.html">¦¨ÁZï</A>
+  address@hidden
+  <LI><A href="/software/gtypist/gtypist.html">GNU ¥´¦r­û</A>
+  address@hidden
+  <LI><A href="/software/solfege/solfege.html">Solfege</A>
+  address@hidden
+  <LI><A href="http://savannah.gnu.org/projects/gcompris/";>Gcompris</A>
+  address@hidden|²Õ¥ó¡C
+ </LI>
+  <LI>¥Ñ¦Û¥Ñ³nÅé°òª÷·|ºû«ùªº <a 
href="/directory/">¦Û¥Ñ³nÅé¥Ø¿ý</a> ¤¤ªº <a 
href="/directory/Education/">±Ð¨|</A> address@hidden
+  <LI>OFSET ¤¤ªº <A href="http://www.ofset.org/freeduc/";>freeduc</A> 
+ </LI>
+½Ð°ÑÆ[ <a href="savannah-projects.html">³o­Óºô­¶</A>address@hidden
+©ÎªÌ½Ðµo¶l¥ó¦Ü <A href="mailto:address@hidden";>address@hidden</A> 
+<H4><A HREF="#TOCgnuprojects" NAME="gnuprojects">GNU 
+  <LI><A 
+  <LI> <A
+  href="http://mail.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/info-tech-reports";>IT ³ø§i</A>
+  ¥Ø¿ýªº¥Øªº¬O´£¿ô¤H­Ìª`·N·sªº¤å³¹¡A
+  address@hidden
+  <LI> <A href="http://www.ofset.org/";>OFSET</A> ­pµe¬O GNU 
+  ¥¦¥D­n¶}µoÄÝ©ó GNU ®M¸Ë³nÅ骺±Ð¨|»â°ìªºµ{¦¡¡C
+  </LI>
+<H4><A HREF="#TOCstatistics" NAME="statistics">²Î­p¸ê®Æ</A>
+  <LI><A 
+  ¥Ñ <A href="http://libresoftware.educ.april.org/";>The Libre Software 
School Day</A>
+  address@hidden
+  <LI><A href="http://www.rittershofer.de/info/linux/linout.htm";>¼w°ê</A>¡A
+  ¥Ñ Andreas Rittershofer address@hidden
+  <LI><A 
+  ¥Ñ <A href="http://libresoftware.educ.april.org/";>The Libre Software 
School Day</A>
+  address@hidden
+ </LI>
+<H4><A HREF="#TOCprojects" NAME="projects">¤p²Õ©M­pµe</A>
+½Ðµo¶l¥ó¦Ü <A href="mailto:address@hidden";><EM>address@hidden</EM></A> 
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+<H4><A HREF="#TOCevents" NAME="events">¨Æ¥ó</A>
¦X <a
+href="http://www.gnu.org/philosophy";>GNU ­õ¾Ç</A> 
ªº±Ð¨|»â°ì¨Æ¥ó¡A½Ð¼g«H¦Ü <A
+  <LI>2002 ¦~ 1 ¤ë / 3 ¤ë <A href="http://libresoftware-
+  educ.org/fr/2002.html">Libre Software Days 2002</A>
+  <LI>2002 ¦~ 7 ¤ë±N¦bªk°êªiº¸¦h¥l¶}²Ä¤T¦¸ <A 
+   Software ·|ij</A>¡C«e¨â¦¸·|ij³£¬O¥H±Ð¨|address@hidden
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+¼g¤U§Aªº¬G¨Æ¡A§â¥¦µo¨ì <A 
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+    on the GNU web server should have the section about verbatim copying. 
+    do NOT remove this without talking with the webmasters first.
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+½Ķ¡G¦¿ «Ø­x
+ÅçÃÒ¡G°¨ ³·µÓ
+<!-- timestamp start -->
+$Date: 2011/09/27 12:43:46 $ $Author: argoncordell $
+<!-- timestamp end -->

Index: po/education-old.fr.po
RCS file: po/education-old.fr.po
diff -N po/education-old.fr.po
--- /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ po/education-old.fr.po      27 Sep 2011 12:45:32 -0000      1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,574 @@
+# French translation of http://www.gnu.org/education/education.html
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Cédric Corazza <cedric.corazza AT wanadoo.fr>, 2008.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: education.html\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-25 20:25-0300\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-04-26 12:51+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Cédric Corazza <cedric.corazza AT wanadoo.fr>\n"
+"Language-Team: French <address@hidden>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Outdated-Since: 2011-09-13 04:25-0300\n"
+"Language: fr\n"
+#. type: Content of: <title>
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Free Software in Education - GNU Operating System"
+msgid "Free Software and Education - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation"
+msgstr "Les logiciels libres dans l'éducation - GNU Operating System"
+#. type: Content of: <div><h2>
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Free Software in Education"
+msgid "Free Software and Education"
+msgstr "Les logiciels libres dans l'éducation"
+#. type: Content of: <div><ul><li>
+msgid "<a href=\"/education/edu-contents.html\">Education Contents</a>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <div><ul><li>
+msgid "<a href=\"/education/edu-cases.html\">Case Studies</a>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <div><ul><li>
+msgid "<a href=\"/education/edu-resources.html\">Educational Resources</a>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <div><ul><li>
+msgid "<a href=\"/education/edu-projects.html\">Education Projects</a>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <div><ul><li>
+msgid "<a href=\"/education/edu-faq.html\">FAQ</a>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <div><ul><li>
+msgid "<a href=\"/education/edu-team.html\">The Education Team</a>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <div><h3>
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Free Software in Education"
+msgid "What Does Free Software Have To Do With Education?"
+msgstr "Les logiciels libres dans l'éducation"
+#. type: Content of: <p>
+msgid ""
+"Software freedom has an especially important role in education.  Educational "
+"institutions of all levels should use and teach Free Software because it is "
+"the only software that allows them to accomplish their essential missions: "
+"to disseminate human knowledge and to prepare students to be good members of "
+"their community. The source code and the methods of Free Software are part "
+"of human knowledge. On the contrary, proprietary software is secret, "
+"restricted knowledge, which is the opposite of the mission of educational "
+"institutions. Free Software supports education, proprietary software forbids "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <p>
+msgid ""
+"Free Software is not just a technical question; it is an ethical, social, "
+"and political question. It is a question of the human rights that the users "
+"of software ought to have. Freedom and cooperation are essential values of "
+"Free Software. The GNU System implements these values and the principle of "
+"sharing, since sharing is good and beneficial to human progress."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <p>
+msgid ""
+"To learn more, see the <a href=\"/philosophy/free-sw.html\">Free Software "
+"definition</a> and our article on <a href=\"/philosophy/shouldbefree.html"
+"\">why software should be free</a> (as in freedom)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <div><div><h2>
+msgid "The Basics"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <div><div><p>
+msgid ""
+"In this six-minutes video <a href=\"http://www.fsf.org/about/leadership/#rms";
+"\">Richard Stallman</a> explains briefly and to the point the principles of "
+"Free Software and how they connect to education."
+msgstr ""
+#.  TRANSLATORS: please add the link to your language here in the first place, 
followed by a comma. 
+#. type: Content of: <div><div><p>
+msgid ""
+"Transcriptions of this video are available in <a href=\"/education/misc/rms-"
+"education-es-translation-to-en.txt\">English</a>, <a href=\"/education/misc/"
+"rms-education-es-transcription.txt\">Spanish</a>, and <a href=\"/education/"
+"misc/edu-misc.html#transcriptions\">other languages</a>."
+msgstr ""
+#.  TRANSLATORS: please add the link to your language here in the first place, 
followed by a comma. 
+#. type: Content of: <div><div><p>
+msgid ""
+"SubRip subtitle files are also available for download in <a href=\"/"
+"education/misc/rms-education-es-sub-en.srt\">English</a>, <a href=\"/"
+"education/misc/rms-education-es-sub-es.srt\">Spanish</a>, and <a href=\"/"
+"education/misc/edu-misc.html#subtitles\">other languages</a>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <div><div><p>
+msgid ""
+"Download video as <a href=\"http://audio-video.gnu.org/video/rms-education-";
+"es-sub-en.ogv\"> Ogg Theora</a>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <div><div><p>
+msgid ""
+"The GNU Project was <a href=\" /gnu/initial-announcement.html\">launched</a> "
+"in 1983 by Richard Stallman to develop a Free Libre operating system: the "
+"GNU operating system. As a result, today it is possible for anyone to use a "
+"computer in freedom."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <div><div><h2>
+msgid "In Depth"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <div><div><p>
+msgid ""
+"Learn about the <a href=\"/education/edu-why.html\">Reasons Why</a> "
+"educational institutions should use and teach exclusively Free Software."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <div><div><p>
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "<a href=\"/philosophy/schools.html\">Why schools should exclusively use "
+#| "free software</a>, by Richard Stallman."
+msgid ""
+"An article by Richard Stallman: <a href=\"/education/edu-schools.html\">Why "
+"Schools Should Exclusively Use Free Software</a>"
+msgstr ""
+"<a href=\"/philosophy/schools.fr.html\">Pourquoi les écoles devraient "
+"utiliser exclusivement des logiciels libres</a>, par Richard Stallman."
+#. type: Content of: <div><div><p>
+msgid ""
+"An article by Dr. V. Sasi Kumar on the <a href=\"/education/edu-system-india."
+"html\">education system in India.</a>"
+msgstr ""
+#. TRANSLATORS: Use space (SPC) as msgstr if you don't have notes.
+#. type: Content of: <div>
+msgstr " "
+#. type: Content of: <div><p>
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Please send FSF &amp; GNU inquiries to <a 
+#| "address@hidden&gt;</a>.  There are also <a href=\"/contact/\">other ways 
to "
+#| "contact</a> the FSF."
+msgid ""
+"Please send general FSF &amp; GNU inquiries to <a 
+"\">&lt;address@hidden&gt;</a>.  There are also <a href=\"/contact/\">other 
ways "
+"to contact</a> the FSF."
+msgstr ""
+"Veuillez envoyer les requêtes concernant la FSF et GNU à <a href=\"mailto:";
+"address@hidden">&lt;address@hidden&gt;</a>. Il existe aussi <a 
+"contact.fr.html\">d'autres moyens de contacter</a> la FSF."
+#. type: Content of: <div><p>
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "If you know any educational project based on Free Software, please submit "
+#| "the project page and a brief description to <a href=\"mailto:";
+#| "address@hidden">&lt;address@hidden&gt;</a>."
+msgid ""
+"Please send broken links and other corrections or suggestions to <a href="
+msgstr ""
+"Si vous connaissez un projet éducatif basé sur les logiciels libres, "
+"veuillez nous soumettre la page du projet et une brève description à <a 
+#. type: Content of: <div><p>
+msgid ""
+"Please see the <a href=\"/server/standards/README.translations.html"
+"\">Translations README</a> for information on coordinating and submitting "
+"translations of this article."
+msgstr ""
+"Veuillez consulter le <a href=\"/server/standards/README.translations.fr.html"
+"\">README des traductions</a> pour des informations sur la coordination et "
+"la soumission de traductions de cet article."
+#. type: Content of: <div><p>
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Copyright &copy; 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
+msgid "Copyright &copy; 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
+msgstr "Copyright &copy; 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
+#. type: Content of: <div><p>
+msgid ""
+"This page is licensed under a <a rel=\"license\" href=\"http://";
+"creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/3.0/us/\">Creative Commons Attribution-"
+"NoDerivs 3.0 United States License</a>."
+msgstr ""
+#. TRANSLATORS: Use space (SPC) as msgstr if you don't want credits.
+#. type: Content of: <div><div>
+msgstr ""
+"Traduction&nbsp;: Cédric Corazza.<br /> Révision&nbsp;: <a href=\"mailto:";
+#.  timestamp start 
+#. type: Content of: <div><p>
+msgid "Updated:"
+msgstr "Dernière mise à jour&nbsp;:"
+#~ msgid "Translations of this page"
+#~ msgstr "Traduction de cette page"
+#~ msgid "Free Software Universities"
+#~ msgstr "Les logiciels libres et les universités"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "More and more students are considering whether a university teaches "
+#~ "computer science and software development using Free Software when "
+#~ "deciding where they will study. Free Software means that students are "
+#~ "free to study how the programs they use work and to learn how to adapt "
+#~ "them for their own needs. Learning about Free Software can also help in "
+#~ "studying software development ethics and professional practice. If you "
+#~ "know of a Free-Software-oriented university then email <a href=\"mailto:";
+#~ "address@hidden">address@hidden</a> to tell us about it so we can "
+#~ "list it here."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "De plus en plus d'étudiants se posent la question de savoir si une "
+#~ "université enseigne l'informatique et le développement en utilisant des "
+#~ "logiciels libres quand vient le moment de choisir leur université. Des "
+#~ "logiciels libres signifient que les étudiants sont libres d'étudier la "
+#~ "façon dont fonctionnent les logiciels qu'ils utilisent et d'apprendre à "
+#~ "les adpater à leurs propres besoins. Apprendre sur les logiciels libres "
+#~ "peut aussi aider dans l'apprentissage de l'éthique de développement et "
+#~ "des pratiques professionnelles. Si vous connaissez une université qui "
+#~ "s'oriente vers les logiciels libres, veuillez envoyer un courriel à <a "
+#~ "href=\"mailto:address@hidden";>address@hidden</a> pour nous le "
+#~ "signaler afin que nous la citions ici."
+#~ msgid "Is Your School Committed To Free Software?"
