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www philosophy/copyright-versus-community.fr.ht...

From: Yavor Doganov
Subject: www philosophy/copyright-versus-community.fr.ht...
Date: Tue, 01 Dec 2009 21:27:01 +0000

CVSROOT:        /web/www
Module name:    www
Changes by:     Yavor Doganov <yavor>   09/12/01 21:27:00

Modified files:
        philosophy     : copyright-versus-community.fr.html 
        philosophy/po  : copyright-versus-community.fr.po 
        software       : devel.es.html 
        software/po    : devel.es.po 

Log message:
        Automatic update by GNUnited Nations.


Index: philosophy/copyright-versus-community.fr.html
RCS file: /web/www/www/philosophy/copyright-versus-community.fr.html,v
retrieving revision 1.12
retrieving revision 1.13
diff -u -b -r1.12 -r1.13
--- philosophy/copyright-versus-community.fr.html       2 Aug 2009 20:29:35 
-0000       1.12
+++ philosophy/copyright-versus-community.fr.html       1 Dec 2009 21:26:40 
-0000       1.13
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 <h2>Copyright contre Communaut&eacute; &agrave; l'&acirc;ge des r&eacute;seaux
-<pre><!-- It seems this location is no longer accessible
-The original version is hosted at <a
-yavor, Apr 3, 2007 -->
-Ceci est la retranscription d'un enregistrement audio r&eacute;alis&eacute; par
-Douglas Carnall, en juillet 2000.
-<p><em>M. Stallman arrive quelques minutes apr&egrave;s l'heure pr&eacute;vue
-du d&eacute;but de sa conf&eacute;rence pour s'adresser &agrave; une
-assistance silencieuse et respectueuse. Il parle avec une grande
-pr&eacute;cision et presque sans h&eacute;sitation avec un accent
-prononc&eacute; de Boston.</em></p>
-<p><strong>RMS&nbsp;</strong>: Ceci est fait pour quelqu'un qui porte un
-strangler. </p>
-<p><em>[il indique le micro &agrave; agrafe du syst&egrave;me d'amplification
-de la salle de conf&eacute;rence]</em> </p>
-<p>Je ne porte pas de strangler, alors il n'y a pas de place pour le mettre</p>
-<p><em>[Il l'accroche &agrave; son T-shirt]</em></p>
-<p><strong>Moi</strong>&nbsp;: C'est bon pour le micro&nbsp;?</p>
-<p><strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Oui&nbsp;! <em>[irrit&eacute;]</em> Combien de
-personnes sont sens&eacute;es me demander&nbsp;?</p>
-<p>Bon, je suppose que je dois parler aujourd'hui. </p>
-<p><em>[longue pause]</em></p>
-<p>&agrave; propos du copyright contre la Communaut&eacute;. C'est trop fort. 
-<p><em>[il indique le micro &agrave; agrafe]</em> </p>
-<p>Que puis-je faire&nbsp;? </p>
-<p>Regardez&hellip; il n'y a pas de contr&ocirc;le de volume&hellip; </p>
-<p><em>[il trouve la commande du volume sur la bo&icirc;te radio du 
micro]</em> </p>
-<p>ça para&icirc;t mieux</p>
-<p>OK. Copyright contre Communaut&eacute; &agrave; l'&acirc;ge des
-r&eacute;seaux informatiques. Les principes de l'&eacute;thique ne peuvent
-pas changer. Ils restent les m&ecirc;mes dans toutes les situations. Mais
-pour qu'ils s'appliquent quelle que soit la question ou situation, vous
-devez regarder les faits pour comparer les alternatives, et voir quelles en
-seront les cons&eacute;quences. Un changement de technologie ne change
-jamais les principes de l'&eacute;thique, mais peut modifier ses
-cons&eacute;quences sur les m&ecirc;mes choix, qui peuvent avoir des
-r&eacute;sultats diff&eacute;rents, comme cela s'est produit dans le domaine
-des lois sur le copyright. Nous sommes dans une situation o&ugrave; les
-changements de technologie ont affect&eacute; les facteurs &eacute;thiques
-qui p&egrave;sent sur les d&eacute;cisions &agrave; propos des lois sur le
-copyright et changent de politique appropri&eacute;e pour la
-soci&eacute;t&eacute;. </p>
-<p>Ces lois qui &eacute;taient par le pass&eacute; une bonne id&eacute;e, sont
-maintenantnocives parce qu'elles ont chang&eacute; de contexte. Pour
-l'expliquer, ilfaudrait remonter au d&eacute;but du monde antique o&ugrave;
-les livres &eacute;taient des&oelig;uvres &eacute;crites &agrave; la
-main. Quand c'&eacute;tait la seule mani&egrave;re de le faire.Quiconque qui
-pouvait lire les livres, pouvait &eacute;galement en &eacute;crire une
-copie. Il est certain qu'un esclave qui passait sa journ&eacute;e &agrave;
-&eacute;crire des copies &eacute;tait th&eacute;oriquement capable de le
-faire mieux que quelqu'un qui n'en avait pas l'habitude, mais &ccedil;a ne
-faisait pas une &eacute;norme diff&eacute;rence. Principalement, celui qui
-pouvait lire les livres pouvait aussi les copier, et &agrave; peu
-pr&egrave;s de n'importe quelle mani&egrave;re.</p>
-<p>Dans l'Antiquit&eacute;, il n'y avait pas d'aussi nette distinction entre
-paternit&eacute; et copie, comme c'est la tendance aujourd'hui. </p>
-<p>Il y avait un continuum. D'un c&ocirc;t&eacute; vous pouviez avoir quelqu'un
-qui pense, puis &eacute;crit la sc&egrave;ne. Comme vous pouviez avoir
-&agrave; l'autre extr&ecirc;me, quelqu'un qui faisait des copies d'un
-livre. Mais entre les deux, vous pouviez avoir quelqu'un qui pense, puis
-copie des passages d'un livre, en &eacute;crivant quelques mots par
-lui-m&ecirc;me, ou un commentaire, et c'&eacute;tait tr&egrave;s courant et
-certainement respect&eacute;. D'autres personnes pouvaient copier certaines
-parties d'un livre, citer des passages de longueurs vari&eacute;es de
-plusieurs travaux diff&eacute;rents, et de l&agrave; construire d'autres
-travaux pour en parler davantage, ou s'en r&eacute;f&eacute;rer. Et il y a
-beaucoup d'anciens travaux &mdash; aujourd'hui perdus &mdash; dont des
-parties ont surv&eacute;cu &agrave; travers ces citations dans d'autres
-livres, devenus plus populaires que le livre dont la citation originale
-<p>Il y avait tout un spectre entre l'&eacute;criture d'un travail original, et
-sa copie. Beaucoup de livres &eacute;taient partiellement copi&eacute;s sur
-d'autres, m&eacute;lang&eacute;s &agrave; l'&eacute;criture originale. Je ne
-crois pas qu'il y ait eu une quelconque notion de copyright dans
-l'antiquit&eacute;. Et il aurait &eacute;t&eacute; plut&ocirc;t difficile
-d'en imposer une, parce que les livres pouvaient &ecirc;tre copi&eacute;s
-par qui pouvait les lire n'importe o&ugrave;, et qui pouvait obtenir quelque
-support d'&eacute;criture, et une plume pour &eacute;crire avec. Ainsi,
-c'&eacute;tait une situation simple, plut&ocirc;t claire.</p>
-<p>Plus tard, l'impression fut d&eacute;velopp&eacute;e et a
-consid&eacute;rablement chang&eacute; la situation. Elle a fourni une
-mani&egrave;re beaucoup plus efficace de faire des copies de livres, pourvu
-qu'elle soient toutes identiques. Et elle a exig&eacute; un
-&eacute;quipement sp&eacute;cialis&eacute; assez cher, qu'un lecteur
-ordinaire ne pouvait pas avoir. Elle a donc cr&eacute;&eacute; une situation
-dans laquelle les copies ne pouvait &ecirc;tre r&eacute;ellement faisables
-que par des entreprises sp&eacute;cialis&eacute;es, dont le nombre
-n'&eacute;tait pas &eacute;lev&eacute;. Il aurait pu y avoir des centaines
-d'impressions par pays et des centaines de milliers, ou peut-&ecirc;tre
-m&ecirc;me vraisemblablement des millions de personnes qui auraient pu les
-lire. Ainsi la diminution du nombre d'endroits dans lesquels les copies
-pouvaient &ecirc;tre faites &eacute;tait consid&eacute;rable.</p>
-<p>Maintenant, l'id&eacute;e de copyright s'est d&eacute;velopp&eacute;e avec
-la presse. Je pense qu'il peut y avoir&hellip; Je pense que je me rappelle
-avoir lu que Venise, qui &eacute;tait un centre important de l'impression au
-XVI&egrave;me si&egrave;cle, a &eacute;galement connu un genre de copyright
-mais je ne peux pas vous dire&nbsp;: Je ne pourrais pas retrouver cette
-r&eacute;f&eacute;rence. Mais le syst&egrave;me de copyright s'est
-naturellement accord&eacute; avec la presse parce qu'il est devenu rare pour
-un lecteur ordinaire de faire des copies. C'est toujours le cas. Seuls les
-gens tr&egrave;s pauvres ou tr&egrave;s riches d&eacute;tenaient des copies
-manuscrites de livres. Les gens tr&egrave;s riches le faisaient pour
-&eacute;taler leur richesse&nbsp;: il fallait avoir une &eacute;blouissante
-fortune pour se le permettre. Et les pauvres gens en &eacute;taient encore
-parfois &agrave; recopier les livres &agrave; la main parce qu'ils ne
-pouvaient pas se permettre les copies imprim&eacute;es. Comme le dit la
-chanson &laquo;le temps n'est pas de l'argent quand c'est tout ce que vous
-avez&raquo;. Aussi quelques pauvres gens ont copi&eacute; des livres avec un
-stylo. Mais pour la plupart, les livres &eacute;taient fabriqu&eacute;s
-&agrave; la presse par des &eacute;diteurs et le copyright en tant que
-syst&egrave;me s'est naturellement accord&eacute; avec la technologie. D'un
-certain c&ocirc;t&eacute; ce fut indolore pour les lecteurs, parce qu'ils ne
-faisaient de toute fa&ccedil;on plus de copie, except&eacute; pour les gens
-tr&egrave;s riches qui pouvait r&eacute;ellement l&eacute;gitimer un tel
-acte, ou les tr&egrave;s pauvres qui n'en faisaient qu'un exemplaire unique
-et que personne n'aurait poursuivi avec des avocats. Et le syst&egrave;me
-fut vraiment facile &agrave; imposer toujours parce qu'il n'y avait qu'un
-tr&egrave;s petit nombre de lieux o&ugrave; c'&eacute;tait possible&nbsp;:
-seulement les presses, et parce que cela ne n&eacute;cessitait pas, cela
-n'impliquait pas de lutte contre le public. Vous ne pouviez pas trouver ne
-serait-ce qu'une seule personne essayant de copier des livres, et
-menac&eacute;e d'&ecirc;tre arr&ecirc;t&eacute;e pour &ccedil;a.</p>
-<p>Et en fait, en plus de ne pas limiter le lecteur directement, il n'a pas
-vraiment caus&eacute; d'ennuis, &eacute;tant donn&eacute; qu'il a du
-&ecirc;tre ajout&eacute; une petite fraction du prix du livre qui n'a certes
-pas co&ucirc;t&eacute; le double, de sorte que la petite addition
-suppl&eacute;mentaire au prix n'&eacute;tait qu'un tout petit fardeau pour
-les lecteurs. Les actions limit&eacute;es par copyright &eacute;taient des
-actions que vous ne pouviez pas faire, en tant que lecteur ordinaire, et
-donc, cela n'a pas pos&eacute; de probl&egrave;me. Et pour cette raison, on
-avait pas besoin de punir s&eacute;v&egrave;rement les lecteurs pour les
-convaincre de le tol&eacute;rer et d'y ob&eacute;ir.</p>
-<p>Bien, le copyright &eacute;tait donc un r&egrave;glement industriel. Il
-restreignait les &eacute;diteurs et les auteurs mais ne limitait pas le
-grand public. C'&eacute;tait comme faire payer un droit d'entr&eacute;e pour
-une travers&eacute;e en bateau de l'Oc&eacute;an atlantique. Vous savez, il
-est facile de percevoir des honoraires quand les gens prennent le bateau
-pour des semaines, voire des mois. </p>
-<p>Avec le temps, l'impression est devenue plus efficace. Par la suite, les
-pauvres gens n'ont plus &eacute;t&eacute; oblig&eacute;s de copier les
-livres &agrave; la main et ce genre d'id&eacute;e est tomb&eacute;e dans
-l'oubli. Je pense que c'est au XIX&egrave;me si&egrave;cle que l'impression
-est devenue suffisamment bon march&eacute; pour que la plupart ait les
-moyens d'acheter des livres, aussi l'id&eacute;e des pauvres de copier les
-livres &agrave; la main a &eacute;t&eacute; a &eacute;t&eacute;
-oubli&eacute;e Je n'en ai entendu parler qu'il y a dix ans environ quand
-j'ai commenc&eacute; &agrave; interroger les gens &agrave; ce sujet.</p>
-<p>En Angleterre, &agrave; l'origine, le copyright a &eacute;t&eacute; en
-partie pr&eacute;vu comme une mesure de censure. Les gens qui voulaient
-publier des livres devaient obtenir l'autorisation du gouvernement, mais les
-id&eacute;es ont commenc&eacute; &agrave; changer et c'est une toute autre
-id&eacute;e qui a &eacute;t&eacute; explicitement exprim&eacute;e dans la
-constitution des &Eacute;tats-Unis. Quand la Constitution am&eacute;ricaine
-a &eacute;t&eacute; &eacute;crite, il a &eacute;t&eacute; propos&eacute; que
-les auteurs devaient avoir le monopole sur la copie de leurs livres. Cette
-id&eacute;e a &eacute;t&eacute; rejet&eacute;e. &Agrave; la place, une
-id&eacute;e diff&eacute;rente de celle de la philosophie du copyright a
-&eacute;t&eacute; mise dans la Constitution. L'id&eacute;e que le
-syst&egrave;me du copyright pouvait &ecirc;tre... bon, l'id&eacute;e
-&eacute;tait que les gens avaient un droit naturel &agrave; copier les
-choses, mais le copyright en tant que frein artificiel &agrave; la copie
-pouvait &ecirc;tre autoris&eacute; dans l'intention de favoriser le
-<p>Donc le syst&egrave;me de copyright allait &ecirc;tre le m&ecirc;me d'une
-fa&ccedil;on ou d'une autre, mais il y avait une d&eacute;claration en
-rapport avec ledit but pour justifier du copyright. Il est explicitement
-justifi&eacute; comme un moyen de favoriser le progr&egrave;s, pas comme un
-droit pour les propri&eacute;taires. Ainsi le syst&egrave;me est
-cens&eacute; modifier le comportement des propri&eacute;taires de copyrights
-pour en faire b&eacute;n&eacute;ficier le public. L'avantage consiste
-&agrave; &eacute;crire et &eacute;diter plus de livres et ceci dans
-l'intention de contribuer au progr&egrave;s de la civilisation, &agrave; la
-propagation des id&eacute;es, et en tant que moyen &agrave; cet
-effet&hellip; en d'autres termes c'est en tant que moyen &agrave; cet effet
-que le copyright existe. Donc, c'est aussi en pensant &agrave; un
-march&eacute; entre le public et les auteurs&nbsp;; tel que le public
-renonce &agrave; son droit naturel de faire des copies de n'importe quoi en
-&eacute;change du progr&egrave;s qui est apport&eacute; indirectement, en
-encourageant plus de personnes &agrave; &eacute;crire. </p>
-<p>Maintenant il peut sembler obscur de demander &laquo;&nbsp;quel est le but
-du copyright&nbsp;?&nbsp;&raquo;. Mais conna&icirc;tre le but d'une
-activit&eacute; est une chose essentielle pour d&eacute;cider si cette
-activit&eacute; a besoin d'&ecirc;tre chang&eacute;e, et comment. Si vous
-oubliez l'objectif, vous &ecirc;tes s&ucirc;r de vous tromper, or depuis que
-cette d&eacute;cision a &eacute;t&eacute; prise, les auteurs et plus
-particuli&egrave;rement les &eacute;diteurs ont jusqu'&agrave;
-r&eacute;cemment essay&eacute; de la d&eacute;naturer et de la balayer sous
-le tapis. Il y a eu des d&eacute;cennies de campagne pour tenter de
-r&eacute;pandre l'id&eacute;e qui a &eacute;t&eacute; rejet&eacute;e dans la
-constitution des &Eacute;tats-Unis d'Am&eacute;rique. L'id&eacute;e que le
-copyright existe en tant que droit pour les propri&eacute;taires de
-copyrights. Et vous pouvez la retrouver dans presque tout ce qu'il disent
-&agrave; ce sujet commen&ccedil;ant et se terminant par le mot
-&laquo;pirate&raquo;, qui est utilis&eacute; pour donner l'impression que
-faire une copie non autoris&eacute;e est l'&eacute;quivalent moral d'une
-attaque de bateau, et du kidnapping et du meurtre des personnes &agrave;
-<p>Aussi, si vous regardez les d&eacute;clarations qui sont faites par les
-&eacute;diteurs vous trouverez un bon nombre de postulats de ce genre que
-vous devez mettre en lumi&egrave;re et commencer &agrave; interroger.</p>
-<h3>R&eacute;cents &eacute;v&eacute;nements et probl&egrave;mes</h3>
-<p><em>[il s'&eacute;claire]</em></p>
-<p>Quoi qu'il en soit, aussi longtemps que l'&acirc;ge de la presse a
-dur&eacute;, le copyright &eacute;tait indolore, facile &agrave; imposer, et
-probablement une bonne id&eacute;e. Mais l'&acirc;ge de la presse a
-commenc&eacute; &agrave; changer il y a quelques d&eacute;cennies quand des
-choses comme les photocopieurs et les magn&eacute;toscopes sont devenues
-disponibles, et plus r&eacute;cemment quand les r&eacute;seaux informatiques
-sont devenus op&eacute;rationnels, la situation a chang&eacute; de
-mani&egrave;re drastique. Nous sommes aujourd'hui dans une situation
-technologique plus proche de l'antiquit&eacute;, o&ugrave; quiconque pouvait
-lire quelque chose pouvait aussi en faire une copie, qui &eacute;tait aussi
-bonne que les meilleures copies de n'importe qui d'autre.</p>
-<p><em>[murmures dans l'assistance]</em></p>
-<p>Une situation maintenant o&ugrave;, &agrave; nouveau, les lecteurs
-ordinaires peuvent faire des copies eux-m&ecirc;me. Il n'est plus
-n&eacute;cessaire de passer par une production de masse centralis&eacute;e
-comme dans la presse. Ce changement de technologie change la situation dans
-laquelle la loi sur le copyright s'exerce. L'id&eacute;e du march&eacute;
-&eacute;tait que le public n&eacute;gociait son droit de faire des copies,
-contre un avantage. Bon, une affaire peut &ecirc;tre bonne ou mauvaise. Cela
-d&eacute;pend de la valeur de ce &agrave; quoi on renonce. Et de la valeur
-de ce que vous obtenez. &Agrave; l'&acirc;ge de la presse, le public a
-&eacute;chang&eacute; une libert&eacute; dont il ne pouvait pas user.</p>
-<p>C'est comme trouver un moyen de vendre de la merde&nbsp;: qu'avez-vous
-&agrave; perdre&nbsp;? Vous l'avez &agrave; disposition de toute
-mani&egrave;re. Si vous trouvez le moyen de la n&eacute;gocier, cela ne peut
-pas &ecirc;tre une mauvaise affaire.</p>
-<p><em>[rires ti&egrave;des]</em></p>
-<p>C'est comme accepter de l'argent en retour de votre promesse de ne pas
-voyager vers autre &eacute;toile. Vous n'allez pas le faire de toute
-<p><em>[rires copieux]</em></p>
-<p>Du moins pas de notre vivant. Donc si quelqu'un vous paye pour que vous
-promettiez de ne pas voyager vers une autre &eacute;toile, vous pouvez
-tr&egrave;s bien faire affaire. Mais si je m'&eacute;tais
-pr&eacute;sent&eacute; &agrave; vous avec un astronef, vous ne pourriez plus
-penser que c'&eacute;tait une bonne affaire. Alors que vous aviez l'habitude
-de vendre une chose inutile, vous d&eacute;couvrez une utilisation pour
-elle&nbsp;; vous allez donc reconsid&eacute;rer les charmes des anciens
-march&eacute;s dont vous tiriez avantage. Typiquement dans une telle
-situation vous d&eacute;cidez que &laquo;&nbsp;je ne vais plus tout vendre
-de ce que j'ai; je vais en garder une partie et m'en
-servir&nbsp;&raquo;. Aussi, si vous aviez l'habitude de troquer une
-libert&eacute; dont vous ne pouviez rien faire, mais qu'&agrave;
-pr&eacute;sent vous pouvez l'exercer, vous voudrez sans doute commencer
-&agrave; vous r&eacute;server au moins le droit de l'exercer
-partiellement. Vous pourriez encore n&eacute;gocier une partie de cette
-libert&eacute;&nbsp;: il y a de nombreuses alternatives aux
-diff&eacute;rents march&eacute;s qui &eacute;changent une partie de la
-libert&eacute; tout en la maintenant sur d'autres plans. Ainsi, ce que vous
-voulez faire pr&eacute;cis&eacute;ment exige une r&eacute;flexion, mais dans
-tous les cas vous voudrez reconsid&eacute;rer l'ancien march&eacute;, et
-probablement vendre moins que ce vous vendiez auparavant.</p>
-<p>Or les &eacute;diteurs essayent de faire exactement l'oppos&eacute;. Au
-moment m&ecirc;me o&ugrave; l'int&eacute;r&ecirc;t du public est de se
-r&eacute;server une partie de libert&eacute; afin de l'exercer, les
-&eacute;diteurs font passer des lois qui nous demandent d'y renoncer
-davantage. Vous avez vu que le copyright n'a jamais &eacute;t&eacute;
-pr&eacute;vu pour &ecirc;tre un monopole absolu sur les utilisations d'un
-travail sous copyright. Il couvrait quelques utilisations et pas d'autres,
-mais ces derniers temps les &eacute;diteurs ont fait pression pour
-l'&eacute;tendre de plus en plus loin. Pour finir derni&egrave;rement avec
-des choses du genre la loi sur le copyright du millénaire numériqque aux
-&Eacute;tats-Unis. Qu'ils essayent &eacute;galement de transformer en
-trait&eacute; &agrave; travers l'Organisation mondiale de la
-propri&eacute;t&eacute; intellectuelle; (OMPI) qui est une organisation
-repr&eacute;sent&eacute;e essentiellement par les propri&eacute;taires de
-copyrights et de brevets et qui travaille &agrave; augmenter leur pouvoir,
-en pr&eacute;tendant le faire au nom de l'humanit&eacute; plut&ocirc;t qu'au
-nom de ces compagnies particuli&egrave;res.</p>
-<p>Maintenant, qu'est-ce qui arrive lorsque le copyright commence &agrave;
-limiter des activit&eacute;s que les lecteurs ordinaires peuvent
-faire&nbsp;? Et bien, d'une part cela n'est plus un r&egrave;glement
-industriel. Cela devient un imp&ocirc;t sur le public. D'autre part, et pour
-cette raison, vous verrez le public commencer &agrave; s'y opposer. Vous
-savez, quand on demande &agrave; des gens ordinaires d'arr&ecirc;ter de
-faire des choses naturelles dans la vie, ils refusent d'ob&eacute;ir. Ce qui
-signifie qu'il n'est plus aussi facile d'imposer le copyright et c'est
-pourquoi vous voyez des punitions de plus en plus dures adopt&eacute;es par
-des gouvernements qui &agrave; la base servent les &eacute;diteurs
-plut&ocirc;t que le public. </p>
-<p>En outre, vous vous demandez en quoi un syst&egrave;me de copyright est-il
-encore b&eacute;n&eacute;fique. En fait, ce que nous avons pay&eacute; a
-maintenant de la valeur pour nous. Aussi l'affaire est-elle une mauvaise
-affaire d&eacute;sormais. Et tout ce qui s'adaptait &agrave; la technologie
-de la presse s'accorde mal avec la technologie num&eacute;rique de
-l'information. C'est comme si au lieu de percevoir des honoraires pour
-traverser l'Atlantique en bateau, on percevait des honoraires pour traverser
-la rue. Et c'est tr&egrave;s emb&ecirc;tant, parce que les gens traversent
-la rue tout le long de la rue, et les faire payer revient &agrave; leur
-casser les pieds.</p>
-<h3>Nouveau genre de copyright</h3>
-<p>Maintenant quels sont les changements que nous pourrions faire valoir dans
-la loi sur le copyright pour l'adapter &agrave; la situation dans laquelle
-le public se trouve&nbsp;? Un changement radical pourrait &ecirc;tre de
-supprimer la loi sur le copyright mais ce n'est pas le seul choix
-possible. Il y a diverses situations dans lesquelles nous pourrions
-r&eacute;duire la puissance du copyright sans la supprimer totalement, parce
-qu'il y a plusieurs actions diff&eacute;rentes qui pourraient &ecirc;tre
-men&eacute;es avec le copyright et il y a diverses situations dans
-lesquelles vous pourriez le faire, et chacune d'entre elles est une question
-ind&eacute;pendante. Le copyright pourrait-il les couvrir ou non&nbsp;? En
-outre, il y a la question de savoir &laquo;&nbsp;pour combien de
-temps&nbsp;?&nbsp;&raquo;. Le copyright &eacute;tait &agrave;
-l'&eacute;poque beaucoup plus court dans sa p&eacute;riode ou sa
-dur&eacute;e, et il a &eacute;t&eacute; prolong&eacute; &agrave; plusieurs
-reprises pendant les cinquante derni&egrave;res ann&eacute;es et il
-para&icirc;t de plus en plus clairement que les propri&eacute;taires de
-copyright projettent de maintenir l'extension des copyrights jusqu'&agrave;
-ce qu'ils n'expirent plus jamais. La constitution des &Eacute;tats-Unis
-d'Am&eacute;rique indique que le &laquo;&nbsp;copyright doit exister pour un
-temps limit&eacute;&nbsp;&raquo; mais les &eacute;diteurs ont trouv&eacute;
-une mani&egrave;re de le contourner&nbsp;: tous les vingt ans ils le
-prolongent de vingt ans, et de cette fa&ccedil;on, aucun copyright
-n'expirera plus jamais. Maintenant, dans mille ans, le copyright pourrait
-durer 1200 ann&eacute;es, en fait juste assez pour que le copyright sur la
-souris Mickey ne puisse plus expirer.</p>
-<p>C'est pourquoi, les gens croient que le Congr&egrave;s am&eacute;ricain a
-pass&eacute;une loi pour prolonger le copyright pendant vingt ans. Disney
-les apay&eacute;s, et a pay&eacute; le Pr&eacute;sident aussi, avec les
-fonds de campagne&eacute;videmment, pour rendre &ccedil;a
-l&eacute;gal. Voyez-vous, s'ils avaient juste pay&eacute; enliquide, cela
-aurait &eacute;t&eacute; un crime, mais contribuer indirectement
-auxcampagnes est l&eacute;gal et c'est ce qu'ils font&nbsp;: acheter les
-l&eacute;gislateurs.Aussi ils ont adopt&eacute; la loi &laquo;Sunny
-Bono&raquo; sur le copyright. Maintenant ce qui est int&eacute;ressant,
-c'est que Sunny Bono &eacute;tait un membre du Congr&egrave;s et un membre
-de l'&Eacute;glise de Scientologie, qui utilisait le copyright pour
-supprimer les informations sur ses activit&eacute;s. Ainsi, ils ont leur
-petit chouchou au Congr&egrave;s et ont pouss&eacute; tr&egrave;s fort pour
-accro&icirc;tre les pouvoirs du copyright.</p>
-<p>Quoi qu'il en soit, nous avons eu la chance que Sunny Bono soit mort, mais
-en son nom ils ont pass&eacute; la Loi sur le copyright de la souris Mickey,
-en 1998 je crois. C'est remis en question cela dit, en raison de l'existence
-d'une possibilit&eacute; juridique de voir par la Cour Supr&ecirc;me les
-demandes d'extension de vieux droits rejet&eacute;es. Dans tous les cas, il
-y a des tas de situations et questions diff&eacute;rentes o&ugrave; nous
-pourrions r&eacute;duire la port&eacute;e du copyright.</p>
-<p>Quels sont-ils pour certains&nbsp;? Et bien tout d'abord, il y a plusieurs
-contextes diff&eacute;rents pour la copie. Il y a la vente commerciale de
-copies dans des magasins &agrave; d'un c&ocirc;t&eacute;, et de l'autre il y
-a la copie priv&eacute;e pour un ami de temps &agrave; autre, et entre les
-deux il y a d'autres choses comme sa radio- ou t&eacute;l&eacute;-diffusion,
-son placement sur un site web, sa distribution collective dans une
-organisation, et toutes ces choses que l'on peut faire de fa&ccedil;on
-commerciale ou non-commerciale. Vous savez, vous pouvez imaginer une
-entreprise qui distribue des copies &agrave; son &eacute;quipe ou vous
-pouvez encore imaginer une &eacute;cole, ou quelque organisation
-priv&eacute;e, non-commerciale le faire. Diff&eacute;rentes situations que
-nous n'avons pas &agrave; traiter toutes de la m&ecirc;me
-mani&egrave;re. Aussi la fa&ccedil;on dont nous pourrions
-r&eacute;cup&eacute;rer le... comme en g&eacute;n&eacute;ral, les
-activit&eacute;s qui sont les plus intimes sont les plus importantes pour
-notre libert&eacute; et notre fa&ccedil;on de vivre, et que les plus
-publiques et commerciales sont les plus utiles &agrave; fournir un certain
-type de revenus pour les auteurs, il y a une situation naturelle de
-compromis dans lequel les limites du copyright sont pos&eacute;es
-quelquepart au milieu, de sorte qu'une part substantielle de
-l'activit&eacute; reste couverte et fournisse toujours un revenu pour les
-auteurs, pendant que celle qui rel&egrave;ve le plus directement de la vie
-priv&eacute;e des gens redevient libre. Et c'est ce genre de chose que je
-propose de faire avec le copyright pour des choses comme les romans, les
-biographies, les m&eacute;moires, les essais, etc. Qu'au strict minimum, les
-gens aient toujours le droit de partager une copie avec un ami. C'est quand
-les gouvernements ont &agrave; emp&ecirc;cher ce genre d'activit&eacute;
-qu'ils commencent &agrave; s'introduire dans la vie priv&eacute;e des gens
-et user de punitions s&eacute;v&egrave;res. La seule fa&ccedil;on
-d'emp&ecirc;cher les gens de partager dans leur vie priv&eacute;e c'est avec
-un &eacute;tat policier, mais des activit&eacute;s commerciales et publiques
-peuvent &ecirc;tre r&eacute;gl&eacute;es de fa&ccedil;on beaucoup plus
-efficace et indolore. </p>
-<p>Maintenant, l'endroit o&ugrave; nous pourrions tracer ces limites
-d&eacute;pend, je crois, du style de travail. Diff&eacute;rents travaux
-r&eacute;pondent &agrave; diff&eacute;rents besoinspour leurs
-utilisateurs. Jusqu'&agrave; aujourd'hui nous avons eu un syst&egrave;me de
-copyright qui traitait presque tout de la m&ecirc;me mani&egrave;re
-except&eacute; la musique&nbsp;: il y a beaucoup d'exceptions juridiques
-pour la musique. Mais il n'y a aucune raison de placer la simplicit&eacute;
-au dessus des cons&eacute;quences pratiques. Nous pouvons traiter les
-diff&eacute;rents types de travaux diff&eacute;remment. Je propose une
-classification g&eacute;n&eacute;ralement dans trois types de travaux&nbsp;:
-les travaux fonctionnels, les travaux qui expriment la position personnelle
-et les travaux fondamentalement esth&eacute;tiques.</p>
-<p>Les travaux fonctionnels incluent&nbsp;: les logiciels d'ordinateur&nbsp;;
-les recettes&nbsp;; les manuels&nbsp;; les dictionnaires et autres travaux
-de r&eacute;f&eacute;rence&nbsp;; tout ce que vous utilisez pour que le
-travail soit fait. Pour les travaux fonctionnels, je pense que les gens ont
-besoin d'une libert&eacute; tr&egrave;s large, y compris la libert&eacute;
-de publier des versions modifi&eacute;es. Aussi tout ce que je dirais demain
-&agrave; propos des logiciels d'ordinateur s'applique de fa&ccedil;on
-identique aux autres genres de travaux fontionnels. Ainsi, ce crit&egrave;re
-de libre...&nbsp; parce qu'il est n&eacute;cessaire d'avoir la
-libert&eacute; de publier une version modifi&eacute;e. Cela signifie que
-nous devons nous d&eacute;barrasser presque totalement du copyright. Mais le
-mouvement du logiciel libre est en train de prouver que le progr&egrave;s
-que la soci&eacute;t&eacute; veut, la soi-disant justification du copyright,
-peut arriver d'une autre mani&egrave;re. Nous n'avons pas &agrave; renoncer
-&agrave; ces importantes libert&eacute;s pour avoir le
-progr&egrave;s. Aujourd'hui, les &eacute;diteurs nous demandent toujours de
-pr&eacute;supposer qu'il n'y a aucune possibilit&eacute; de progr&egrave;s
-sans renoncer &agrave; ces libert&eacute;s fondamentales. Et la chose la
-plus importante, je pense, pour le mouvement du logiciel libre est de
-prouver que leur pr&eacute;suppositions sont injustifi&eacute;es.</p>
-<p>Je ne peux pas dire que je suis sûr que dans tous ces domaines on ne peut
-pas apporter de progrès sans restriction de copyright pour bloquer les gens,
-mais ce que nous avons prouvé c'est que nous avons une chance&nbsp;: ce
-n'est pas une idée ridicule. Elle ne devrait pas être écartée. Le public ne
-devrait pas supposer que la seule façon d'obtenir le progrès est d'avoir du
-copyright. Mais même pour ce genre de travaux il peut y avoir quelques types
-de compromis avec le système de copyright, compatibles avec le fait de
-donner aux gens la liberté de publier des versions modifiées. Regardez par
-exemple, la documentation libre de la licence GNU utilisée pour fabriquer un
-livre libre. Elle permet à n'importe qui de faire et de vendre des copies
-d'une version modifiée, mais elle exige de donner du crédit d'une certaine
-manière aux auteurs et éditeurs d'origine d'une façon qui leur donne un
-avantage commercial, et ainsi je crois rendre possible la publication
-commerciale des manuels libres. Et ça fonctionne, les gens commencent tout
-juste à l'essayer commercialement. La Free Software Foundation a vendu un
-bon nombre de copies de divers livres libres pendant presque quinze ans
-maintenant, et cela a été un succès pour nous. En ce moment, cependant, les
-éditeurs commerciaux commencent tout juste à essayer cette approche
-particulière, mais je crois que même pour ces travaux fonctionnels où la
-liberté de publier des travaux modifiés est essentielle, un certain genre de
-compromis avec le système de copyright peut être trouvé, qui permet à 
-cette liberté. </p>
-<p>Pour d'autres genres de travaux, les questions d'&eacute;thique s'appliquent
-diff&eacute;remment, parce que les travaux sont utilis&eacute;s
-diff&eacute;remment. La seconde cat&eacute;gorie de travaux est celle des
-travaux qui expriment la position de quelqu'un ou ses points de vue ou ses
-exp&eacute;riences. Par exemple, essais, propositions d'affaires,
-d&eacute;clarations de sa situation l&eacute;gale, m&eacute;moires, tout ce
-qui est dit, dont la question est de dire ce que vous pensez ou ce que vous
-aimez. Les revues litt&eacute;raires, les revues h&ocirc;teli&egrave;res
-sont aussi dans cette cat&eacute;gorie&nbsp;: ils expriment une opinion
-personnelle, un point de vue. Maintenant pour ce genre de travaux, faire une
-version modifi&eacute;e n'est pas une chose utile. Aussi, je ne vois pas de
-raison &agrave; ce que les gens aient la libert&eacute; de publier des
-versions modifi&eacute;es de ces travaux. La copie int&eacute;grale est la
-seule chose que les gens ont besoin d'avoir la libert&eacute; de faire et
-pour cette raison nous pouvons consid&eacute;rer l'id&eacute;e que la
-libert&eacute; de distribuer des copies ne devrait s'appliquer que dans
-certaines situations, par exemple si c'&eacute;tait limit&eacute; &agrave;
-la distribution non-commerciale ce serait pas mal, je pense. La vie des
-citoyens ordinaires ne serait plus restreinte, mais les &eacute;diteurs
-voudraient &ecirc;tre encore couvert par le copyright pour &ccedil;a.</p>
-<p><em>[il boit de l'eau]</em></p>
-<p>Maintenant, je pensais que peut-&ecirc;tre il serait suffisant de permettre
-aux gens de redistribuer en priv&eacute; des copies &agrave; l'occasion. Je
-pensais que peut-&ecirc;tre &ccedil;a serait pas mal si toutes les
-redistributions publiques &eacute;taient encore limit&eacute;es par
-copyright pour ce genre de travaux, mais l'exp&eacute;rience avec Napster
-m'a convaincu que non. Et la raison est que cela montre que beaucoup,
-beaucoup de gens veulent redistribuer de fa&ccedil;on publique &mdash;
-redistribuer publiquement mais pas commercialement &mdash; et c'est
-tr&egrave;s utile. Et si c'est si utile, c'est une erreur d'arr&ecirc;ter
-les gens de le faire. Mais cela serait encore acceptable je pense, de
-limiter la redistribution commerciale de ces travaux, parce que cela serait
-juste une r&eacute;gulation industrielle et &ccedil;a ne bloquerait pas les
-activit&eacute;s utiles que les gens devraient faire avec ces travaux.</p>
-<p>Ah, aussi, les documents scientifiques, ou les documents &eacute;rudits en
-g&eacute;n&eacute;ral tombent dans cette cat&eacute;gorie parce que la
-publication de leurs versions modifi&eacute;es n'est pas une bonne chose
-&agrave; faire&nbsp;: cela fausse le registre; elles devraient donc
-&ecirc;tre distribu&eacute;es uniquement dans leur
-int&eacute;gralit&eacute;. Ainsi les documents scientifiques devraient
-&ecirc;tre redistributable librement par n'importe qui parce que nous
-devrions encourager leur redistribution, et j'esp&egrave;re que vous
-n'accepterez jamais de publier un document scientifique d'une fa&ccedil;on
-qui limiterait sa redistribution int&eacute;grale sur le net. Dites au
-journal que vous ne ferez pas cela.</p>
-<p>Parce que les journaux scientifiques sont devenus un obstacle &agrave; la
-diffusion des r&eacute;sultats scientifiques. Ils &eacute;taient un
-m&eacute;canisme n&eacute;cessaire. Maintenant ils ne sont rien d'autre
-qu'une obstruction. Et ces journaux qui limitent l'acc&egrave;s et limitent
-la redistribution <em>[insistance]</em> doivent &ecirc;tre
-supprim&eacute;s. Ils sont les ennemis de la diffusion de la connaissance;
-ils sont les ennemis de la science, et cette pratique doit cesser.</p>
-<p>Il y a maintenant une troisi&egrave;me cat&eacute;gorie de travaux, qui est
-celle des travaux esth&eacute;tiques, dont l'utilisation principale est
-d'&ecirc;tre appr&eacute;ci&eacute;e: romans, jeux, po&eacute;sies,
-graphismes dans beaucoup de cas, et musiques pour la plupart. C'est
-typiquement fait pour &ecirc;tre appr&eacute;ci&eacute;. Maintenant, ils ne
-sont pas fonctionnels; les gens n'ont pas la n&eacute;cessit&eacute; de les
-modifier et de les am&eacute;liorer, comme c'est n&eacute;cessaire avec les
-travaux fonctionnels. Aussi c'est une question difficile&nbsp;: il est
-essentiel pour les gens d'avoir la libert&eacute; de publier des versions
-modifi&eacute;es d'un travail esth&eacute;tique. D'une part vous avez des
-auteurs qui font preuve de pas mal d'&eacute;gotisme. </p>
-<p><em>[accent anglais, gestuelle dramatique]</em> </p>
-<p>&laquo;&nbsp;Oh, c'est ma cr&eacute;ation.&nbsp;&raquo;</p>
-<p><em>[retour &agrave; Boston]</em> </p>
-<p>&laquo;&nbsp;Qui oserait en changer une ligne&nbsp;?&nbsp;&raquo;. De
-l'autre c&ocirc;t&eacute;, vous avez le processus folklorique qui prouve
-qu'une s&eacute;rie de personnes modifiant un travail de fa&ccedil;on
-s&eacute;quentielle, ou peut-&ecirc;tre m&ecirc;me en parall&egrave;le et en
-comparant alors les versions, peut produire quelque chose
-d'extr&ecirc;mement riche. Et non seulement de belles chansons et de courtes
-po&eacute;sies, mais m&ecirc;me de longues &eacute;pop&eacute;es ont
-&eacute;t&eacute; produites de cette fa&ccedil;on. Il y e&ucirc;t un temps
-d&eacute;j&agrave;, avant que la mystique de l'artiste cr&eacute;ateur
-&mdash; figure semi-divine &mdash; ait tant de pouvoir, o&ugrave; m&ecirc;me
-de grands &eacute;crivains ont retouch&eacute; des histoires qui avaient
-&eacute;t&eacute; &eacute;crites par d'autres. Certaines sc&egrave;nes de
-Shakespeare nouent des intrigues qui ont &eacute;t&eacute; tir&eacute;es de
-sc&egrave;nes &eacute;crites souvent plusieurs d&eacute;cennies
-auparavant. Si les lois contemporaines sur le copyright avaient
-&eacute;t&eacute; effectives, ils auraient appell&eacute; Shakespeare entre
-guillemets&nbsp;: &laquo;&nbsp;pirate&nbsp;&raquo; pour avoir &eacute;crit
-ainsi une partie de son immense travail, et &eacute;videmment vous auriez eu
-les dires des autres auteurs.</p>
-<p><em>[accent anglais]</em></p>
-<p>&laquo;&nbsp;Comment ose-t-il changer une ligne de ma cr&eacute;ation. Il
-est impossible de le faire mieux.&nbsp;&raquo;</p>
-<p><em>[faible brouhaha de l'assistance]</em></p>
-<p>Vous entendrez des personnes ridiculiser l'id&eacute;e exactement dans ces
-termes. Bien. Je ne suis pas s&ucirc;r de ce que nous pourrions faire
-&agrave; propos de la publication de versions modifi&eacute;es des travaux
-esth&eacute;tiques. Une des possibilit&eacute;s est de faire comme ce qui
-est fait en musique, o&ugrave; n'importe qui peut en r&eacute;arranger et
-jouer un morceau. Ils peuvent avoir &agrave; payer pour &ccedil;a, mais ils
-n'ont pas &agrave; demander la permission de
-l'ex&eacute;cuter. Peut-&ecirc;tre que pour la publication commmerciale de
-ces travaux, modifi&eacute;s ou non, s'ils font de l'argent avec, ils
-pourraient devoir payer une certaine somme d'argent. C'est une
-possibilit&eacute;. C'est une question difficile de savoir quoi faire au
-sujet de la publication de versions modifi&eacute;es de ces travaux
-esth&eacute;tiques, et je n'ai pas de r&eacute;ponse dont je suis
-enti&egrave;rement satisfait.</p>
-<p>Un membre de l'audience pose une question (MA1), inaudible.</p>
-<p><strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Laissez-moi r&eacute;p&eacute;ter la question
-parce qu'il l'a dite tellement vite que vous ne pouviez pas l'avoir
-comprise. Il a dit &laquo;&nbsp;dans quel genre de cat&eacute;gorie rentrent
-les jeux d'ordinateur&nbsp;?&nbsp;&raquo; Bien, je dirais que le moteur de
-jeu est fonctionnel et que le sc&eacute;nario est esth&eacute;tique. </p>
-<p><strong>MA1</strong>&nbsp;: Et les graphismes&nbsp;?</p>
-<p><strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Ceux-ci font probablement partie du
-sc&eacute;nario. Les images sp&eacute;cifiques font partie du
-sc&eacute;nario; elles sont esth&eacute;tiques, tandis que le logiciel pour
-visualiser les sc&egrave;nes est fonctionnel. Ainsi je dirais que si elles
-combinent l'esth&eacute;tique et le fonctionnel en une seule et m&ecirc;me
-chose continue, alors le logiciel est trait&eacute; comme fonctionnel. Mais
-si ellessont dispos&eacute;es &agrave; s&eacute;parer la machine et le
-sc&eacute;nario alors il serait l&eacute;gitime de dire, bien, que la
-machine est fonctionnelle mais le sc&eacute;nario esth&eacute;tique.</p>
-<h3>Copyright&nbsp;: les solutions possibles</h3>
-<p>Maintenant, combien de temps le copyright devrait-il durer&nbsp;? Et bien de
-nos jours la tendance dans l'&eacute;dition est, en ce qui concerne les
-livres, de s'&eacute;loigner du copyright de plus en plus vite. Aujourd'hui
-aux USA la plupart des livres qui sont &eacute;dit&eacute;s sortent du
-circuit de l'impression en moins de trois ans. Ils ont &eacute;t&eacute;
-sold&eacute;s et se retirent de la vente. Ainsi il est clair qu'on a
-r&eacute;ellement besoin que le copyright dure 95 ans par exemple&nbsp;:
-c'est ridicule. En fait, il est clair qu'un copyright de dix ans serait
-suffisant pour que l'activit&eacute; de l'&eacute;dition tienne le
-coup. Mais dix ans &agrave; partir de la date de publication. On
-comprendrait que puisse &ecirc;tre accord&eacute;e une p&eacute;riode
-additionnelle avant la publication, ce qui pourrait faire plus long que dix
-ans&nbsp;; comme vous le voyez aussi longtemps que le livre n'a pas
-&eacute;t&eacute; &eacute;dit&eacute;, le copyright sur lui ne limite pas le
-public. C'est juste &agrave; la base pour l'auteur le temps qu'il soit
-&eacute;dit&eacute;. Mais je pense qu'une fois que le livre est
-&eacute;dit&eacute;, le copyright devrait fonctionner pendant environ dix
-ans et c'est tout.</p>
-<p>Maintenant, j'ai propos&eacute; &ccedil;a une fois dans un d&eacute;bat
-o&ugrave; les autres personnes &eacute;taient toutes des auteurs. Et l'un
-d'entre eux a dit&nbsp;: &laquo;&nbsp;dix ans de copyright&nbsp;? Pourquoi
-c'est ridicule&nbsp;! Quelque chose de plus de cinq ans est
-intol&eacute;rable.&nbsp;&raquo; C'&eacute;tait un auteur de science-fiction
-r&eacute;compens&eacute;, qui se plaignait des probl&egrave;mes du
-&nbsp;retrouving&nbsp;, du retrait &mdash; c'est dr&ocirc;le, des mots de
-fran&ccedil;ais s'infiltrent dans mon anglais &mdash; de, de regagner les
-droits de l'&eacute;diteur quand celui-ci a laiss&eacute; les livres sortir
-du circuit de l'impression pour des raisons pratiques mais qui tra&icirc;ne
-des pieds pour ob&eacute;ir au contrat, qui stipule que quand le livre est
-sorti, les droits retournent &agrave; l'auteur.</p>
-<p>Les &eacute;diteurs traitent les auteurs d'une fa&ccedil;on terrible il faut
-le savoir. Ils exigent toujours plus de pouvoir au nom des auteurs et ils
-apporteront un petit nombre d'auteurs &agrave; gros succ&egrave;s,
-tr&egrave;s connus, qui ont tellement le bras long qu'ils peuvent obtenir
-des contrats qui les traitent tr&egrave;s bien pour confirmer les dires
-comme quoi le pouvoir est vraiment dans leur int&eacute;r&ecirc;t. En
-attendant la plupart des auteurs qui ne sont pas c&eacute;l&egrave;bres, ne
-sont pas riches et n'ont pas de relations particuli&egrave;res, sont
-trait&eacute;s de fa&ccedil;on horrible par l'industrie de l'&eacute;dition,
-et c'est encore pire dans la musique. Je recommande &agrave; tous de lire
-l'article de Courtney Love's&nbsp;: il est dans Salon magazine, c'est
-&ccedil;a&nbsp;? </p>
-<p><strong>MA2</strong>&nbsp;: (Membre de l'audience 2) Oui</p>
-<p><strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Au d&eacute;part, elle a appell&eacute; les
-soci&eacute;t&eacute;s d'enregistrement entre guillemets
-&laquo;&nbsp;pirates&nbsp;&raquo; pour la fa&ccedil;on dont ils traitaient
-les musiciens. Dans tous les cas, nous pouvons raccourcir le copyright plus
-ou moins. Nous pourrions essayer diverses longueurs, nous pourrions voir,
-nous pourrions d&eacute;couvrir empiriquement quelle dur&eacute;e de
-copyright est n&eacute;cessaire pour maintenir la publication vigoureuse. Je
-dirais que, puisque les livres sont quasi hors de circuit au bout de dix
-ans, clairement dix ans devraient &ecirc;tre assez longs. Mais ce ne doit
-pas &ecirc;tre pareil pour tous les genres de travail. Par exemple,
-peut-&ecirc;tre que certains aspects du copyright sur les films pourraient
-durer plus longtemps, comme les droits de vendre tout l'attirail d'images et
-de personnages aff&eacute;rents. Vous savez, c'est tellement
-grossi&egrave;rement commercial qu'il importe peu que ce cela soit
-limit&eacute; &agrave; une seule soci&eacute;t&eacute;
-souvent. Peut-&ecirc;tre que le copyright sur les films eux-m&ecirc;mes est
-l&eacute;gitim&eacute; pour que &ccedil;a dure vingt ans. En attendant pour
-le logiciel, je pense qu'un copyright de trois ans serait suffisant. Vous
-voyez, si chaque version de programme conserve un copyright de trois ans
-apr&egrave;s sa sortie, &agrave; moins que la compagnie ne soit en
-tr&egrave;s mauvaise posture, ils devraient avoir une nouvelle version avant
-que les trois ans soient achev&eacute;s. Et il y aura beaucoup de gens
-d&eacute;sireux de l'utiliser. Aussi si les anciennes versions devenaient
-automatiquement libres, ils continueraient quand m&ecirc;me de faire des
-affaires sur la nouvelle. Maintenant c'est un compromis comme je les vois ,
-parce que c'est un syst&egrave;me o&ugrave; tous les logiciels ne sont pas
-libres. Mais ce serait un compromis acceptable apr&egrave;s tout, si nous
-devions attendre trois ans en g&eacute;n&eacute;ral pour que les logiciels
-deviennent libres&hellip; bien, il n'y a pas de d&eacute;sastre. Que l'on
-utilise des logiciels vieux de trois ans n'est pas un d&eacute;sastre.</p>
-<p><strong>MA3</strong>&nbsp;: Ne pensez-vous pas que c'est un syst&egrave;me
-qui encouragerait la d&eacute;gradation des fonctions&nbsp;?</p>
-<p><strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: <em>[d&eacute;sinvolte]</em> Ah, c'est
-exact. C'est un effet secondaire mineur, compar&eacute; aux questions de
-libert&eacute; qu'il soul&egrave;ve. Chaque syst&egrave;me entra&icirc;ne
-quelques d&eacute;viations artificielles chez certaines personnes, et notre
-syst&egrave;me actuel encourage certainement diverses sortes de
-d&eacute;viations artificielles dans l'activit&eacute; couverte par le
-copyright. Ainsi, si un syst&egrave;me parce qu'il change, encourage en
-m&ecirc;me temps quelques d&eacute;formations secondaires, ce n'est pas une
-grosse affaire je dirais.</p>
-<p><strong>MA4</strong>&nbsp;: Le probl&egrave;me avec ce changement des lois
-sur le copyright pour trois ans, c'est que vous n'obtiendriez pas les
-<p><strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Exact. Il y aurait l&agrave; aussi une
-condition. Une loi qui dirait que pour pouvoir vendre des copies de logiciel
-au public, le code source doit &ecirc;tre d&eacute;pos&eacute; quelque part
-de sorte que trois ans plus tard il puisse &ecirc;tre
-lib&eacute;r&eacute;. Ainsi il pourrait &ecirc;tre d&eacute;pos&eacute;
-&agrave; la biblioth&egrave;que du Congr&egrave;s aux USA; et je pense que
-d'autres pays ont des &eacute;tablissements semblables o&ugrave; les copies
-des livres publi&eacute;s prennent place. Et ils pourraient &eacute;galement
-accueillir le code source et apr&egrave;s trois ans, le publier. Et
-naturellement, si le code source ne correspondait pas &agrave;
-l'ex&eacute;cutable il y aurait fraude. En fait si cela correspond vraiment,
-on devrait pouvoir tr&egrave;s facilement le v&eacute;rifier quand le
-travail est publi&eacute; au d&eacute;part. Ainsi vous &eacute;ditez le code
-source et quelqu'un dit que c'est bon &laquo;&nbsp;dot slash configure dot
-slash make&nbsp;&raquo; et voit si cela produit les m&ecirc;mes executables
-et hue.</p>
-<p>Aussi vous avez raison, &eacute;liminer le copyright ne rendrait pas le
-logiciel &laquo;&nbsp;free&nbsp;&raquo;.</p>
-<p><strong>MA5</strong>&nbsp;: Heu&hellip;libre</p>
-<p><strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Exact. C'est dans ce seul sens que j'emploie le
-terme. &Ccedil;a ne le ferait pas, parce que le code source ne pourrait pas
-&ecirc;tre disponible, ou &agrave; la place ils pourraient tenter d'user de
-contrats pour restreindre les utilisateurs. Ainsi, rendre le logiciel libre
-n'est pas aussi simple que de mettre fin au copyright sur le logiciel&nbsp;:
-c'est une situation plus complexe que &ccedil;a. En fait, si le copyright
-sur le logiciel &eacute;tait simplement supprim&eacute;, nous ne pourrions
-plus utiliser le copyleft pour prot&eacute;ger le statut libre d'un
-programme. En m&ecirc;me temps, les adeptes du logiciel propri&eacute;taire
-pourraient utiliser d'autres m&eacute;thodes &mdash; des contrats ou des
-dissimulations sur la source pour rendre le logiciel
-propri&eacute;taire. Ainsi &ccedil;a pourrait signifier qu'&agrave; la
-sortie d'un programme libre quelque b&acirc;tard avide pourrait en faire une
-version modifi&eacute;e et n'en publier que les binaires, et inciter des
-personnes &agrave; signer des accords de non-divulgation sur eux. Nous
-pourrions ne plus avoir les moyens de les arr&ecirc;ter. Aussi, si nous
-voulions changer la loi pour que tout logiciel publi&eacute; devienne libre,
-nous devrions le faire de fa&ccedil;on encore plus complexe. Pas simplement
-en changeant le copyright sur le logiciel. </p>
-<p>Ainsi, globalement je recommande &agrave; ce que nous examinions les
-diverses sortes de travaux et les diverses sortes de vari&eacute;t&eacute;s
-d'utilisation, et chercher l&agrave; un nouvel endroit pour tracer les
-limites&nbsp;: celles qui donneraient au public les libert&eacute;s les plus
-importantes pour trouver une utilisation &agrave; chaque nouveau genre de
-travail, en maintenant si possible pendant ce temps une sorte de copyright
-d'un genre indolore pour le grand public qui soit toujours un avantage pour
-les auteurs. De cette fa&ccedil;on, nous pouvons adapter le syst&egrave;me
-de copyright aux circonstances dans lesquelles nous le trouvons en nous
-trouvant nous-m&ecirc;me. Et avoir un syst&egrave;me qui n'exige pas de
-mettre des gens en prison pour des ann&eacute;es parce qu'ils auront
-partag&eacute; avec leurs amis, mais encourageant toujours de diverses
-mani&egrave;res les auteurs &agrave; &eacute;crire plus. Nous pouvons
-&eacute;galement je crois, chercher d'autres fa&ccedil;ons d'encourager
-l'&eacute;criture, d'autres fa&ccedil;ons d'encourager les auteurs &agrave;
-gagner de l'argent. Par exemple, supposez que la reproduction
-int&eacute;grale d'un travail soit autoris&eacute;e et supposez que ce
-travail va avec quelquechose, du genre lorsque vous &ecirc;tes en train de
-jouer avec, ou de le lire, il y a une bo&icirc;te sur le c&ocirc;t&eacute;
-qui dit: &laquo;&nbsp;cliquez ici pour envoyer 1 dollar &agrave; l'auteur ou
-au musicien ou tout ce que vous voudrez&nbsp;&raquo;. Je pense que dans les
-parties les plus riches du monde beaucoup de gens l'enverraient parce que
-souvent les gens adorent les auteurs ou les musiciens qui ont
-cr&eacute;&eacute; ce qu'ils ont aim&eacute; lire ou &eacute;couter. Et la
-chose int&eacute;ressante est que la redevance qu'ils auront obtenue est
-maintenant une si petite fraction, que si vous payez vingt dollars ils n'en
-obtiendront pas plus d'un de toute fa&ccedil;on.</p>
-<p>Ce sera un syst&egrave;me bien plus efficace ainsi. Et ce qui sera
-int&eacute;ressant c'est que quand les gens redistribueront ces copies, ils
-aident l'auteur. En faisant essentiellement de la publicit&eacute; pour eux,
-en diffusant autour d'eux des raisons de leur envoyer un dollar. Maintenant,
-en ce moment, la plus grande raison pour laquelle pas plus de personne
-n'envoie de l'argent directement aux auteurs, c'est que c'est un emmerdement
-de le faire. Qu'allez-vous faire&nbsp;? Envoyer un ch&egrave;que&nbsp;?