+#~ msgstr "Votre école s'implique-t-elle dans les logiciels libres ?"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If your school is committed to Free Software then we want to hear from "
+#~ "you so that we can list it here. Has your school migrated to GNU/Linux, "
+#~ "or has your school adopted the firm policy of rejecting proprietary "
+#~ "software? If so, contact <a href=\"mailto:address@hidden";>&lt;"
+#~ "address@hidden&gt;</a> to let us know."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Si votre école s'implique dans les logiciels libres, alors nous aimerions 
+#~ "le savoir pour la lister ici. Votre école a-t-elle migré vers GNU/Linux, 
+#~ "ou a-t-elle adopté une politique ferme de rejet des logiciels "
+#~ "propriétaires&nbsp;? Si c'est la cas, contactez <a href=\"mailto:";
+#~ "address@hidden">&lt;address@hidden&gt;</a> pour nous le faire "
+#~ "savoir."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<a href=\"/philosophy/free-sw.html\">Free Software</a> can be a valuable "
+#~ "resource in education.  Not only can it be technically or pedagogically "
+#~ "superior to proprietary alternatives, but it can also promote the values "
+#~ "of the GNU project in the schools:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<a href=\"/philosophy/free-sw.fr.html\">Le logiciel libre</a> peut "
+#~ "constituer une ressource précieuse dans l'enseignement. En effet, il peut 
+#~ "être non seulement supérieur aux alternatives propriétaires d'un point 
de "
+#~ "vue technique ou pédagogique, mais il peut aussi faire passer les valeurs 
+#~ "du projet GNU au sein des établissements scolaires&nbsp;:"
+#~ msgid "Freedom"
+#~ msgstr "Liberté"
+#~ msgid "Cooperation"
+#~ msgstr "Coopération"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Today, many students and schools don't even know about Free Software or "
+#~ "the great advantages it brings.  At the same time, software "
+#~ "knowledgeability is required for more and more tasks, and Free Software "
+#~ "has a distinct advantage in this field.  If you are one of those kept in "
+#~ "the dark until now, please read some of the informational material we've "
+#~ "put together here."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Aujourd'hui, beaucoup d'étudiants et d'établissements scolaires ne "
+#~ "connaissent même pas les logiciels libres ou les grands avantages qu'ils "
+#~ "apportent. En même temps, des compétences en informatique sont requises "
+#~ "pour de plus en plus de tâches, et les logiciels libres ont un avantage "
+#~ "sérieux sans ce domaine. Si vous faites partie de ceux qui sont restés "
+#~ "dans le noir jusqu'à présent, veuillez lire les quelques informations 
que "
+#~ "nous avons rassemblées ici."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Here is some information we have collected about the relationship between "
+#~ "the GNU project and education (you can see more relationships by reading "
+#~ "the <a href=\"/gnu/thegnuproject.html\">history of the GNU project</a>).  "
+#~ "Please send your comments and suggestions about this information to GNU "
+#~ "&amp; Education mailing list <a href=\"mailto:address@hidden";>&lt;"
+#~ "address@hidden&gt;</a>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Voici des informations que nous avons réunies sur les relations entre le "
+#~ "projet GNU et l'enseignement (vous pourrez en apprendre plus en lisant <a "
+#~ "href=\"/gnu/thegnuproject.fr.html\">l'histoire du projet GNU</a>). Merci "
+#~ "de faire part de vos commentaires et de vos suggestions à <a href="
+#~ "\"mailto:address@hidden";><em>address@hidden</em></a>."
+#~ msgid "Why?"
+#~ msgstr "Pourquoi&nbsp;?"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "We're working closely with a new group, Free Software in Education, to "
+#~ "produce these introductions. If you are not completely familiar with free "
+#~ "software, learn why it's right for you!"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Nous travaillons en proche collaboration avec un nouveau groupe, les "
+#~ "logiciels libres dans l'enseignement, pour produire ces introductions. Si "
+#~ "vous n'êtes pas totalement familier avec les logiciels libres, découvrez 
+#~ "pourquoi ils sont bons pour vous&nbsp;!"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Each distributable, easily chewable material, such as the Students "
+#~ "bulletin posting, leads to an online portal, tailored to the particular "
+#~ "group, at which the interested can find out more about what free software "
+#~ "means, learn how to use it, and of course get it."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Chaque élément distribuable, facilement assimilable, comme les billets 
du "
+#~ "journal des étudiants, mène à un portail en ligne, taillé sur mesure 
pour "
+#~ "le groupe particulier, sur lequel l'intéressé peut en apprendre plus sur 
+#~ "ce que signifie les logiciels libres, apprendre à les utiliser et bien "
+#~ "sûr les télécharger."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "A GNU idea, the Free Universal Encyclopedia and Learning Resource, became "
+#~ "<a href=\"http://www.wikipedia.org\";>Wikipedia</a>.  Learn about <a href="
+#~ "\"/encyclopedia/free-encyclopedia.html\">why we need such a resource, and "
+#~ "why you should care about it</a>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Une idée de GNU, l'Encyclopédie libre universelle et des ressources "
+#~ "d'apprentissage, est devenue <a href=\"http://www.wikipedia.org";
+#~ "\">Wikipédia</a>. Découvrez <a 
+#~ "\">pourquoi nous avons besoin d'une telle ressource et pourquoi nous "
+#~ "devons y faire attention</a>."
+#~ msgid "Articles:"
+#~ msgstr "Articles&nbsp;:"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<a href=\"http://fsfeurope.org/projects/education/argumentation.en.html";
+#~ "\">Why give precedence to free software at school?</a>, by Jean Peyratout."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<a href=\"http://fsfeurope.org/projects/education/argumentation.fr.html";
+#~ "\">Pourquoi préférer l'utilisation de logiciels libres dans "
+#~ "l'Éducation&nbsp;?</a>, par Jean Peyratout."
+#~ msgid "How?"
+#~ msgstr "Comment&nbsp;?"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "Even though the education demographic is relatively tech-savvy, it still "
+#~| "needs help to learn free operating systems such as GNU.  Students, "
+#~| "teachers, and adminstrators have some tools at their disposal with which "
+#~| "to learn."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Even though the education demographic is relatively tech-savvy, it still "
+#~ "needs help to learn free operating systems such as GNU.  Students, "
+#~ "teachers, and administrators have some tools at their disposal with which "
+#~ "to learn."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Bien que la tendance dans l'éducation est de devenir de plus en plus "
+#~ "technique, elle a encore besoin d'aider à l'apprentissage de système "
+#~ "d'exploitation libres tel que GNU. Les étudiants, les professeurs et les "
+#~ "administrateurs ont des outils à leur disposition avec lesquels 
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Our advice is to simply install a free operating system, or find an "
+#~ "existing installation, and learn how to use it simply by using it."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Notre conseil est juste d'installer un système d'exploitation libre ou de 
+#~ "trouver une installation existante, et d'apprendre à s'en servir, "
+#~ "simplement en l'utilisant. Cependant, ces ressources peuvent vous aider à 
+#~ "faciliter la transition."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Mario Fux <a href=\"mailto:address@hidden";>&lt;address@hidden></a> "
+#~ "writes <a href=\"http://fsfeurope.org/projects/education/tgs/tgs.en.html";
+#~ "\"> &ldquo;TUX&amp;address@hidden&rdquo;</a> for <a 
+#~ "org/projects/education/education.en.html\">FSF Europe's education "
+#~ "project</a>.  It reviews a piece of free education software in every "
+#~ "issue."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Mario Fux <a href=\"mailto:address@hidden";>&lt;address@hidden></a> écrit "
+#~ "<a href=\"http://fsfeurope.org/projects/education/tgs/tgs.fr.html";
+#~ "\">TUX&amp;address@hidden</a> pour le <a 
+#~ "education/education.fr.html\">projet éducation de la FSF Europe</a>. Il "
+#~ "passe en revue des logiciels éducatifs libres pour chaque usage."
+#~ msgid "Events"
+#~ msgstr "Événements"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Some projects which promotes only free software and education are listed "
+#~ "below.  Please let us know of other educational events that follow the <a "
+#~ "href=\"/philosophy/\">GNU Philosophy</a>, by writing to GNU &amp; "
+#~ "Education list at <a href=\"mailto:address@hidden";>&lt;address@hidden"
+#~ "org&gt;</a>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Certains projets qui ne font la promotion que de logiciels libres dans "
+#~ "l'éducation sont listés ci-dessous. Veuillez nous signaler tout autre "
+#~ "événement concernant l'éducation qui suit la <a href=\"/philosophy/"
+#~ "philosophy.fr.html\">Philosophie GNU</a>, en écrivant à la liste de "
+#~ "diffusion GNU &amp; Education à <a href=\"mailto:address@hidden";
+#~ "\"><em>address@hidden</em></a>."
+#~ msgid "Who's using it?"
+#~ msgstr "Qui les utilisent&nbsp;?"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "There are some groups that maintain statistics of schools that use free "
+#~ "software in several regions of the world:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Certains groupes maintiennent des statistiques sur les écoles qui "
+#~ "utilisent des logiciels libres dans plusieurs régions du monde&nbsp;:"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "We want to present some stories of classrooms and courses where free "
+#~ "software is being used.  Whether your usage is creative or not, please "
+#~ "share your story.  If you do, please send it to <a href=\"mailto:";
+#~ "address@hidden">&lt;address@hidden&gt;</a>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Nous voulons présenter des expériences de classes ou de cours où les "
+#~ "logiciels libres sont utilisés. Que votre utilisation soit créative ou "
+#~ "pas, veuillez partager votre histoire. Si vous le faites, veuillez écrire 
+#~ "à <a href=\"mailto:address@hidden";>&lt;address@hidden&gt;</a>."
+#~ msgid "Advocacy"
+#~ msgstr "Plaidoyer"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Before we can advocate free software on a local level, as the Free "
+#~ "Software in Education project would like to do, we need to figure out "
+#~ "<em>how</em> to do that.  We are looking for articles in our area.  If "
+#~ "you know a good link about free software and education, please contact us."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Avant de plaider pour les logiciels libres à un échelon local, comme le "
+#~ "projet Logiciels libres dans l'éducation voudrait le faire, nous devons "
+#~ "trouver <em>comment</em> faire cela. Nous recherchons des articles "
+#~ "concernant votre région. Si vous connaissez un bon lien sur les logiciels 
+#~ "libres et l'éducation, veuillez nous contacter."
+#~ msgid "Free Education Software"
+#~ msgstr "Logiciels libres dans l'éducation"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "We maintain a <a href=\"/education/software.html\">list of free software "
+#~ "and free software projects for education</a>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Nous maintenons une <a href=\"/education/software.html\">de logiciels "
+#~ "libres et de projets de logiciels libres pour l'éducation</a>."
+#~ msgid "Other Groups and Projects"
+#~ msgstr "Autres groupes et projets"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "There are several groups and projects that are working with Free Software "
+#~ "and Education.  A few of them are listed below. If your project supports "
+#~ "only free software and it is not listed here, please send an email to <a "
+#~ "href=\"mailto:address@hidden";>&lt;address@hidden&gt;</a>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Il existe plusieurs groupes et projets qui travaillent dans les logiciels "
+#~ "libres et l'éducation. Certains d'entre-eux sont listés ci-dessous. Si "
+#~ "votre projet ne soutient que les logiciels libres et qu'il n'est pas "
+#~ "listé ici, veuillez envoyer un courriel à <a 
+#~ "org\">&lt;address@hidden&gt;</a>."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<a href=\"/education/freelearning.html\">Free Learning Resources</a> is "
+#~ "about bringing the principles of free software to educational materials "
+#~ "and otherwise general knowledge."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<a href=\"/education/freelearning.html\">Free Learning Resources</a>, "
+#~ "dont le but est d'apporter les principes du logiciel libre sur les "
+#~ "supports dédiés à l'éducation ou à la connaissance en général."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<a href=\"http://www.gleducar.org.ar\";>Gleducar</a>, a GNU at education "
+#~ "Argentinian project."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<a href=\"http://www.gleducar.org.ar\";>Gleducar</a>, un projet argentin "
+#~ "GNU dans l'éducation."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<a href=\"http://www.ofset.org\";>OFSET</a>, The Organization for Free "
+#~ "Software in Education and Teaching, promotes the use of free software in "
+#~ "education. <a href=\"http://www.ofset.org/freeduc-cd\";>Take a look at "
+#~ "Freeduc-cd</a>, a live-cd for education setup by Ofset."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<a href=\"http://www.ofset.org\";>OFSET</a>, The Organization for Free "
+#~ "Software in Education and Teaching (Organisation pour les logiciels "
+#~ "libres dans l'éducation et l'enseignement), qui soutient l'utilisation "
+#~ "des logiciels libres dans l'éducation. <a href=\"http://www.ofset.org/";
+#~ "freeduc-cd\">Jetez un &oelig;il à Freeduc-cd</a>, un live-cd pour "
+#~ "l'éducation créé par Ofset."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<a href=\"http://www.sugarlabs.org\";>Sugar Labs</a>, which provides the "
+#~ "Sugar Learning Environment, promoting sharing, collaborative learning, "
+#~ "and reflection."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<a href=\"http://www.sugarlabs.org\";>Sugar Labs</a>, qui fournit le Sugar "
+#~ "Learning Environment, soutien le partage et l'apprentissage collaboratif, "
+#~ "et la réflexion."
+#~ msgid "You can help us"
+#~ msgstr "Vous pouvez nous aider"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If you know any educational project based on Free Software, please submit "
+#~ "the project page and a brief description to <a href=\"mailto:";
+#~ "address@hidden">&lt;address@hidden&gt;</a>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Si vous connaissez un projet éducatif basé sur les logiciels libres, "
+#~ "veuillez nous soumettre la page du projet et une brève description à <a "
+#~ "href=\"mailto:address@hidden";>address@hidden</a>."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is permitted in "
+#~ "any medium, provided this notice is preserved."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "La reproduction exacte et la distribution intégrale de cet article est "
+#~ "permise sur n'importe quel support d'archivage, pourvu que cette notice "
+#~ "soit préservée."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<a href=\"http://www.rittershofer.de/info/linux/linout.htm\";>Germany</a>, "
+#~ "maintained by Andreas Rittershofer.  An out-of-date mirror exists at <a "
+#~ "href=\"http://linux-schulen.be.schule.de/\";>linux-schulen.be.schule.de</"
+#~ "a>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<a href=\"http://www.rittershofer.de/info/linux/linout.htm\";>Allemagne</"
+#~ "a>, maintenu par Andreas Rittershofer. Il existe un miroir obsolète à <a 
+#~ "href=\"http://linux-schulen.be.schule.de/\";>linux-schulen.be.schule.de</"
+#~ "a>."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If you live in the UK and you want your schools to use Free Software then "
+#~ "please help In writing your PM use this link: <a href=\"http://www.";
+#~ "writetothem.com/\">Write your PM</a>.  Please make sure to sign <a href="
+#~ "\"http://edmi.parliament.uk/EDMi/EDMDetails.aspx?EDMID=31752\";>Early Day "
+#~ "Motion</a>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Si vous habitez au Royaume-Uni et que vous voulez que vos écoles "
+#~ "utilisent des logiciels libres, vous pouvez aider en écrivant à votre "
+#~ "Membre du Parlement en utilisant ce lien <a href=\"http://www.writetothem.";
+#~ "com/\">Écrivez à votre Membre du Parlement</a>. Veuillez également vous 
+#~ "assurer de signer <a href=\"http://edmi.parliament.uk/EDMi/EDMDetails.";
+#~ "aspx?EDMID=31752\">Early Day Motion</a>."

Index: education.ar.html
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-    <title>البرامج المجانية في التعليم - مشروع 
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-    <p>
-        <a href="#translations">ترجمات </a>هذه
-        الصفحه 
-    </p>
-    <h3>البرامج المجانية في التعليم 
-    </h3>
-    <!-- When you replace 
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alt=" [The GNU &#13;&#10;Baby] " src="/graphics/baby-gnu-sm.png" width="101" 
-    </p>
-    <hr />
-    <!-- this list is the page's contents. -->
-    <h4>قائمة المحتويات 
-    </h4>
-    <ul>
-        <li>
-            <a id="TOCIntroduction" href="#introduction">المقدمة</a> 
-        </li>
-        <li>
-            <a id="TOCwhy" href="#why">لماذا؟</a> 
-        </li>
-        <li>
-            <a id="TOChow" href="#how">كيف؟</a> 
-        </li>
-        <li>
-            <a id="TOCevents" href="#events">الأحداث</a> 
-        </li>
-        <li>
-            <a id="TOCstatistics" href="#statistics">من
-            يستخدمه؟</a> 
-        </li>
-        <li>
-            <a id="TOCadvocacy" href="#advocacy">التأييد</a> 
-        </li>
-        <li>
-            <a id="TOCsoftware" href="#software">برامج
-            مجانية للتعليم</a> 
-        </li>
-        <li>
-            <a id="TOCprojects" href="#projects">فرق
-            ومشاريع</a> 
-        </li>
-        <li>
-            <a id="TOChelp" href="#help">يمكنك مساعدتنا</a> 
-            <!-- at one time, the wiki was down.
-   <li><a href="#serverdown" id="TOCserverdown">Warning: Wiki Down</a></li> -->
-        </li>
-    </ul>
-    <hr />
-    <h4><a id="introduction" href="#TOCIntroduction">المقدمة</a> 
-    </h4>
-    <p>
-        قد تشكّل <a 
href="http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html";>البرامج الم
جانية</a> مصدراً
-        قيّماً في مجال التعليم، ليس فقط 
لتفوقها على البدائل المسجّلة على الصعيد 
الفني والتربوي،
-        بل لمساهمته أيضاً في تعزيز قيم مشروع 
جنيو في المدارس التي تتمثل بالحرية 
-    </p>
-    <p>
-        نجد اليوم أن العديد من الطلاب والمدارس 
يجهلون حتى ما هو "البرنامج المجاني" وما هي
-        الفوائد التي تنتج عنه، في حين تبرز 
الحاجة إلى الإلمام بالبرامج أكثر فأكثر للم
زيد من
-        المهام، وللبرامج المجانية أفضلية في 
هذا المجال. فإن كنت واحداً من الذين لا 
-        حتى اليوم في الظلمة، ما عليك سوى قراءة 
بعض هذه المعلومات التي جمعناها لك في هذه 
-    </p>
-    <p>
-        في ما يلي، بعض المعلومات التي جمعناها 
عن العلاقة بين مشروع جنيو والتعليم ( يمكنك 
-        على المزيد من العلاقات من خلال قراءة <a 
-        مشروع جنيو</a>). يرجى إرسال التعليقات 
والمقترحات، في ما يختص بهذه المعلومات، إلى 
-        بريد "جنيو والتربية": <a 
-    </p>
-    <h4><a id="why" href="#TOCwhy">لماذا</a> 
-    </h4>
-    <p>
-        نحن نعمل، بالتعاون مع مجموعة جديدة هي 
<a href="http://www.gnufans.net/fsedu.pl";>البرنامج
-        التعليمي المجاني</a>, على إنتاج هذه الم
قدمات. فإن لم يسبق لك الإطلاع على البرامج 
-        بالشكل المطلوب، تعرّف إليها الآن لتعلم
 لمَ هي ملائمة لك. 
-    </p>
-    <p>
-        تؤدي كل مادة سهلة الفهم قابلة للتوزيع، 
مثل نشرات الطلاب المعلّقة، إلى مدخل مباشر م
-        إلى مجموعة معينة حيث يستطيع الشخص الم
عني معرفة المزيد عن "البرامج المجانية" 
-        استخدامها والحصول عليها. 
-    </p>
-    <ul>
-        <li>
-            الإدارة:المساهمة عبر اقتراحات على 
هيئة مقال مع إمكانية دعم الأبحاث لاحقاً على 
-        </li>
-        <li>
-            الأساتذة: المساهمة عبر مقالة أو برام
ج ومناهج مثيرة للاهتمام... على المدخل (جارٍ 
تنفيذه؛ <a href="http://www.gnufans.net/fsedu.pl?ForFaculty";>يرجى
-            التقييم واقتراح التغييرات</a>.) 
-        </li>
-        <li>
-            الطلاب: المساهمة عبر صفحة TeX ملائمة 
للتعليق على لوح النشرات، مع مقالٍ أطول وم
-            قابلة للتوزيع (تم إنجاز النشرة <a 
-            التقييم واقتراح التغييرات</a>.) 
-        </li>
-    </ul>
-    <p>
-        <strong>إن الطريقة المثلى لمساعدتنا هي 
</strong>هي بالعمل على هذه الوثائق أو بمساعدتنا
-        على صعيد أوجه أخرى من مشروع البرنامج 
التعليمي المجاني. نرجو زيارة موقع <a 
-        Wiki</a> وتعديل بعض الصفحات. 
-    </p>
-    <p>
-        وقد خرج نظام جنيو بفكرة تحويل "الم
وسوعة العالمية والمصادر التعليمية الم
جانية" الى 
-        <!-- reopen this comment if Nupedia reappears: two projects: <a 
- href="http://www.nupedia.com";>Nupedia</a> and -->
-        <a href="http://www.wikipedia.org/";>Wikipedia</a>. سوف تعرف 
هنا <a href="http://www.gnu.org/encyclopedia/free-encyclopedia.html";>هنا
-        لمَ نحتاج الى مصدر مماثل ولم علينا 
الإهتمام بشأنه</a>. 
-    </p>
-    <p>
-        مقالات أخرى: 
-    </p>
-    <ul>
-        <li>
-            <a 
-            الأولوية في المدرسة للبرامج الم
جانية؟"</a>, لـ جان بيرا توت. 
-        </li>
-    </ul>
-    <!--
- TODO: The aim of the lists <a href="http://mail.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/info-
- tech reports">info-tech-reports</a> is to alert people to new articles, and 
- build up a bibliography of freely redistributable technical reports on free 
- software. where should this go? -->
-    <h4><a id="how" href="#TOChow">كيف؟</a> 
-    </h4>
-    <p>
-        على الرغم من أن المجتمع التعليمي ملمّ 
نسبياً من الناحية الفنية، إلا أنه لا يزال 
-        الى تعلم نظم تشغيلية مجانية مثل جنيو. 
ويملك الطلاب والأساتذة والمدراء تحت تصرفهم 
-        الوسائل التي تتيح لهم التعلم. 
-    </p>
-    <p>
-        ونحن ننصح بتركيب نظام تشغيلي مجاني أو 
العثور على نظام مركّب مسبقاً، وتعلم كيفية 
-        ببساطة من خلال استعماله. بأية حال، قد 
تساهم هذه المصادر في تسهيل عملية الانتقال. 
-    </p>
-    <ul>
-        <li>
-            Learn Free Software (هو حالياً مجرد عمل 
تجريبي على the wiki) 
-        </li>
-        <li>
-            The <a href="http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/users-guide/users- 
-            Guide</a>, <a href="http://www.progeny.com/";>لـ 
بروجيني</a>, مكيّف للاستعمال مع Debian
-            . وهو عبارة، بالدرجة الأولى، عن درس 
تعليمي. لمزيد من التفاصيل، راجع <a 
-            ديبيان</a>. 
-        </li>
-    </ul>
-    <p>
-        أعدّ ماريو فوكس <a 
href="mailto:address@hidden";>mailto:address@hidden</a> الموقع 
-        . org/projects/education/tgs/tgs.en.html</a> <a 
-        مشروع تعليمي لمؤسسة FSF Europe</a>. وهو 
يتناول عينة من برامج تعليمية مجانية في كل
-        المجالات. 
-    </p>
-    <h4><a id="events" href="#TOCevents">الأحداث</a> 
-    </h4>
-    <p>
-        ندرج أدناه بعض المشاريع التي تشجع 
البرامج والتعليم مجاناً. نرجو إطلاعنا على 
أية أحداث
-        تعليمية أخرى تتبع <a 
href="http://www.gnu.org/philosophy";>فلسفة جنيو</a>, من خلال
-        مراسلة لائحة بريد جنيو والتربية على 
العنوان التالي <a 
-    </p>
-    <!--
- cleanup -->
-    <h4><a id="statistics" href="#TOCstatistics">من يستخدمه؟</a> 
-    </h4>
-    <p>
-        ثمة مجموعات تتابع عمليات إحصاء للم
دارس التي تستخدم البرامج المجانية في عدة م
ناطق في
-        العالم: 
-    </p>
-    <ul>
-        <li>
-            <a 
-            عملية الإحصاء مجموعة <a 
href="http://libresoftware.educ.april.org/";>The Libre Software
-            School Day</a>. 
-        </li>
-        <li>
-            <a href="http://www.rittershofer.de/info/linux/linout.htm";>ألم
انيا</a>, يتابع عملية
-            الإحصاء أندرياس ريترشوفر. 
-        </li>
-        <li>
-            <a 
-            عملية الإحصاء مجموعة:&nbsp; <a 
href="http://libresoftware.educ.april.org/";>The Libre
-            Software School Day</a>. 
-        </li>
-    </ul>
-    <p>
-        نسعى الى عرض بعض القصص المستقاة من 
الصفوف والدورات التي يتم فيها استخدام 
البرامج المجانية.
-        وسواءً كان استخدامك للبرنامج مبدعاً أم
 لا، نرجو مشاركتنا قصتك عبر إرسالها إلى 
-        التالي 
-        <!-- GNU &amp; Education List at -
- ><A href="mailto:address@hidden";><EM>address@hidden</EM></A>. </P> <H4><A 
- id=advocacy 
- href="#TOCadvocacy">الدعم</A></H4> 
- <P>قبل أن يسعنا تشجيع البرامج المجانية على 
الصعيد المحلي، الأمر الذي يسعى إليه 
- مشروع البرامج المجانية في التعليم، يجب أن 
نعرف  <EM>كيف</EM>  نفعل ذلك. وفي 
- الواقع أن العديد من مقالات <A 
- wiki</A> هي مخصصة لهذا الغرض تحديداً. نحن نبحث 
عن مقالات تكون شبيهة بما يلي<A 
- href="http://digitalspeech.org/campus.shtml";>"كيف ننشىء مؤسسة 
- (digitalspeech.org). </P> <UL> <LI><A 
- href="http://www.gnufans.net/fsedu.pl?ForStudentsInstallGnuLinux";>    كيف 
- مدرستك بتركيب GNU/Linux</A> </LI></UL> <H4><A id=software 
- href="#TOCsoftware">البرامج 
- التعليمية المجانية</A></H4> <P>نحن نتابع  <A 
- href="http://www.gnu.org/education/software.html";>لائحة بالبرامج 
- وبمشاريع البرامج المجانية للتعليم</A>. </P> 
<H4><A id=projects 
- href="#TOCprojects">مجموعات ومشاريع 
- أخرى</A></H4> <P>ثمة مجموعات ومشاريع عديدة تعمل 
في مجال البرامج المجانية 
- والتعليم، وقد تم إدراج بعضها أدناه. إن كان 
مشروعك يدعم البرامج المجانية فقط 
- وليس مدرجاً هنا، نرجو إرسال بريد إلكتروني 
الى <!-- GNU &amp; Education List at 
- -->
-        <a href="mailto:address@hidden";><em>address@hidden</em></a>. 
-    </p>
-    <!--
- keep this list in strict alphabetical order, except for official 
- pages, which should go at top. -->
-    <ul>
-        <li>
-            تسعى <a 
التعليمية المجانية
-            (Free Learning Resources)</a> الى إدخال مبادىء 
البرامج المجانية الى المواد التربوية
-            وسائر المعارف العامة. 
-        </li>
-        <li>
-            يشجع<a 
href="http://www.debian.org/devel/debian-jr/index";>Debian Jr.</a>, إنشاء 
-            لبرامج مجانية ملائمة للأطفال. 