-Alors &agrave; qui allez-vous exp&eacute;dier le ch&egrave;que&nbsp;? Vous
-auriez &agrave; d&eacute;nicher leur adresse, ce qui pourrait ne pas
-&ecirc;tre facile. Mais avec un syst&egrave;me commode de paiement sur
-Internet qui le rend efficace pour payer un dollar &agrave; quelqu'un, que
-nous pourrions mettre dans toutes les copies, alors je pense que vous auriez
-l&agrave; un m&eacute;canisme qui commence &agrave; bien marcher. Il peut
-prendre cinq &agrave; dix ans pour que l'id&eacute;e soit propag&eacute;e
-partout, parceque c'est une chose culturelle, vous savez. Au d&eacute;part,
-les gens pourraient la trouver surprenante mais un jour &ccedil;a devient
-naturel. Les gens s'habitueraient &agrave; envoyer de l'argent, et &ccedil;a
-ne repr&eacute;senterait pas beaucoup d'argent compar&eacute; &agrave; ce
-que cela co&ucirc;te d'acheter des livres aujourd'hui.</p>
-<p><em>[il boit]</em></p>
-<p>Aussi je pense que de cette fa&ccedil;on, pour les travaux d'expression, et
-peut-&ecirc;tre les travaux esth&eacute;tiques, ce pourrait &ecirc;tre une
-m&eacute;thode r&eacute;ussie. Mais cela ne fonctionnera pas pour les
-travaux fonctionnels. Et la raison pour &ccedil;a, c'est que, si une
-personne apr&egrave;s une autre fait une version modifi&eacute;e et la
-publie, sur qui les bo&icirc;tes se dirigeraient-elles? Et combien d'argent
-devraient-elle envoyer&nbsp;? Et vous savez, il est facile de faire
-&ccedil;a quand le travail a &eacute;t&eacute; publi&eacute; simplement par
-le pass&eacute;, par un certain auteur, ou un certain groupe d'auteurs, et
-ils peuvent juste convenir ensemble de ce qu'ils vont faire et cliquer sur
-la bo&icirc;te. Si personne ne publie de versions modifi&eacute;es alors
-chaque copie contiendra la m&ecirc;me bo&icirc;te avec le m&ecirc;me URL
-dirigeant l'argent vers les m&ecirc;mes personnes. Mais quand vous
-avezdiff&eacute;rentes versions qui ont &eacute;t&eacute; travaill&eacute;es
-par diff&eacute;rentes personnes, il n'y a pas de simple fa&ccedil;on
-automatique de calculer qui, doit obtenir quelle fraction, de ce que quel
-utilisateur donne, pour cette version ou celle-l&agrave;. Il est
-philosophiquement difficile de d&eacute;cider de l'importance de chaque
-contribution, et de toutes les mani&egrave;res &eacute;videntes d'essayer de
-la mesurer certaines sont <em>[emphase ]</em> &eacute;videmment
-<em>[/emphase ]</em> mauvaises dans certains cas, en fermant
-&eacute;videmment les yeux &agrave; une partie importante des faits, aussi
-je pense que ce genre de solution n'est probablement pas faisable quand tout
-le monde est libre de publier des versions modifi&eacute;es. Mais pour le
-genre de travaux o&ugrave; il n'est pas crucial d'avoir la libert&eacute; de
-publier des versions modifi&eacute;es, alors cette solution peut &ecirc;tre
-appliqu&eacute; tr&egrave;s simplement, une fois que nous avons le
-syst&egrave;me pratique de paiement sur Internet pour la baser dessus.</p>
-<p>En ce qui concerne les travaux esth&eacute;tiques. S'il y a un
-syst&egrave;me o&ugrave; ceux qui redistribuent commercialement - ou
-peut-&ecirc;tre m&ecirc;me ceux qui publient une version modifi&eacute;e -
-peuvent avoir &agrave; n&eacute;gocier le partage des paiements avec le
-producteur de la version originale, alors ce genre d'arrangement pourrait
-&ecirc;tre prolong&eacute; aussi &agrave; ces travaux; m&ecirc;me si des
-versions modifi&eacute;es sont autoris&eacute;es, il pourrait y avoir une
-certaine formule standard qui pourrait &ecirc;tre ren&eacute;goci&eacute;e
-dans certains cas. Ainsi je pense que dans certains cas, probablement
-possibles m&ecirc;me avec un syst&egrave;me qui permet de publier des
-versions modifi&eacute;es des travaux esth&eacute;tiques, il serait possible
-d'avoir ce genre de syst&egrave;me volontaire de paiement.</p>
-<p>Maintenant je crois qu'il y a des gens qui essayent d'installer de genre de
-syst&egrave;mes volontaires de paiement. J'ai entendu parler de quelque
-chose appel&eacute; &laquo;&nbsp;le protocole de l'artiste de
-rue&nbsp;&raquo;. Je n'en connais pas les d&eacute;tails. Et je crois qu'il
-y a quelque chose appel&eacute; GreenWitch.com <em>[la note du
-transcripteur&nbsp;: URL incertaine]</em>. Je crois que ces gens essayent
-d'installer quelque chose de plus ou moins comme &ccedil;a. Je pense que ce
-qu'il esp&egrave;rent faire, c'est de rassembler un bouquet de paiements que
-vous effectuez &agrave; diverses personnes, et charger &eacute;ventuellement
-par la suite votre carte de cr&eacute;dit une fois qu'il est assez important
-pour &ecirc;tre efficace. Si ce genre de syst&egrave;me fonctionne sans
-heurt dans la pratique, ce qu'ils vont devenir n'est pas clair; et s'ils
-sont adopt&eacute;s assez largement, &agrave; ce qu'ils deviennent une
-pratique culturelle normale n'est pas clair. Il est possible que pour que
-ces paiements volontaires se propagent vraiment, nous ayons besoin d'un
-certain genre de&hellip; vous avez besoin de voir l'id&eacute;e partout
-pour&hellip;&laquo;&nbsp;ouais, j'ai pas &agrave; payer&nbsp;!&nbsp;&raquo;
-de temps &agrave; autre. On verra.</p>
-<p>Il est &eacute;vident que des id&eacute;es comme celles-l&agrave; ne sont
-pas d&eacute;raisonnables. Si vous regardez par exemple la radio publique
-aux USA, qui est la plupart du temps soutenue par les dons de ses
-auditeurs. Vous avez, je crois, des millions de personnes qui donnent. Je ne
-sais pas combien exactement mais il y a beaucoup de stations de radio
-publiques qui sont soutenues par leurs auditeurs. Et il semble qu'elles
-trouvent plus facile d'obtenir des dons au fil des ans. Il y a dix ans elles
-auraient eu peut-&ecirc;tre six semaines par an &agrave; passer la majeure
-partie du temps &agrave; demander aux gens &laquo;&nbsp;d'envoyer svp un peu
-d'argent, vous ne pensez pas que nous sommes assez importants pour
-vous&nbsp;&raquo; et ainsi de suite 24 heures sur 24. Et maintenant beaucoup
-d'entre elles ont constat&eacute; qu'elles peuvent augmenter les
-contributions en envoyant des mails aux gens qui leur ont envoy&eacute; des
-dons par le pass&eacute;. Et elles n'ont pas &agrave; d&eacute;penser leur
-temps d'antenne &agrave; racoler pour les dons.</p>
-<p>Fondamentalement, le but d&eacute;clar&eacute; du copyright&nbsp;:
-encourager le redressement est un but valable, mais nous devons examiner les
-fa&ccedil;ons d'y parvenir qui ne sont pas si dures, et sans trop
-restreindre l'utilisation des travaux dont nous avons encourag&eacute; les
-d&eacute;veloppements. Et je crois que la technologie num&eacute;rique nous
-fournit des solutions au probl&egrave;me en plus de cr&eacute;er le contexte
-o&ugrave; nous devons r&eacute;soudre le probl&egrave;me. Aussi c'est la fin
-de cet entretien; et il a des questions&nbsp;?</p>
-<h3>Questions et discussion</h3>
-<p>Tout d'abord, quand est le prochain entretien&nbsp;? Quelle heure est-il
-<p><strong>Moi</strong>&nbsp;: Il est trois heures et quart.</p>
-<p><strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Oh vraiment&nbsp;? Donc je suis
-d&eacute;j&agrave; en retard&nbsp;? Bon, j'esp&egrave;re que M&eacute;lanie
-me permettra d'accepter quelques questions.</p>
-<p><strong>MA6</strong>&nbsp;: Qui d&eacute;cidera dans lesquelles de vos trois
-cat&eacute;gories un travail rentrera&nbsp;?</p>
-<p><strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Je ne sais pas. Je suis s&ucirc;r qu'il y a
-diverses mani&egrave;res de d&eacute;cider. Vous pouvez probablement
-reconna&icirc;tre un roman quand vous en voyez un. Je subodore que les juges
-peuvent aussi reconna&icirc;tre un roman quand ils en voient un.</p>
-<p><strong>MA7</strong>&nbsp;: Des commentaires sur le chiffrement&nbsp;? Et
-sur l'interaction des dispositifs de chiffrement avec les contenus sous
-<p><strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Bon, le chiffrement est employ&eacute; en tant
-que moyen pour contr&ocirc;ler le public. Les &eacute;diteurs essayent
-d'imposer divers syst&egrave;mes de chiffrement au public afin de
-l'emp&ecirc;cher de copier. Maintenant ils appellent ces choses des
-m&eacute;thodes technologiques, mais r&eacute;ellement elles s'appuient
-toutes sur des lois interdisant aux gens de les contourner. Et sans ces lois
-aucune de ces m&eacute;thodes n'accomplirait son but. Aussi elles sont
-toutes sont bas&eacute;es sur l'interposition directe du gouvernement pour
-que les gens arr&ecirc;tent de copier. Et je m'oppose &agrave; elles
-tr&egrave;s fortement, et je n'accepterai pas ces m&eacute;dias. Si pour une
-question pratique les moyens de copier quelque chose ne sont pas &agrave; ma
-disposition je ne l'ach&egrave;terai pas. Et j'esp&egrave;re que vous ne
-l'ach&egrave;terez pas non plus.</p>
-<p><strong>MA8</strong>&nbsp;: En France nous avons une loi qui dit que
-m&ecirc;me si le support est prot&eacute;g&eacute; vous avez le droit de le
-copier &agrave; nouveau pour le sauvegarder.</p>
-<p><strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Oui, c'&eacute;tait aussi comme &ccedil;a aux
-USA jusqu'&agrave; il y a deux ans.</p>
-<p><strong>MA8</strong>&nbsp;: Tr&egrave;s souvent vous signez un accord qui
-est ill&eacute;gal en France&hellip; le contrat que vous &ecirc;tes
-cens&eacute; signer avec une souris&hellip;</p>
-<p><strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Bien, peut-&ecirc;tre qu'ils ne le sont pas.</p>
-<p><strong>MA8</strong>&nbsp;: Comment pouvons-nous le contester&nbsp;?</p>
-<p><strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: <em>[rhéthoriquement]</em> Bien, vous allez les
-contester&nbsp;? Ca co&ucirc;te de l'argent, il faut se donner du mal, et
-pas seulement &ccedil;a. Comment le feriez-vous&nbsp;? Bon, vous pourriez
-toujours aller au tribunal et dire, &laquo;&nbsp;ils n'ont aucun droit de
-demander &agrave; des personnes de signer ce contrat parce que c'est un
-contrat invalide&nbsp;&raquo; mais &ccedil;a pourrait &ecirc;tre difficile
-si le distributeur est aux USA. La loi fran&ccedil;aise au sujet de ce qui
-est un contrat valide ne pourrait pas &ecirc;tre utilisée pour les
-arr&ecirc;ter aux USA. D'autre part vous pourriez &eacute;galement dire que
-&laquo;&nbsp;j'ai sign&eacute;ce contrat mais il n'est pas valide en France,
-aussi je d&eacute;sob&eacute;is publiquement et je les d&eacute;fie de me
-poursuivre&nbsp;&raquo;. Maintenant si c'est ce que vous envisagez de faire,
-si vous avez raison et si les lois ne sont pas valides en France alors le
-cas serait rejet&eacute;. Je ne sais pas. Peut-&ecirc;tre que c'est une
-bonne id&eacute;e. Je ne sais pas quels en seraient les effets
-politiques. Je sais qu'il y a juste deux ans une loi a &eacute;t&eacute;
-vot&eacute;e en Europe pour interdire un certain genre de copie
-priv&eacute;e pour la musique, et les compagnies d'enregistrement ont
-rab&acirc;ch&eacute; &agrave; quelques musiciens c&eacute;l&egrave;bres
-tr&egrave;s populaires de faire pression sur cette loi, et ils l'ont
-obtenue. Aussi, il est clair qu'ils ont beaucoup d'influence ici aussi, et
-il est possible qu'ils en obtiendront plus, voter justement une autre loi
-pour changer &ccedil;a. Nous devons penser &agrave; une strat&eacute;gie
-politique pour construire un coll&egrave;ge &eacute;lectoral qui puisse
-r&eacute;sister &agrave; de tels changements. Et les mesures que nous
-prenons devraient &ecirc;tre con&ccedil;ues pour accomplir
-&ccedil;a. Maintenant je ne suis pas un expert sur la fa&ccedil;on de le
-r&eacute;aliser en Europe, mais c'est &agrave; &ccedil;a que les gens
-devraient penser.</p>
-<p><strong>MA6</strong>&nbsp;: Que dites-vous de la protection de la
-correspondance priv&eacute;e&nbsp;?</p>
-<p><strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Bien, si vous n'&ecirc;tes pas
-<em>[emphase]</em> publi&eacute; <em>[/emphase]</em>, c'est une question
-compl&egrave;tement diff&eacute;rente.</p>
-<p><strong>MA6</strong>&nbsp;: Non, mais si j'envoie un email &agrave;
-quelqu'un, c'est automatiquement sous mon copyright.</p>
-<p><strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: <em>[&eacute;nergiquement]</em> C'est
-enti&egrave;rement non pertinent en r&eacute;alit&eacute;.</p>
-<p><strong>MA6</strong>&nbsp;: Non, je ne l'accepte pas. S'ils vont
-l'&eacute;diter dans un journal, &agrave; ce moment l&agrave; mon recours
-est mon copyright.</p>
-<p><strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Bien, vous ne pouvez pas lui faire tenir secret
-les contenus et je n'en suis pas s&ucirc;r r&eacute;ellement. Je veux dire,
-je pense qu'il y a de l'injustice &agrave; cela. Si par exemple vous envoyez
-une lettre &agrave; quelqu'un mena&ccedil;ant de le poursuivre en justice,
-et alors vous lui dites que vous ne pouvez dire &agrave; personne que c'est
-moi qui l'ai fait parce que ma menace est garantie par les droits d'auteur,
-&ccedil;a serait assez d&eacute;sagr&eacute;able. Et je ne suis pas
-s&ucirc;r que cela serait m&ecirc;me confirm&eacute;.</p>
-<p><strong>MA6</strong>&nbsp;: Bon, il y a des circonstances o&ugrave; je veux
-correspondre avec quelqu'un et garder ma (et leur) r&eacute;ponse,
-enti&egrave;rement priv&eacute;e. </p>
-<p><strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Bien, si vous et eux acceptez de la maintenir
-priv&eacute;, alors c'est une question enti&egrave;rement
-diff&eacute;rente. Je suis d&eacute;sol&eacute; que les deux questions ne
-puissent pas &ecirc;tre li&eacute;es, et je n'ai pas le temps de
-consid&eacute;rer cette question aujourd'hui. Il y a un autre entretien
-programm&eacute; pour commencer bient&ocirc;t. Mais je pense que c'est une
-erreur totale que le copyright s'applique &agrave; de telles
-situations. L'&eacute;thique de ces situations est compl&egrave;tement
-diff&eacute;rente de l'&eacute;thique des travaux publi&eacute;s. Et elles
-devraient &ecirc;tre trait&eacute;es d'une mani&egrave;re appropri&eacute;e,
-qui est compl&egrave;tement diff&eacute;rente.</p>
-<p><strong>MA6</strong>&nbsp;: C'est assez loyal, mais pour l'instant le seul
-recours est le copyright&hellip;</p>
-<p><strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: <em>[il interrompt]</em> Non, vous avez tort. Si
-les gens sont d'acccord pour garder quelque chose secret alors vous avez un
-autre recours. En Europe il y a des lois sur la vie priv&eacute;e. Et
-l'autre chose, est que vous ne pouvez pas avoir le droit de forcer quelqu'un
-&agrave; garder des secrets pour vous. Tout au plus, vous pourriez le forcer
-&agrave; paraphraser, parce qu'il a le droit de dire aux gens ce que vous
-<p><strong>MA6</strong>&nbsp;: Oui, mais en supposant que les deux personnes
-&agrave; chaque extr&eacute;mit&eacute; sont toutes deux d'accord de
-fa&ccedil;on raisonnable.</p>
-<p><strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Bien et alors, ne d&icirc;tes pas que le
-copyright est votre seul recours. S'il est d'accord il ne va pas le donner
-&agrave; un journal, si&nbsp;?</p>
-<p><strong>MA6</strong>&nbsp;: Non, heu, vous &eacute;vitez ma question au
-sujet de l'interception.</p>
-<p><strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Oh, interception. C'est compl&egrave;tement
-diff&eacute;rent&hellip; <em>[&acirc;prement]</em> non vous n'avez pas
-demand&eacute; &agrave; propos de l'interception. C'est la premi&egrave;re
-fois que vous avez mentionn&eacute; l'interception&hellip;</p>
-<p><strong>MA6</strong>&nbsp;: Non c'est la deuxi&egrave;me fois.</p>
-<p><strong>MA9</strong>&nbsp;: <em>[murmure son assentiment &agrave; 
-<p><strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: <em>[toujours irrit&eacute;]</em> Je ne vous
-avais pas entendu avant&hellip; c'est totalement idiot&hellip; c'est comme
-essayer de&hellip; oh &agrave; quoi puis-je comparer&nbsp;?&hellip;c'est
-comme essayer de tuer un &eacute;l&eacute;phant avec un moule &agrave;
-gaufres, je veux dire qu'ils n'ont rien &agrave; faire l'un avec l'autre.</p>
-<p><em>[un ininterpr&eacute;table silence tombe]</em></p>
-<p><strong>MA10</strong>&nbsp;: Vous avez pens&eacute; aux changements
-<em>[inaudible, des secrets commerciaux&nbsp;?]</em></p>
-<p><strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: hmm, oui&nbsp;: les secrets commerciaux se sont
-d&eacute;velopp&eacute;s dans une direction inqui&eacute;tante et
-mena&ccedil;ante. Le secret commercial signifiait que vous vouliez maintenir
-secret quelque chose, donc vous ne l'avez dit &agrave; personne, et plus
-tard, &ccedil;a s'est fait dans les affaires de dire juste &agrave; quelques
-personnes quelque chose et ils devaient accepter de le maintenir
-secret. Mais maintenant, &ccedil;a prend une tournure o&ugrave; le public en
-g&eacute;n&eacute;ral devient enr&ocirc;l&eacute; dans le fait de garder des
-secrets d'affaires, m&ecirc;me s'ils n'ont jamais convenu de quelque
-fa&ccedil;on que ce soit de garder ces secrets. Et c'est une pression. Ainsi
-&agrave; ceux qui feignent de croire que le secret commercial est juste un
-transposition sur l'ext&eacute;rieur de certains de leurs droits, ce n'est
-justement pas vrai. Ils obtiennent l'aide explicite du gouvernement en
-vigueur en for&ccedil;ant les autres personnes &agrave; garder leurs
-secrets. Et nous pourrions nous demander si les accords de non-divulgation
-devraient d'une fa&ccedil;on g&eacute;n&eacute;rale &ecirc;tre
-consid&eacute;r&eacute;s comme des contrats l&eacute;gitimes &agrave; cause
-de la nature antisociale du secret commercial. Il ne devrait pas &ecirc;tre
-consid&eacute;r&eacute; comme automatique, juste parce que quelqu'un a
-promis de garder un secret, que c'est obligatoire.</p>
-<p>Peut-&ecirc;tre que dans certains cas, &ccedil;a devrait, et dans d'autres
-non. S'il y a un avantage public clair de savoir alors peut-&ecirc;tre que
-&ccedil;a devrait invalider le contrat. Ou peut-&ecirc;tre devrait-il
-&ecirc;tre valide quand il est sign&eacute; avec des clients. Ou
-peut-&ecirc;tre entre une soci&eacute;t&eacute; et un
-<em>[&hellip;]</em>. Peut-&ecirc;tre que &ccedil;a devrait &ecirc;tre
-l&eacute;gitime quand une soci&eacute;t&eacute; fournit des secrets &agrave;
-ses fournisseurs. Mais &agrave; ses clients, non.</p>
-<p>Il y a diverses possibilit&eacute;s auxquelles chacun peut penser, mais tout
-au d&eacute;but quiconque n'a pas accept&eacute; volontairement de garder
-les secrets ne devrait pas &ecirc;tre li&eacute; par le secret
-commercial. C'&eacute;tait comme &ccedil;a il n'y a pas si longtemps
-encore. Peut-&ecirc;tre que c'est toujours comme &ccedil;a en Europe, je ne
-suis pas s&ucirc;r.</p>
-<p><strong>MA11</strong>&nbsp;: Est-ce qu'une entreprise peut le demander
-&agrave; ses&hellip;</p>
-<p><strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: employ&eacute;s&nbsp;?</p>
-<p><strong>MA11</strong>&nbsp;: Non non</p>
-<p><strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: fournisseurs&nbsp;?</p>
-<p><strong>MA11</strong>&nbsp;: oui, fournisseurs. Et si le client est un autre
-<p><em>[espace pendant que le minidisque est chang&eacute;]</em></p>
-<p><strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Commen&ccedil;ons par ne pas l'encourager.</p>
-<p><strong>MA12</strong>&nbsp;: J'ai une question concernant votre avis sur le
-travail scientifique des journaux et des manuels. Dans ma profession au
-moins un Journal officiel et un manuel sont disponibles en ligne. Ils
-maintiennent le copyright, mais il y a un libre acc&egrave;s aux ressources
-pourvu qu'on ait l'acc&egrave;s &agrave; Internet.</p>
-<p><strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Ok, c'est bon. Mais il y a beaucoup de journaux
-o&ugrave; ce n'est pas comme &ccedil;a. Par exemple, les journaux d'ACM
-auxquels vous ne pouvez pas acc&eacute;der &agrave; part si vous &ecirc;tes
-abonn&eacute;&nbsp;: ils sont bloqu&eacute;s. Aussi je pense que les
-journaux devraient tout commencer &agrave; en ouvrir l'acc&egrave;s sur le
-<p><strong>MA12</strong>&nbsp;: Aussi, quel impact cela a t-il sur le sens du
-copyright sur le public, quand fondamentalement vous n'intervenez pas en
-proposant un libre acc&egrave;s sur le net&nbsp;?</p>
-<p><strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Bien, tout d'abord je suis en
-d&eacute;saccord. Les sites miroir sont essentiels. Ainsi, le journal
-devrait non seulement offrir un acc&egrave;s libre mais devrait
-&eacute;galement donner &agrave; chacun la libert&eacute; d'installer des
-sites en miroir avec les copies int&eacute;grales de ces articles. Sinon, il
-y a un danger qu'ils soient perdus. Divers genres de calamit&eacute;s
-pourraient causer leur perte, vous savez, des d&eacute;sastres naturels,
-d&eacute;sastres politiques, d&eacute;sastres techniques, d&eacute;sastres
-bureaucratiques, d&eacute;sastres fiscaux&hellip; Toutes sortes de choses
-qui pourraient provoquer leur dispararition du site. C'est tellement vrai,
-que ce que la communaut&eacute; savante devrait logiquement faire, c'est se
-charger soigneusement d'avoir un large r&eacute;seau de sites en miroir en
-s'assurant que chaque papier est disponible sur chaque continent; depuis le
-bord de l'oc&eacute;an jusqu'&agrave; l'int&eacute;rieur des terres. Et vous
-savez que c'est exactement le genre de chose que les biblioth&egrave;ques
-principales sentiront que c'est dans leur mission de faire, si seulement
-elles n'&eacute;taient pas arr&ecirc;t&eacute;es.</p>
-<p>Aussi, ce qui devrait &ecirc;tre fait, c'est que ces journaux devraient
-faire un pas de plus en avant. En plus de dire &laquo;&nbsp;tout le monde
-peut acc&eacute;der au site&nbsp;&raquo;, ils devraient dire
-&laquo;&nbsp;chacun peut installer un site miroir&nbsp;&raquo;. M&ecirc;me
-s'ils disaient &laquo;&nbsp;vous devez faire la publication enti&egrave;re
-de ce journal, en m&ecirc;me temps que nos annonces&nbsp;&raquo;,
-n&eacute;anmoins &ccedil;a ne ferait que rendre la disponibilit&eacute;
-superflue, au lieu de la mettre en danger. Et d'autres &eacute;tablissements
-installeraient des sites en miroir. Et je pr&eacute;vois que vous trouveriez
-dans un peu plus de dix ans, un syst&egrave;me officieux tr&egrave;s bien
-organis&eacute; de coordinateurs pour s'assurer que rien ne serait
-oubli&eacute;. En ce moment, ce que cela co&ucirc;te d'installer pour des
-ann&eacute;es un site en miroir d'un journal est si faible qu'il n'exige pas
-de financement sp&eacute;cial; personne n'a &agrave; travailler tr&egrave;s
-dur&nbsp;: il y a juste &agrave; laisser les biblioth&eacute;caires le
-faire. Quoi qu'il en soit, oh, il y avait autre chose que &ccedil;a a
-soulev&eacute;&hellip; et je ne me souviens pas ce que c'&eacute;tait. Oh
-,bon, j'ai oubli&eacute;.</p>
-<p><strong>MA13</strong>&nbsp;: Le probl&egrave;me de financement pour les
-travaux esth&eacute;tiques&hellip; pensez-vous que la dynamique pourrait
-&ecirc;tre&hellip; <em>[inaudible]</em> bien que je comprenne les
-probl&egrave;mes de&hellip; Je veux dire qui contribue&nbsp;? Et qui sera
-r&eacute;compens&eacute;&nbsp;? Est-ce que l'esprit du logiciel libre
-<p><strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Je ne sais pas. L'id&eacute;e vient certainement
-&agrave; l'esprit des gens. Nous verrons. Je n'ai pas les
-r&eacute;ponses. Je ne sais pas comment nous allons les avoir. J'essaye de
-penser &agrave; peu pr&egrave;s o&ugrave; nous pourrions les obtenir. Je ne
-sais pas comment nous pourrions y arriver. Les &eacute;diteurs sont si
-puissants&hellip; ils peuvent obtenir des gouvernements qu'ils
-ex&eacute;cutent leurs ordres. Comment allons-nous construire ce genre de
-monde o&ugrave; le public refuse de tol&eacute;rer &ccedil;a plus longtemps,
-je ne sais pas. Je pense que la premi&egrave;re chose que nous devons faire
-est de rejeter clairement le mot pirate et les images qui vont avec. Tous
-les jours on nous dit d'oser prendre la parole, et dire que c'est de la
-propagande, qu'il n'est pas mauvais pour les gens de partager ces travaux
-publi&eacute;s avec les autres, que c'est partager avec votre ami, et que
-c'est bien. Et que partager avec votre ami, c'est plus important que
-l'argent que ces compagnies gagnent. Que la soci&eacute;t&eacute; ne devrait
-pas &ecirc;tre fa&ccedil;onn&eacute;e sur leurs int&eacute;r&ecirc;ts. Nous
-devons continuer&hellip; parce que vous voyez, l'id&eacute;e qu'elles ont
-r&eacute;pandu &mdash; que tout ce qui r&eacute;duit leur revenu est immoral
-et donc que les gens doivent &ecirc;tre limit&eacute;s quelqu'en soit le
-moyen pour garantir qu'ils seront pay&eacute;s pour tout&hellip; c'est la
-chose fondamentale que nous devons commencer &agrave; attaquer
-directement. Les gens ont la plupart du temps essay&eacute; la tactique de
-la concentration sur les questions secondaires, vous savez&hellip; Quand les
-&eacute;diteurs exigent plus de pouvoir, les gens habituellement disent que
-cela causera un certain type de mal secondaire, et basent leurs arguments
-la-dessus. Mais vous trouvez rarement quelqu'un (except&eacute; moi) qui dit
-que le point entier du changement est erron&eacute;, que c'est une erreur de
-le limiter de cette fa&ccedil;on, qu'il est l&eacute;gitime pour les gens de
-vouloir changer les copies et que &ccedil;a devrait leur &ecirc;tre
-permis. Nous devrions en avoir plus. Nous devons commencer &agrave; couper
-la racine de leur domination et pas simplement entailler loin quelques
-<p><strong>MA14</strong>&nbsp;: <em>[inaudible]</em> ce qui est important,
-c'est de se concentrer sur le syst&egrave;me de donation pour la musique.</p>
-<p><strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Oui. Bien que malheureusement, il y ait des
-brevets couvrant la technique qui semblent &ecirc;tre tr&egrave;s
-probablement utilisables.</p>
-<p><em>[rires, on crie &laquo;non&raquo; dans l'audience]</em></p>
-<p><strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Cela peut mettre dix ans avant que &ccedil;a
-puisse se faire.</p>
-<p><strong>MA15</strong>&nbsp;: On prendra seulement les lois
-<p><strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Je ne sais pas. Je pense que je devrais rendre
-la parole &agrave; M&eacute;lanie dont l'entretien devait commencer &agrave;
-trois heures. Et hue&nbsp;! donc.</p>
-<p>RMS reste silencieux. Il y a une pause avant le d&eacute;clenchement des
-applaudissements. RMS se tourne pour applaudir le Gnu bourr&eacute; de tissu
-qu'il a plac&eacute; sur le r&eacute;tro-projecteur au d&eacute;but de
+<p><b>Keynote speech at LIANZA conference, Christchurch Convention Centre, 12
+October 2009</b></p>
+<dd><p>Tena koutou, tena koutou, tena koutou katoa.  Today I have the 
privilege of
+introducing Richard Stallman, whose keynote speech is being sponsored by the
+School of Information Management at Victoria University of Wellington.</p>
+<p>Richard has been working to promote software freedom for over 25 years.  In
+1983 he started the GNU project to develop a free operating system [the GNU
+system], and in 1985 he set up the Free Software Foundation.  Every time you
+read or send a message to nz-libs, you use the Mailman software which is
+part of the GNU project.  So whether you realize it or not, Richard's work
+has touched all of your lives.</p>
+<p>I like to describe him as the most influential person most people have never
+heard of, although he tells me that that cannot possibly be true because it
+cannot be tested.</p></dd>
+<dd>We can't tell.</dd>
+<dd><p>I said that&mdash;I still like it.  His ideas about software freedom and
+free access to information were used by Tim Berners-Lee when he created the
+world's first web server, and in 1999 his musings about a free online
+encyclopedia inspired Jimmy Wales to set up what is now Wikipedia.</p>
+<p>Today Richard will be talking to us about copyright vs community in the age
+of computer networks, and their implications for libraries.  Richard.</p></dd>
+<dd><p>I've been in New Zealand for a couple of weeks, and in the North Island 
+was raining most of the time.  Now I know why they call gumboots
+&ldquo;Wellingtons&rdquo;.  And then I saw somebody who was making chairs
+and tables out of ponga wood, and he called it fern-iture.  Then we took the
+ferry to get here, and as soon as we got off, people started mocking and
+insulting us; but there were no hard feelings, they just wanted to make us
+really feel Picton.</p>
+<p>The reason people usually invite me to give speeches is because of my work
+on free software.  This is not a talk about free software; this talk answers
+the question whether the ideas of free software extend to other kinds of
+works.  But in order for that to make sense, I'd better tell you briefly
+what free software means.</p>
+<p>Free software is a matter of freedom, not price, so think of &ldquo;free
+speech&rdquo;, not &ldquo;free beer&rdquo;.  Free software is software that
+respects the user's freedom, and there are four specific freedoms that the
+user deserves always to have.</p>
+<li>Freedom 0 is the freedom to run the program as you wish.</li>
+<li>Freedom 1 is the freedom to study the source code of the program and change
+it to make the program do what you wish.</li>
+<li>Freedom 2 is the freedom to help your neighbour; that is, the freedom to
+redistribute copies of the program, exact copies when you wish.</li>
+<li>And Freedom 3 is the freedom to contribute to your community.  That's the
+freedom to publish your modified versions when you wish.</li>
+<p>If the program gives you these four freedoms then it's free software, which
+means the social system of its distribution and use is an ethical system,
+one which respects the user's freedom and the social solidarity of the
+user's community.  But if one of these freedoms is missing or insufficient,
+then it's proprietary software, nonfree software, user-subjugating
+software.  It's unethical.  It's not a contribution to society, it's a power
+grab.  This unethical practice should not exist; the goal of the free
+software movement is to put an end to it.  All software should be free, so
+that all users can be free.</p>
+<p>Proprietary software keeps the users divided and helpless: divided, because
+they're forbidden to share it, and helpless, because they don't have the
+source code so they can't change it.  They can't even study it to verify
+what it's really doing to them, and many proprietary programs have malicious
+features which spy on the user, restrict the user, even back doors to attack
+the user.</p>
+<p>For instance, Microsoft Windows has a back door with which Microsoft can
+forcibly install software changes, without getting permission from the
+supposed owner of the computer.  You may think it's your computer, but if
+you've made the mistake of having Windows running in it, then really
+Microsoft has owned your computer.  Computers need to be defenestrated,
+which means either throw Windows out of the computer, or throw the computer
+out the window.</p>
+<p>But any proprietary software gives the developers unjust power over the
+users.  Some of the developers abuse this power more, and some abuse it
+less, but none of them ought to have it.  You deserve to have control of
+your computing, and not be forcibly dependent on a particular company.  So
+you deserve free software.</p>
+<p>At the end of speeches about free software, people sometimes ask whether
+these same freedoms and ideas apply to other things.  If you have a copy of
+a published work on your computer, it makes sense to ask whether you should
+have the same four freedoms&mdash;whether it's ethically essential that you
+have them or not.  And that's the question that I'm going to address today.</p>
+<p>If you have a copy of something that's not software, for the most part, the
+only thing that might deny you any of these freedoms is copyright law.  With
+software that's not so.  The main ways of making software non-free are
+contracts and withholding the source code from the users.  Copyright is a
+sort of secondary, back up method.  For other things there's no such
+distinction as between source code and executable code.</p>
+<p>For instance, if we're talking about a text, if you can see the text to read
+it, there's nothing in the text that you can't see.  So it's not the same
+kind of issue exactly as software.  It's for the most part only copyright
+that might deny you these freedoms.</p>
+<p>So the question can be restated: &ldquo;What should copyright law allow you
+to do with published works? What should copyright law say?&rdquo;</p>
+<p>Copyright has developed along with copying technology, so it's useful to
+review the history of copying technology.  Copying developed in the ancient
+world, where you'd use a writing instrument on a writing surface.  You'd
+read one copy and write another.</p>
+<p>This technology was rather inefficient, but another interesting
+characteristic was that it had no economy of scale.  To write ten copies
+would take ten times as long as to write one copy.  It required no special
+equipment other than the equipment for writing, and it required no special
+skill other than literacy itself.  The result was that copies of any
+particular book were made in a decentralized manner.  Wherever there was a
+copy, if someone wanted to copy it, he could.</p>
+<p>There was nothing like copyright in the ancient world.  If you had a copy
+and wanted to copy it, nobody was going to tell you you weren't
+allowed&mdash;except if the local prince didn't like what the book said, in
+which case he might punish you for copying it.  But that's not copyright,
+but rather something closely related, namely censorship.  To this day,
+copyright is often used in attempts to censor people.</p>
+<p>That went on for thousands of years, but then there was a big advance in
+copying technology, namely the printing press.  The printing press made
+copying more efficient, but not uniformly.  [This was] because mass
+production copying became a lot more efficient, but making one copy at a
+time didn't benefit from the printing press.  In fact, you were better off
+just writing it by hand; that would be faster than trying to print one 
+<p>The printing press has an economy of scale: it takes a lot of work to set
+the type, but then you can make many copies very fast.  Also, the printing
+press and the type were expensive equipment that most people didn't own; and
+the ability to use them, most literate people didn't know.  Using a press
+was a different skill from writing.  The result was a centralized manner of
+producing copies: the copies of any given book would be made in a few
+places, and then they would be transported to wherever someone wanted to buy
+<p>Copyright began in the age of the printing press.  Copyright in England
+began as a system of censorship in the 1500s.  I believe it was originally
+meant to censor Protestants, but it was turned around and used to censor
+Catholics and presumably lots of others as well.  According to this law, in
+order to publish a book you had to get permission from the Crown, and this
+permission was granted in the form of a perpetual monopoly to publish it.
+This was allowed to lapse in the 1680s, I believe [it expired in 1695
+according to the Wikipedia entry].  The publishers wanted it back again, but
+what they got was something somewhat different.  The Statute of Anne gave
+authors a copyright, and only for 14 years, although the author could renew
+it once.</p>
+<p>This was a totally different idea&mdash;a temporary monopoly for the author,
+instead of a perpetual monopoly for the publisher.  The idea developed that
+copyright was a means of promoting writing.</p>
+<p>When the US constitution was written, some people wanted authors to be
+entitled to a copyright, but that was rejected.  Instead, the US
+Constitution says that Congress can optionally adopt a copyright law, and if
+there is a copyright law, its purpose is to promote progress.  In other
+words, the purpose is not benefits for copyright holders or anybody they do
+business with, but for the general public.  Copyright has to last a limited
+time; publishers keep hoping for us to forget about this.</p>
+<p>Here we have an idea of copyright which is an industrial regulation on
+publishers, controlled by authors, and designed to provide benefits to the
+public at large.  It functioned this way because it didn't restrict the
+<p>Now in the early centuries of printing, and still I believe in the 1790s,
+lots of readers wrote copies by hand because they couldn't afford printed
+copies.  Nobody ever expected copyright law to be something other than an
+industrial regulation.  It wasn't meant to stop people from writing copies,
+it was meant to regulate the publishers.  Because of this it was easy to
+enforce, uncontroversial, and arguably beneficial for society.</p>
+<p>It was easy to enforce, because it only had to be enforced against
+publishers.  And it's easy to find the unauthorized publishers of a
+book&mdash;you go to a bookstore and say 'where do these copies come
+from?'.  You don't have to invade everybody's home and everybody's computer
+to do that.</p>
+<p>It was uncontroversial because, as the readers were not restricted, they had
+nothing to complain about.  Theoretically they were restricted from
+publishing, but not being publishers and not having printing presses, they
+couldn't do that anyway.  In what they actually could do, they were not
+<p>It was arguably beneficial because the general public, according to the
+concepts of copyright law, traded away a theoretical right they were not in
+a position to exercise.  In exchange, they got the benefits of more 
+<p>Now if you trade away something you have no possible use for, and you get
+something you can use in exchange, it's a positive trade.  Whether or not
+you could have gotten a better deal some other way, that's a different
+question, but at least it's positive.</p>
+<p>So if this were still in the age of the printing press, I don't think I'd be
+complaining about copyright law.  But the age of the printing press is
+gradually giving way to the age of the computer networks&mdash;another
+advance in copying technology that makes copying more efficient, and once
+again not uniformly so.</p>
+<p>Here's what we had in the age of the printing press: mass production very
+efficient, one at a time copying still just as slow as the ancient world.
+Digital technology gets us here: they've both benefited, but one-off copying
+has benefited the most.</p>
+<p>We get to a situation much more like the ancient world, where one at a time
+copying is not so much worse [i.e., harder] than mass production copying.
+It's a little bit less efficient, a little bit less good, but it's perfectly
+cheap enough that hundreds of millions of people do it.  Consider how many
+people write CDs once in a while, even in poor countries.  You may not have
+a CD-writer yourself, so you go to a store where you can do it.</p>
+<p>This means that copyright no longer fits in with the technology as it used
+to.  Even if the words of copyright law had not changed, they wouldn't have
+the same effect.  Instead of an industrial regulation on publishers
+controlled by authors, with the benefits set up to go to the public, it is
+now a restriction on the general public, controlled mainly by the
+publishers, in the name of the authors.</p>
+<p>In other words, it's tyranny.  It's intolerable and we can't allow it to
+continue this way.</p>
+<p>As a result of this change, [copyright] is no longer easy to enforce, no
+longer uncontroversial, and no longer beneficial.</p>
+<p>It's no longer easy to enforce because now the publishers want to enforce it
+against each and every person, and to do this requires cruel measures,
+draconian punishments, invasions of privacy, abolition of our basic ideas of
+justice.  There's almost no limit to how far they will propose to go to
+prosecute the War on Sharing.</p>
+<p>It's no longer uncontroversial.  There are political parties in several
+countries whose basic platform is 'freedom to share'.</p>
+<p>It's no longer beneficial because the freedoms that we conceptually traded
+away (because we couldn't exercise them), we now can exercise.  They're
+tremendously useful, and we want to exercise them.</p>
+<p>What would a democratic government do in this situation?</p>
+<p>It would reduce copyright power.  It would say: &ldquo;The trade we made on
+behalf of our citizens, trading away some of their freedom which now they
+need, is intolerable.  We have to change this; we can't trade away the
+freedom that is important.&rdquo; We can measure the sickness of democracy
+by the tendency of governments to do the exact opposite around the world,
+extending copyright power when they should reduce it.</p>
+<p>One example is in the dimension of time.  Around the world we see pressure
+to make copyright last longer and longer and longer.</p>
+<p>A wave of this started in the US in 1998.  Copyright was extended by 20
+years on both past and future works.  I do not understand how they hope to
+convince the now dead or senile writers of the 20s and 30s to write more
+back then by extending copyright on their works now.  If they have a time
+machine with which to inform them, they haven't used it.  Our history books
+don't say that there was a burst of vigor in the arts in the 20s when all
+the artists found out that their copyrights would be extended in 1998.</p>
+<p>It's theoretically conceivable that 20 years more copyright on future works
+would convince people to make more effort in producing those works.  But not
+anyone rational, because the discounted present value of 20 more years of
+copyright starting 75 years in the future&mdash;if it's a work made for
+hire&mdash;and probably even longer if it's a work with an individual
+copyright holder, is so small it couldn't persuade any rational person to do
+anything different.  Any business that wants to claim otherwise ought to
+present its projected balance sheets for 75 years in the future, which of
+course they can't do because none of them really looks that far ahead.</p>
+<p>The real reason for this law, the desire that prompted various companies to
+purchase this law in the US Congress, which is how laws are decided on for
+the most part, was they had lucrative monopolies and they wanted those
+monopolies to continue.</p>
+<p>For instance, Disney was aware that the first film in which Mickey Mouse
+appeared would go into the public domain in a few years, and then anybody
+would be free to draw that same character as part of other works.  Disney
+didn't want that to happen.  Disney borrows a lot from the public domain,
+but is determined never to give the slightest thing back.  So Disney paid
+for this law, which we refer to as the Mickey Mouse Copyright Act.</p>
+<p>The movie companies say they want perpetual copyright, but the US
+Constitution won't let them get that officially.  So they came up with a way
+to get the same result unofficially: &ldquo;perpetual copyright on the
+installment plan&rdquo;.  Every 20 years they extend copyright for 20 more
+years.  So that at any given time, any given work has a date when it will
+supposedly fall into the public domain.  But that date is like tomorrow, it
+never comes.  By the time you get there they will have postponed it, unless
+we stop them next time.</p>
+<p>That's one dimension, the dimension of duration.  But even more important is
+the dimension of breadth: which uses of the work does copyright cover?</p>
+<p>In the age of the printing press, copyright wasn't supposed to cover all
+uses of a copyrighted work, because copyright regulated certain uses that
+were the exceptions in a broader space of unregulated uses.  There were
+certain things you were simply allowed to do with your copy of a book.</p>
+<p>Now the publishers have got the idea that they can turn our computers
+against us, and use them to seize total power over all use of published
+works.  They want to set up a pay-per-view universe.  They're doing it with
+DRM (Digital Restrictions Management)&mdash;the intentional features of
+software that's designed to restrict the user.  And often the computer
+itself is designed to restrict the user.</p>
+<p>The first way in which the general public saw this was in DVDs.  A movie on
+a DVD was usually encrypted, and the format was secret.  The DVD conspiracy
+kept this secret because they said anyone that wants to make DVD players has
+to join the conspiracy, promise to keep the format secret, and promise to
+design the DVD players to restrict the users according to the rules, which
+say it has to stop the user from doing this, from doing that, from doing
+that&mdash;a precise set of requirements, all of which are malicious towards
+<p>It worked for a while, but then some people figured out the secret format,
+and published free software capable of reading the movie on a DVD and
+playing it.  Then the publishers said &ldquo;since we can't actually stop
+them, we have to make it a crime&rdquo;.  And they started that in the US in
+1998 with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, which imposed censorship on
+software capable of doing such jobs.</p>
+<p>So that particular piece of free software was the subject of a court case.
+Its distribution in the US is forbidden; the US practices censorship of
+<p>The movie companies are well aware that they can't really make that program
+disappear&mdash;it's easy enough to find it.  So they designed another
+encryption system, which they hoped would be harder to break, and it's
+called AACS, or the axe.</p>
+<p>The AACS conspiracy makes precise rules about all players.  For instance, in
+2011 it's going to be forbidden to make analog video outputs.  So all video
+outputs will have to be digital, and they will carry the signal encrypted
+into a monitor specially designed to keep secrets from the user.  That is
+malicious hardware.  They say that the purpose of this is to &ldquo;close
+the analog hole&rdquo;.  I'll show you a couple of analog holes (Stallman
+takes off his glasses): here's one and here's another, that they'd like to
+poke out permanently.</p>
+<p>How do I know about these conspiracies? The reason is they're not
+secret&mdash;they have websites.  The AACS website proudly describes the
+contracts that manufacturers have to sign, which is how I know about this
+requirement.  It proudly states the names of the companies that have
+established this conspiracy, which include Microsoft and Apple, and Intel,
+and Sony, and Disney, and IBM.</p>
+<p>A conspiracy of companies designed to restrict the public's access to
+technology ought to be prosecuted as a serious crime, like a conspiracy to
+fix prices, except it's worse, so the prison sentences for this should be
+longer.  But these companies are quite confident that our governments are on
+their side against us.  They have no fear against being prosecuted for these
+conspiracies, which is why they don't bother to hide them.</p>
+<p>In general DRM is set up by a conspiracy of companies.  Once in a while a
+single company can do it, but generally it requires a conspiracy between
+technology companies and publishers, so [it's] almost always a conspiracy.</p>
+<p>They thought that nobody would ever be able to break the AACS, but about
+three and a half years ago someone released a free program capable of
+decrypting that format.  However, it was totally useless, because in order
+to run it you need to know the key.</p>
+<p>And then, six months later, I saw a photo of two adorable puppies, with 32
+hex digits above them, and I wondered: &ldquo;Why put those two things
+together? I wonder if those numbers are some important key, and someone
+could have put the numbers together with the puppies, figuring people would
+copy the photo of the puppies because they were so cute.  This would protect
+the key from being wiped out.&rdquo;</p>
+<p>And that's what it was&mdash;that was the key to break the axe.  People
+posted it, and editors deleted it, because laws in many countries now
+conscript them to censor this information.  It was posted again, they
+deleted it; eventually they gave up, and in two weeks this number was posted
+in over 700,000 web sites.</p>
+<p>That's a big outpouring of public disgust with DRM.  But it didn't win the
+war, because the publishers changed the key.  Not only that: with HD DVD,
+this was adequate to break the DRM, but not with Blu-ray.  Blu-ray has an
+additional level of DRM and so far there is no free software that can break
+it, which means that you must regard Blu-ray disks as something incompatible
+with your own freedom.  They are an enemy with which no accommodation is
+possible, at least not with our present level of knowledge.</p>
+<p>Never accept any product designed to attack your freedom.  If you don't have
+the free software to play a DVD, you mustn't buy or rent any DVDs, or accept
+them even as gifts, except for the rare non-encrypted DVDs, which there are
+a few of.  I actually have a few [of these]&mdash;I don't have any encrypted
+DVDs, I won't take them.</p>
+<p>So this is how things stand in video, but we've also seen DRM in music.</p>
+<p>For instance, about ten years ago we started to see things that looked like
+compact disks, but they weren't written quite like compact disks.  They
+didn't follow the standard.  We called them 'corrupt disks', and the idea of
+them was that they would play in an audio player, but it was impossible to
+read them on a computer.  These different methods had various problems.</p>
+<p>Eventually Sony came up with a clever idea.  They put a program on the disk,
+so that if you stuck the disk into a computer, the disk would install the
+program.  This program was designed like a virus to take control of the
+system.  It's called a 'root kit', meaning that it has things in it to break
+the security of the system so that it can install the software deep inside
+the system, and modify various parts of the system.</p>
+<p>For instance, it modified the command you could use to examine the system to
+see if the software was present, so as to disguise itself.  It modified the
+command you could use to delete some of these files, so that it wouldn't
+really delete them.  Now all of this is a serious crime, but it's not the
+only one Sony committed, because the software also included free software
+code&mdash;code that had been released under the GNU General Public 
+<p>Now the GNU GPL is a copyleft license, and that means it says &ldquo;Yes,
+you're free to put this code into other things, but when you do, the entire
+program that you put things into you must release as free software under the
+same license.  And you must make the source code available to users, and to
+inform them of their rights you must give them a copy of this license when
+they get the software.&rdquo;</p>
+<p>Sony didn't comply with all that.  That's commercial copyright infringement,
+which is a felony.  They're both felonies, but Sony wasn't prosecuted
+because the government understands that the purpose of the government and
+the law is to maintain the power of those companies over us, not to help
+defend our freedom in any way.</p>
+<p>People got angry and they sued Sony.  However, they made a mistake.  They
+focused their condemnation not on the evil purpose of this scheme, but only
+on the secondary evils of the various methods that Sony used.  So Sony
+settled the lawsuits and promised that in the future, when it attacks our
+freedom, it will not do those other things.</p>
+<p>Actually, that particular corrupt disk scheme was not so bad, because if you
+were not using Windows it would not affect you at all.  Even if you were
+using Windows, there's a key on the keyboard&mdash;if you remembered every
+time to hold it down, then the disk wouldn't install the software.  But of
+course it's hard to remember that every time; you're going to slip up some
+day.  This shows the kind of thing we've had to deal with.</p>
+<p>Fortunately music DRM is receding.  Even the main record companies sell
+downloads without DRM.  But we see a renewed effort to impose DRM on books.</p>
+<p>You see, the publishers want to take away the traditional freedoms of book
+readers&mdash;freedom to do things such as borrow a book from the public
+library, or lend it to a friend; to sell a book to a used book store, or buy
+it anonymously paying cash (which is the only way I buy books&mdash;we've
+got to resist the temptations to let Big Brother know everything that we're
+<p>Even the freedom to keep the book as long as you wish, and read it as many
+times as you wish, they plan to get rid of.</p>
+<p>The way they do it is with DRM.  They knew that so many people read books
+and would get angry if these freedoms were taken away that they didn't
+believe they could buy a law specifically to abolish these
+freedoms&mdash;there would be too much opposition.  Democracy is sick, but
+once in a while people manage to demand something.  So they came up with a
+two-stage plan.</p>
+<p>First, take away these freedoms from ebooks, and second, convince people to
+switch from paper books to ebooks.  They've succeeded with stage 1.</p>
+<p>In the US they did it with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, and in New
+Zealand, that was part of the year-ago Copyright Act; censorship on software
+that can break DRM was part of that law.  That's an unjust provision; it's
+got to be repealed.</p>
+<p>The second stage is convince people to switch from printed books to ebooks;
+that didn't go so well.</p>
+<p>One publisher in 2001 had the idea they would make their line of ebooks
+really popular if they started it with my biography.  So they found an
+author and the author asked me if I'd cooperate, and I said &ldquo;Only if
+this ebook is published without encryption, without DRM&rdquo;.  The
+publisher wouldn't go along with that, and I just stuck to it&mdash;I said
+no.  Eventually we found another publisher who was willing to do
+this&mdash;in fact willing to publish the book under a free license giving
+you the four freedoms&mdash;so the book was then published, and sold a lot
+of copies on paper.</p>
+<p>But in any case, ebooks failed at the beginning of this decade.  People just
+didn't want to read them very much.  And I said, &ldquo;they will try
+again&rdquo;.  We saw an amazing number of news articles about electronic
+ink (or is it electronic paper, I can never remember which), and it occurred
+to me probably the reason there's so many is the publishers want us to think
+about this.  They want us to be eager for the next generation of ebook
+<p>Now they're upon us.  Things like the Sony Shreader (its official name is
+the Sony Reader, but if you put on 'sh' it explains what it's designed to do
+to your books), and the Amazon Swindle, designed to swindle you out of your
+traditional freedoms without your noticing.  Of course, they call it the
+Kindle which is what it's going to do to your books.</p>
+<p>The Kindle is an extremely malicious product, almost as malicious as
+Microsoft Windows.  They both have spy features, they both have Digital
+Restrictions Management, and they both have back doors.</p>
+<p>In the case of the Kindle, the only way you can buy a book is to buy it from
+Amazon, and Amazon requires you to identify yourself, so they know
+everything that you've bought.</p>
+<p>Then there is Digital Restrictions Management, so you can't lend the book or
+sell it to a used bookstore, and the library can't lend it either.</p>
+<p>And then there's the back door, which we found out about about three months
+ago, because Amazon used it.  Amazon sent a command to all the Kindles to
+erase a particular book, namely 1984 by George Orwell.  Yes, they couldn't
+have picked a more ironic book to erase.  So that's how we know that Amazon
+has a back door with which it can erase books remotely.</p>
+<p>What else it can do, who knows? Maybe it's like Microsoft Windows.  Maybe
+Amazon can remotely upgrade the software, which means that whatever
+malicious things are not in it now, they could put them in it tomorrow.</p>
+<p>This is intolerable&mdash;any one of these restrictions is intolerable.
+They want to create a world where nobody lends books to anybody anymore.</p>
+<p>Imagine that you visit a friend and there are no books on the shelf.  It's
+not that your friend doesn't read, but his books are all inside a device,
+and of course he can't lend you those books.  The only way he could lend you
+any one of those books is to lend you his whole library, which is obviously
+a ridiculous thing to ask anybody to do.  So there goes friendship for
+people who love books.</p>
+<p>Make sure that you inform people what this device implies.  It means other
+readers will no longer be your friends, because you will be acting like a
+jerk toward them.  Spread the word preemptively.  This device is your
+enemy.  It's the enemy of everyone who reads.  The people who don't
+recognize that are the people who are thinking so short-term that they don't
+see it.  It's our job to help them see beyond the momentary convenience to
+the implications of this device.</p>
+<p>I have nothing against distributing books in digital form, if they are not
+designed to take away our freedom.  Strictly speaking, it is possible to
+have an ebook reader:</p>
+<li>that is not designed to attack you,</li>
+<li>which runs free software and not proprietary software,</li>
+<li>which doesn't have DRM,</li>
+<li>which doesn't make people identify yourself to get a book,</li>
+<li>which doesn't have a back door, [and]</li>
+<li>which doesn't restrict what you can do with the files on your machine.</li>
+<p>It's possible, but the big companies really pushing ebooks are doing it to
+attack our freedom, and we mustn't stand for that.  This is what governments
+are doing in cahoots with big business to attack our freedom, by making
+copyright harsher and nastier, more restrictive than ever before.</p>
+<p>But what should they do? Governments should make copyright power less.  Here
+are my specific proposals.</p>
+<p>First of all, there is the dimension of time.  I propose copyright should
+last ten years, starting from the date of publication of a work.</p>
+<p>Why from the date of publication? Because before that, we don't have
+copies.  It doesn't matter to us whether we would have been allowed to copy
+our copies that we don't have, so I figure we might as well let the authors
+have as much time as it takes to arrange publication, and then start the
+<p>But why ten years? I don't know about in this country, but in the US, the
+publication cycle has got shorter and shorter.  Nowadays almost all books
+are remaindered within two years and out-of-print within three.  So ten
+years is more than three times the usual publication cycle&mdash;that should
+be plenty comfortable.</p>
+<p>But not everybody agrees.  I once proposed this in a panel discussion with
+fiction writers, and the award-winning fantasy writer next to me said
+&ldquo;Ten years? No way.  Anything more than five years is
+intolerable.&rdquo; You see, he had a legal dispute with his publisher.  His
+books seemed to be out of print, but the publisher wouldn't admit it.  The
+publisher was using the copyright on his own book to stop him from
+distributing copies himself, which he wanted to do so people could read it.</p>
+<p>This is what every artist starts out wanting&mdash;wanting to distribute her
+work so it will get read and appreciated.  Very few make a lot of money.
+That tiny fraction face the danger of being morally corrupted, like
+J.K. Rowling.</p>
+<p>J.K. Rowling, in Canada, got an injunction against people who had bought her
+book in a bookstore, ordering them not to read it.  So in response I call
+for a boycott of Harry Potter books.  But I don't say you shouldn't read
+them; I leave that to the author and the publisher.  I just say you
+shouldn't buy them.</p>
+<p>It's few authors that make enough money that they can be corrupted in this
+way.  Most of them don't get anywhere near that, and continue wanting the
+same thing they wanted at the outset: they want their work to be
+<p>He wanted to distribute his own book, and copyright was stopping him.  He
+realized that more than five years of copyright was unlikely to ever do him
+any good.</p>
+<p>If people would rather have copyright last five years, I won't be against
+it.  I propose ten as a first stab at the problem.  Let's reduce it to ten
+years and then take stock for a while, and we could adjust it after that.  I
+don't say I think ten years is the exact right number&mdash;I don't know.</p>
+<p>What about the dimension of breadth? Which activities should copyright
+cover? I distinguish three broad categories of works.</p>
+<p>First of all, there are the functional works that you use to do a practical
+job in your life.  This includes software, recipes, educational works,
+reference works, text fonts, and other things you can think of.  These works
+should be free.</p>
+<p>If you use the work to do a job in your life, then if you can't change the
+work to suit you, you don't control your life.  Once you have changed the
+work to suit you, then you've got to be free to publish it&mdash;publish
+your version&mdash;because there will be others who will want the changes
+you've made.</p>
+<p>This leads quickly to the conclusion that users have to have the same four
+freedoms [for all functional works], not just for software.  And you'll
+notice that for recipes, practically speaking, cooks are always sharing and
+changing recipes just as if the recipes were free.  Imagine how people would
+react if the government tried to stamp out so-called 'recipe piracy'.</p>
+<p>The term 'pirate' is pure propaganda.  When people ask me what I think of
+music piracy, I say &ldquo;As far as I know, when pirates attack they don't
+do it by playing instruments badly, they do it with arms.  So it's not music
+'piracy', because piracy is attacking ships, and sharing is as far as you
+get from being the moral equivalent of attacking ships&rdquo;.  Attacking
+ships is bad, sharing with other people is good, so we should firmly
+denounce that propaganda term 'piracy' whenever we hear it.</p>
+<p>People might have objected twenty years ago: &ldquo;If we don't give up our
+freedom, if we don't let the publishers of these works control us, the works
+won't get made and that will be a horrible disaster.&rdquo; Now, looking at
+the free software community, and all the recipes that circulate, and
+reference works like Wikipedia&mdash;we are even starting to see free
+textbooks being published&mdash;we know that that fear is misguided.</p>
+<p>There is no need to despair and give up our freedom thinking that otherwise
+the works won't get made.  There are lots of ways to encourage them to get
+made if we want more&mdash;lots of ways that are consistent with and respect
+our freedom.  In this category, they should all be free.</p>
+<p>But what about the second category, of works that say what certain people
+thought, like memoirs, essays of opinion, scientific papers, and various
+other things? To publish a modified version of somebody else's statement of
+what he thought is misrepresenting [that] somebody.  That's not particularly
+a contribution to society.</p>
+<p>Therefore it is workable and acceptable to have a somewhat reduced copyright
+system where all commercial use is covered by copyright, all modification is
+covered by copyright, but everyone is free to non-commercially redistribute
+exact copies.</p>
+<p>That freedom is the minimum freedom we must establish for all published
+works, because the denial of that freedom is what creates the War on
+Sharing&mdash;what creates the vicious propaganda that sharing is theft,
+that sharing is like being a pirate and attacking ships.  Absurdities, but
+absurdities backed by a lot of money that has corrupted our governments.  We
+need to end the War on Sharing; we need to legalize sharing exact copies of
+any published work.</p>
+<p>In the second category of works, that's all we need; we don't need to make
+them free.  Therefore I think it's OK to have a reduced copyright system
+which covers commercial use and all modifications.  And this will provide a
+revenue stream to the authors in more or less the same (usually inadequate)
+way as the present system.  You've got to keep in mind [that] the present
+system, except for superstars, is usually totally inadequate.</p>
+<p>What about works of art and entertainment? Here it took me a while to decide
+what to think about modifications.</p>
+<p>You see, on one hand, a work of art can have an artistic integrity and
+modifying it could destroy that.  Of course, copyright doesn't necessarily
+stop works from being butchered that way.  Hollywood does it all the time.
+On the other hand, modifying the work can be a contribution to art.  It
+makes possible the folk process which leads to things which are beautiful
+and rich.</p>
+<p>Even if we look at named authors only: consider Shakespeare, who borrowed
+stories from other works only a few decades old, and did them in different
+ways, and made important works of literature.  If today's copyright law had
+existed then, that would have been forbidden and those plays wouldn't have
+been written.</p>
+<p>But eventually I realized that modifying a work of art can be a contribution
+to art, but it's not desperately urgent in most cases.  If you had to wait
+ten years for the copyright to expire, you could wait that long.  Not like
+the present-day copyright that makes you wait maybe 75 years, or 95 years.
+In Mexico you might have to wait almost 200 years in some cases, because
+copyright in Mexico expires a hundred years after the author dies.  This is
+insane, but ten years, as I've proposed copyright should last, that people
+can wait.</p>
+<p>So I propose the same partly reduced copyright that covers commercial use
+and modification, but everyone's got to be free to non-commercially
+redistribute exact copies.  After ten years it goes into the public domain,
+and people can contribute to art by publishing their modified versions.</p>
+<p>One other thing: if you're going to take little pieces out of a bunch of
+works and rearrange them into something totally different, that should just
+be legal, because the purpose of copyright is to promote art, not to
+obstruct art.  It's stupid to apply copyright to using snippets like
+that&mdash;it's self-defeating.  It's a kind of distortion that you'd only
+get when the government is under the control of the publishers of the
+existing successful works, and has totally lost sight of its intended
+<p>That's what I propose, and in particular, this means that sharing copies on
+the Internet must be legal.  Sharing is good.  Sharing builds the bonds of
+society.  To attack sharing is to attack society.</p>
+<p>So any time the government proposes some new means to attack people who
+share, to stop them from sharing, we have to recognize that this is evil,
+not just because the means proposed almost invariably offend basic ideas of
+justice (but that's not a coincidence).  The reason is because the purpose
+is evil.  Sharing is good and the government should encourage sharing.</p>
+<p>But copyright did after all have a useful purpose.  Copyright as a means to
+carry out that purpose has a problem now, because it doesn't fit in with the
+technology we use.  It interferes with all the vital freedoms for all the
+readers, listeners, viewers, and whatever, but the goal of promoting the
+arts is still desirable.  So in addition to the partly reduced copyright
+system, which would continue to be a copyright system, I propose two other
+<p>One is taxes&mdash;distribute tax money directly to artists.  This could be
+a special tax, perhaps on Internet connectivity, or it could come from
+general revenue, because it won't be that much money in total, not if it's
+distributed in an efficient way.  To distribute it efficiently to promote
+the arts means not in linear proportion to popularity.  It should be based
+on popularity, because we don't want bureaucrats to have the discretion to
+decide which artists to support and which to ignore, but based on popularity
+does not imply linear proportion.</p>
+<p>What I propose is measure the popularity of the various artists, which you
+could do through polling (samples) in which nobody is required to
+participate, and then take the cube root.  The cube root looks like this: it
+means basically that [the payment] tapers off after a while.</p>
+<p>If superstar A is a thousand times as popular as successful artist B, with
+this system A would get ten times as much money as B, not a thousand times.</p>
+<p>Linearly would give A a thousand times as much as B, which means that if we
+wanted B to get enough to live on we're going to have to make A tremendously
+rich.  This is wasteful use of the tax money&mdash;it shouldn't be done.</p>
+<p>But if we make it taper off, then yes, each superstar will get handsomely
+more than an ordinary successful artist, but the total of all the superstars
+will be a small fraction of the [total] money.  Most of the money will go to
+support a large number of fairly successful artists, fairly appreciated
+artists, fairly popular artists.  Thus the system will use money a lot more
+efficiently than the existing system.</p>
+<p>The existing system is regressive.  It actually gives far, far more per
+record, for instance, to a superstar than to anybody else.  The money is
+extremely badly used.  The result is we'd actually be paying a lot less this
+way.  I hope that's enough to mollify some of these people who have a
+knee-jerk hostile reaction to taxes&mdash;one that I don't share, because I
+believe in a welfare state.</p>
+<p>I have another suggestion which is voluntary payments.  Suppose every player
+had a button you could push to send a dollar to the artist who made the work
+you're currently playing or the last one you played.  This money would be
+delivered anonymously to those artists.  I think a lot of people would push
+that button fairly often.</p>
+<p>For instance, all of us could afford to push that button once every day, and
+we wouldn't miss that much money.  It's not that much money for us, I'm
+pretty sure.  Of course, there are poor people who couldn't afford to push
+it ever, and it's OK if they don't.  We don't need to squeeze money out of
+poor people to support the artists.  There are enough people who are not
+poor to do the job just fine.  I'm sure you're aware that a lot of people
+really love certain art and are really happy to support the artists.</p>
+<p>An idea just came to me.  The player could also give you a certificate of
+having supported so-and-so, and it could even count up how many times you
+had done it and give you a certificate that says &ldquo;I sent so much to
+these artists&rdquo;.  There are various ways we could encourage people who
+want to do it.</p>
+<p>For instance, we could have a PR campaign which is friendly and kind:
+&ldquo;Have you sent a dollar to some artists today? Why not? It's only a
+dollar&mdash;you'll never miss it and don't you love what they're doing?
+Push the button!&rdquo; It will make people feel good, and they'll think
+&ldquo;Yeah, I love what I just watched.  I'll send a dollar.&rdquo;</p>
+<p>This is already starting to work to some extent.  There's a Canadian singer
+who used to be called Jane Siberry.  She put her music on her website and
+invited people to download it and pay whatever amount they wished.  She
+reported getting an average of more than a dollar per copy, which is
+interesting because the major record companies charge just under a dollar
+per copy.  By letting people decide whether and how much to pay, she got
+more&mdash;she got even more per visitor who was actually downloading
+something.  But this might not even count whether there was an effect of
+bringing more people to come, and [thus] increasing the total number that
+this average was against.</p>
+<p>So it can work, but it's a pain in the neck under present circumstances.
+You've got to have a credit card to do it, and that means you can't do it
+anonymously.  And you've got to go find where you're going to pay, and the
+payment systems for small amounts, they're not very efficient, so the
+artists are only getting half of it.  If we set up a good system for this,
+it would work far, far better.</p>
+<p>So these are my two suggestions.</p>
+<p>And in mecenatglobal.org, you can find another scheme that combines aspects
+of the two, which was invented by Francis Muguet and designed to fit in with
+existing legal systems better to make it easier to enact.</p>
+<p>Be careful of proposals to &ldquo;compensate the rights holders&rdquo;,
+because when they say 'compensate', they're trying to presume that if you
+have appreciated a work, you now have a specific debt to somebody, and that
+you have to &ldquo;compensate&rdquo; that somebody.  When they say 'rights
+holders', it's supposed to make you think it's supporting artists while in
+fact it's going to the publishers&mdash;the same publishers who basically
+exploit all the artists (except the few that you've all heard of, who are so
+popular that they have clout).</p>
+<p>We don't owe a debt; we have nobody that we have to
+&ldquo;compensate&rdquo;.  [But] supporting the arts is still a useful thing
+to do.  That was the motivation for copyright back when copyright fit in
+with the technology of the day.  Today copyright is a bad way to do it, but
+it's still good to do it other ways that respect our freedom.</p>
+<p>Demand that they change the two evil parts of the New Zealand Copyright
+Act.  They shouldn't replace the three strikes punishment, because sharing
+is good, and they've got to get rid of the censorship for the software to
+break DRM.  Beware of ACTA&mdash;they're trying to negotiate a treaty
+between various countries, for all of these countries to attack their
+citizens, and we don't know how because they won't tell us.</p></dd>
+<p><a href="/philosophy/copyright-versus-community-2000.html">Click here</a>
+for an older version of this talk from 2000.</p>
 <div style="font-size: small;">
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 <ul class="translations-list">
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Index: philosophy/po/copyright-versus-community.fr.po
RCS file: /web/www/www/philosophy/po/copyright-versus-community.fr.po,v
retrieving revision 1.5
retrieving revision 1.6
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--- philosophy/po/copyright-versus-community.fr.po      29 Mar 2009 20:27:10 
-0000      1.5
+++ philosophy/po/copyright-versus-community.fr.po      1 Dec 2009 21:26:44 
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@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: copyright-versus-community.html\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-03-25 04:26-0300\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-12-01 16:26-0500\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2009-03-29 18:44+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: Cédric Corazza <cedric.corazza AT wanadoo.fr>\n"
 "Language-Team: French <address@hidden>\n"
@@ -29,2388 +29,1297 @@
 "Copyright contre Communaut&eacute; &agrave; l'&acirc;ge des r&eacute;seaux "
-# type: Content of: <pre>
-#.  It seems this location is no longer accessible
-#. The original version is hosted at <a
-#. yavor, Apr 3, 2007 
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"This is a transcription from an audio recording, prepared by Douglas\n"
-"Carnall, July 2000.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Ceci est la retranscription d'un enregistrement audio r&eacute;alis&eacute; 
-"Douglas Carnall, en juillet 2000.\n"
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"<em> Mr Stallman arrives a few minutes after the appointed hour of "
-"commencement of his talk to address a hushed and respectful audience. He "
-"speaks with great precision and almost no hesitation in a pronounced Boston "
-msgstr ""
-"<em>M. Stallman arrive quelques minutes apr&egrave;s l'heure pr&eacute;vue "
-"du d&eacute;but de sa conf&eacute;rence pour s'adresser &agrave; une "
-"assistance silencieuse et respectueuse. Il parle avec une grande pr&eacute;"
-"cision et presque sans h&eacute;sitation avec un accent prononc&eacute; de "
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<strong>RMS</strong>: This is made for someone who wears a strangler."
-msgstr ""
-"<strong>RMS&nbsp;</strong>: Ceci est fait pour quelqu'un qui porte un "
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"<em>[indicates clip-on microphone for lecture theatre amplification system]</"
-msgstr ""
-"<em>[il indique le micro &agrave; agrafe du syst&egrave;me d'amplification "
-"de la salle de conf&eacute;rence]</em>"
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "I don't wear stranglers, so there is no place for it to go."
-msgstr ""
-"Je ne porte pas de strangler, alors il n'y a pas de place pour le mettre"
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<em>[clips it to his T-shirt]</em>"
-msgstr "<em>[Il l'accroche &agrave; son T-shirt]</em>"
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<strong>Me</strong>: Are you OK with the recording?"
-msgstr "<strong>Moi</strong>&nbsp;: C'est bon pour le micro&nbsp;?"
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>: Yes! <em>[testy]</em> How many people have to ask me?"
-msgstr ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Oui&nbsp;! <em>[irrit&eacute;]</em> Combien de "
-"personnes sont sens&eacute;es me demander&nbsp;?"
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "Well, I'm supposed to speak today"
-msgstr "Bon, je suppose que je dois parler aujourd'hui."
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<em>[long pause]</em>"
-msgstr "<em>[longue pause]</em>"
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "about copyright versus community. This is too loud."
-msgstr ""
-"&agrave; propos du copyright contre la Communaut&eacute;. C'est trop fort."
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<em>[indicates clip-on microphone]</em>"
-msgstr "<em>[il indique le micro &agrave; agrafe]</em>"
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "What can I do?"
-msgstr "Que puis-je faire&nbsp;?"
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "Let's see&hellip; there's no volume control&hellip;"
-msgstr "Regardez&hellip; il n'y a pas de contr&ocirc;le de volume&hellip;"
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<em>[finds volume control on radio microphone box]</em>"
-msgstr ""
-"<em>[il trouve la commande du volume sur la bo&icirc;te radio du micro]</em>"
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "this seems better"
-msgstr "ça para&icirc;t mieux"
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"OK. Copyright versus community in the age of computer networks. The "
-"principles of ethics can't change. They are the same for all situations, but "
-"to apply them to any question or situation you have to look at the facts of "
-"the situation to compare alternatives, you have to see what their "
-"consequences are, a change in technology never changes the principles of "
-"ethics, but a change in technology can alter the consequences of the same "
-"choices, so it can make a difference for the outcome of the question, and "
-"that has happened in the area of copyright law. We have a situation where "
-"changes in technology have affected the ethical factors that weigh on "
-"decisions about copyright law and change the right policy for society."
-msgstr ""
-"OK. Copyright contre Communaut&eacute; &agrave; l'&acirc;ge des r&eacute;"
-"seaux informatiques. Les principes de l'&eacute;thique ne peuvent pas "
-"changer. Ils restent les m&ecirc;mes dans toutes les situations. Mais pour "
-"qu'ils s'appliquent quelle que soit la question ou situation, vous devez "
-"regarder les faits pour comparer les alternatives, et voir quelles en seront "
-"les cons&eacute;quences. Un changement de technologie ne change jamais les "
-"principes de l'&eacute;thique, mais peut modifier ses cons&eacute;quences "
-"sur les m&ecirc;mes choix, qui peuvent avoir des r&eacute;sultats "
-"diff&eacute;rents, comme cela s'est produit dans le domaine des lois sur le "
-"copyright. Nous sommes dans une situation o&ugrave; les changements de "
-"technologie ont affect&eacute; les facteurs &eacute;thiques qui p&egrave;"
-"sent sur les d&eacute;cisions &agrave; propos des lois sur le copyright et "
-"changent de politique appropri&eacute;e pour la soci&eacute;t&eacute;."
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"Laws that in the past may have been a good idea, now are harmful because "
-"they are in a different context. But to explain this, I should go back to "
-"the beginning to the ancient world where books were made by writing them out "
-"by hand. That was the only way to do it, and anybody who could read could "
-"also write a copy of a book. To be sure a slave who spent all day writing "
-"copies could probably do it somewhat better than someone who didn't "
-"ordinarily do that but it didn't make a tremendous difference. Essentially, "
-"anyone who could read, could copy books, about as well as they could be "
-"copied in any fashion."
-msgstr ""
-"Ces lois qui &eacute;taient par le pass&eacute; une bonne id&eacute;e, sont "
-"maintenantnocives parce qu'elles ont chang&eacute; de contexte. Pour "
-"l'expliquer, ilfaudrait remonter au d&eacute;but du monde antique o&ugrave; "
-"les livres &eacute;taient des&oelig;uvres &eacute;crites &agrave; la main. "
-"Quand c'&eacute;tait la seule mani&egrave;re de le faire.Quiconque qui "
-"pouvait lire les livres, pouvait &eacute;galement en &eacute;crire une "
-"copie. Il est certain qu'un esclave qui passait sa journ&eacute;e &agrave; "
-"&eacute;crire des copies &eacute;tait th&eacute;oriquement capable de le "
-"faire mieux que quelqu'un qui n'en avait pas l'habitude, mais &ccedil;a ne "
-"faisait pas une &eacute;norme diff&eacute;rence. Principalement, celui qui "
-"pouvait lire les livres pouvait aussi les copier, et &agrave; peu pr&egrave;"
-"s de n'importe quelle mani&egrave;re."
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"In the ancient world, there wasn't the sharp distinction between authorship "
-"and copying that there tends to be today."
-msgstr ""
-"Dans l'Antiquit&eacute;, il n'y avait pas d'aussi nette distinction entre "
-"paternit&eacute; et copie, comme c'est la tendance aujourd'hui."
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"There was a continuum. On the one hand you might have somebody, say, writing "
-"a play. Then you might have, on the other extreme, just somebody making "
-"copies of books, but in between you might have say, somebody, who say, "
-"copies part of a book, but writes some words of his own, or writing a "
-"commentary, and this was very common, and definitely respected. Other people "
-"would copy some bits from one book, and then some bits from another book, "
-"and write something of their own words, and then copy from another book, "
-"quoting passages of various lengths from many different works, and then "
-"writing some other works to talk about them more, or relate them. And there "
-"are many ancient works&mdash;now lost&mdash;in which part of them survived "
-"in these quotations in other books that became more popular than the book "
-"that the original quote <em>[came from]</em>."
-msgstr ""
-"Il y avait un continuum. D'un c&ocirc;t&eacute; vous pouviez avoir quelqu'un "
-"qui pense, puis &eacute;crit la sc&egrave;ne. Comme vous pouviez avoir "
-"&agrave; l'autre extr&ecirc;me, quelqu'un qui faisait des copies d'un livre. "
-"Mais entre les deux, vous pouviez avoir quelqu'un qui pense, puis copie des "
-"passages d'un livre, en &eacute;crivant quelques mots par lui-m&ecirc;me, ou "
-"un commentaire, et c'&eacute;tait tr&egrave;s courant et certainement "
-"respect&eacute;. D'autres personnes pouvaient copier certaines parties d'un "
-"livre, citer des passages de longueurs vari&eacute;es de plusieurs travaux "
-"diff&eacute;rents, et de l&agrave; construire d'autres travaux pour en "
-"parler davantage, ou s'en r&eacute;f&eacute;rer. Et il y a beaucoup "
-"d'anciens travaux &mdash; aujourd'hui perdus &mdash; dont des parties ont "
-"surv&eacute;cu &agrave; travers ces citations dans d'autres livres, devenus "
-"plus populaires que le livre dont la citation originale provenait."
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"There was a spectrum between writing an original work, and copying.  There "
-"were many books that were partly copied, but mixed with original writing. I "
-"don't believe there was any idea of copyright in the ancient world and it "
-"would have been rather difficult to enforce one, because books could be "
-"copied by anyone who could read anywhere, anyone who could get some writing "
-"materials, and a feather to write with. So, that was a rather clear simple "
-msgstr ""
-"Il y avait tout un spectre entre l'&eacute;criture d'un travail original, et "
-"sa copie. Beaucoup de livres &eacute;taient partiellement copi&eacute;s sur "
-"d'autres, m&eacute;lang&eacute;s &agrave; l'&eacute;criture originale. Je ne "
-"crois pas qu'il y ait eu une quelconque notion de copyright dans "
-"l'antiquit&eacute;. Et il aurait &eacute;t&eacute; plut&ocirc;t difficile "
-"d'en imposer une, parce que les livres pouvaient &ecirc;tre copi&eacute;s "
-"par qui pouvait les lire n'importe o&ugrave;, et qui pouvait obtenir quelque "
-"support d'&eacute;criture, et une plume pour &eacute;crire avec. Ainsi, "
-"c'&eacute;tait une situation simple, plut&ocirc;t claire."
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"Later on, printing was developed and printing changed the situation greatly. "
-"It provided a much more efficient way to make copies of books, provided that "
-"they were all identical. And it required specialised, fairly expensive "
-"equipment that an ordinary reader would not have. So in effect it created a "
-"situation in which copies could only feasibly be made by specialised "
-"businesses, of which the number was not that large.  There might have been "
-"hundreds of printing presses in a country and hundreds of thousands, or "
-"maybe even millions of actually people who could read. So the decrease in "
-"the number of places in which copies could be made was tremendous."
-msgstr ""
-"Plus tard, l'impression fut d&eacute;velopp&eacute;e et a consid&eacute;"
-"rablement chang&eacute; la situation. Elle a fourni une mani&egrave;re "
-"beaucoup plus efficace de faire des copies de livres, pourvu qu'elle soient "
-"toutes identiques. Et elle a exig&eacute; un &eacute;quipement sp&eacute;"
-"cialis&eacute; assez cher, qu'un lecteur ordinaire ne pouvait pas avoir. "
-"Elle a donc cr&eacute;&eacute; une situation dans laquelle les copies ne "
-"pouvait &ecirc;tre r&eacute;ellement faisables que par des entreprises "
-"sp&eacute;cialis&eacute;es, dont le nombre n'&eacute;tait pas &eacute;"
-"lev&eacute;. Il aurait pu y avoir des centaines d'impressions par pays et "
-"des centaines de milliers, ou peut-&ecirc;tre m&ecirc;me vraisemblablement "
-"des millions de personnes qui auraient pu les lire. Ainsi la diminution du "
-"nombre d'endroits dans lesquels les copies pouvaient &ecirc;tre faites "
-"&eacute;tait consid&eacute;rable."