-        </li>
-        <li>
-            يشكّل <a 
href="http://wiki.debian.net/?DebianEdu";>DebianEdu</a>, مشروعاً م
تصلاً لإنشاء
-            إصدارات برامج ملائمة لتركيبها في 
شبكات المدارس. ويتم الآن من خلاله إدخال نظام
 <a href="http://developer.skolelinux.no/index.html.en";>Skolelinux</a>,
-            الذي قد يصبح الإصدار المفضل لدى مجم
وعة البرامج المجانية في التعليم (Free Software
-            in Education).. 
-        </li>
-        <li>
-            <a href="http://www.gleducar.org.ar/";>Gleducar</a>, مشروع 
للجنيو في الأرجنتين. 
-        </li>
-        <li>
-            تشجع مؤسسة البرامج المجانية في 
التربية والتعليم<a 
-            البرامج المجانية في التعليم. <a 
href="http://www.ofset.org/freeduc-cd";>ألقِ نظرة على
-            Freeduc-cd</a>, وهو قرص مضغوط مباشر يتعلق بم
نشأة تربوية (إصدار OFSET).. 
-        </li>
-    </ul>
-    <h4><a id="help" href="#TOChelp">يمكنكم مساعدتنا</a> 
-    </h4>
-    <p>
-        كنتم تعرفون أي مشروع تعليمي يرتكز على 
البرامج المجانية، يرجى إرسال الصفحة الخاصة 
-        مع وصف موجز له الى <a 
-    </p>
-    <!--
-uncomment if Wiki goes down again, along with above contents entry
-<h4><a href="#TOCserverdown" id="serverdown">Warning: Wiki Down</a></h4>
-<em>The Wiki is currently down.</em>  According to <a 
href="http://www.gnufans.org/";>deego</a> <a 
-<tt>My new computer has indeed died too :( ---I keep getting "crc error"
-"system halted" whether trying to boot from a floppy or a cd or any
-hd.  Most likely a motherboard issue.  I am trying to return this
-computer and have them send me a new one, which could mean weeks
-before gnufans.net and its content is back up, i only had one working
-computer :(</tt>
-James Michael DuPont <a href="mailto:address@hidden";>&lt;address@hidden></a> 
is <a 
 on a solution</a> to the "central point of failure" problem.
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-        <P>revision by <a href="http://www.optel.net/";>Hossam Hossny</a><P>
-    </div>

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-<!--#include virtual="/server/header.fr.html" -->
-<!-- This file is automatically generated by GNUnited Nations! -->
-<title>Les logiciels libres dans l'éducation - GNU Operating System</title>
-<!--#include virtual="/server/banner.fr.html" -->
-<h2>Les logiciels libres et les universités</h2>
-De plus en plus d'étudiants se posent la question de savoir si une
-université enseigne l'informatique et le développement en utilisant des
-logiciels libres quand vient le moment de choisir leur université. Des
-logiciels libres signifient que les étudiants sont libres d'étudier la façon
-dont fonctionnent les logiciels qu'ils utilisent et d'apprendre à les
-adpater à leurs propres besoins. Apprendre sur les logiciels libres peut
-aussi aider dans l'apprentissage de l'éthique de développement et des
-pratiques professionnelles. Si vous connaissez une université qui s'oriente
-vers les logiciels libres, veuillez envoyer un courriel à <a
-href="mailto:address@hidden";>address@hidden</a> pour nous le
-signaler afin que nous la citions ici.
-<h2>Votre école s'implique-t-elle dans les logiciels libres ?</h2>
-Free Horizon Montessori in Arvada, Colorado has 63 GNU/Linux user systems,
-plus 6 GNU/Linux servers. Their favorite apps are Ktouch, TuxTyping, and
-Si votre école s'implique dans les logiciels libres, alors nous aimerions le
-savoir pour la lister ici. Votre école a-t-elle migré vers GNU/Linux, ou
-a-t-elle adopté une politique ferme de rejet des logiciels
-propriétaires&nbsp;? Si c'est la cas, contactez <a
-href="mailto:address@hidden";>&lt;address@hidden&gt;</a> pour nous le
-faire savoir.
-<h2>Les logiciels libres dans l'éducation</h2>
-<a href="/philosophy/free-sw.fr.html">Le logiciel libre</a> peut constituer
-une ressource pr&eacute;cieuse dans l'enseignement. En effet, il peut
-&ecirc;tre non seulement sup&eacute;rieur aux alternatives
-propri&eacute;taires d'un point de vue technique ou p&eacute;dagogique, mais
-il peut aussi faire passer les valeurs du projet GNU au sein des
-&eacute;tablissements scolaires&nbsp;:
-Aujourd'hui, beaucoup d'&eacute;tudiants et d'&eacute;tablissements
-scolaires ne connaissent m&ecirc;me pas les logiciels libres ou les grands
-avantages qu'ils apportent. En m&ecirc;me temps, des comp&eacute;tences en
-informatique sont requises pour de plus en plus de t&acirc;ches, et les
-logiciels libres ont un avantage s&eacute;rieux sans ce domaine. Si vous
-faites partie de ceux qui sont rest&eacute;s dans le noir jusqu'&agrave;
-pr&eacute;sent, veuillez lire les quelques informations que nous avons
-rassembl&eacute;es ici.
-Voici des informations que nous avons r&eacute;unies sur les relations entre
-le projet GNU et l'enseignement (vous pourrez en apprendre plus en lisant <a
-href="/gnu/thegnuproject.fr.html">l'histoire du projet GNU</a>). Merci de
-faire part de vos commentaires et de vos suggestions &agrave; <a
-<h3 id="why">Pourquoi&nbsp;?</h3>
-Nous travaillons en proche collaboration avec un nouveau groupe, les
-logiciels libres dans l'enseignement, pour produire ces introductions. Si
-vous n'&ecirc;tes pas totalement familier avec les logiciels libres,
-d&eacute;couvrez pourquoi ils sont bons pour vous&nbsp;!
-Chaque &eacute;l&eacute;ment distribuable, facilement assimilable, comme les
-billets du journal des &eacute;tudiants, m&egrave;ne &agrave; un portail en
-ligne, taill&eacute; sur mesure pour le groupe particulier, sur lequel
-l'int&eacute;ress&eacute; peut en apprendre plus sur ce que signifie les
-logiciels libres, apprendre &agrave; les utiliser et bien s&ucirc;r les
-Une id&eacute;e de GNU, l'Encyclop&eacute;die libre universelle et des
-ressources d'apprentissage, est devenue <a
-href="http://www.wikipedia.org";>Wikip&eacute;dia</a>. D&eacute;couvrez <a
-href="/encyclopedia/free-encyclopedia.html">pourquoi nous avons besoin d'une
-telle ressource et pourquoi nous devons y faire attention</a>.
-<li><a href="/philosophy/schools.fr.html">Pourquoi les &eacute;coles devraient
-utiliser exclusivement des logiciels libres</a>, par Richard Stallman.</li>
-pr&eacute;f&eacute;rer l'utilisation de logiciels libres dans
-l'&Eacute;ducation&nbsp;?</a>, par Jean Peyratout.</li>
-<!-- TODO: The aim of the
-lists <a 
-is to alert people to new articles, and to build up a bibliography of
-freely redistributable technical reports on free software. where
-should this go? -->
-<h3 id="how">Comment&nbsp;?</h3>
-Bien que la tendance dans l'&eacute;ducation est de devenir de plus en plus
-technique, elle a encore besoin d'aider &agrave; l'apprentissage de
-syst&egrave;me d'exploitation libres tel que GNU. Les &eacute;tudiants, les
-professeurs et les administrateurs ont des outils &agrave; leur disposition
-avec lesquels apprendre.
-Notre conseil est juste d'installer un syst&egrave;me d'exploitation libre
-ou de trouver une installation existante, et d'apprendre &agrave; s'en
-servir, simplement en l'utilisant. Cependant, ces ressources peuvent vous
-aider &agrave; faciliter la transition.
-Mario Fux <a href="mailto:address@hidden";>&lt;address@hidden></a>
-&eacute;crit <a
-pour le <a
-&eacute;ducation de la FSF Europe</a>. Il passe en revue des logiciels
-&eacute;ducatifs libres pour chaque usage.
-<h3 id="events">Événements</h3>
-Certains projets qui ne font la promotion que de logiciels libres dans
-l'&eacute;ducation sont list&eacute;s ci-dessous. Veuillez nous signaler
-tout autre &eacute;v&eacute;nement concernant l'&eacute;ducation qui suit la
-<a href="/philosophy/philosophy.fr.html">Philosophie GNU</a>, en
-&eacute;crivant &agrave; la liste de diffusion GNU &amp; Education &agrave;
-<a href="mailto:address@hidden";><em>address@hidden</em></a>.
-<!-- cleanup -->
-<h3 id="statistics">Qui les utilisent&nbsp;?</h3>
-Certains groupes maintiennent des statistiques sur les &eacute;coles qui
-utilisent des logiciels libres dans plusieurs r&eacute;gions du monde&nbsp;:
-<!-- Those links are dead 2008-08-15 ccorazza
-<li><a href="http://libresoftware.educ.april.org/fr/carteFrance.html";>
-France</a>, maintained by the
-group <a href="http://libresoftware.educ.april.org";>The Libre Software
-School Day</a>.</li> -->
-<li><a href="http://www.rittershofer.de/info/linux/linout.htm";>Allemagne</a>,
-maintenu par Andreas Rittershofer. Il existe un miroir obsolète à <a
-<!-- Those links are dead 2008-08-15 ccorazza
-<li><a href="http://libresoftware.educ.april.org/it/carteItalieit.html";>
-Italy</a>, maintained by the
-group <a href="http://libresoftware.educ.april.org";>The Libre Software
-School Day</a>.</li> -->
-Nous voulons pr&eacute;senter des exp&eacute;riences de classes ou de cours
-o&ugrave; les logiciels libres sont utilis&eacute;s. Que votre utilisation
-soit cr&eacute;ative ou pas, veuillez partager votre histoire. Si vous le
-faites, veuillez &eacute;crire &agrave; <a
-<h3 id="advocacy">Plaidoyer</h3>
-Avant de plaider pour les logiciels libres &agrave; un &eacute;chelon local,
-comme le projet Logiciels libres dans l'&eacute;ducation voudrait le faire,
-nous devons trouver <em>comment</em> faire cela. Nous recherchons des
-articles concernant votre r&eacute;gion. Si vous connaissez un bon lien sur
-les logiciels libres et l'&eacute;ducation, veuillez nous contacter.
-<h3 id="software">Logiciels libres dans l'éducation</h3>
-Nous maintenons une <a href="/education/software.html">de logiciels libres
-et de projets de logiciels libres pour l'&eacute;ducation</a>.
-<h3 id="projects">Autres groupes et projets</h3>
-Il existe plusieurs groupes et projets qui travaillent dans les logiciels
-libres et l'&eacute;ducation. Certains d'entre-eux sont list&eacute;s
-ci-dessous. Si votre projet ne soutient que les logiciels libres et qu'il
-n'est pas list&eacute; ici, veuillez envoyer un courriel &agrave; <a
-<!-- keep this list in strict alphabetical order, except for official
-GNU-affiliated pages, which should go at top. -->
-<li><a href="/education/freelearning.html">Free Learning Resources</a>, dont le
-but est d'apporter les principes du logiciel libre sur les supports
-d&eacute;di&eacute;s &agrave; l'&eacute;ducation ou &agrave; la connaissance
-en g&eacute;n&eacute;ral.</li>
-<li><a href="http://www.gleducar.org.ar";>Gleducar</a>, un projet argentin GNU
-dans l'&eacute;ducation.</li>
-<li><a href="http://www.ofset.org";>OFSET</a>, The Organization for Free 
-in Education and Teaching (Organisation pour les logiciels libres dans
-l'&eacute;ducation et l'enseignement), qui soutient l'utilisation des
-logiciels libres dans l'&eacute;ducation. <a
-href="http://www.ofset.org/freeduc-cd";>Jetez un &oelig;il &agrave;
-Freeduc-cd</a>, un live-cd pour l'&eacute;ducation cr&eacute;&eacute; par
-<li><a href="http://www.sugarlabs.org";>Sugar Labs</a>, qui fournit le Sugar
-Learning Environment, soutien le partage et l'apprentissage collaboratif, et
-la r&eacute;flexion.</li>
-<h3 id="help">Vous pouvez nous aider</h3>
-<p>Si vous connaissez un projet &eacute;ducatif bas&eacute; sur les logiciels
-libres, veuillez nous soumettre la page du projet et une br&egrave;ve
-description &agrave; <a
-<div style="font-size: small;">
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-Veuillez envoyer les requêtes concernant la FSF et GNU à <a
-href="mailto:address@hidden";><em>address@hidden</em></a>. Il existe aussi <a
-href="/contact/">d'autres moyens de contacter</a> la FSF. <br /> Veuillez
-envoyer les liens orphelins ou d'autres suggestions sur cette page Web à <a
-Veuillez consulter le <a
-href="/server/standards/README.translations.fr.html">README des
-traductions</a> pour des informations sur la coordination et la soumission
-de traductions de cet article.