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"Now the idea of copyright developed along with the printing press. I think "
-"that there may be&hellip; I think I remember reading that Venice, which was "
-"a major centre of printing in the 1500s also had a kind of copyright but I "
-"can't find that: I couldn't find that reference again.  But the system of "
-"copyright fitted in naturally with the printing press because it became rare "
-"for ordinary readers to make copies. It still happen. People who were very "
-"poor or very rich had handmade copies of books. The very rich people did "
-"this to show off their wealth: they had beautiful illuminated wealth to show "
-"that they could afford this. And poor people still sometimes copied books by "
-"hand because they couldn't afford printed copies. As the song goes &ldquo;"
-"Time ain't money when all you got is time.&rdquo; So some poor people copied "
-"books with a pen. But for the most part the books were all made on printing "
-"presses by publishers and copyright as a system fitted in very well with the "
-"technical system.  For one thing it was painless for readers, because the "
-"readers weren't going to make copies anyway, except for the very rich ones "
-"who could presumably legitimise it, or the very poor ones who were making "
-"just individual copies and no one was going to go after them with lawyers.  "
-"And the system was fairly easy to enforce again because there were only a "
-"small number of places where it had to be enforced: only the printing "
-"presses, and because of this it didn't require, it didn't involve, a "
-"struggle against the public. You didn't find just about everybody trying to "
-"copy books and being threatened with arrest for doing it."
-msgstr ""
-"Maintenant, l'id&eacute;e de copyright s'est d&eacute;velopp&eacute;e avec "
-"la presse. Je pense qu'il peut y avoir&hellip; Je pense que je me rappelle "
-"avoir lu que Venise, qui &eacute;tait un centre important de l'impression au "
-"XVI&egrave;me si&egrave;cle, a &eacute;galement connu un genre de copyright "
-"mais je ne peux pas vous dire&nbsp;: Je ne pourrais pas retrouver cette "
-"r&eacute;f&eacute;rence. Mais le syst&egrave;me de copyright s'est "
-"naturellement accord&eacute; avec la presse parce qu'il est devenu rare pour "
-"un lecteur ordinaire de faire des copies. C'est toujours le cas. Seuls les "
-"gens tr&egrave;s pauvres ou tr&egrave;s riches d&eacute;tenaient des copies "
-"manuscrites de livres. Les gens tr&egrave;s riches le faisaient pour &eacute;"
-"taler leur richesse&nbsp;: il fallait avoir une &eacute;blouissante fortune "
-"pour se le permettre. Et les pauvres gens en &eacute;taient encore parfois "
-"&agrave; recopier les livres &agrave; la main parce qu'ils ne pouvaient pas "
-"se permettre les copies imprim&eacute;es. Comme le dit la chanson &laquo;le "
-"temps n'est pas de l'argent quand c'est tout ce que vous avez&raquo;. Aussi "
-"quelques pauvres gens ont copi&eacute; des livres avec un stylo. Mais pour "
-"la plupart, les livres &eacute;taient fabriqu&eacute;s &agrave; la presse "
-"par des &eacute;diteurs et le copyright en tant que syst&egrave;me s'est "
-"naturellement accord&eacute; avec la technologie. D'un certain c&ocirc;"
-"t&eacute; ce fut indolore pour les lecteurs, parce qu'ils ne faisaient de "
-"toute fa&ccedil;on plus de copie, except&eacute; pour les gens tr&egrave;s "
-"riches qui pouvait r&eacute;ellement l&eacute;gitimer un tel acte, ou les "
-"tr&egrave;s pauvres qui n'en faisaient qu'un exemplaire unique et que "
-"personne n'aurait poursuivi avec des avocats. Et le syst&egrave;me fut "
-"vraiment facile &agrave; imposer toujours parce qu'il n'y avait qu'un "
-"tr&egrave;s petit nombre de lieux o&ugrave; c'&eacute;tait possible&nbsp;: "
-"seulement les presses, et parce que cela ne n&eacute;cessitait pas, cela "
-"n'impliquait pas de lutte contre le public. Vous ne pouviez pas trouver ne "
-"serait-ce qu'une seule personne essayant de copier des livres, et "
-"menac&eacute;e d'&ecirc;tre arr&ecirc;t&eacute;e pour &ccedil;a."
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"And in fact, in addition to not restricting the reader's directly, it didn't "
-"cause much of a problem for readers, because it might have added a small "
-"fraction to the price of books but it didn't double the price, so that small "
-"extra addition to the price was a very small burden for the readers. The "
-"actions restricted by copyright were actions that you couldn't do, as an "
-"ordinary reader, and therefore, it didn't cause a problem. And because of "
-"this there was no need for harsh punishments to convince readers to tolerate "
-"it and to obey."
-msgstr ""
-"Et en fait, en plus de ne pas limiter le lecteur directement, il n'a pas "
-"vraiment caus&eacute; d'ennuis, &eacute;tant donn&eacute; qu'il a du &ecirc;"
-"tre ajout&eacute; une petite fraction du prix du livre qui n'a certes pas "
-"co&ucirc;t&eacute; le double, de sorte que la petite addition suppl&eacute;"
-"mentaire au prix n'&eacute;tait qu'un tout petit fardeau pour les lecteurs. "
-"Les actions limit&eacute;es par copyright &eacute;taient des actions que "
-"vous ne pouviez pas faire, en tant que lecteur ordinaire, et donc, cela n'a "
-"pas pos&eacute; de probl&egrave;me. Et pour cette raison, on avait pas "
-"besoin de punir s&eacute;v&egrave;rement les lecteurs pour les convaincre de "
-"le tol&eacute;rer et d'y ob&eacute;ir."
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"So copyright effectively was an industrial regulation. It restricted "
-"publishers and writers but it didn't restrict the general public. It was "
-"somewhat like charging a fee for going on a boat ride across the Atlantic. "
-"You know, it's easy to collect the fee when people are getting on a boat for "
-"weeks or months."
-msgstr ""
-"Bien, le copyright &eacute;tait donc un r&egrave;glement industriel. Il "
-"restreignait les &eacute;diteurs et les auteurs mais ne limitait pas le "
-"grand public. C'&eacute;tait comme faire payer un droit d'entr&eacute;e pour "
-"une travers&eacute;e en bateau de l'Oc&eacute;an atlantique. Vous savez, il "
-"est facile de percevoir des honoraires quand les gens prennent le bateau "
-"pour des semaines, voire des mois."
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"Well, as time went on, printing got more efficient. Eventually even poor "
-"people didn't have to bother copying books by hand and the idea sort of got "
-"forgotten. I think it's in the 1800s that essentially printing got cheap "
-"enough so that essentially everyone could afford printed books, so to some "
-"extent the idea of poor people copying books by hand was lost from memory. I "
-"heard about this about ten years ago when I started talking about the "
-"subject to people."
-msgstr ""
-"Avec le temps, l'impression est devenue plus efficace. Par la suite, les "
-"pauvres gens n'ont plus &eacute;t&eacute; oblig&eacute;s de copier les "
-"livres &agrave; la main et ce genre d'id&eacute;e est tomb&eacute;e dans "
-"l'oubli. Je pense que c'est au XIX&egrave;me si&egrave;cle que l'impression "
-"est devenue suffisamment bon march&eacute; pour que la plupart ait les "
-"moyens d'acheter des livres, aussi l'id&eacute;e des pauvres de copier les "
-"livres &agrave; la main a &eacute;t&eacute; a &eacute;t&eacute; oubli&eacute;"
-"e Je n'en ai entendu parler qu'il y a dix ans environ quand j'ai "
-"commenc&eacute; &agrave; interroger les gens &agrave; ce sujet."
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"So originally in England copyright was partly intended as a measure of "
-"censorship. People who wanted to publish books were required to get approval "
-"from the government but the idea began to change and it a different idea was "
-"expressed explicitly in the US constitution. When the US constitution was "
-"written there was a proposal that authors should be entitled to a monopoly "
-"on copying their books. This idea was rejected. Instead, a different idea of "
-"the philosophy of copyright was put into the constitution. The idea that a "
-"copyright system could be&hellip; well, the idea is that people have the "
-"natural right to copy things but copyright as an artificial restriction on "
-"copying can be authorised for the sake of promoting progress."
-msgstr ""
-"En Angleterre, &agrave; l'origine, le copyright a &eacute;t&eacute; en "
-"partie pr&eacute;vu comme une mesure de censure. Les gens qui voulaient "
-"publier des livres devaient obtenir l'autorisation du gouvernement, mais les "
-"id&eacute;es ont commenc&eacute; &agrave; changer et c'est une toute autre "
-"id&eacute;e qui a &eacute;t&eacute; explicitement exprim&eacute;e dans la "
-"constitution des &Eacute;tats-Unis. Quand la Constitution am&eacute;ricaine "
-"a &eacute;t&eacute; &eacute;crite, il a &eacute;t&eacute; propos&eacute; que "
-"les auteurs devaient avoir le monopole sur la copie de leurs livres. Cette "
-"id&eacute;e a &eacute;t&eacute; rejet&eacute;e. &Agrave; la place, une "
-"id&eacute;e diff&eacute;rente de celle de la philosophie du copyright a "
-"&eacute;t&eacute; mise dans la Constitution. L'id&eacute;e que le "
-"syst&egrave;me du copyright pouvait &ecirc;tre... bon, l'id&eacute;e &eacute;"
-"tait que les gens avaient un droit naturel &agrave; copier les choses, mais "
-"le copyright en tant que frein artificiel &agrave; la copie pouvait &ecirc;"
-"tre autoris&eacute; dans l'intention de favoriser le progr&egrave;s."
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"So the system of copyright would have been the same more or less either way, "
-"but this was a statement about the purpose which is said to justify "
-"copyright. It is explicitly justified as a means to promote progress, not as "
-"an entitlement for copyright owners. So the system is meant to modify the "
-"behaviour of copyright owners so as to benefit the public. The benefit "
-"consists of more books being written and published and this is intended to "
-"contribute to the progress of civilisation, to spreading ideas, and as a "
-"means to this end&hellip; in other words as a means to this end copyright "
-"exists. So this also thought of as a bargain between the public and authors; "
-"that the public gives up its natural right to make copies of anything in "
-"exchange for the progress that is brought about indirectly, by encouraging "
-"more people to write."
-msgstr ""
-"Donc le syst&egrave;me de copyright allait &ecirc;tre le m&ecirc;me d'une "
-"fa&ccedil;on ou d'une autre, mais il y avait une d&eacute;claration en "
-"rapport avec ledit but pour justifier du copyright. Il est explicitement "
-"justifi&eacute; comme un moyen de favoriser le progr&egrave;s, pas comme un "
-"droit pour les propri&eacute;taires. Ainsi le syst&egrave;me est "
-"cens&eacute; modifier le comportement des propri&eacute;taires de copyrights "
-"pour en faire b&eacute;n&eacute;ficier le public. L'avantage consiste "
-"&agrave; &eacute;crire et &eacute;diter plus de livres et ceci dans "
-"l'intention de contribuer au progr&egrave;s de la civilisation, &agrave; la "
-"propagation des id&eacute;es, et en tant que moyen &agrave; cet "
-"effet&hellip; en d'autres termes c'est en tant que moyen &agrave; cet effet "
-"que le copyright existe. Donc, c'est aussi en pensant &agrave; un "
-"march&eacute; entre le public et les auteurs&nbsp;; tel que le public "
-"renonce &agrave; son droit naturel de faire des copies de n'importe quoi en "
-"&eacute;change du progr&egrave;s qui est apport&eacute; indirectement, en "
-"encourageant plus de personnes &agrave; &eacute;crire."
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"Now it may seem like an obscure question to ask &ldquo;What's the purpose of "
-"copyright?&rdquo; But the purpose of any activity is the most important "
-"thing for deciding when an activity needs to be changed and how. If you "
-"forget about the purpose you are sure to get things wrong, so ever since "
-"that decision was made, the authors and especially the publishers most "
-"recently have been trying to misrepresent it and sweep it under the rug. "
-"There has been a campaign for decades to try to spread the idea that was "
-"rejected in the US constitution. The idea that copyright exists as an "
-"entitlement for copyright owners. And you can that expressed in almost "
-"everything they say about it starting and ending with the word &ldquo;"
-"pirate&rdquo; which is used to give the impression that making an "
-"unauthorised copy is the moral equivalent of attacking a ship and kidnapping "
-"or killing the people on board."
-msgstr ""
-"Maintenant il peut sembler obscur de demander &laquo;&nbsp;quel est le but "
-"du copyright&nbsp;?&nbsp;&raquo;. Mais conna&icirc;tre le but d'une "
-"activit&eacute; est une chose essentielle pour d&eacute;cider si cette "
-"activit&eacute; a besoin d'&ecirc;tre chang&eacute;e, et comment. Si vous "
-"oubliez l'objectif, vous &ecirc;tes s&ucirc;r de vous tromper, or depuis que "
-"cette d&eacute;cision a &eacute;t&eacute; prise, les auteurs et plus "
-"particuli&egrave;rement les &eacute;diteurs ont jusqu'&agrave; r&eacute;"
-"cemment essay&eacute; de la d&eacute;naturer et de la balayer sous le tapis. "
-"Il y a eu des d&eacute;cennies de campagne pour tenter de r&eacute;pandre "
-"l'id&eacute;e qui a &eacute;t&eacute; rejet&eacute;e dans la constitution "
-"des &Eacute;tats-Unis d'Am&eacute;rique. L'id&eacute;e que le copyright "
-"existe en tant que droit pour les propri&eacute;taires de copyrights. Et "
-"vous pouvez la retrouver dans presque tout ce qu'il disent &agrave; ce sujet "
-"commen&ccedil;ant et se terminant par le mot &laquo;pirate&raquo;, qui est "
-"utilis&eacute; pour donner l'impression que faire une copie non "
-"autoris&eacute;e est l'&eacute;quivalent moral d'une attaque de bateau, et "
-"du kidnapping et du meurtre des personnes &agrave; bord."
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"So if you look at the statements being made by publishers you find lots of "
-"implicit assumptions of this sort which you have to drag into the open and "
-"then start questioning."
-msgstr ""
-"Aussi, si vous regardez les d&eacute;clarations qui sont faites par les "
-"&eacute;diteurs vous trouverez un bon nombre de postulats de ce genre que "
-"vous devez mettre en lumi&egrave;re et commencer &agrave; interroger."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+msgid ""
+"<b>Keynote speech at LIANZA conference, Christchurch Convention Centre, 12 "
+"October 2009</b>"
+msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <h3>
-msgid "Recent events and problems"
-msgstr "R&eacute;cents &eacute;v&eacute;nements et probl&egrave;mes"
+# type: Content of: <dl><dt>
+msgid "BC:"
+msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<em>[brightens]</em>"
-msgstr "<em>[il s'&eacute;claire]</em>"
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"Tena koutou, tena koutou, tena koutou katoa.  Today I have the privilege of "
+"introducing Richard Stallman, whose keynote speech is being sponsored by the "
+"School of Information Management at Victoria University of Wellington."
+msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"Anyway, as long as the age of the printing press continued, copyright was "
-"painless, easy to enforce, and probably a good idea. But the age of the "
-"printing press began changing a few decades ago when things like Xerox "
-"machines and tape recorders started to be available, and more recently as "
-"computer networks have come into use the situation has changed drastically. "
-"We are now in a situation technologically more like the ancient world, where "
-"anybody who could read something could also make a copy of it that was "
-"essentially as good as the best copies anyone could make."
-msgstr ""
-"Quoi qu'il en soit, aussi longtemps que l'&acirc;ge de la presse a "
-"dur&eacute;, le copyright &eacute;tait indolore, facile &agrave; imposer, et "
-"probablement une bonne id&eacute;e. Mais l'&acirc;ge de la presse a "
-"commenc&eacute; &agrave; changer il y a quelques d&eacute;cennies quand des "
-"choses comme les photocopieurs et les magn&eacute;toscopes sont devenues "
-"disponibles, et plus r&eacute;cemment quand les r&eacute;seaux informatiques "
-"sont devenus op&eacute;rationnels, la situation a chang&eacute; de "
-"mani&egrave;re drastique. Nous sommes aujourd'hui dans une situation "
-"technologique plus proche de l'antiquit&eacute;, o&ugrave; quiconque pouvait "
-"lire quelque chose pouvait aussi en faire une copie, qui &eacute;tait aussi "
-"bonne que les meilleures copies de n'importe qui d'autre."
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<em>[murmuring in the audience]</em>"
-msgstr "<em>[murmures dans l'assistance]</em>"
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"A situation now where once again, ordinary readers can make copies "
-"themselves. It doesn't have to be done through centralised mass production, "
-"as in the printing press. Now this change in technology changes the "
-"situation in which copyright law operates. The idea of the bargain was that "
-"the public trades away its natural right to make copies, and in exchange "
-"gets a benefit. Well, a bargain could be a good one or a bad one. It depends "
-"on the worth of what you are giving up.  And the worth of what you are "
-"getting. In the age of the printing press the public traded away a freedom "
-"that it was unable to use."
-msgstr ""
-"Une situation maintenant o&ugrave;, &agrave; nouveau, les lecteurs "
-"ordinaires peuvent faire des copies eux-m&ecirc;me. Il n'est plus n&eacute;"
-"cessaire de passer par une production de masse centralis&eacute;e comme dans "
-"la presse. Ce changement de technologie change la situation dans laquelle la "
-"loi sur le copyright s'exerce. L'id&eacute;e du march&eacute; &eacute;tait "
-"que le public n&eacute;gociait son droit de faire des copies, contre un "
-"avantage. Bon, une affaire peut &ecirc;tre bonne ou mauvaise. Cela d&eacute;"
-"pend de la valeur de ce &agrave; quoi on renonce. Et de la valeur de ce que "
-"vous obtenez. &Agrave; l'&acirc;ge de la presse, le public a &eacute;"
-"chang&eacute; une libert&eacute; dont il ne pouvait pas user."
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"It's like finding a way of selling shit: what have you got to lose? You've "
-"got it on hand anyway, if you get something for it, it can hardly be a bad "
-msgstr ""
-"C'est comme trouver un moyen de vendre de la merde&nbsp;: qu'avez-vous "
-"&agrave; perdre&nbsp;? Vous l'avez &agrave; disposition de toute mani&egrave;"
-"re. Si vous trouvez le moyen de la n&eacute;gocier, cela ne peut pas &ecirc;"
-"tre une mauvaise affaire."
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<em>[faint laughter]</em>"
-msgstr "<em>[rires ti&egrave;des]</em>"
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"It's like accepting money for promising not to travel to another star. "
-"You're not going to do it anyway"
-msgstr ""
-"C'est comme accepter de l'argent en retour de votre promesse de ne pas "
-"voyager vers autre &eacute;toile. Vous n'allez pas le faire de toute "
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<em>[hearty laughter]</em>"
-msgstr "<em>[rires copieux]</em>"
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"at least not in our lifetime so you might as well, if someone's going to pay "
-"you to promise not to travel to another star, you might as well take the "
-"deal. But if I presented you with a starship, then you might not think that "
-"deal was such a good deal any more. When the thing you used to sell because "
-"it was useless, you discover a use for it, then you have to reconsider the "
-"desirability of those old deals that used to be advantageous. Typically in a "
-"such a situation you decide that &ldquo;I'm not going to sell all of this "
-"any more; I'm going to keep some of it and use it.&rdquo; So if you were "
-"giving up a freedom that you couldn't exercise and now you can exercise it, "
-"you probably want to start retaining the right to exercise it at least "
-"partially. You might still trade part of the freedom: and there are many "
-"alternatives of different bargains which trade parts of the freedom and keep "
-"other parts. So, precisely what you want to do requires thought, but in any "
-"case you want to reconsider the old bargain, and you probably want to sell "
-"less of what you sold in the past."
-msgstr ""
-"Du moins pas de notre vivant. Donc si quelqu'un vous paye pour que vous "
-"promettiez de ne pas voyager vers une autre &eacute;toile, vous pouvez "
-"tr&egrave;s bien faire affaire. Mais si je m'&eacute;tais pr&eacute;"
-"sent&eacute; &agrave; vous avec un astronef, vous ne pourriez plus penser "
-"que c'&eacute;tait une bonne affaire. Alors que vous aviez l'habitude de "
-"vendre une chose inutile, vous d&eacute;couvrez une utilisation pour "
-"elle&nbsp;; vous allez donc reconsid&eacute;rer les charmes des anciens "
-"march&eacute;s dont vous tiriez avantage. Typiquement dans une telle "
-"situation vous d&eacute;cidez que &laquo;&nbsp;je ne vais plus tout vendre "
-"de ce que j'ai; je vais en garder une partie et m'en servir&nbsp;&raquo;. "
-"Aussi, si vous aviez l'habitude de troquer une libert&eacute; dont vous ne "
-"pouviez rien faire, mais qu'&agrave; pr&eacute;sent vous pouvez l'exercer, "
-"vous voudrez sans doute commencer &agrave; vous r&eacute;server au moins le "
-"droit de l'exercer partiellement. Vous pourriez encore n&eacute;gocier une "
-"partie de cette libert&eacute;&nbsp;: il y a de nombreuses alternatives aux "
-"diff&eacute;rents march&eacute;s qui &eacute;changent une partie de la "
-"libert&eacute; tout en la maintenant sur d'autres plans. Ainsi, ce que vous "
-"voulez faire pr&eacute;cis&eacute;ment exige une r&eacute;flexion, mais dans "
-"tous les cas vous voudrez reconsid&eacute;rer l'ancien march&eacute;, et "
-"probablement vendre moins que ce vous vendiez auparavant."
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"But the publishers are trying to do exactly the opposite. At exactly the "
-"time when the public's interest is to keep part of the freedom to use it, "
-"the publishers are passing laws which make us give up more freedom. You see "
-"copyright was never intended to be an absolute monopoly on all the uses of a "
-"copyright work. It covered some uses and not others, but in recent times the "
-"publishers have been pushing to extend it further and further. Ending up "
-"most recently with things like the Digital Millennium Copyright Act in the "
-"US which they are also trying to turn into a treaty through the World "
-"Intellectual Property Organisation which is essentially an organisation "
-"representing the owners of copyrights and patents and which works to try to "
-"increase their power, and pretends to be doing so in the name of humanity "
-"rather than in the name of these particular companies."
-msgstr ""
-"Or les &eacute;diteurs essayent de faire exactement l'oppos&eacute;. Au "
-"moment m&ecirc;me o&ugrave; l'int&eacute;r&ecirc;t du public est de se "
-"r&eacute;server une partie de libert&eacute; afin de l'exercer, les &eacute;"
-"diteurs font passer des lois qui nous demandent d'y renoncer davantage. Vous "
-"avez vu que le copyright n'a jamais &eacute;t&eacute; pr&eacute;vu pour "
-"&ecirc;tre un monopole absolu sur les utilisations d'un travail sous "
-"copyright. Il couvrait quelques utilisations et pas d'autres, mais ces "
-"derniers temps les &eacute;diteurs ont fait pression pour l'&eacute;tendre "
-"de plus en plus loin. Pour finir derni&egrave;rement avec des choses du "
-"genre la loi sur le copyright du millénaire numériqque aux &Eacute;tats-"
-"Unis. Qu'ils essayent &eacute;galement de transformer en trait&eacute; "
-"&agrave; travers l'Organisation mondiale de la propri&eacute;t&eacute; "
-"intellectuelle; (OMPI) qui est une organisation repr&eacute;sent&eacute;e "
-"essentiellement par les propri&eacute;taires de copyrights et de brevets et "
-"qui travaille &agrave; augmenter leur pouvoir, en pr&eacute;tendant le faire "
-"au nom de l'humanit&eacute; plut&ocirc;t qu'au nom de ces compagnies "
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"Now, what are the consequences when copyright starts restricting activities "
-"that ordinary readers can do. Well, for one thing it's no longer an "
-"industrial regulation. It becomes an imposition on the public. For another, "
-"because of this, you find the public's starting to object to it You know, "
-"when it is stopping ordinary people from doing things that are natural in "
-"their lives you find ordinary people refusing to obey. Which means that "
-"copyright is no longer easy to enforce and that's why you see harsher and "
-"harsher punishments being adopted by governments that are basically serving "
-"the publishers rather than the public."
-msgstr ""
-"Maintenant, qu'est-ce qui arrive lorsque le copyright commence &agrave; "
-"limiter des activit&eacute;s que les lecteurs ordinaires peuvent "
-"faire&nbsp;? Et bien, d'une part cela n'est plus un r&egrave;glement "
-"industriel. Cela devient un imp&ocirc;t sur le public. D'autre part, et pour "
-"cette raison, vous verrez le public commencer &agrave; s'y opposer. Vous "
-"savez, quand on demande &agrave; des gens ordinaires d'arr&ecirc;ter de "
-"faire des choses naturelles dans la vie, ils refusent d'ob&eacute;ir. Ce qui "
-"signifie qu'il n'est plus aussi facile d'imposer le copyright et c'est "
-"pourquoi vous voyez des punitions de plus en plus dures adopt&eacute;es par "
-"des gouvernements qui &agrave; la base servent les &eacute;diteurs "
-"plut&ocirc;t que le public."
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"Also, you have to question whether a copyright system is still beneficial. "
-"Basically, the thing that we have been paying is now valuable for us. Maybe "
-"the deal is a bad deal now. So all the things that made technology fit in "
-"well with the technology of the printing press make it fit badly with "
-"digital information technology. So, instead of like, charging the fee to "
-"cross the Atlantic in a boat, it's like charging a fee to cross a street. "
-"It's a big nuisance, because people cross the street all along the street, "
-"and making them pay is a pain in the neck."
-msgstr ""
-"En outre, vous vous demandez en quoi un syst&egrave;me de copyright est-il "
-"encore b&eacute;n&eacute;fique. En fait, ce que nous avons pay&eacute; a "
-"maintenant de la valeur pour nous. Aussi l'affaire est-elle une mauvaise "
-"affaire d&eacute;sormais. Et tout ce qui s'adaptait &agrave; la technologie "
-"de la presse s'accorde mal avec la technologie num&eacute;rique de "
-"l'information. C'est comme si au lieu de percevoir des honoraires pour "
-"traverser l'Atlantique en bateau, on percevait des honoraires pour traverser "
-"la rue. Et c'est tr&egrave;s emb&ecirc;tant, parce que les gens traversent "
-"la rue tout le long de la rue, et les faire payer revient &agrave; leur "
-"casser les pieds."
+"Richard has been working to promote software freedom for over 25 years.  In "
+"1983 he started the GNU project to develop a free operating system [the GNU "
+"system], and in 1985 he set up the Free Software Foundation.  Every time you "
+"read or send a message to nz-libs, you use the Mailman software which is "
+"part of the GNU project.  So whether you realize it or not, Richard's work "
+"has touched all of your lives."
+msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <h3>
-msgid "New kinds of copyright"
-msgstr "Nouveau genre de copyright"
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"I like to describe him as the most influential person most people have never "
+"heard of, although he tells me that that cannot possibly be true because it "
+"cannot be tested."
+msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dt>
+msgid "RMS:"
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd>
+msgid "We can't tell."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"Now what are some of the changes we might want to make in copyright law in "
-"order to adapt it to the situation that the public finds itself in? Well the "
-"extreme change might be to abolish copyright law but that isn't the only "
-"possible choice. There are various situations in which we could reduce the "
-"power of copyright without abolishing it entirely because there are various "
-"different actions that can be done with a copyright and there are various "
-"situations in which you might do them, and each of those is an independent "
-"question. Should copyright cover this or not? In addition, there is a "
-"question of &ldquo;How long?&rdquo;. Copyright used to be much shorter in "
-"its period or duration, and it's been extended over and over again in the "
-"past fifty years or so and in fact in now appears that the owners of "
-"copyrights are planning to keep on extending copyrights so that they will "
-"never expire again. The US constitution says that &ldquo;copyright must "
-"exist for a limited time&rdquo; but the publishers have found a way around "
-"this: every twenty years they make copyright twenty years longer, and this "
-"way, no copyright will ever expire again. Now a thousand years from now, "
-"copyright might last for 1200 years, just basically enough so that copyright "
-"on Mickey Mouse can not expire."
-msgstr ""
-"Maintenant quels sont les changements que nous pourrions faire valoir dans "
-"la loi sur le copyright pour l'adapter &agrave; la situation dans laquelle "
-"le public se trouve&nbsp;? Un changement radical pourrait &ecirc;tre de "
-"supprimer la loi sur le copyright mais ce n'est pas le seul choix possible. "
-"Il y a diverses situations dans lesquelles nous pourrions r&eacute;duire la "
-"puissance du copyright sans la supprimer totalement, parce qu'il y a "
-"plusieurs actions diff&eacute;rentes qui pourraient &ecirc;tre men&eacute;es "
-"avec le copyright et il y a diverses situations dans lesquelles vous "
-"pourriez le faire, et chacune d'entre elles est une question ind&eacute;"
-"pendante. Le copyright pourrait-il les couvrir ou non&nbsp;? En outre, il y "
-"a la question de savoir &laquo;&nbsp;pour combien de temps&nbsp;?&nbsp;"
-"&raquo;. Le copyright &eacute;tait &agrave; l'&eacute;poque beaucoup plus "
-"court dans sa p&eacute;riode ou sa dur&eacute;e, et il a &eacute;t&eacute; "
-"prolong&eacute; &agrave; plusieurs reprises pendant les cinquante "
-"derni&egrave;res ann&eacute;es et il para&icirc;t de plus en plus clairement "
-"que les propri&eacute;taires de copyright projettent de maintenir "
-"l'extension des copyrights jusqu'&agrave; ce qu'ils n'expirent plus jamais. "
-"La constitution des &Eacute;tats-Unis d'Am&eacute;rique indique que le "
-"&laquo;&nbsp;copyright doit exister pour un temps limit&eacute;&nbsp;&raquo; "
-"mais les &eacute;diteurs ont trouv&eacute; une mani&egrave;re de le "
-"contourner&nbsp;: tous les vingt ans ils le prolongent de vingt ans, et de "
-"cette fa&ccedil;on, aucun copyright n'expirera plus jamais. Maintenant, dans "
-"mille ans, le copyright pourrait durer 1200 ann&eacute;es, en fait juste "
-"assez pour que le copyright sur la souris Mickey ne puisse plus expirer."
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"Because that's why, people believe that US Congress passed a law to extend "
-"copyright for twenty years. Disney was paying them, and paying the President "
-"too, with campaign funds of course, to make it lawful.  See, if they just "
-"gave them cash it would be a crime, but contributing indirectly to campaigns "
-"is legal and that's what they do: to buy the legislators. So they passed the "
-"Sunny Bono copyright act. Now this is interesting: Sunny Bono was a "
-"congressman and a member of the Church of Scientology, which uses copyrights "
-"to suppress knowledge of its activities. So they have their pet congressman "
-"and they pushed very hard for increased copyright powers."
-msgstr ""
-"C'est pourquoi, les gens croient que le Congr&egrave;s am&eacute;ricain a "
-"pass&eacute;une loi pour prolonger le copyright pendant vingt ans. Disney "
-"les apay&eacute;s, et a pay&eacute; le Pr&eacute;sident aussi, avec les "
-"fonds de campagne&eacute;videmment, pour rendre &ccedil;a l&eacute;gal. "
-"Voyez-vous, s'ils avaient juste pay&eacute; enliquide, cela aurait &eacute;"
-"t&eacute; un crime, mais contribuer indirectement auxcampagnes est l&eacute;"
-"gal et c'est ce qu'ils font&nbsp;: acheter les l&eacute;gislateurs.Aussi ils "
-"ont adopt&eacute; la loi &laquo;Sunny Bono&raquo; sur le copyright. "
-"Maintenant ce qui est int&eacute;ressant, c'est que Sunny Bono &eacute;tait "
-"un membre du Congr&egrave;s et un membre de l'&Eacute;glise de Scientologie, "
-"qui utilisait le copyright pour supprimer les informations sur ses "
-"activit&eacute;s. Ainsi, ils ont leur petit chouchou au Congr&egrave;s et "
-"ont pouss&eacute; tr&egrave;s fort pour accro&icirc;tre les pouvoirs du "
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"Anyway, we were fortunate that Sunny Bono died but in his name they passed "
-"the Mickey Mouse Copyright Act of 1998 I believe. It's being challenged by "
-"the way, on the grounds that, there is a legal case that people hope to go "
-"to the Supreme Court and have the extension of old copyrights tossed out. In "
-"any case, there are all these different situations and questions where we "
-"could reduce the scope of copyright."
-msgstr ""
-"Quoi qu'il en soit, nous avons eu la chance que Sunny Bono soit mort, mais "
-"en son nom ils ont pass&eacute; la Loi sur le copyright de la souris Mickey, "
-"en 1998 je crois. C'est remis en question cela dit, en raison de l'existence "
-"d'une possibilit&eacute; juridique de voir par la Cour Supr&ecirc;me les "
-"demandes d'extension de vieux droits rejet&eacute;es. Dans tous les cas, il "
-"y a des tas de situations et questions diff&eacute;rentes o&ugrave; nous "
-"pourrions r&eacute;duire la port&eacute;e du copyright."
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"So what are some of them? Well, first of all there are various different "
-"contexts for copying. There is commercial sale of copies in the stores at "
-"one extreme and at the other there is privately making a copy for your "
-"friend once in a while, and in between there are other things, like, there's "
-"broadcasting on TV or the radio, there's posting it on the website, there's "
-"handing it out to all the people in an organisation, and some of these "
-"things could be done either commercially or non-commercially. You know, you "
-"could imagine a company handing out copies to its staff or you could imagine "
-"a school doing it, or some private, non-profit organisation doing it. "
-"Different situations, and we don't have to treat them all the same. So one "
-"way in we could reclaim the&hellip; in general though, the activities that "
-"are the most private are those that are most crucial to our freedom and our "
-"way of life, whereas the most public and commercial are those that are most "
-"useful for providing some sort of income for authors so it's a natural "
-"situation for a compromise in which the limits of copyright are put "
-"somewhere in the middle so that a substantial part of the activity still is "
-"covered and provides an income for authors, while the activities that are "
-"most directly relevant to peoples' private lives become free again. And this "
-"is the sort of thing that I propose doing with copyright for things such as "
-"novels and biographies and memoires and essays and so on. That at the very "
-"minimum, people should always have a right to share a copy with a friend. "
-"It's when governments have to prevent that kind of activity that they have "
-"to start intruding into everyone's lives and using harsh punishments. The "
-"only way basically to stop people in their private lives from sharing is "
-"with a police state, but public commercial activities can be regulated much "
-"more easily and much more painlessly."
-msgstr ""
-"Quels sont-ils pour certains&nbsp;? Et bien tout d'abord, il y a plusieurs "
-"contextes diff&eacute;rents pour la copie. Il y a la vente commerciale de "
-"copies dans des magasins &agrave; d'un c&ocirc;t&eacute;, et de l'autre il y "
-"a la copie priv&eacute;e pour un ami de temps &agrave; autre, et entre les "
-"deux il y a d'autres choses comme sa radio- ou t&eacute;l&eacute;-diffusion, "
-"son placement sur un site web, sa distribution collective dans une "
-"organisation, et toutes ces choses que l'on peut faire de fa&ccedil;on "
-"commerciale ou non-commerciale. Vous savez, vous pouvez imaginer une "
-"entreprise qui distribue des copies &agrave; son &eacute;quipe ou vous "
-"pouvez encore imaginer une &eacute;cole, ou quelque organisation priv&eacute;"
-"e, non-commerciale le faire. Diff&eacute;rentes situations que nous n'avons "
-"pas &agrave; traiter toutes de la m&ecirc;me mani&egrave;re. Aussi la "
-"fa&ccedil;on dont nous pourrions r&eacute;cup&eacute;rer le... comme en "
-"g&eacute;n&eacute;ral, les activit&eacute;s qui sont les plus intimes sont "
-"les plus importantes pour notre libert&eacute; et notre fa&ccedil;on de "
-"vivre, et que les plus publiques et commerciales sont les plus utiles "
-"&agrave; fournir un certain type de revenus pour les auteurs, il y a une "
-"situation naturelle de compromis dans lequel les limites du copyright sont "
-"pos&eacute;es quelquepart au milieu, de sorte qu'une part substantielle de "
-"l'activit&eacute; reste couverte et fournisse toujours un revenu pour les "
-"auteurs, pendant que celle qui rel&egrave;ve le plus directement de la vie "
-"priv&eacute;e des gens redevient libre. Et c'est ce genre de chose que je "
-"propose de faire avec le copyright pour des choses comme les romans, les "
-"biographies, les m&eacute;moires, les essais, etc. Qu'au strict minimum, les "
-"gens aient toujours le droit de partager une copie avec un ami. C'est quand "
-"les gouvernements ont &agrave; emp&ecirc;cher ce genre d'activit&eacute; "
-"qu'ils commencent &agrave; s'introduire dans la vie priv&eacute;e des gens "
-"et user de punitions s&eacute;v&egrave;res. La seule fa&ccedil;on "
-"d'emp&ecirc;cher les gens de partager dans leur vie priv&eacute;e c'est avec "
-"un &eacute;tat policier, mais des activit&eacute;s commerciales et publiques "
-"peuvent &ecirc;tre r&eacute;gl&eacute;es de fa&ccedil;on beaucoup plus "
-"efficace et indolore."
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"Now, where we should draw these lines depends, I believe, on the kind of "
-"work. Different works serve different purposes for their users.  Until today "
-"we've had a copyright system that treats almost everything exactly alike "
-"except for music: there are a lot of legal exceptions for music. But there's "
-"no reason why we have to elevate simplicity above the practical "
-"consequences. We can treat different kinds of works differently. I propose a "
-"classification broadly into three kinds of works: functional works, works "
-"that express personal position, and works that are fundamentally aesthetic."
-msgstr ""
-"Maintenant, l'endroit o&ugrave; nous pourrions tracer ces limites d&eacute;"
-"pend, je crois, du style de travail. Diff&eacute;rents travaux r&eacute;"
-"pondent &agrave; diff&eacute;rents besoinspour leurs utilisateurs. "
-"Jusqu'&agrave; aujourd'hui nous avons eu un syst&egrave;me de copyright qui "
-"traitait presque tout de la m&ecirc;me mani&egrave;re except&eacute; la "
-"musique&nbsp;: il y a beaucoup d'exceptions juridiques pour la musique. Mais "
-"il n'y a aucune raison de placer la simplicit&eacute; au dessus des "
-"cons&eacute;quences pratiques. Nous pouvons traiter les diff&eacute;rents "
-"types de travaux diff&eacute;remment. Je propose une classification g&eacute;"
-"n&eacute;ralement dans trois types de travaux&nbsp;: les travaux "
-"fonctionnels, les travaux qui expriment la position personnelle et les "
-"travaux fondamentalement esth&eacute;tiques."
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"Functional works include: computer software; recipes; textbooks; "
-"dictionaries and other reference works; anything that you use to get jobs "
-"done. For functional works I believe that people need very broad freedom, "
-"including the freedom to publish modified versions. So everything I am going "
-"to say tomorrow about computer software applies to other kinds of functional "
-"works in the same way. So, this criterion of free&hellip; because it "
-"necessary to have the freedom to publish a modified version this means we "
-"have to almost completely get rid of copyright but the free software "
-"movement is showing that the progress that society wants that is supposedly "
-"the justification for society having copyright can happen in other ways. We "
-"don't have to give up these important freedoms to have progress. Now the "
-"publishers are always asking us to presuppose that their there is no way to "
-"get progress without giving up our crucial freedoms and the most important "
-"thing I think about the free software movement is to show them that their "
-"pre-supposition is unjustified."
-msgstr ""
-"Les travaux fonctionnels incluent&nbsp;: les logiciels d'ordinateur&nbsp;; "
-"les recettes&nbsp;; les manuels&nbsp;; les dictionnaires et autres travaux "
-"de r&eacute;f&eacute;rence&nbsp;; tout ce que vous utilisez pour que le "
-"travail soit fait. Pour les travaux fonctionnels, je pense que les gens ont "
-"besoin d'une libert&eacute; tr&egrave;s large, y compris la libert&eacute; "
-"de publier des versions modifi&eacute;es. Aussi tout ce que je dirais demain "
-"&agrave; propos des logiciels d'ordinateur s'applique de fa&ccedil;on "
-"identique aux autres genres de travaux fontionnels. Ainsi, ce crit&egrave;re "
-"de libre...&nbsp; parce qu'il est n&eacute;cessaire d'avoir la "
-"libert&eacute; de publier une version modifi&eacute;e. Cela signifie que "
-"nous devons nous d&eacute;barrasser presque totalement du copyright. Mais le "
-"mouvement du logiciel libre est en train de prouver que le progr&egrave;s "
-"que la soci&eacute;t&eacute; veut, la soi-disant justification du copyright, "
-"peut arriver d'une autre mani&egrave;re. Nous n'avons pas &agrave; renoncer "
-"&agrave; ces importantes libert&eacute;s pour avoir le progr&egrave;s. "
-"Aujourd'hui, les &eacute;diteurs nous demandent toujours de pr&eacute;"
-"supposer qu'il n'y a aucune possibilit&eacute; de progr&egrave;s sans "
-"renoncer &agrave; ces libert&eacute;s fondamentales. Et la chose la plus "
-"importante, je pense, pour le mouvement du logiciel libre est de prouver que "
-"leur pr&eacute;suppositions sont injustifi&eacute;es."
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"I can't say I'm sure that in all of these areas we can't produce progress "
-"without copyright restrictions stopping people, but what we've shown is that "
-"we've got a chance: it's not a ridiculous idea. It shouldn't be dismissed. "
-"The public should not suppose that the only way to get progress is to have "
-"copyright but even for these kinds of works there can be some kinds of "
-"compromise copyright systems that are consistent with giving people the "
-"freedom to publish modified versions.  Look, for example, at the GNU free "
-"documentation license, which is used to make a book free. It allows anyone "
-"to make and sell copies of a modified version, but it requires giving credit "
-"in certain ways to the original authors and publishers in a way that can "
-"give them a commercial advantage and thus I believe make it possible to have "
-"commercial publishing of free textbooks, and if this works people are just "
-"beginning to try it commercially. The Free Software Foundation has been "
-"selling lots of copies of various free books for almost fifteen years now "
-"and it's been successful for us. At this point though, commercial publishers "
-"are just beginning to try this particular approach, but I think that even "
-"for functional works where the freedom to publish modified works is "
-"essential, some kind of compromise copyright system can be worked out, which "
-"permits everyone that freedom."
-msgstr ""
-"Je ne peux pas dire que je suis sûr que dans tous ces domaines on ne peut "
-"pas apporter de progrès sans restriction de copyright pour bloquer les gens, 
-"mais ce que nous avons prouvé c'est que nous avons une chance&nbsp;: ce "
-"n'est pas une idée ridicule. Elle ne devrait pas être écartée. Le public 
ne "
-"devrait pas supposer que la seule façon d'obtenir le progrès est d'avoir du 
-"copyright. Mais même pour ce genre de travaux il peut y avoir quelques types 
-"de compromis avec le système de copyright, compatibles avec le fait de "
-"donner aux gens la liberté de publier des versions modifiées. Regardez par "
-"exemple, la documentation libre de la licence GNU utilisée pour fabriquer un 
-"livre libre. Elle permet à n'importe qui de faire et de vendre des copies "
-"d'une version modifiée, mais elle exige de donner du crédit d'une certaine "
-"manière aux auteurs et éditeurs d'origine d'une façon qui leur donne un "
-"avantage commercial, et ainsi je crois rendre possible la publication "
-"commerciale des manuels libres. Et ça fonctionne, les gens commencent tout "
-"juste à l'essayer commercialement. La Free Software Foundation a vendu un "
-"bon nombre de copies de divers livres libres pendant presque quinze ans "
-"maintenant, et cela a été un succès pour nous. En ce moment, cependant, 
les "
-"éditeurs commerciaux commencent tout juste à essayer cette approche "
-"particulière, mais je crois que même pour ces travaux fonctionnels où la "
-"liberté de publier des travaux modifiés est essentielle, un certain genre 
de "
-"compromis avec le système de copyright peut être trouvé, qui permet à 
chacun "
-"cette liberté."
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"For other kinds of works, the ethical questions apply differently, because "
-"the works are used differently. The second category of works is works that "
-"express someone's positions or views or experiences. For example, essays, "
-"offers to do business with people, statements of one's legal position, "
-"memoirs, anything that says, whose point is to say what you think or you "
-"want or what you like. Book reviews and restaurant reviews are also in this "
-"category: it's expressing a personal opinion or position. Now for these "
-"kinds of works, making a modified version is not a useful thing to do. So I "
-"see no reason why people should need to have the freedom to publish modified "
-"versions of these works. Verbatim copying is the only thing that people need "
-"to have the freedom to do and because of this we can consider the idea that "
-"the freedom to distribute copies should only apply in some situations, for "
-"example if it were limited to non-commercial distribution that would be OK I "
-"think. Ordinary citizen's lives would no longer be restricted but publishers "
-"would still be covered by copyright for these things."
-msgstr ""
-"Pour d'autres genres de travaux, les questions d'&eacute;thique s'appliquent "
-"diff&eacute;remment, parce que les travaux sont utilis&eacute;s diff&eacute;"
-"remment. La seconde cat&eacute;gorie de travaux est celle des travaux qui "
-"expriment la position de quelqu'un ou ses points de vue ou ses exp&eacute;"
-"riences. Par exemple, essais, propositions d'affaires, d&eacute;clarations "
-"de sa situation l&eacute;gale, m&eacute;moires, tout ce qui est dit, dont la "
-"question est de dire ce que vous pensez ou ce que vous aimez. Les revues "
-"litt&eacute;raires, les revues h&ocirc;teli&egrave;res sont aussi dans cette "
-"cat&eacute;gorie&nbsp;: ils expriment une opinion personnelle, un point de "
-"vue. Maintenant pour ce genre de travaux, faire une version modifi&eacute;e "
-"n'est pas une chose utile. Aussi, je ne vois pas de raison &agrave; ce que "
-"les gens aient la libert&eacute; de publier des versions modifi&eacute;es de "
-"ces travaux. La copie int&eacute;grale est la seule chose que les gens ont "
-"besoin d'avoir la libert&eacute; de faire et pour cette raison nous pouvons "
-"consid&eacute;rer l'id&eacute;e que la libert&eacute; de distribuer des "
-"copies ne devrait s'appliquer que dans certaines situations, par exemple si "
-"c'&eacute;tait limit&eacute; &agrave; la distribution non-commerciale ce "
-"serait pas mal, je pense. La vie des citoyens ordinaires ne serait plus "
-"restreinte, mais les &eacute;diteurs voudraient &ecirc;tre encore couvert "
-"par le copyright pour &ccedil;a."
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<em>[drinks water]</em>"
-msgstr "<em>[il boit de l'eau]</em>"
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"Now, I used to think that maybe it would be good enough to allow people to "
-"privately redistribute copies occasionally. I used to think that maybe it "
-"would be OK if all public redistribution were still restricted by copyright "
-"for these works but the experience with Napster has convinced me that that's "
-"not so. And the reason is that it shows that lots and lots of people both "
-"want to publicly redistribute&mdash;publicly but not commercially "
-"redistribute&mdash;and it's very useful. And if it's so useful, then it's "
-"wrong to stop people from doing it. But it would still be acceptable I "
-"think, to restrict commercial redistribution of this work, because that "
-"would just be an industrial regulation and it wouldn't block the useful "
-"activities that people should be doing with these works."
-msgstr ""
-"Maintenant, je pensais que peut-&ecirc;tre il serait suffisant de permettre "
-"aux gens de redistribuer en priv&eacute; des copies &agrave; l'occasion. Je "
-"pensais que peut-&ecirc;tre &ccedil;a serait pas mal si toutes les "
-"redistributions publiques &eacute;taient encore limit&eacute;es par "
-"copyright pour ce genre de travaux, mais l'exp&eacute;rience avec Napster "
-"m'a convaincu que non. Et la raison est que cela montre que beaucoup, "
-"beaucoup de gens veulent redistribuer de fa&ccedil;on publique &mdash; "
-"redistribuer publiquement mais pas commercialement &mdash; et c'est "
-"tr&egrave;s utile. Et si c'est si utile, c'est une erreur d'arr&ecirc;ter "
-"les gens de le faire. Mais cela serait encore acceptable je pense, de "
-"limiter la redistribution commerciale de ces travaux, parce que cela serait "
-"juste une r&eacute;gulation industrielle et &ccedil;a ne bloquerait pas les "
-"activit&eacute;s utiles que les gens devraient faire avec ces travaux."
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"Oh, also, scientific papers. Or scholarly papers in general fall into this "
-"category because publishing modified versions of them is not a good thing to "
-"do: it's falsifying the record so they should only be distributed verbatim, "
-"so scientific papers should be freely redistributable by anyone because we "
-"should be encouraging their redistribution, and I hope you will never agree "
-"to publish a scientific paper in a way that restricts verbatim "
-"redistribution on the net. Tell the journal that you won't do that."
-msgstr ""
-"Ah, aussi, les documents scientifiques, ou les documents &eacute;rudits en "
-"g&eacute;n&eacute;ral tombent dans cette cat&eacute;gorie parce que la "
-"publication de leurs versions modifi&eacute;es n'est pas une bonne chose "
-"&agrave; faire&nbsp;: cela fausse le registre; elles devraient donc &ecirc;"
-"tre distribu&eacute;es uniquement dans leur int&eacute;gralit&eacute;. Ainsi "
-"les documents scientifiques devraient &ecirc;tre redistributable librement "
-"par n'importe qui parce que nous devrions encourager leur redistribution, et "
-"j'esp&egrave;re que vous n'accepterez jamais de publier un document "
-"scientifique d'une fa&ccedil;on qui limiterait sa redistribution int&eacute;"
-"grale sur le net. Dites au journal que vous ne ferez pas cela."
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"Because scientific journals have become an obstacle to the dissemination of "
-"scientific results. They used to be a necessary mechanism. Now they are "
-"nothing but an obstruction, and those journals that restrict access and "
-"restrict redistribution <em>[emphasis]</em> must be abolished. They are the "
-"enemies of the dissemination of knowledge; they are the enemies of science, "
-"and this practice must come to an end."
-msgstr ""
-"Parce que les journaux scientifiques sont devenus un obstacle &agrave; la "
-"diffusion des r&eacute;sultats scientifiques. Ils &eacute;taient un m&eacute;"
-"canisme n&eacute;cessaire. Maintenant ils ne sont rien d'autre qu'une "
-"obstruction. Et ces journaux qui limitent l'acc&egrave;s et limitent la "
-"redistribution <em>[insistance]</em> doivent &ecirc;tre supprim&eacute;s. "
-"Ils sont les ennemis de la diffusion de la connaissance; ils sont les "
-"ennemis de la science, et cette pratique doit cesser."
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"Now there is a third category of works, which is aesthetic works, whose main "
-"use is to be appreciated; novels, plays, poems, drawings in many cases, "
-"typically and most music. Typically it's made to be appreciated. Now, "
-"they're not functional people don't have the need to modify and improve "
-"them, the way people have the need to do that with functional works. So it's "
-"a difficult question: is it vital for people to have the freedom to publish "
-"modified versions of an aesthetic work.  On the one hand you have authors "
-"with a lot of ego attachment saying"
-msgstr ""
-"Il y a maintenant une troisi&egrave;me cat&eacute;gorie de travaux, qui est "
-"celle des travaux esth&eacute;tiques, dont l'utilisation principale est "
-"d'&ecirc;tre appr&eacute;ci&eacute;e: romans, jeux, po&eacute;sies, "
-"graphismes dans beaucoup de cas, et musiques pour la plupart. C'est "
-"typiquement fait pour &ecirc;tre appr&eacute;ci&eacute;. Maintenant, ils ne "
-"sont pas fonctionnels; les gens n'ont pas la n&eacute;cessit&eacute; de les "
-"modifier et de les am&eacute;liorer, comme c'est n&eacute;cessaire avec les "
-"travaux fonctionnels. Aussi c'est une question difficile&nbsp;: il est "
-"essentiel pour les gens d'avoir la libert&eacute; de publier des versions "
-"modifi&eacute;es d'un travail esth&eacute;tique. D'une part vous avez des "
-"auteurs qui font preuve de pas mal d'&eacute;gotisme."
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<em>[English accent, dramatic gesture]</em>"
-msgstr "<em>[accent anglais, gestuelle dramatique]</em>"
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "&ldquo;Oh this is my creation.&rdquo;"
-msgstr "&laquo;&nbsp;Oh, c'est ma cr&eacute;ation.&nbsp;&raquo;"
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<em>[Back to Boston]</em>"
-msgstr "<em>[retour &agrave; Boston]</em>"
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"&ldquo;How dare anyone change a line of this?&rdquo; On the other hand you "
-"have the folk process which shows that a series of people sequentially "
-"modifying the work or maybe even in parallel and then comparing versions can "
-"produce something tremendously rich, and not only beautiful songs and short "
-"poems, but even long epics have been produced in this way, and there was a "
-"time back before the mystique of the artist as creator, semi-divine figure "
-"was so powerful when even great writers reworked stories that had been "
-"written by others. Some of the plays of Shakespeare involve stories that "
-"were taken from other plays written often a few decades before. If today's "
-"copyright laws had been in effect they would have called Shakespeare a quote "
-"pirate unquote for writing some of his great work and so of course you would "
-"have had the other authors saying"
-msgstr ""
-"&laquo;&nbsp;Qui oserait en changer une ligne&nbsp;?&nbsp;&raquo;. De "
-"l'autre c&ocirc;t&eacute;, vous avez le processus folklorique qui prouve "
-"qu'une s&eacute;rie de personnes modifiant un travail de fa&ccedil;on "
-"s&eacute;quentielle, ou peut-&ecirc;tre m&ecirc;me en parall&egrave;le et en "
-"comparant alors les versions, peut produire quelque chose d'extr&ecirc;"
-"mement riche. Et non seulement de belles chansons et de courtes po&eacute;"
-"sies, mais m&ecirc;me de longues &eacute;pop&eacute;es ont &eacute;t&eacute; "
-"produites de cette fa&ccedil;on. Il y e&ucirc;t un temps d&eacute;j&agrave;, "
-"avant que la mystique de l'artiste cr&eacute;ateur &mdash; figure semi-"
-"divine &mdash; ait tant de pouvoir, o&ugrave; m&ecirc;me de grands &eacute;"
-"crivains ont retouch&eacute; des histoires qui avaient &eacute;t&eacute; "
-"&eacute;crites par d'autres. Certaines sc&egrave;nes de Shakespeare nouent "
-"des intrigues qui ont &eacute;t&eacute; tir&eacute;es de sc&egrave;nes "
-"&eacute;crites souvent plusieurs d&eacute;cennies auparavant. Si les lois "
-"contemporaines sur le copyright avaient &eacute;t&eacute; effectives, ils "
-"auraient appell&eacute; Shakespeare entre guillemets&nbsp;: &laquo;&nbsp;"
-"pirate&nbsp;&raquo; pour avoir &eacute;crit ainsi une partie de son immense "
-"travail, et &eacute;videmment vous auriez eu les dires des autres auteurs."
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<em>[English accent]</em>"
-msgstr "<em>[accent anglais]</em>"
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"&ldquo;How dare he change one line of my creation. He couldn't possibly make "
-"it better.&ldquo;"
-msgstr ""
-"&laquo;&nbsp;Comment ose-t-il changer une ligne de ma cr&eacute;ation. Il "
-"est impossible de le faire mieux.&nbsp;&raquo;"
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<em>[faint audience chuckle]</em>"
-msgstr "<em>[faible brouhaha de l'assistance]</em>"
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"You'll hear people ridiculing this idea in exactly those terms.  Well, I am "
-"not sure what we should do about publishing modified versions of these "
-"aesthetic works. One possibility is to do something like what is done in "
-"music, which is anyone's allowed to rearranged and play a piece of music, "
-"but they may have to pay for doing so, but they don't have to ask permission "
-"to perform it. Perhaps for commercial publication of these works, either "
-"modified or unmodified, if they're making money they might have to pay some "
-"money, that's one possibility.  It's a difficult question what to do about "
-"publishing modified versions of these aesthetic works and I don't have an "
-"answer that I'm fully satisfied with."
-msgstr ""
-"Vous entendrez des personnes ridiculiser l'id&eacute;e exactement dans ces "
-"termes. Bien. Je ne suis pas s&ucirc;r de ce que nous pourrions faire "
-"&agrave; propos de la publication de versions modifi&eacute;es des travaux "
-"esth&eacute;tiques. Une des possibilit&eacute;s est de faire comme ce qui "
-"est fait en musique, o&ugrave; n'importe qui peut en r&eacute;arranger et "
-"jouer un morceau. Ils peuvent avoir &agrave; payer pour &ccedil;a, mais ils "
-"n'ont pas &agrave; demander la permission de l'ex&eacute;cuter. Peut-&ecirc;"
-"tre que pour la publication commmerciale de ces travaux, modifi&eacute;s ou "
-"non, s'ils font de l'argent avec, ils pourraient devoir payer une certaine "
-"somme d'argent. C'est une possibilit&eacute;. C'est une question difficile "
-"de savoir quoi faire au sujet de la publication de versions modifi&eacute;es "
-"de ces travaux esth&eacute;tiques, et je n'ai pas de r&eacute;ponse dont je "
-"suis enti&egrave;rement satisfait."
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<strong>Audience member 1 (AM1)</strong>, question, inaudible"
-msgstr "Un membre de l'audience pose une question (MA1), inaudible."
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>: Let me repeat the question because he said it so fast "
-"you couldn't possibly have understood it. He said &ldquo;What kind of "
-"category should computer games go in?&rdquo; Well, I would say that the game "
-"engine is functional and the game scenario is aesthetic."
-msgstr ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Laissez-moi r&eacute;p&eacute;ter la question "
-"parce qu'il l'a dite tellement vite que vous ne pouviez pas l'avoir "
-"comprise. Il a dit &laquo;&nbsp;dans quel genre de cat&eacute;gorie rentrent "
-"les jeux d'ordinateur&nbsp;?&nbsp;&raquo; Bien, je dirais que le moteur de "
-"jeu est fonctionnel et que le sc&eacute;nario est esth&eacute;tique."
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<strong>AM1</strong>: Graphics?"
-msgstr "<strong>MA1</strong>&nbsp;: Et les graphismes&nbsp;?"
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>: Those are part of the scenario probably. The specific "
-"pictures are part of the scenario; they are aesthetic, whereas the software "
-"for displaying the scenes is functional. So I would say that if they combine "
-"the aesthetic and the functional into one seamless thing then the software "
-"should be treated as functional, but if they're willing to separate the "
-"engine and the scenario then it would be legitimate to say, well the engine "
-"is functional but the scenario is aesthetic."
-msgstr ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Ceux-ci font probablement partie du sc&eacute;"
-"nario. Les images sp&eacute;cifiques font partie du sc&eacute;nario; elles "
-"sont esth&eacute;tiques, tandis que le logiciel pour visualiser les "
-"sc&egrave;nes est fonctionnel. Ainsi je dirais que si elles combinent "
-"l'esth&eacute;tique et le fonctionnel en une seule et m&ecirc;me chose "
-"continue, alors le logiciel est trait&eacute; comme fonctionnel. Mais si "
-"ellessont dispos&eacute;es &agrave; s&eacute;parer la machine et le "
-"sc&eacute;nario alors il serait l&eacute;gitime de dire, bien, que la "
-"machine est fonctionnelle mais le sc&eacute;nario esth&eacute;tique."
+"I said that&mdash;I still like it.  His ideas about software freedom and "
+"free access to information were used by Tim Berners-Lee when he created the "
+"world's first web server, and in 1999 his musings about a free online "
+"encyclopedia inspired Jimmy Wales to set up what is now Wikipedia."
+msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <h3>
-msgid "Copyright: possible solutions"
-msgstr "Copyright&nbsp;: les solutions possibles"
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"Today Richard will be talking to us about copyright vs community in the age "
+"of computer networks, and their implications for libraries.  Richard."
+msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"Now, how long should copyright last? Well, nowadays the tendency in "
-"publishing is for books to go out of copyright faster and faster. Today in "
-"the US most books that are published are out of print within three years. "
-"They've been remaindered and they're gone. So it's clear that there's not "
-"real need for copyright to last for say 95 years: it's ridiculous. In fact, "
-"it's clear that ten year copyright would be sufficient to keep the activity "
-"of publishing going. But it should be ten years from date of publication, "
-"but it would make sense to allow an additional period before publication "
-"which could even be longer than ten years which as you see, as long as the "
-"book has not been published the copyright on it is not restricting the "
-"public. It's basically just giving the author to have it published "
-"eventually but I think that once the book is published copyright should run "
-"for some ten years or so, then that's it."
-msgstr ""
-"Maintenant, combien de temps le copyright devrait-il durer&nbsp;? Et bien de "
-"nos jours la tendance dans l'&eacute;dition est, en ce qui concerne les "
-"livres, de s'&eacute;loigner du copyright de plus en plus vite. Aujourd'hui "
-"aux USA la plupart des livres qui sont &eacute;dit&eacute;s sortent du "
-"circuit de l'impression en moins de trois ans. Ils ont &eacute;t&eacute; "
-"sold&eacute;s et se retirent de la vente. Ainsi il est clair qu'on a "
-"r&eacute;ellement besoin que le copyright dure 95 ans par exemple&nbsp;: "
-"c'est ridicule. En fait, il est clair qu'un copyright de dix ans serait "
-"suffisant pour que l'activit&eacute; de l'&eacute;dition tienne le coup. "
-"Mais dix ans &agrave; partir de la date de publication. On comprendrait que "
-"puisse &ecirc;tre accord&eacute;e une p&eacute;riode additionnelle avant la "
-"publication, ce qui pourrait faire plus long que dix ans&nbsp;; comme vous "
-"le voyez aussi longtemps que le livre n'a pas &eacute;t&eacute; &eacute;"
-"dit&eacute;, le copyright sur lui ne limite pas le public. C'est juste "
-"&agrave; la base pour l'auteur le temps qu'il soit &eacute;dit&eacute;. Mais "
-"je pense qu'une fois que le livre est &eacute;dit&eacute;, le copyright "
-"devrait fonctionner pendant environ dix ans et c'est tout."
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"Now, I once proposed this in a panel where the other people were all "
-"writers. And one of them said: &ldquo;Ten year copyright? Why that's "
-"ridiculous! Anything more than five years is intolerable.&rdquo; He was an "
-"awardwinning science fiction writer who was complaining about the difficulty "
-"of retrouving, of pulling back, this is funny, French words are leaking into "
-"my English, of, of regaining the rights from the publisher who'd let his "
-"books go out of print for practical purposes but was dragging his heels "
-"about obeying the contract, which says that when the book is out of print "
-"the rights revert to the author."
-msgstr ""
-"Maintenant, j'ai propos&eacute; &ccedil;a une fois dans un d&eacute;bat "
-"o&ugrave; les autres personnes &eacute;taient toutes des auteurs. Et l'un "
-"d'entre eux a dit&nbsp;: &laquo;&nbsp;dix ans de copyright&nbsp;? Pourquoi "
-"c'est ridicule&nbsp;! Quelque chose de plus de cinq ans est intol&eacute;"
-"rable.&nbsp;&raquo; C'&eacute;tait un auteur de science-fiction r&eacute;"
-"compens&eacute;, qui se plaignait des probl&egrave;mes du &nbsp;"
-"retrouving&nbsp;, du retrait &mdash; c'est dr&ocirc;le, des mots de "
-"fran&ccedil;ais s'infiltrent dans mon anglais &mdash; de, de regagner les "
-"droits de l'&eacute;diteur quand celui-ci a laiss&eacute; les livres sortir "
-"du circuit de l'impression pour des raisons pratiques mais qui tra&icirc;ne "
-"des pieds pour ob&eacute;ir au contrat, qui stipule que quand le livre est "
-"sorti, les droits retournent &agrave; l'auteur."
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"The publishers treat authors terribly you have to realise. They're always "
-"demanding more power in the name of the authors and they will bring along a "
-"few very famous very successful writers who have so much clout that they can "
-"get contracts that treat them very well to testify saying that the power is "
-"really for their sake. Meanwhile most writers who are not famous and are not "
-"rich and have no particular clout are being treated horribly by the "
-"publishing industry, and it's even worse in music. I recommend all of you to "
-"read Courtney Love's article: it's in Salon magazine right?"
-msgstr ""
-"Les &eacute;diteurs traitent les auteurs d'une fa&ccedil;on terrible il faut "
-"le savoir. Ils exigent toujours plus de pouvoir au nom des auteurs et ils "
-"apporteront un petit nombre d'auteurs &agrave; gros succ&egrave;s, tr&egrave;"
-"s connus, qui ont tellement le bras long qu'ils peuvent obtenir des contrats "
-"qui les traitent tr&egrave;s bien pour confirmer les dires comme quoi le "
-"pouvoir est vraiment dans leur int&eacute;r&ecirc;t. En attendant la plupart "
-"des auteurs qui ne sont pas c&eacute;l&egrave;bres, ne sont pas riches et "
-"n'ont pas de relations particuli&egrave;res, sont trait&eacute;s de "
-"fa&ccedil;on horrible par l'industrie de l'&eacute;dition, et c'est encore "
-"pire dans la musique. Je recommande &agrave; tous de lire l'article de "
-"Courtney Love's&nbsp;: il est dans Salon magazine, c'est &ccedil;a&nbsp;?"
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<strong>AM2</strong> (Audience member 2) Yes"
-msgstr "<strong>MA2</strong>&nbsp;: (Membre de l'audience 2) Oui"
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>: She started out by calling the record companies quote "
-"pirates unquotes because of the way they treat the musicians. In any case we "
-"can shorten copyright more or less. We could try various lengths, we could "
-"see, we could find out empirically what length of copyright is needed to "
-"keep publication vigourous. I would say that since almost books are out of "
-"print by ten years, clearly ten years should be long enough. But it doesn't "
-"have to be the same for every kind of work. For example, maybe some aspects "
-"of copyright for movies should last for longer, like the rights to sell all "
-"the paraphernalia with the pictures and characters on them. You know, that's "
-"so crassly commercial it hardly matters if that is limited to one company in "
-"most cases. Maybe the copyright on the movies themselves, maybe that's "
-"legitimate for that to last twenty years. Meanwhile for software, I suspect "
-"that a three year copyright would be enough. you see if each version of the "
-"programme remains copyrighted for three years after its release well, unless "
-"the company is in real bad trouble they should have a new version before "
-"those three years are up and there will be a lot of people who will want to "
-"use the newer version, so if older versions are all becoming free software "
-"automatically, the company would still have a business with the newer "
-"version. Now this is a compromise as I see it, because it is a system in "
-"which not all software is free, but it might be an acceptable compromise, "
-"after all, if we had to wait three years in some cases for programs to "
-"become free&hellip; well, that's no disaster. To be using three years old "
-"software is not a disaster."
-msgstr ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Au d&eacute;part, elle a appell&eacute; les "
-"soci&eacute;t&eacute;s d'enregistrement entre guillemets &laquo;&nbsp;"
-"pirates&nbsp;&raquo; pour la fa&ccedil;on dont ils traitaient les musiciens. "
-"Dans tous les cas, nous pouvons raccourcir le copyright plus ou moins. Nous "
-"pourrions essayer diverses longueurs, nous pourrions voir, nous pourrions "
-"d&eacute;couvrir empiriquement quelle dur&eacute;e de copyright est n&eacute;"
-"cessaire pour maintenir la publication vigoureuse. Je dirais que, puisque "
-"les livres sont quasi hors de circuit au bout de dix ans, clairement dix ans "
-"devraient &ecirc;tre assez longs. Mais ce ne doit pas &ecirc;tre pareil pour "
-"tous les genres de travail. Par exemple, peut-&ecirc;tre que certains "
-"aspects du copyright sur les films pourraient durer plus longtemps, comme "
-"les droits de vendre tout l'attirail d'images et de personnages aff&eacute;"
-"rents. Vous savez, c'est tellement grossi&egrave;rement commercial qu'il "
-"importe peu que ce cela soit limit&eacute; &agrave; une seule soci&eacute;"
-"t&eacute; souvent. Peut-&ecirc;tre que le copyright sur les films eux-"
-"m&ecirc;mes est l&eacute;gitim&eacute; pour que &ccedil;a dure vingt ans. En "
-"attendant pour le logiciel, je pense qu'un copyright de trois ans serait "
-"suffisant. Vous voyez, si chaque version de programme conserve un copyright "
-"de trois ans apr&egrave;s sa sortie, &agrave; moins que la compagnie ne soit "
-"en tr&egrave;s mauvaise posture, ils devraient avoir une nouvelle version "
-"avant que les trois ans soient achev&eacute;s. Et il y aura beaucoup de gens "
-"d&eacute;sireux de l'utiliser. Aussi si les anciennes versions devenaient "
-"automatiquement libres, ils continueraient quand m&ecirc;me de faire des "
-"affaires sur la nouvelle. Maintenant c'est un compromis comme je les vois , "
-"parce que c'est un syst&egrave;me o&ugrave; tous les logiciels ne sont pas "
-"libres. Mais ce serait un compromis acceptable apr&egrave;s tout, si nous "
-"devions attendre trois ans en g&eacute;n&eacute;ral pour que les logiciels "
-"deviennent libres&hellip; bien, il n'y a pas de d&eacute;sastre. Que l'on "
-"utilise des logiciels vieux de trois ans n'est pas un d&eacute;sastre."
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"<strong>AM3</strong>: Don't you think this is a system that would favour "
-"feature creep?"
-msgstr ""
-"<strong>MA3</strong>&nbsp;: Ne pensez-vous pas que c'est un syst&egrave;me "
-"qui encouragerait la d&eacute;gradation des fonctions&nbsp;?"
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>: <em>[airily]</em> Ah that's OK. That's a minor side "
-"issue, compared with these issues of freedom encouraging, every system "
-"encourages some artificial distortions in what people, and our present "
-"system certainly encourages various kinds of artificial distortions in "
-"activity that is covered by copyright so if a changed system also encourages "
-"a few of these secondary distortions it's not a big deal I would say."
-msgstr ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: <em>[d&eacute;sinvolte]</em> Ah, c'est exact. "
-"C'est un effet secondaire mineur, compar&eacute; aux questions de "
-"libert&eacute; qu'il soul&egrave;ve. Chaque syst&egrave;me entra&icirc;ne "
-"quelques d&eacute;viations artificielles chez certaines personnes, et notre "
-"syst&egrave;me actuel encourage certainement diverses sortes de d&eacute;"
-"viations artificielles dans l'activit&eacute; couverte par le copyright. "
-"Ainsi, si un syst&egrave;me parce qu'il change, encourage en m&ecirc;me "
-"temps quelques d&eacute;formations secondaires, ce n'est pas une grosse "
-"affaire je dirais."
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"<strong>AM4</strong>: The problem with this change in the copyright laws for "
-"three would be that you wouldn't get the sources."
-msgstr ""
-"<strong>MA4</strong>&nbsp;: Le probl&egrave;me avec ce changement des lois "
-"sur le copyright pour trois ans, c'est que vous n'obtiendriez pas les "
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>: Right. There would have also to be a condition, a law "
-"that to sell copies of the software to the public the source code must be "
-"deposited somewhere so that three years later it can be released. So it "
-"could be deposited say, with the library of congress in the US, and I think "
-"other countries have similar institutions where copies of published books "
-"get placed, and they could also received the source code and after three "
-"years, publish it. And of course, if the source code didn't correspond to "
-"the executable that would be fraud, and in fact if it really corresponds "
-"then they ought to be able to check that very easily when the work is "
-"published initially so you're publishing the source code and somebody there "
-"says alright &ldquo;dot slash configure dot slash make&rdquo; and sees if "
-"produces the same executables and uh."
-msgstr ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Exact. Il y aurait l&agrave; aussi une "
-"condition. Une loi qui dirait que pour pouvoir vendre des copies de logiciel "
-"au public, le code source doit &ecirc;tre d&eacute;pos&eacute; quelque part "
-"de sorte que trois ans plus tard il puisse &ecirc;tre lib&eacute;r&eacute;. "
-"Ainsi il pourrait &ecirc;tre d&eacute;pos&eacute; &agrave; la "
-"biblioth&egrave;que du Congr&egrave;s aux USA; et je pense que d'autres pays "
-"ont des &eacute;tablissements semblables o&ugrave; les copies des livres "
-"publi&eacute;s prennent place. Et ils pourraient &eacute;galement accueillir "
-"le code source et apr&egrave;s trois ans, le publier. Et naturellement, si "
-"le code source ne correspondait pas &agrave; l'ex&eacute;cutable il y aurait "
-"fraude. En fait si cela correspond vraiment, on devrait pouvoir tr&egrave;s "
-"facilement le v&eacute;rifier quand le travail est publi&eacute; au d&eacute;"
-"part. Ainsi vous &eacute;ditez le code source et quelqu'un dit que c'est bon "
-"&laquo;&nbsp;dot slash configure dot slash make&nbsp;&raquo; et voit si cela "
-"produit les m&ecirc;mes executables et hue."
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"So you're right, just eliminating copyright would not make software free."
-msgstr ""
-"Aussi vous avez raison, &eacute;liminer le copyright ne rendrait pas le "
-"logiciel &laquo;&nbsp;free&nbsp;&raquo;."
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<strong>AM5</strong>: Um libre"
-msgstr "<strong>MA5</strong>&nbsp;: Heu&hellip;libre"
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>: Right. That's the only sense I use the term. It "
-"wouldn't do that because the source code might not be available or they "
-"might try to use contracts to restrict the users instead. So making software "
-"free is not as simple as ending copyright on software: it's a more complex "
-"situation than that. In fact, if copyright were simply abolished from "
-"software then we would no longer be able to use copyleft to protect the free "
-"status of a program but meanwhile the software privateers could use other "
-"methods&mdash;contracts or withholding the source to make software "
-"proprietary. So what would mean is, if we release a free program some greedy "
-"bastard could make a modified version and publish just the binaries and make "
-"people sign non-disclosure agreements for them. We would no longer have a "
-"way to stop them. So if we wanted to change the law that all software that "
-"was published had to be free we would have to do it in some more complex "
-"way, not just by turning copyright for software."
-msgstr ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Exact. C'est dans ce seul sens que j'emploie le "
-"terme. &Ccedil;a ne le ferait pas, parce que le code source ne pourrait pas "
-"&ecirc;tre disponible, ou &agrave; la place ils pourraient tenter d'user de "
-"contrats pour restreindre les utilisateurs. Ainsi, rendre le logiciel libre "
-"n'est pas aussi simple que de mettre fin au copyright sur le logiciel&nbsp;: "
-"c'est une situation plus complexe que &ccedil;a. En fait, si le copyright "
-"sur le logiciel &eacute;tait simplement supprim&eacute;, nous ne pourrions "
-"plus utiliser le copyleft pour prot&eacute;ger le statut libre d'un "
-"programme. En m&ecirc;me temps, les adeptes du logiciel propri&eacute;taire "
-"pourraient utiliser d'autres m&eacute;thodes &mdash; des contrats ou des "
-"dissimulations sur la source pour rendre le logiciel propri&eacute;taire. "
-"Ainsi &ccedil;a pourrait signifier qu'&agrave; la sortie d'un programme "
-"libre quelque b&acirc;tard avide pourrait en faire une version modifi&eacute;"
-"e et n'en publier que les binaires, et inciter des personnes &agrave; signer "
-"des accords de non-divulgation sur eux. Nous pourrions ne plus avoir les "
-"moyens de les arr&ecirc;ter. Aussi, si nous voulions changer la loi pour que "
-"tout logiciel publi&eacute; devienne libre, nous devrions le faire de "
-"fa&ccedil;on encore plus complexe. Pas simplement en changeant le copyright "
-"sur le logiciel."
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"So, overall I would recommend we look at the various kinds of works and the "
-"various different kinds of uses and then look for a new place to draw the "
-"line: one that gives the public the most important freedoms for making use "
-"of each new kind of work while when possible retaining some kind of fairly "
-"painless kind of copyright for general public that is still of benefit to "
-"authors. In this way we can adapt the copyright system to the circumstances "
-"where we find it we find ourselves and have a system that doesn't require "
-"putting people in prison for years because they shared with their friends, "
-"but still does in various ways encourage people to write more. We can also I "
-"believe look for other ways of encouraging writing other ways of "
-"facilitating authors making money. For example, suppose that verbatim "
-"redistribution of a work is permitted and suppose that the work comes with "
-"something, so that when you are playing with it or reading it, there is a "
-"box on the side that says &ldquo;click here to send one dollar to the "
-"authors or the musicians or whatever&rdquo; I think that in the wealthier "
-"parts of the world a lot of people will send it because people often really "
-"love the authors and musicians that made the things that they like to read "
-"and listen to.  And the interesting thing is that the royalty that they get "
-"now is such a small fraction that if you pay twenty dollars for something "
-"they're probably not getting more than one anyway."
-msgstr ""
-"Ainsi, globalement je recommande &agrave; ce que nous examinions les "
-"diverses sortes de travaux et les diverses sortes de vari&eacute;t&eacute;s "
-"d'utilisation, et chercher l&agrave; un nouvel endroit pour tracer les "
-"limites&nbsp;: celles qui donneraient au public les libert&eacute;s les plus "
-"importantes pour trouver une utilisation &agrave; chaque nouveau genre de "
-"travail, en maintenant si possible pendant ce temps une sorte de copyright "
-"d'un genre indolore pour le grand public qui soit toujours un avantage pour "
-"les auteurs. De cette fa&ccedil;on, nous pouvons adapter le syst&egrave;me "
-"de copyright aux circonstances dans lesquelles nous le trouvons en nous "
-"trouvant nous-m&ecirc;me. Et avoir un syst&egrave;me qui n'exige pas de "
-"mettre des gens en prison pour des ann&eacute;es parce qu'ils auront "
-"partag&eacute; avec leurs amis, mais encourageant toujours de diverses "
-"mani&egrave;res les auteurs &agrave; &eacute;crire plus. Nous pouvons "
-"&eacute;galement je crois, chercher d'autres fa&ccedil;ons d'encourager "
-"l'&eacute;criture, d'autres fa&ccedil;ons d'encourager les auteurs &agrave; "
-"gagner de l'argent. Par exemple, supposez que la reproduction int&eacute;"
-"grale d'un travail soit autoris&eacute;e et supposez que ce travail va avec "
-"quelquechose, du genre lorsque vous &ecirc;tes en train de jouer avec, ou de "
-"le lire, il y a une bo&icirc;te sur le c&ocirc;t&eacute; qui dit: &laquo;"
-"&nbsp;cliquez ici pour envoyer 1 dollar &agrave; l'auteur ou au musicien ou "
-"tout ce que vous voudrez&nbsp;&raquo;. Je pense que dans les parties les "
-"plus riches du monde beaucoup de gens l'enverraient parce que souvent les "
-"gens adorent les auteurs ou les musiciens qui ont cr&eacute;&eacute; ce "
-"qu'ils ont aim&eacute; lire ou &eacute;couter. Et la chose int&eacute;"
-"ressante est que la redevance qu'ils auront obtenue est maintenant une si "
-"petite fraction, que si vous payez vingt dollars ils n'en obtiendront pas "
-"plus d'un de toute fa&ccedil;on."
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"So this will be a far more efficient system. And the interesting thing will "
-"be that when people redistribute these copies they will be helping the "
-"author. Essentially advertising them, spreading around these reasons to send "
-"them a dollar. Now right now the biggest reason why more people don't just "
-"send some money to the authors is that it's a pain in the neck to do it. "
-"What are you going to do? Write a cheque? Then who are you going to mail the "
-"cheque to? You'd have to dig up their address, which might not be easy. But "
-"with a convenient internet payment system which makes it efficient to pay "
-"someone one dollar, then we could put this into all the copies, and then I "
-"think you'd find the mechanism starting to work well. It may take five of "
-"ten years for the ideas to spread around, because it's a cultural thing, you "
-"know, at first people might find it a little surprising but once it gets "
-"normal people would become accustomed to sending the money, and it wouldn't "
-"be a lot of money compared to what it costs to buy books today."
-msgstr ""
-"Ce sera un syst&egrave;me bien plus efficace ainsi. Et ce qui sera "
-"int&eacute;ressant c'est que quand les gens redistribueront ces copies, ils "
-"aident l'auteur. En faisant essentiellement de la publicit&eacute; pour eux, "
-"en diffusant autour d'eux des raisons de leur envoyer un dollar. Maintenant, "
-"en ce moment, la plus grande raison pour laquelle pas plus de personne "
-"n'envoie de l'argent directement aux auteurs, c'est que c'est un emmerdement "
-"de le faire. Qu'allez-vous faire&nbsp;? Envoyer un ch&egrave;que&nbsp;? "
-"Alors &agrave; qui allez-vous exp&eacute;dier le ch&egrave;que&nbsp;? Vous "
-"auriez &agrave; d&eacute;nicher leur adresse, ce qui pourrait ne pas &ecirc;"
-"tre facile. Mais avec un syst&egrave;me commode de paiement sur Internet qui "
-"le rend efficace pour payer un dollar &agrave; quelqu'un, que nous pourrions "
-"mettre dans toutes les copies, alors je pense que vous auriez l&agrave; un "
-"m&eacute;canisme qui commence &agrave; bien marcher. Il peut prendre cinq "
-"&agrave; dix ans pour que l'id&eacute;e soit propag&eacute;e partout, "
-"parceque c'est une chose culturelle, vous savez. Au d&eacute;part, les gens "
-"pourraient la trouver surprenante mais un jour &ccedil;a devient naturel. "
-"Les gens s'habitueraient &agrave; envoyer de l'argent, et &ccedil;a ne "
-"repr&eacute;senterait pas beaucoup d'argent compar&eacute; &agrave; ce que "
-"cela co&ucirc;te d'acheter des livres aujourd'hui."
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<em>[drinks]</em>"
-msgstr "<em>[il boit]</em>"
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"So I think that in this way, for the works of expression, and maybe "
-"aesthetic works, maybe this could a successful method. But it won't work for "
-"the functional works, and the reason for that is that as one person after "
-"another makes a modified version and publishes it, who should the boxes "
-"point to, and how much money should they send, and you know, it's easy to do "
-"this when the work was published just once, by a certain author, or certain "
-"group of authors, and they can just agree together what they're going to do "
-"and click on the box, if no-one is publishing modified versions then every "
-"copy will contain the same box with the same URL directing money to the same "
-"people but when you have different version which have been worked on by "
-"different people there's no simple automatic way of working out who ought to "
-"get what fraction of what users donate for this version or that version. "
-"It's philosophically hard to decide how important each contribution is, and "
-"all the obvious ways of trying to measure it are <em>[emphasis]</em> "
-"obviously <em>[/emphasis]</em> wrong in some cases, they're obviously "
-"closing their eyes to some important part of the facts so I think that this "
-"kind of solution is probably not feasible when everybody is free to publish "
-"modified versions. But for those kinds of works where it is not crucial to "
-"have the freedom to publish modified versions then this solution can be "
-"applied very simply once we have the convenient internet payment system to "
-"base it on."
-msgstr ""
-"Aussi je pense que de cette fa&ccedil;on, pour les travaux d'expression, et "
-"peut-&ecirc;tre les travaux esth&eacute;tiques, ce pourrait &ecirc;tre une "
-"m&eacute;thode r&eacute;ussie. Mais cela ne fonctionnera pas pour les "
-"travaux fonctionnels. Et la raison pour &ccedil;a, c'est que, si une "
-"personne apr&egrave;s une autre fait une version modifi&eacute;e et la "
-"publie, sur qui les bo&icirc;tes se dirigeraient-elles? Et combien d'argent "
-"devraient-elle envoyer&nbsp;? Et vous savez, il est facile de faire &ccedil;"
-"a quand le travail a &eacute;t&eacute; publi&eacute; simplement par le "
-"pass&eacute;, par un certain auteur, ou un certain groupe d'auteurs, et ils "
-"peuvent juste convenir ensemble de ce qu'ils vont faire et cliquer sur la "
-"bo&icirc;te. Si personne ne publie de versions modifi&eacute;es alors chaque "
-"copie contiendra la m&ecirc;me bo&icirc;te avec le m&ecirc;me URL dirigeant "
-"l'argent vers les m&ecirc;mes personnes. Mais quand vous avezdiff&eacute;"
-"rentes versions qui ont &eacute;t&eacute; travaill&eacute;es par diff&eacute;"
-"rentes personnes, il n'y a pas de simple fa&ccedil;on automatique de "
-"calculer qui, doit obtenir quelle fraction, de ce que quel utilisateur "
-"donne, pour cette version ou celle-l&agrave;. Il est philosophiquement "
-"difficile de d&eacute;cider de l'importance de chaque contribution, et de "
-"toutes les mani&egrave;res &eacute;videntes d'essayer de la mesurer "
-"certaines sont <em>[emphase ]</em> &eacute;videmment <em>[/emphase ]</em> "
-"mauvaises dans certains cas, en fermant &eacute;videmment les yeux &agrave; "
-"une partie importante des faits, aussi je pense que ce genre de solution "
-"n'est probablement pas faisable quand tout le monde est libre de publier des "
-"versions modifi&eacute;es. Mais pour le genre de travaux o&ugrave; il n'est "
-"pas crucial d'avoir la libert&eacute; de publier des versions modifi&eacute;"
-"es, alors cette solution peut &ecirc;tre appliqu&eacute; tr&egrave;s "
-"simplement, une fois que nous avons le syst&egrave;me pratique de paiement "
-"sur Internet pour la baser dessus."
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"With regard to the aesthetic works. If there is a system where those who "
-"commercially redistribute or maybe even those who are publishing a modified "
-"version might have to negotiate the sharing of the payments with the "
-"original developers and then this kind of scheme could be extended to those "
-"works too even if modified versions are permitted there could be some "
-"standard formula which could be in some cases renegotiated, so I think in "
-"some cases probably possible even with a system of permitting in some way "
-"publishing modified versions of the aesthetic works it may be possible still "
-"to have this kind of voluntary payment system."
-msgstr ""
-"En ce qui concerne les travaux esth&eacute;tiques. S'il y a un syst&egrave;"
-"me o&ugrave; ceux qui redistribuent commercialement - ou peut-&ecirc;tre "
-"m&ecirc;me ceux qui publient une version modifi&eacute;e - peuvent avoir "
-"&agrave; n&eacute;gocier le partage des paiements avec le producteur de la "
-"version originale, alors ce genre d'arrangement pourrait &ecirc;tre "
-"prolong&eacute; aussi &agrave; ces travaux; m&ecirc;me si des versions "
-"modifi&eacute;es sont autoris&eacute;es, il pourrait y avoir une certaine "
-"formule standard qui pourrait &ecirc;tre ren&eacute;goci&eacute;e dans "
-"certains cas. Ainsi je pense que dans certains cas, probablement possibles "
-"m&ecirc;me avec un syst&egrave;me qui permet de publier des versions "
-"modifi&eacute;es des travaux esth&eacute;tiques, il serait possible d'avoir "
-"ce genre de syst&egrave;me volontaire de paiement."
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"Now I believe there a people who are trying to set up such voluntary payment "
-"systems. I heard of something called the street performer's protocol. I "
-"don't know the details of it. And I believe there is something called "
-"GreenWitch.com <em>[transcriber's note: URL uncertain]</em> I believe the "
-"people there are trying to set up something more or less like this. I think "
-"that what they are hoping to do is collect a bunch of payments that you make "
-"to various different people, and eventually charge your credit card once it "
-"gets to be big enough so that it's efficient. Whether those kind of systems "
-"work smoothly enough in practice that they'll get going is not clear, and "
-"whether they will become adopted widely enough for them to become a normal "
-"cultural practice is not clear. It may be that in order for these voluntary "
-"payments to truly catch on we need to have some kind of&hellip; you need to "
-"see the idea everywhere in order to&hellip; &ldquo;Yeah, I outta pay&ldquo; "
-"once in a while. We'll see."
-msgstr ""
-"Maintenant je crois qu'il y a des gens qui essayent d'installer de genre de "
-"syst&egrave;mes volontaires de paiement. J'ai entendu parler de quelque "
-"chose appel&eacute; &laquo;&nbsp;le protocole de l'artiste de rue&nbsp;"
-"&raquo;. Je n'en connais pas les d&eacute;tails. Et je crois qu'il y a "
-"quelque chose appel&eacute; GreenWitch.com <em>[la note du "
-"transcripteur&nbsp;: URL incertaine]</em>. Je crois que ces gens essayent "
-"d'installer quelque chose de plus ou moins comme &ccedil;a. Je pense que ce "
-"qu'il esp&egrave;rent faire, c'est de rassembler un bouquet de paiements que "
-"vous effectuez &agrave; diverses personnes, et charger &eacute;ventuellement "
-"par la suite votre carte de cr&eacute;dit une fois qu'il est assez important "
-"pour &ecirc;tre efficace. Si ce genre de syst&egrave;me fonctionne sans "
-"heurt dans la pratique, ce qu'ils vont devenir n'est pas clair; et s'ils "
-"sont adopt&eacute;s assez largement, &agrave; ce qu'ils deviennent une "
-"pratique culturelle normale n'est pas clair. Il est possible que pour que "
-"ces paiements volontaires se propagent vraiment, nous ayons besoin d'un "
-"certain genre de&hellip; vous avez besoin de voir l'id&eacute;e partout "
-"pour&hellip;&laquo;&nbsp;ouais, j'ai pas &agrave; payer&nbsp;!&nbsp;&raquo; "
-"de temps &agrave; autre. On verra."
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"There is evidence ideas like this are not unreasonable. If you look at for "
-"example public radio in the US, which is mostly supported by donations from "
-"listeners, you have I believe, millions of people donating, I'm not sure how "
-"many exactly but there are many public radio stations which are supported by "
-"their listeners and they seem to be finding it easier to get donations as "
-"time goes on.  Ten years ago they would have maybe six weeks of the year "
-"when they were spending most of their time asking people &ldquo;Please send "
-"some money, don't you think we're important enough&rdquo; and so on 24 hours "
-"a day, and now a lot of them have found that they can raise the "
-"contributions by sending people mail who sent them donations in the past, "
-"and they don't have to spend their airtime drumming up the donations."
-msgstr ""
-"Il est &eacute;vident que des id&eacute;es comme celles-l&agrave; ne sont "
-"pas d&eacute;raisonnables. Si vous regardez par exemple la radio publique "
-"aux USA, qui est la plupart du temps soutenue par les dons de ses auditeurs. "
-"Vous avez, je crois, des millions de personnes qui donnent. Je ne sais pas "
-"combien exactement mais il y a beaucoup de stations de radio publiques qui "
-"sont soutenues par leurs auditeurs. Et il semble qu'elles trouvent plus "
-"facile d'obtenir des dons au fil des ans. Il y a dix ans elles auraient eu "
-"peut-&ecirc;tre six semaines par an &agrave; passer la majeure partie du "
-"temps &agrave; demander aux gens &laquo;&nbsp;d'envoyer svp un peu d'argent, "
-"vous ne pensez pas que nous sommes assez importants pour vous&nbsp;&raquo; "
-"et ainsi de suite 24 heures sur 24. Et maintenant beaucoup d'entre elles ont "
-"constat&eacute; qu'elles peuvent augmenter les contributions en envoyant des "
-"mails aux gens qui leur ont envoy&eacute; des dons par le pass&eacute;. Et "
-"elles n'ont pas &agrave; d&eacute;penser leur temps d'antenne &agrave; "
-"racoler pour les dons."
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"Fundamentally, the stated purpose of copyright: to encourage righting is a "
-"worthwhile purpose, but we have to look at ways of ways to achieve it that "
-"are not so harsh, and not so constricting of the use of the works whose "
-"developments we have encouraged and I believe that digital technology is "
-"providing us with solutions to the problem as well as creating a context "
-"where we need to solve the problem. So that's the end of this talk, and are "
-"there questions?"
-msgstr ""
-"Fondamentalement, le but d&eacute;clar&eacute; du copyright&nbsp;: "
-"encourager le redressement est un but valable, mais nous devons examiner les "
-"fa&ccedil;ons d'y parvenir qui ne sont pas si dures, et sans trop "
-"restreindre l'utilisation des travaux dont nous avons encourag&eacute; les "
-"d&eacute;veloppements. Et je crois que la technologie num&eacute;rique nous "
-"fournit des solutions au probl&egrave;me en plus de cr&eacute;er le contexte "
-"o&ugrave; nous devons r&eacute;soudre le probl&egrave;me. Aussi c'est la fin "
-"de cet entretien; et il a des questions&nbsp;?"
+"I've been in New Zealand for a couple of weeks, and in the North Island it "
+"was raining most of the time.  Now I know why they call gumboots &ldquo;"
+"Wellingtons&rdquo;.  And then I saw somebody who was making chairs and "
+"tables out of ponga wood, and he called it fern-iture.  Then we took the "
+"ferry to get here, and as soon as we got off, people started mocking and "
+"insulting us; but there were no hard feelings, they just wanted to make us "
+"really feel Picton."
+msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <h3>
-msgid "Questions and discussion"
-msgstr "Questions et discussion"
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"The reason people usually invite me to give speeches is because of my work "
+"on free software.  This is not a talk about free software; this talk answers "
+"the question whether the ideas of free software extend to other kinds of "
+"works.  But in order for that to make sense, I'd better tell you briefly "
+"what free software means."
+msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "First of all, what time is the next talk? What time is it now?"
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"Free software is a matter of freedom, not price, so think of &ldquo;free "
+"speech&rdquo;, not &ldquo;free beer&rdquo;.  Free software is software that "
+"respects the user's freedom, and there are four specific freedoms that the "
+"user deserves always to have."
 msgstr ""
-"Tout d'abord, quand est le prochain entretien&nbsp;? Quelle heure est-il "
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<strong>Me</strong>: The time is quarter past three."
-msgstr "<strong>Moi</strong>&nbsp;: Il est trois heures et quart."
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><ul><li>
+msgid "Freedom 0 is the freedom to run the program as you wish."
+msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><ul><li>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>: Oh really? So I'm late already? Well I hope Melanie "
-"will permit me to accept a few questions."
+"Freedom 1 is the freedom to study the source code of the program and change "
+"it to make the program do what you wish."
 msgstr ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Oh vraiment&nbsp;? Donc je suis d&eacute;"
-"j&agrave; en retard&nbsp;? Bon, j'esp&egrave;re que M&eacute;lanie me "
-"permettra d'accepter quelques questions."
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><ul><li>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>AM6</strong> (Audience member 6): Who will decide in which of your "
-"three categories will a work fit?"
+"Freedom 2 is the freedom to help your neighbour; that is, the freedom to "
+"redistribute copies of the program, exact copies when you wish."
 msgstr ""
-"<strong>MA6</strong>&nbsp;: Qui d&eacute;cidera dans lesquelles de vos trois "
-"cat&eacute;gories un travail rentrera&nbsp;?"
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><ul><li>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>: I don't know. I'm sure there are various ways of "
-"deciding. You can probably tell a novel when you see one. I suspect judges "
-"can tell a novel when they see one too."
+"And Freedom 3 is the freedom to contribute to your community.  That's the "
+"freedom to publish your modified versions when you wish."
 msgstr ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Je ne sais pas. Je suis s&ucirc;r qu'il y a "
-"diverses mani&egrave;res de d&eacute;cider. Vous pouvez probablement "
-"reconna&icirc;tre un roman quand vous en voyez un. Je subodore que les juges "
-"peuvent aussi reconna&icirc;tre un roman quand ils en voient un."
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>AM7</strong>: Any comment on encryption? And the interaction of "
-"encryption devices with copyrighted materials?"
+"If the program gives you these four freedoms then it's free software, which "
+"means the social system of its distribution and use is an ethical system, "
+"one which respects the user's freedom and the social solidarity of the "
+"user's community.  But if one of these freedoms is missing or insufficient, "
+"then it's proprietary software, nonfree software, user-subjugating "
+"software.  It's unethical.  It's not a contribution to society, it's a power "
+"grab.  This unethical practice should not exist; the goal of the free "
+"software movement is to put an end to it.  All software should be free, so "
+"that all users can be free."
 msgstr ""
-"<strong>MA7</strong>&nbsp;: Des commentaires sur le chiffrement&nbsp;? Et "
-"sur l'interaction des dispositifs de chiffrement avec les contenus sous "
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>: Well, encryption is being used as a means of "
-"controlling the public. The publishers are trying to impose various "
-"encryption systems on the public so that they can block the public from "
-"copying. Now they call these things technological methods, but really they "
-"all rest on laws prohibiting people from by-passing them, and without those "
-"laws none of these methods would accomplish its purpose, so they are all "
-"based on direct government intervention to stop people from copying and I "
-"object to them very strongly, and I will not accept those media. If as a "
-"practical matter the means to copy something are not available to me I won't "
-"buy it, and I hope you won't buy it either."
+"Proprietary software keeps the users divided and helpless: divided, because "
+"they're forbidden to share it, and helpless, because they don't have the "
+"source code so they can't change it.  They can't even study it to verify "
+"what it's really doing to them, and many proprietary programs have malicious "
+"features which spy on the user, restrict the user, even back doors to attack "
+"the user."
 msgstr ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Bon, le chiffrement est employ&eacute; en tant "
-"que moyen pour contr&ocirc;ler le public. Les &eacute;diteurs essayent "
-"d'imposer divers syst&egrave;mes de chiffrement au public afin de "
-"l'emp&ecirc;cher de copier. Maintenant ils appellent ces choses des m&eacute;"
-"thodes technologiques, mais r&eacute;ellement elles s'appuient toutes sur "
-"des lois interdisant aux gens de les contourner. Et sans ces lois aucune de "
-"ces m&eacute;thodes n'accomplirait son but. Aussi elles sont toutes sont "
-"bas&eacute;es sur l'interposition directe du gouvernement pour que les gens "
-"arr&ecirc;tent de copier. Et je m'oppose &agrave; elles tr&egrave;s "
-"fortement, et je n'accepterai pas ces m&eacute;dias. Si pour une question "
-"pratique les moyens de copier quelque chose ne sont pas &agrave; ma "
-"disposition je ne l'ach&egrave;terai pas. Et j'esp&egrave;re que vous ne "
-"l'ach&egrave;terez pas non plus."
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>AM8</strong>: In France we have a law that says that even if the "
-"media is protected you have the right to copy again for backup purpose"
+"For instance, Microsoft Windows has a back door with which Microsoft can "
+"forcibly install software changes, without getting permission from the "
+"supposed owner of the computer.  You may think it's your computer, but if "
+"you've made the mistake of having Windows running in it, then really "
+"Microsoft has owned your computer.  Computers need to be defenestrated, "
+"which means either throw Windows out of the computer, or throw the computer "
+"out the window."
 msgstr ""
-"<strong>MA8</strong>&nbsp;: En France nous avons une loi qui dit que m&ecirc;"
-"me si le support est prot&eacute;g&eacute; vous avez le droit de le copier "
-"&agrave; nouveau pour le sauvegarder."
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>: Yes it used to be that way in the US as well until 2 "
-"years ago."
+"But any proprietary software gives the developers unjust power over the "
+"users.  Some of the developers abuse this power more, and some abuse it "
+"less, but none of them ought to have it.  You deserve to have control of "
+"your computing, and not be forcibly dependent on a particular company.  So "
+"you deserve free software."
 msgstr ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Oui, c'&eacute;tait aussi comme &ccedil;a aux "
-"USA jusqu'&agrave; il y a deux ans."
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>AM8</strong>: Very often you sign an agreement that is illegal in "
-"France&hellip; the contract you are supposed to sign with a mouse&hellip;"
+"At the end of speeches about free software, people sometimes ask whether "
+"these same freedoms and ideas apply to other things.  If you have a copy of "
+"a published work on your computer, it makes sense to ask whether you should "
+"have the same four freedoms&mdash;whether it's ethically essential that you "
+"have them or not.  And that's the question that I'm going to address today."
 msgstr ""
-"<strong>MA8</strong>&nbsp;: Tr&egrave;s souvent vous signez un accord qui "
-"est ill&eacute;gal en France&hellip; le contrat que vous &ecirc;tes "
-"cens&eacute; signer avec une souris&hellip;"
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<strong>RMS</strong>: Well, maybe they're not."
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"If you have a copy of something that's not software, for the most part, the "
+"only thing that might deny you any of these freedoms is copyright law.  With "
+"software that's not so.  The main ways of making software non-free are "
+"contracts and withholding the source code from the users.  Copyright is a "
+"sort of secondary, back up method.  For other things there's no such "
+"distinction as between source code and executable code."
 msgstr ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Bien, peut-&ecirc;tre qu'ils ne le sont pas."
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<strong>AM8</strong>: How can we get it challenged?"
-msgstr "<strong>MA8</strong>&nbsp;: Comment pouvons-nous le contester&nbsp;?"
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"For instance, if we're talking about a text, if you can see the text to read "
+"it, there's nothing in the text that you can't see.  So it's not the same "
+"kind of issue exactly as software.  It's for the most part only copyright "
+"that might deny you these freedoms."
+msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>: <em>[rhetorically]</em> Well are you going to "
-"challenge them? It costs money, it takes trouble, and not only that, how "
-"would you do it? Well, you could either try to go to a court and say, &ldquo;"
-"They have no right to ask people to sign this contract because it is an "
-"invalid contract&rdquo; but that might be difficult if the distributor is in "
-"the US. French law about what is a valid contract couldn't be used to stop "
-"them in the US.  On the other hand you could also say &ldquo;I signed this "
-"contract but it's not valid in France so I am publicly disobeying, and I "
-"challenge them to sue me.&rdquo; Now that you might consider doing, and if "
-"you're right and the laws are not valid in France then the case would get "
-"thrown out. I don't know. Maybe that is a good idea to do, I don't know "
-"whether, what its effects politically would be. I know that there was just a "
-"couple of years ago a law was passed in Europe to prohibit some kind of "
-"private copying of music, and the record companies trotted out some famous "
-"very popular musicians to push for this law and they got it, so it's clear "
-"that they have a lot of influence here too, and it's possible that they will "
-"get more, just pass another law to change this.  We have to think about the "
-"political strategy for building the constituency to resist such changes and "
-"the actions we take should be designed to accomplish that. Now, I'm no "
-"expert on how to accomplish that in Europe but that's what people should "
-"think about."
+"So the question can be restated: &ldquo;What should copyright law allow you "
+"to do with published works? What should copyright law say?&rdquo;"
 msgstr ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: <em>[rhéthoriquement]</em> Bien, vous allez les "
-"contester&nbsp;? Ca co&ucirc;te de l'argent, il faut se donner du mal, et "
-"pas seulement &ccedil;a. Comment le feriez-vous&nbsp;? Bon, vous pourriez "
-"toujours aller au tribunal et dire, &laquo;&nbsp;ils n'ont aucun droit de "
-"demander &agrave; des personnes de signer ce contrat parce que c'est un "
-"contrat invalide&nbsp;&raquo; mais &ccedil;a pourrait &ecirc;tre difficile "
-"si le distributeur est aux USA. La loi fran&ccedil;aise au sujet de ce qui "
-"est un contrat valide ne pourrait pas &ecirc;tre utilisée pour les 
-"ter aux USA. D'autre part vous pourriez &eacute;galement dire que &laquo;"
-"&nbsp;j'ai sign&eacute;ce contrat mais il n'est pas valide en France, aussi "
-"je d&eacute;sob&eacute;is publiquement et je les d&eacute;fie de me "
-"poursuivre&nbsp;&raquo;. Maintenant si c'est ce que vous envisagez de faire, "
-"si vous avez raison et si les lois ne sont pas valides en France alors le "
-"cas serait rejet&eacute;. Je ne sais pas. Peut-&ecirc;tre que c'est une "
-"bonne id&eacute;e. Je ne sais pas quels en seraient les effets politiques. "
-"Je sais qu'il y a juste deux ans une loi a &eacute;t&eacute; vot&eacute;e en "
-"Europe pour interdire un certain genre de copie priv&eacute;e pour la "
-"musique, et les compagnies d'enregistrement ont rab&acirc;ch&eacute; "
-"&agrave; quelques musiciens c&eacute;l&egrave;bres tr&egrave;s populaires de "
-"faire pression sur cette loi, et ils l'ont obtenue. Aussi, il est clair "
-"qu'ils ont beaucoup d'influence ici aussi, et il est possible qu'ils en "
-"obtiendront plus, voter justement une autre loi pour changer &ccedil;a. Nous "
-"devons penser &agrave; une strat&eacute;gie politique pour construire un "
-"coll&egrave;ge &eacute;lectoral qui puisse r&eacute;sister &agrave; de tels "
-"changements. Et les mesures que nous prenons devraient &ecirc;tre con&ccedil;"
-"ues pour accomplir &ccedil;a. Maintenant je ne suis pas un expert sur la "
-"fa&ccedil;on de le r&eacute;aliser en Europe, mais c'est &agrave; &ccedil;a "
-"que les gens devraient penser."
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<strong>AM6</strong>: What about protection of private correspondence?"
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"Copyright has developed along with copying technology, so it's useful to "
+"review the history of copying technology.  Copying developed in the ancient "
+"world, where you'd use a writing instrument on a writing surface.  You'd "
+"read one copy and write another."
 msgstr ""
-"<strong>MA6</strong>&nbsp;: Que dites-vous de la protection de la "
-"correspondance priv&eacute;e&nbsp;?"
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>: Well, if you're not <em>[emphasis]</em> publishing <em>"
-"[/emphasis]</em> it that's a completely different issue."
+"This technology was rather inefficient, but another interesting "
+"characteristic was that it had no economy of scale.  To write ten copies "
+"would take ten times as long as to write one copy.  It required no special "
+"equipment other than the equipment for writing, and it required no special "
+"skill other than literacy itself.  The result was that copies of any "
+"particular book were made in a decentralized manner.  Wherever there was a "
+"copy, if someone wanted to copy it, he could."
 msgstr ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Bien, si vous n'&ecirc;tes pas <em>[emphase]</"
-"em> publi&eacute; <em>[/emphase]</em>, c'est une question compl&egrave;"
-"tement diff&eacute;rente."
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>AM6</strong>: No, but if I send an email to somebody, that's "
-"automatically under my copyright."
+"There was nothing like copyright in the ancient world.  If you had a copy "
+"and wanted to copy it, nobody was going to tell you you weren't "
+"allowed&mdash;except if the local prince didn't like what the book said, in "
+"which case he might punish you for copying it.  But that's not copyright, "
+"but rather something closely related, namely censorship.  To this day, "
+"copyright is often used in attempts to censor people."
 msgstr ""
-"<strong>MA6</strong>&nbsp;: Non, mais si j'envoie un email &agrave; "
-"quelqu'un, c'est automatiquement sous mon copyright."
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>: <em>[forcefully]</em> That's entirely irrelevant "
+"That went on for thousands of years, but then there was a big advance in "
+"copying technology, namely the printing press.  The printing press made "
+"copying more efficient, but not uniformly.  [This was] because mass "
+"production copying became a lot more efficient, but making one copy at a "
+"time didn't benefit from the printing press.  In fact, you were better off "
+"just writing it by hand; that would be faster than trying to print one copy."
 msgstr ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: <em>[&eacute;nergiquement]</em> C'est "
-"enti&egrave;rement non pertinent en r&eacute;alit&eacute;."
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>AM6</strong>: No, I don't accept that. If they're going to publish "
-"it in a newspaper. At the moment my redress is my copyright."
+"The printing press has an economy of scale: it takes a lot of work to set "
+"the type, but then you can make many copies very fast.  Also, the printing "
+"press and the type were expensive equipment that most people didn't own; and "
+"the ability to use them, most literate people didn't know.  Using a press "
+"was a different skill from writing.  The result was a centralized manner of "
+"producing copies: the copies of any given book would be made in a few "
+"places, and then they would be transported to wherever someone wanted to buy "
 msgstr ""
-"<strong>MA6</strong>&nbsp;: Non, je ne l'accepte pas. S'ils vont l'&eacute;"
-"diter dans un journal, &agrave; ce moment l&agrave; mon recours est mon "
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>: Well, you can't make him keep secret the contents and "
-"I'm not sure actually. I mean to me, I think there's some injustice in that. "
-"If you for example, send a letter to somebody threatening to sue him and "
-"then you tell him you can't tell anybody I did this because my threat is "
-"copyrighted, that's pretty obnoxious, and I'm not sure that it would even be "
+"Copyright began in the age of the printing press.  Copyright in England "
+"began as a system of censorship in the 1500s.  I believe it was originally "
+"meant to censor Protestants, but it was turned around and used to censor "
+"Catholics and presumably lots of others as well.  According to this law, in "
+"order to publish a book you had to get permission from the Crown, and this "
+"permission was granted in the form of a perpetual monopoly to publish it.  "
+"This was allowed to lapse in the 1680s, I believe [it expired in 1695 "
+"according to the Wikipedia entry].  The publishers wanted it back again, but "
+"what they got was something somewhat different.  The Statute of Anne gave "
+"authors a copyright, and only for 14 years, although the author could renew "
+"it once."
 msgstr ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Bien, vous ne pouvez pas lui faire tenir secret "
-"les contenus et je n'en suis pas s&ucirc;r r&eacute;ellement. Je veux dire, "
-"je pense qu'il y a de l'injustice &agrave; cela. Si par exemple vous envoyez "
-"une lettre &agrave; quelqu'un mena&ccedil;ant de le poursuivre en justice, "
-"et alors vous lui dites que vous ne pouvez dire &agrave; personne que c'est "
-"moi qui l'ai fait parce que ma menace est garantie par les droits d'auteur, "
-"&ccedil;a serait assez d&eacute;sagr&eacute;able. Et je ne suis pas s&ucirc;"
-"r que cela serait m&ecirc;me confirm&eacute;."
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>AM6</strong>: Well, there are circumstances where I want to "
-"correspond with someone and keep my (and their) reply, entirely private."
+"This was a totally different idea&mdash;a temporary monopoly for the author, "
+"instead of a perpetual monopoly for the publisher.  The idea developed that "
+"copyright was a means of promoting writing."
 msgstr ""
-"<strong>MA6</strong>&nbsp;: Bon, il y a des circonstances o&ugrave; je veux "
-"correspondre avec quelqu'un et garder ma (et leur) r&eacute;ponse, "
-"enti&egrave;rement priv&eacute;e."
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>: Well if you and they agree to keep it private, then "
-"that's a different matter entirely. I'm sorry the two issues can not be "
-"linked, and I don't have time to consider that issue today. There's another "
-"talk scheduled to start soon. But I think it is a total mistake for "
-"copyright to apply to such situations. The ethics of those situations are "
-"completely different from the ethics of published works and so they should "
-"be treated in an appropriate way, which is completely different."
+"When the US constitution was written, some people wanted authors to be "
+"entitled to a copyright, but that was rejected.  Instead, the US "
+"Constitution says that Congress can optionally adopt a copyright law, and if "
+"there is a copyright law, its purpose is to promote progress.  In other "
+"words, the purpose is not benefits for copyright holders or anybody they do "
+"business with, but for the general public.  Copyright has to last a limited "
+"time; publishers keep hoping for us to forget about this."
 msgstr ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Bien, si vous et eux acceptez de la maintenir "
-"priv&eacute;, alors c'est une question enti&egrave;rement diff&eacute;rente. "
-"Je suis d&eacute;sol&eacute; que les deux questions ne puissent pas &ecirc;"
-"tre li&eacute;es, et je n'ai pas le temps de consid&eacute;rer cette "
-"question aujourd'hui. Il y a un autre entretien programm&eacute; pour "
-"commencer bient&ocirc;t. Mais je pense que c'est une erreur totale que le "
-"copyright s'applique &agrave; de telles situations. L'&eacute;thique de ces "
-"situations est compl&egrave;tement diff&eacute;rente de l'&eacute;thique des "
-"travaux publi&eacute;s. Et elles devraient &ecirc;tre trait&eacute;es d'une "
-"mani&egrave;re appropri&eacute;e, qui est compl&egrave;tement diff&eacute;"
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>AM6</strong>: That's fair enough, but at the moment the only redress "
-"one has is copyright&hellip;"
+"Here we have an idea of copyright which is an industrial regulation on "
+"publishers, controlled by authors, and designed to provide benefits to the "
+"public at large.  It functioned this way because it didn't restrict the "
 msgstr ""
-"<strong>MA6</strong>&nbsp;: C'est assez loyal, mais pour l'instant le seul "
-"recours est le copyright&hellip;"
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>: <em>[interrupts]</em> No you're wrong. If people have "
-"agreed to keep something private then you have other redress. In Europe "
-"there are privacy laws, and the other thing is, you don't have a right to "
-"force someone to keep secrets for you. At most, you could force him to "
-"paraphrase it, because he has a right to tell people what you did."
+"Now in the early centuries of printing, and still I believe in the 1790s, "
+"lots of readers wrote copies by hand because they couldn't afford printed "
+"copies.  Nobody ever expected copyright law to be something other than an "
+"industrial regulation.  It wasn't meant to stop people from writing copies, "
+"it was meant to regulate the publishers.  Because of this it was easy to "
+"enforce, uncontroversial, and arguably beneficial for society."
 msgstr ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: <em>[il interrompt]</em> Non, vous avez tort. Si "
-"les gens sont d'acccord pour garder quelque chose secret alors vous avez un "
-"autre recours. En Europe il y a des lois sur la vie priv&eacute;e. Et "
-"l'autre chose, est que vous ne pouvez pas avoir le droit de forcer quelqu'un "
-"&agrave; garder des secrets pour vous. Tout au plus, vous pourriez le forcer "
-"&agrave; paraphraser, parce qu'il a le droit de dire aux gens ce que vous "
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>AM6</strong>: Yes, but I assuming that the two people at either end "
-"are both in reasonable agreement."
+"It was easy to enforce, because it only had to be enforced against "
+"publishers.  And it's easy to find the unauthorized publishers of a "
+"book&mdash;you go to a bookstore and say 'where do these copies come "
+"from?'.  You don't have to invade everybody's home and everybody's computer "
+"to do that."
 msgstr ""
-"<strong>MA6</strong>&nbsp;: Oui, mais en supposant que les deux personnes "
-"&agrave; chaque extr&eacute;mit&eacute; sont toutes deux d'accord de "
-"fa&ccedil;on raisonnable."
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>: Well then, don't say that copyright is your only "
-"recourse. If he's in agreement he isn't going to give it to a newspaper is "
+"It was uncontroversial because, as the readers were not restricted, they had "
+"nothing to complain about.  Theoretically they were restricted from "
+"publishing, but not being publishers and not having printing presses, they "
+"couldn't do that anyway.  In what they actually could do, they were not "
 msgstr ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Bien et alors, ne d&icirc;tes pas que le "
-"copyright est votre seul recours. S'il est d'accord il ne va pas le donner "
-"&agrave; un journal, si&nbsp;?"
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>AM6</strong>: No, er, you're sidestepping my question about "
+"It was arguably beneficial because the general public, according to the "
+"concepts of copyright law, traded away a theoretical right they were not in "
+"a position to exercise.  In exchange, they got the benefits of more writing."
 msgstr ""
-"<strong>MA6</strong>&nbsp;: Non, heu, vous &eacute;vitez ma question au "
-"sujet de l'interception."
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>: Oh interception. That's a totally different&hellip; "
-"<em>[heatedly]</em> no you didn't ask about interception. This is the first "
-"time you mentioned interception&hellip;"
+"Now if you trade away something you have no possible use for, and you get "
+"something you can use in exchange, it's a positive trade.  Whether or not "
+"you could have gotten a better deal some other way, that's a different "
+"question, but at least it's positive."
 msgstr ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Oh, interception. C'est compl&egrave;tement "
-"diff&eacute;rent&hellip; <em>[&acirc;prement]</em> non vous n'avez pas "
-"demand&eacute; &agrave; propos de l'interception. C'est la premi&egrave;re "
-"fois que vous avez mentionn&eacute; l'interception&hellip;"
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<strong>AM6</strong>: No it's the second time."
-msgstr "<strong>MA6</strong>&nbsp;: Non c'est la deuxi&egrave;me fois."
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"So if this were still in the age of the printing press, I don't think I'd be "
+"complaining about copyright law.  But the age of the printing press is "
+"gradually giving way to the age of the computer networks&mdash;another "
+"advance in copying technology that makes copying more efficient, and once "
+"again not uniformly so."
+msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<strong>AM9</strong>: <em>[murmurs assent to AM6]</em>"
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"Here's what we had in the age of the printing press: mass production very "
+"efficient, one at a time copying still just as slow as the ancient world.  "
+"Digital technology gets us here: they've both benefited, but one-off copying "
+"has benefited the most."
 msgstr ""
-"<strong>MA9</strong>&nbsp;: <em>[murmure son assentiment &agrave; MA6]</em>"
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>: <em>[still heated]</em> Well I didn't hear you "
-"before&hellip; it's totally silly&hellip; it's like trying to&hellip; oh how "
-"can I compare?&hellip; it's like trying to kill an elephant with a waffle "
-"iron I mean they have nothing to do with each other."
+"We get to a situation much more like the ancient world, where one at a time "
+"copying is not so much worse [i.e., harder] than mass production copying.  "
+"It's a little bit less efficient, a little bit less good, but it's perfectly "
+"cheap enough that hundreds of millions of people do it.  Consider how many "
+"people write CDs once in a while, even in poor countries.  You may not have "
+"a CD-writer yourself, so you go to a store where you can do it."
 msgstr ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: <em>[toujours irrit&eacute;]</em> Je ne vous "
-"avais pas entendu avant&hellip; c'est totalement idiot&hellip; c'est comme "
-"essayer de&hellip; oh &agrave; quoi puis-je comparer&nbsp;?&hellip;c'est "
-"comme essayer de tuer un &eacute;l&eacute;phant avec un moule &agrave; "
-"gaufres, je veux dire qu'ils n'ont rien &agrave; faire l'un avec l'autre."
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<em>[uninterpretable silence falls]</em>"
-msgstr "<em>[un ininterpr&eacute;table silence tombe]</em>"
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"This means that copyright no longer fits in with the technology as it used "
+"to.  Even if the words of copyright law had not changed, they wouldn't have "
+"the same effect.  Instead of an industrial regulation on publishers "
+"controlled by authors, with the benefits set up to go to the public, it is "
+"now a restriction on the general public, controlled mainly by the "
+"publishers, in the name of the authors."
+msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>AM10</strong>: Have you thought about changes <em>[inaudible, in "
-"trade secrets?]</em>"
+"In other words, it's tyranny.  It's intolerable and we can't allow it to "
+"continue this way."
 msgstr ""
-"<strong>MA10</strong>&nbsp;: Vous avez pens&eacute; aux changements <em>"
-"[inaudible, des secrets commerciaux&nbsp;?]</em>"
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>: Uh yes: Trade secrets has developed in a very ominous "
-"and menacing direction. It used to be that trade secrecy meant that you "
-"wanted to keep something secret so you didn't tell anybody, and later on it "
-"was something that was done within a business telling just a few people "
-"something and they would agree to keep it secret. But now, it's turning into "
-"something where the public in general is becoming conscripted into keeping "
-"secrets for business even if they have never agreed in any way to keep these "
-"secrets and that's a pressure. So those who pretend that trade secrecy is "
-"just carrying out some natural right of theirs; that's just not true any "
-"more. They're getting explicit government help in forcing other people to "
-"keep their secrets. And we might want to consider whether non-disclosure "
-"agreements should in general be considered legitimate contracts because of "
-"the anti-social nature of trade secrecy it shouldn't be considered automatic "
-"that just because somebody has promised to keep a secret that that means "
-"it's binding."
+"As a result of this change, [copyright] is no longer easy to enforce, no "
+"longer uncontroversial, and no longer beneficial."
 msgstr ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: hmm, oui&nbsp;: les secrets commerciaux se sont "
-"d&eacute;velopp&eacute;s dans une direction inqui&eacute;tante et "
-"mena&ccedil;ante. Le secret commercial signifiait que vous vouliez maintenir "
-"secret quelque chose, donc vous ne l'avez dit &agrave; personne, et plus "
-"tard, &ccedil;a s'est fait dans les affaires de dire juste &agrave; quelques "
-"personnes quelque chose et ils devaient accepter de le maintenir secret. "
-"Mais maintenant, &ccedil;a prend une tournure o&ugrave; le public en "
-"g&eacute;n&eacute;ral devient enr&ocirc;l&eacute; dans le fait de garder des "
-"secrets d'affaires, m&ecirc;me s'ils n'ont jamais convenu de quelque "
-"fa&ccedil;on que ce soit de garder ces secrets. Et c'est une pression. Ainsi "
-"&agrave; ceux qui feignent de croire que le secret commercial est juste un "
-"transposition sur l'ext&eacute;rieur de certains de leurs droits, ce n'est "
-"justement pas vrai. Ils obtiennent l'aide explicite du gouvernement en "
-"vigueur en for&ccedil;ant les autres personnes &agrave; garder leurs "
-"secrets. Et nous pourrions nous demander si les accords de non-divulgation "
-"devraient d'une fa&ccedil;on g&eacute;n&eacute;rale &ecirc;tre consid&eacute;"
-"r&eacute;s comme des contrats l&eacute;gitimes &agrave; cause de la nature "
-"antisociale du secret commercial. Il ne devrait pas &ecirc;tre consid&eacute;"
-"r&eacute; comme automatique, juste parce que quelqu'un a promis de garder un "
-"secret, que c'est obligatoire."
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"Maybe in some cases it should be and in some cases it should not be.  If "
-"there's a clear public benefit from knowing then maybe that should "
-"invalidate the contract, or maybe it should be valid when it is signed with "
-"customers or maybe between a business and a, maybe when a business supplies "
-"secrets to its suppliers that should be legitimate, but to its customers, no."
+"It's no longer easy to enforce because now the publishers want to enforce it "
+"against each and every person, and to do this requires cruel measures, "
+"draconian punishments, invasions of privacy, abolition of our basic ideas of "
+"justice.  There's almost no limit to how far they will propose to go to "
+"prosecute the War on Sharing."
 msgstr ""
-"Peut-&ecirc;tre que dans certains cas, &ccedil;a devrait, et dans d'autres "
-"non. S'il y a un avantage public clair de savoir alors peut-&ecirc;tre que "
-"&ccedil;a devrait invalider le contrat. Ou peut-&ecirc;tre devrait-il &ecirc;"
-"tre valide quand il est sign&eacute; avec des clients. Ou peut-&ecirc;tre "
-"entre une soci&eacute;t&eacute; et un <em>[&hellip;]</em>. Peut-&ecirc;tre "
-"que &ccedil;a devrait &ecirc;tre l&eacute;gitime quand une soci&eacute;"
-"t&eacute; fournit des secrets &agrave; ses fournisseurs. Mais &agrave; ses "
-"clients, non."
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"There are various possibilities one can think of, but at the very start "
-"anybody who hasn't voluntarily agreed to keep the secrets should not be "
-"bound by trade secrecy. That's the way it was until not long ago. Maybe it "
-"still is that way in Europe, I'm not sure."
+"It's no longer uncontroversial.  There are political parties in several "
+"countries whose basic platform is 'freedom to share'."
 msgstr ""
-"Il y a diverses possibilit&eacute;s auxquelles chacun peut penser, mais tout "
-"au d&eacute;but quiconque n'a pas accept&eacute; volontairement de garder "
-"les secrets ne devrait pas &ecirc;tre li&eacute; par le secret commercial. "
-"C'&eacute;tait comme &ccedil;a il n'y a pas si longtemps encore. Peut-&ecirc;"
-"tre que c'est toujours comme &ccedil;a en Europe, je ne suis pas s&ucirc;r."
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<strong>AM11</strong>: Is is OK for a company to ask say its&hellip;"
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"It's no longer beneficial because the freedoms that we conceptually traded "
+"away (because we couldn't exercise them), we now can exercise.  They're "
+"tremendously useful, and we want to exercise them."
 msgstr ""
-"<strong>MA11</strong>&nbsp;: Est-ce qu'une entreprise peut le demander "
-"&agrave; ses&hellip;"
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<strong>RMS</strong>: employees?"
-msgstr "<strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: employ&eacute;s&nbsp;?"
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid "What would a democratic government do in this situation?"
+msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<strong>AM11</strong>: No no"
-msgstr "<strong>MA11</strong>&nbsp;: Non non"
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"It would reduce copyright power.  It would say: &ldquo;The trade we made on "
+"behalf of our citizens, trading away some of their freedom which now they "
+"need, is intolerable.  We have to change this; we can't trade away the "
+"freedom that is important.&rdquo; We can measure the sickness of democracy "
+"by the tendency of governments to do the exact opposite around the world, "
+"extending copyright power when they should reduce it."
+msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<strong>RMS</strong>: suppliers?"
-msgstr "<strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: fournisseurs&nbsp;?"
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"One example is in the dimension of time.  Around the world we see pressure "
+"to make copyright last longer and longer and longer."
+msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>AM11</strong>: yes, suppliers. What if the customer is another "
+"A wave of this started in the US in 1998.  Copyright was extended by 20 "
+"years on both past and future works.  I do not understand how they hope to "
+"convince the now dead or senile writers of the 20s and 30s to write more "
+"back then by extending copyright on their works now.  If they have a time "
+"machine with which to inform them, they haven't used it.  Our history books "
+"don't say that there was a burst of vigor in the arts in the 20s when all "
+"the artists found out that their copyrights would be extended in 1998."
 msgstr ""
-"<strong>MA11</strong>&nbsp;: oui, fournisseurs. Et si le client est un autre "
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<em>[gap as minidisk changed]</em>"
-msgstr "<em>[espace pendant que le minidisque est chang&eacute;]</em>"
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"It's theoretically conceivable that 20 years more copyright on future works "
+"would convince people to make more effort in producing those works.  But not "
+"anyone rational, because the discounted present value of 20 more years of "
+"copyright starting 75 years in the future&mdash;if it's a work made for "
+"hire&mdash;and probably even longer if it's a work with an individual "
+"copyright holder, is so small it couldn't persuade any rational person to do "
+"anything different.  Any business that wants to claim otherwise ought to "
+"present its projected balance sheets for 75 years in the future, which of "
+"course they can't do because none of them really looks that far ahead."
+msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<strong>RMS</strong>: Let's start by not encouraging it."
-msgstr "<strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Commen&ccedil;ons par ne pas l'encourager."
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"The real reason for this law, the desire that prompted various companies to "
+"purchase this law in the US Congress, which is how laws are decided on for "
+"the most part, was they had lucrative monopolies and they wanted those "
+"monopolies to continue."
+msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>AM12</strong>: I have a question regarding your opinion on the "
-"scientific work on journals and textbooks. In my profession at least one "
-"official journal and textbook are available on-line, but they retain "
-"copyright, but there is free access to the resources provided they have "
-"internet access."
+"For instance, Disney was aware that the first film in which Mickey Mouse "
+"appeared would go into the public domain in a few years, and then anybody "
+"would be free to draw that same character as part of other works.  Disney "
+"didn't want that to happen.  Disney borrows a lot from the public domain, "
+"but is determined never to give the slightest thing back.  So Disney paid "
+"for this law, which we refer to as the Mickey Mouse Copyright Act."
 msgstr ""
-"<strong>MA12</strong>&nbsp;: J'ai une question concernant votre avis sur le "
-"travail scientifique des journaux et des manuels. Dans ma profession au "
-"moins un Journal officiel et un manuel sont disponibles en ligne. Ils "
-"maintiennent le copyright, mais il y a un libre acc&egrave;s aux ressources "
-"pourvu qu'on ait l'acc&egrave;s &agrave; Internet."
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>: Well, that's good. But there are many journals where "
-"it is not like that. For example, the ACM journals you can't access unless "
-"you are a subscriber: they're blocked. So I think journals should all start "
-"opening up access on the web."
+"The movie companies say they want perpetual copyright, but the US "
+"Constitution won't let them get that officially.  So they came up with a way "
+"to get the same result unofficially: &ldquo;perpetual copyright on the "
+"installment plan&rdquo;.  Every 20 years they extend copyright for 20 more "
+"years.  So that at any given time, any given work has a date when it will "
+"supposedly fall into the public domain.  But that date is like tomorrow, it "
+"never comes.  By the time you get there they will have postponed it, unless "
+"we stop them next time."
 msgstr ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Ok, c'est bon. Mais il y a beaucoup de journaux "
-"o&ugrave; ce n'est pas comme &ccedil;a. Par exemple, les journaux d'ACM "
-"auxquels vous ne pouvez pas acc&eacute;der &agrave; part si vous &ecirc;tes "
-"abonn&eacute;&nbsp;: ils sont bloqu&eacute;s. Aussi je pense que les "
-"journaux devraient tout commencer &agrave; en ouvrir l'acc&egrave;s sur le "
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>AM12</strong>: So what impact does that have on the significance of "
-"copyright on the public when you basically don't interfere with providing "
-"free access on the web."
+"That's one dimension, the dimension of duration.  But even more important is "
+"the dimension of breadth: which uses of the work does copyright cover?"
 msgstr ""
-"<strong>MA12</strong>&nbsp;: Aussi, quel impact cela a t-il sur le sens du "
-"copyright sur le public, quand fondamentalement vous n'intervenez pas en "
-"proposant un libre acc&egrave;s sur le net&nbsp;?"
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>: Well, first of all, I disagree. Mirror sites are "
-"essential, so the journal should only provide open access but they should "
-"also give everyone the freedom to set up mirror sites with verbatim copies "
-"of these papers. If not then there is a danger that they will get lost.  "
-"Various kinds of calamities could cause them to be lost, you know, natural "
-"disasters, political disasters, technical disasters, bureaucratic disasters, "
-"fiscal disasters&hellip; All sorts of things could cause that one site to "
-"disappear. So really what the scholarly community should logically be doing "
-"is carefully arranging to have a wide network of mirror sites making sure "
-"that every paper is available on every continent, from places near the ocean "
-"to places that are far inland and you know this is exactly the kind of thing "
-"that major libraries will feel is their mission if only they were not being "
+"In the age of the printing press, copyright wasn't supposed to cover all "
+"uses of a copyrighted work, because copyright regulated certain uses that "
+"were the exceptions in a broader space of unregulated uses.  There were "
+"certain things you were simply allowed to do with your copy of a book."
 msgstr ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Bien, tout d'abord je suis en d&eacute;saccord. "
-"Les sites miroir sont essentiels. Ainsi, le journal devrait non seulement "
-"offrir un acc&egrave;s libre mais devrait &eacute;galement donner &agrave; "
-"chacun la libert&eacute; d'installer des sites en miroir avec les copies "
-"int&eacute;grales de ces articles. Sinon, il y a un danger qu'ils soient "
-"perdus. Divers genres de calamit&eacute;s pourraient causer leur perte, vous "
-"savez, des d&eacute;sastres naturels, d&eacute;sastres politiques, d&eacute;"
-"sastres techniques, d&eacute;sastres bureaucratiques, d&eacute;sastres "
-"fiscaux&hellip; Toutes sortes de choses qui pourraient provoquer leur "
-"dispararition du site. C'est tellement vrai, que ce que la communaut&eacute; "
-"savante devrait logiquement faire, c'est se charger soigneusement d'avoir un "
-"large r&eacute;seau de sites en miroir en s'assurant que chaque papier est "
-"disponible sur chaque continent; depuis le bord de l'oc&eacute;an "
-"jusqu'&agrave; l'int&eacute;rieur des terres. Et vous savez que c'est "
-"exactement le genre de chose que les biblioth&egrave;ques principales "
-"sentiront que c'est dans leur mission de faire, si seulement elles n'&eacute;"
-"taient pas arr&ecirc;t&eacute;es."
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"So what should be done, is that these journals should go one step further. "
-"In addition to saying everybody can access the site they should be saying, "
-"everyone can set up a mirror site. Even if they said, you have to do the "
-"whole publication of this journal, together with our advertisements, now "
-"that would still at least do the job of making the availability redundant so "
-"that it's not in danger, and other institutions would set up mirror sites, "
-"and I predict that you would find ten years down the road, a very well "
-"organised unofficial system of co-ordinating the mirroring to make sure that "
-"nothing was getting left out. At this point the amount that it costs to set "
-"up the mirror site for years of a journal is so little that it doesn't "
-"require any special funding; nobody has to work very hard: just let "
-"librarians do it. Anyway, oh there was some other thing that this raised and "
-"I can't remember what it is. Oh well, I'll just have to let it go."
+"Now the publishers have got the idea that they can turn our computers "
+"against us, and use them to seize total power over all use of published "
+"works.  They want to set up a pay-per-view universe.  They're doing it with "
+"DRM (Digital Restrictions Management)&mdash;the intentional features of "
+"software that's designed to restrict the user.  And often the computer "
+"itself is designed to restrict the user."
 msgstr ""
-"Aussi, ce qui devrait &ecirc;tre fait, c'est que ces journaux devraient "
-"faire un pas de plus en avant. En plus de dire &laquo;&nbsp;tout le monde "
-"peut acc&eacute;der au site&nbsp;&raquo;, ils devraient dire &laquo;&nbsp;"
-"chacun peut installer un site miroir&nbsp;&raquo;. M&ecirc;me s'ils disaient "
-"&laquo;&nbsp;vous devez faire la publication enti&egrave;re de ce journal, "
-"en m&ecirc;me temps que nos annonces&nbsp;&raquo;, n&eacute;anmoins &ccedil;"
-"a ne ferait que rendre la disponibilit&eacute; superflue, au lieu de la "
-"mettre en danger. Et d'autres &eacute;tablissements installeraient des sites "
-"en miroir. Et je pr&eacute;vois que vous trouveriez dans un peu plus de dix "
-"ans, un syst&egrave;me officieux tr&egrave;s bien organis&eacute; de "
-"coordinateurs pour s'assurer que rien ne serait oubli&eacute;. En ce moment, "
-"ce que cela co&ucirc;te d'installer pour des ann&eacute;es un site en miroir "
-"d'un journal est si faible qu'il n'exige pas de financement sp&eacute;cial; "
-"personne n'a &agrave; travailler tr&egrave;s dur&nbsp;: il y a juste "
-"&agrave; laisser les biblioth&eacute;caires le faire. Quoi qu'il en soit, "
-"oh, il y avait autre chose que &ccedil;a a soulev&eacute;&hellip; et je ne "
-"me souviens pas ce que c'&eacute;tait. Oh ,bon, j'ai oubli&eacute;."
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>AM13</strong>: The financing problem for the aesthetical "
-"works&hellip; do you think the dynamics could be&hellip; <em>[inaudible]</"
-"em> although I understand the problems of&hellip; I mean who's contributing? "
-"and who will be rewarded? Does the spirit of free software <em>[inaudible]</"
+"The first way in which the general public saw this was in DVDs.  A movie on "
+"a DVD was usually encrypted, and the format was secret.  The DVD conspiracy "
+"kept this secret because they said anyone that wants to make DVD players has "
+"to join the conspiracy, promise to keep the format secret, and promise to "
+"design the DVD players to restrict the users according to the rules, which "
+"say it has to stop the user from doing this, from doing that, from doing "
+"that&mdash;a precise set of requirements, all of which are malicious towards "
 msgstr ""
-"<strong>MA13</strong>&nbsp;: Le probl&egrave;me de financement pour les "
-"travaux esth&eacute;tiques&hellip; pensez-vous que la dynamique pourrait "
-"&ecirc;tre&hellip; <em>[inaudible]</em> bien que je comprenne les "
-"probl&egrave;mes de&hellip; Je veux dire qui contribue&nbsp;? Et qui sera "
-"r&eacute;compens&eacute;&nbsp;? Est-ce que l'esprit du logiciel libre <em>"
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>: I don't know. It's certainly suggesting the idea to "
-"people.  We'll see. I don't the answers, I don't know how we're going to get "
-"there, I'm trying to think about where we should get to. I know know how we "
-"can get there. The publishers are so powerful, and can get governments to do "
-"their bidding. How we're going to build up the kind of world where the "
-"public refuses to tolerate this any more I don't know. I think the first "
-"thing we have to do is to clearly reject the term pirate and the views that "
-"go with it. Every time we hear that we have to speak out and say this is "
-"propaganda, it's not wrong for people to share these published works with "
-"each other, it's sharing with you friend, it's good. And sharing with your "
-"friend is more important than how much money these companies get. The "
-"society shouldn't be shaped for the sake of these companies. We have to keep "
-"on&hellip; because you see the idea that they've spread&mdash;that anything "
-"that reduces their income is immoral and therefore people must be restricted "
-"in any way it takes to guarantee for them to be paid for everything&hellip; "
-"that is the fundamental thing that we have to start attacking directly. "
-"People have mostly tried tactics of concentrating on secondary issues, you "
-"know, to when people, you know when the publishers demand increased power "
-"usually people saying it will cause some secondary kind of harm and arguing "
-"based on that but you rarely find anybody (except me) saying that the whole "
-"point of the change is wrong, that it's wrong to restrict it in that way, "
-"that it's legitimate for people to want to change copies and that they "
-"should be allowed to. We have to have more of this. We have to start cutting "
-"the root of their dominion not just hacking away at a few leaves."
+"It worked for a while, but then some people figured out the secret format, "
+"and published free software capable of reading the movie on a DVD and "
+"playing it.  Then the publishers said &ldquo;since we can't actually stop "
+"them, we have to make it a crime&rdquo;.  And they started that in the US in "
+"1998 with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, which imposed censorship on "
+"software capable of doing such jobs."
 msgstr ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Je ne sais pas. L'id&eacute;e vient certainement "
-"&agrave; l'esprit des gens. Nous verrons. Je n'ai pas les r&eacute;ponses. "
-"Je ne sais pas comment nous allons les avoir. J'essaye de penser &agrave; "
-"peu pr&egrave;s o&ugrave; nous pourrions les obtenir. Je ne sais pas comment "
-"nous pourrions y arriver. Les &eacute;diteurs sont si puissants&hellip; ils "
-"peuvent obtenir des gouvernements qu'ils ex&eacute;cutent leurs ordres. "
-"Comment allons-nous construire ce genre de monde o&ugrave; le public refuse "
-"de tol&eacute;rer &ccedil;a plus longtemps, je ne sais pas. Je pense que la "
-"premi&egrave;re chose que nous devons faire est de rejeter clairement le mot "
-"pirate et les images qui vont avec. Tous les jours on nous dit d'oser "
-"prendre la parole, et dire que c'est de la propagande, qu'il n'est pas "
-"mauvais pour les gens de partager ces travaux publi&eacute;s avec les "
-"autres, que c'est partager avec votre ami, et que c'est bien. Et que "
-"partager avec votre ami, c'est plus important que l'argent que ces "
-"compagnies gagnent. Que la soci&eacute;t&eacute; ne devrait pas &ecirc;tre "
-"fa&ccedil;onn&eacute;e sur leurs int&eacute;r&ecirc;ts. Nous devons "
-"continuer&hellip; parce que vous voyez, l'id&eacute;e qu'elles ont r&eacute;"
-"pandu &mdash; que tout ce qui r&eacute;duit leur revenu est immoral et donc "
-"que les gens doivent &ecirc;tre limit&eacute;s quelqu'en soit le moyen pour "
-"garantir qu'ils seront pay&eacute;s pour tout&hellip; c'est la chose "
-"fondamentale que nous devons commencer &agrave; attaquer directement. Les "
-"gens ont la plupart du temps essay&eacute; la tactique de la concentration "
-"sur les questions secondaires, vous savez&hellip; Quand les &eacute;diteurs "
-"exigent plus de pouvoir, les gens habituellement disent que cela causera un "
-"certain type de mal secondaire, et basent leurs arguments la-dessus. Mais "
-"vous trouvez rarement quelqu'un (except&eacute; moi) qui dit que le point "
-"entier du changement est erron&eacute;, que c'est une erreur de le limiter "
-"de cette fa&ccedil;on, qu'il est l&eacute;gitime pour les gens de vouloir "
-"changer les copies et que &ccedil;a devrait leur &ecirc;tre permis. Nous "
-"devrions en avoir plus. Nous devons commencer &agrave; couper la racine de "
-"leur domination et pas simplement entailler loin quelques feuilles."