-<p>Copyright &copy; 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.</p>
-La reproduction exacte et la distribution intégrale de cet article est
-permise sur n'importe quel support d'archivage, pourvu que cette notice soit
-<div class="translators-credits">
-<!--TRANSLATORS: Use space (SPC) as msgstr if you don't want credits.-->
-Traduction&nbsp;: Cédric Corazza.<br /> Révision&nbsp;: <a
- <p>
-<!-- timestamp start -->
-Dernière mise à jour&nbsp;:
-$Date: 2011/09/03 09:16:08 $
-<!-- timestamp end -->
-<div id="translations">
-<h4>Traduction de cette page</h4>
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-<!-- Arabic -->
-<!-- Catalan -->
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-<!-- English -->
-<li><a href="/education/education.html">English</a>&nbsp;[en]</li>
-<!-- Spanish -->
-<li><a href="/education/education.es.html">Espa&ntilde;ol</a>&nbsp;[es]</li>
-<!-- French -->
-<li><a href="/education/education.fr.html">Fran&ccedil;ais</a>&nbsp;[fr]</li>
-<!-- Italian -->
-<li><a href="/education/education.it.html">Italiano</a>&nbsp;[it]</li>
-<!-- Brazilian Portuguese -->
-<li><a href="/education/education.pt-br.html">portugu&ecirc;s do 
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-<!--#include virtual="/server/header.html" -->
-  <title>Educazione - Progetto GNU - Free Software Foundation (FSF)</title>
-  <link rev="made" href="mailto:address@hidden"; />
-  <link rev="translated" href="mailto:address@hidden"; />
-  <meta name="Description"
-        content="Tradotto originariamente da
-                Paola Blason e Giorgio V. Felchero - bfteam
-                Modifiche successive di Andrea Pescetti" />
-<!-- This document is in XML, and xhtml 1.1 -->
-<!-- Please make sure to properly nest your tags -->
-<!-- and ensure that your final document validates -->
-<!-- consistent with W3C xhtml 1.1 and CSS standards -->
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-<a href="#translations">Translations</a> of this page
-<h3>GNU ed Educazione</h3>
-<!-- when you replace this graphics, make sure you change the link
-     to also point to the correct html page.
-     If you make a new graphics for this page, make sure it has
-     a corresponding entry in /graphics/graphics.html                     -->
-<a href="/graphics/babygnu.html"><img src="/graphics/baby-gnu-sm.png"
-   alt=" [The GNU Baby] "
-   width="101" height="136" /></a>
-<hr />
-<!-- this list is the page's contents. -->
-  <li><a href="#introduction" id="TOCIntroduction">Introduzione</a></li>
-  <li><a href="#why" id="TOCwhy">Perché?</a></li>
-  <li><a href="#how" id="TOChow">Come?</a></li>
-  <li><a href="#events" id="TOCevents">Eventi</a></li>
-  <li><a href="#statistics" id="TOCstatistics">Statistiche</a></li>
-  <li><a href="#advocacy" id="TOCadvocacy">Diffusione</a></li>
-  <li><a href="#software" id="TOCsoftware">Software educativo libero</a></li>
-  <li><a href="#projects" id="TOCprojects">Gruppi e progetti</a></li>
-  <li><a href="#help" id="TOChelp">Aiutateci</a></li>
-<!-- at one time, the wiki was down.
-  <li><a href="#serverdown" id="TOCserverdown">Attenzione: Wiki non 
disponibile</a></li> -->
-<hr />
-<h4><a href="#TOCIntroduction" id="introduction">Introduzione</a></h4>
-Il <a href="/philosophy/free-sw.it.html">software libero</a>
-può essere una risorsa importante in ambito educativo. Può essere
-non solo tecnicamente o pedagogicamente superiore alle alternative
-proprietarie, ma può anche promuovere nelle scuole i valori del
-progetto GNU:
-Oggi, molti studenti e scuole non conoscono nemmeno il software libero
-e i suoi grandi vantaggi. Allo stesso tempo, conoscere il software
-è sempre più necessario, e il software libero ha un chiaro vantaggio
-in questo campo. Se siete tra quelli finora tenuti all'oscuro, leggete
-le informazioni che abbiamo raccolto qui sotto.
-Ecco alcune informazioni che abbiamo raccolto sulle relazioni tra il
-Progetto GNU e il mondo dell'educazione (potete trovare ulteriori
-relazioni leggendo la <a href="/gnu/thegnuproject.it.html">storia
-del Progetto GNU</a>). Siete invitati ad inviare commenti e
-suggerimenti in inglese riguardo a queste informazioni a
-<a href="mailto:address@hidden";><em>address@hidden</em></a>
-<h4><a href="#TOCwhy" id="why">Perché?</a></h4>
-Collaboriamo con un nuovo gruppo, Free Software in Education, per produrre
-questo materiale introduttivo. Se non siete del tutto familiari con
-il software libero, scoprite perché è la cosa giusta per voi!
-Ogni materiale ridistribuibile e semplice, come gli "Students
-bulletin posting", conduce ad un portale online, pensato per quel
-particolare gruppo, nel quale l'interessato può scoprire il significato
-del software libero, imparare ad usarlo ed ovviamente scaricarlo.
-Un'idea di GNU, l'Enciclopedia e Risorsa del Sapere Libera, e' diventata
-<!-- reopen this comment if Nupedia reappears: two projects: <a 
href="http://www.nupedia.com";>Nupedia</a> and --> <a 
-Scoprite <a href="/encyclopedia/free-encyclopedia.html">perché ci serve una 
risorsa del
-genere, e perché interessa anche a voi</a>.
-preferire il software libero a scuola?"</a>, (in inglese) di Jean 
-<!-- TODO: The aim of the lists <a 
 is to alert people to new articles, and to build up a bibliography of freely 
redistributable technical reports on free software. where should this go? -->
-<h4><a href="#TOChow" id="how">Come?</a></h4>
-Anche se il pubblico in questo campo ha spesso esperienze informatiche,
-ha comunque bisogno di aiuto per imparare sistemi operativi liberi come GNU.
-Studenti, docenti ed amministratori hanno a disposizione strumenti con cui
-Il nostro consiglio è semplicemente quello di installare un sistema
-operativo libero, o sfruttare un'installazione esistente, e imparare
-ad usarlo con l'esperienza pratica.
-Queste risorse possono comunque essere utili per semplificare la
-<li>La <a 
Utente</a>, di <a href="http://www.progeny.com/";>Progeny</a>, adattata per 
Debian GNU/Linux. Questa è
-essenzialmente un tutorial; per informazioni più approfondite, vedete la <a 
href="http://www.debian.org/doc/";>Debian documentation</a>.</li>
-Mario Fux <a href="mailto:address@hidden";>&lt;address@hidden></a> scrive <a 
 per <a href="http://fsfeurope.org/projects/education/education.en.html";>il 
progetto educazione di FSF Europe</a>.
-In ogni edizione fa una recensione di un programma libero per l'educazione.
-<h4><a href="#TOCevents" id="events">Eventi</a></h4>
-Qui sotto sono elencati alcuni progetti che promuovono soltanto software 
libero in
-campo educativo. Fateci sapere di altri eventi educativi che si ispirano alla
-<a href="http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/philosophy.it.html";>filosofia GNU</a>, 
scrivendo a
-<a href="mailto:address@hidden";><em>address@hidden</em></a>.
-<h4><a href="#TOCstatistics" id="statistics">Statistiche</a></h4>
-Ci sono alcuni gruppi che mantengono statistiche sulle scuole che utilizzano
-software libero in diverse parti del mondo:
-mantenuta dal gruppo <a href="http://libresoftware.educ.april.org";>
-The Libre Software School Day</a>.</li>
-<li><a href="http://www.rittershofer.de/info/linux/linout.htm";>Germania</a>,
-mantenuta da Andreas Rittershofer.</li>
-mantenuta dal gruppo <a href="http://libresoftware.educ.april.org";>
-The Libre Software School Day</a>.</li>
-Vogliamo presentare alcune storie di aule e corsi che usano software libero.
-Per favore raccontateci vostre storie d'uso, innovative o meno, inviandole
-in inglese a <a href="mailto:address@hidden";><em>address@hidden</em></a>.
-<h4><a href="#TOCadvocacy" id="advocacy">Diffusione</a></h4>
-Prima di diffondere il software libero a livello locale, come da intenzioni
-del progetto "Free Software in Education", dobbiamo capire
-<em>come</em> farlo. Cerchiamo articoli su questo tema: se trovate un
-link interessante sul software libero e l'educazione, contattateci.
-<h4><a href="#TOCsoftware" id="software">Software educativo libero</a></h4>
-E' disponibile una <a href="/education/software.html">lista di software e 
-liberi per l'educazione</a>.
-<h4><a href="#TOCprojects" id="projects">Altri gruppi e progetti</a></h4>
-Ci sono diversi gruppi e progetti che lavorano con il software libero in campo
-educativo.  Alcuni di loro sono qui sotto elencati. Se il vostro progetto 
-soltanto il software libero e non è elencato qui, inviate un'e-mail a
-<a href="mailto:address@hidden";><em>address@hidden</em></a>.
-<!-- keep this list in strict alphabetical order, except for official 
GNU-affiliated pages, which should go at top. -->
-<li><a href="/education/freelearning.html">Free Learning Resources</a> vuole
-portare i principi del software libero nella didattica e nella conoscenza.</li>
-<li><a href="http://www.debian.org/devel/debian-jr/index";>Debian Jr.</a>,
-promuove la creazione di una distribuzione di software libero adatta ai 
-<li><a href="http://wiki.debian.net/?DebianEdu";>DebianEdu</a>, un progetto 
collegato, punta
-a creare una distribuzione da installare nelle scuole. Sta ora integrando <a 
href="http://developer.skolelinux.no/index.html.en";>Skolelinux</a>, quindi 
potrebbe diventare la
-distribuzione preferita del gruppo Free Software in Education.</li>
-<li><a href="http://www.gleducar.org.ar";>Gleducar</a>, il progetto argentino 
su GNU e l'educazione.</li>
-<li><a href="http://www.ofset.org";>OFSET</a>, promuove l'utilizzo del software 
-in campo educativo. <a href="http://www.ofset.org/freeduc-cd";>Freeduc-cd</a>, 
è un CD educativo live preparato da Ofset.</li>
-<h4><a href="#TOChelp" id="help">Aiutateci</a></h4>
-<p>Se conoscete prgetti educativi basati su software libero, inviate la pagina
-del progetto e una breve descrizione a <a 
-<!-- If needed, change the copyright block at the bottom. In general, -->
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-<!-- verbatim copying.  Please do NOT remove this without talking     -->
-<!-- with the webmasters first. --> 
-<!-- Please make sure the copyright date is consistent with the document -->
-<!-- and that it is like this "2001, 2002" not this "2001-2002." -->
-<p style="font-size: 10pt;">
-<a id="translations"></a>
-<b>Traduzioni di questa pagina</b>:<br />
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-<!-- English is.  If you add a new language here, please -->
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-<!--      to mail.gnu.org:/com/mailer/aliases -->
-<!-- Please also check you have the 2 letter language code right versus -->
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-    <a href="education.ca.html">Catalano</a>  
-  | <a href="education.cn.html">Cinese(Semplificato)</a>
-  | <a href="education.zh.html">Cinese(Tradizionale)</a>
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-  | <a href="education.html">Inglese</a>
-  | <a href="education.it.html">Italiano</a>
-  | <a href="education.pt.html">Portoghese</a>
-  | <a href="education.es.html">Spagnolo</a>
-<div class="copyright">
-Ritorna alla <a href="/home.it.html">pagina principale di GNU</a>.
-Per informazioni e domande sulla FSF e GNU rivolgersi,
-possibilmente in inglese, a 
-<a href="mailto:address@hidden";><em>address@hidden</em></a>.
-Altri <a href="/home.it.html#ContactInfo">modi per contattare</a> la FSF.
-<br />
-Inviate segnalazioni di link errati e altre correzioni (o suggerimenti)
-a <a href="mailto:address@hidden";><em>address@hidden</em></a>.
-Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2003, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-51 Franklin St -
-Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,  USA
-<br />
-La copia letterale e la distribuzione di questo articolo nella sua
-integrità sono permesse con qualsiasi mezzo, a condizione
-che questa nota sia riprodotta.
-<!-- timestamp start -->
-$Date: 2008/07/29 00:54:53 $ $Author: karl $
-<!-- timestamp end -->

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-<TITLE>Educação - O Projeto GNU e a Fundação para o Software Livre 
-<LINK REV="made" HREF="mailto:address@hidden";>
-<BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#1F00FF" ALINK="#FF0000" 
-<H3>GNU e Educação</H3>
-<!-- when you replace this graphics, make sure you change the link
-     to also point to the correct html page.
-     If you make a new graphics for this page, make sure it has
-     a corresponding entry in /graphics/graphics.html                     -->
-<A HREF="/graphics/agnuhead.html"><IMG SRC="/graphics/gnu-head-sm.jpg"
-   ALT=" [imagem da cabeça de um GNU] "
-   WIDTH="129" HEIGHT="122"></A>
-<!-- Please keep this list alphabetical -->
-    <A HREF="education.es.html">Espanhol</A>
-  | <A HREF="education.fr.html">Francês</A>
-  | <A HREF="education.html">Inglês</A>
-  | <A HREF="education.pt.html">Português</A>
-<!-- | A HREF="education.LG.html" LANGUAGE /A  -->
-<!-- Please keep this list alphabetical -->
-<!-- Replace this list with the page's contents. -->
-  <LI><A HREF="#introduction" NAME="TOCIntroduction">Introdução</A>
-  <LI><A HREF="#software" NAME="TOCsoftware">Software Educacional no GNU</A>
-  <LI><A HREF="#gnuprojects" NAME="TOCgnuproject">Projetos Educacionais no 
-  <LI><A HREF="#statistics" NAME="TOCstatistics">Estatísticas</A>
-  <LI><A HREF="#projects" NAME="TOCprojects">Grupos e Projetos</A>
-  <LI><A HREF="#events" NAME="TOCevents">Eventos</A>
-  <LI><A HREF="#stories" NAME="TOCstories">Histórias</A>
-<H4><A HREF="#TOCIntroduction" NAME="introduction">Introdução</A></H4>
-O <a href="/philosophy/free-sw.pt.html">Software Livre</a>
-pode ser um recurso valioso na educação. Ele pode não ser apenas superior
-técnicamente ou pedagogicamente às alternativas proprietárias, mas
-ele também promove os valores do Projeto GNU nas escolas:
-Aqui temos algumas informações que colhemos sobre a relação do Projeto GNU com 
a educação
-(você pode ver mais relacionamentos ao ler a
-<a href="/gnu/the-gnu-project.html">história do Projeto GNU</a>).