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>AM14</strong>: <em>[inaudible]</em> this is important is to "
-"concentrate on the donations system for music."
+"So that particular piece of free software was the subject of a court case.  "
+"Its distribution in the US is forbidden; the US practices censorship of "
 msgstr ""
-"<strong>MA14</strong>&nbsp;: <em>[inaudible]</em> ce qui est important, "
-"c'est de se concentrer sur le syst&egrave;me de donation pour la musique."
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>: Yes. Unfortunately though there are patents covering "
-"the technique that seems most likely to be usable."
+"The movie companies are well aware that they can't really make that program "
+"disappear&mdash;it's easy enough to find it.  So they designed another "
+"encryption system, which they hoped would be harder to break, and it's "
+"called AACS, or the axe."
 msgstr ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Oui. Bien que malheureusement, il y ait des "
-"brevets couvrant la technique qui semblent &ecirc;tre tr&egrave;s "
-"probablement utilisables."
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<em>[laughs, cries of &ldquo;no&rdquo; from audience]</em>"
-msgstr "<em>[rires, on crie &laquo;non&raquo; dans l'audience]</em>"
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"The AACS conspiracy makes precise rules about all players.  For instance, in "
+"2011 it's going to be forbidden to make analog video outputs.  So all video "
+"outputs will have to be digital, and they will carry the signal encrypted "
+"into a monitor specially designed to keep secrets from the user.  That is "
+"malicious hardware.  They say that the purpose of this is to &ldquo;close "
+"the analog hole&rdquo;.  I'll show you a couple of analog holes (Stallman "
+"takes off his glasses): here's one and here's another, that they'd like to "
+"poke out permanently."
+msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<strong>RMS</strong>: So it may take ten years before we can do it."
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"How do I know about these conspiracies? The reason is they're not "
+"secret&mdash;they have websites.  The AACS website proudly describes the "
+"contracts that manufacturers have to sign, which is how I know about this "
+"requirement.  It proudly states the names of the companies that have "
+"established this conspiracy, which include Microsoft and Apple, and Intel, "
+"and Sony, and Disney, and IBM."
 msgstr ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Cela peut mettre dix ans avant que &ccedil;a "
-"puisse se faire."
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<strong>AM15</strong>: We only take French laws"
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"A conspiracy of companies designed to restrict the public's access to "
+"technology ought to be prosecuted as a serious crime, like a conspiracy to "
+"fix prices, except it's worse, so the prison sentences for this should be "
+"longer.  But these companies are quite confident that our governments are on "
+"their side against us.  They have no fear against being prosecuted for these "
+"conspiracies, which is why they don't bother to hide them."
 msgstr ""
-"<strong>MA15</strong>&nbsp;: On prendra seulement les lois fran&ccedil;aises."
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"In general DRM is set up by a conspiracy of companies.  Once in a while a "
+"single company can do it, but generally it requires a conspiracy between "
+"technology companies and publishers, so [it's] almost always a conspiracy."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"They thought that nobody would ever be able to break the AACS, but about "
+"three and a half years ago someone released a free program capable of "
+"decrypting that format.  However, it was totally useless, because in order "
+"to run it you need to know the key."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"And then, six months later, I saw a photo of two adorable puppies, with 32 "
+"hex digits above them, and I wondered: &ldquo;Why put those two things "
+"together? I wonder if those numbers are some important key, and someone "
+"could have put the numbers together with the puppies, figuring people would "
+"copy the photo of the puppies because they were so cute.  This would protect "
+"the key from being wiped out.&rdquo;"
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"And that's what it was&mdash;that was the key to break the axe.  People "
+"posted it, and editors deleted it, because laws in many countries now "
+"conscript them to censor this information.  It was posted again, they "
+"deleted it; eventually they gave up, and in two weeks this number was posted "
+"in over 700,000 web sites."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"That's a big outpouring of public disgust with DRM.  But it didn't win the "
+"war, because the publishers changed the key.  Not only that: with HD DVD, "
+"this was adequate to break the DRM, but not with Blu-ray.  Blu-ray has an "
+"additional level of DRM and so far there is no free software that can break "
+"it, which means that you must regard Blu-ray disks as something incompatible "
+"with your own freedom.  They are an enemy with which no accommodation is "
+"possible, at least not with our present level of knowledge."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"Never accept any product designed to attack your freedom.  If you don't have "
+"the free software to play a DVD, you mustn't buy or rent any DVDs, or accept "
+"them even as gifts, except for the rare non-encrypted DVDs, which there are "
+"a few of.  I actually have a few [of these]&mdash;I don't have any encrypted "
+"DVDs, I won't take them."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid "So this is how things stand in video, but we've also seen DRM in music."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"For instance, about ten years ago we started to see things that looked like "
+"compact disks, but they weren't written quite like compact disks.  They "
+"didn't follow the standard.  We called them 'corrupt disks', and the idea of "
+"them was that they would play in an audio player, but it was impossible to "
+"read them on a computer.  These different methods had various problems."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"Eventually Sony came up with a clever idea.  They put a program on the disk, "
+"so that if you stuck the disk into a computer, the disk would install the "
+"program.  This program was designed like a virus to take control of the "
+"system.  It's called a 'root kit', meaning that it has things in it to break "
+"the security of the system so that it can install the software deep inside "
+"the system, and modify various parts of the system."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"For instance, it modified the command you could use to examine the system to "
+"see if the software was present, so as to disguise itself.  It modified the "
+"command you could use to delete some of these files, so that it wouldn't "
+"really delete them.  Now all of this is a serious crime, but it's not the "
+"only one Sony committed, because the software also included free software "
+"code&mdash;code that had been released under the GNU General Public License."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"Now the GNU GPL is a copyleft license, and that means it says &ldquo;Yes, "
+"you're free to put this code into other things, but when you do, the entire "
+"program that you put things into you must release as free software under the "
+"same license.  And you must make the source code available to users, and to "
+"inform them of their rights you must give them a copy of this license when "
+"they get the software.&rdquo;"
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"Sony didn't comply with all that.  That's commercial copyright infringement, "
+"which is a felony.  They're both felonies, but Sony wasn't prosecuted "
+"because the government understands that the purpose of the government and "
+"the law is to maintain the power of those companies over us, not to help "
+"defend our freedom in any way."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"People got angry and they sued Sony.  However, they made a mistake.  They "
+"focused their condemnation not on the evil purpose of this scheme, but only "
+"on the secondary evils of the various methods that Sony used.  So Sony "
+"settled the lawsuits and promised that in the future, when it attacks our "
+"freedom, it will not do those other things."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"Actually, that particular corrupt disk scheme was not so bad, because if you "
+"were not using Windows it would not affect you at all.  Even if you were "
+"using Windows, there's a key on the keyboard&mdash;if you remembered every "
+"time to hold it down, then the disk wouldn't install the software.  But of "
+"course it's hard to remember that every time; you're going to slip up some "
+"day.  This shows the kind of thing we've had to deal with."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"Fortunately music DRM is receding.  Even the main record companies sell "
+"downloads without DRM.  But we see a renewed effort to impose DRM on books."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"You see, the publishers want to take away the traditional freedoms of book "
+"readers&mdash;freedom to do things such as borrow a book from the public "
+"library, or lend it to a friend; to sell a book to a used book store, or buy "
+"it anonymously paying cash (which is the only way I buy books&mdash;we've "
+"got to resist the temptations to let Big Brother know everything that we're "
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"Even the freedom to keep the book as long as you wish, and read it as many "
+"times as you wish, they plan to get rid of."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"The way they do it is with DRM.  They knew that so many people read books "
+"and would get angry if these freedoms were taken away that they didn't "
+"believe they could buy a law specifically to abolish these freedoms&mdash;"
+"there would be too much opposition.  Democracy is sick, but once in a while "
+"people manage to demand something.  So they came up with a two-stage plan."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"First, take away these freedoms from ebooks, and second, convince people to "
+"switch from paper books to ebooks.  They've succeeded with stage 1."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"In the US they did it with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, and in New "
+"Zealand, that was part of the year-ago Copyright Act; censorship on software "
+"that can break DRM was part of that law.  That's an unjust provision; it's "
+"got to be repealed."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"The second stage is convince people to switch from printed books to ebooks; "
+"that didn't go so well."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"One publisher in 2001 had the idea they would make their line of ebooks "
+"really popular if they started it with my biography.  So they found an "
+"author and the author asked me if I'd cooperate, and I said &ldquo;Only if "
+"this ebook is published without encryption, without DRM&rdquo;.  The "
+"publisher wouldn't go along with that, and I just stuck to it&mdash;I said "
+"no.  Eventually we found another publisher who was willing to do this&mdash;"
+"in fact willing to publish the book under a free license giving you the four "
+"freedoms&mdash;so the book was then published, and sold a lot of copies on "
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"But in any case, ebooks failed at the beginning of this decade.  People just "
+"didn't want to read them very much.  And I said, &ldquo;they will try "
+"again&rdquo;.  We saw an amazing number of news articles about electronic "
+"ink (or is it electronic paper, I can never remember which), and it occurred "
+"to me probably the reason there's so many is the publishers want us to think "
+"about this.  They want us to be eager for the next generation of ebook "
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"Now they're upon us.  Things like the Sony Shreader (its official name is "
+"the Sony Reader, but if you put on 'sh' it explains what it's designed to do "
+"to your books), and the Amazon Swindle, designed to swindle you out of your "
+"traditional freedoms without your noticing.  Of course, they call it the "
+"Kindle which is what it's going to do to your books."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"The Kindle is an extremely malicious product, almost as malicious as "
+"Microsoft Windows.  They both have spy features, they both have Digital "
+"Restrictions Management, and they both have back doors."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"In the case of the Kindle, the only way you can buy a book is to buy it from "
+"Amazon, and Amazon requires you to identify yourself, so they know "
+"everything that you've bought."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"Then there is Digital Restrictions Management, so you can't lend the book or "
+"sell it to a used bookstore, and the library can't lend it either."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"And then there's the back door, which we found out about about three months "
+"ago, because Amazon used it.  Amazon sent a command to all the Kindles to "
+"erase a particular book, namely 1984 by George Orwell.  Yes, they couldn't "
+"have picked a more ironic book to erase.  So that's how we know that Amazon "
+"has a back door with which it can erase books remotely."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"What else it can do, who knows? Maybe it's like Microsoft Windows.  Maybe "
+"Amazon can remotely upgrade the software, which means that whatever "
+"malicious things are not in it now, they could put them in it tomorrow."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"This is intolerable&mdash;any one of these restrictions is intolerable.  "
+"They want to create a world where nobody lends books to anybody anymore."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"Imagine that you visit a friend and there are no books on the shelf.  It's "
+"not that your friend doesn't read, but his books are all inside a device, "
+"and of course he can't lend you those books.  The only way he could lend you "
+"any one of those books is to lend you his whole library, which is obviously "
+"a ridiculous thing to ask anybody to do.  So there goes friendship for "
+"people who love books."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"Make sure that you inform people what this device implies.  It means other "
+"readers will no longer be your friends, because you will be acting like a "
+"jerk toward them.  Spread the word preemptively.  This device is your "
+"enemy.  It's the enemy of everyone who reads.  The people who don't "
+"recognize that are the people who are thinking so short-term that they don't "
+"see it.  It's our job to help them see beyond the momentary convenience to "
+"the implications of this device."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"I have nothing against distributing books in digital form, if they are not "
+"designed to take away our freedom.  Strictly speaking, it is possible to "
+"have an ebook reader:"
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><ul><li>
+msgid "that is not designed to attack you,"
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><ul><li>
+msgid "which runs free software and not proprietary software,"
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><ul><li>
+msgid "which doesn't have DRM,"
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><ul><li>
+msgid "which doesn't make people identify yourself to get a book,"
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><ul><li>
+msgid "which doesn't have a back door, [and]"
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><ul><li>
+msgid "which doesn't restrict what you can do with the files on your machine."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"It's possible, but the big companies really pushing ebooks are doing it to "
+"attack our freedom, and we mustn't stand for that.  This is what governments "
+"are doing in cahoots with big business to attack our freedom, by making "
+"copyright harsher and nastier, more restrictive than ever before."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"But what should they do? Governments should make copyright power less.  Here "
+"are my specific proposals."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"First of all, there is the dimension of time.  I propose copyright should "
+"last ten years, starting from the date of publication of a work."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"Why from the date of publication? Because before that, we don't have "
+"copies.  It doesn't matter to us whether we would have been allowed to copy "
+"our copies that we don't have, so I figure we might as well let the authors "
+"have as much time as it takes to arrange publication, and then start the "
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"But why ten years? I don't know about in this country, but in the US, the "
+"publication cycle has got shorter and shorter.  Nowadays almost all books "
+"are remaindered within two years and out-of-print within three.  So ten "
+"years is more than three times the usual publication cycle&mdash;that should "
+"be plenty comfortable."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"But not everybody agrees.  I once proposed this in a panel discussion with "
+"fiction writers, and the award-winning fantasy writer next to me said &ldquo;"
+"Ten years? No way.  Anything more than five years is intolerable.&rdquo; You "
+"see, he had a legal dispute with his publisher.  His books seemed to be out "
+"of print, but the publisher wouldn't admit it.  The publisher was using the "
+"copyright on his own book to stop him from distributing copies himself, "
+"which he wanted to do so people could read it."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"This is what every artist starts out wanting&mdash;wanting to distribute her "
+"work so it will get read and appreciated.  Very few make a lot of money.  "
+"That tiny fraction face the danger of being morally corrupted, like J.K. "
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"J.K. Rowling, in Canada, got an injunction against people who had bought her "
+"book in a bookstore, ordering them not to read it.  So in response I call "
+"for a boycott of Harry Potter books.  But I don't say you shouldn't read "
+"them; I leave that to the author and the publisher.  I just say you "
+"shouldn't buy them."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"It's few authors that make enough money that they can be corrupted in this "
+"way.  Most of them don't get anywhere near that, and continue wanting the "
+"same thing they wanted at the outset: they want their work to be appreciated."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"He wanted to distribute his own book, and copyright was stopping him.  He "
+"realized that more than five years of copyright was unlikely to ever do him "
+"any good."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"If people would rather have copyright last five years, I won't be against "
+"it.  I propose ten as a first stab at the problem.  Let's reduce it to ten "
+"years and then take stock for a while, and we could adjust it after that.  I "
+"don't say I think ten years is the exact right number&mdash;I don't know."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"What about the dimension of breadth? Which activities should copyright "
+"cover? I distinguish three broad categories of works."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"First of all, there are the functional works that you use to do a practical "
+"job in your life.  This includes software, recipes, educational works, "
+"reference works, text fonts, and other things you can think of.  These works "
+"should be free."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"If you use the work to do a job in your life, then if you can't change the "
+"work to suit you, you don't control your life.  Once you have changed the "
+"work to suit you, then you've got to be free to publish it&mdash;publish "
+"your version&mdash;because there will be others who will want the changes "
+"you've made."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"This leads quickly to the conclusion that users have to have the same four "
+"freedoms [for all functional works], not just for software.  And you'll "
+"notice that for recipes, practically speaking, cooks are always sharing and "
+"changing recipes just as if the recipes were free.  Imagine how people would "
+"react if the government tried to stamp out so-called 'recipe piracy'."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"The term 'pirate' is pure propaganda.  When people ask me what I think of "
+"music piracy, I say &ldquo;As far as I know, when pirates attack they don't "
+"do it by playing instruments badly, they do it with arms.  So it's not music "
+"'piracy', because piracy is attacking ships, and sharing is as far as you "
+"get from being the moral equivalent of attacking ships&rdquo;.  Attacking "
+"ships is bad, sharing with other people is good, so we should firmly "
+"denounce that propaganda term 'piracy' whenever we hear it."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"People might have objected twenty years ago: &ldquo;If we don't give up our "
+"freedom, if we don't let the publishers of these works control us, the works "
+"won't get made and that will be a horrible disaster.&rdquo; Now, looking at "
+"the free software community, and all the recipes that circulate, and "
+"reference works like Wikipedia&mdash;we are even starting to see free "
+"textbooks being published&mdash;we know that that fear is misguided."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"There is no need to despair and give up our freedom thinking that otherwise "
+"the works won't get made.  There are lots of ways to encourage them to get "
+"made if we want more&mdash;lots of ways that are consistent with and respect "
+"our freedom.  In this category, they should all be free."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"But what about the second category, of works that say what certain people "
+"thought, like memoirs, essays of opinion, scientific papers, and various "
+"other things? To publish a modified version of somebody else's statement of "
+"what he thought is misrepresenting [that] somebody.  That's not particularly "
+"a contribution to society."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"Therefore it is workable and acceptable to have a somewhat reduced copyright "
+"system where all commercial use is covered by copyright, all modification is "
+"covered by copyright, but everyone is free to non-commercially redistribute "
+"exact copies."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"That freedom is the minimum freedom we must establish for all published "
+"works, because the denial of that freedom is what creates the War on "
+"Sharing&mdash;what creates the vicious propaganda that sharing is theft, "
+"that sharing is like being a pirate and attacking ships.  Absurdities, but "
+"absurdities backed by a lot of money that has corrupted our governments.  We "
+"need to end the War on Sharing; we need to legalize sharing exact copies of "
+"any published work."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"In the second category of works, that's all we need; we don't need to make "
+"them free.  Therefore I think it's OK to have a reduced copyright system "
+"which covers commercial use and all modifications.  And this will provide a "
+"revenue stream to the authors in more or less the same (usually inadequate)  "
+"way as the present system.  You've got to keep in mind [that] the present "
+"system, except for superstars, is usually totally inadequate."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>: I don't know. I think I'd better hand the floor over "
-"to Melanie whose talk was supposed to start at 3. and uh so"
+"What about works of art and entertainment? Here it took me a while to decide "
+"what to think about modifications."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"You see, on one hand, a work of art can have an artistic integrity and "
+"modifying it could destroy that.  Of course, copyright doesn't necessarily "
+"stop works from being butchered that way.  Hollywood does it all the time.  "
+"On the other hand, modifying the work can be a contribution to art.  It "
+"makes possible the folk process which leads to things which are beautiful "
+"and rich."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"Even if we look at named authors only: consider Shakespeare, who borrowed "
+"stories from other works only a few decades old, and did them in different "
+"ways, and made important works of literature.  If today's copyright law had "
+"existed then, that would have been forbidden and those plays wouldn't have "
+"been written."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"But eventually I realized that modifying a work of art can be a contribution "
+"to art, but it's not desperately urgent in most cases.  If you had to wait "
+"ten years for the copyright to expire, you could wait that long.  Not like "
+"the present-day copyright that makes you wait maybe 75 years, or 95 years.  "
+"In Mexico you might have to wait almost 200 years in some cases, because "
+"copyright in Mexico expires a hundred years after the author dies.  This is "
+"insane, but ten years, as I've proposed copyright should last, that people "
+"can wait."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"So I propose the same partly reduced copyright that covers commercial use "
+"and modification, but everyone's got to be free to non-commercially "
+"redistribute exact copies.  After ten years it goes into the public domain, "
+"and people can contribute to art by publishing their modified versions."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"One other thing: if you're going to take little pieces out of a bunch of "
+"works and rearrange them into something totally different, that should just "
+"be legal, because the purpose of copyright is to promote art, not to "
+"obstruct art.  It's stupid to apply copyright to using snippets like "
+"that&mdash;it's self-defeating.  It's a kind of distortion that you'd only "
+"get when the government is under the control of the publishers of the "
+"existing successful works, and has totally lost sight of its intended "
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"That's what I propose, and in particular, this means that sharing copies on "
+"the Internet must be legal.  Sharing is good.  Sharing builds the bonds of "
+"society.  To attack sharing is to attack society."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"So any time the government proposes some new means to attack people who "
+"share, to stop them from sharing, we have to recognize that this is evil, "
+"not just because the means proposed almost invariably offend basic ideas of "
+"justice (but that's not a coincidence).  The reason is because the purpose "
+"is evil.  Sharing is good and the government should encourage sharing."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"But copyright did after all have a useful purpose.  Copyright as a means to "
+"carry out that purpose has a problem now, because it doesn't fit in with the "
+"technology we use.  It interferes with all the vital freedoms for all the "
+"readers, listeners, viewers, and whatever, but the goal of promoting the "
+"arts is still desirable.  So in addition to the partly reduced copyright "
+"system, which would continue to be a copyright system, I propose two other "
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"One is taxes&mdash;distribute tax money directly to artists.  This could be "
+"a special tax, perhaps on Internet connectivity, or it could come from "
+"general revenue, because it won't be that much money in total, not if it's "
+"distributed in an efficient way.  To distribute it efficiently to promote "
+"the arts means not in linear proportion to popularity.  It should be based "
+"on popularity, because we don't want bureaucrats to have the discretion to "
+"decide which artists to support and which to ignore, but based on popularity "
+"does not imply linear proportion."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"What I propose is measure the popularity of the various artists, which you "
+"could do through polling (samples) in which nobody is required to "
+"participate, and then take the cube root.  The cube root looks like this: it "
+"means basically that [the payment] tapers off after a while."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"If superstar A is a thousand times as popular as successful artist B, with "
+"this system A would get ten times as much money as B, not a thousand times."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"Linearly would give A a thousand times as much as B, which means that if we "
+"wanted B to get enough to live on we're going to have to make A tremendously "
+"rich.  This is wasteful use of the tax money&mdash;it shouldn't be done."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"But if we make it taper off, then yes, each superstar will get handsomely "
+"more than an ordinary successful artist, but the total of all the superstars "
+"will be a small fraction of the [total] money.  Most of the money will go to "
+"support a large number of fairly successful artists, fairly appreciated "
+"artists, fairly popular artists.  Thus the system will use money a lot more "
+"efficiently than the existing system."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"The existing system is regressive.  It actually gives far, far more per "
+"record, for instance, to a superstar than to anybody else.  The money is "
+"extremely badly used.  The result is we'd actually be paying a lot less this "
+"way.  I hope that's enough to mollify some of these people who have a knee-"
+"jerk hostile reaction to taxes&mdash;one that I don't share, because I "
+"believe in a welfare state."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"I have another suggestion which is voluntary payments.  Suppose every player "
+"had a button you could push to send a dollar to the artist who made the work "
+"you're currently playing or the last one you played.  This money would be "
+"delivered anonymously to those artists.  I think a lot of people would push "
+"that button fairly often."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"For instance, all of us could afford to push that button once every day, and "
+"we wouldn't miss that much money.  It's not that much money for us, I'm "
+"pretty sure.  Of course, there are poor people who couldn't afford to push "
+"it ever, and it's OK if they don't.  We don't need to squeeze money out of "
+"poor people to support the artists.  There are enough people who are not "
+"poor to do the job just fine.  I'm sure you're aware that a lot of people "
+"really love certain art and are really happy to support the artists."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"An idea just came to me.  The player could also give you a certificate of "
+"having supported so-and-so, and it could even count up how many times you "
+"had done it and give you a certificate that says &ldquo;I sent so much to "
+"these artists&rdquo;.  There are various ways we could encourage people who "
+"want to do it."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"For instance, we could have a PR campaign which is friendly and kind: &ldquo;"
+"Have you sent a dollar to some artists today? Why not? It's only a "
+"dollar&mdash;you'll never miss it and don't you love what they're doing? "
+"Push the button!&rdquo; It will make people feel good, and they'll think "
+"&ldquo;Yeah, I love what I just watched.  I'll send a dollar.&rdquo;"
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"This is already starting to work to some extent.  There's a Canadian singer "
+"who used to be called Jane Siberry.  She put her music on her website and "
+"invited people to download it and pay whatever amount they wished.  She "
+"reported getting an average of more than a dollar per copy, which is "
+"interesting because the major record companies charge just under a dollar "
+"per copy.  By letting people decide whether and how much to pay, she got "
+"more&mdash;she got even more per visitor who was actually downloading "
+"something.  But this might not even count whether there was an effect of "
+"bringing more people to come, and [thus] increasing the total number that "
+"this average was against."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"So it can work, but it's a pain in the neck under present circumstances.  "
+"You've got to have a credit card to do it, and that means you can't do it "
+"anonymously.  And you've got to go find where you're going to pay, and the "
+"payment systems for small amounts, they're not very efficient, so the "
+"artists are only getting half of it.  If we set up a good system for this, "
+"it would work far, far better."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid "So these are my two suggestions."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"And in mecenatglobal.org, you can find another scheme that combines aspects "
+"of the two, which was invented by Francis Muguet and designed to fit in with "
+"existing legal systems better to make it easier to enact."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"Be careful of proposals to &ldquo;compensate the rights holders&rdquo;, "
+"because when they say 'compensate', they're trying to presume that if you "
+"have appreciated a work, you now have a specific debt to somebody, and that "
+"you have to &ldquo;compensate&rdquo; that somebody.  When they say 'rights "
+"holders', it's supposed to make you think it's supporting artists while in "
+"fact it's going to the publishers&mdash;the same publishers who basically "
+"exploit all the artists (except the few that you've all heard of, who are so "
+"popular that they have clout)."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"We don't owe a debt; we have nobody that we have to &ldquo;"
+"compensate&rdquo;.  [But] supporting the arts is still a useful thing to "
+"do.  That was the motivation for copyright back when copyright fit in with "
+"the technology of the day.  Today copyright is a bad way to do it, but it's "
+"still good to do it other ways that respect our freedom."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"Demand that they change the two evil parts of the New Zealand Copyright "
+"Act.  They shouldn't replace the three strikes punishment, because sharing "
+"is good, and they've got to get rid of the censorship for the software to "
+"break DRM.  Beware of ACTA&mdash;they're trying to negotiate a treaty "
+"between various countries, for all of these countries to attack their "
+"citizens, and we don't know how because they won't tell us."
 msgstr ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Je ne sais pas. Je pense que je devrais rendre "
-"la parole &agrave; M&eacute;lanie dont l'entretien devait commencer &agrave; "
-"trois heures. Et hue&nbsp;! donc."
 # type: Content of: <p>
 msgid ""
-"RMS stands in silence. There is a pause before the outbreak of applause. RMS "
-"turns to applaud the stuffed fabric gnu he placed on the overhead projector "
-"at the beginning of the talk."
+"<a href=\"/philosophy/copyright-versus-community-2000.html\">Click here</a> "
+"for an older version of this talk from 2000."
 msgstr ""
-"RMS reste silencieux. Il y a une pause avant le d&eacute;clenchement des "
-"applaudissements. RMS se tourne pour applaudir le Gnu bourr&eacute; de tissu "
-"qu'il a plac&eacute; sur le r&eacute;tro-projecteur au d&eacute;but de "
 # type: Content of: <div>
 #. TRANSLATORS: Use space (SPC) as msgstr if you don't have notes.
@@ -2474,3 +1383,2467 @@
 # type: Content of: <div><h4>
 msgid "Translations of this page"
 msgstr "Traductions de cette page"
+# type: Content of: <pre>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "This is a transcription from an audio recording, prepared by Douglas\n"
+#~ "Carnall, July 2000.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Ceci est la retranscription d'un enregistrement audio 
r&eacute;alis&eacute; par\n"
+#~ "Douglas Carnall, en juillet 2000.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<em> Mr Stallman arrives a few minutes after the appointed hour of "
+#~ "commencement of his talk to address a hushed and respectful audience. He "
+#~ "speaks with great precision and almost no hesitation in a pronounced "
+#~ "Boston accent.</em>"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<em>M. Stallman arrive quelques minutes apr&egrave;s l'heure pr&eacute;"
+#~ "vue du d&eacute;but de sa conf&eacute;rence pour s'adresser &agrave; une "
+#~ "assistance silencieuse et respectueuse. Il parle avec une grande "
+#~ "pr&eacute;cision et presque sans h&eacute;sitation avec un accent "
+#~ "prononc&eacute; de Boston.</em>"
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<strong>RMS</strong>: This is made for someone who wears a strangler."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<strong>RMS&nbsp;</strong>: Ceci est fait pour quelqu'un qui porte un "
+#~ "strangler."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<em>[indicates clip-on microphone for lecture theatre amplification "
+#~ "system]</em>"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<em>[il indique le micro &agrave; agrafe du syst&egrave;me "
+#~ "d'amplification de la salle de conf&eacute;rence]</em>"
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid "I don't wear stranglers, so there is no place for it to go."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Je ne porte pas de strangler, alors il n'y a pas de place pour le mettre"
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid "<em>[clips it to his T-shirt]</em>"
+#~ msgstr "<em>[Il l'accroche &agrave; son T-shirt]</em>"
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid "<strong>Me</strong>: Are you OK with the recording?"
+#~ msgstr "<strong>Moi</strong>&nbsp;: C'est bon pour le micro&nbsp;?"
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<strong>RMS</strong>: Yes! <em>[testy]</em> How many people have to ask "
+#~ "me?"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Oui&nbsp;! <em>[irrit&eacute;]</em> Combien "
+#~ "de personnes sont sens&eacute;es me demander&nbsp;?"
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid "Well, I'm supposed to speak today"
+#~ msgstr "Bon, je suppose que je dois parler aujourd'hui."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid "<em>[long pause]</em>"
+#~ msgstr "<em>[longue pause]</em>"
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid "about copyright versus community. This is too loud."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "&agrave; propos du copyright contre la Communaut&eacute;. C'est trop fort."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid "<em>[indicates clip-on microphone]</em>"
+#~ msgstr "<em>[il indique le micro &agrave; agrafe]</em>"
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid "What can I do?"
+#~ msgstr "Que puis-je faire&nbsp;?"
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid "Let's see&hellip; there's no volume control&hellip;"
+#~ msgstr "Regardez&hellip; il n'y a pas de contr&ocirc;le de volume&hellip;"
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid "<em>[finds volume control on radio microphone box]</em>"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<em>[il trouve la commande du volume sur la bo&icirc;te radio du micro]</"
+#~ "em>"
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid "this seems better"
+#~ msgstr "ça para&icirc;t mieux"
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "OK. Copyright versus community in the age of computer networks. The "
+#~ "principles of ethics can't change. They are the same for all situations, "
+#~ "but to apply them to any question or situation you have to look at the "
+#~ "facts of the situation to compare alternatives, you have to see what "
+#~ "their consequences are, a change in technology never changes the "
+#~ "principles of ethics, but a change in technology can alter the "
+#~ "consequences of the same choices, so it can make a difference for the "
+#~ "outcome of the question, and that has happened in the area of copyright "
+#~ "law. We have a situation where changes in technology have affected the "
+#~ "ethical factors that weigh on decisions about copyright law and change "
+#~ "the right policy for society."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "OK. Copyright contre Communaut&eacute; &agrave; l'&acirc;ge des r&eacute;"
+#~ "seaux informatiques. Les principes de l'&eacute;thique ne peuvent pas "
+#~ "changer. Ils restent les m&ecirc;mes dans toutes les situations. Mais "
+#~ "pour qu'ils s'appliquent quelle que soit la question ou situation, vous "
+#~ "devez regarder les faits pour comparer les alternatives, et voir quelles "
+#~ "en seront les cons&eacute;quences. Un changement de technologie ne change "
+#~ "jamais les principes de l'&eacute;thique, mais peut modifier ses "
+#~ "cons&eacute;quences sur les m&ecirc;mes choix, qui peuvent avoir des "
+#~ "r&eacute;sultats diff&eacute;rents, comme cela s'est produit dans le "
+#~ "domaine des lois sur le copyright. Nous sommes dans une situation "
+#~ "o&ugrave; les changements de technologie ont affect&eacute; les facteurs "
+#~ "&eacute;thiques qui p&egrave;sent sur les d&eacute;cisions &agrave; "
+#~ "propos des lois sur le copyright et changent de politique appropri&eacute;"
+#~ "e pour la soci&eacute;t&eacute;."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Laws that in the past may have been a good idea, now are harmful because "
+#~ "they are in a different context. But to explain this, I should go back to "
+#~ "the beginning to the ancient world where books were made by writing them "
+#~ "out by hand. That was the only way to do it, and anybody who could read "
+#~ "could also write a copy of a book. To be sure a slave who spent all day "
+#~ "writing copies could probably do it somewhat better than someone who "
+#~ "didn't ordinarily do that but it didn't make a tremendous difference. "
+#~ "Essentially, anyone who could read, could copy books, about as well as "
+#~ "they could be copied in any fashion."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Ces lois qui &eacute;taient par le pass&eacute; une bonne id&eacute;e, "
+#~ "sont maintenantnocives parce qu'elles ont chang&eacute; de contexte. Pour "
+#~ "l'expliquer, ilfaudrait remonter au d&eacute;but du monde antique "
+#~ "o&ugrave; les livres &eacute;taient des&oelig;uvres &eacute;crites "
+#~ "&agrave; la main. Quand c'&eacute;tait la seule mani&egrave;re de le "
+#~ "faire.Quiconque qui pouvait lire les livres, pouvait &eacute;galement en "
+#~ "&eacute;crire une copie. Il est certain qu'un esclave qui passait sa "
+#~ "journ&eacute;e &agrave; &eacute;crire des copies &eacute;tait th&eacute;"
+#~ "oriquement capable de le faire mieux que quelqu'un qui n'en avait pas "
+#~ "l'habitude, mais &ccedil;a ne faisait pas une &eacute;norme diff&eacute;"
+#~ "rence. Principalement, celui qui pouvait lire les livres pouvait aussi "
+#~ "les copier, et &agrave; peu pr&egrave;s de n'importe quelle mani&egrave;"
+#~ "re."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "In the ancient world, there wasn't the sharp distinction between "
+#~ "authorship and copying that there tends to be today."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Dans l'Antiquit&eacute;, il n'y avait pas d'aussi nette distinction entre "
+#~ "paternit&eacute; et copie, comme c'est la tendance aujourd'hui."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "There was a continuum. On the one hand you might have somebody, say, "
+#~ "writing a play. Then you might have, on the other extreme, just somebody "
+#~ "making copies of books, but in between you might have say, somebody, who "
+#~ "say, copies part of a book, but writes some words of his own, or writing "
+#~ "a commentary, and this was very common, and definitely respected. Other "
+#~ "people would copy some bits from one book, and then some bits from "
+#~ "another book, and write something of their own words, and then copy from "
+#~ "another book, quoting passages of various lengths from many different "
+#~ "works, and then writing some other works to talk about them more, or "
+#~ "relate them. And there are many ancient works&mdash;now lost&mdash;in "
+#~ "which part of them survived in these quotations in other books that "
+#~ "became more popular than the book that the original quote <em>[came from]"
+#~ "</em>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Il y avait un continuum. D'un c&ocirc;t&eacute; vous pouviez avoir "
+#~ "quelqu'un qui pense, puis &eacute;crit la sc&egrave;ne. Comme vous "
+#~ "pouviez avoir &agrave; l'autre extr&ecirc;me, quelqu'un qui faisait des "
+#~ "copies d'un livre. Mais entre les deux, vous pouviez avoir quelqu'un qui "
+#~ "pense, puis copie des passages d'un livre, en &eacute;crivant quelques "
+#~ "mots par lui-m&ecirc;me, ou un commentaire, et c'&eacute;tait tr&egrave;s "
+#~ "courant et certainement respect&eacute;. D'autres personnes pouvaient "
+#~ "copier certaines parties d'un livre, citer des passages de longueurs "
+#~ "vari&eacute;es de plusieurs travaux diff&eacute;rents, et de l&agrave; "
+#~ "construire d'autres travaux pour en parler davantage, ou s'en r&eacute;"
+#~ "f&eacute;rer. Et il y a beaucoup d'anciens travaux &mdash; aujourd'hui "
+#~ "perdus &mdash; dont des parties ont surv&eacute;cu &agrave; travers ces "
+#~ "citations dans d'autres livres, devenus plus populaires que le livre dont "
+#~ "la citation originale provenait."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "There was a spectrum between writing an original work, and copying.  "
+#~ "There were many books that were partly copied, but mixed with original "
+#~ "writing. I don't believe there was any idea of copyright in the ancient "
+#~ "world and it would have been rather difficult to enforce one, because "
+#~ "books could be copied by anyone who could read anywhere, anyone who could "
+#~ "get some writing materials, and a feather to write with. So, that was a "
+#~ "rather clear simple situation."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Il y avait tout un spectre entre l'&eacute;criture d'un travail original, "
+#~ "et sa copie. Beaucoup de livres &eacute;taient partiellement copi&eacute;"
+#~ "s sur d'autres, m&eacute;lang&eacute;s &agrave; l'&eacute;criture "
+#~ "originale. Je ne crois pas qu'il y ait eu une quelconque notion de "
+#~ "copyright dans l'antiquit&eacute;. Et il aurait &eacute;t&eacute; "
+#~ "plut&ocirc;t difficile d'en imposer une, parce que les livres pouvaient "
+#~ "&ecirc;tre copi&eacute;s par qui pouvait les lire n'importe o&ugrave;, et "
+#~ "qui pouvait obtenir quelque support d'&eacute;criture, et une plume pour "
+#~ "&eacute;crire avec. Ainsi, c'&eacute;tait une situation simple, "
+#~ "plut&ocirc;t claire."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Later on, printing was developed and printing changed the situation "
+#~ "greatly. It provided a much more efficient way to make copies of books, "
+#~ "provided that they were all identical. And it required specialised, "
+#~ "fairly expensive equipment that an ordinary reader would not have. So in "
+#~ "effect it created a situation in which copies could only feasibly be made "
+#~ "by specialised businesses, of which the number was not that large.  There "
+#~ "might have been hundreds of printing presses in a country and hundreds of "
+#~ "thousands, or maybe even millions of actually people who could read. So "
+#~ "the decrease in the number of places in which copies could be made was "
+#~ "tremendous."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Plus tard, l'impression fut d&eacute;velopp&eacute;e et a consid&eacute;"
+#~ "rablement chang&eacute; la situation. Elle a fourni une mani&egrave;re "
+#~ "beaucoup plus efficace de faire des copies de livres, pourvu qu'elle "
+#~ "soient toutes identiques. Et elle a exig&eacute; un &eacute;quipement "
+#~ "sp&eacute;cialis&eacute; assez cher, qu'un lecteur ordinaire ne pouvait "
+#~ "pas avoir. Elle a donc cr&eacute;&eacute; une situation dans laquelle les "
+#~ "copies ne pouvait &ecirc;tre r&eacute;ellement faisables que par des "
+#~ "entreprises sp&eacute;cialis&eacute;es, dont le nombre n'&eacute;tait pas "
+#~ "&eacute;lev&eacute;. Il aurait pu y avoir des centaines d'impressions par "
+#~ "pays et des centaines de milliers, ou peut-&ecirc;tre m&ecirc;me "
+#~ "vraisemblablement des millions de personnes qui auraient pu les lire. "
+#~ "Ainsi la diminution du nombre d'endroits dans lesquels les copies "
+#~ "pouvaient &ecirc;tre faites &eacute;tait consid&eacute;rable."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Now the idea of copyright developed along with the printing press. I "
+#~ "think that there may be&hellip; I think I remember reading that Venice, "
+#~ "which was a major centre of printing in the 1500s also had a kind of "
+#~ "copyright but I can't find that: I couldn't find that reference again.  "
+#~ "But the system of copyright fitted in naturally with the printing press "
+#~ "because it became rare for ordinary readers to make copies. It still "
+#~ "happen. People who were very poor or very rich had handmade copies of "
+#~ "books. The very rich people did this to show off their wealth: they had "
+#~ "beautiful illuminated wealth to show that they could afford this. And "
+#~ "poor people still sometimes copied books by hand because they couldn't "
+#~ "afford printed copies. As the song goes &ldquo;Time ain't money when all "
+#~ "you got is time.&rdquo; So some poor people copied books with a pen. But "
+#~ "for the most part the books were all made on printing presses by "
+#~ "publishers and copyright as a system fitted in very well with the "
+#~ "technical system.  For one thing it was painless for readers, because the "
+#~ "readers weren't going to make copies anyway, except for the very rich "
+#~ "ones who could presumably legitimise it, or the very poor ones who were "
+#~ "making just individual copies and no one was going to go after them with "
+#~ "lawyers.  And the system was fairly easy to enforce again because there "
+#~ "were only a small number of places where it had to be enforced: only the "
+#~ "printing presses, and because of this it didn't require, it didn't "
+#~ "involve, a struggle against the public. You didn't find just about "
+#~ "everybody trying to copy books and being threatened with arrest for doing "
+#~ "it."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Maintenant, l'id&eacute;e de copyright s'est d&eacute;velopp&eacute;e "
+#~ "avec la presse. Je pense qu'il peut y avoir&hellip; Je pense que je me "
+#~ "rappelle avoir lu que Venise, qui &eacute;tait un centre important de "
+#~ "l'impression au XVI&egrave;me si&egrave;cle, a &eacute;galement connu un "
+#~ "genre de copyright mais je ne peux pas vous dire&nbsp;: Je ne pourrais "
+#~ "pas retrouver cette r&eacute;f&eacute;rence. Mais le syst&egrave;me de "
+#~ "copyright s'est naturellement accord&eacute; avec la presse parce qu'il "
+#~ "est devenu rare pour un lecteur ordinaire de faire des copies. C'est "
+#~ "toujours le cas. Seuls les gens tr&egrave;s pauvres ou tr&egrave;s riches "
+#~ "d&eacute;tenaient des copies manuscrites de livres. Les gens tr&egrave;s "
+#~ "riches le faisaient pour &eacute;taler leur richesse&nbsp;: il fallait "
+#~ "avoir une &eacute;blouissante fortune pour se le permettre. Et les "
+#~ "pauvres gens en &eacute;taient encore parfois &agrave; recopier les "
+#~ "livres &agrave; la main parce qu'ils ne pouvaient pas se permettre les "
+#~ "copies imprim&eacute;es. Comme le dit la chanson &laquo;le temps n'est "
+#~ "pas de l'argent quand c'est tout ce que vous avez&raquo;. Aussi quelques "
+#~ "pauvres gens ont copi&eacute; des livres avec un stylo. Mais pour la "
+#~ "plupart, les livres &eacute;taient fabriqu&eacute;s &agrave; la presse "
+#~ "par des &eacute;diteurs et le copyright en tant que syst&egrave;me s'est "
+#~ "naturellement accord&eacute; avec la technologie. D'un certain c&ocirc;"
+#~ "t&eacute; ce fut indolore pour les lecteurs, parce qu'ils ne faisaient de "
+#~ "toute fa&ccedil;on plus de copie, except&eacute; pour les gens tr&egrave;"
+#~ "s riches qui pouvait r&eacute;ellement l&eacute;gitimer un tel acte, ou "
+#~ "les tr&egrave;s pauvres qui n'en faisaient qu'un exemplaire unique et que "
+#~ "personne n'aurait poursuivi avec des avocats. Et le syst&egrave;me fut "
+#~ "vraiment facile &agrave; imposer toujours parce qu'il n'y avait qu'un "
+#~ "tr&egrave;s petit nombre de lieux o&ugrave; c'&eacute;tait "
+#~ "possible&nbsp;: seulement les presses, et parce que cela ne n&eacute;"
+#~ "cessitait pas, cela n'impliquait pas de lutte contre le public. Vous ne "
+#~ "pouviez pas trouver ne serait-ce qu'une seule personne essayant de copier "
+#~ "des livres, et menac&eacute;e d'&ecirc;tre arr&ecirc;t&eacute;e pour "
+#~ "&ccedil;a."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "And in fact, in addition to not restricting the reader's directly, it "
+#~ "didn't cause much of a problem for readers, because it might have added a "
+#~ "small fraction to the price of books but it didn't double the price, so "
+#~ "that small extra addition to the price was a very small burden for the "
+#~ "readers. The actions restricted by copyright were actions that you "
+#~ "couldn't do, as an ordinary reader, and therefore, it didn't cause a "
+#~ "problem. And because of this there was no need for harsh punishments to "
+#~ "convince readers to tolerate it and to obey."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Et en fait, en plus de ne pas limiter le lecteur directement, il n'a pas "
+#~ "vraiment caus&eacute; d'ennuis, &eacute;tant donn&eacute; qu'il a du "
+#~ "&ecirc;tre ajout&eacute; une petite fraction du prix du livre qui n'a "
+#~ "certes pas co&ucirc;t&eacute; le double, de sorte que la petite addition "
+#~ "suppl&eacute;mentaire au prix n'&eacute;tait qu'un tout petit fardeau "
+#~ "pour les lecteurs. Les actions limit&eacute;es par copyright &eacute;"
+#~ "taient des actions que vous ne pouviez pas faire, en tant que lecteur "
+#~ "ordinaire, et donc, cela n'a pas pos&eacute; de probl&egrave;me. Et pour "
+#~ "cette raison, on avait pas besoin de punir s&eacute;v&egrave;rement les "
+#~ "lecteurs pour les convaincre de le tol&eacute;rer et d'y ob&eacute;ir."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "So copyright effectively was an industrial regulation. It restricted "
+#~ "publishers and writers but it didn't restrict the general public. It was "
+#~ "somewhat like charging a fee for going on a boat ride across the "
+#~ "Atlantic. You know, it's easy to collect the fee when people are getting "
+#~ "on a boat for weeks or months."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Bien, le copyright &eacute;tait donc un r&egrave;glement industriel. Il "
+#~ "restreignait les &eacute;diteurs et les auteurs mais ne limitait pas le "
+#~ "grand public. C'&eacute;tait comme faire payer un droit d'entr&eacute;e "
+#~ "pour une travers&eacute;e en bateau de l'Oc&eacute;an atlantique. Vous "
+#~ "savez, il est facile de percevoir des honoraires quand les gens prennent "
+#~ "le bateau pour des semaines, voire des mois."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Well, as time went on, printing got more efficient. Eventually even poor "
+#~ "people didn't have to bother copying books by hand and the idea sort of "
+#~ "got forgotten. I think it's in the 1800s that essentially printing got "
+#~ "cheap enough so that essentially everyone could afford printed books, so "
+#~ "to some extent the idea of poor people copying books by hand was lost "
+#~ "from memory. I heard about this about ten years ago when I started "
+#~ "talking about the subject to people."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Avec le temps, l'impression est devenue plus efficace. Par la suite, les "
+#~ "pauvres gens n'ont plus &eacute;t&eacute; oblig&eacute;s de copier les "
+#~ "livres &agrave; la main et ce genre d'id&eacute;e est tomb&eacute;e dans "
+#~ "l'oubli. Je pense que c'est au XIX&egrave;me si&egrave;cle que "
+#~ "l'impression est devenue suffisamment bon march&eacute; pour que la "
+#~ "plupart ait les moyens d'acheter des livres, aussi l'id&eacute;e des "
+#~ "pauvres de copier les livres &agrave; la main a &eacute;t&eacute; a "
+#~ "&eacute;t&eacute; oubli&eacute;e Je n'en ai entendu parler qu'il y a dix "
+#~ "ans environ quand j'ai commenc&eacute; &agrave; interroger les gens "
+#~ "&agrave; ce sujet."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "So originally in England copyright was partly intended as a measure of "
+#~ "censorship. People who wanted to publish books were required to get "
+#~ "approval from the government but the idea began to change and it a "
+#~ "different idea was expressed explicitly in the US constitution. When the "
+#~ "US constitution was written there was a proposal that authors should be "
+#~ "entitled to a monopoly on copying their books. This idea was rejected. "
+#~ "Instead, a different idea of the philosophy of copyright was put into the "
+#~ "constitution. The idea that a copyright system could be&hellip; well, the "
+#~ "idea is that people have the natural right to copy things but copyright "
+#~ "as an artificial restriction on copying can be authorised for the sake of "
+#~ "promoting progress."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "En Angleterre, &agrave; l'origine, le copyright a &eacute;t&eacute; en "
+#~ "partie pr&eacute;vu comme une mesure de censure. Les gens qui voulaient "
+#~ "publier des livres devaient obtenir l'autorisation du gouvernement, mais "
+#~ "les id&eacute;es ont commenc&eacute; &agrave; changer et c'est une toute "
+#~ "autre id&eacute;e qui a &eacute;t&eacute; explicitement exprim&eacute;e "
+#~ "dans la constitution des &Eacute;tats-Unis. Quand la Constitution "
+#~ "am&eacute;ricaine a &eacute;t&eacute; &eacute;crite, il a &eacute;"
+#~ "t&eacute; propos&eacute; que les auteurs devaient avoir le monopole sur "
+#~ "la copie de leurs livres. Cette id&eacute;e a &eacute;t&eacute; "
+#~ "rejet&eacute;e. &Agrave; la place, une id&eacute;e diff&eacute;rente de "
+#~ "celle de la philosophie du copyright a &eacute;t&eacute; mise dans la "
+#~ "Constitution. L'id&eacute;e que le syst&egrave;me du copyright pouvait "
+#~ "&ecirc;tre... bon, l'id&eacute;e &eacute;tait que les gens avaient un "
+#~ "droit naturel &agrave; copier les choses, mais le copyright en tant que "
+#~ "frein artificiel &agrave; la copie pouvait &ecirc;tre autoris&eacute; "
+#~ "dans l'intention de favoriser le progr&egrave;s."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "So the system of copyright would have been the same more or less either "
+#~ "way, but this was a statement about the purpose which is said to justify "
+#~ "copyright. It is explicitly justified as a means to promote progress, not "
+#~ "as an entitlement for copyright owners. So the system is meant to modify "
+#~ "the behaviour of copyright owners so as to benefit the public. The "
+#~ "benefit consists of more books being written and published and this is "
+#~ "intended to contribute to the progress of civilisation, to spreading "
+#~ "ideas, and as a means to this end&hellip; in other words as a means to "
+#~ "this end copyright exists. So this also thought of as a bargain between "
+#~ "the public and authors; that the public gives up its natural right to "
+#~ "make copies of anything in exchange for the progress that is brought "
+#~ "about indirectly, by encouraging more people to write."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Donc le syst&egrave;me de copyright allait &ecirc;tre le m&ecirc;me d'une "
+#~ "fa&ccedil;on ou d'une autre, mais il y avait une d&eacute;claration en "
+#~ "rapport avec ledit but pour justifier du copyright. Il est explicitement "
+#~ "justifi&eacute; comme un moyen de favoriser le progr&egrave;s, pas comme "
+#~ "un droit pour les propri&eacute;taires. Ainsi le syst&egrave;me est "
+#~ "cens&eacute; modifier le comportement des propri&eacute;taires de "
+#~ "copyrights pour en faire b&eacute;n&eacute;ficier le public. L'avantage "
+#~ "consiste &agrave; &eacute;crire et &eacute;diter plus de livres et ceci "
+#~ "dans l'intention de contribuer au progr&egrave;s de la civilisation, "
+#~ "&agrave; la propagation des id&eacute;es, et en tant que moyen &agrave; "
+#~ "cet effet&hellip; en d'autres termes c'est en tant que moyen &agrave; cet "
+#~ "effet que le copyright existe. Donc, c'est aussi en pensant &agrave; un "
+#~ "march&eacute; entre le public et les auteurs&nbsp;; tel que le public "
+#~ "renonce &agrave; son droit naturel de faire des copies de n'importe quoi "
+#~ "en &eacute;change du progr&egrave;s qui est apport&eacute; indirectement, "
+#~ "en encourageant plus de personnes &agrave; &eacute;crire."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Now it may seem like an obscure question to ask &ldquo;What's the purpose "
+#~ "of copyright?&rdquo; But the purpose of any activity is the most "
+#~ "important thing for deciding when an activity needs to be changed and "
+#~ "how. If you forget about the purpose you are sure to get things wrong, so "
+#~ "ever since that decision was made, the authors and especially the "
+#~ "publishers most recently have been trying to misrepresent it and sweep it "
+#~ "under the rug. There has been a campaign for decades to try to spread the "
+#~ "idea that was rejected in the US constitution. The idea that copyright "
+#~ "exists as an entitlement for copyright owners. And you can that expressed "
+#~ "in almost everything they say about it starting and ending with the word "
+#~ "&ldquo;pirate&rdquo; which is used to give the impression that making an "
+#~ "unauthorised copy is the moral equivalent of attacking a ship and "
+#~ "kidnapping or killing the people on board."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Maintenant il peut sembler obscur de demander &laquo;&nbsp;quel est le "
+#~ "but du copyright&nbsp;?&nbsp;&raquo;. Mais conna&icirc;tre le but d'une "
+#~ "activit&eacute; est une chose essentielle pour d&eacute;cider si cette "
+#~ "activit&eacute; a besoin d'&ecirc;tre chang&eacute;e, et comment. Si vous "
+#~ "oubliez l'objectif, vous &ecirc;tes s&ucirc;r de vous tromper, or depuis "
+#~ "que cette d&eacute;cision a &eacute;t&eacute; prise, les auteurs et plus "
+#~ "particuli&egrave;rement les &eacute;diteurs ont jusqu'&agrave; r&eacute;"
+#~ "cemment essay&eacute; de la d&eacute;naturer et de la balayer sous le "
+#~ "tapis. Il y a eu des d&eacute;cennies de campagne pour tenter de r&eacute;"
+#~ "pandre l'id&eacute;e qui a &eacute;t&eacute; rejet&eacute;e dans la "
+#~ "constitution des &Eacute;tats-Unis d'Am&eacute;rique. L'id&eacute;e que "
+#~ "le copyright existe en tant que droit pour les propri&eacute;taires de "
+#~ "copyrights. Et vous pouvez la retrouver dans presque tout ce qu'il disent "
+#~ "&agrave; ce sujet commen&ccedil;ant et se terminant par le mot &laquo;"
+#~ "pirate&raquo;, qui est utilis&eacute; pour donner l'impression que faire "
+#~ "une copie non autoris&eacute;e est l'&eacute;quivalent moral d'une "
+#~ "attaque de bateau, et du kidnapping et du meurtre des personnes &agrave; "
+#~ "bord."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "So if you look at the statements being made by publishers you find lots "
+#~ "of implicit assumptions of this sort which you have to drag into the open "
+#~ "and then start questioning."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Aussi, si vous regardez les d&eacute;clarations qui sont faites par les "
+#~ "&eacute;diteurs vous trouverez un bon nombre de postulats de ce genre que "
+#~ "vous devez mettre en lumi&egrave;re et commencer &agrave; interroger."
+# type: Content of: <h3>
+#~ msgid "Recent events and problems"
+#~ msgstr "R&eacute;cents &eacute;v&eacute;nements et probl&egrave;mes"
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid "<em>[brightens]</em>"
+#~ msgstr "<em>[il s'&eacute;claire]</em>"
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Anyway, as long as the age of the printing press continued, copyright was "
+#~ "painless, easy to enforce, and probably a good idea. But the age of the "
+#~ "printing press began changing a few decades ago when things like Xerox "
+#~ "machines and tape recorders started to be available, and more recently as "
+#~ "computer networks have come into use the situation has changed "
+#~ "drastically. We are now in a situation technologically more like the "
+#~ "ancient world, where anybody who could read something could also make a "
+#~ "copy of it that was essentially as good as the best copies anyone could "
+#~ "make."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Quoi qu'il en soit, aussi longtemps que l'&acirc;ge de la presse a "
+#~ "dur&eacute;, le copyright &eacute;tait indolore, facile &agrave; imposer, "
+#~ "et probablement une bonne id&eacute;e. Mais l'&acirc;ge de la presse a "
+#~ "commenc&eacute; &agrave; changer il y a quelques d&eacute;cennies quand "
+#~ "des choses comme les photocopieurs et les magn&eacute;toscopes sont "
+#~ "devenues disponibles, et plus r&eacute;cemment quand les r&eacute;seaux "
+#~ "informatiques sont devenus op&eacute;rationnels, la situation a "
+#~ "chang&eacute; de mani&egrave;re drastique. Nous sommes aujourd'hui dans "
+#~ "une situation technologique plus proche de l'antiquit&eacute;, o&ugrave; "
+#~ "quiconque pouvait lire quelque chose pouvait aussi en faire une copie, "
+#~ "qui &eacute;tait aussi bonne que les meilleures copies de n'importe qui "
+#~ "d'autre."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid "<em>[murmuring in the audience]</em>"
+#~ msgstr "<em>[murmures dans l'assistance]</em>"
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "A situation now where once again, ordinary readers can make copies "
+#~ "themselves. It doesn't have to be done through centralised mass "
+#~ "production, as in the printing press. Now this change in technology "
+#~ "changes the situation in which copyright law operates. The idea of the "
+#~ "bargain was that the public trades away its natural right to make copies, "
+#~ "and in exchange gets a benefit. Well, a bargain could be a good one or a "
+#~ "bad one. It depends on the worth of what you are giving up.  And the "
+#~ "worth of what you are getting. In the age of the printing press the "
+#~ "public traded away a freedom that it was unable to use."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Une situation maintenant o&ugrave;, &agrave; nouveau, les lecteurs "
+#~ "ordinaires peuvent faire des copies eux-m&ecirc;me. Il n'est plus "
+#~ "n&eacute;cessaire de passer par une production de masse centralis&eacute;"
+#~ "e comme dans la presse. Ce changement de technologie change la situation "
+#~ "dans laquelle la loi sur le copyright s'exerce. L'id&eacute;e du "
+#~ "march&eacute; &eacute;tait que le public n&eacute;gociait son droit de "
+#~ "faire des copies, contre un avantage. Bon, une affaire peut &ecirc;tre "
+#~ "bonne ou mauvaise. Cela d&eacute;pend de la valeur de ce &agrave; quoi on "
+#~ "renonce. Et de la valeur de ce que vous obtenez. &Agrave; l'&acirc;ge de "
+#~ "la presse, le public a &eacute;chang&eacute; une libert&eacute; dont il "
+#~ "ne pouvait pas user."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "It's like finding a way of selling shit: what have you got to lose? "
+#~ "You've got it on hand anyway, if you get something for it, it can hardly "
+#~ "be a bad deal."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "C'est comme trouver un moyen de vendre de la merde&nbsp;: qu'avez-vous "
+#~ "&agrave; perdre&nbsp;? Vous l'avez &agrave; disposition de toute "
+#~ "mani&egrave;re. Si vous trouvez le moyen de la n&eacute;gocier, cela ne "
+#~ "peut pas &ecirc;tre une mauvaise affaire."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid "<em>[faint laughter]</em>"
+#~ msgstr "<em>[rires ti&egrave;des]</em>"
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "It's like accepting money for promising not to travel to another star. "
+#~ "You're not going to do it anyway"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "C'est comme accepter de l'argent en retour de votre promesse de ne pas "
+#~ "voyager vers autre &eacute;toile. Vous n'allez pas le faire de toute "
+#~ "fa&ccedil;on."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid "<em>[hearty laughter]</em>"
+#~ msgstr "<em>[rires copieux]</em>"
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "at least not in our lifetime so you might as well, if someone's going to "
+#~ "pay you to promise not to travel to another star, you might as well take "
+#~ "the deal. But if I presented you with a starship, then you might not "
+#~ "think that deal was such a good deal any more. When the thing you used to "
+#~ "sell because it was useless, you discover a use for it, then you have to "
+#~ "reconsider the desirability of those old deals that used to be "
+#~ "advantageous. Typically in a such a situation you decide that &ldquo;I'm "
+#~ "not going to sell all of this any more; I'm going to keep some of it and "
+#~ "use it.&rdquo; So if you were giving up a freedom that you couldn't "
+#~ "exercise and now you can exercise it, you probably want to start "
+#~ "retaining the right to exercise it at least partially. You might still "
+#~ "trade part of the freedom: and there are many alternatives of different "
+#~ "bargains which trade parts of the freedom and keep other parts. So, "
+#~ "precisely what you want to do requires thought, but in any case you want "
+#~ "to reconsider the old bargain, and you probably want to sell less of what "
+#~ "you sold in the past."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Du moins pas de notre vivant. Donc si quelqu'un vous paye pour que vous "
+#~ "promettiez de ne pas voyager vers une autre &eacute;toile, vous pouvez "
+#~ "tr&egrave;s bien faire affaire. Mais si je m'&eacute;tais pr&eacute;"
+#~ "sent&eacute; &agrave; vous avec un astronef, vous ne pourriez plus penser "
+#~ "que c'&eacute;tait une bonne affaire. Alors que vous aviez l'habitude de "
+#~ "vendre une chose inutile, vous d&eacute;couvrez une utilisation pour "
+#~ "elle&nbsp;; vous allez donc reconsid&eacute;rer les charmes des anciens "
+#~ "march&eacute;s dont vous tiriez avantage. Typiquement dans une telle "
+#~ "situation vous d&eacute;cidez que &laquo;&nbsp;je ne vais plus tout "
+#~ "vendre de ce que j'ai; je vais en garder une partie et m'en servir&nbsp;"
+#~ "&raquo;. Aussi, si vous aviez l'habitude de troquer une libert&eacute; "
+#~ "dont vous ne pouviez rien faire, mais qu'&agrave; pr&eacute;sent vous "
+#~ "pouvez l'exercer, vous voudrez sans doute commencer &agrave; vous "
+#~ "r&eacute;server au moins le droit de l'exercer partiellement. Vous "
+#~ "pourriez encore n&eacute;gocier une partie de cette libert&eacute;&nbsp;: "
+#~ "il y a de nombreuses alternatives aux diff&eacute;rents march&eacute;s "
+#~ "qui &eacute;changent une partie de la libert&eacute; tout en la "
+#~ "maintenant sur d'autres plans. Ainsi, ce que vous voulez faire pr&eacute;"
+#~ "cis&eacute;ment exige une r&eacute;flexion, mais dans tous les cas vous "
+#~ "voudrez reconsid&eacute;rer l'ancien march&eacute;, et probablement "
+#~ "vendre moins que ce vous vendiez auparavant."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "But the publishers are trying to do exactly the opposite. At exactly the "
+#~ "time when the public's interest is to keep part of the freedom to use it, "
+#~ "the publishers are passing laws which make us give up more freedom. You "
+#~ "see copyright was never intended to be an absolute monopoly on all the "
+#~ "uses of a copyright work. It covered some uses and not others, but in "
+#~ "recent times the publishers have been pushing to extend it further and "
+#~ "further. Ending up most recently with things like the Digital Millennium "
+#~ "Copyright Act in the US which they are also trying to turn into a treaty "
+#~ "through the World Intellectual Property Organisation which is essentially "
+#~ "an organisation representing the owners of copyrights and patents and "
+#~ "which works to try to increase their power, and pretends to be doing so "
+#~ "in the name of humanity rather than in the name of these particular "
+#~ "companies."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Or les &eacute;diteurs essayent de faire exactement l'oppos&eacute;. Au "
+#~ "moment m&ecirc;me o&ugrave; l'int&eacute;r&ecirc;t du public est de se "
+#~ "r&eacute;server une partie de libert&eacute; afin de l'exercer, les "
+#~ "&eacute;diteurs font passer des lois qui nous demandent d'y renoncer "
+#~ "davantage. Vous avez vu que le copyright n'a jamais &eacute;t&eacute; "
+#~ "pr&eacute;vu pour &ecirc;tre un monopole absolu sur les utilisations d'un "
+#~ "travail sous copyright. Il couvrait quelques utilisations et pas "
+#~ "d'autres, mais ces derniers temps les &eacute;diteurs ont fait pression "
+#~ "pour l'&eacute;tendre de plus en plus loin. Pour finir derni&egrave;"
+#~ "rement avec des choses du genre la loi sur le copyright du millénaire "
+#~ "numériqque aux &Eacute;tats-Unis. Qu'ils essayent &eacute;galement de "
+#~ "transformer en trait&eacute; &agrave; travers l'Organisation mondiale de "
+#~ "la propri&eacute;t&eacute; intellectuelle; (OMPI) qui est une "
+#~ "organisation repr&eacute;sent&eacute;e essentiellement par les "
+#~ "propri&eacute;taires de copyrights et de brevets et qui travaille "
+#~ "&agrave; augmenter leur pouvoir, en pr&eacute;tendant le faire au nom de "
+#~ "l'humanit&eacute; plut&ocirc;t qu'au nom de ces compagnies "
+#~ "particuli&egrave;res."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Now, what are the consequences when copyright starts restricting "
+#~ "activities that ordinary readers can do. Well, for one thing it's no "
+#~ "longer an industrial regulation. It becomes an imposition on the public. "
+#~ "For another, because of this, you find the public's starting to object to "
+#~ "it You know, when it is stopping ordinary people from doing things that "
+#~ "are natural in their lives you find ordinary people refusing to obey. "
+#~ "Which means that copyright is no longer easy to enforce and that's why "
+#~ "you see harsher and harsher punishments being adopted by governments that "
+#~ "are basically serving the publishers rather than the public."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Maintenant, qu'est-ce qui arrive lorsque le copyright commence &agrave; "
+#~ "limiter des activit&eacute;s que les lecteurs ordinaires peuvent "
+#~ "faire&nbsp;? Et bien, d'une part cela n'est plus un r&egrave;glement "
+#~ "industriel. Cela devient un imp&ocirc;t sur le public. D'autre part, et "
+#~ "pour cette raison, vous verrez le public commencer &agrave; s'y opposer. "
+#~ "Vous savez, quand on demande &agrave; des gens ordinaires d'arr&ecirc;ter "
+#~ "de faire des choses naturelles dans la vie, ils refusent d'ob&eacute;ir. "
+#~ "Ce qui signifie qu'il n'est plus aussi facile d'imposer le copyright et "
+#~ "c'est pourquoi vous voyez des punitions de plus en plus dures "
+#~ "adopt&eacute;es par des gouvernements qui &agrave; la base servent les "
+#~ "&eacute;diteurs plut&ocirc;t que le public."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Also, you have to question whether a copyright system is still "
+#~ "beneficial. Basically, the thing that we have been paying is now valuable "
+#~ "for us. Maybe the deal is a bad deal now. So all the things that made "
+#~ "technology fit in well with the technology of the printing press make it "
+#~ "fit badly with digital information technology. So, instead of like, "
+#~ "charging the fee to cross the Atlantic in a boat, it's like charging a "
+#~ "fee to cross a street. It's a big nuisance, because people cross the "
+#~ "street all along the street, and making them pay is a pain in the neck."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "En outre, vous vous demandez en quoi un syst&egrave;me de copyright est-"
+#~ "il encore b&eacute;n&eacute;fique. En fait, ce que nous avons pay&eacute; "
+#~ "a maintenant de la valeur pour nous. Aussi l'affaire est-elle une "
+#~ "mauvaise affaire d&eacute;sormais. Et tout ce qui s'adaptait &agrave; la "
+#~ "technologie de la presse s'accorde mal avec la technologie num&eacute;"
+#~ "rique de l'information. C'est comme si au lieu de percevoir des "
+#~ "honoraires pour traverser l'Atlantique en bateau, on percevait des "
+#~ "honoraires pour traverser la rue. Et c'est tr&egrave;s emb&ecirc;tant, "
+#~ "parce que les gens traversent la rue tout le long de la rue, et les faire "
+#~ "payer revient &agrave; leur casser les pieds."
+# type: Content of: <h3>
+#~ msgid "New kinds of copyright"
+#~ msgstr "Nouveau genre de copyright"
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Now what are some of the changes we might want to make in copyright law "
+#~ "in order to adapt it to the situation that the public finds itself in? "
+#~ "Well the extreme change might be to abolish copyright law but that isn't "
+#~ "the only possible choice. There are various situations in which we could "
+#~ "reduce the power of copyright without abolishing it entirely because "
+#~ "there are various different actions that can be done with a copyright and "
+#~ "there are various situations in which you might do them, and each of "
+#~ "those is an independent question. Should copyright cover this or not? In "
+#~ "addition, there is a question of &ldquo;How long?&rdquo;. Copyright used "
+#~ "to be much shorter in its period or duration, and it's been extended over "
+#~ "and over again in the past fifty years or so and in fact in now appears "
+#~ "that the owners of copyrights are planning to keep on extending "
+#~ "copyrights so that they will never expire again. The US constitution says "
+#~ "that &ldquo;copyright must exist for a limited time&rdquo; but the "
+#~ "publishers have found a way around this: every twenty years they make "
+#~ "copyright twenty years longer, and this way, no copyright will ever "
+#~ "expire again. Now a thousand years from now, copyright might last for "
+#~ "1200 years, just basically enough so that copyright on Mickey Mouse can "
+#~ "not expire."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Maintenant quels sont les changements que nous pourrions faire valoir "
+#~ "dans la loi sur le copyright pour l'adapter &agrave; la situation dans "
+#~ "laquelle le public se trouve&nbsp;? Un changement radical pourrait &ecirc;"
+#~ "tre de supprimer la loi sur le copyright mais ce n'est pas le seul choix "
+#~ "possible. Il y a diverses situations dans lesquelles nous pourrions "
+#~ "r&eacute;duire la puissance du copyright sans la supprimer totalement, "
+#~ "parce qu'il y a plusieurs actions diff&eacute;rentes qui pourraient "
+#~ "&ecirc;tre men&eacute;es avec le copyright et il y a diverses situations "
+#~ "dans lesquelles vous pourriez le faire, et chacune d'entre elles est une "
+#~ "question ind&eacute;pendante. Le copyright pourrait-il les couvrir ou "
+#~ "non&nbsp;? En outre, il y a la question de savoir &laquo;&nbsp;pour "
+#~ "combien de temps&nbsp;?&nbsp;&raquo;. Le copyright &eacute;tait &agrave; "
+#~ "l'&eacute;poque beaucoup plus court dans sa p&eacute;riode ou sa "
+#~ "dur&eacute;e, et il a &eacute;t&eacute; prolong&eacute; &agrave; "
+#~ "plusieurs reprises pendant les cinquante derni&egrave;res ann&eacute;es "
+#~ "et il para&icirc;t de plus en plus clairement que les propri&eacute;"
+#~ "taires de copyright projettent de maintenir l'extension des copyrights "
+#~ "jusqu'&agrave; ce qu'ils n'expirent plus jamais. La constitution des "
+#~ "&Eacute;tats-Unis d'Am&eacute;rique indique que le &laquo;&nbsp;copyright "
+#~ "doit exister pour un temps limit&eacute;&nbsp;&raquo; mais les &eacute;"
+#~ "diteurs ont trouv&eacute; une mani&egrave;re de le contourner&nbsp;: tous "
+#~ "les vingt ans ils le prolongent de vingt ans, et de cette fa&ccedil;on, "
+#~ "aucun copyright n'expirera plus jamais. Maintenant, dans mille ans, le "
+#~ "copyright pourrait durer 1200 ann&eacute;es, en fait juste assez pour que "
+#~ "le copyright sur la souris Mickey ne puisse plus expirer."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Because that's why, people believe that US Congress passed a law to "
+#~ "extend copyright for twenty years. Disney was paying them, and paying the "
+#~ "President too, with campaign funds of course, to make it lawful.  See, if "
+#~ "they just gave them cash it would be a crime, but contributing indirectly "
+#~ "to campaigns is legal and that's what they do: to buy the legislators. So "
+#~ "they passed the Sunny Bono copyright act. Now this is interesting: Sunny "
+#~ "Bono was a congressman and a member of the Church of Scientology, which "
+#~ "uses copyrights to suppress knowledge of its activities. So they have "
+#~ "their pet congressman and they pushed very hard for increased copyright "
+#~ "powers."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "C'est pourquoi, les gens croient que le Congr&egrave;s am&eacute;ricain a "
+#~ "pass&eacute;une loi pour prolonger le copyright pendant vingt ans. Disney "
+#~ "les apay&eacute;s, et a pay&eacute; le Pr&eacute;sident aussi, avec les "
+#~ "fonds de campagne&eacute;videmment, pour rendre &ccedil;a l&eacute;gal. "
+#~ "Voyez-vous, s'ils avaient juste pay&eacute; enliquide, cela aurait "
+#~ "&eacute;t&eacute; un crime, mais contribuer indirectement auxcampagnes "
+#~ "est l&eacute;gal et c'est ce qu'ils font&nbsp;: acheter les l&eacute;"
+#~ "gislateurs.Aussi ils ont adopt&eacute; la loi &laquo;Sunny Bono&raquo; "
+#~ "sur le copyright. Maintenant ce qui est int&eacute;ressant, c'est que "
+#~ "Sunny Bono &eacute;tait un membre du Congr&egrave;s et un membre de "
+#~ "l'&Eacute;glise de Scientologie, qui utilisait le copyright pour "
+#~ "supprimer les informations sur ses activit&eacute;s. Ainsi, ils ont leur "
+#~ "petit chouchou au Congr&egrave;s et ont pouss&eacute; tr&egrave;s fort "
+#~ "pour accro&icirc;tre les pouvoirs du copyright."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Anyway, we were fortunate that Sunny Bono died but in his name they "
+#~ "passed the Mickey Mouse Copyright Act of 1998 I believe. It's being "
+#~ "challenged by the way, on the grounds that, there is a legal case that "
+#~ "people hope to go to the Supreme Court and have the extension of old "
+#~ "copyrights tossed out. In any case, there are all these different "
+#~ "situations and questions where we could reduce the scope of copyright."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Quoi qu'il en soit, nous avons eu la chance que Sunny Bono soit mort, "
+#~ "mais en son nom ils ont pass&eacute; la Loi sur le copyright de la souris "
+#~ "Mickey, en 1998 je crois. C'est remis en question cela dit, en raison de "
+#~ "l'existence d'une possibilit&eacute; juridique de voir par la Cour "
+#~ "Supr&ecirc;me les demandes d'extension de vieux droits rejet&eacute;es. "
+#~ "Dans tous les cas, il y a des tas de situations et questions diff&eacute;"
+#~ "rentes o&ugrave; nous pourrions r&eacute;duire la port&eacute;e du "
+#~ "copyright."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "So what are some of them? Well, first of all there are various different "
+#~ "contexts for copying. There is commercial sale of copies in the stores at "
+#~ "one extreme and at the other there is privately making a copy for your "
+#~ "friend once in a while, and in between there are other things, like, "
+#~ "there's broadcasting on TV or the radio, there's posting it on the "
+#~ "website, there's handing it out to all the people in an organisation, and "
+#~ "some of these things could be done either commercially or non-"
+#~ "commercially. You know, you could imagine a company handing out copies to "
+#~ "its staff or you could imagine a school doing it, or some private, non-"
+#~ "profit organisation doing it. Different situations, and we don't have to "
+#~ "treat them all the same. So one way in we could reclaim the&hellip; in "
+#~ "general though, the activities that are the most private are those that "
+#~ "are most crucial to our freedom and our way of life, whereas the most "
+#~ "public and commercial are those that are most useful for providing some "
+#~ "sort of income for authors so it's a natural situation for a compromise "
+#~ "in which the limits of copyright are put somewhere in the middle so that "
+#~ "a substantial part of the activity still is covered and provides an "
+#~ "income for authors, while the activities that are most directly relevant "
+#~ "to peoples' private lives become free again. And this is the sort of "
+#~ "thing that I propose doing with copyright for things such as novels and "
+#~ "biographies and memoires and essays and so on. That at the very minimum, "
+#~ "people should always have a right to share a copy with a friend. It's "
+#~ "when governments have to prevent that kind of activity that they have to "
+#~ "start intruding into everyone's lives and using harsh punishments. The "
+#~ "only way basically to stop people in their private lives from sharing is "
+#~ "with a police state, but public commercial activities can be regulated "
+#~ "much more easily and much more painlessly."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Quels sont-ils pour certains&nbsp;? Et bien tout d'abord, il y a "
+#~ "plusieurs contextes diff&eacute;rents pour la copie. Il y a la vente "
+#~ "commerciale de copies dans des magasins &agrave; d'un c&ocirc;t&eacute;, "
+#~ "et de l'autre il y a la copie priv&eacute;e pour un ami de temps &agrave; "
+#~ "autre, et entre les deux il y a d'autres choses comme sa radio- ou "
+#~ "t&eacute;l&eacute;-diffusion, son placement sur un site web, sa "
+#~ "distribution collective dans une organisation, et toutes ces choses que "
+#~ "l'on peut faire de fa&ccedil;on commerciale ou non-commerciale. Vous "
+#~ "savez, vous pouvez imaginer une entreprise qui distribue des copies "
+#~ "&agrave; son &eacute;quipe ou vous pouvez encore imaginer une &eacute;"
+#~ "cole, ou quelque organisation priv&eacute;e, non-commerciale le faire. "
+#~ "Diff&eacute;rentes situations que nous n'avons pas &agrave; traiter "
+#~ "toutes de la m&ecirc;me mani&egrave;re. Aussi la fa&ccedil;on dont nous "
+#~ "pourrions r&eacute;cup&eacute;rer le... comme en g&eacute;n&eacute;ral, "
+#~ "les activit&eacute;s qui sont les plus intimes sont les plus importantes "
+#~ "pour notre libert&eacute; et notre fa&ccedil;on de vivre, et que les plus "
+#~ "publiques et commerciales sont les plus utiles &agrave; fournir un "
+#~ "certain type de revenus pour les auteurs, il y a une situation naturelle "
+#~ "de compromis dans lequel les limites du copyright sont pos&eacute;es "
+#~ "quelquepart au milieu, de sorte qu'une part substantielle de "
+#~ "l'activit&eacute; reste couverte et fournisse toujours un revenu pour les "
+#~ "auteurs, pendant que celle qui rel&egrave;ve le plus directement de la "
+#~ "vie priv&eacute;e des gens redevient libre. Et c'est ce genre de chose "
+#~ "que je propose de faire avec le copyright pour des choses comme les "
+#~ "romans, les biographies, les m&eacute;moires, les essais, etc. Qu'au "
+#~ "strict minimum, les gens aient toujours le droit de partager une copie "
+#~ "avec un ami. C'est quand les gouvernements ont &agrave; emp&ecirc;cher ce "
+#~ "genre d'activit&eacute; qu'ils commencent &agrave; s'introduire dans la "
+#~ "vie priv&eacute;e des gens et user de punitions s&eacute;v&egrave;res. La "
+#~ "seule fa&ccedil;on d'emp&ecirc;cher les gens de partager dans leur vie "
+#~ "priv&eacute;e c'est avec un &eacute;tat policier, mais des activit&eacute;"
+#~ "s commerciales et publiques peuvent &ecirc;tre r&eacute;gl&eacute;es de "
+#~ "fa&ccedil;on beaucoup plus efficace et indolore."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Now, where we should draw these lines depends, I believe, on the kind of "
+#~ "work. Different works serve different purposes for their users.  Until "
+#~ "today we've had a copyright system that treats almost everything exactly "
+#~ "alike except for music: there are a lot of legal exceptions for music. "
+#~ "But there's no reason why we have to elevate simplicity above the "
+#~ "practical consequences. We can treat different kinds of works "
+#~ "differently. I propose a classification broadly into three kinds of "
+#~ "works: functional works, works that express personal position, and works "
+#~ "that are fundamentally aesthetic."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Maintenant, l'endroit o&ugrave; nous pourrions tracer ces limites "
+#~ "d&eacute;pend, je crois, du style de travail. Diff&eacute;rents travaux "
+#~ "r&eacute;pondent &agrave; diff&eacute;rents besoinspour leurs "
+#~ "utilisateurs. Jusqu'&agrave; aujourd'hui nous avons eu un syst&egrave;me "
+#~ "de copyright qui traitait presque tout de la m&ecirc;me mani&egrave;re "
+#~ "except&eacute; la musique&nbsp;: il y a beaucoup d'exceptions juridiques "
+#~ "pour la musique. Mais il n'y a aucune raison de placer la "
+#~ "simplicit&eacute; au dessus des cons&eacute;quences pratiques. Nous "
+#~ "pouvons traiter les diff&eacute;rents types de travaux diff&eacute;"
+#~ "remment. Je propose une classification g&eacute;n&eacute;ralement dans "
+#~ "trois types de travaux&nbsp;: les travaux fonctionnels, les travaux qui "
+#~ "expriment la position personnelle et les travaux fondamentalement "
+#~ "esth&eacute;tiques."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Functional works include: computer software; recipes; textbooks; "
+#~ "dictionaries and other reference works; anything that you use to get jobs "
+#~ "done. For functional works I believe that people need very broad freedom, "
+#~ "including the freedom to publish modified versions. So everything I am "
+#~ "going to say tomorrow about computer software applies to other kinds of "
+#~ "functional works in the same way. So, this criterion of free&hellip; "
+#~ "because it necessary to have the freedom to publish a modified version "
+#~ "this means we have to almost completely get rid of copyright but the free "
+#~ "software movement is showing that the progress that society wants that is "
+#~ "supposedly the justification for society having copyright can happen in "
+#~ "other ways. We don't have to give up these important freedoms to have "
+#~ "progress. Now the publishers are always asking us to presuppose that "
+#~ "their there is no way to get progress without giving up our crucial "
+#~ "freedoms and the most important thing I think about the free software "
+#~ "movement is to show them that their pre-supposition is unjustified."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Les travaux fonctionnels incluent&nbsp;: les logiciels "
+#~ "d'ordinateur&nbsp;; les recettes&nbsp;; les manuels&nbsp;; les "
+#~ "dictionnaires et autres travaux de r&eacute;f&eacute;rence&nbsp;; tout ce "
+#~ "que vous utilisez pour que le travail soit fait. Pour les travaux "
+#~ "fonctionnels, je pense que les gens ont besoin d'une libert&eacute; "
+#~ "tr&egrave;s large, y compris la libert&eacute; de publier des versions "
+#~ "modifi&eacute;es. Aussi tout ce que je dirais demain &agrave; propos des "
+#~ "logiciels d'ordinateur s'applique de fa&ccedil;on identique aux autres "
+#~ "genres de travaux fontionnels. Ainsi, ce crit&egrave;re de libre...&nbsp; "
+#~ "parce qu'il est n&eacute;cessaire d'avoir la libert&eacute; de publier "
+#~ "une version modifi&eacute;e. Cela signifie que nous devons nous d&eacute;"
+#~ "barrasser presque totalement du copyright. Mais le mouvement du logiciel "
+#~ "libre est en train de prouver que le progr&egrave;s que la soci&eacute;"
+#~ "t&eacute; veut, la soi-disant justification du copyright, peut arriver "
+#~ "d'une autre mani&egrave;re. Nous n'avons pas &agrave; renoncer &agrave; "
+#~ "ces importantes libert&eacute;s pour avoir le progr&egrave;s. "
+#~ "Aujourd'hui, les &eacute;diteurs nous demandent toujours de pr&eacute;"
+#~ "supposer qu'il n'y a aucune possibilit&eacute; de progr&egrave;s sans "
+#~ "renoncer &agrave; ces libert&eacute;s fondamentales. Et la chose la plus "
+#~ "importante, je pense, pour le mouvement du logiciel libre est de prouver "
+#~ "que leur pr&eacute;suppositions sont injustifi&eacute;es."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "I can't say I'm sure that in all of these areas we can't produce progress "
+#~ "without copyright restrictions stopping people, but what we've shown is "
+#~ "that we've got a chance: it's not a ridiculous idea. It shouldn't be "
+#~ "dismissed. The public should not suppose that the only way to get "
+#~ "progress is to have copyright but even for these kinds of works there can "
+#~ "be some kinds of compromise copyright systems that are consistent with "
+#~ "giving people the freedom to publish modified versions.  Look, for "
+#~ "example, at the GNU free documentation license, which is used to make a "
+#~ "book free. It allows anyone to make and sell copies of a modified "
+#~ "version, but it requires giving credit in certain ways to the original "
+#~ "authors and publishers in a way that can give them a commercial advantage "
+#~ "and thus I believe make it possible to have commercial publishing of free "
+#~ "textbooks, and if this works people are just beginning to try it "
+#~ "commercially. The Free Software Foundation has been selling lots of "
+#~ "copies of various free books for almost fifteen years now and it's been "
+#~ "successful for us. At this point though, commercial publishers are just "
+#~ "beginning to try this particular approach, but I think that even for "
+#~ "functional works where the freedom to publish modified works is "
+#~ "essential, some kind of compromise copyright system can be worked out, "
+#~ "which permits everyone that freedom."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Je ne peux pas dire que je suis sûr que dans tous ces domaines on ne peut 
+#~ "pas apporter de progrès sans restriction de copyright pour bloquer les "
+#~ "gens, mais ce que nous avons prouvé c'est que nous avons une "
+#~ "chance&nbsp;: ce n'est pas une idée ridicule. Elle ne devrait pas être "
+#~ "écartée. Le public ne devrait pas supposer que la seule façon d'obtenir 
+#~ "le progrès est d'avoir du copyright. Mais même pour ce genre de travaux "
+#~ "il peut y avoir quelques types de compromis avec le système de copyright, 
+#~ "compatibles avec le fait de donner aux gens la liberté de publier des "
+#~ "versions modifiées. Regardez par exemple, la documentation libre de la "
+#~ "licence GNU utilisée pour fabriquer un livre libre. Elle permet à "
+#~ "n'importe qui de faire et de vendre des copies d'une version modifiée, "
+#~ "mais elle exige de donner du crédit d'une certaine manière aux auteurs 
et "
+#~ "éditeurs d'origine d'une façon qui leur donne un avantage commercial, et 
+#~ "ainsi je crois rendre possible la publication commerciale des manuels "
+#~ "libres. Et ça fonctionne, les gens commencent tout juste à l'essayer "
+#~ "commercialement. La Free Software Foundation a vendu un bon nombre de "
+#~ "copies de divers livres libres pendant presque quinze ans maintenant, et "
+#~ "cela a été un succès pour nous. En ce moment, cependant, les éditeurs "
+#~ "commerciaux commencent tout juste à essayer cette approche particulière, 
+#~ "mais je crois que même pour ces travaux fonctionnels où la liberté de "
+#~ "publier des travaux modifiés est essentielle, un certain genre de "
+#~ "compromis avec le système de copyright peut être trouvé, qui permet à "
+#~ "chacun cette liberté."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "For other kinds of works, the ethical questions apply differently, "
+#~ "because the works are used differently. The second category of works is "
+#~ "works that express someone's positions or views or experiences. For "
+#~ "example, essays, offers to do business with people, statements of one's "
+#~ "legal position, memoirs, anything that says, whose point is to say what "
+#~ "you think or you want or what you like. Book reviews and restaurant "
+#~ "reviews are also in this category: it's expressing a personal opinion or "
+#~ "position. Now for these kinds of works, making a modified version is not "
+#~ "a useful thing to do. So I see no reason why people should need to have "
+#~ "the freedom to publish modified versions of these works. Verbatim copying "
+#~ "is the only thing that people need to have the freedom to do and because "
+#~ "of this we can consider the idea that the freedom to distribute copies "
+#~ "should only apply in some situations, for example if it were limited to "
+#~ "non-commercial distribution that would be OK I think. Ordinary citizen's "
+#~ "lives would no longer be restricted but publishers would still be covered "
+#~ "by copyright for these things."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Pour d'autres genres de travaux, les questions d'&eacute;thique "
+#~ "s'appliquent diff&eacute;remment, parce que les travaux sont "
+#~ "utilis&eacute;s diff&eacute;remment. La seconde cat&eacute;gorie de "
+#~ "travaux est celle des travaux qui expriment la position de quelqu'un ou "
+#~ "ses points de vue ou ses exp&eacute;riences. Par exemple, essais, "
+#~ "propositions d'affaires, d&eacute;clarations de sa situation l&eacute;"
+#~ "gale, m&eacute;moires, tout ce qui est dit, dont la question est de dire "
+#~ "ce que vous pensez ou ce que vous aimez. Les revues litt&eacute;raires, "
+#~ "les revues h&ocirc;teli&egrave;res sont aussi dans cette cat&eacute;"
+#~ "gorie&nbsp;: ils expriment une opinion personnelle, un point de vue. "
+#~ "Maintenant pour ce genre de travaux, faire une version modifi&eacute;e "
+#~ "n'est pas une chose utile. Aussi, je ne vois pas de raison &agrave; ce "
+#~ "que les gens aient la libert&eacute; de publier des versions "
+#~ "modifi&eacute;es de ces travaux. La copie int&eacute;grale est la seule "
+#~ "chose que les gens ont besoin d'avoir la libert&eacute; de faire et pour "
+#~ "cette raison nous pouvons consid&eacute;rer l'id&eacute;e que la "
+#~ "libert&eacute; de distribuer des copies ne devrait s'appliquer que dans "
+#~ "certaines situations, par exemple si c'&eacute;tait limit&eacute; "
+#~ "&agrave; la distribution non-commerciale ce serait pas mal, je pense. La "
+#~ "vie des citoyens ordinaires ne serait plus restreinte, mais les &eacute;"
+#~ "diteurs voudraient &ecirc;tre encore couvert par le copyright pour "
+#~ "&ccedil;a."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid "<em>[drinks water]</em>"
+#~ msgstr "<em>[il boit de l'eau]</em>"
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Now, I used to think that maybe it would be good enough to allow people "
+#~ "to privately redistribute copies occasionally. I used to think that maybe "
+#~ "it would be OK if all public redistribution were still restricted by "
+#~ "copyright for these works but the experience with Napster has convinced "
+#~ "me that that's not so. And the reason is that it shows that lots and lots "
+#~ "of people both want to publicly redistribute&mdash;publicly but not "
+#~ "commercially redistribute&mdash;and it's very useful. And if it's so "
+#~ "useful, then it's wrong to stop people from doing it. But it would still "
+#~ "be acceptable I think, to restrict commercial redistribution of this "
+#~ "work, because that would just be an industrial regulation and it wouldn't "
+#~ "block the useful activities that people should be doing with these works."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Maintenant, je pensais que peut-&ecirc;tre il serait suffisant de "
+#~ "permettre aux gens de redistribuer en priv&eacute; des copies &agrave; "
+#~ "l'occasion. Je pensais que peut-&ecirc;tre &ccedil;a serait pas mal si "
+#~ "toutes les redistributions publiques &eacute;taient encore limit&eacute;"
+#~ "es par copyright pour ce genre de travaux, mais l'exp&eacute;rience avec "
+#~ "Napster m'a convaincu que non. Et la raison est que cela montre que "
+#~ "beaucoup, beaucoup de gens veulent redistribuer de fa&ccedil;on publique "
+#~ "&mdash; redistribuer publiquement mais pas commercialement &mdash; et "
+#~ "c'est tr&egrave;s utile. Et si c'est si utile, c'est une erreur "
+#~ "d'arr&ecirc;ter les gens de le faire. Mais cela serait encore acceptable "
+#~ "je pense, de limiter la redistribution commerciale de ces travaux, parce "
+#~ "que cela serait juste une r&eacute;gulation industrielle et &ccedil;a ne "
+#~ "bloquerait pas les activit&eacute;s utiles que les gens devraient faire "
+#~ "avec ces travaux."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Oh, also, scientific papers. Or scholarly papers in general fall into "
+#~ "this category because publishing modified versions of them is not a good "
+#~ "thing to do: it's falsifying the record so they should only be "
+#~ "distributed verbatim, so scientific papers should be freely "
+#~ "redistributable by anyone because we should be encouraging their "
+#~ "redistribution, and I hope you will never agree to publish a scientific "
+#~ "paper in a way that restricts verbatim redistribution on the net. Tell "
+#~ "the journal that you won't do that."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Ah, aussi, les documents scientifiques, ou les documents &eacute;rudits "
+#~ "en g&eacute;n&eacute;ral tombent dans cette cat&eacute;gorie parce que la "
+#~ "publication de leurs versions modifi&eacute;es n'est pas une bonne chose "
+#~ "&agrave; faire&nbsp;: cela fausse le registre; elles devraient donc "
+#~ "&ecirc;tre distribu&eacute;es uniquement dans leur int&eacute;"
+#~ "gralit&eacute;. Ainsi les documents scientifiques devraient &ecirc;tre "
+#~ "redistributable librement par n'importe qui parce que nous devrions "
+#~ "encourager leur redistribution, et j'esp&egrave;re que vous n'accepterez "
+#~ "jamais de publier un document scientifique d'une fa&ccedil;on qui "
+#~ "limiterait sa redistribution int&eacute;grale sur le net. Dites au "
+#~ "journal que vous ne ferez pas cela."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Because scientific journals have become an obstacle to the dissemination "
+#~ "of scientific results. They used to be a necessary mechanism. Now they "
+#~ "are nothing but an obstruction, and those journals that restrict access "
+#~ "and restrict redistribution <em>[emphasis]</em> must be abolished. They "
+#~ "are the enemies of the dissemination of knowledge; they are the enemies "
+#~ "of science, and this practice must come to an end."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Parce que les journaux scientifiques sont devenus un obstacle &agrave; la "
+#~ "diffusion des r&eacute;sultats scientifiques. Ils &eacute;taient un "
+#~ "m&eacute;canisme n&eacute;cessaire. Maintenant ils ne sont rien d'autre "
+#~ "qu'une obstruction. Et ces journaux qui limitent l'acc&egrave;s et "
+#~ "limitent la redistribution <em>[insistance]</em> doivent &ecirc;tre "
+#~ "supprim&eacute;s. Ils sont les ennemis de la diffusion de la "
+#~ "connaissance; ils sont les ennemis de la science, et cette pratique doit "
+#~ "cesser."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Now there is a third category of works, which is aesthetic works, whose "
+#~ "main use is to be appreciated; novels, plays, poems, drawings in many "
+#~ "cases, typically and most music. Typically it's made to be appreciated. "
+#~ "Now, they're not functional people don't have the need to modify and "
+#~ "improve them, the way people have the need to do that with functional "
+#~ "works. So it's a difficult question: is it vital for people to have the "
+#~ "freedom to publish modified versions of an aesthetic work.  On the one "
+#~ "hand you have authors with a lot of ego attachment saying"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Il y a maintenant une troisi&egrave;me cat&eacute;gorie de travaux, qui "
+#~ "est celle des travaux esth&eacute;tiques, dont l'utilisation principale "
+#~ "est d'&ecirc;tre appr&eacute;ci&eacute;e: romans, jeux, po&eacute;sies, "
+#~ "graphismes dans beaucoup de cas, et musiques pour la plupart. C'est "
+#~ "typiquement fait pour &ecirc;tre appr&eacute;ci&eacute;. Maintenant, ils "
+#~ "ne sont pas fonctionnels; les gens n'ont pas la n&eacute;cessit&eacute; "
+#~ "de les modifier et de les am&eacute;liorer, comme c'est n&eacute;cessaire "
+#~ "avec les travaux fonctionnels. Aussi c'est une question difficile&nbsp;: "
+#~ "il est essentiel pour les gens d'avoir la libert&eacute; de publier des "
+#~ "versions modifi&eacute;es d'un travail esth&eacute;tique. D'une part vous "
+#~ "avez des auteurs qui font preuve de pas mal d'&eacute;gotisme."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid "<em>[English accent, dramatic gesture]</em>"
+#~ msgstr "<em>[accent anglais, gestuelle dramatique]</em>"
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid "&ldquo;Oh this is my creation.&rdquo;"
+#~ msgstr "&laquo;&nbsp;Oh, c'est ma cr&eacute;ation.&nbsp;&raquo;"
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid "<em>[Back to Boston]</em>"
+#~ msgstr "<em>[retour &agrave; Boston]</em>"
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "&ldquo;How dare anyone change a line of this?&rdquo; On the other hand "
+#~ "you have the folk process which shows that a series of people "
+#~ "sequentially modifying the work or maybe even in parallel and then "
+#~ "comparing versions can produce something tremendously rich, and not only "
+#~ "beautiful songs and short poems, but even long epics have been produced "
+#~ "in this way, and there was a time back before the mystique of the artist "
+#~ "as creator, semi-divine figure was so powerful when even great writers "
+#~ "reworked stories that had been written by others. Some of the plays of "
+#~ "Shakespeare involve stories that were taken from other plays written "
+#~ "often a few decades before. If today's copyright laws had been in effect "
+#~ "they would have called Shakespeare a quote pirate unquote for writing "
+#~ "some of his great work and so of course you would have had the other "
+#~ "authors saying"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "&laquo;&nbsp;Qui oserait en changer une ligne&nbsp;?&nbsp;&raquo;. De "
+#~ "l'autre c&ocirc;t&eacute;, vous avez le processus folklorique qui prouve "
+#~ "qu'une s&eacute;rie de personnes modifiant un travail de fa&ccedil;on "
+#~ "s&eacute;quentielle, ou peut-&ecirc;tre m&ecirc;me en parall&egrave;le et "
+#~ "en comparant alors les versions, peut produire quelque chose d'extr&ecirc;"
+#~ "mement riche. Et non seulement de belles chansons et de courtes po&eacute;"
+#~ "sies, mais m&ecirc;me de longues &eacute;pop&eacute;es ont &eacute;"
+#~ "t&eacute; produites de cette fa&ccedil;on. Il y e&ucirc;t un temps "
+#~ "d&eacute;j&agrave;, avant que la mystique de l'artiste cr&eacute;ateur "
+#~ "&mdash; figure semi-divine &mdash; ait tant de pouvoir, o&ugrave; m&ecirc;"
+#~ "me de grands &eacute;crivains ont retouch&eacute; des histoires qui "
+#~ "avaient &eacute;t&eacute; &eacute;crites par d'autres. Certaines "
+#~ "sc&egrave;nes de Shakespeare nouent des intrigues qui ont &eacute;"
+#~ "t&eacute; tir&eacute;es de sc&egrave;nes &eacute;crites souvent plusieurs "
+#~ "d&eacute;cennies auparavant. Si les lois contemporaines sur le copyright "
+#~ "avaient &eacute;t&eacute; effectives, ils auraient appell&eacute; "
+#~ "Shakespeare entre guillemets&nbsp;: &laquo;&nbsp;pirate&nbsp;&raquo; pour "
+#~ "avoir &eacute;crit ainsi une partie de son immense travail, et &eacute;"
+#~ "videmment vous auriez eu les dires des autres auteurs."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid "<em>[English accent]</em>"
+#~ msgstr "<em>[accent anglais]</em>"
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "&ldquo;How dare he change one line of my creation. He couldn't possibly "
+#~ "make it better.&ldquo;"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "&laquo;&nbsp;Comment ose-t-il changer une ligne de ma cr&eacute;ation. Il "
+#~ "est impossible de le faire mieux.&nbsp;&raquo;"
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid "<em>[faint audience chuckle]</em>"
+#~ msgstr "<em>[faible brouhaha de l'assistance]</em>"
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You'll hear people ridiculing this idea in exactly those terms.  Well, I "
+#~ "am not sure what we should do about publishing modified versions of these "
+#~ "aesthetic works. One possibility is to do something like what is done in "
+#~ "music, which is anyone's allowed to rearranged and play a piece of music, "
+#~ "but they may have to pay for doing so, but they don't have to ask "
+#~ "permission to perform it. Perhaps for commercial publication of these "
+#~ "works, either modified or unmodified, if they're making money they might "
+#~ "have to pay some money, that's one possibility.  It's a difficult "
+#~ "question what to do about publishing modified versions of these aesthetic "
+#~ "works and I don't have an answer that I'm fully satisfied with."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Vous entendrez des personnes ridiculiser l'id&eacute;e exactement dans "
+#~ "ces termes. Bien. Je ne suis pas s&ucirc;r de ce que nous pourrions faire "
+#~ "&agrave; propos de la publication de versions modifi&eacute;es des "
+#~ "travaux esth&eacute;tiques. Une des possibilit&eacute;s est de faire "
+#~ "comme ce qui est fait en musique, o&ugrave; n'importe qui peut en "
+#~ "r&eacute;arranger et jouer un morceau. Ils peuvent avoir &agrave; payer "
+#~ "pour &ccedil;a, mais ils n'ont pas &agrave; demander la permission de "
+#~ "l'ex&eacute;cuter. Peut-&ecirc;tre que pour la publication commmerciale "
+#~ "de ces travaux, modifi&eacute;s ou non, s'ils font de l'argent avec, ils "
+#~ "pourraient devoir payer une certaine somme d'argent. C'est une "
+#~ "possibilit&eacute;. C'est une question difficile de savoir quoi faire au "
+#~ "sujet de la publication de versions modifi&eacute;es de ces travaux "
+#~ "esth&eacute;tiques, et je n'ai pas de r&eacute;ponse dont je suis "
+#~ "enti&egrave;rement satisfait."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid "<strong>Audience member 1 (AM1)</strong>, question, inaudible"
+#~ msgstr "Un membre de l'audience pose une question (MA1), inaudible."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<strong>RMS</strong>: Let me repeat the question because he said it so "
+#~ "fast you couldn't possibly have understood it. He said &ldquo;What kind "
+#~ "of category should computer games go in?&rdquo; Well, I would say that "
+#~ "the game engine is functional and the game scenario is aesthetic."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Laissez-moi r&eacute;p&eacute;ter la question "
+#~ "parce qu'il l'a dite tellement vite que vous ne pouviez pas l'avoir "
+#~ "comprise. Il a dit &laquo;&nbsp;dans quel genre de cat&eacute;gorie "
+#~ "rentrent les jeux d'ordinateur&nbsp;?&nbsp;&raquo; Bien, je dirais que le "
+#~ "moteur de jeu est fonctionnel et que le sc&eacute;nario est esth&eacute;"
+#~ "tique."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid "<strong>AM1</strong>: Graphics?"
+#~ msgstr "<strong>MA1</strong>&nbsp;: Et les graphismes&nbsp;?"
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<strong>RMS</strong>: Those are part of the scenario probably. The "
+#~ "specific pictures are part of the scenario; they are aesthetic, whereas "
+#~ "the software for displaying the scenes is functional. So I would say that "
+#~ "if they combine the aesthetic and the functional into one seamless thing "
+#~ "then the software should be treated as functional, but if they're willing "
+#~ "to separate the engine and the scenario then it would be legitimate to "
+#~ "say, well the engine is functional but the scenario is aesthetic."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Ceux-ci font probablement partie du sc&eacute;"
+#~ "nario. Les images sp&eacute;cifiques font partie du sc&eacute;nario; "
+#~ "elles sont esth&eacute;tiques, tandis que le logiciel pour visualiser les "
+#~ "sc&egrave;nes est fonctionnel. Ainsi je dirais que si elles combinent "
+#~ "l'esth&eacute;tique et le fonctionnel en une seule et m&ecirc;me chose "
+#~ "continue, alors le logiciel est trait&eacute; comme fonctionnel. Mais si "
+#~ "ellessont dispos&eacute;es &agrave; s&eacute;parer la machine et le "
+#~ "sc&eacute;nario alors il serait l&eacute;gitime de dire, bien, que la "
+#~ "machine est fonctionnelle mais le sc&eacute;nario esth&eacute;tique."
+# type: Content of: <h3>
+#~ msgid "Copyright: possible solutions"
+#~ msgstr "Copyright&nbsp;: les solutions possibles"
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Now, how long should copyright last? Well, nowadays the tendency in "
+#~ "publishing is for books to go out of copyright faster and faster. Today "
+#~ "in the US most books that are published are out of print within three "
+#~ "years. They've been remaindered and they're gone. So it's clear that "
+#~ "there's not real need for copyright to last for say 95 years: it's "
+#~ "ridiculous. In fact, it's clear that ten year copyright would be "
+#~ "sufficient to keep the activity of publishing going. But it should be ten "
+#~ "years from date of publication, but it would make sense to allow an "
+#~ "additional period before publication which could even be longer than ten "
+#~ "years which as you see, as long as the book has not been published the "
+#~ "copyright on it is not restricting the public. It's basically just giving "
+#~ "the author to have it published eventually but I think that once the book "
+#~ "is published copyright should run for some ten years or so, then that's "
+#~ "it."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Maintenant, combien de temps le copyright devrait-il durer&nbsp;? Et bien "
+#~ "de nos jours la tendance dans l'&eacute;dition est, en ce qui concerne "
+#~ "les livres, de s'&eacute;loigner du copyright de plus en plus vite. "
+#~ "Aujourd'hui aux USA la plupart des livres qui sont &eacute;dit&eacute;s "
+#~ "sortent du circuit de l'impression en moins de trois ans. Ils ont &eacute;"
+#~ "t&eacute; sold&eacute;s et se retirent de la vente. Ainsi il est clair "
+#~ "qu'on a r&eacute;ellement besoin que le copyright dure 95 ans par "
+#~ "exemple&nbsp;: c'est ridicule. En fait, il est clair qu'un copyright de "
+#~ "dix ans serait suffisant pour que l'activit&eacute; de l'&eacute;dition "
+#~ "tienne le coup. Mais dix ans &agrave; partir de la date de publication. "
+#~ "On comprendrait que puisse &ecirc;tre accord&eacute;e une p&eacute;riode "
+#~ "additionnelle avant la publication, ce qui pourrait faire plus long que "
+#~ "dix ans&nbsp;; comme vous le voyez aussi longtemps que le livre n'a pas "
+#~ "&eacute;t&eacute; &eacute;dit&eacute;, le copyright sur lui ne limite pas "
+#~ "le public. C'est juste &agrave; la base pour l'auteur le temps qu'il soit "
+#~ "&eacute;dit&eacute;. Mais je pense qu'une fois que le livre est &eacute;"
+#~ "dit&eacute;, le copyright devrait fonctionner pendant environ dix ans et "
+#~ "c'est tout."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Now, I once proposed this in a panel where the other people were all "
+#~ "writers. And one of them said: &ldquo;Ten year copyright? Why that's "
+#~ "ridiculous! Anything more than five years is intolerable.&rdquo; He was "
+#~ "an awardwinning science fiction writer who was complaining about the "
+#~ "difficulty of retrouving, of pulling back, this is funny, French words "
+#~ "are leaking into my English, of, of regaining the rights from the "
+#~ "publisher who'd let his books go out of print for practical purposes but "
+#~ "was dragging his heels about obeying the contract, which says that when "
+#~ "the book is out of print the rights revert to the author."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Maintenant, j'ai propos&eacute; &ccedil;a une fois dans un d&eacute;bat "
+#~ "o&ugrave; les autres personnes &eacute;taient toutes des auteurs. Et l'un "
+#~ "d'entre eux a dit&nbsp;: &laquo;&nbsp;dix ans de copyright&nbsp;? "
+#~ "Pourquoi c'est ridicule&nbsp;! Quelque chose de plus de cinq ans est "
+#~ "intol&eacute;rable.&nbsp;&raquo; C'&eacute;tait un auteur de science-"
+#~ "fiction r&eacute;compens&eacute;, qui se plaignait des probl&egrave;mes "
+#~ "du &nbsp;retrouving&nbsp;, du retrait &mdash; c'est dr&ocirc;le, des mots "
+#~ "de fran&ccedil;ais s'infiltrent dans mon anglais &mdash; de, de regagner "
+#~ "les droits de l'&eacute;diteur quand celui-ci a laiss&eacute; les livres "
+#~ "sortir du circuit de l'impression pour des raisons pratiques mais qui "
+#~ "tra&icirc;ne des pieds pour ob&eacute;ir au contrat, qui stipule que "
+#~ "quand le livre est sorti, les droits retournent &agrave; l'auteur."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The publishers treat authors terribly you have to realise. They're always "
+#~ "demanding more power in the name of the authors and they will bring along "
+#~ "a few very famous very successful writers who have so much clout that "
+#~ "they can get contracts that treat them very well to testify saying that "
+#~ "the power is really for their sake. Meanwhile most writers who are not "
+#~ "famous and are not rich and have no particular clout are being treated "
+#~ "horribly by the publishing industry, and it's even worse in music. I "
+#~ "recommend all of you to read Courtney Love's article: it's in Salon "
+#~ "magazine right?"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Les &eacute;diteurs traitent les auteurs d'une fa&ccedil;on terrible il "
+#~ "faut le savoir. Ils exigent toujours plus de pouvoir au nom des auteurs "
+#~ "et ils apporteront un petit nombre d'auteurs &agrave; gros succ&egrave;s, "
+#~ "tr&egrave;s connus, qui ont tellement le bras long qu'ils peuvent obtenir "
+#~ "des contrats qui les traitent tr&egrave;s bien pour confirmer les dires "
+#~ "comme quoi le pouvoir est vraiment dans leur int&eacute;r&ecirc;t. En "
+#~ "attendant la plupart des auteurs qui ne sont pas c&eacute;l&egrave;bres, "
+#~ "ne sont pas riches et n'ont pas de relations particuli&egrave;res, sont "
+#~ "trait&eacute;s de fa&ccedil;on horrible par l'industrie de l'&eacute;"
+#~ "dition, et c'est encore pire dans la musique. Je recommande &agrave; tous "
+#~ "de lire l'article de Courtney Love's&nbsp;: il est dans Salon magazine, "
+#~ "c'est &ccedil;a&nbsp;?"
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid "<strong>AM2</strong> (Audience member 2) Yes"
+#~ msgstr "<strong>MA2</strong>&nbsp;: (Membre de l'audience 2) Oui"
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<strong>RMS</strong>: She started out by calling the record companies "
+#~ "quote pirates unquotes because of the way they treat the musicians. In "
+#~ "any case we can shorten copyright more or less. We could try various "
+#~ "lengths, we could see, we could find out empirically what length of "
+#~ "copyright is needed to keep publication vigourous. I would say that since "
+#~ "almost books are out of print by ten years, clearly ten years should be "
+#~ "long enough. But it doesn't have to be the same for every kind of work. "
+#~ "For example, maybe some aspects of copyright for movies should last for "
+#~ "longer, like the rights to sell all the paraphernalia with the pictures "
+#~ "and characters on them. You know, that's so crassly commercial it hardly "
+#~ "matters if that is limited to one company in most cases. Maybe the "
+#~ "copyright on the movies themselves, maybe that's legitimate for that to "
+#~ "last twenty years. Meanwhile for software, I suspect that a three year "
+#~ "copyright would be enough. you see if each version of the programme "
+#~ "remains copyrighted for three years after its release well, unless the "
+#~ "company is in real bad trouble they should have a new version before "
+#~ "those three years are up and there will be a lot of people who will want "
+#~ "to use the newer version, so if older versions are all becoming free "
+#~ "software automatically, the company would still have a business with the "
+#~ "newer version. Now this is a compromise as I see it, because it is a "
+#~ "system in which not all software is free, but it might be an acceptable "
+#~ "compromise, after all, if we had to wait three years in some cases for "
+#~ "programs to become free&hellip; well, that's no disaster. To be using "
+#~ "three years old software is not a disaster."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Au d&eacute;part, elle a appell&eacute; les "
+#~ "soci&eacute;t&eacute;s d'enregistrement entre guillemets &laquo;&nbsp;"
+#~ "pirates&nbsp;&raquo; pour la fa&ccedil;on dont ils traitaient les "
+#~ "musiciens. Dans tous les cas, nous pouvons raccourcir le copyright plus "
+#~ "ou moins. Nous pourrions essayer diverses longueurs, nous pourrions voir, "
+#~ "nous pourrions d&eacute;couvrir empiriquement quelle dur&eacute;e de "
+#~ "copyright est n&eacute;cessaire pour maintenir la publication vigoureuse. "
+#~ "Je dirais que, puisque les livres sont quasi hors de circuit au bout de "
+#~ "dix ans, clairement dix ans devraient &ecirc;tre assez longs. Mais ce ne "
+#~ "doit pas &ecirc;tre pareil pour tous les genres de travail. Par exemple, "
+#~ "peut-&ecirc;tre que certains aspects du copyright sur les films "
+#~ "pourraient durer plus longtemps, comme les droits de vendre tout "
+#~ "l'attirail d'images et de personnages aff&eacute;rents. Vous savez, c'est "
+#~ "tellement grossi&egrave;rement commercial qu'il importe peu que ce cela "
+#~ "soit limit&eacute; &agrave; une seule soci&eacute;t&eacute; souvent. Peut-"
+#~ "&ecirc;tre que le copyright sur les films eux-m&ecirc;mes est l&eacute;"
+#~ "gitim&eacute; pour que &ccedil;a dure vingt ans. En attendant pour le "
+#~ "logiciel, je pense qu'un copyright de trois ans serait suffisant. Vous "
+#~ "voyez, si chaque version de programme conserve un copyright de trois ans "
+#~ "apr&egrave;s sa sortie, &agrave; moins que la compagnie ne soit en "
+#~ "tr&egrave;s mauvaise posture, ils devraient avoir une nouvelle version "
+#~ "avant que les trois ans soient achev&eacute;s. Et il y aura beaucoup de "
+#~ "gens d&eacute;sireux de l'utiliser. Aussi si les anciennes versions "
+#~ "devenaient automatiquement libres, ils continueraient quand m&ecirc;me de "
+#~ "faire des affaires sur la nouvelle. Maintenant c'est un compromis comme "
+#~ "je les vois , parce que c'est un syst&egrave;me o&ugrave; tous les "
+#~ "logiciels ne sont pas libres. Mais ce serait un compromis acceptable "
+#~ "apr&egrave;s tout, si nous devions attendre trois ans en g&eacute;"
+#~ "n&eacute;ral pour que les logiciels deviennent libres&hellip; bien, il "
+#~ "n'y a pas de d&eacute;sastre. Que l'on utilise des logiciels vieux de "
+#~ "trois ans n'est pas un d&eacute;sastre."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<strong>AM3</strong>: Don't you think this is a system that would favour "
+#~ "feature creep?"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<strong>MA3</strong>&nbsp;: Ne pensez-vous pas que c'est un syst&egrave;"
+#~ "me qui encouragerait la d&eacute;gradation des fonctions&nbsp;?"
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<strong>RMS</strong>: <em>[airily]</em> Ah that's OK. That's a minor side "
+#~ "issue, compared with these issues of freedom encouraging, every system "
+#~ "encourages some artificial distortions in what people, and our present "
+#~ "system certainly encourages various kinds of artificial distortions in "
+#~ "activity that is covered by copyright so if a changed system also "
+#~ "encourages a few of these secondary distortions it's not a big deal I "
+#~ "would say."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: <em>[d&eacute;sinvolte]</em> Ah, c'est exact. "
+#~ "C'est un effet secondaire mineur, compar&eacute; aux questions de "
+#~ "libert&eacute; qu'il soul&egrave;ve. Chaque syst&egrave;me entra&icirc;ne "
+#~ "quelques d&eacute;viations artificielles chez certaines personnes, et "
+#~ "notre syst&egrave;me actuel encourage certainement diverses sortes de "
+#~ "d&eacute;viations artificielles dans l'activit&eacute; couverte par le "
+#~ "copyright. Ainsi, si un syst&egrave;me parce qu'il change, encourage en "
+#~ "m&ecirc;me temps quelques d&eacute;formations secondaires, ce n'est pas "
+#~ "une grosse affaire je dirais."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<strong>AM4</strong>: The problem with this change in the copyright laws "
+#~ "for three would be that you wouldn't get the sources."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<strong>MA4</strong>&nbsp;: Le probl&egrave;me avec ce changement des "
+#~ "lois sur le copyright pour trois ans, c'est que vous n'obtiendriez pas "
+#~ "les sources."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<strong>RMS</strong>: Right. There would have also to be a condition, a "
+#~ "law that to sell copies of the software to the public the source code "
+#~ "must be deposited somewhere so that three years later it can be released. "
+#~ "So it could be deposited say, with the library of congress in the US, and "
+#~ "I think other countries have similar institutions where copies of "
+#~ "published books get placed, and they could also received the source code "
+#~ "and after three years, publish it. And of course, if the source code "
+#~ "didn't correspond to the executable that would be fraud, and in fact if "
+#~ "it really corresponds then they ought to be able to check that very "
+#~ "easily when the work is published initially so you're publishing the "
+#~ "source code and somebody there says alright &ldquo;dot slash configure "
+#~ "dot slash make&rdquo; and sees if produces the same executables and uh."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Exact. Il y aurait l&agrave; aussi une "
+#~ "condition. Une loi qui dirait que pour pouvoir vendre des copies de "
+#~ "logiciel au public, le code source doit &ecirc;tre d&eacute;pos&eacute; "
+#~ "quelque part de sorte que trois ans plus tard il puisse &ecirc;tre "
+#~ "lib&eacute;r&eacute;. Ainsi il pourrait &ecirc;tre d&eacute;pos&eacute; "
+#~ "&agrave; la biblioth&egrave;que du Congr&egrave;s aux USA; et je pense "
+#~ "que d'autres pays ont des &eacute;tablissements semblables o&ugrave; les "
+#~ "copies des livres publi&eacute;s prennent place. Et ils pourraient "
+#~ "&eacute;galement accueillir le code source et apr&egrave;s trois ans, le "
+#~ "publier. Et naturellement, si le code source ne correspondait pas "
+#~ "&agrave; l'ex&eacute;cutable il y aurait fraude. En fait si cela "
+#~ "correspond vraiment, on devrait pouvoir tr&egrave;s facilement le "
+#~ "v&eacute;rifier quand le travail est publi&eacute; au d&eacute;part. "
+#~ "Ainsi vous &eacute;ditez le code source et quelqu'un dit que c'est bon "
+#~ "&laquo;&nbsp;dot slash configure dot slash make&nbsp;&raquo; et voit si "
+#~ "cela produit les m&ecirc;mes executables et hue."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "So you're right, just eliminating copyright would not make software free."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Aussi vous avez raison, &eacute;liminer le copyright ne rendrait pas le "
+#~ "logiciel &laquo;&nbsp;free&nbsp;&raquo;."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid "<strong>AM5</strong>: Um libre"
+#~ msgstr "<strong>MA5</strong>&nbsp;: Heu&hellip;libre"
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<strong>RMS</strong>: Right. That's the only sense I use the term. It "
+#~ "wouldn't do that because the source code might not be available or they "
+#~ "might try to use contracts to restrict the users instead. So making "
+#~ "software free is not as simple as ending copyright on software: it's a "
+#~ "more complex situation than that. In fact, if copyright were simply "
+#~ "abolished from software then we would no longer be able to use copyleft "
+#~ "to protect the free status of a program but meanwhile the software "
+#~ "privateers could use other methods&mdash;contracts or withholding the "
+#~ "source to make software proprietary. So what would mean is, if we release "
+#~ "a free program some greedy bastard could make a modified version and "
+#~ "publish just the binaries and make people sign non-disclosure agreements "
+#~ "for them. We would no longer have a way to stop them. So if we wanted to "
+#~ "change the law that all software that was published had to be free we "
+#~ "would have to do it in some more complex way, not just by turning "
+#~ "copyright for software."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Exact. C'est dans ce seul sens que j'emploie "
+#~ "le terme. &Ccedil;a ne le ferait pas, parce que le code source ne "
+#~ "pourrait pas &ecirc;tre disponible, ou &agrave; la place ils pourraient "
+#~ "tenter d'user de contrats pour restreindre les utilisateurs. Ainsi, "
+#~ "rendre le logiciel libre n'est pas aussi simple que de mettre fin au "
+#~ "copyright sur le logiciel&nbsp;: c'est une situation plus complexe que "
+#~ "&ccedil;a. En fait, si le copyright sur le logiciel &eacute;tait "
+#~ "simplement supprim&eacute;, nous ne pourrions plus utiliser le copyleft "
+#~ "pour prot&eacute;ger le statut libre d'un programme. En m&ecirc;me temps, "
+#~ "les adeptes du logiciel propri&eacute;taire pourraient utiliser d'autres "
+#~ "m&eacute;thodes &mdash; des contrats ou des dissimulations sur la source "
+#~ "pour rendre le logiciel propri&eacute;taire. Ainsi &ccedil;a pourrait "
+#~ "signifier qu'&agrave; la sortie d'un programme libre quelque b&acirc;tard "
+#~ "avide pourrait en faire une version modifi&eacute;e et n'en publier que "
+#~ "les binaires, et inciter des personnes &agrave; signer des accords de non-"
+#~ "divulgation sur eux. Nous pourrions ne plus avoir les moyens de les "
+#~ "arr&ecirc;ter. Aussi, si nous voulions changer la loi pour que tout "
+#~ "logiciel publi&eacute; devienne libre, nous devrions le faire de "
+#~ "fa&ccedil;on encore plus complexe. Pas simplement en changeant le "
+#~ "copyright sur le logiciel."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "So, overall I would recommend we look at the various kinds of works and "
+#~ "the various different kinds of uses and then look for a new place to draw "
+#~ "the line: one that gives the public the most important freedoms for "
+#~ "making use of each new kind of work while when possible retaining some "
+#~ "kind of fairly painless kind of copyright for general public that is "
+#~ "still of benefit to authors. In this way we can adapt the copyright "
+#~ "system to the circumstances where we find it we find ourselves and have a "
+#~ "system that doesn't require putting people in prison for years because "
+#~ "they shared with their friends, but still does in various ways encourage "
+#~ "people to write more. We can also I believe look for other ways of "
+#~ "encouraging writing other ways of facilitating authors making money. For "
+#~ "example, suppose that verbatim redistribution of a work is permitted and "
+#~ "suppose that the work comes with something, so that when you are playing "
+#~ "with it or reading it, there is a box on the side that says &ldquo;click "
+#~ "here to send one dollar to the authors or the musicians or "
+#~ "whatever&rdquo; I think that in the wealthier parts of the world a lot of "
+#~ "people will send it because people often really love the authors and "
+#~ "musicians that made the things that they like to read and listen to.  And "
+#~ "the interesting thing is that the royalty that they get now is such a "
+#~ "small fraction that if you pay twenty dollars for something they're "
+#~ "probably not getting more than one anyway."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Ainsi, globalement je recommande &agrave; ce que nous examinions les "
+#~ "diverses sortes de travaux et les diverses sortes de vari&eacute;t&eacute;"
+#~ "s d'utilisation, et chercher l&agrave; un nouvel endroit pour tracer les "
+#~ "limites&nbsp;: celles qui donneraient au public les libert&eacute;s les "
+#~ "plus importantes pour trouver une utilisation &agrave; chaque nouveau "
+#~ "genre de travail, en maintenant si possible pendant ce temps une sorte de "
+#~ "copyright d'un genre indolore pour le grand public qui soit toujours un "
+#~ "avantage pour les auteurs. De cette fa&ccedil;on, nous pouvons adapter le "
+#~ "syst&egrave;me de copyright aux circonstances dans lesquelles nous le "
+#~ "trouvons en nous trouvant nous-m&ecirc;me. Et avoir un syst&egrave;me qui "
+#~ "n'exige pas de mettre des gens en prison pour des ann&eacute;es parce "
+#~ "qu'ils auront partag&eacute; avec leurs amis, mais encourageant toujours "
+#~ "de diverses mani&egrave;res les auteurs &agrave; &eacute;crire plus. Nous "
+#~ "pouvons &eacute;galement je crois, chercher d'autres fa&ccedil;ons "
+#~ "d'encourager l'&eacute;criture, d'autres fa&ccedil;ons d'encourager les "
+#~ "auteurs &agrave; gagner de l'argent. Par exemple, supposez que la "
+#~ "reproduction int&eacute;grale d'un travail soit autoris&eacute;e et "
+#~ "supposez que ce travail va avec quelquechose, du genre lorsque vous "
+#~ "&ecirc;tes en train de jouer avec, ou de le lire, il y a une bo&icirc;te "
+#~ "sur le c&ocirc;t&eacute; qui dit: &laquo;&nbsp;cliquez ici pour envoyer 1 "
+#~ "dollar &agrave; l'auteur ou au musicien ou tout ce que vous voudrez&nbsp;"
+#~ "&raquo;. Je pense que dans les parties les plus riches du monde beaucoup "
+#~ "de gens l'enverraient parce que souvent les gens adorent les auteurs ou "
+#~ "les musiciens qui ont cr&eacute;&eacute; ce qu'ils ont aim&eacute; lire "
+#~ "ou &eacute;couter. Et la chose int&eacute;ressante est que la redevance "
+#~ "qu'ils auront obtenue est maintenant une si petite fraction, que si vous "
+#~ "payez vingt dollars ils n'en obtiendront pas plus d'un de toute fa&ccedil;"
+#~ "on."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "So this will be a far more efficient system. And the interesting thing "
+#~ "will be that when people redistribute these copies they will be helping "
+#~ "the author. Essentially advertising them, spreading around these reasons "
+#~ "to send them a dollar. Now right now the biggest reason why more people "
+#~ "don't just send some money to the authors is that it's a pain in the neck "
+#~ "to do it. What are you going to do? Write a cheque? Then who are you "
+#~ "going to mail the cheque to? You'd have to dig up their address, which "
+#~ "might not be easy. But with a convenient internet payment system which "
+#~ "makes it efficient to pay someone one dollar, then we could put this into "
+#~ "all the copies, and then I think you'd find the mechanism starting to "
+#~ "work well. It may take five of ten years for the ideas to spread around, "
+#~ "because it's a cultural thing, you know, at first people might find it a "
+#~ "little surprising but once it gets normal people would become accustomed "
+#~ "to sending the money, and it wouldn't be a lot of money compared to what "
+#~ "it costs to buy books today."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Ce sera un syst&egrave;me bien plus efficace ainsi. Et ce qui sera "
+#~ "int&eacute;ressant c'est que quand les gens redistribueront ces copies, "
+#~ "ils aident l'auteur. En faisant essentiellement de la publicit&eacute; "
+#~ "pour eux, en diffusant autour d'eux des raisons de leur envoyer un "
+#~ "dollar. Maintenant, en ce moment, la plus grande raison pour laquelle pas "
+#~ "plus de personne n'envoie de l'argent directement aux auteurs, c'est que "
+#~ "c'est un emmerdement de le faire. Qu'allez-vous faire&nbsp;? Envoyer un "
+#~ "ch&egrave;que&nbsp;? Alors &agrave; qui allez-vous exp&eacute;dier le "
+#~ "ch&egrave;que&nbsp;? Vous auriez &agrave; d&eacute;nicher leur adresse, "
+#~ "ce qui pourrait ne pas &ecirc;tre facile. Mais avec un syst&egrave;me "
+#~ "commode de paiement sur Internet qui le rend efficace pour payer un "
+#~ "dollar &agrave; quelqu'un, que nous pourrions mettre dans toutes les "
+#~ "copies, alors je pense que vous auriez l&agrave; un m&eacute;canisme qui "
+#~ "commence &agrave; bien marcher. Il peut prendre cinq &agrave; dix ans "
+#~ "pour que l'id&eacute;e soit propag&eacute;e partout, parceque c'est une "
+#~ "chose culturelle, vous savez. Au d&eacute;part, les gens pourraient la "
+#~ "trouver surprenante mais un jour &ccedil;a devient naturel. Les gens "
+#~ "s'habitueraient &agrave; envoyer de l'argent, et &ccedil;a ne repr&eacute;"
+#~ "senterait pas beaucoup d'argent compar&eacute; &agrave; ce que cela "
+#~ "co&ucirc;te d'acheter des livres aujourd'hui."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid "<em>[drinks]</em>"
+#~ msgstr "<em>[il boit]</em>"
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "So I think that in this way, for the works of expression, and maybe "
+#~ "aesthetic works, maybe this could a successful method. But it won't work "
+#~ "for the functional works, and the reason for that is that as one person "
+#~ "after another makes a modified version and publishes it, who should the "
+#~ "boxes point to, and how much money should they send, and you know, it's "
+#~ "easy to do this when the work was published just once, by a certain "
+#~ "author, or certain group of authors, and they can just agree together "
+#~ "what they're going to do and click on the box, if no-one is publishing "
+#~ "modified versions then every copy will contain the same box with the same "
+#~ "URL directing money to the same people but when you have different "
+#~ "version which have been worked on by different people there's no simple "
+#~ "automatic way of working out who ought to get what fraction of what users "
+#~ "donate for this version or that version. It's philosophically hard to "
+#~ "decide how important each contribution is, and all the obvious ways of "
+#~ "trying to measure it are <em>[emphasis]</em> obviously <em>[/emphasis]</"
+#~ "em> wrong in some cases, they're obviously closing their eyes to some "
+#~ "important part of the facts so I think that this kind of solution is "
+#~ "probably not feasible when everybody is free to publish modified "
+#~ "versions. But for those kinds of works where it is not crucial to have "
+#~ "the freedom to publish modified versions then this solution can be "
+#~ "applied very simply once we have the convenient internet payment system "
+#~ "to base it on."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Aussi je pense que de cette fa&ccedil;on, pour les travaux d'expression, "
+#~ "et peut-&ecirc;tre les travaux esth&eacute;tiques, ce pourrait &ecirc;tre "
+#~ "une m&eacute;thode r&eacute;ussie. Mais cela ne fonctionnera pas pour les "
+#~ "travaux fonctionnels. Et la raison pour &ccedil;a, c'est que, si une "
+#~ "personne apr&egrave;s une autre fait une version modifi&eacute;e et la "
+#~ "publie, sur qui les bo&icirc;tes se dirigeraient-elles? Et combien "
+#~ "d'argent devraient-elle envoyer&nbsp;? Et vous savez, il est facile de "
+#~ "faire &ccedil;a quand le travail a &eacute;t&eacute; publi&eacute; "
+#~ "simplement par le pass&eacute;, par un certain auteur, ou un certain "
+#~ "groupe d'auteurs, et ils peuvent juste convenir ensemble de ce qu'ils "
+#~ "vont faire et cliquer sur la bo&icirc;te. Si personne ne publie de "
+#~ "versions modifi&eacute;es alors chaque copie contiendra la m&ecirc;me "
+#~ "bo&icirc;te avec le m&ecirc;me URL dirigeant l'argent vers les m&ecirc;"
+#~ "mes personnes. Mais quand vous avezdiff&eacute;rentes versions qui ont "
+#~ "&eacute;t&eacute; travaill&eacute;es par diff&eacute;rentes personnes, il "
+#~ "n'y a pas de simple fa&ccedil;on automatique de calculer qui, doit "
+#~ "obtenir quelle fraction, de ce que quel utilisateur donne, pour cette "
+#~ "version ou celle-l&agrave;. Il est philosophiquement difficile de "
+#~ "d&eacute;cider de l'importance de chaque contribution, et de toutes les "
+#~ "mani&egrave;res &eacute;videntes d'essayer de la mesurer certaines sont "
+#~ "<em>[emphase ]</em> &eacute;videmment <em>[/emphase ]</em> mauvaises dans "
+#~ "certains cas, en fermant &eacute;videmment les yeux &agrave; une partie "
+#~ "importante des faits, aussi je pense que ce genre de solution n'est "
+#~ "probablement pas faisable quand tout le monde est libre de publier des "
+#~ "versions modifi&eacute;es. Mais pour le genre de travaux o&ugrave; il "
+#~ "n'est pas crucial d'avoir la libert&eacute; de publier des versions "
+#~ "modifi&eacute;es, alors cette solution peut &ecirc;tre appliqu&eacute; "
+#~ "tr&egrave;s simplement, une fois que nous avons le syst&egrave;me "
+#~ "pratique de paiement sur Internet pour la baser dessus."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "With regard to the aesthetic works. If there is a system where those who "
+#~ "commercially redistribute or maybe even those who are publishing a "
+#~ "modified version might have to negotiate the sharing of the payments with "
+#~ "the original developers and then this kind of scheme could be extended to "
+#~ "those works too even if modified versions are permitted there could be "
+#~ "some standard formula which could be in some cases renegotiated, so I "
+#~ "think in some cases probably possible even with a system of permitting in "
+#~ "some way publishing modified versions of the aesthetic works it may be "
+#~ "possible still to have this kind of voluntary payment system."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "En ce qui concerne les travaux esth&eacute;tiques. S'il y a un "
+#~ "syst&egrave;me o&ugrave; ceux qui redistribuent commercialement - ou peut-"
+#~ "&ecirc;tre m&ecirc;me ceux qui publient une version modifi&eacute;e - "
+#~ "peuvent avoir &agrave; n&eacute;gocier le partage des paiements avec le "
+#~ "producteur de la version originale, alors ce genre d'arrangement pourrait "
+#~ "&ecirc;tre prolong&eacute; aussi &agrave; ces travaux; m&ecirc;me si des "
+#~ "versions modifi&eacute;es sont autoris&eacute;es, il pourrait y avoir une "
+#~ "certaine formule standard qui pourrait &ecirc;tre ren&eacute;goci&eacute;"
+#~ "e dans certains cas. Ainsi je pense que dans certains cas, probablement "
+#~ "possibles m&ecirc;me avec un syst&egrave;me qui permet de publier des "
+#~ "versions modifi&eacute;es des travaux esth&eacute;tiques, il serait "
+#~ "possible d'avoir ce genre de syst&egrave;me volontaire de paiement."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Now I believe there a people who are trying to set up such voluntary "
+#~ "payment systems. I heard of something called the street performer's "
+#~ "protocol. I don't know the details of it. And I believe there is "
+#~ "something called GreenWitch.com <em>[transcriber's note: URL uncertain]</"
+#~ "em> I believe the people there are trying to set up something more or "
+#~ "less like this. I think that what they are hoping to do is collect a "
+#~ "bunch of payments that you make to various different people, and "
+#~ "eventually charge your credit card once it gets to be big enough so that "
+#~ "it's efficient. Whether those kind of systems work smoothly enough in "
+#~ "practice that they'll get going is not clear, and whether they will "
+#~ "become adopted widely enough for them to become a normal cultural "
+#~ "practice is not clear. It may be that in order for these voluntary "
+#~ "payments to truly catch on we need to have some kind of&hellip; you need "
+#~ "to see the idea everywhere in order to&hellip; &ldquo;Yeah, I outta "
+#~ "pay&ldquo; once in a while. We'll see."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Maintenant je crois qu'il y a des gens qui essayent d'installer de genre "
+#~ "de syst&egrave;mes volontaires de paiement. J'ai entendu parler de "
+#~ "quelque chose appel&eacute; &laquo;&nbsp;le protocole de l'artiste de "
+#~ "rue&nbsp;&raquo;. Je n'en connais pas les d&eacute;tails. Et je crois "
+#~ "qu'il y a quelque chose appel&eacute; GreenWitch.com <em>[la note du "
+#~ "transcripteur&nbsp;: URL incertaine]</em>. Je crois que ces gens essayent "
+#~ "d'installer quelque chose de plus ou moins comme &ccedil;a. Je pense que "
+#~ "ce qu'il esp&egrave;rent faire, c'est de rassembler un bouquet de "
+#~ "paiements que vous effectuez &agrave; diverses personnes, et charger "
+#~ "&eacute;ventuellement par la suite votre carte de cr&eacute;dit une fois "
+#~ "qu'il est assez important pour &ecirc;tre efficace. Si ce genre de "
+#~ "syst&egrave;me fonctionne sans heurt dans la pratique, ce qu'ils vont "
+#~ "devenir n'est pas clair; et s'ils sont adopt&eacute;s assez largement, "
+#~ "&agrave; ce qu'ils deviennent une pratique culturelle normale n'est pas "
+#~ "clair. Il est possible que pour que ces paiements volontaires se "
+#~ "propagent vraiment, nous ayons besoin d'un certain genre de&hellip; vous "
+#~ "avez besoin de voir l'id&eacute;e partout pour&hellip;&laquo;&nbsp;ouais, "
+#~ "j'ai pas &agrave; payer&nbsp;!&nbsp;&raquo; de temps &agrave; autre. On "
+#~ "verra."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "There is evidence ideas like this are not unreasonable. If you look at "
+#~ "for example public radio in the US, which is mostly supported by "
+#~ "donations from listeners, you have I believe, millions of people "
+#~ "donating, I'm not sure how many exactly but there are many public radio "
+#~ "stations which are supported by their listeners and they seem to be "
+#~ "finding it easier to get donations as time goes on.  Ten years ago they "
+#~ "would have maybe six weeks of the year when they were spending most of "
+#~ "their time asking people &ldquo;Please send some money, don't you think "
+#~ "we're important enough&rdquo; and so on 24 hours a day, and now a lot of "
+#~ "them have found that they can raise the contributions by sending people "
+#~ "mail who sent them donations in the past, and they don't have to spend "
+#~ "their airtime drumming up the donations."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Il est &eacute;vident que des id&eacute;es comme celles-l&agrave; ne sont "
+#~ "pas d&eacute;raisonnables. Si vous regardez par exemple la radio publique "
+#~ "aux USA, qui est la plupart du temps soutenue par les dons de ses "
+#~ "auditeurs. Vous avez, je crois, des millions de personnes qui donnent. Je "
+#~ "ne sais pas combien exactement mais il y a beaucoup de stations de radio "
+#~ "publiques qui sont soutenues par leurs auditeurs. Et il semble qu'elles "
+#~ "trouvent plus facile d'obtenir des dons au fil des ans. Il y a dix ans "
+#~ "elles auraient eu peut-&ecirc;tre six semaines par an &agrave; passer la "
+#~ "majeure partie du temps &agrave; demander aux gens &laquo;&nbsp;d'envoyer "
+#~ "svp un peu d'argent, vous ne pensez pas que nous sommes assez importants "
+#~ "pour vous&nbsp;&raquo; et ainsi de suite 24 heures sur 24. Et maintenant "
+#~ "beaucoup d'entre elles ont constat&eacute; qu'elles peuvent augmenter les "
+#~ "contributions en envoyant des mails aux gens qui leur ont envoy&eacute; "
+#~ "des dons par le pass&eacute;. Et elles n'ont pas &agrave; d&eacute;penser "
+#~ "leur temps d'antenne &agrave; racoler pour les dons."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Fundamentally, the stated purpose of copyright: to encourage righting is "
+#~ "a worthwhile purpose, but we have to look at ways of ways to achieve it "
+#~ "that are not so harsh, and not so constricting of the use of the works "
+#~ "whose developments we have encouraged and I believe that digital "
+#~ "technology is providing us with solutions to the problem as well as "
+#~ "creating a context where we need to solve the problem. So that's the end "
+#~ "of this talk, and are there questions?"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Fondamentalement, le but d&eacute;clar&eacute; du copyright&nbsp;: "
+#~ "encourager le redressement est un but valable, mais nous devons examiner "
+#~ "les fa&ccedil;ons d'y parvenir qui ne sont pas si dures, et sans trop "
+#~ "restreindre l'utilisation des travaux dont nous avons encourag&eacute; "
+#~ "les d&eacute;veloppements. Et je crois que la technologie num&eacute;"
+#~ "rique nous fournit des solutions au probl&egrave;me en plus de cr&eacute;"
+#~ "er le contexte o&ugrave; nous devons r&eacute;soudre le probl&egrave;me. "
+#~ "Aussi c'est la fin de cet entretien; et il a des questions&nbsp;?"
+# type: Content of: <h3>
+#~ msgid "Questions and discussion"
+#~ msgstr "Questions et discussion"
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid "First of all, what time is the next talk? What time is it now?"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Tout d'abord, quand est le prochain entretien&nbsp;? Quelle heure est-il "
+#~ "maintenant&nbsp;?"