-Por favor envie os seus comentários e sugestões sobre esta informação para
-<a href="mailto:address@hidden";><em>address@hidden</em></a>
-<H4><A HREF="#TOCsoftware" NAME="software">Software Educacional no GNU</A></H4>
-Além do <a href="/gnu/linux-and-gnu.pt.html">GNU/Linux</a>, do <a
-href="/software/software.html">Software GNU</a>  e da  <a
-href="/doc/doc.pt.html">Documentação do GNU</a>,  existem algums pacotes
-GNU criados especificamente para educação:
-<li><a href="/software/dr_geo/dr_geo.html">Dr. Geo</a>
-é uma ferramenta gráfica e interativa que permite ao usuário explorar e 
descobrir a Geometria Euclidiana.
-<li><a href="/software/ggradebook/ggradebook.html">Ggradebook</a>
-é uma aplicação gráfica para professores que permite o controle das notas dos 
-<li><a href="/software/gtypist/gtypist.html">GNU Typist</a>
-é um tutor de datilografia. Ele é um interpretador para tutoriais de 
datilografia, que inclui tutoriais para
-vários idiomas e layouts de teclados.
-<li><a href="/software/solfege/solfege.html">Solfege</a>
-é um programa para ajudar no treinamento do seu ouvido musical.
-Nós mantemos uma lista de tarefas pendentes que inclui uma seção de programas 
relativos à educação.
-Você pode nos ajudar realizando uma dessas tarefas:
-Outros softwares livres úteis para educação podem ser encontrados em:
-<li>Na seção de <a href="/gnulist/production/education.html">Education</a>
-do Diretório de Software Livre do GNU.
-<li>O diretório <a href="http://www.ofset.org/freeduc/";>freeduc</a> mantido 
pela OFSET.
-<H4><A HREF="#TOCgnuprojects" NAME="gnuprojects">Projects Educacionais no 
-<li><a href="/encyclopedia/index.html">A Enciclopédia Livre Universal</a>
-<li>O objetivo da lista <a 
-é avisar às pessoas sobre novos artigos, e construir uma bibliografia de 
relatórios técnicos livremente
-redistribuíveis sobre software livre.
-<li>O projeto <a href="http://www.ofset.org";>OFSET</a>
-é um parceito do Projeto GNU, desenvolvendo programas educacionais que são 
pacotes GNU.
-<H4><A HREF="#TOCstatistics" NAME="statistics">Estatísticas</A></H4>
-Existem alguns grupos que mantém estatísticas de escolas que utilizam software 
livre em várias regiões do mundo:
 mantida pelo grupo <a 
mantida pelo grupo <a href="http://libresoftware.educ.april.org";>The Libre 
Software School Day</a>.
-<li><a href="http://www.rittershofer.de/info/linux/linout.htm";>Alemanha</a>, 
mantida por Andreas Rittershofer.
mantida pelo grupo <a href="http://libresoftware.educ.april.org";>The Libre 
Software School Day</a>.
-<H4><A HREF="#TOCprojects" NAME="projects">Grupos e Projetos</A></H4>
-Existem vários grupos e projetos que estão trabalhando com Software Livre
-e Educação. Alguns deles estão listados abaixo. Se o seu projeto suporta 
apenas software
-livre e não está listado aqui, por favor envie uma mensagem para
-<a href="mailto:address@hidden";><em>address@hidden</em></a>.
-<li><a href="http://www.debian.org/devel/debian-jr/index";>Debian Jr.</a>,
-promove a criação de uma distribuição de software livre apropriada para 
-<li><a href="http://www.ofset.org";>OFSET</a>, 
-promove o uso do software livre na educação.
-promove o uso do software livre na Colômbia.
-<H4><A HREF="#TOCevents" NAME="events">Eventos</A></H4>
-Alguns projetos que promovem somente software livre e edicação estão listados 
abaixo. Por favor
-nos comunique sobre outros eventos educacionais que seguem a
-<a href="http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/philosophy.pt.html";>Filosofia do 
-escrevendo para <a href="mailto:address@hidden";><em>address@hidden</em></a>.
-<li>Fev/Mar 2001. <a 
-curso livre de administração de redes GNU/Linux nas escolas colombianas</a>
-<li>Julho, dias 4 a 9 de 2001.  <a href="http://lsm.abul.org/";>Libre Software 
-em Bordeaux (France) irá incluir uma sessão temática sobre educação.
-<H4><A HREF="#TOCstories" NAME="stories">Estórias</A></H4>
-Nesta seção queremos apresentar algumas histórias de escolas onde só é 
utilizado software livre.
-Por favor compartilhe conosco sua história. Se você desejar fazer isso, por 
favor escreva seguindo
-nossos <a href="/server/fsf-html-style-sheet.html">guias de estilo</a> e envie 
-<A HREF="mailto:address@hidden";><em>address@hidden</em></A>.
-Você também pode checar os nossos <a 
-Sobre o GNU.
-  * If needed, change the copyright block at the bottom. In general, all pages
-    on the GNU web server should have the section about verbatim copying. 
-    do NOT remove this without talking with the webmasters first.
-<!-- Please keep this list alphabetical -->
-    <A HREF="education.es.html">Espanhol</A>
-  | <A HREF="education.fr.html">Francês</A>
-  | <A HREF="education.html">Inglês</A>
-  | <A HREF="education.pt.html">Português</A>
-<!-- | A HREF="education.LG.html" LANGUAGE /A  -->
-<!-- Please keep this list alphabetical -->
-Retorna à <A HREF="/home.pt.html">Página Inicial do GNU</A>.
-Por favor envie dúvidas ou questões sobre FSF e/ou GNU para
-<A HREF="mailto:address@hidden";><EM>address@hidden</EM></A>.
-Há também <A HREF="/home.pt.html#ContactInfo"> outros meios
-de contactar</A> a FSF.
-Por favor envie comentários sobre estas páginas web para
-<A HREF="mailto:address@hidden";><EM>address@hidden</EM></A>,
-envie outras questões para
-<A HREF="mailto:address@hidden";><EM>address@hidden</EM></A>.
-Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-51 Franklin St -
-Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,  USA
-A cópia fiel e a distribuição deste artigo completo é permitida em qualquer 
-desde que esta nota seja preservada
-Traduzido por: Fernando Lozano
-<a href="mailto:address@hidden";>&lt;address@hidden&gt;</a>
-<!-- hhmts start -->
-$Date: 2008/08/11 13:24:52 $ $Author: yavor $
-<!-- hhmts end -->

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-<TITLE>½ÌÓý - GNU ¼Æ»­ - ×ÔÓÉÈí¼þ»ù½ð»á(FSF)</TITLE>
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312">
-<LINK REV="made" HREF="mailto:address@hidden";>
-<BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#1F00FF" ALINK="#FF0000" 
-<H3>GNU ºÍ½ÌÓý</H3>
-<!-- when you replace this graphics, make sure you change the link
-     to also point to the correct html page.
-     If you make a new graphics for this page, make sure it has
-     a corresponding entry in /graphics/graphics.html                     -->
-<IMG SRC="/graphics/baby-gnu-sm.png"
-   ALT=" [Image of a GNU Baby] "
-   WIDTH="101" HEIGHT="136">
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-  <A href="/education/education.cn.html">¼òÌåÖÐÎÄ</A>
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-| <A href="/education/education.es.html">Î÷°àÑÀÓï</A>
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-<!-- Please keep this list alphabetical -->
-<!-- Replace this list with the page's contents. -->
-  <LI><A HREF="#introduction" NAME="TOCIntroduction">½éÉÜ</A>
-  <LI><A HREF="#software" NAME="TOCsoftware">GNU 
-  <LI><A HREF="#gnuprojects" NAME="TOCgnuproject">GNU 
-  <LI><A HREF="#statistics" NAME="TOCstatistics">ͳ¼Æ×ÊÁÏ</A>
-  <LI><A HREF="#projects" NAME="TOCprojects">С×éºÍ¼Æ»®</A>
-  <LI><A HREF="#events" NAME="TOCevents">ʼþ</A>
-  <LI><A HREF="#stories" NAME="TOCstories">¹ÊÊÂ</A>
-  </LI>
-<H4><A HREF="#TOCIntroduction" NAME="introduction">½éÉÜ</A>
-<P><A href="/philosophy/free-sw.html">×ÔÓÉÈí¼þ</A>
-¶øÇÒÄܽøÒ»²½·¢»Ó GNU ¼Æ»®ÔÚѧУÖеļÛÖµ:
-  <LI>×ÔÓÉ
-  <LI>ºÏ×÷
- </LI>
-<A href="/gnu/the-gnu-project.html">GNU ¼Æ»®µÄÀúÊ·</A> )¡£
-Ç뽫Äã¶ÔÕâЩ×ÊÁϵÄÒÉÎʺͽ¨Òé·¢Ë͵½ <A 
-<H4><A HREF="#TOCsoftware" NAME="software">GNU 
-<P>³ýÁË <A href="/gnu/linux-and-gnu.html">GNU/Linux</A>£¬
-<A href="/software/software.html">GNU Èí¼þ</A> ºÍ
-<A href="/doc/doc.html">GNU Îĵµ</A>, »¹ÓÐһЩרÃÅ
Ϊ½ÌÓýÁìÓòÉè¼ÆµÄ GNU °ü:
-  <LI><a href="http://ofset.sourceforge.net/drgenius/";>ÇÇÖβ©Ê¿</A>
-  <LI><A href="/software/ggradebook/ggradebook.html">³É¼¨²¾</A>
-  <LI><A href="/software/gtypist/gtypist.html">GNU ´ò×ÖÔ±</A>
-  <LI><A href="/software/solfege/solfege.html">Solfege</A>
-  ÊÇÒ»¸ö¸¨ÖúÌá¸ßÌýÁ¦µÄ³ÌÐò¡£
-  <LI><A href="http://savannah.gnu.org/projects/gcompris/";>Gcompris</A>
-  ÊÇÒ»Ì×ÊʺÏÄêÇá¶ùͯµÄ½ÌÓý×é¼þ¡£
- </LI>
-  <LI>ÓÉ×ÔÓÉÈí¼þ»ù½ð»áά³ÖµÄ <a 
href="/directory/">×ÔÓÉÈí¼þĿ¼</a> ÖÐµÄ <a 
href="/directory/Education/">½ÌÓý</A> ÕâÒ»²¿·Ö¡£
-  <LI>OFSET ÖÐµÄ <A href="http://www.ofset.org/freeduc/";>freeduc</A> 
- </LI>
-Çë²Î¹Û <a 
-»òÕßÇë·¢ÓʼþÖÁ <A 
href="mailto:address@hidden";>address@hidden</A> ¡£
-<H4><A HREF="#TOCgnuprojects" NAME="gnuprojects">GNU 
-  <LI><A 
-  <LI> <A
-  href="http://mail.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/info-tech-reports";>IT ±¨¸æ</A>
-  <LI> <A href="http://www.ofset.org/";>OFSET</A> ¼Æ»®ÊÇ GNU 
-  ËüÖ÷Òª¿ª·¢ÊôÓÚ GNU °üµÄ½ÌÓýÁìÓòµÄ³ÌÐò¡£
-  </LI>
-<H4><A HREF="#TOCstatistics" NAME="statistics">ͳ¼Æ×ÊÁÏ</A>
-  <LI><A 
-  ÓÉ <A href="http://libresoftware.educ.april.org/";>The Libre Software 
School Day</A>
-  С×éά»¤¡£
-  <LI><A 
-  ÓÉ Andreas Rittershofer ά»¤¡£
-  <LI><A 
-  ÓÉ <A href="http://libresoftware.educ.april.org/";>The Libre Software 
School Day</A>
-  С×éά»¤¡£
- </LI>
-<H4><A HREF="#TOCprojects" NAME="projects">С×éºÍ¼Æ»®</A>
-Çë·¢ÓʼþÖÁ <A 
href="mailto:address@hidden";><EM>address@hidden</EM></A> ¡£
-  <LI><A href="http://www.debian.org/devel/debian-jr/index";>Debian Jr.</A>£¬
-  <LI><A href="http://www.ofset.org/";>OFSET</A> 
-<H4><A HREF="#TOCevents" NAME="events">ʼþ</A>
-href="http://www.gnu.org/philosophy";>GNU ÕÜѧ</A> 
µÄ½ÌÓýÁìÓòʼþ£¬ÇëдÐÅÖÁ <A
-  <LI>2002 Äê 1 ÔÂ / 3 ÔÂ <A href="http://libresoftware-
-  educ.org/fr/2002.html">Libre Software Days 2002</A>
-  <LI>2002 Äê 7 Ô½«ÔÚ·¨¹ú²¨¶û¶àÕÙ¿ªµÚÈþ´Î <A 
-   Software 
- </LI>
-<H4><A HREF="#TOCstories" NAME="stories">¹ÊÊÂ</A>
-<a href="http://www.gnu.org/server/fsf-html-style-sheet.html";>Ö¸µ¼</A>
-дÏÂÄãµÄ¹ÊÊ£¬°ÑËü·¢µ½ <A 
-<P>ÄãÒ²¿ÉÒÔÈ¥¿´¿´¹ØÓÚ GNU µÄ <A 
-  * If needed, change the copyright block at the bottom. In general, all pages
-    on the GNU web server should have the section about verbatim copying. 