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid "<strong>Me</strong>: The time is quarter past three."
+#~ msgstr "<strong>Moi</strong>&nbsp;: Il est trois heures et quart."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<strong>RMS</strong>: Oh really? So I'm late already? Well I hope Melanie "
+#~ "will permit me to accept a few questions."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Oh vraiment&nbsp;? Donc je suis d&eacute;"
+#~ "j&agrave; en retard&nbsp;? Bon, j'esp&egrave;re que M&eacute;lanie me "
+#~ "permettra d'accepter quelques questions."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<strong>AM6</strong> (Audience member 6): Who will decide in which of "
+#~ "your three categories will a work fit?"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<strong>MA6</strong>&nbsp;: Qui d&eacute;cidera dans lesquelles de vos "
+#~ "trois cat&eacute;gories un travail rentrera&nbsp;?"
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<strong>RMS</strong>: I don't know. I'm sure there are various ways of "
+#~ "deciding. You can probably tell a novel when you see one. I suspect "
+#~ "judges can tell a novel when they see one too."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Je ne sais pas. Je suis s&ucirc;r qu'il y a "
+#~ "diverses mani&egrave;res de d&eacute;cider. Vous pouvez probablement "
+#~ "reconna&icirc;tre un roman quand vous en voyez un. Je subodore que les "
+#~ "juges peuvent aussi reconna&icirc;tre un roman quand ils en voient un."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<strong>AM7</strong>: Any comment on encryption? And the interaction of "
+#~ "encryption devices with copyrighted materials?"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<strong>MA7</strong>&nbsp;: Des commentaires sur le chiffrement&nbsp;? Et "
+#~ "sur l'interaction des dispositifs de chiffrement avec les contenus sous "
+#~ "copyright&nbsp;?"
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<strong>RMS</strong>: Well, encryption is being used as a means of "
+#~ "controlling the public. The publishers are trying to impose various "
+#~ "encryption systems on the public so that they can block the public from "
+#~ "copying. Now they call these things technological methods, but really "
+#~ "they all rest on laws prohibiting people from by-passing them, and "
+#~ "without those laws none of these methods would accomplish its purpose, so "
+#~ "they are all based on direct government intervention to stop people from "
+#~ "copying and I object to them very strongly, and I will not accept those "
+#~ "media. If as a practical matter the means to copy something are not "
+#~ "available to me I won't buy it, and I hope you won't buy it either."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Bon, le chiffrement est employ&eacute; en "
+#~ "tant que moyen pour contr&ocirc;ler le public. Les &eacute;diteurs "
+#~ "essayent d'imposer divers syst&egrave;mes de chiffrement au public afin "
+#~ "de l'emp&ecirc;cher de copier. Maintenant ils appellent ces choses des "
+#~ "m&eacute;thodes technologiques, mais r&eacute;ellement elles s'appuient "
+#~ "toutes sur des lois interdisant aux gens de les contourner. Et sans ces "
+#~ "lois aucune de ces m&eacute;thodes n'accomplirait son but. Aussi elles "
+#~ "sont toutes sont bas&eacute;es sur l'interposition directe du "
+#~ "gouvernement pour que les gens arr&ecirc;tent de copier. Et je m'oppose "
+#~ "&agrave; elles tr&egrave;s fortement, et je n'accepterai pas ces m&eacute;"
+#~ "dias. Si pour une question pratique les moyens de copier quelque chose ne "
+#~ "sont pas &agrave; ma disposition je ne l'ach&egrave;terai pas. Et "
+#~ "j'esp&egrave;re que vous ne l'ach&egrave;terez pas non plus."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<strong>AM8</strong>: In France we have a law that says that even if the "
+#~ "media is protected you have the right to copy again for backup purpose"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<strong>MA8</strong>&nbsp;: En France nous avons une loi qui dit que "
+#~ "m&ecirc;me si le support est prot&eacute;g&eacute; vous avez le droit de "
+#~ "le copier &agrave; nouveau pour le sauvegarder."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<strong>RMS</strong>: Yes it used to be that way in the US as well until "
+#~ "2 years ago."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Oui, c'&eacute;tait aussi comme &ccedil;a aux "
+#~ "USA jusqu'&agrave; il y a deux ans."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<strong>AM8</strong>: Very often you sign an agreement that is illegal in "
+#~ "France&hellip; the contract you are supposed to sign with a mouse&hellip;"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<strong>MA8</strong>&nbsp;: Tr&egrave;s souvent vous signez un accord qui "
+#~ "est ill&eacute;gal en France&hellip; le contrat que vous &ecirc;tes "
+#~ "cens&eacute; signer avec une souris&hellip;"
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid "<strong>RMS</strong>: Well, maybe they're not."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Bien, peut-&ecirc;tre qu'ils ne le sont pas."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid "<strong>AM8</strong>: How can we get it challenged?"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<strong>MA8</strong>&nbsp;: Comment pouvons-nous le contester&nbsp;?"
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<strong>RMS</strong>: <em>[rhetorically]</em> Well are you going to "
+#~ "challenge them? It costs money, it takes trouble, and not only that, how "
+#~ "would you do it? Well, you could either try to go to a court and say, "
+#~ "&ldquo;They have no right to ask people to sign this contract because it "
+#~ "is an invalid contract&rdquo; but that might be difficult if the "
+#~ "distributor is in the US. French law about what is a valid contract "
+#~ "couldn't be used to stop them in the US.  On the other hand you could "
+#~ "also say &ldquo;I signed this contract but it's not valid in France so I "
+#~ "am publicly disobeying, and I challenge them to sue me.&rdquo; Now that "
+#~ "you might consider doing, and if you're right and the laws are not valid "
+#~ "in France then the case would get thrown out. I don't know. Maybe that is "
+#~ "a good idea to do, I don't know whether, what its effects politically "
+#~ "would be. I know that there was just a couple of years ago a law was "
+#~ "passed in Europe to prohibit some kind of private copying of music, and "
+#~ "the record companies trotted out some famous very popular musicians to "
+#~ "push for this law and they got it, so it's clear that they have a lot of "
+#~ "influence here too, and it's possible that they will get more, just pass "
+#~ "another law to change this.  We have to think about the political "
+#~ "strategy for building the constituency to resist such changes and the "
+#~ "actions we take should be designed to accomplish that. Now, I'm no expert "
+#~ "on how to accomplish that in Europe but that's what people should think "
+#~ "about."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: <em>[rhéthoriquement]</em> Bien, vous allez "
+#~ "les contester&nbsp;? Ca co&ucirc;te de l'argent, il faut se donner du "
+#~ "mal, et pas seulement &ccedil;a. Comment le feriez-vous&nbsp;? Bon, vous "
+#~ "pourriez toujours aller au tribunal et dire, &laquo;&nbsp;ils n'ont aucun "
+#~ "droit de demander &agrave; des personnes de signer ce contrat parce que "
+#~ "c'est un contrat invalide&nbsp;&raquo; mais &ccedil;a pourrait &ecirc;tre "
+#~ "difficile si le distributeur est aux USA. La loi fran&ccedil;aise au "
+#~ "sujet de ce qui est un contrat valide ne pourrait pas &ecirc;tre utilisée 
+#~ "pour les arr&ecirc;ter aux USA. D'autre part vous pourriez &eacute;"
+#~ "galement dire que &laquo;&nbsp;j'ai sign&eacute;ce contrat mais il n'est "
+#~ "pas valide en France, aussi je d&eacute;sob&eacute;is publiquement et je "
+#~ "les d&eacute;fie de me poursuivre&nbsp;&raquo;. Maintenant si c'est ce "
+#~ "que vous envisagez de faire, si vous avez raison et si les lois ne sont "
+#~ "pas valides en France alors le cas serait rejet&eacute;. Je ne sais pas. "
+#~ "Peut-&ecirc;tre que c'est une bonne id&eacute;e. Je ne sais pas quels en "
+#~ "seraient les effets politiques. Je sais qu'il y a juste deux ans une loi "
+#~ "a &eacute;t&eacute; vot&eacute;e en Europe pour interdire un certain "
+#~ "genre de copie priv&eacute;e pour la musique, et les compagnies "
+#~ "d'enregistrement ont rab&acirc;ch&eacute; &agrave; quelques musiciens "
+#~ "c&eacute;l&egrave;bres tr&egrave;s populaires de faire pression sur cette "
+#~ "loi, et ils l'ont obtenue. Aussi, il est clair qu'ils ont beaucoup "
+#~ "d'influence ici aussi, et il est possible qu'ils en obtiendront plus, "
+#~ "voter justement une autre loi pour changer &ccedil;a. Nous devons penser "
+#~ "&agrave; une strat&eacute;gie politique pour construire un coll&egrave;ge "
+#~ "&eacute;lectoral qui puisse r&eacute;sister &agrave; de tels changements. "
+#~ "Et les mesures que nous prenons devraient &ecirc;tre con&ccedil;ues pour "
+#~ "accomplir &ccedil;a. Maintenant je ne suis pas un expert sur la fa&ccedil;"
+#~ "on de le r&eacute;aliser en Europe, mais c'est &agrave; &ccedil;a que les "
+#~ "gens devraient penser."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<strong>AM6</strong>: What about protection of private correspondence?"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<strong>MA6</strong>&nbsp;: Que dites-vous de la protection de la "
+#~ "correspondance priv&eacute;e&nbsp;?"
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<strong>RMS</strong>: Well, if you're not <em>[emphasis]</em> publishing "
+#~ "<em>[/emphasis]</em> it that's a completely different issue."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Bien, si vous n'&ecirc;tes pas <em>[emphase]</"
+#~ "em> publi&eacute; <em>[/emphase]</em>, c'est une question compl&egrave;"
+#~ "tement diff&eacute;rente."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<strong>AM6</strong>: No, but if I send an email to somebody, that's "
+#~ "automatically under my copyright."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<strong>MA6</strong>&nbsp;: Non, mais si j'envoie un email &agrave; "
+#~ "quelqu'un, c'est automatiquement sous mon copyright."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<strong>RMS</strong>: <em>[forcefully]</em> That's entirely irrelevant "
+#~ "actually."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: <em>[&eacute;nergiquement]</em> C'est "
+#~ "enti&egrave;rement non pertinent en r&eacute;alit&eacute;."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<strong>AM6</strong>: No, I don't accept that. If they're going to "
+#~ "publish it in a newspaper. At the moment my redress is my copyright."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<strong>MA6</strong>&nbsp;: Non, je ne l'accepte pas. S'ils vont "
+#~ "l'&eacute;diter dans un journal, &agrave; ce moment l&agrave; mon recours "
+#~ "est mon copyright."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<strong>RMS</strong>: Well, you can't make him keep secret the contents "
+#~ "and I'm not sure actually. I mean to me, I think there's some injustice "
+#~ "in that. If you for example, send a letter to somebody threatening to sue "
+#~ "him and then you tell him you can't tell anybody I did this because my "
+#~ "threat is copyrighted, that's pretty obnoxious, and I'm not sure that it "
+#~ "would even be upheld."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Bien, vous ne pouvez pas lui faire tenir "
+#~ "secret les contenus et je n'en suis pas s&ucirc;r r&eacute;ellement. Je "
+#~ "veux dire, je pense qu'il y a de l'injustice &agrave; cela. Si par "
+#~ "exemple vous envoyez une lettre &agrave; quelqu'un mena&ccedil;ant de le "
+#~ "poursuivre en justice, et alors vous lui dites que vous ne pouvez dire "
+#~ "&agrave; personne que c'est moi qui l'ai fait parce que ma menace est "
+#~ "garantie par les droits d'auteur, &ccedil;a serait assez d&eacute;"
+#~ "sagr&eacute;able. Et je ne suis pas s&ucirc;r que cela serait m&ecirc;me "
+#~ "confirm&eacute;."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<strong>AM6</strong>: Well, there are circumstances where I want to "
+#~ "correspond with someone and keep my (and their) reply, entirely private."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<strong>MA6</strong>&nbsp;: Bon, il y a des circonstances o&ugrave; je "
+#~ "veux correspondre avec quelqu'un et garder ma (et leur) r&eacute;ponse, "
+#~ "enti&egrave;rement priv&eacute;e."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<strong>RMS</strong>: Well if you and they agree to keep it private, then "
+#~ "that's a different matter entirely. I'm sorry the two issues can not be "
+#~ "linked, and I don't have time to consider that issue today. There's "
+#~ "another talk scheduled to start soon. But I think it is a total mistake "
+#~ "for copyright to apply to such situations. The ethics of those situations "
+#~ "are completely different from the ethics of published works and so they "
+#~ "should be treated in an appropriate way, which is completely different."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Bien, si vous et eux acceptez de la maintenir "
+#~ "priv&eacute;, alors c'est une question enti&egrave;rement diff&eacute;"
+#~ "rente. Je suis d&eacute;sol&eacute; que les deux questions ne puissent "
+#~ "pas &ecirc;tre li&eacute;es, et je n'ai pas le temps de consid&eacute;rer "
+#~ "cette question aujourd'hui. Il y a un autre entretien programm&eacute; "
+#~ "pour commencer bient&ocirc;t. Mais je pense que c'est une erreur totale "
+#~ "que le copyright s'applique &agrave; de telles situations. L'&eacute;"
+#~ "thique de ces situations est compl&egrave;tement diff&eacute;rente de "
+#~ "l'&eacute;thique des travaux publi&eacute;s. Et elles devraient &ecirc;"
+#~ "tre trait&eacute;es d'une mani&egrave;re appropri&eacute;e, qui est "
+#~ "compl&egrave;tement diff&eacute;rente."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<strong>AM6</strong>: That's fair enough, but at the moment the only "
+#~ "redress one has is copyright&hellip;"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<strong>MA6</strong>&nbsp;: C'est assez loyal, mais pour l'instant le "
+#~ "seul recours est le copyright&hellip;"
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<strong>RMS</strong>: <em>[interrupts]</em> No you're wrong. If people "
+#~ "have agreed to keep something private then you have other redress. In "
+#~ "Europe there are privacy laws, and the other thing is, you don't have a "
+#~ "right to force someone to keep secrets for you. At most, you could force "
+#~ "him to paraphrase it, because he has a right to tell people what you did."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: <em>[il interrompt]</em> Non, vous avez tort. "
+#~ "Si les gens sont d'acccord pour garder quelque chose secret alors vous "
+#~ "avez un autre recours. En Europe il y a des lois sur la vie priv&eacute;"
+#~ "e. Et l'autre chose, est que vous ne pouvez pas avoir le droit de forcer "
+#~ "quelqu'un &agrave; garder des secrets pour vous. Tout au plus, vous "
+#~ "pourriez le forcer &agrave; paraphraser, parce qu'il a le droit de dire "
+#~ "aux gens ce que vous faites."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<strong>AM6</strong>: Yes, but I assuming that the two people at either "
+#~ "end are both in reasonable agreement."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<strong>MA6</strong>&nbsp;: Oui, mais en supposant que les deux personnes "
+#~ "&agrave; chaque extr&eacute;mit&eacute; sont toutes deux d'accord de "
+#~ "fa&ccedil;on raisonnable."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<strong>RMS</strong>: Well then, don't say that copyright is your only "
+#~ "recourse. If he's in agreement he isn't going to give it to a newspaper "
+#~ "is he?"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Bien et alors, ne d&icirc;tes pas que le "
+#~ "copyright est votre seul recours. S'il est d'accord il ne va pas le "
+#~ "donner &agrave; un journal, si&nbsp;?"
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<strong>AM6</strong>: No, er, you're sidestepping my question about "
+#~ "interception."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<strong>MA6</strong>&nbsp;: Non, heu, vous &eacute;vitez ma question au "
+#~ "sujet de l'interception."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<strong>RMS</strong>: Oh interception. That's a totally different&hellip; "
+#~ "<em>[heatedly]</em> no you didn't ask about interception. This is the "
+#~ "first time you mentioned interception&hellip;"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Oh, interception. C'est compl&egrave;tement "
+#~ "diff&eacute;rent&hellip; <em>[&acirc;prement]</em> non vous n'avez pas "
+#~ "demand&eacute; &agrave; propos de l'interception. C'est la premi&egrave;"
+#~ "re fois que vous avez mentionn&eacute; l'interception&hellip;"
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid "<strong>AM6</strong>: No it's the second time."
+#~ msgstr "<strong>MA6</strong>&nbsp;: Non c'est la deuxi&egrave;me fois."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid "<strong>AM9</strong>: <em>[murmurs assent to AM6]</em>"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<strong>MA9</strong>&nbsp;: <em>[murmure son assentiment &agrave; MA6]</"
+#~ "em>"
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<strong>RMS</strong>: <em>[still heated]</em> Well I didn't hear you "
+#~ "before&hellip; it's totally silly&hellip; it's like trying to&hellip; oh "
+#~ "how can I compare?&hellip; it's like trying to kill an elephant with a "
+#~ "waffle iron I mean they have nothing to do with each other."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: <em>[toujours irrit&eacute;]</em> Je ne vous "
+#~ "avais pas entendu avant&hellip; c'est totalement idiot&hellip; c'est "
+#~ "comme essayer de&hellip; oh &agrave; quoi puis-je comparer&nbsp;?&hellip;"
+#~ "c'est comme essayer de tuer un &eacute;l&eacute;phant avec un moule "
+#~ "&agrave; gaufres, je veux dire qu'ils n'ont rien &agrave; faire l'un avec "
+#~ "l'autre."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid "<em>[uninterpretable silence falls]</em>"
+#~ msgstr "<em>[un ininterpr&eacute;table silence tombe]</em>"
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<strong>AM10</strong>: Have you thought about changes <em>[inaudible, in "
+#~ "trade secrets?]</em>"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<strong>MA10</strong>&nbsp;: Vous avez pens&eacute; aux changements <em>"
+#~ "[inaudible, des secrets commerciaux&nbsp;?]</em>"
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<strong>RMS</strong>: Uh yes: Trade secrets has developed in a very "
+#~ "ominous and menacing direction. It used to be that trade secrecy meant "
+#~ "that you wanted to keep something secret so you didn't tell anybody, and "
+#~ "later on it was something that was done within a business telling just a "
+#~ "few people something and they would agree to keep it secret. But now, "
+#~ "it's turning into something where the public in general is becoming "
+#~ "conscripted into keeping secrets for business even if they have never "
+#~ "agreed in any way to keep these secrets and that's a pressure. So those "
+#~ "who pretend that trade secrecy is just carrying out some natural right of "
+#~ "theirs; that's just not true any more. They're getting explicit "
+#~ "government help in forcing other people to keep their secrets. And we "
+#~ "might want to consider whether non-disclosure agreements should in "
+#~ "general be considered legitimate contracts because of the anti-social "
+#~ "nature of trade secrecy it shouldn't be considered automatic that just "
+#~ "because somebody has promised to keep a secret that that means it's "
+#~ "binding."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: hmm, oui&nbsp;: les secrets commerciaux se "
+#~ "sont d&eacute;velopp&eacute;s dans une direction inqui&eacute;tante et "
+#~ "mena&ccedil;ante. Le secret commercial signifiait que vous vouliez "
+#~ "maintenir secret quelque chose, donc vous ne l'avez dit &agrave; "
+#~ "personne, et plus tard, &ccedil;a s'est fait dans les affaires de dire "
+#~ "juste &agrave; quelques personnes quelque chose et ils devaient accepter "
+#~ "de le maintenir secret. Mais maintenant, &ccedil;a prend une tournure "
+#~ "o&ugrave; le public en g&eacute;n&eacute;ral devient enr&ocirc;l&eacute; "
+#~ "dans le fait de garder des secrets d'affaires, m&ecirc;me s'ils n'ont "
+#~ "jamais convenu de quelque fa&ccedil;on que ce soit de garder ces secrets. "
+#~ "Et c'est une pression. Ainsi &agrave; ceux qui feignent de croire que le "
+#~ "secret commercial est juste un transposition sur l'ext&eacute;rieur de "
+#~ "certains de leurs droits, ce n'est justement pas vrai. Ils obtiennent "
+#~ "l'aide explicite du gouvernement en vigueur en for&ccedil;ant les autres "
+#~ "personnes &agrave; garder leurs secrets. Et nous pourrions nous demander "
+#~ "si les accords de non-divulgation devraient d'une fa&ccedil;on g&eacute;"
+#~ "n&eacute;rale &ecirc;tre consid&eacute;r&eacute;s comme des contrats "
+#~ "l&eacute;gitimes &agrave; cause de la nature antisociale du secret "
+#~ "commercial. Il ne devrait pas &ecirc;tre consid&eacute;r&eacute; comme "
+#~ "automatique, juste parce que quelqu'un a promis de garder un secret, que "
+#~ "c'est obligatoire."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Maybe in some cases it should be and in some cases it should not be.  If "
+#~ "there's a clear public benefit from knowing then maybe that should "
+#~ "invalidate the contract, or maybe it should be valid when it is signed "
+#~ "with customers or maybe between a business and a, maybe when a business "
+#~ "supplies secrets to its suppliers that should be legitimate, but to its "
+#~ "customers, no."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Peut-&ecirc;tre que dans certains cas, &ccedil;a devrait, et dans "
+#~ "d'autres non. S'il y a un avantage public clair de savoir alors peut-"
+#~ "&ecirc;tre que &ccedil;a devrait invalider le contrat. Ou peut-&ecirc;tre "
+#~ "devrait-il &ecirc;tre valide quand il est sign&eacute; avec des clients. "
+#~ "Ou peut-&ecirc;tre entre une soci&eacute;t&eacute; et un <em>[&hellip;]</"
+#~ "em>. Peut-&ecirc;tre que &ccedil;a devrait &ecirc;tre l&eacute;gitime "
+#~ "quand une soci&eacute;t&eacute; fournit des secrets &agrave; ses "
+#~ "fournisseurs. Mais &agrave; ses clients, non."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "There are various possibilities one can think of, but at the very start "
+#~ "anybody who hasn't voluntarily agreed to keep the secrets should not be "
+#~ "bound by trade secrecy. That's the way it was until not long ago. Maybe "
+#~ "it still is that way in Europe, I'm not sure."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Il y a diverses possibilit&eacute;s auxquelles chacun peut penser, mais "
+#~ "tout au d&eacute;but quiconque n'a pas accept&eacute; volontairement de "
+#~ "garder les secrets ne devrait pas &ecirc;tre li&eacute; par le secret "
+#~ "commercial. C'&eacute;tait comme &ccedil;a il n'y a pas si longtemps "
+#~ "encore. Peut-&ecirc;tre que c'est toujours comme &ccedil;a en Europe, je "
+#~ "ne suis pas s&ucirc;r."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid "<strong>AM11</strong>: Is is OK for a company to ask say its&hellip;"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<strong>MA11</strong>&nbsp;: Est-ce qu'une entreprise peut le demander "
+#~ "&agrave; ses&hellip;"
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid "<strong>RMS</strong>: employees?"
+#~ msgstr "<strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: employ&eacute;s&nbsp;?"
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid "<strong>AM11</strong>: No no"
+#~ msgstr "<strong>MA11</strong>&nbsp;: Non non"
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid "<strong>RMS</strong>: suppliers?"
+#~ msgstr "<strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: fournisseurs&nbsp;?"
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<strong>AM11</strong>: yes, suppliers. What if the customer is another "
+#~ "supplier?"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<strong>MA11</strong>&nbsp;: oui, fournisseurs. Et si le client est un "
+#~ "autre fournisseur&nbsp;?"
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid "<em>[gap as minidisk changed]</em>"
+#~ msgstr "<em>[espace pendant que le minidisque est chang&eacute;]</em>"
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid "<strong>RMS</strong>: Let's start by not encouraging it."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Commen&ccedil;ons par ne pas l'encourager."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<strong>AM12</strong>: I have a question regarding your opinion on the "
+#~ "scientific work on journals and textbooks. In my profession at least one "
+#~ "official journal and textbook are available on-line, but they retain "
+#~ "copyright, but there is free access to the resources provided they have "
+#~ "internet access."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<strong>MA12</strong>&nbsp;: J'ai une question concernant votre avis sur "
+#~ "le travail scientifique des journaux et des manuels. Dans ma profession "
+#~ "au moins un Journal officiel et un manuel sont disponibles en ligne. Ils "
+#~ "maintiennent le copyright, mais il y a un libre acc&egrave;s aux "
+#~ "ressources pourvu qu'on ait l'acc&egrave;s &agrave; Internet."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<strong>RMS</strong>: Well, that's good. But there are many journals "
+#~ "where it is not like that. For example, the ACM journals you can't access "
+#~ "unless you are a subscriber: they're blocked. So I think journals should "
+#~ "all start opening up access on the web."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Ok, c'est bon. Mais il y a beaucoup de "
+#~ "journaux o&ugrave; ce n'est pas comme &ccedil;a. Par exemple, les "
+#~ "journaux d'ACM auxquels vous ne pouvez pas acc&eacute;der &agrave; part "
+#~ "si vous &ecirc;tes abonn&eacute;&nbsp;: ils sont bloqu&eacute;s. Aussi je "
+#~ "pense que les journaux devraient tout commencer &agrave; en ouvrir "
+#~ "l'acc&egrave;s sur le Web."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<strong>AM12</strong>: So what impact does that have on the significance "
+#~ "of copyright on the public when you basically don't interfere with "
+#~ "providing free access on the web."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<strong>MA12</strong>&nbsp;: Aussi, quel impact cela a t-il sur le sens "
+#~ "du copyright sur le public, quand fondamentalement vous n'intervenez pas "
+#~ "en proposant un libre acc&egrave;s sur le net&nbsp;?"
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<strong>RMS</strong>: Well, first of all, I disagree. Mirror sites are "
+#~ "essential, so the journal should only provide open access but they should "
+#~ "also give everyone the freedom to set up mirror sites with verbatim "
+#~ "copies of these papers. If not then there is a danger that they will get "
+#~ "lost.  Various kinds of calamities could cause them to be lost, you know, "
+#~ "natural disasters, political disasters, technical disasters, bureaucratic "
+#~ "disasters, fiscal disasters&hellip; All sorts of things could cause that "
+#~ "one site to disappear. So really what the scholarly community should "
+#~ "logically be doing is carefully arranging to have a wide network of "
+#~ "mirror sites making sure that every paper is available on every "
+#~ "continent, from places near the ocean to places that are far inland and "
+#~ "you know this is exactly the kind of thing that major libraries will feel "
+#~ "is their mission if only they were not being stopped."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Bien, tout d'abord je suis en d&eacute;"
+#~ "saccord. Les sites miroir sont essentiels. Ainsi, le journal devrait non "
+#~ "seulement offrir un acc&egrave;s libre mais devrait &eacute;galement "
+#~ "donner &agrave; chacun la libert&eacute; d'installer des sites en miroir "
+#~ "avec les copies int&eacute;grales de ces articles. Sinon, il y a un "
+#~ "danger qu'ils soient perdus. Divers genres de calamit&eacute;s pourraient "
+#~ "causer leur perte, vous savez, des d&eacute;sastres naturels, d&eacute;"
+#~ "sastres politiques, d&eacute;sastres techniques, d&eacute;sastres "
+#~ "bureaucratiques, d&eacute;sastres fiscaux&hellip; Toutes sortes de choses "
+#~ "qui pourraient provoquer leur dispararition du site. C'est tellement "
+#~ "vrai, que ce que la communaut&eacute; savante devrait logiquement faire, "
+#~ "c'est se charger soigneusement d'avoir un large r&eacute;seau de sites en "
+#~ "miroir en s'assurant que chaque papier est disponible sur chaque "
+#~ "continent; depuis le bord de l'oc&eacute;an jusqu'&agrave; l'int&eacute;"
+#~ "rieur des terres. Et vous savez que c'est exactement le genre de chose "
+#~ "que les biblioth&egrave;ques principales sentiront que c'est dans leur "
+#~ "mission de faire, si seulement elles n'&eacute;taient pas arr&ecirc;"
+#~ "t&eacute;es."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "So what should be done, is that these journals should go one step "
+#~ "further. In addition to saying everybody can access the site they should "
+#~ "be saying, everyone can set up a mirror site. Even if they said, you have "
+#~ "to do the whole publication of this journal, together with our "
+#~ "advertisements, now that would still at least do the job of making the "
+#~ "availability redundant so that it's not in danger, and other institutions "
+#~ "would set up mirror sites, and I predict that you would find ten years "
+#~ "down the road, a very well organised unofficial system of co-ordinating "
+#~ "the mirroring to make sure that nothing was getting left out. At this "
+#~ "point the amount that it costs to set up the mirror site for years of a "
+#~ "journal is so little that it doesn't require any special funding; nobody "
+#~ "has to work very hard: just let librarians do it. Anyway, oh there was "
+#~ "some other thing that this raised and I can't remember what it is. Oh "
+#~ "well, I'll just have to let it go."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Aussi, ce qui devrait &ecirc;tre fait, c'est que ces journaux devraient "
+#~ "faire un pas de plus en avant. En plus de dire &laquo;&nbsp;tout le monde "
+#~ "peut acc&eacute;der au site&nbsp;&raquo;, ils devraient dire &laquo;&nbsp;"
+#~ "chacun peut installer un site miroir&nbsp;&raquo;. M&ecirc;me s'ils "
+#~ "disaient &laquo;&nbsp;vous devez faire la publication enti&egrave;re de "
+#~ "ce journal, en m&ecirc;me temps que nos annonces&nbsp;&raquo;, n&eacute;"
+#~ "anmoins &ccedil;a ne ferait que rendre la disponibilit&eacute; superflue, "
+#~ "au lieu de la mettre en danger. Et d'autres &eacute;tablissements "
+#~ "installeraient des sites en miroir. Et je pr&eacute;vois que vous "
+#~ "trouveriez dans un peu plus de dix ans, un syst&egrave;me officieux "
+#~ "tr&egrave;s bien organis&eacute; de coordinateurs pour s'assurer que rien "
+#~ "ne serait oubli&eacute;. En ce moment, ce que cela co&ucirc;te "
+#~ "d'installer pour des ann&eacute;es un site en miroir d'un journal est si "
+#~ "faible qu'il n'exige pas de financement sp&eacute;cial; personne n'a "
+#~ "&agrave; travailler tr&egrave;s dur&nbsp;: il y a juste &agrave; laisser "
+#~ "les biblioth&eacute;caires le faire. Quoi qu'il en soit, oh, il y avait "
+#~ "autre chose que &ccedil;a a soulev&eacute;&hellip; et je ne me souviens "
+#~ "pas ce que c'&eacute;tait. Oh ,bon, j'ai oubli&eacute;."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<strong>AM13</strong>: The financing problem for the aesthetical "
+#~ "works&hellip; do you think the dynamics could be&hellip; <em>[inaudible]</"
+#~ "em> although I understand the problems of&hellip; I mean who's "
+#~ "contributing? and who will be rewarded? Does the spirit of free software "
+#~ "<em>[inaudible]</em>"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<strong>MA13</strong>&nbsp;: Le probl&egrave;me de financement pour les "
+#~ "travaux esth&eacute;tiques&hellip; pensez-vous que la dynamique pourrait "
+#~ "&ecirc;tre&hellip; <em>[inaudible]</em> bien que je comprenne les "
+#~ "probl&egrave;mes de&hellip; Je veux dire qui contribue&nbsp;? Et qui sera "
+#~ "r&eacute;compens&eacute;&nbsp;? Est-ce que l'esprit du logiciel libre <em>"
+#~ "[inaudible]</em>"
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<strong>RMS</strong>: I don't know. It's certainly suggesting the idea to "
+#~ "people.  We'll see. I don't the answers, I don't know how we're going to "
+#~ "get there, I'm trying to think about where we should get to. I know know "
+#~ "how we can get there. The publishers are so powerful, and can get "
+#~ "governments to do their bidding. How we're going to build up the kind of "
+#~ "world where the public refuses to tolerate this any more I don't know. I "
+#~ "think the first thing we have to do is to clearly reject the term pirate "
+#~ "and the views that go with it. Every time we hear that we have to speak "
+#~ "out and say this is propaganda, it's not wrong for people to share these "
+#~ "published works with each other, it's sharing with you friend, it's good. "
+#~ "And sharing with your friend is more important than how much money these "
+#~ "companies get. The society shouldn't be shaped for the sake of these "
+#~ "companies. We have to keep on&hellip; because you see the idea that "
+#~ "they've spread&mdash;that anything that reduces their income is immoral "
+#~ "and therefore people must be restricted in any way it takes to guarantee "
+#~ "for them to be paid for everything&hellip; that is the fundamental thing "
+#~ "that we have to start attacking directly. People have mostly tried "
+#~ "tactics of concentrating on secondary issues, you know, to when people, "
+#~ "you know when the publishers demand increased power usually people saying "
+#~ "it will cause some secondary kind of harm and arguing based on that but "
+#~ "you rarely find anybody (except me) saying that the whole point of the "
+#~ "change is wrong, that it's wrong to restrict it in that way, that it's "
+#~ "legitimate for people to want to change copies and that they should be "
+#~ "allowed to. We have to have more of this. We have to start cutting the "
+#~ "root of their dominion not just hacking away at a few leaves."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Je ne sais pas. L'id&eacute;e vient "
+#~ "certainement &agrave; l'esprit des gens. Nous verrons. Je n'ai pas les "
+#~ "r&eacute;ponses. Je ne sais pas comment nous allons les avoir. J'essaye "
+#~ "de penser &agrave; peu pr&egrave;s o&ugrave; nous pourrions les obtenir. "
+#~ "Je ne sais pas comment nous pourrions y arriver. Les &eacute;diteurs sont "
+#~ "si puissants&hellip; ils peuvent obtenir des gouvernements qu'ils "
+#~ "ex&eacute;cutent leurs ordres. Comment allons-nous construire ce genre de "
+#~ "monde o&ugrave; le public refuse de tol&eacute;rer &ccedil;a plus "
+#~ "longtemps, je ne sais pas. Je pense que la premi&egrave;re chose que nous "
+#~ "devons faire est de rejeter clairement le mot pirate et les images qui "
+#~ "vont avec. Tous les jours on nous dit d'oser prendre la parole, et dire "
+#~ "que c'est de la propagande, qu'il n'est pas mauvais pour les gens de "
+#~ "partager ces travaux publi&eacute;s avec les autres, que c'est partager "
+#~ "avec votre ami, et que c'est bien. Et que partager avec votre ami, c'est "
+#~ "plus important que l'argent que ces compagnies gagnent. Que la "
+#~ "soci&eacute;t&eacute; ne devrait pas &ecirc;tre fa&ccedil;onn&eacute;e "
+#~ "sur leurs int&eacute;r&ecirc;ts. Nous devons continuer&hellip; parce que "
+#~ "vous voyez, l'id&eacute;e qu'elles ont r&eacute;pandu &mdash; que tout ce "
+#~ "qui r&eacute;duit leur revenu est immoral et donc que les gens doivent "
+#~ "&ecirc;tre limit&eacute;s quelqu'en soit le moyen pour garantir qu'ils "
+#~ "seront pay&eacute;s pour tout&hellip; c'est la chose fondamentale que "
+#~ "nous devons commencer &agrave; attaquer directement. Les gens ont la "
+#~ "plupart du temps essay&eacute; la tactique de la concentration sur les "
+#~ "questions secondaires, vous savez&hellip; Quand les &eacute;diteurs "
+#~ "exigent plus de pouvoir, les gens habituellement disent que cela causera "
+#~ "un certain type de mal secondaire, et basent leurs arguments la-dessus. "
+#~ "Mais vous trouvez rarement quelqu'un (except&eacute; moi) qui dit que le "
+#~ "point entier du changement est erron&eacute;, que c'est une erreur de le "
+#~ "limiter de cette fa&ccedil;on, qu'il est l&eacute;gitime pour les gens de "
+#~ "vouloir changer les copies et que &ccedil;a devrait leur &ecirc;tre "
+#~ "permis. Nous devrions en avoir plus. Nous devons commencer &agrave; "
+#~ "couper la racine de leur domination et pas simplement entailler loin "
+#~ "quelques feuilles."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<strong>AM14</strong>: <em>[inaudible]</em> this is important is to "
+#~ "concentrate on the donations system for music."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<strong>MA14</strong>&nbsp;: <em>[inaudible]</em> ce qui est important, "
+#~ "c'est de se concentrer sur le syst&egrave;me de donation pour la musique."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<strong>RMS</strong>: Yes. Unfortunately though there are patents "
+#~ "covering the technique that seems most likely to be usable."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Oui. Bien que malheureusement, il y ait des "
+#~ "brevets couvrant la technique qui semblent &ecirc;tre tr&egrave;s "
+#~ "probablement utilisables."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid "<em>[laughs, cries of &ldquo;no&rdquo; from audience]</em>"
+#~ msgstr "<em>[rires, on crie &laquo;non&raquo; dans l'audience]</em>"
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid "<strong>RMS</strong>: So it may take ten years before we can do it."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Cela peut mettre dix ans avant que &ccedil;a "
+#~ "puisse se faire."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid "<strong>AM15</strong>: We only take French laws"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<strong>MA15</strong>&nbsp;: On prendra seulement les lois fran&ccedil;"
+#~ "aises."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<strong>RMS</strong>: I don't know. I think I'd better hand the floor "
+#~ "over to Melanie whose talk was supposed to start at 3. and uh so"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<strong>RMS</strong>&nbsp;: Je ne sais pas. Je pense que je devrais "
+#~ "rendre la parole &agrave; M&eacute;lanie dont l'entretien devait "
+#~ "commencer &agrave; trois heures. Et hue&nbsp;! donc."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "RMS stands in silence. There is a pause before the outbreak of applause. "
+#~ "RMS turns to applaud the stuffed fabric gnu he placed on the overhead "
+#~ "projector at the beginning of the talk."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "RMS reste silencieux. Il y a une pause avant le d&eacute;clenchement des "
+#~ "applaudissements. RMS se tourne pour applaudir le Gnu bourr&eacute; de "
+#~ "tissu qu'il a plac&eacute; sur le r&eacute;tro-projecteur au d&eacute;but "
+#~ "de l'entretien."

Index: philosophy/po/copyright-versus-community.pot
RCS file: /web/www/www/philosophy/po/copyright-versus-community.pot,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -b -r1.3 -r1.4
--- philosophy/po/copyright-versus-community.pot        25 Mar 2009 08:26:21 
-0000      1.3
+++ philosophy/po/copyright-versus-community.pot        1 Dec 2009 21:26:45 
-0000       1.4
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-03-25 04:26-0300\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-12-01 16:26-0500\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
 "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <address@hidden>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <address@hidden>\n"
@@ -25,1367 +25,1300 @@
 msgid "Copyright versus Community in the Age of Computer Networks"
 msgstr ""
-#.  It seems this location is no longer accessible
-#. The original version is hosted at <a
-#. yavor, Apr 3, 2007 
-# type: Content of: <pre>
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"This is a transcription from an audio recording, prepared by Douglas\n"
-"Carnall, July 2000.\n"
-msgstr ""
 # type: Content of: <p>
 msgid ""
-"<em> Mr Stallman arrives a few minutes after the appointed hour of "
-"commencement of his talk to address a hushed and respectful audience. He "
-"speaks with great precision and almost no hesitation in a pronounced Boston "
+"<b>Keynote speech at LIANZA conference, Christchurch Convention Centre, 12 "
+"October 2009</b>"
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<strong>RMS</strong>: This is made for someone who wears a strangler."
+# type: Content of: <dl><dt>
+msgid "BC:"
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<em>[indicates clip-on microphone for lecture theatre amplification "
+"Tena koutou, tena koutou, tena koutou katoa.  Today I have the privilege of "
+"introducing Richard Stallman, whose keynote speech is being sponsored by the "
+"School of Information Management at Victoria University of Wellington."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "I don't wear stranglers, so there is no place for it to go."
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"Richard has been working to promote software freedom for over 25 years.  In "
+"1983 he started the GNU project to develop a free operating system [the GNU "
+"system], and in 1985 he set up the Free Software Foundation.  Every time you "
+"read or send a message to nz-libs, you use the Mailman software which is "
+"part of the GNU project.  So whether you realize it or not, Richard's work "
+"has touched all of your lives."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<em>[clips it to his T-shirt]</em>"
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"I like to describe him as the most influential person most people have never "
+"heard of, although he tells me that that cannot possibly be true because it "
+"cannot be tested."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<strong>Me</strong>: Are you OK with the recording?"
+# type: Content of: <dl><dt>
+msgid "RMS:"
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<strong>RMS</strong>: Yes! <em>[testy]</em> How many people have to ask 
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd>
+msgid "We can't tell."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "Well, I'm supposed to speak today"
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"I said that&mdash;I still like it.  His ideas about software freedom and "
+"free access to information were used by Tim Berners-Lee when he created the "
+"world's first web server, and in 1999 his musings about a free online "
+"encyclopedia inspired Jimmy Wales to set up what is now Wikipedia."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<em>[long pause]</em>"
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"Today Richard will be talking to us about copyright vs community in the age "
+"of computer networks, and their implications for libraries.  Richard."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "about copyright versus community. This is too loud."
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"I've been in New Zealand for a couple of weeks, and in the North Island it "
+"was raining most of the time.  Now I know why they call gumboots "
+"&ldquo;Wellingtons&rdquo;.  And then I saw somebody who was making chairs "
+"and tables out of ponga wood, and he called it fern-iture.  Then we took the "
+"ferry to get here, and as soon as we got off, people started mocking and "
+"insulting us; but there were no hard feelings, they just wanted to make us "
+"really feel Picton."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<em>[indicates clip-on microphone]</em>"
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"The reason people usually invite me to give speeches is because of my work "
+"on free software.  This is not a talk about free software; this talk answers "
+"the question whether the ideas of free software extend to other kinds of "
+"works.  But in order for that to make sense, I'd better tell you briefly "
+"what free software means."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "What can I do?"
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"Free software is a matter of freedom, not price, so think of &ldquo;free "
+"speech&rdquo;, not &ldquo;free beer&rdquo;.  Free software is software that "
+"respects the user's freedom, and there are four specific freedoms that the "
+"user deserves always to have."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "Let's see&hellip; there's no volume control&hellip;"
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><ul><li>
+msgid "Freedom 0 is the freedom to run the program as you wish."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<em>[finds volume control on radio microphone box]</em>"
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><ul><li>
+msgid ""
+"Freedom 1 is the freedom to study the source code of the program and change "
+"it to make the program do what you wish."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "this seems better"
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><ul><li>
+msgid ""
+"Freedom 2 is the freedom to help your neighbour; that is, the freedom to "
+"redistribute copies of the program, exact copies when you wish."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><ul><li>
 msgid ""
-"OK. Copyright versus community in the age of computer networks. The "
-"principles of ethics can't change. They are the same for all situations, but "
-"to apply them to any question or situation you have to look at the facts of "
-"the situation to compare alternatives, you have to see what their "
-"consequences are, a change in technology never changes the principles of "
-"ethics, but a change in technology can alter the consequences of the same "
-"choices, so it can make a difference for the outcome of the question, and "
-"that has happened in the area of copyright law. We have a situation where "
-"changes in technology have affected the ethical factors that weigh on "
-"decisions about copyright law and change the right policy for society."
+"And Freedom 3 is the freedom to contribute to your community.  That's the "
+"freedom to publish your modified versions when you wish."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"Laws that in the past may have been a good idea, now are harmful because "
-"they are in a different context. But to explain this, I should go back to "
-"the beginning to the ancient world where books were made by writing them out "
-"by hand. That was the only way to do it, and anybody who could read could "
-"also write a copy of a book. To be sure a slave who spent all day writing "
-"copies could probably do it somewhat better than someone who didn't "
-"ordinarily do that but it didn't make a tremendous difference. Essentially, "
-"anyone who could read, could copy books, about as well as they could be "
-"copied in any fashion."
+"If the program gives you these four freedoms then it's free software, which "
+"means the social system of its distribution and use is an ethical system, "
+"one which respects the user's freedom and the social solidarity of the "
+"user's community.  But if one of these freedoms is missing or insufficient, "
+"then it's proprietary software, nonfree software, user-subjugating "
+"software.  It's unethical.  It's not a contribution to society, it's a power "
+"grab.  This unethical practice should not exist; the goal of the free "
+"software movement is to put an end to it.  All software should be free, so "
+"that all users can be free."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"In the ancient world, there wasn't the sharp distinction between authorship "
-"and copying that there tends to be today."
+"Proprietary software keeps the users divided and helpless: divided, because "
+"they're forbidden to share it, and helpless, because they don't have the "
+"source code so they can't change it.  They can't even study it to verify "
+"what it's really doing to them, and many proprietary programs have malicious "
+"features which spy on the user, restrict the user, even back doors to attack "
+"the user."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"There was a continuum. On the one hand you might have somebody, say, writing "
-"a play. Then you might have, on the other extreme, just somebody making "
-"copies of books, but in between you might have say, somebody, who say, "
-"copies part of a book, but writes some words of his own, or writing a "
-"commentary, and this was very common, and definitely respected. Other people "
-"would copy some bits from one book, and then some bits from another book, "
-"and write something of their own words, and then copy from another book, "
-"quoting passages of various lengths from many different works, and then "
-"writing some other works to talk about them more, or relate them. And there "
-"are many ancient works&mdash;now lost&mdash;in which part of them survived "
-"in these quotations in other books that became more popular than the book "
-"that the original quote <em>[came from]</em>."
+"For instance, Microsoft Windows has a back door with which Microsoft can "
+"forcibly install software changes, without getting permission from the "
+"supposed owner of the computer.  You may think it's your computer, but if "
+"you've made the mistake of having Windows running in it, then really "
+"Microsoft has owned your computer.  Computers need to be defenestrated, "
+"which means either throw Windows out of the computer, or throw the computer "
+"out the window."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"There was a spectrum between writing an original work, and copying.  There "
-"were many books that were partly copied, but mixed with original writing. I "
-"don't believe there was any idea of copyright in the ancient world and it "
-"would have been rather difficult to enforce one, because books could be "
-"copied by anyone who could read anywhere, anyone who could get some writing "
-"materials, and a feather to write with. So, that was a rather clear simple "
+"But any proprietary software gives the developers unjust power over the "
+"users.  Some of the developers abuse this power more, and some abuse it "
+"less, but none of them ought to have it.  You deserve to have control of "
+"your computing, and not be forcibly dependent on a particular company.  So "
+"you deserve free software."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"Later on, printing was developed and printing changed the situation "
-"greatly. It provided a much more efficient way to make copies of books, "
-"provided that they were all identical. And it required specialised, fairly "
-"expensive equipment that an ordinary reader would not have. So in effect it "
-"created a situation in which copies could only feasibly be made by "
-"specialised businesses, of which the number was not that large.  There might "
-"have been hundreds of printing presses in a country and hundreds of "
-"thousands, or maybe even millions of actually people who could read. So the "
-"decrease in the number of places in which copies could be made was "
+"At the end of speeches about free software, people sometimes ask whether "
+"these same freedoms and ideas apply to other things.  If you have a copy of "
+"a published work on your computer, it makes sense to ask whether you should "
+"have the same four freedoms&mdash;whether it's ethically essential that you "
+"have them or not.  And that's the question that I'm going to address today."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"Now the idea of copyright developed along with the printing press. I think "
-"that there may be&hellip; I think I remember reading that Venice, which was "
-"a major centre of printing in the 1500s also had a kind of copyright but I "
-"can't find that: I couldn't find that reference again.  But the system of "
-"copyright fitted in naturally with the printing press because it became rare "
-"for ordinary readers to make copies. It still happen. People who were very "
-"poor or very rich had handmade copies of books. The very rich people did "
-"this to show off their wealth: they had beautiful illuminated wealth to show "
-"that they could afford this. And poor people still sometimes copied books by "
-"hand because they couldn't afford printed copies. As the song goes "
-"&ldquo;Time ain't money when all you got is time.&rdquo; So some poor people "
-"copied books with a pen. But for the most part the books were all made on "
-"printing presses by publishers and copyright as a system fitted in very well "
-"with the technical system.  For one thing it was painless for readers, "
-"because the readers weren't going to make copies anyway, except for the very "
-"rich ones who could presumably legitimise it, or the very poor ones who were "
-"making just individual copies and no one was going to go after them with "
-"lawyers.  And the system was fairly easy to enforce again because there were "
-"only a small number of places where it had to be enforced: only the printing "
-"presses, and because of this it didn't require, it didn't involve, a "
-"struggle against the public. You didn't find just about everybody trying to "
-"copy books and being threatened with arrest for doing it."
+"If you have a copy of something that's not software, for the most part, the "
+"only thing that might deny you any of these freedoms is copyright law.  With "
+"software that's not so.  The main ways of making software non-free are "
+"contracts and withholding the source code from the users.  Copyright is a "
+"sort of secondary, back up method.  For other things there's no such "
+"distinction as between source code and executable code."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"And in fact, in addition to not restricting the reader's directly, it didn't "
-"cause much of a problem for readers, because it might have added a small "
-"fraction to the price of books but it didn't double the price, so that small "
-"extra addition to the price was a very small burden for the readers. The "
-"actions restricted by copyright were actions that you couldn't do, as an "
-"ordinary reader, and therefore, it didn't cause a problem. And because of "
-"this there was no need for harsh punishments to convince readers to tolerate "
-"it and to obey."
+"For instance, if we're talking about a text, if you can see the text to read "
+"it, there's nothing in the text that you can't see.  So it's not the same "
+"kind of issue exactly as software.  It's for the most part only copyright "
+"that might deny you these freedoms."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"So copyright effectively was an industrial regulation. It restricted "
-"publishers and writers but it didn't restrict the general public. It was "
-"somewhat like charging a fee for going on a boat ride across the "
-"Atlantic. You know, it's easy to collect the fee when people are getting on "
-"a boat for weeks or months."
+"So the question can be restated: &ldquo;What should copyright law allow you "
+"to do with published works? What should copyright law say?&rdquo;"
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"Well, as time went on, printing got more efficient. Eventually even poor "
-"people didn't have to bother copying books by hand and the idea sort of got "
-"forgotten. I think it's in the 1800s that essentially printing got cheap "
-"enough so that essentially everyone could afford printed books, so to some "
-"extent the idea of poor people copying books by hand was lost from memory. I "
-"heard about this about ten years ago when I started talking about the "
-"subject to people."
+"Copyright has developed along with copying technology, so it's useful to "
+"review the history of copying technology.  Copying developed in the ancient "
+"world, where you'd use a writing instrument on a writing surface.  You'd "
+"read one copy and write another."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"So originally in England copyright was partly intended as a measure of "
-"censorship. People who wanted to publish books were required to get approval "
-"from the government but the idea began to change and it a different idea was "
-"expressed explicitly in the US constitution. When the US constitution was "
-"written there was a proposal that authors should be entitled to a monopoly "
-"on copying their books. This idea was rejected. Instead, a different idea of "
-"the philosophy of copyright was put into the constitution. The idea that a "
-"copyright system could be&hellip; well, the idea is that people have the "
-"natural right to copy things but copyright as an artificial restriction on "
-"copying can be authorised for the sake of promoting progress."
+"This technology was rather inefficient, but another interesting "
+"characteristic was that it had no economy of scale.  To write ten copies "
+"would take ten times as long as to write one copy.  It required no special "
+"equipment other than the equipment for writing, and it required no special "
+"skill other than literacy itself.  The result was that copies of any "
+"particular book were made in a decentralized manner.  Wherever there was a "
+"copy, if someone wanted to copy it, he could."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"So the system of copyright would have been the same more or less either way, "
-"but this was a statement about the purpose which is said to justify "
-"copyright. It is explicitly justified as a means to promote progress, not as "
-"an entitlement for copyright owners. So the system is meant to modify the "
-"behaviour of copyright owners so as to benefit the public. The benefit "
-"consists of more books being written and published and this is intended to "
-"contribute to the progress of civilisation, to spreading ideas, and as a "
-"means to this end&hellip; in other words as a means to this end copyright "
-"exists. So this also thought of as a bargain between the public and authors; "
-"that the public gives up its natural right to make copies of anything in "
-"exchange for the progress that is brought about indirectly, by encouraging "
-"more people to write."
+"There was nothing like copyright in the ancient world.  If you had a copy "
+"and wanted to copy it, nobody was going to tell you you weren't "
+"allowed&mdash;except if the local prince didn't like what the book said, in "
+"which case he might punish you for copying it.  But that's not copyright, "
+"but rather something closely related, namely censorship.  To this day, "
+"copyright is often used in attempts to censor people."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"Now it may seem like an obscure question to ask &ldquo;What's the purpose of "
-"copyright?&rdquo; But the purpose of any activity is the most important "
-"thing for deciding when an activity needs to be changed and how. If you "
-"forget about the purpose you are sure to get things wrong, so ever since "
-"that decision was made, the authors and especially the publishers most "
-"recently have been trying to misrepresent it and sweep it under the "
-"rug. There has been a campaign for decades to try to spread the idea that "
-"was rejected in the US constitution. The idea that copyright exists as an "
-"entitlement for copyright owners. And you can that expressed in almost "
-"everything they say about it starting and ending with the word "
-"&ldquo;pirate&rdquo; which is used to give the impression that making an "
-"unauthorised copy is the moral equivalent of attacking a ship and kidnapping "
-"or killing the people on board."
+"That went on for thousands of years, but then there was a big advance in "
+"copying technology, namely the printing press.  The printing press made "
+"copying more efficient, but not uniformly.  [This was] because mass "
+"production copying became a lot more efficient, but making one copy at a "
+"time didn't benefit from the printing press.  In fact, you were better off "
+"just writing it by hand; that would be faster than trying to print one copy."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"So if you look at the statements being made by publishers you find lots of "
-"implicit assumptions of this sort which you have to drag into the open and "
-"then start questioning."
+"The printing press has an economy of scale: it takes a lot of work to set "
+"the type, but then you can make many copies very fast.  Also, the printing "
+"press and the type were expensive equipment that most people didn't own; and "
+"the ability to use them, most literate people didn't know.  Using a press "
+"was a different skill from writing.  The result was a centralized manner of "
+"producing copies: the copies of any given book would be made in a few "
+"places, and then they would be transported to wherever someone wanted to buy "
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <h3>
-msgid "Recent events and problems"
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"Copyright began in the age of the printing press.  Copyright in England "
+"began as a system of censorship in the 1500s.  I believe it was originally "
+"meant to censor Protestants, but it was turned around and used to censor "
+"Catholics and presumably lots of others as well.  According to this law, in "
+"order to publish a book you had to get permission from the Crown, and this "
+"permission was granted in the form of a perpetual monopoly to publish it.  "
+"This was allowed to lapse in the 1680s, I believe [it expired in 1695 "
+"according to the Wikipedia entry].  The publishers wanted it back again, but "
+"what they got was something somewhat different.  The Statute of Anne gave "
+"authors a copyright, and only for 14 years, although the author could renew "
+"it once."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<em>[brightens]</em>"
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"This was a totally different idea&mdash;a temporary monopoly for the author, "
+"instead of a perpetual monopoly for the publisher.  The idea developed that "
+"copyright was a means of promoting writing."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"Anyway, as long as the age of the printing press continued, copyright was "
-"painless, easy to enforce, and probably a good idea. But the age of the "
-"printing press began changing a few decades ago when things like Xerox "
-"machines and tape recorders started to be available, and more recently as "
-"computer networks have come into use the situation has changed "
-"drastically. We are now in a situation technologically more like the ancient "
-"world, where anybody who could read something could also make a copy of it "
-"that was essentially as good as the best copies anyone could make."
+"When the US constitution was written, some people wanted authors to be "
+"entitled to a copyright, but that was rejected.  Instead, the US "
+"Constitution says that Congress can optionally adopt a copyright law, and if "
+"there is a copyright law, its purpose is to promote progress.  In other "
+"words, the purpose is not benefits for copyright holders or anybody they do "
+"business with, but for the general public.  Copyright has to last a limited "
+"time; publishers keep hoping for us to forget about this."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<em>[murmuring in the audience]</em>"
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"Here we have an idea of copyright which is an industrial regulation on "
+"publishers, controlled by authors, and designed to provide benefits to the "
+"public at large.  It functioned this way because it didn't restrict the "
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"A situation now where once again, ordinary readers can make copies "
-"themselves. It doesn't have to be done through centralised mass production, "
-"as in the printing press. Now this change in technology changes the "
-"situation in which copyright law operates. The idea of the bargain was that "
-"the public trades away its natural right to make copies, and in exchange "
-"gets a benefit. Well, a bargain could be a good one or a bad one. It depends "
-"on the worth of what you are giving up.  And the worth of what you are "
-"getting. In the age of the printing press the public traded away a freedom "
-"that it was unable to use."
+"Now in the early centuries of printing, and still I believe in the 1790s, "
+"lots of readers wrote copies by hand because they couldn't afford printed "
+"copies.  Nobody ever expected copyright law to be something other than an "
+"industrial regulation.  It wasn't meant to stop people from writing copies, "
+"it was meant to regulate the publishers.  Because of this it was easy to "
+"enforce, uncontroversial, and arguably beneficial for society."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"It's like finding a way of selling shit: what have you got to lose? You've "
-"got it on hand anyway, if you get something for it, it can hardly be a bad "
+"It was easy to enforce, because it only had to be enforced against "
+"publishers.  And it's easy to find the unauthorized publishers of a "
+"book&mdash;you go to a bookstore and say 'where do these copies come "
+"from?'.  You don't have to invade everybody's home and everybody's computer "
+"to do that."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<em>[faint laughter]</em>"
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"It was uncontroversial because, as the readers were not restricted, they had "
+"nothing to complain about.  Theoretically they were restricted from "
+"publishing, but not being publishers and not having printing presses, they "
+"couldn't do that anyway.  In what they actually could do, they were not "
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"It's like accepting money for promising not to travel to another "
-"star. You're not going to do it anyway"
+"It was arguably beneficial because the general public, according to the "
+"concepts of copyright law, traded away a theoretical right they were not in "
+"a position to exercise.  In exchange, they got the benefits of more writing."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<em>[hearty laughter]</em>"
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"Now if you trade away something you have no possible use for, and you get "
+"something you can use in exchange, it's a positive trade.  Whether or not "
+"you could have gotten a better deal some other way, that's a different "
+"question, but at least it's positive."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"at least not in our lifetime so you might as well, if someone's going to pay "
-"you to promise not to travel to another star, you might as well take the "
-"deal. But if I presented you with a starship, then you might not think that "
-"deal was such a good deal any more. When the thing you used to sell because "
-"it was useless, you discover a use for it, then you have to reconsider the "
-"desirability of those old deals that used to be advantageous. Typically in a "
-"such a situation you decide that &ldquo;I'm not going to sell all of this "
-"any more; I'm going to keep some of it and use it.&rdquo; So if you were "
-"giving up a freedom that you couldn't exercise and now you can exercise it, "
-"you probably want to start retaining the right to exercise it at least "
-"partially. You might still trade part of the freedom: and there are many "
-"alternatives of different bargains which trade parts of the freedom and keep "
-"other parts. So, precisely what you want to do requires thought, but in any "
-"case you want to reconsider the old bargain, and you probably want to sell "
-"less of what you sold in the past."
+"So if this were still in the age of the printing press, I don't think I'd be "
+"complaining about copyright law.  But the age of the printing press is "
+"gradually giving way to the age of the computer networks&mdash;another "
+"advance in copying technology that makes copying more efficient, and once "
+"again not uniformly so."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"But the publishers are trying to do exactly the opposite. At exactly the "
-"time when the public's interest is to keep part of the freedom to use it, "
-"the publishers are passing laws which make us give up more freedom. You see "
-"copyright was never intended to be an absolute monopoly on all the uses of a "
-"copyright work. It covered some uses and not others, but in recent times the "
-"publishers have been pushing to extend it further and further. Ending up "
-"most recently with things like the Digital Millennium Copyright Act in the "
-"US which they are also trying to turn into a treaty through the World "
-"Intellectual Property Organisation which is essentially an organisation "
-"representing the owners of copyrights and patents and which works to try to "
-"increase their power, and pretends to be doing so in the name of humanity "
-"rather than in the name of these particular companies."
+"Here's what we had in the age of the printing press: mass production very "
+"efficient, one at a time copying still just as slow as the ancient world.  "
+"Digital technology gets us here: they've both benefited, but one-off copying "
+"has benefited the most."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"Now, what are the consequences when copyright starts restricting activities "
-"that ordinary readers can do. Well, for one thing it's no longer an "
-"industrial regulation. It becomes an imposition on the public. For another, "
-"because of this, you find the public's starting to object to it You know, "
-"when it is stopping ordinary people from doing things that are natural in "
-"their lives you find ordinary people refusing to obey. Which means that "
-"copyright is no longer easy to enforce and that's why you see harsher and "
-"harsher punishments being adopted by governments that are basically serving "
-"the publishers rather than the public."
+"We get to a situation much more like the ancient world, where one at a time "
+"copying is not so much worse [i.e., harder] than mass production copying.  "
+"It's a little bit less efficient, a little bit less good, but it's perfectly "
+"cheap enough that hundreds of millions of people do it.  Consider how many "
+"people write CDs once in a while, even in poor countries.  You may not have "
+"a CD-writer yourself, so you go to a store where you can do it."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"Also, you have to question whether a copyright system is still "
-"beneficial. Basically, the thing that we have been paying is now valuable "
-"for us. Maybe the deal is a bad deal now. So all the things that made "
-"technology fit in well with the technology of the printing press make it fit "
-"badly with digital information technology. So, instead of like, charging the "
-"fee to cross the Atlantic in a boat, it's like charging a fee to cross a "
-"street. It's a big nuisance, because people cross the street all along the "
-"street, and making them pay is a pain in the neck."
+"This means that copyright no longer fits in with the technology as it used "
+"to.  Even if the words of copyright law had not changed, they wouldn't have "
+"the same effect.  Instead of an industrial regulation on publishers "
+"controlled by authors, with the benefits set up to go to the public, it is "
+"now a restriction on the general public, controlled mainly by the "
+"publishers, in the name of the authors."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <h3>
-msgid "New kinds of copyright"
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"In other words, it's tyranny.  It's intolerable and we can't allow it to "
+"continue this way."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"Now what are some of the changes we might want to make in copyright law in "
-"order to adapt it to the situation that the public finds itself in? Well the "
-"extreme change might be to abolish copyright law but that isn't the only "
-"possible choice. There are various situations in which we could reduce the "
-"power of copyright without abolishing it entirely because there are various "
-"different actions that can be done with a copyright and there are various "
-"situations in which you might do them, and each of those is an independent "
-"question. Should copyright cover this or not? In addition, there is a "
-"question of &ldquo;How long?&rdquo;. Copyright used to be much shorter in "
-"its period or duration, and it's been extended over and over again in the "
-"past fifty years or so and in fact in now appears that the owners of "
-"copyrights are planning to keep on extending copyrights so that they will "
-"never expire again. The US constitution says that &ldquo;copyright must "
-"exist for a limited time&rdquo; but the publishers have found a way around "
-"this: every twenty years they make copyright twenty years longer, and this "
-"way, no copyright will ever expire again. Now a thousand years from now, "
-"copyright might last for 1200 years, just basically enough so that copyright "
-"on Mickey Mouse can not expire."
+"As a result of this change, [copyright] is no longer easy to enforce, no "
+"longer uncontroversial, and no longer beneficial."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"Because that's why, people believe that US Congress passed a law to extend "
-"copyright for twenty years. Disney was paying them, and paying the President "
-"too, with campaign funds of course, to make it lawful.  See, if they just "
-"gave them cash it would be a crime, but contributing indirectly to campaigns "
-"is legal and that's what they do: to buy the legislators. So they passed the "
-"Sunny Bono copyright act. Now this is interesting: Sunny Bono was a "
-"congressman and a member of the Church of Scientology, which uses copyrights "
-"to suppress knowledge of its activities. So they have their pet congressman "
-"and they pushed very hard for increased copyright powers."
+"It's no longer easy to enforce because now the publishers want to enforce it "
+"against each and every person, and to do this requires cruel measures, "
+"draconian punishments, invasions of privacy, abolition of our basic ideas of "
+"justice.  There's almost no limit to how far they will propose to go to "
+"prosecute the War on Sharing."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"Anyway, we were fortunate that Sunny Bono died but in his name they passed "
-"the Mickey Mouse Copyright Act of 1998 I believe. It's being challenged by "
-"the way, on the grounds that, there is a legal case that people hope to go "
-"to the Supreme Court and have the extension of old copyrights tossed out. In "
-"any case, there are all these different situations and questions where we "
-"could reduce the scope of copyright."
+"It's no longer uncontroversial.  There are political parties in several "
+"countries whose basic platform is 'freedom to share'."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"So what are some of them? Well, first of all there are various different "
-"contexts for copying. There is commercial sale of copies in the stores at "
-"one extreme and at the other there is privately making a copy for your "
-"friend once in a while, and in between there are other things, like, there's "
-"broadcasting on TV or the radio, there's posting it on the website, there's "
-"handing it out to all the people in an organisation, and some of these "
-"things could be done either commercially or non-commercially. You know, you "
-"could imagine a company handing out copies to its staff or you could imagine "
-"a school doing it, or some private, non-profit organisation doing "
-"it. Different situations, and we don't have to treat them all the same. So "
-"one way in we could reclaim the&hellip; in general though, the activities "
-"that are the most private are those that are most crucial to our freedom and "
-"our way of life, whereas the most public and commercial are those that are "
-"most useful for providing some sort of income for authors so it's a natural "
-"situation for a compromise in which the limits of copyright are put "
-"somewhere in the middle so that a substantial part of the activity still is "
-"covered and provides an income for authors, while the activities that are "
-"most directly relevant to peoples' private lives become free again. And this "
-"is the sort of thing that I propose doing with copyright for things such as "
-"novels and biographies and memoires and essays and so on. That at the very "
-"minimum, people should always have a right to share a copy with a "
-"friend. It's when governments have to prevent that kind of activity that "
-"they have to start intruding into everyone's lives and using harsh "
-"punishments. The only way basically to stop people in their private lives "
-"from sharing is with a police state, but public commercial activities can be "
-"regulated much more easily and much more painlessly."
+"It's no longer beneficial because the freedoms that we conceptually traded "
+"away (because we couldn't exercise them), we now can exercise.  They're "
+"tremendously useful, and we want to exercise them."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"Now, where we should draw these lines depends, I believe, on the kind of "
-"work. Different works serve different purposes for their users.  Until today "
-"we've had a copyright system that treats almost everything exactly alike "
-"except for music: there are a lot of legal exceptions for music. But there's "
-"no reason why we have to elevate simplicity above the practical "
-"consequences. We can treat different kinds of works differently. I propose a "
-"classification broadly into three kinds of works: functional works, works "
-"that express personal position, and works that are fundamentally aesthetic."
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid "What would a democratic government do in this situation?"
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"Functional works include: computer software; recipes; textbooks; "
-"dictionaries and other reference works; anything that you use to get jobs "
-"done. For functional works I believe that people need very broad freedom, "
-"including the freedom to publish modified versions. So everything I am going "
-"to say tomorrow about computer software applies to other kinds of functional "
-"works in the same way. So, this criterion of free&hellip; because it "
-"necessary to have the freedom to publish a modified version this means we "
-"have to almost completely get rid of copyright but the free software "
-"movement is showing that the progress that society wants that is supposedly "
-"the justification for society having copyright can happen in other ways. We "
-"don't have to give up these important freedoms to have progress. Now the "
-"publishers are always asking us to presuppose that their there is no way to "
-"get progress without giving up our crucial freedoms and the most important "
-"thing I think about the free software movement is to show them that their "
-"pre-supposition is unjustified."
+"It would reduce copyright power.  It would say: &ldquo;The trade we made on "
+"behalf of our citizens, trading away some of their freedom which now they "
+"need, is intolerable.  We have to change this; we can't trade away the "
+"freedom that is important.&rdquo; We can measure the sickness of democracy "
+"by the tendency of governments to do the exact opposite around the world, "
+"extending copyright power when they should reduce it."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"I can't say I'm sure that in all of these areas we can't produce progress "
-"without copyright restrictions stopping people, but what we've shown is that "
-"we've got a chance: it's not a ridiculous idea. It shouldn't be "
-"dismissed. The public should not suppose that the only way to get progress "
-"is to have copyright but even for these kinds of works there can be some "
-"kinds of compromise copyright systems that are consistent with giving people "
-"the freedom to publish modified versions.  Look, for example, at the GNU "
-"free documentation license, which is used to make a book free. It allows "
-"anyone to make and sell copies of a modified version, but it requires giving "
-"credit in certain ways to the original authors and publishers in a way that "
-"can give them a commercial advantage and thus I believe make it possible to "
-"have commercial publishing of free textbooks, and if this works people are "
-"just beginning to try it commercially. The Free Software Foundation has been "
-"selling lots of copies of various free books for almost fifteen years now "
-"and it's been successful for us. At this point though, commercial publishers "
-"are just beginning to try this particular approach, but I think that even "
-"for functional works where the freedom to publish modified works is "
-"essential, some kind of compromise copyright system can be worked out, which "
-"permits everyone that freedom."
+"One example is in the dimension of time.  Around the world we see pressure "
+"to make copyright last longer and longer and longer."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"For other kinds of works, the ethical questions apply differently, because "
-"the works are used differently. The second category of works is works that "
-"express someone's positions or views or experiences. For example, essays, "
-"offers to do business with people, statements of one's legal position, "
-"memoirs, anything that says, whose point is to say what you think or you "
-"want or what you like. Book reviews and restaurant reviews are also in this "
-"category: it's expressing a personal opinion or position. Now for these "
-"kinds of works, making a modified version is not a useful thing to do. So I "
-"see no reason why people should need to have the freedom to publish modified "
-"versions of these works. Verbatim copying is the only thing that people need "
-"to have the freedom to do and because of this we can consider the idea that "
-"the freedom to distribute copies should only apply in some situations, for "
-"example if it were limited to non-commercial distribution that would be OK I "
-"think. Ordinary citizen's lives would no longer be restricted but publishers "
-"would still be covered by copyright for these things."