-    do NOT remove this without talking with the webmasters first.
-<!-- Please keep this list alphabetical -->
-  <A href="/education/education.cn.html">¼òÌåÖÐÎÄ</A>
-| <A href="/education/education.zh.html">·±ÌåÖÐÎÄ</A>
-| <A href="/education/education.ca.html">¼ÓÌ©ÂÞÄáÑÇÓï</A>
-| <A href="/education/education.html">Ó¢Óï</A>
-| <A href="/education/education.fr.html">·¨Óï</A>
-| <A href="/education/education.it.html">Òâ´óÀûÓï</A>
-| <A href="/education/education.pt.html">ÆÏÌÑÑÀÓï</A>
-| <A href="/education/education.es.html">Î÷°àÑÀÓï</A>
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-·µ»Ø <A HREF="/home.html">GNU Ê×Ò³</A>¡£
-Ç뽫ÓÐ¹Ø ``×ÔÓÉÈí¼þ»ù½ð»á ºÍ GNU'' µÄ 
²éѯºÍÎÊÌâ Ë͵½
-<A HREF="mailto:address@hidden";><EM>address@hidden</EM></A>¡£
-Ò²¿ÉÒÔͨ¹ý <A HREF="/home.html#ContactInfo">ÆäËû·½·¨</A>
-ÁªÏµ×ÔÓÉÈí¼þ»ù½ð»á (FSF)¡£
-<A HREF="mailto:address@hidden";><EM>address@hidden</EM></A>£¬
-<A HREF="mailto:address@hidden";><EM>address@hidden</EM></A>¡£
-Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-51 Franklin St -
-Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,  USA
-·­Ò룺½­ ½¨¾ü
-ÑéÖ¤£ºÂí ѩƼ
 - Ðë±£Áô´Ë±ê×¢¡£
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-$Date: 2008/08/11 13:24:52 $ $Author: yavor $
-<!-- timestamp end -->

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-  <LI>2002 ¦~ 1 ¤ë / 3 ¤ë <A href="http://libresoftware-
-  educ.org/fr/2002.html">Libre Software Days 2002</A>
-  <LI>2002 ¦~ 7 ¤ë±N¦bªk°êªiº¸¦h¥l¶}²Ä¤T¦¸ <A 
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-$Date: 2008/08/11 13:24:53 $ $Author: yavor $
-<!-- timestamp end -->

Index: po/education.fr.po
RCS file: po/education.fr.po
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-# French translation of http://www.gnu.org/education/education.html
-# Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
-# Cédric Corazza <cedric.corazza AT wanadoo.fr>, 2008.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: education.html\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-25 20:25-0300\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-04-26 12:51+0100\n"
-"Last-Translator: Cédric Corazza <cedric.corazza AT wanadoo.fr>\n"
-"Language-Team: French <address@hidden>\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Outdated-Since: 2011-09-13 04:25-0300\n"
-"Language: fr\n"
-#. type: Content of: <title>
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Free Software in Education - GNU Operating System"
-msgid "Free Software and Education - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation"
-msgstr "Les logiciels libres dans l'éducation - GNU Operating System"
-#. type: Content of: <div><h2>
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Free Software in Education"
-msgid "Free Software and Education"
-msgstr "Les logiciels libres dans l'éducation"
-#. type: Content of: <div><ul><li>
-msgid "<a href=\"/education/edu-contents.html\">Education Contents</a>"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <div><ul><li>
-msgid "<a href=\"/education/edu-cases.html\">Case Studies</a>"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <div><ul><li>
-msgid "<a href=\"/education/edu-resources.html\">Educational Resources</a>"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <div><ul><li>
-msgid "<a href=\"/education/edu-projects.html\">Education Projects</a>"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <div><ul><li>
-msgid "<a href=\"/education/edu-faq.html\">FAQ</a>"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <div><ul><li>
-msgid "<a href=\"/education/edu-team.html\">The Education Team</a>"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <div><h3>
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Free Software in Education"
-msgid "What Does Free Software Have To Do With Education?"
-msgstr "Les logiciels libres dans l'éducation"
-#. type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"Software freedom has an especially important role in education.  Educational "
-"institutions of all levels should use and teach Free Software because it is "
-"the only software that allows them to accomplish their essential missions: "
-"to disseminate human knowledge and to prepare students to be good members of "
-"their community. The source code and the methods of Free Software are part "
-"of human knowledge. On the contrary, proprietary software is secret, "
-"restricted knowledge, which is the opposite of the mission of educational "
-"institutions. Free Software supports education, proprietary software forbids "
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"Free Software is not just a technical question; it is an ethical, social, "
-"and political question. It is a question of the human rights that the users "
-"of software ought to have. Freedom and cooperation are essential values of "
-"Free Software. The GNU System implements these values and the principle of "
-"sharing, since sharing is good and beneficial to human progress."
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"To learn more, see the <a href=\"/philosophy/free-sw.html\">Free Software "
-"definition</a> and our article on <a href=\"/philosophy/shouldbefree.html"
-"\">why software should be free</a> (as in freedom)."
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <div><div><h2>
-msgid "The Basics"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <div><div><p>
-msgid ""
-"In this six-minutes video <a href=\"http://www.fsf.org/about/leadership/#rms";
-"\">Richard Stallman</a> explains briefly and to the point the principles of "
-"Free Software and how they connect to education."
-msgstr ""
-#.  TRANSLATORS: please add the link to your language here in the first place, 
followed by a comma. 
-#. type: Content of: <div><div><p>
-msgid ""
-"Transcriptions of this video are available in <a href=\"/education/misc/rms-"
-"education-es-translation-to-en.txt\">English</a>, <a href=\"/education/misc/"
-"rms-education-es-transcription.txt\">Spanish</a>, and <a href=\"/education/"
-"misc/edu-misc.html#transcriptions\">other languages</a>."
-msgstr ""
-#.  TRANSLATORS: please add the link to your language here in the first place, 
followed by a comma. 
-#. type: Content of: <div><div><p>
-msgid ""
-"SubRip subtitle files are also available for download in <a href=\"/"
-"education/misc/rms-education-es-sub-en.srt\">English</a>, <a href=\"/"
-"education/misc/rms-education-es-sub-es.srt\">Spanish</a>, and <a href=\"/"
-"education/misc/edu-misc.html#subtitles\">other languages</a>."
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <div><div><p>
-msgid ""
-"Download video as <a href=\"http://audio-video.gnu.org/video/rms-education-";
-"es-sub-en.ogv\"> Ogg Theora</a>."
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <div><div><p>
-msgid ""
-"The GNU Project was <a href=\" /gnu/initial-announcement.html\">launched</a> "
-"in 1983 by Richard Stallman to develop a Free Libre operating system: the "
-"GNU operating system. As a result, today it is possible for anyone to use a "
-"computer in freedom."
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <div><div><h2>
-msgid "In Depth"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <div><div><p>
-msgid ""
-"Learn about the <a href=\"/education/edu-why.html\">Reasons Why</a> "
-"educational institutions should use and teach exclusively Free Software."
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <div><div><p>
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid ""
-#| "<a href=\"/philosophy/schools.html\">Why schools should exclusively use "
-#| "free software</a>, by Richard Stallman."
-msgid ""
-"An article by Richard Stallman: <a href=\"/education/edu-schools.html\">Why "
-"Schools Should Exclusively Use Free Software</a>"
-msgstr ""
-"<a href=\"/philosophy/schools.fr.html\">Pourquoi les écoles devraient "
-"utiliser exclusivement des logiciels libres</a>, par Richard Stallman."
-#. type: Content of: <div><div><p>
-msgid ""
-"An article by Dr. V. Sasi Kumar on the <a href=\"/education/edu-system-india."
-"html\">education system in India.</a>"
-msgstr ""
-#. TRANSLATORS: Use space (SPC) as msgstr if you don't have notes.
-#. type: Content of: <div>
-msgstr " "
-#. type: Content of: <div><p>
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid ""
-#| "Please send FSF &amp; GNU inquiries to <a 
-#| "address@hidden&gt;</a>.  There are also <a href=\"/contact/\">other ways 
to "
-#| "contact</a> the FSF."
-msgid ""
-"Please send general FSF &amp; GNU inquiries to <a 
-"\">&lt;address@hidden&gt;</a>.  There are also <a href=\"/contact/\">other 
ways "
-"to contact</a> the FSF."
-msgstr ""
-"Veuillez envoyer les requêtes concernant la FSF et GNU à <a href=\"mailto:";
-"address@hidden">&lt;address@hidden&gt;</a>. Il existe aussi <a 
-"contact.fr.html\">d'autres moyens de contacter</a> la FSF."
-#. type: Content of: <div><p>
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid ""
-#| "If you know any educational project based on Free Software, please submit "
-#| "the project page and a brief description to <a href=\"mailto:";
-#| "address@hidden">&lt;address@hidden&gt;</a>."
-msgid ""
-"Please send broken links and other corrections or suggestions to <a href="
-msgstr ""
-"Si vous connaissez un projet éducatif basé sur les logiciels libres, "
-"veuillez nous soumettre la page du projet et une brève description à <a 
-#. type: Content of: <div><p>
-msgid ""
-"Please see the <a href=\"/server/standards/README.translations.html"
-"\">Translations README</a> for information on coordinating and submitting "
-"translations of this article."
-msgstr ""
-"Veuillez consulter le <a href=\"/server/standards/README.translations.fr.html"
-"\">README des traductions</a> pour des informations sur la coordination et "
-"la soumission de traductions de cet article."
-#. type: Content of: <div><p>
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Copyright &copy; 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
-msgid "Copyright &copy; 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
-msgstr "Copyright &copy; 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
-#. type: Content of: <div><p>
-msgid ""
-"This page is licensed under a <a rel=\"license\" href=\"http://";
-"creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/3.0/us/\">Creative Commons Attribution-"
-"NoDerivs 3.0 United States License</a>."
-msgstr ""
-#. TRANSLATORS: Use space (SPC) as msgstr if you don't want credits.
-#. type: Content of: <div><div>
-msgstr ""
-"Traduction&nbsp;: Cédric Corazza.<br /> Révision&nbsp;: <a href=\"mailto:";
-#.  timestamp start 
-#. type: Content of: <div><p>
-msgid "Updated:"
-msgstr "Dernière mise à jour&nbsp;:"
-#~ msgid "Translations of this page"
-#~ msgstr "Traduction de cette page"
-#~ msgid "Free Software Universities"
-#~ msgstr "Les logiciels libres et les universités"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "More and more students are considering whether a university teaches "
-#~ "computer science and software development using Free Software when "
-#~ "deciding where they will study. Free Software means that students are "
-#~ "free to study how the programs they use work and to learn how to adapt "
-#~ "them for their own needs. Learning about Free Software can also help in "
-#~ "studying software development ethics and professional practice. If you "
-#~ "know of a Free-Software-oriented university then email <a href=\"mailto:";
-#~ "address@hidden">address@hidden</a> to tell us about it so we can "
-#~ "list it here."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "De plus en plus d'étudiants se posent la question de savoir si une "
-#~ "université enseigne l'informatique et le développement en utilisant des "
-#~ "logiciels libres quand vient le moment de choisir leur université. Des "
-#~ "logiciels libres signifient que les étudiants sont libres d'étudier la "
-#~ "façon dont fonctionnent les logiciels qu'ils utilisent et d'apprendre à "
-#~ "les adpater à leurs propres besoins. Apprendre sur les logiciels libres "
-#~ "peut aussi aider dans l'apprentissage de l'éthique de développement et "
-#~ "des pratiques professionnelles. Si vous connaissez une université qui "
-#~ "s'oriente vers les logiciels libres, veuillez envoyer un courriel à <a "
-#~ "href=\"mailto:address@hidden";>address@hidden</a> pour nous le "
-#~ "signaler afin que nous la citions ici."
-#~ msgid "Is Your School Committed To Free Software?"
-#~ msgstr "Votre école s'implique-t-elle dans les logiciels libres ?"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "If your school is committed to Free Software then we want to hear from "
-#~ "you so that we can list it here. Has your school migrated to GNU/Linux, "
-#~ "or has your school adopted the firm policy of rejecting proprietary "
-#~ "software? If so, contact <a href=\"mailto:address@hidden";>&lt;"
-#~ "address@hidden&gt;</a> to let us know."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Si votre école s'implique dans les logiciels libres, alors nous aimerions 
-#~ "le savoir pour la lister ici. Votre école a-t-elle migré vers GNU/Linux, 
-#~ "ou a-t-elle adopté une politique ferme de rejet des logiciels "
-#~ "propriétaires&nbsp;? Si c'est la cas, contactez <a href=\"mailto:";
-#~ "address@hidden">&lt;address@hidden&gt;</a> pour nous le faire "
-#~ "savoir."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<a href=\"/philosophy/free-sw.html\">Free Software</a> can be a valuable "
-#~ "resource in education.  Not only can it be technically or pedagogically "
-#~ "superior to proprietary alternatives, but it can also promote the values "
-#~ "of the GNU project in the schools:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<a href=\"/philosophy/free-sw.fr.html\">Le logiciel libre</a> peut "
-#~ "constituer une ressource précieuse dans l'enseignement. En effet, il peut 
-#~ "être non seulement supérieur aux alternatives propriétaires d'un point 
de "
-#~ "vue technique ou pédagogique, mais il peut aussi faire passer les valeurs 
-#~ "du projet GNU au sein des établissements scolaires&nbsp;:"
-#~ msgid "Freedom"
-#~ msgstr "Liberté"
-#~ msgid "Cooperation"
-#~ msgstr "Coopération"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Today, many students and schools don't even know about Free Software or "
-#~ "the great advantages it brings.  At the same time, software "
-#~ "knowledgeability is required for more and more tasks, and Free Software "
-#~ "has a distinct advantage in this field.  If you are one of those kept in "
-#~ "the dark until now, please read some of the informational material we've "
-#~ "put together here."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Aujourd'hui, beaucoup d'étudiants et d'établissements scolaires ne "
-#~ "connaissent même pas les logiciels libres ou les grands avantages qu'ils "
-#~ "apportent. En même temps, des compétences en informatique sont requises "
-#~ "pour de plus en plus de tâches, et les logiciels libres ont un avantage "
-#~ "sérieux sans ce domaine. Si vous faites partie de ceux qui sont restés "
-#~ "dans le noir jusqu'à présent, veuillez lire les quelques informations 
que "
-#~ "nous avons rassemblées ici."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Here is some information we have collected about the relationship between "
-#~ "the GNU project and education (you can see more relationships by reading "
-#~ "the <a href=\"/gnu/thegnuproject.html\">history of the GNU project</a>).  "
-#~ "Please send your comments and suggestions about this information to GNU "
-#~ "&amp; Education mailing list <a href=\"mailto:address@hidden";>&lt;"
-#~ "address@hidden&gt;</a>."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Voici des informations que nous avons réunies sur les relations entre le "
-#~ "projet GNU et l'enseignement (vous pourrez en apprendre plus en lisant <a "
-#~ "href=\"/gnu/thegnuproject.fr.html\">l'histoire du projet GNU</a>). Merci "
-#~ "de faire part de vos commentaires et de vos suggestions à <a href="
-#~ "\"mailto:address@hidden";><em>address@hidden</em></a>."
-#~ msgid "Why?"
-#~ msgstr "Pourquoi&nbsp;?"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "We're working closely with a new group, Free Software in Education, to "
-#~ "produce these introductions. If you are not completely familiar with free "
-#~ "software, learn why it's right for you!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Nous travaillons en proche collaboration avec un nouveau groupe, les "
-#~ "logiciels libres dans l'enseignement, pour produire ces introductions. Si "
-#~ "vous n'êtes pas totalement familier avec les logiciels libres, découvrez 
-#~ "pourquoi ils sont bons pour vous&nbsp;!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Each distributable, easily chewable material, such as the Students "
-#~ "bulletin posting, leads to an online portal, tailored to the particular "
-#~ "group, at which the interested can find out more about what free software "
-#~ "means, learn how to use it, and of course get it."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Chaque élément distribuable, facilement assimilable, comme les billets 
du "
-#~ "journal des étudiants, mène à un portail en ligne, taillé sur mesure 
pour "
-#~ "le groupe particulier, sur lequel l'intéressé peut en apprendre plus sur 
-#~ "ce que signifie les logiciels libres, apprendre à les utiliser et bien "
-#~ "sûr les télécharger."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "A GNU idea, the Free Universal Encyclopedia and Learning Resource, became "
-#~ "<a href=\"http://www.wikipedia.org\";>Wikipedia</a>.  Learn about <a href="
-#~ "\"/encyclopedia/free-encyclopedia.html\">why we need such a resource, and "
-#~ "why you should care about it</a>."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Une idée de GNU, l'Encyclopédie libre universelle et des ressources "
-#~ "d'apprentissage, est devenue <a href=\"http://www.wikipedia.org";
-#~ "\">Wikipédia</a>. Découvrez <a 
-#~ "\">pourquoi nous avons besoin d'une telle ressource et pourquoi nous "
-#~ "devons y faire attention</a>."
-#~ msgid "Articles:"
-#~ msgstr "Articles&nbsp;:"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<a href=\"http://fsfeurope.org/projects/education/argumentation.en.html";
-#~ "\">Why give precedence to free software at school?</a>, by Jean Peyratout."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<a href=\"http://fsfeurope.org/projects/education/argumentation.fr.html";
-#~ "\">Pourquoi préférer l'utilisation de logiciels libres dans "
-#~ "l'Éducation&nbsp;?</a>, par Jean Peyratout."
-#~ msgid "How?"
-#~ msgstr "Comment&nbsp;?"
-#, fuzzy
-#~| msgid ""
-#~| "Even though the education demographic is relatively tech-savvy, it still "
-#~| "needs help to learn free operating systems such as GNU.  Students, "
-#~| "teachers, and adminstrators have some tools at their disposal with which "
-#~| "to learn."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Even though the education demographic is relatively tech-savvy, it still "
-#~ "needs help to learn free operating systems such as GNU.  Students, "
-#~ "teachers, and administrators have some tools at their disposal with which "
-#~ "to learn."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Bien que la tendance dans l'éducation est de devenir de plus en plus "
-#~ "technique, elle a encore besoin d'aider à l'apprentissage de système "
-#~ "d'exploitation libres tel que GNU. Les étudiants, les professeurs et les "
-#~ "administrateurs ont des outils à leur disposition avec lesquels 
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Our advice is to simply install a free operating system, or find an "
-#~ "existing installation, and learn how to use it simply by using it."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Notre conseil est juste d'installer un système d'exploitation libre ou de 
-#~ "trouver une installation existante, et d'apprendre à s'en servir, "
-#~ "simplement en l'utilisant. Cependant, ces ressources peuvent vous aider à 
-#~ "faciliter la transition."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Mario Fux <a href=\"mailto:address@hidden";>&lt;address@hidden></a> "
-#~ "writes <a href=\"http://fsfeurope.org/projects/education/tgs/tgs.en.html";
-#~ "\"> &ldquo;TUX&amp;address@hidden&rdquo;</a> for <a 
-#~ "org/projects/education/education.en.html\">FSF Europe's education "
-#~ "project</a>.  It reviews a piece of free education software in every "
-#~ "issue."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Mario Fux <a href=\"mailto:address@hidden";>&lt;address@hidden></a> écrit "
-#~ "<a href=\"http://fsfeurope.org/projects/education/tgs/tgs.fr.html";
-#~ "\">TUX&amp;address@hidden</a> pour le <a 
-#~ "education/education.fr.html\">projet éducation de la FSF Europe</a>. Il "
-#~ "passe en revue des logiciels éducatifs libres pour chaque usage."
-#~ msgid "Events"
-#~ msgstr "Événements"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Some projects which promotes only free software and education are listed "
-#~ "below.  Please let us know of other educational events that follow the <a "
-#~ "href=\"/philosophy/\">GNU Philosophy</a>, by writing to GNU &amp; "
-#~ "Education list at <a href=\"mailto:address@hidden";>&lt;address@hidden"
-#~ "org&gt;</a>."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Certains projets qui ne font la promotion que de logiciels libres dans "
-#~ "l'éducation sont listés ci-dessous. Veuillez nous signaler tout autre "
-#~ "événement concernant l'éducation qui suit la <a href=\"/philosophy/"
-#~ "philosophy.fr.html\">Philosophie GNU</a>, en écrivant à la liste de "
-#~ "diffusion GNU &amp; Education à <a href=\"mailto:address@hidden";
-#~ "\"><em>address@hidden</em></a>."
-#~ msgid "Who's using it?"
-#~ msgstr "Qui les utilisent&nbsp;?"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "There are some groups that maintain statistics of schools that use free "
-#~ "software in several regions of the world:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Certains groupes maintiennent des statistiques sur les écoles qui "
-#~ "utilisent des logiciels libres dans plusieurs régions du monde&nbsp;:"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "We want to present some stories of classrooms and courses where free "
-#~ "software is being used.  Whether your usage is creative or not, please "
-#~ "share your story.  If you do, please send it to <a href=\"mailto:";
-#~ "address@hidden">&lt;address@hidden&gt;</a>."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Nous voulons présenter des expériences de classes ou de cours où les "
-#~ "logiciels libres sont utilisés. Que votre utilisation soit créative ou "
-#~ "pas, veuillez partager votre histoire. Si vous le faites, veuillez écrire 
-#~ "à <a href=\"mailto:address@hidden";>&lt;address@hidden&gt;</a>."
-#~ msgid "Advocacy"
-#~ msgstr "Plaidoyer"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Before we can advocate free software on a local level, as the Free "
-#~ "Software in Education project would like to do, we need to figure out "
-#~ "<em>how</em> to do that.  We are looking for articles in our area.  If "
-#~ "you know a good link about free software and education, please contact us."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Avant de plaider pour les logiciels libres à un échelon local, comme le "
-#~ "projet Logiciels libres dans l'éducation voudrait le faire, nous devons "
-#~ "trouver <em>comment</em> faire cela. Nous recherchons des articles "
-#~ "concernant votre région. Si vous connaissez un bon lien sur les logiciels 
-#~ "libres et l'éducation, veuillez nous contacter."
-#~ msgid "Free Education Software"
-#~ msgstr "Logiciels libres dans l'éducation"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "We maintain a <a href=\"/education/software.html\">list of free software "
-#~ "and free software projects for education</a>."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Nous maintenons une <a href=\"/education/software.html\">de logiciels "
-#~ "libres et de projets de logiciels libres pour l'éducation</a>."
-#~ msgid "Other Groups and Projects"
-#~ msgstr "Autres groupes et projets"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "There are several groups and projects that are working with Free Software "
-#~ "and Education.  A few of them are listed below. If your project supports "
-#~ "only free software and it is not listed here, please send an email to <a "
-#~ "href=\"mailto:address@hidden";>&lt;address@hidden&gt;</a>."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Il existe plusieurs groupes et projets qui travaillent dans les logiciels "
-#~ "libres et l'éducation. Certains d'entre-eux sont listés ci-dessous. Si "
-#~ "votre projet ne soutient que les logiciels libres et qu'il n'est pas "
-#~ "listé ici, veuillez envoyer un courriel à <a 
-#~ "org\">&lt;address@hidden&gt;</a>."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<a href=\"/education/freelearning.html\">Free Learning Resources</a> is "
-#~ "about bringing the principles of free software to educational materials "
-#~ "and otherwise general knowledge."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<a href=\"/education/freelearning.html\">Free Learning Resources</a>, "
-#~ "dont le but est d'apporter les principes du logiciel libre sur les "
-#~ "supports dédiés à l'éducation ou à la connaissance en général."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<a href=\"http://www.gleducar.org.ar\";>Gleducar</a>, a GNU at education "
-#~ "Argentinian project."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<a href=\"http://www.gleducar.org.ar\";>Gleducar</a>, un projet argentin "
-#~ "GNU dans l'éducation."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<a href=\"http://www.ofset.org\";>OFSET</a>, The Organization for Free "
-#~ "Software in Education and Teaching, promotes the use of free software in "
-#~ "education. <a href=\"http://www.ofset.org/freeduc-cd\";>Take a look at "
-#~ "Freeduc-cd</a>, a live-cd for education setup by Ofset."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<a href=\"http://www.ofset.org\";>OFSET</a>, The Organization for Free "
-#~ "Software in Education and Teaching (Organisation pour les logiciels "
-#~ "libres dans l'éducation et l'enseignement), qui soutient l'utilisation "
-#~ "des logiciels libres dans l'éducation. <a href=\"http://www.ofset.org/";
-#~ "freeduc-cd\">Jetez un &oelig;il à Freeduc-cd</a>, un live-cd pour "
-#~ "l'éducation créé par Ofset."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<a href=\"http://www.sugarlabs.org\";>Sugar Labs</a>, which provides the "
-#~ "Sugar Learning Environment, promoting sharing, collaborative learning, "
-#~ "and reflection."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<a href=\"http://www.sugarlabs.org\";>Sugar Labs</a>, qui fournit le Sugar "
-#~ "Learning Environment, soutien le partage et l'apprentissage collaboratif, "
-#~ "et la réflexion."
-#~ msgid "You can help us"
-#~ msgstr "Vous pouvez nous aider"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "If you know any educational project based on Free Software, please submit "
-#~ "the project page and a brief description to <a href=\"mailto:";
-#~ "address@hidden">&lt;address@hidden&gt;</a>."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Si vous connaissez un projet éducatif basé sur les logiciels libres, "
-#~ "veuillez nous soumettre la page du projet et une brève description à <a "
-#~ "href=\"mailto:address@hidden";>address@hidden</a>."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is permitted in "
-#~ "any medium, provided this notice is preserved."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "La reproduction exacte et la distribution intégrale de cet article est "
-#~ "permise sur n'importe quel support d'archivage, pourvu que cette notice "
-#~ "soit préservée."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "<a href=\"http://www.rittershofer.de/info/linux/linout.htm\";>Germany</a>, "
-#~ "maintained by Andreas Rittershofer.  An out-of-date mirror exists at <a "
-#~ "href=\"http://linux-schulen.be.schule.de/\";>linux-schulen.be.schule.de</"
-#~ "a>."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "<a href=\"http://www.rittershofer.de/info/linux/linout.htm\";>Allemagne</"
-#~ "a>, maintenu par Andreas Rittershofer. Il existe un miroir obsolète à <a 
-#~ "href=\"http://linux-schulen.be.schule.de/\";>linux-schulen.be.schule.de</"
-#~ "a>."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "If you live in the UK and you want your schools to use Free Software then "
-#~ "please help In writing your PM use this link: <a href=\"http://www.";
-#~ "writetothem.com/\">Write your PM</a>.  Please make sure to sign <a href="
-#~ "\"http://edmi.parliament.uk/EDMi/EDMDetails.aspx?EDMID=31752\";>Early Day "
-#~ "Motion</a>."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Si vous habitez au Royaume-Uni et que vous voulez que vos écoles "
-#~ "utilisent des logiciels libres, vous pouvez aider en écrivant à votre "
-#~ "Membre du Parlement en utilisant ce lien <a href=\"http://www.writetothem.";
-#~ "com/\">Écrivez à votre Membre du Parlement</a>. Veuillez également vous 
-#~ "assurer de signer <a href=\"http://edmi.parliament.uk/EDMi/EDMDetails.";
-#~ "aspx?EDMID=31752\">Early Day Motion</a>."

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