+"A wave of this started in the US in 1998.  Copyright was extended by 20 "
+"years on both past and future works.  I do not understand how they hope to "
+"convince the now dead or senile writers of the 20s and 30s to write more "
+"back then by extending copyright on their works now.  If they have a time "
+"machine with which to inform them, they haven't used it.  Our history books "
+"don't say that there was a burst of vigor in the arts in the 20s when all "
+"the artists found out that their copyrights would be extended in 1998."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<em>[drinks water]</em>"
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"It's theoretically conceivable that 20 years more copyright on future works "
+"would convince people to make more effort in producing those works.  But not "
+"anyone rational, because the discounted present value of 20 more years of "
+"copyright starting 75 years in the future&mdash;if it's a work made for "
+"hire&mdash;and probably even longer if it's a work with an individual "
+"copyright holder, is so small it couldn't persuade any rational person to do "
+"anything different.  Any business that wants to claim otherwise ought to "
+"present its projected balance sheets for 75 years in the future, which of "
+"course they can't do because none of them really looks that far ahead."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"Now, I used to think that maybe it would be good enough to allow people to "
-"privately redistribute copies occasionally. I used to think that maybe it "
-"would be OK if all public redistribution were still restricted by copyright "
-"for these works but the experience with Napster has convinced me that that's "
-"not so. And the reason is that it shows that lots and lots of people both "
-"want to publicly redistribute&mdash;publicly but not commercially "
-"redistribute&mdash;and it's very useful. And if it's so useful, then it's "
-"wrong to stop people from doing it. But it would still be acceptable I "
-"think, to restrict commercial redistribution of this work, because that "
-"would just be an industrial regulation and it wouldn't block the useful "
-"activities that people should be doing with these works."
+"The real reason for this law, the desire that prompted various companies to "
+"purchase this law in the US Congress, which is how laws are decided on for "
+"the most part, was they had lucrative monopolies and they wanted those "
+"monopolies to continue."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"Oh, also, scientific papers. Or scholarly papers in general fall into this "
-"category because publishing modified versions of them is not a good thing to "
-"do: it's falsifying the record so they should only be distributed verbatim, "
-"so scientific papers should be freely redistributable by anyone because we "
-"should be encouraging their redistribution, and I hope you will never agree "
-"to publish a scientific paper in a way that restricts verbatim "
-"redistribution on the net. Tell the journal that you won't do that."
+"For instance, Disney was aware that the first film in which Mickey Mouse "
+"appeared would go into the public domain in a few years, and then anybody "
+"would be free to draw that same character as part of other works.  Disney "
+"didn't want that to happen.  Disney borrows a lot from the public domain, "
+"but is determined never to give the slightest thing back.  So Disney paid "
+"for this law, which we refer to as the Mickey Mouse Copyright Act."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"Because scientific journals have become an obstacle to the dissemination of "
-"scientific results. They used to be a necessary mechanism. Now they are "
-"nothing but an obstruction, and those journals that restrict access and "
-"restrict redistribution <em>[emphasis]</em> must be abolished. They are the "
-"enemies of the dissemination of knowledge; they are the enemies of science, "
-"and this practice must come to an end."
+"The movie companies say they want perpetual copyright, but the US "
+"Constitution won't let them get that officially.  So they came up with a way "
+"to get the same result unofficially: &ldquo;perpetual copyright on the "
+"installment plan&rdquo;.  Every 20 years they extend copyright for 20 more "
+"years.  So that at any given time, any given work has a date when it will "
+"supposedly fall into the public domain.  But that date is like tomorrow, it "
+"never comes.  By the time you get there they will have postponed it, unless "
+"we stop them next time."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"Now there is a third category of works, which is aesthetic works, whose main "
-"use is to be appreciated; novels, plays, poems, drawings in many cases, "
-"typically and most music. Typically it's made to be appreciated. Now, "
-"they're not functional people don't have the need to modify and improve "
-"them, the way people have the need to do that with functional works. So it's "
-"a difficult question: is it vital for people to have the freedom to publish "
-"modified versions of an aesthetic work.  On the one hand you have authors "
-"with a lot of ego attachment saying"
+"That's one dimension, the dimension of duration.  But even more important is "
+"the dimension of breadth: which uses of the work does copyright cover?"
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<em>[English accent, dramatic gesture]</em>"
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"In the age of the printing press, copyright wasn't supposed to cover all "
+"uses of a copyrighted work, because copyright regulated certain uses that "
+"were the exceptions in a broader space of unregulated uses.  There were "
+"certain things you were simply allowed to do with your copy of a book."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "&ldquo;Oh this is my creation.&rdquo;"
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"Now the publishers have got the idea that they can turn our computers "
+"against us, and use them to seize total power over all use of published "
+"works.  They want to set up a pay-per-view universe.  They're doing it with "
+"DRM (Digital Restrictions Management)&mdash;the intentional features of "
+"software that's designed to restrict the user.  And often the computer "
+"itself is designed to restrict the user."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<em>[Back to Boston]</em>"
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"The first way in which the general public saw this was in DVDs.  A movie on "
+"a DVD was usually encrypted, and the format was secret.  The DVD conspiracy "
+"kept this secret because they said anyone that wants to make DVD players has "
+"to join the conspiracy, promise to keep the format secret, and promise to "
+"design the DVD players to restrict the users according to the rules, which "
+"say it has to stop the user from doing this, from doing that, from doing "
+"that&mdash;a precise set of requirements, all of which are malicious towards "
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"&ldquo;How dare anyone change a line of this?&rdquo; On the other hand you "
-"have the folk process which shows that a series of people sequentially "
-"modifying the work or maybe even in parallel and then comparing versions can "
-"produce something tremendously rich, and not only beautiful songs and short "
-"poems, but even long epics have been produced in this way, and there was a "
-"time back before the mystique of the artist as creator, semi-divine figure "
-"was so powerful when even great writers reworked stories that had been "
-"written by others. Some of the plays of Shakespeare involve stories that "
-"were taken from other plays written often a few decades before. If today's "
-"copyright laws had been in effect they would have called Shakespeare a quote "
-"pirate unquote for writing some of his great work and so of course you would "
-"have had the other authors saying"
+"It worked for a while, but then some people figured out the secret format, "
+"and published free software capable of reading the movie on a DVD and "
+"playing it.  Then the publishers said &ldquo;since we can't actually stop "
+"them, we have to make it a crime&rdquo;.  And they started that in the US in "
+"1998 with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, which imposed censorship on "
+"software capable of doing such jobs."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<em>[English accent]</em>"
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"So that particular piece of free software was the subject of a court case.  "
+"Its distribution in the US is forbidden; the US practices censorship of "
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"&ldquo;How dare he change one line of my creation. He couldn't possibly make "
-"it better.&ldquo;"
+"The movie companies are well aware that they can't really make that program "
+"disappear&mdash;it's easy enough to find it.  So they designed another "
+"encryption system, which they hoped would be harder to break, and it's "
+"called AACS, or the axe."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<em>[faint audience chuckle]</em>"
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"The AACS conspiracy makes precise rules about all players.  For instance, in "
+"2011 it's going to be forbidden to make analog video outputs.  So all video "
+"outputs will have to be digital, and they will carry the signal encrypted "
+"into a monitor specially designed to keep secrets from the user.  That is "
+"malicious hardware.  They say that the purpose of this is to &ldquo;close "
+"the analog hole&rdquo;.  I'll show you a couple of analog holes (Stallman "
+"takes off his glasses): here's one and here's another, that they'd like to "
+"poke out permanently."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"You'll hear people ridiculing this idea in exactly those terms.  Well, I am "
-"not sure what we should do about publishing modified versions of these "
-"aesthetic works. One possibility is to do something like what is done in "
-"music, which is anyone's allowed to rearranged and play a piece of music, "
-"but they may have to pay for doing so, but they don't have to ask permission "
-"to perform it. Perhaps for commercial publication of these works, either "
-"modified or unmodified, if they're making money they might have to pay some "
-"money, that's one possibility.  It's a difficult question what to do about "
-"publishing modified versions of these aesthetic works and I don't have an "
-"answer that I'm fully satisfied with."
+"How do I know about these conspiracies? The reason is they're not "
+"secret&mdash;they have websites.  The AACS website proudly describes the "
+"contracts that manufacturers have to sign, which is how I know about this "
+"requirement.  It proudly states the names of the companies that have "
+"established this conspiracy, which include Microsoft and Apple, and Intel, "
+"and Sony, and Disney, and IBM."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<strong>Audience member 1 (AM1)</strong>, question, inaudible"
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"A conspiracy of companies designed to restrict the public's access to "
+"technology ought to be prosecuted as a serious crime, like a conspiracy to "
+"fix prices, except it's worse, so the prison sentences for this should be "
+"longer.  But these companies are quite confident that our governments are on "
+"their side against us.  They have no fear against being prosecuted for these "
+"conspiracies, which is why they don't bother to hide them."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>: Let me repeat the question because he said it so fast "
-"you couldn't possibly have understood it. He said &ldquo;What kind of "
-"category should computer games go in?&rdquo; Well, I would say that the game "
-"engine is functional and the game scenario is aesthetic."
+"In general DRM is set up by a conspiracy of companies.  Once in a while a "
+"single company can do it, but generally it requires a conspiracy between "
+"technology companies and publishers, so [it's] almost always a conspiracy."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<strong>AM1</strong>: Graphics?"
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"They thought that nobody would ever be able to break the AACS, but about "
+"three and a half years ago someone released a free program capable of "
+"decrypting that format.  However, it was totally useless, because in order "
+"to run it you need to know the key."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>: Those are part of the scenario probably. The specific "
-"pictures are part of the scenario; they are aesthetic, whereas the software "
-"for displaying the scenes is functional. So I would say that if they combine "
-"the aesthetic and the functional into one seamless thing then the software "
-"should be treated as functional, but if they're willing to separate the "
-"engine and the scenario then it would be legitimate to say, well the engine "
-"is functional but the scenario is aesthetic."
+"And then, six months later, I saw a photo of two adorable puppies, with 32 "
+"hex digits above them, and I wondered: &ldquo;Why put those two things "
+"together? I wonder if those numbers are some important key, and someone "
+"could have put the numbers together with the puppies, figuring people would "
+"copy the photo of the puppies because they were so cute.  This would protect "
+"the key from being wiped out.&rdquo;"
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <h3>
-msgid "Copyright: possible solutions"
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"And that's what it was&mdash;that was the key to break the axe.  People "
+"posted it, and editors deleted it, because laws in many countries now "
+"conscript them to censor this information.  It was posted again, they "
+"deleted it; eventually they gave up, and in two weeks this number was posted "
+"in over 700,000 web sites."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"Now, how long should copyright last? Well, nowadays the tendency in "
-"publishing is for books to go out of copyright faster and faster. Today in "
-"the US most books that are published are out of print within three "
-"years. They've been remaindered and they're gone. So it's clear that there's "
-"not real need for copyright to last for say 95 years: it's ridiculous. In "
-"fact, it's clear that ten year copyright would be sufficient to keep the "
-"activity of publishing going. But it should be ten years from date of "
-"publication, but it would make sense to allow an additional period before "
-"publication which could even be longer than ten years which as you see, as "
-"long as the book has not been published the copyright on it is not "
-"restricting the public. It's basically just giving the author to have it "
-"published eventually but I think that once the book is published copyright "
-"should run for some ten years or so, then that's it."
+"That's a big outpouring of public disgust with DRM.  But it didn't win the "
+"war, because the publishers changed the key.  Not only that: with HD DVD, "
+"this was adequate to break the DRM, but not with Blu-ray.  Blu-ray has an "
+"additional level of DRM and so far there is no free software that can break "
+"it, which means that you must regard Blu-ray disks as something incompatible "
+"with your own freedom.  They are an enemy with which no accommodation is "
+"possible, at least not with our present level of knowledge."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"Now, I once proposed this in a panel where the other people were all "
-"writers. And one of them said: &ldquo;Ten year copyright? Why that's "
-"ridiculous! Anything more than five years is intolerable.&rdquo; He was an "
-"awardwinning science fiction writer who was complaining about the difficulty "
-"of retrouving, of pulling back, this is funny, French words are leaking into "
-"my English, of, of regaining the rights from the publisher who'd let his "
-"books go out of print for practical purposes but was dragging his heels "
-"about obeying the contract, which says that when the book is out of print "
-"the rights revert to the author."
+"Never accept any product designed to attack your freedom.  If you don't have "
+"the free software to play a DVD, you mustn't buy or rent any DVDs, or accept "
+"them even as gifts, except for the rare non-encrypted DVDs, which there are "
+"a few of.  I actually have a few [of these]&mdash;I don't have any encrypted "
+"DVDs, I won't take them."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid ""
-"The publishers treat authors terribly you have to realise. They're always "
-"demanding more power in the name of the authors and they will bring along a "
-"few very famous very successful writers who have so much clout that they can "
-"get contracts that treat them very well to testify saying that the power is "
-"really for their sake. Meanwhile most writers who are not famous and are not "
-"rich and have no particular clout are being treated horribly by the "
-"publishing industry, and it's even worse in music. I recommend all of you to "
-"read Courtney Love's article: it's in Salon magazine right?"
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid "So this is how things stand in video, but we've also seen DRM in music."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<strong>AM2</strong> (Audience member 2) Yes"
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"For instance, about ten years ago we started to see things that looked like "
+"compact disks, but they weren't written quite like compact disks.  They "
+"didn't follow the standard.  We called them 'corrupt disks', and the idea of "
+"them was that they would play in an audio player, but it was impossible to "
+"read them on a computer.  These different methods had various problems."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>: She started out by calling the record companies quote "
-"pirates unquotes because of the way they treat the musicians. In any case we "
-"can shorten copyright more or less. We could try various lengths, we could "
-"see, we could find out empirically what length of copyright is needed to "
-"keep publication vigourous. I would say that since almost books are out of "
-"print by ten years, clearly ten years should be long enough. But it doesn't "
-"have to be the same for every kind of work. For example, maybe some aspects "
-"of copyright for movies should last for longer, like the rights to sell all "
-"the paraphernalia with the pictures and characters on them. You know, that's "
-"so crassly commercial it hardly matters if that is limited to one company in "
-"most cases. Maybe the copyright on the movies themselves, maybe that's "
-"legitimate for that to last twenty years. Meanwhile for software, I suspect "
-"that a three year copyright would be enough. you see if each version of the "
-"programme remains copyrighted for three years after its release well, unless "
-"the company is in real bad trouble they should have a new version before "
-"those three years are up and there will be a lot of people who will want to "
-"use the newer version, so if older versions are all becoming free software "
-"automatically, the company would still have a business with the newer "
-"version. Now this is a compromise as I see it, because it is a system in "
-"which not all software is free, but it might be an acceptable compromise, "
-"after all, if we had to wait three years in some cases for programs to "
-"become free&hellip; well, that's no disaster. To be using three years old "
-"software is not a disaster."
+"Eventually Sony came up with a clever idea.  They put a program on the disk, "
+"so that if you stuck the disk into a computer, the disk would install the "
+"program.  This program was designed like a virus to take control of the "
+"system.  It's called a 'root kit', meaning that it has things in it to break "
+"the security of the system so that it can install the software deep inside "
+"the system, and modify various parts of the system."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>AM3</strong>: Don't you think this is a system that would favour "
-"feature creep?"
+"For instance, it modified the command you could use to examine the system to "
+"see if the software was present, so as to disguise itself.  It modified the "
+"command you could use to delete some of these files, so that it wouldn't "
+"really delete them.  Now all of this is a serious crime, but it's not the "
+"only one Sony committed, because the software also included free software "
+"code&mdash;code that had been released under the GNU General Public License."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>: <em>[airily]</em> Ah that's OK. That's a minor side "
-"issue, compared with these issues of freedom encouraging, every system "
-"encourages some artificial distortions in what people, and our present "
-"system certainly encourages various kinds of artificial distortions in "
-"activity that is covered by copyright so if a changed system also encourages "
-"a few of these secondary distortions it's not a big deal I would say."
+"Now the GNU GPL is a copyleft license, and that means it says &ldquo;Yes, "
+"you're free to put this code into other things, but when you do, the entire "
+"program that you put things into you must release as free software under the "
+"same license.  And you must make the source code available to users, and to "
+"inform them of their rights you must give them a copy of this license when "
+"they get the software.&rdquo;"
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>AM4</strong>: The problem with this change in the copyright laws for "
-"three would be that you wouldn't get the sources."
+"Sony didn't comply with all that.  That's commercial copyright infringement, "
+"which is a felony.  They're both felonies, but Sony wasn't prosecuted "
+"because the government understands that the purpose of the government and "
+"the law is to maintain the power of those companies over us, not to help "
+"defend our freedom in any way."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>: Right. There would have also to be a condition, a law "
-"that to sell copies of the software to the public the source code must be "
-"deposited somewhere so that three years later it can be released. So it "
-"could be deposited say, with the library of congress in the US, and I think "
-"other countries have similar institutions where copies of published books "
-"get placed, and they could also received the source code and after three "
-"years, publish it. And of course, if the source code didn't correspond to "
-"the executable that would be fraud, and in fact if it really corresponds "
-"then they ought to be able to check that very easily when the work is "
-"published initially so you're publishing the source code and somebody there "
-"says alright &ldquo;dot slash configure dot slash make&rdquo; and sees if "
-"produces the same executables and uh."
+"People got angry and they sued Sony.  However, they made a mistake.  They "
+"focused their condemnation not on the evil purpose of this scheme, but only "
+"on the secondary evils of the various methods that Sony used.  So Sony "
+"settled the lawsuits and promised that in the future, when it attacks our "
+"freedom, it will not do those other things."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "So you're right, just eliminating copyright would not make software 
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"Actually, that particular corrupt disk scheme was not so bad, because if you "
+"were not using Windows it would not affect you at all.  Even if you were "
+"using Windows, there's a key on the keyboard&mdash;if you remembered every "
+"time to hold it down, then the disk wouldn't install the software.  But of "
+"course it's hard to remember that every time; you're going to slip up some "
+"day.  This shows the kind of thing we've had to deal with."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<strong>AM5</strong>: Um libre"
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"Fortunately music DRM is receding.  Even the main record companies sell "
+"downloads without DRM.  But we see a renewed effort to impose DRM on books."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>: Right. That's the only sense I use the term. It "
-"wouldn't do that because the source code might not be available or they "
-"might try to use contracts to restrict the users instead. So making software "
-"free is not as simple as ending copyright on software: it's a more complex "
-"situation than that. In fact, if copyright were simply abolished from "
-"software then we would no longer be able to use copyleft to protect the free "
-"status of a program but meanwhile the software privateers could use other "
-"methods&mdash;contracts or withholding the source to make software "
-"proprietary. So what would mean is, if we release a free program some greedy "
-"bastard could make a modified version and publish just the binaries and make "
-"people sign non-disclosure agreements for them. We would no longer have a "
-"way to stop them. So if we wanted to change the law that all software that "
-"was published had to be free we would have to do it in some more complex "
-"way, not just by turning copyright for software."
+"You see, the publishers want to take away the traditional freedoms of book "
+"readers&mdash;freedom to do things such as borrow a book from the public "
+"library, or lend it to a friend; to sell a book to a used book store, or buy "
+"it anonymously paying cash (which is the only way I buy books&mdash;we've "
+"got to resist the temptations to let Big Brother know everything that we're "
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"So, overall I would recommend we look at the various kinds of works and the "
-"various different kinds of uses and then look for a new place to draw the "
-"line: one that gives the public the most important freedoms for making use "
-"of each new kind of work while when possible retaining some kind of fairly "
-"painless kind of copyright for general public that is still of benefit to "
-"authors. In this way we can adapt the copyright system to the circumstances "
-"where we find it we find ourselves and have a system that doesn't require "
-"putting people in prison for years because they shared with their friends, "
-"but still does in various ways encourage people to write more. We can also I "
-"believe look for other ways of encouraging writing other ways of "
-"facilitating authors making money. For example, suppose that verbatim "
-"redistribution of a work is permitted and suppose that the work comes with "
-"something, so that when you are playing with it or reading it, there is a "
-"box on the side that says &ldquo;click here to send one dollar to the "
-"authors or the musicians or whatever&rdquo; I think that in the wealthier "
-"parts of the world a lot of people will send it because people often really "
-"love the authors and musicians that made the things that they like to read "
-"and listen to.  And the interesting thing is that the royalty that they get "
-"now is such a small fraction that if you pay twenty dollars for something "
-"they're probably not getting more than one anyway."
+"Even the freedom to keep the book as long as you wish, and read it as many "
+"times as you wish, they plan to get rid of."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"So this will be a far more efficient system. And the interesting thing will "
-"be that when people redistribute these copies they will be helping the "
-"author. Essentially advertising them, spreading around these reasons to send "
-"them a dollar. Now right now the biggest reason why more people don't just "
-"send some money to the authors is that it's a pain in the neck to do "
-"it. What are you going to do? Write a cheque? Then who are you going to mail "
-"the cheque to? You'd have to dig up their address, which might not be "
-"easy. But with a convenient internet payment system which makes it efficient "
-"to pay someone one dollar, then we could put this into all the copies, and "
-"then I think you'd find the mechanism starting to work well. It may take "
-"five of ten years for the ideas to spread around, because it's a cultural "
-"thing, you know, at first people might find it a little surprising but once "
-"it gets normal people would become accustomed to sending the money, and it "
-"wouldn't be a lot of money compared to what it costs to buy books today."
+"The way they do it is with DRM.  They knew that so many people read books "
+"and would get angry if these freedoms were taken away that they didn't "
+"believe they could buy a law specifically to abolish these "
+"freedoms&mdash;there would be too much opposition.  Democracy is sick, but "
+"once in a while people manage to demand something.  So they came up with a "
+"two-stage plan."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<em>[drinks]</em>"
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"First, take away these freedoms from ebooks, and second, convince people to "
+"switch from paper books to ebooks.  They've succeeded with stage 1."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"So I think that in this way, for the works of expression, and maybe "
-"aesthetic works, maybe this could a successful method. But it won't work for "
-"the functional works, and the reason for that is that as one person after "
-"another makes a modified version and publishes it, who should the boxes "
-"point to, and how much money should they send, and you know, it's easy to do "
-"this when the work was published just once, by a certain author, or certain "
-"group of authors, and they can just agree together what they're going to do "
-"and click on the box, if no-one is publishing modified versions then every "
-"copy will contain the same box with the same URL directing money to the same "
-"people but when you have different version which have been worked on by "
-"different people there's no simple automatic way of working out who ought to "
-"get what fraction of what users donate for this version or that "
-"version. It's philosophically hard to decide how important each contribution "
-"is, and all the obvious ways of trying to measure it are <em>[emphasis]</em> "
-"obviously <em>[/emphasis]</em> wrong in some cases, they're obviously "
-"closing their eyes to some important part of the facts so I think that this "
-"kind of solution is probably not feasible when everybody is free to publish "
-"modified versions. But for those kinds of works where it is not crucial to "
-"have the freedom to publish modified versions then this solution can be "
-"applied very simply once we have the convenient internet payment system to "
-"base it on."
+"In the US they did it with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, and in New "
+"Zealand, that was part of the year-ago Copyright Act; censorship on software "
+"that can break DRM was part of that law.  That's an unjust provision; it's "
+"got to be repealed."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"With regard to the aesthetic works. If there is a system where those who "
-"commercially redistribute or maybe even those who are publishing a modified "
-"version might have to negotiate the sharing of the payments with the "
-"original developers and then this kind of scheme could be extended to those "
-"works too even if modified versions are permitted there could be some "
-"standard formula which could be in some cases renegotiated, so I think in "
-"some cases probably possible even with a system of permitting in some way "
-"publishing modified versions of the aesthetic works it may be possible still "
-"to have this kind of voluntary payment system."
+"The second stage is convince people to switch from printed books to ebooks; "
+"that didn't go so well."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"Now I believe there a people who are trying to set up such voluntary payment "
-"systems. I heard of something called the street performer's protocol. I "
-"don't know the details of it. And I believe there is something called "
-"GreenWitch.com <em>[transcriber's note: URL uncertain]</em> I believe the "
-"people there are trying to set up something more or less like this. I think "
-"that what they are hoping to do is collect a bunch of payments that you make "
-"to various different people, and eventually charge your credit card once it "
-"gets to be big enough so that it's efficient. Whether those kind of systems "
-"work smoothly enough in practice that they'll get going is not clear, and "
-"whether they will become adopted widely enough for them to become a normal "
-"cultural practice is not clear. It may be that in order for these voluntary "
-"payments to truly catch on we need to have some kind of&hellip; you need to "
-"see the idea everywhere in order to&hellip; &ldquo;Yeah, I outta pay&ldquo; "
-"once in a while. We'll see."
+"One publisher in 2001 had the idea they would make their line of ebooks "
+"really popular if they started it with my biography.  So they found an "
+"author and the author asked me if I'd cooperate, and I said &ldquo;Only if "
+"this ebook is published without encryption, without DRM&rdquo;.  The "
+"publisher wouldn't go along with that, and I just stuck to it&mdash;I said "
+"no.  Eventually we found another publisher who was willing to do "
+"this&mdash;in fact willing to publish the book under a free license giving "
+"you the four freedoms&mdash;so the book was then published, and sold a lot "
+"of copies on paper."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"There is evidence ideas like this are not unreasonable. If you look at for "
-"example public radio in the US, which is mostly supported by donations from "
-"listeners, you have I believe, millions of people donating, I'm not sure how "
-"many exactly but there are many public radio stations which are supported by "
-"their listeners and they seem to be finding it easier to get donations as "
-"time goes on.  Ten years ago they would have maybe six weeks of the year "
-"when they were spending most of their time asking people &ldquo;Please send "
-"some money, don't you think we're important enough&rdquo; and so on 24 hours "
-"a day, and now a lot of them have found that they can raise the "
-"contributions by sending people mail who sent them donations in the past, "
-"and they don't have to spend their airtime drumming up the donations."
+"But in any case, ebooks failed at the beginning of this decade.  People just "
+"didn't want to read them very much.  And I said, &ldquo;they will try "
+"again&rdquo;.  We saw an amazing number of news articles about electronic "
+"ink (or is it electronic paper, I can never remember which), and it occurred "
+"to me probably the reason there's so many is the publishers want us to think "
+"about this.  They want us to be eager for the next generation of ebook "
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"Fundamentally, the stated purpose of copyright: to encourage righting is a "
-"worthwhile purpose, but we have to look at ways of ways to achieve it that "
-"are not so harsh, and not so constricting of the use of the works whose "
-"developments we have encouraged and I believe that digital technology is "
-"providing us with solutions to the problem as well as creating a context "
-"where we need to solve the problem. So that's the end of this talk, and are "
-"there questions?"
+"Now they're upon us.  Things like the Sony Shreader (its official name is "
+"the Sony Reader, but if you put on 'sh' it explains what it's designed to do "
+"to your books), and the Amazon Swindle, designed to swindle you out of your "
+"traditional freedoms without your noticing.  Of course, they call it the "
+"Kindle which is what it's going to do to your books."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <h3>
-msgid "Questions and discussion"
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"The Kindle is an extremely malicious product, almost as malicious as "
+"Microsoft Windows.  They both have spy features, they both have Digital "
+"Restrictions Management, and they both have back doors."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "First of all, what time is the next talk? What time is it now?"
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"In the case of the Kindle, the only way you can buy a book is to buy it from "
+"Amazon, and Amazon requires you to identify yourself, so they know "
+"everything that you've bought."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<strong>Me</strong>: The time is quarter past three."
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"Then there is Digital Restrictions Management, so you can't lend the book or "
+"sell it to a used bookstore, and the library can't lend it either."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>: Oh really? So I'm late already? Well I hope Melanie "
-"will permit me to accept a few questions."
+"And then there's the back door, which we found out about about three months "
+"ago, because Amazon used it.  Amazon sent a command to all the Kindles to "
+"erase a particular book, namely 1984 by George Orwell.  Yes, they couldn't "
+"have picked a more ironic book to erase.  So that's how we know that Amazon "
+"has a back door with which it can erase books remotely."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>AM6</strong> (Audience member 6): Who will decide in which of your "
-"three categories will a work fit?"
+"What else it can do, who knows? Maybe it's like Microsoft Windows.  Maybe "
+"Amazon can remotely upgrade the software, which means that whatever "
+"malicious things are not in it now, they could put them in it tomorrow."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>: I don't know. I'm sure there are various ways of "
-"deciding. You can probably tell a novel when you see one. I suspect judges "
-"can tell a novel when they see one too."
+"This is intolerable&mdash;any one of these restrictions is intolerable.  "
+"They want to create a world where nobody lends books to anybody anymore."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>AM7</strong>: Any comment on encryption? And the interaction of "
-"encryption devices with copyrighted materials?"
+"Imagine that you visit a friend and there are no books on the shelf.  It's "
+"not that your friend doesn't read, but his books are all inside a device, "
+"and of course he can't lend you those books.  The only way he could lend you "
+"any one of those books is to lend you his whole library, which is obviously "
+"a ridiculous thing to ask anybody to do.  So there goes friendship for "
+"people who love books."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>: Well, encryption is being used as a means of "
-"controlling the public. The publishers are trying to impose various "
-"encryption systems on the public so that they can block the public from "
-"copying. Now they call these things technological methods, but really they "
-"all rest on laws prohibiting people from by-passing them, and without those "
-"laws none of these methods would accomplish its purpose, so they are all "
-"based on direct government intervention to stop people from copying and I "
-"object to them very strongly, and I will not accept those media. If as a "
-"practical matter the means to copy something are not available to me I won't "
-"buy it, and I hope you won't buy it either."
+"Make sure that you inform people what this device implies.  It means other "
+"readers will no longer be your friends, because you will be acting like a "
+"jerk toward them.  Spread the word preemptively.  This device is your "
+"enemy.  It's the enemy of everyone who reads.  The people who don't "
+"recognize that are the people who are thinking so short-term that they don't "
+"see it.  It's our job to help them see beyond the momentary convenience to "
+"the implications of this device."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>AM8</strong>: In France we have a law that says that even if the "
-"media is protected you have the right to copy again for backup purpose"
+"I have nothing against distributing books in digital form, if they are not "
+"designed to take away our freedom.  Strictly speaking, it is possible to "
+"have an ebook reader:"
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><ul><li>
+msgid "that is not designed to attack you,"
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><ul><li>
+msgid "which runs free software and not proprietary software,"
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><ul><li>
+msgid "which doesn't have DRM,"
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><ul><li>
+msgid "which doesn't make people identify yourself to get a book,"
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><ul><li>
+msgid "which doesn't have a back door, [and]"
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><ul><li>
+msgid "which doesn't restrict what you can do with the files on your machine."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>: Yes it used to be that way in the US as well until 2 "
-"years ago."
+"It's possible, but the big companies really pushing ebooks are doing it to "
+"attack our freedom, and we mustn't stand for that.  This is what governments "
+"are doing in cahoots with big business to attack our freedom, by making "
+"copyright harsher and nastier, more restrictive than ever before."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>AM8</strong>: Very often you sign an agreement that is illegal in "
-"France&hellip; the contract you are supposed to sign with a mouse&hellip;"
+"But what should they do? Governments should make copyright power less.  Here "
+"are my specific proposals."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<strong>RMS</strong>: Well, maybe they're not."
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"First of all, there is the dimension of time.  I propose copyright should "
+"last ten years, starting from the date of publication of a work."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<strong>AM8</strong>: How can we get it challenged?"
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"Why from the date of publication? Because before that, we don't have "
+"copies.  It doesn't matter to us whether we would have been allowed to copy "
+"our copies that we don't have, so I figure we might as well let the authors "
+"have as much time as it takes to arrange publication, and then start the "
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>: <em>[rhetorically]</em> Well are you going to "
-"challenge them? It costs money, it takes trouble, and not only that, how "
-"would you do it? Well, you could either try to go to a court and say, "
-"&ldquo;They have no right to ask people to sign this contract because it is "
-"an invalid contract&rdquo; but that might be difficult if the distributor is "
-"in the US. French law about what is a valid contract couldn't be used to "
-"stop them in the US.  On the other hand you could also say &ldquo;I signed "
-"this contract but it's not valid in France so I am publicly disobeying, and "
-"I challenge them to sue me.&rdquo; Now that you might consider doing, and if "
-"you're right and the laws are not valid in France then the case would get "
-"thrown out. I don't know. Maybe that is a good idea to do, I don't know "
-"whether, what its effects politically would be. I know that there was just a "
-"couple of years ago a law was passed in Europe to prohibit some kind of "
-"private copying of music, and the record companies trotted out some famous "
-"very popular musicians to push for this law and they got it, so it's clear "
-"that they have a lot of influence here too, and it's possible that they will "
-"get more, just pass another law to change this.  We have to think about the "
-"political strategy for building the constituency to resist such changes and "
-"the actions we take should be designed to accomplish that. Now, I'm no "
-"expert on how to accomplish that in Europe but that's what people should "
-"think about."
+"But why ten years? I don't know about in this country, but in the US, the "
+"publication cycle has got shorter and shorter.  Nowadays almost all books "
+"are remaindered within two years and out-of-print within three.  So ten "
+"years is more than three times the usual publication cycle&mdash;that should "
+"be plenty comfortable."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<strong>AM6</strong>: What about protection of private correspondence?"
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"But not everybody agrees.  I once proposed this in a panel discussion with "
+"fiction writers, and the award-winning fantasy writer next to me said "
+"&ldquo;Ten years? No way.  Anything more than five years is "
+"intolerable.&rdquo; You see, he had a legal dispute with his publisher.  His "
+"books seemed to be out of print, but the publisher wouldn't admit it.  The "
+"publisher was using the copyright on his own book to stop him from "
+"distributing copies himself, which he wanted to do so people could read it."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>: Well, if you're not <em>[emphasis]</em> publishing "
-"<em>[/emphasis]</em> it that's a completely different issue."
+"This is what every artist starts out wanting&mdash;wanting to distribute her "
+"work so it will get read and appreciated.  Very few make a lot of money.  "
+"That tiny fraction face the danger of being morally corrupted, like "
+"J.K. Rowling."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>AM6</strong>: No, but if I send an email to somebody, that's "
-"automatically under my copyright."
+"J.K. Rowling, in Canada, got an injunction against people who had bought her "
+"book in a bookstore, ordering them not to read it.  So in response I call "
+"for a boycott of Harry Potter books.  But I don't say you shouldn't read "
+"them; I leave that to the author and the publisher.  I just say you "
+"shouldn't buy them."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>: <em>[forcefully]</em> That's entirely irrelevant "
+"It's few authors that make enough money that they can be corrupted in this "
+"way.  Most of them don't get anywhere near that, and continue wanting the "
+"same thing they wanted at the outset: they want their work to be "
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>AM6</strong>: No, I don't accept that. If they're going to publish "
-"it in a newspaper. At the moment my redress is my copyright."
+"He wanted to distribute his own book, and copyright was stopping him.  He "
+"realized that more than five years of copyright was unlikely to ever do him "
+"any good."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>: Well, you can't make him keep secret the contents and "
-"I'm not sure actually. I mean to me, I think there's some injustice in "
-"that. If you for example, send a letter to somebody threatening to sue him "
-"and then you tell him you can't tell anybody I did this because my threat is "
-"copyrighted, that's pretty obnoxious, and I'm not sure that it would even be "
+"If people would rather have copyright last five years, I won't be against "
+"it.  I propose ten as a first stab at the problem.  Let's reduce it to ten "
+"years and then take stock for a while, and we could adjust it after that.  I "
+"don't say I think ten years is the exact right number&mdash;I don't know."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>AM6</strong>: Well, there are circumstances where I want to "
-"correspond with someone and keep my (and their) reply, entirely private."
+"What about the dimension of breadth? Which activities should copyright "
+"cover? I distinguish three broad categories of works."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>: Well if you and they agree to keep it private, then "
-"that's a different matter entirely. I'm sorry the two issues can not be "
-"linked, and I don't have time to consider that issue today. There's another "
-"talk scheduled to start soon. But I think it is a total mistake for "
-"copyright to apply to such situations. The ethics of those situations are "
-"completely different from the ethics of published works and so they should "
-"be treated in an appropriate way, which is completely different."
+"First of all, there are the functional works that you use to do a practical "
+"job in your life.  This includes software, recipes, educational works, "
+"reference works, text fonts, and other things you can think of.  These works "
+"should be free."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>AM6</strong>: That's fair enough, but at the moment the only redress "
-"one has is copyright&hellip;"
+"If you use the work to do a job in your life, then if you can't change the "
+"work to suit you, you don't control your life.  Once you have changed the "
+"work to suit you, then you've got to be free to publish it&mdash;publish "
+"your version&mdash;because there will be others who will want the changes "
+"you've made."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>: <em>[interrupts]</em> No you're wrong. If people have "
-"agreed to keep something private then you have other redress. In Europe "
-"there are privacy laws, and the other thing is, you don't have a right to "
-"force someone to keep secrets for you. At most, you could force him to "
-"paraphrase it, because he has a right to tell people what you did."
+"This leads quickly to the conclusion that users have to have the same four "
+"freedoms [for all functional works], not just for software.  And you'll "
+"notice that for recipes, practically speaking, cooks are always sharing and "
+"changing recipes just as if the recipes were free.  Imagine how people would "
+"react if the government tried to stamp out so-called 'recipe piracy'."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>AM6</strong>: Yes, but I assuming that the two people at either end "
-"are both in reasonable agreement."
+"The term 'pirate' is pure propaganda.  When people ask me what I think of "
+"music piracy, I say &ldquo;As far as I know, when pirates attack they don't "
+"do it by playing instruments badly, they do it with arms.  So it's not music "
+"'piracy', because piracy is attacking ships, and sharing is as far as you "
+"get from being the moral equivalent of attacking ships&rdquo;.  Attacking "
+"ships is bad, sharing with other people is good, so we should firmly "
+"denounce that propaganda term 'piracy' whenever we hear it."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>: Well then, don't say that copyright is your only "
-"recourse. If he's in agreement he isn't going to give it to a newspaper is "
+"People might have objected twenty years ago: &ldquo;If we don't give up our "
+"freedom, if we don't let the publishers of these works control us, the works "
+"won't get made and that will be a horrible disaster.&rdquo; Now, looking at "
+"the free software community, and all the recipes that circulate, and "
+"reference works like Wikipedia&mdash;we are even starting to see free "
+"textbooks being published&mdash;we know that that fear is misguided."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>AM6</strong>: No, er, you're sidestepping my question about "
+"There is no need to despair and give up our freedom thinking that otherwise "
+"the works won't get made.  There are lots of ways to encourage them to get "
+"made if we want more&mdash;lots of ways that are consistent with and respect "
+"our freedom.  In this category, they should all be free."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>: Oh interception. That's a totally different&hellip; "
-"<em>[heatedly]</em> no you didn't ask about interception. This is the first "
-"time you mentioned interception&hellip;"
+"But what about the second category, of works that say what certain people "
+"thought, like memoirs, essays of opinion, scientific papers, and various "
+"other things? To publish a modified version of somebody else's statement of "
+"what he thought is misrepresenting [that] somebody.  That's not particularly "
+"a contribution to society."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<strong>AM6</strong>: No it's the second time."
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"Therefore it is workable and acceptable to have a somewhat reduced copyright "
+"system where all commercial use is covered by copyright, all modification is "
+"covered by copyright, but everyone is free to non-commercially redistribute "
+"exact copies."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<strong>AM9</strong>: <em>[murmurs assent to AM6]</em>"
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"That freedom is the minimum freedom we must establish for all published "
+"works, because the denial of that freedom is what creates the War on "
+"Sharing&mdash;what creates the vicious propaganda that sharing is theft, "
+"that sharing is like being a pirate and attacking ships.  Absurdities, but "
+"absurdities backed by a lot of money that has corrupted our governments.  We "
+"need to end the War on Sharing; we need to legalize sharing exact copies of "
+"any published work."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>: <em>[still heated]</em> Well I didn't hear you "
-"before&hellip; it's totally silly&hellip; it's like trying to&hellip; oh how "
-"can I compare?&hellip; it's like trying to kill an elephant with a waffle "
-"iron I mean they have nothing to do with each other."
+"In the second category of works, that's all we need; we don't need to make "
+"them free.  Therefore I think it's OK to have a reduced copyright system "
+"which covers commercial use and all modifications.  And this will provide a "
+"revenue stream to the authors in more or less the same (usually inadequate)  "
+"way as the present system.  You've got to keep in mind [that] the present "
+"system, except for superstars, is usually totally inadequate."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<em>[uninterpretable silence falls]</em>"
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"What about works of art and entertainment? Here it took me a while to decide "
+"what to think about modifications."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>AM10</strong>: Have you thought about changes <em>[inaudible, in "
-"trade secrets?]</em>"
+"You see, on one hand, a work of art can have an artistic integrity and "
+"modifying it could destroy that.  Of course, copyright doesn't necessarily "
+"stop works from being butchered that way.  Hollywood does it all the time.  "
+"On the other hand, modifying the work can be a contribution to art.  It "
+"makes possible the folk process which leads to things which are beautiful "
+"and rich."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>: Uh yes: Trade secrets has developed in a very ominous "
-"and menacing direction. It used to be that trade secrecy meant that you "
-"wanted to keep something secret so you didn't tell anybody, and later on it "
-"was something that was done within a business telling just a few people "
-"something and they would agree to keep it secret. But now, it's turning into "
-"something where the public in general is becoming conscripted into keeping "
-"secrets for business even if they have never agreed in any way to keep these "
-"secrets and that's a pressure. So those who pretend that trade secrecy is "
-"just carrying out some natural right of theirs; that's just not true any "
-"more. They're getting explicit government help in forcing other people to "
-"keep their secrets. And we might want to consider whether non-disclosure "
-"agreements should in general be considered legitimate contracts because of "
-"the anti-social nature of trade secrecy it shouldn't be considered automatic "
-"that just because somebody has promised to keep a secret that that means "
-"it's binding."
+"Even if we look at named authors only: consider Shakespeare, who borrowed "
+"stories from other works only a few decades old, and did them in different "
+"ways, and made important works of literature.  If today's copyright law had "
+"existed then, that would have been forbidden and those plays wouldn't have "
+"been written."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"Maybe in some cases it should be and in some cases it should not be.  If "
-"there's a clear public benefit from knowing then maybe that should "
-"invalidate the contract, or maybe it should be valid when it is signed with "
-"customers or maybe between a business and a, maybe when a business supplies "
-"secrets to its suppliers that should be legitimate, but to its customers, "
+"But eventually I realized that modifying a work of art can be a contribution "
+"to art, but it's not desperately urgent in most cases.  If you had to wait "
+"ten years for the copyright to expire, you could wait that long.  Not like "
+"the present-day copyright that makes you wait maybe 75 years, or 95 years.  "
+"In Mexico you might have to wait almost 200 years in some cases, because "
+"copyright in Mexico expires a hundred years after the author dies.  This is "
+"insane, but ten years, as I've proposed copyright should last, that people "
+"can wait."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"There are various possibilities one can think of, but at the very start "
-"anybody who hasn't voluntarily agreed to keep the secrets should not be "
-"bound by trade secrecy. That's the way it was until not long ago. Maybe it "
-"still is that way in Europe, I'm not sure."
+"So I propose the same partly reduced copyright that covers commercial use "
+"and modification, but everyone's got to be free to non-commercially "
+"redistribute exact copies.  After ten years it goes into the public domain, "
+"and people can contribute to art by publishing their modified versions."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<strong>AM11</strong>: Is is OK for a company to ask say its&hellip;"
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"One other thing: if you're going to take little pieces out of a bunch of "
+"works and rearrange them into something totally different, that should just "
+"be legal, because the purpose of copyright is to promote art, not to "
+"obstruct art.  It's stupid to apply copyright to using snippets like "
+"that&mdash;it's self-defeating.  It's a kind of distortion that you'd only "
+"get when the government is under the control of the publishers of the "
+"existing successful works, and has totally lost sight of its intended "
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<strong>RMS</strong>: employees?"
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"That's what I propose, and in particular, this means that sharing copies on "
+"the Internet must be legal.  Sharing is good.  Sharing builds the bonds of "
+"society.  To attack sharing is to attack society."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<strong>AM11</strong>: No no"
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"So any time the government proposes some new means to attack people who "
+"share, to stop them from sharing, we have to recognize that this is evil, "
+"not just because the means proposed almost invariably offend basic ideas of "
+"justice (but that's not a coincidence).  The reason is because the purpose "
+"is evil.  Sharing is good and the government should encourage sharing."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<strong>RMS</strong>: suppliers?"
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"But copyright did after all have a useful purpose.  Copyright as a means to "
+"carry out that purpose has a problem now, because it doesn't fit in with the "
+"technology we use.  It interferes with all the vital freedoms for all the "
+"readers, listeners, viewers, and whatever, but the goal of promoting the "
+"arts is still desirable.  So in addition to the partly reduced copyright "
+"system, which would continue to be a copyright system, I propose two other "
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>AM11</strong>: yes, suppliers. What if the customer is another "
+"One is taxes&mdash;distribute tax money directly to artists.  This could be "
+"a special tax, perhaps on Internet connectivity, or it could come from "
+"general revenue, because it won't be that much money in total, not if it's "
+"distributed in an efficient way.  To distribute it efficiently to promote "
+"the arts means not in linear proportion to popularity.  It should be based "
+"on popularity, because we don't want bureaucrats to have the discretion to "
+"decide which artists to support and which to ignore, but based on popularity "
+"does not imply linear proportion."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<em>[gap as minidisk changed]</em>"
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"What I propose is measure the popularity of the various artists, which you "
+"could do through polling (samples) in which nobody is required to "
+"participate, and then take the cube root.  The cube root looks like this: it "
+"means basically that [the payment] tapers off after a while."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<strong>RMS</strong>: Let's start by not encouraging it."
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"If superstar A is a thousand times as popular as successful artist B, with "
+"this system A would get ten times as much money as B, not a thousand times."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>AM12</strong>: I have a question regarding your opinion on the "
-"scientific work on journals and textbooks. In my profession at least one "
-"official journal and textbook are available on-line, but they retain "
-"copyright, but there is free access to the resources provided they have "
-"internet access."
+"Linearly would give A a thousand times as much as B, which means that if we "
+"wanted B to get enough to live on we're going to have to make A tremendously "
+"rich.  This is wasteful use of the tax money&mdash;it shouldn't be done."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>: Well, that's good. But there are many journals where "
-"it is not like that. For example, the ACM journals you can't access unless "
-"you are a subscriber: they're blocked. So I think journals should all start "
-"opening up access on the web."
+"But if we make it taper off, then yes, each superstar will get handsomely "
+"more than an ordinary successful artist, but the total of all the superstars "
+"will be a small fraction of the [total] money.  Most of the money will go to "
+"support a large number of fairly successful artists, fairly appreciated "
+"artists, fairly popular artists.  Thus the system will use money a lot more "
+"efficiently than the existing system."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>AM12</strong>: So what impact does that have on the significance of "
-"copyright on the public when you basically don't interfere with providing "
-"free access on the web."
+"The existing system is regressive.  It actually gives far, far more per "
+"record, for instance, to a superstar than to anybody else.  The money is "
+"extremely badly used.  The result is we'd actually be paying a lot less this "
+"way.  I hope that's enough to mollify some of these people who have a "
+"knee-jerk hostile reaction to taxes&mdash;one that I don't share, because I "
+"believe in a welfare state."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>: Well, first of all, I disagree. Mirror sites are "
-"essential, so the journal should only provide open access but they should "
-"also give everyone the freedom to set up mirror sites with verbatim copies "
-"of these papers. If not then there is a danger that they will get lost.  "
-"Various kinds of calamities could cause them to be lost, you know, natural "
-"disasters, political disasters, technical disasters, bureaucratic disasters, "
-"fiscal disasters&hellip; All sorts of things could cause that one site to "
-"disappear. So really what the scholarly community should logically be doing "
-"is carefully arranging to have a wide network of mirror sites making sure "
-"that every paper is available on every continent, from places near the ocean "
-"to places that are far inland and you know this is exactly the kind of thing "
-"that major libraries will feel is their mission if only they were not being "
+"I have another suggestion which is voluntary payments.  Suppose every player "
+"had a button you could push to send a dollar to the artist who made the work "
+"you're currently playing or the last one you played.  This money would be "
+"delivered anonymously to those artists.  I think a lot of people would push "
+"that button fairly often."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"So what should be done, is that these journals should go one step "
-"further. In addition to saying everybody can access the site they should be "
-"saying, everyone can set up a mirror site. Even if they said, you have to do "
-"the whole publication of this journal, together with our advertisements, now "
-"that would still at least do the job of making the availability redundant so "
-"that it's not in danger, and other institutions would set up mirror sites, "
-"and I predict that you would find ten years down the road, a very well "
-"organised unofficial system of co-ordinating the mirroring to make sure that "
-"nothing was getting left out. At this point the amount that it costs to set "
-"up the mirror site for years of a journal is so little that it doesn't "
-"require any special funding; nobody has to work very hard: just let "
-"librarians do it. Anyway, oh there was some other thing that this raised and "
-"I can't remember what it is. Oh well, I'll just have to let it go."
+"For instance, all of us could afford to push that button once every day, and "
+"we wouldn't miss that much money.  It's not that much money for us, I'm "
+"pretty sure.  Of course, there are poor people who couldn't afford to push "
+"it ever, and it's OK if they don't.  We don't need to squeeze money out of "
+"poor people to support the artists.  There are enough people who are not "
+"poor to do the job just fine.  I'm sure you're aware that a lot of people "
+"really love certain art and are really happy to support the artists."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>AM13</strong>: The financing problem for the aesthetical "
-"works&hellip; do you think the dynamics could be&hellip; "
-"<em>[inaudible]</em> although I understand the problems of&hellip; I mean "
-"who's contributing? and who will be rewarded? Does the spirit of free "
-"software <em>[inaudible]</em>"
+"An idea just came to me.  The player could also give you a certificate of "
+"having supported so-and-so, and it could even count up how many times you "
+"had done it and give you a certificate that says &ldquo;I sent so much to "
+"these artists&rdquo;.  There are various ways we could encourage people who "
+"want to do it."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>: I don't know. It's certainly suggesting the idea to "
-"people.  We'll see. I don't the answers, I don't know how we're going to get "
-"there, I'm trying to think about where we should get to. I know know how we "
-"can get there. The publishers are so powerful, and can get governments to do "
-"their bidding. How we're going to build up the kind of world where the "
-"public refuses to tolerate this any more I don't know. I think the first "
-"thing we have to do is to clearly reject the term pirate and the views that "
-"go with it. Every time we hear that we have to speak out and say this is "
-"propaganda, it's not wrong for people to share these published works with "
-"each other, it's sharing with you friend, it's good. And sharing with your "
-"friend is more important than how much money these companies get. The "
-"society shouldn't be shaped for the sake of these companies. We have to keep "
-"on&hellip; because you see the idea that they've spread&mdash;that anything "
-"that reduces their income is immoral and therefore people must be restricted "
-"in any way it takes to guarantee for them to be paid for everything&hellip; "
-"that is the fundamental thing that we have to start attacking "
-"directly. People have mostly tried tactics of concentrating on secondary "
-"issues, you know, to when people, you know when the publishers demand "
-"increased power usually people saying it will cause some secondary kind of "
-"harm and arguing based on that but you rarely find anybody (except me) "
-"saying that the whole point of the change is wrong, that it's wrong to "
-"restrict it in that way, that it's legitimate for people to want to change "
-"copies and that they should be allowed to. We have to have more of this. We "
-"have to start cutting the root of their dominion not just hacking away at a "
-"few leaves."
+"For instance, we could have a PR campaign which is friendly and kind: "
+"&ldquo;Have you sent a dollar to some artists today? Why not? It's only a "
+"dollar&mdash;you'll never miss it and don't you love what they're doing? "
+"Push the button!&rdquo; It will make people feel good, and they'll think "
+"&ldquo;Yeah, I love what I just watched.  I'll send a dollar.&rdquo;"
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>AM14</strong>: <em>[inaudible]</em> this is important is to "
-"concentrate on the donations system for music."
+"This is already starting to work to some extent.  There's a Canadian singer "
+"who used to be called Jane Siberry.  She put her music on her website and "
+"invited people to download it and pay whatever amount they wished.  She "
+"reported getting an average of more than a dollar per copy, which is "
+"interesting because the major record companies charge just under a dollar "
+"per copy.  By letting people decide whether and how much to pay, she got "
+"more&mdash;she got even more per visitor who was actually downloading "
+"something.  But this might not even count whether there was an effect of "
+"bringing more people to come, and [thus] increasing the total number that "
+"this average was against."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>: Yes. Unfortunately though there are patents covering "
-"the technique that seems most likely to be usable."
+"So it can work, but it's a pain in the neck under present circumstances.  "
+"You've got to have a credit card to do it, and that means you can't do it "
+"anonymously.  And you've got to go find where you're going to pay, and the "
+"payment systems for small amounts, they're not very efficient, so the "
+"artists are only getting half of it.  If we set up a good system for this, "
+"it would work far, far better."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<em>[laughs, cries of &ldquo;no&rdquo; from audience]</em>"
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid "So these are my two suggestions."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<strong>RMS</strong>: So it may take ten years before we can do it."
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"And in mecenatglobal.org, you can find another scheme that combines aspects "
+"of the two, which was invented by Francis Muguet and designed to fit in with "
+"existing legal systems better to make it easier to enact."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
-msgid "<strong>AM15</strong>: We only take French laws"
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"Be careful of proposals to &ldquo;compensate the rights holders&rdquo;, "
+"because when they say 'compensate', they're trying to presume that if you "
+"have appreciated a work, you now have a specific debt to somebody, and that "
+"you have to &ldquo;compensate&rdquo; that somebody.  When they say 'rights "
+"holders', it's supposed to make you think it's supporting artists while in "
+"fact it's going to the publishers&mdash;the same publishers who basically "
+"exploit all the artists (except the few that you've all heard of, who are so "
+"popular that they have clout)."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <p>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"We don't owe a debt; we have nobody that we have to "
+"&ldquo;compensate&rdquo;.  [But] supporting the arts is still a useful thing "
+"to do.  That was the motivation for copyright back when copyright fit in "
+"with the technology of the day.  Today copyright is a bad way to do it, but "
+"it's still good to do it other ways that respect our freedom."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"<strong>RMS</strong>: I don't know. I think I'd better hand the floor over "
-"to Melanie whose talk was supposed to start at 3. and uh so"
+"Demand that they change the two evil parts of the New Zealand Copyright "
+"Act.  They shouldn't replace the three strikes punishment, because sharing "
+"is good, and they've got to get rid of the censorship for the software to "
+"break DRM.  Beware of ACTA&mdash;they're trying to negotiate a treaty "
+"between various countries, for all of these countries to attack their "
+"citizens, and we don't know how because they won't tell us."
 msgstr ""
 # type: Content of: <p>
 msgid ""
-"RMS stands in silence. There is a pause before the outbreak of applause. RMS "
-"turns to applaud the stuffed fabric gnu he placed on the overhead projector "
-"at the beginning of the talk."
+"<a href=\"/philosophy/copyright-versus-community-2000.html\">Click here</a> "
+"for an older version of this talk from 2000."
 msgstr ""
 #. TRANSLATORS: Use space (SPC) as msgstr if you don't have notes.

Index: philosophy/po/danger-of-software-patents.pot
RCS file: /web/www/www/philosophy/po/danger-of-software-patents.pot,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -b -r1.1 -r1.2
--- philosophy/po/danger-of-software-patents.pot        13 Nov 2009 09:27:05 
-0000      1.1
+++ philosophy/po/danger-of-software-patents.pot        1 Dec 2009 21:26:45 
-0000       1.2
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-11-13 04:27-0500\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-12-01 16:26-0500\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
 "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <address@hidden>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <address@hidden>\n"
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
 "Software Patents&rdquo;.  Richard Stallman has a suite of lectures that he "
 "offers, and after discussion with Brenda, I chose this topic precisely "
 "because for the first real time in New Zealand history, we have a somewhat "
-"prolonged, but important debate about patent law reform, and many of you in "
+"prolonged, but important, debate about patent law reform, and many of you in "
 "the room are responsible for the debate relating to software patents.  So it "
 "seemed very topical, very timely.  So thank you, Richard, for making that "
@@ -84,12 +84,14 @@
 # type: Content of: <dl><dd>
 msgid ""
-"Good point.  I only recommend it for the point that I thought do you say G N "
-"U or GNU?"
+"Good point.  I only recommend it for the point that I thought do you say "
+"G&nbsp;N&nbsp;U or GNU?"
 msgstr ""
 # type: Content of: <dl><dd>
-msgid "Wikipedia says that."
+msgid ""
+"Wikipedia says that.  [The answer is, pronounce it as a one syllable, wit a "
+"hard G.]"
 msgstr ""
 # type: Content of: <dl><dd>
@@ -105,12 +107,13 @@
 # type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
 "First of all, I'd like to mention one of the reasons why I'm drinking this "
-"is there's a worldwide boycott of Coca-Cola Company for murdering union "
-"organizers in Colombia.  Look at the site <a "
-"href=\"http://killercoke.org\";>killercoke.org</a>, and they're not talking "
-"about the effects of drinking the product, after the same might be true of "
-"many other products.  It's murder.  So before you buy any drink product, "
-"look at the fine print and see if it's made by Coca-Cola Company."
+"[a can or bottle of a cola which is not coke] is there's a worldwide boycott "
+"of Coca-Cola Company for murdering union organizers in Colombia.  Look at "
+"the site <a href=\"http://killercoke.org\";>killercoke.org</a>.  And they're "
+"not talking about the effects of drinking the product&mdash;after all, the "
+"same might be true of many other products&mdash;it's murder.  So before you "
+"buy any drink product, look at the fine print and see if it's made by "
+"Coca-Cola Company."
 msgstr ""
 # type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
@@ -120,48 +123,62 @@
 "the system mistakenly believe it's Linux and think it was started by "
 "somebody else a decade later.  But I'm not going to be speaking about any of "
 "that today.  I'm here to talk about a legal danger to all software "
-"developers, distributors, and users, the danger of patents on computational "
-"ideas, computational techniques, an idea for something you can do on a "
+"developers, distributors, and users, the danger of patents&mdash;on "
+"computational ideas, computational techniques, an idea for something you can "
+"do on a computer."
 msgstr ""
 # type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
 "Now, to understand this issue, the first thing you need to realize is that "
-"patent law has nothing to do with copyright law.  They're totally "
+"patent law has nothing to do with copyright law&mdash;they're totally "
 "different.  Whatever you learn about one of them, you can be sure it doesn't "
-"apply to the other.  So, for example, any time a person makes a statement "
-"about &ldquo;intellectual property&rdquo; that's spreading confusion, "
-"because it's lumping together not only these two laws, but also at least a "
-"dozen others, and they're all different, and the result is any statement "
-"which purports to be about &ldquo;intellectual property&rdquo; is pure "
-"confusion.  Either the person making the statement is confused, or the "
-"person is trying to confuse others.  But either way, whether it's accidental "
-"or malicious, it's confusion.  Protect yourself from this confusion by "
-"rejecting any statement which makes use of that term.  The only way to make "
-"thoughtful comments and think clear thoughts about any one of these laws is "
-"to distinguish it first from all the others, and talk or think about one "
-"particular law, so that we can understand what it actually does and then "
-"form conclusions about it.  So I'll be talking about patent law, and what "
-"happens in those countries which have allowed patent law to restrict "
+"apply to the other."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"So, for example, any time a person makes a statement about "
+"&ldquo;intellectual property&rdquo; that's spreading confusion, because it's "
+"lumping together not only these two laws, but also at least a dozen others.  "
+"They're all different, and the result is any statement which purports to be "
+"about &ldquo;intellectual property&rdquo; is pure confusion&mdash;either the "
+"person making the statement is confused, or the person is trying to confuse "
+"others.  But either way, whether it's accidental or malicious, it's "
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"Protect yourself from this confusion by rejecting any statement which makes "
+"use of that term.  The only way to make thoughtful comments and think clear "
+"thoughts about any one of these laws is to distinguish it first from all the "
+"others, and talk or think about one particular law, so that we can "
+"understand what it actually does and then form conclusions about it.  So "
+"I'll be talking about patent law, and what happens in those countries which "
+"have allowed patent law to restrict software."
 msgstr ""
 # type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
 "So, what does a patent do? A patent is an explicit, government-issued "
-"monopoly on using a certain idea, and in the patent there's a part called "
-"the claims, which describe exactly what you're not allowed to do, although "
+"monopoly on using a certain idea.  In the patent there's a part called the "
+"claims, which describe exactly what you're not allowed to do, although "
 "they're written in a way you probably can't understand.  It's a struggle to "
 "figure out what those prohibitions actually mean, and they may go on for "
-"many pages of fine print.  So the patent typically lasts for 20 years, which "
-"is a fairly long time in our field.  Twenty years ago there was no World "
-"Wide Web, a tremendous amount of the use of computers goes on in an area "
-"which wasn't even possible to propose 20 years ago.  So of course everything "
-"that people do on it is something that's new since 20 years ago.  It may be, "
-"it's at least in some aspect is new.  So if patents had been applied for "
-"we'd be prohibited from doing all of it, and we may be prohibited from doing "
-"all of it in countries that have been foolish enough to have such a policy."
+"many pages of fine print."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"So the patent typically lasts for 20 years, which is a fairly long time in "
+"our field.  Twenty years ago there was no World Wide Web&mdash;a tremendous "
+"amount of the use of computers goes on in an area which wasn't even possible "
+"to propose 20 years ago.  So of course everything that people do on it is "
+"something that's new since 20 years ago&mdash;at least in some aspect it is "
+"new.  So if patents had been applied for we'd be prohibited from doing all "
+"of it, and we may be prohibited from doing all of it in countries that have "
+"been foolish enough to have such a policy."
 msgstr ""
 # type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
@@ -169,42 +186,63 @@
 "Most of the time, when people describe the function of the patent system, "
 "they have a vested interest in the system.  They may be patent lawyers, or "
 "they may work in the Patent Office, or they may be in the patent office of a "
-"megacorporation, so they want you to like the system.  The Economist once "
-"referred to the patent system as &ldquo;a time-consuming lottery&rdquo;.  "
-"And if you've ever seen publicity for a lottery, you understand how it "
-"works.  They dwell on the very unlikely probability of winning, and they "
-"don't talk about the overwhelming likelihood of losing.  And in this way, "
+"megacorporation, so they want you to like the system."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"The Economist once referred to the patent system as &ldquo;a time-consuming "
+"lottery.&rdquo; If you've ever seen publicity for a lottery, you understand "
+"how it works: they dwell on the very unlikely probability of winning, and "
+"they don't talk about the overwhelming likelihood of losing.  In this way, "
 "they intentionally and systematically present a biased picture of what's "
-"likely to happen to you, without actually lying about any particular fact.  "
-"And it's the same way for the publicity for the patent system.  They talk "
-"about what it's like to walk down the street with a patent in your pocket, "
-"or first of all, what it's like to get a patent, then what it's like to have "
-"a patent in your pocket, and every so often you can pull it out and point it "
-"at somebody and say &ldquo;give me your money&rdquo;.  To compensate for "
-"their bias, I'm going to describe it from the other side, the victim side.  "
-"What it's like for people who want to develop or distribute or run "
-"software.  You have to worry that any day someone might walk up to you and "
-"point a patent at you and say give me your money.  If you want to develop "
-"software in a country that allows software patents, and you want to work "
-"with patent law, what will you have to do?"
+"likely to happen to you, without actually lying about any particular fact."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"It's the same way for the publicity for the patent system.  They talk about "
+"what it's like to walk down the street with a patent in your pocket&mdash;or "
+"first of all, what it's like to get a patent, then what it's like to have a "
+"patent in your pocket, and every so often you can pull it out and point it "
+"at somebody and say, &ldquo;Give me your money.&rdquo;"
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"To compensate for their bias, I'm going to describe it from the other side, "
+"the victim side&mdash;what it's like for people who want to develop or "
+"distribute or run software.  You have to worry that any day someone might "
+"walk up to you and point a patent at you and say, &ldquo;Give me your "
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"If you want to develop software in a country that allows software patents, "
+"and you want to work with patent law, what will you have to do?"
 msgstr ""
 # type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
 "You could try to make a list of all the ideas that one might be able to find "
 "in the program that you're about to write, aside from the fact that you "
-"don't know that when you start writing the program.  Even after you finish "
-"writing the program you wouldn't be able to make such a list, and the reason "
-"is, even after you designed the program, and in the process you conceived of "
-"it in one particular way, you've got a mental structure to apply to your "
-"design, and because of that, it will block you from seeing other structures "
-"that somebody might use to understand the same program, because you're not "
-"coming to it &ldquo;fresh&rdquo;.  You already designed it with one "
-"structure in mind.  Someone else who sees it for the first time might see a "
-"different structure, which involves different ideas, and it would be hard "
-"for you to see what those other ideas are.  But nonetheless they're "
-"implemented in your program, and those patents could prohibit your program, "
-"if those ideas are patented."
+"don't know that when you start writing the program.  [But] even after you "
+"finish writing the program you wouldn't be able to make such a list."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"The reason is&hellip; in the process you conceived of it in one particular "
+"way&mdash;you've got a mental structure to apply to your design.  And "
+"because of that, it will block you from seeing other structures that "
+"somebody might use to understand the same program, because you're not coming "
+"to it &ldquo;fresh&rdquo;; you already designed it with one structure in "
+"mind.  Someone else who sees it for the first time might see a different "
+"structure, which involves different ideas, and it would be hard for you to "
+"see what those other ideas are.  But nonetheless they're implemented in your "
+"program, and those patents could prohibit your program, if those ideas are "
 msgstr ""
 # type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
@@ -215,14 +253,23 @@
 "edge&rdquo; on the list of all ideas implemented in your drawing.  But you "
 "might not realize that somebody else with a patent on bottom corners could "
 "sue you easily also, because he could take you drawing and turn it by 45 "
-"degrees and now your square is like this, and it has a bottom corner.  So "
-"you couldn't make a list of all the ideas which, if patented, could prohibit "
-"your program.  So what you might try to do is find out all the ideas that "
-"are patented that might be in your program.  Now you can't do that actually, "
-"because patent applications are kept secret for at least eighteen months, "
-"and the result is the Patent Office could be considering now whether to "
-"issue a patent, and they won't tell you.  And this is not just an academic, "
-"theoretical possibility, that could happen."
+"degrees.  And now your square is like this, and it has a bottom corner."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"So you couldn't make a list of all the ideas which, if patented, could "
+"prohibit your program."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"What you might try to do is find out all the ideas that are patented that "
+"might be in your program.  Now you can't do that actually, because patent "
+"applications are kept secret for at least eighteen months; and the result is "
+"the Patent Office could be considering now whether to issue a patent, and "
+"they won't tell you.  And this is not just an academic, theoretical "
 msgstr ""
 # type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
@@ -230,29 +277,44 @@
 "For instance, in 1984 the Compress program was written, a program for "
 "compressing files using the <acronym title=\"Lempel-Ziv-Welch\"> "
 "LZW</acronym> data compression algorithm, and at that time there was no "
-"patent on that algorithm for compressing files.  The author found, got the "
+"patent on that algorithm for compressing files.  The author got the "
 "algorithm from an article in a journal.  That was when we thought that the "
 "purpose of computer science journals was to publish algorithms so people "
-"could use them.  He wrote this program, he released it, and in 1985 a patent "
-"was issued on that algorithm.  But the patent holder was cunning and didn't "
-"immediately go around telling people to stop using it.  The patent holder "
-"figured &ldquo;let's let everybody dig their grave deeper&rdquo;.  But a few "
-"years later they started threatening people; it became clear we couldn't use "
-"Compress, so I asked for people to suggest other algorithms we could use for "
-"compressing files, and somebody wrote and said I developed another data "
-"compression algorithm that works better, I've written a program, I'd like to "
-"give it to you.  So we got ready to release it, and a week before it was "
-"ready to be released, I read in the New York Times weekly patent column, "
-"which I rarely saw, it's a couple of times a year I might see it, but just "
-"by luck I saw that someone had gotten a patent for &ldquo;inventing a new "
-"method of compressing data&rdquo;, and so I said we had better look at this, "
+"could use them."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"He wrote this program, he released it, and in 1985 a patent was issued on "
+"that algorithm.  But the patent holder was cunning and didn't immediately go "
+"around telling people to stop using it.  The patent holder figured "
+"&ldquo;let's let everybody dig their grave deeper.&rdquo; A few years later "
+"they started threatening people; it became clear we couldn't use Compress, "
+"so I asked for people to suggest other algorithms we could use for "
+"compressing files."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"And somebody wrote and said, \"I developed another data compression "
+"algorithm that works better, I've written a program, I'd like to give it to "
+"you.\" So we got ready to release it, and a week before it was ready to be "
+"released, I read in the New York Times weekly patent column, which I rarely "
+"saw&mdash;it's a couple of times a year I might see it&mdash;but just by "
+"luck I saw that someone had gotten a patent for &ldquo;inventing a new "
+"method of compressing data.&rdquo; And so I said we had better look at this, "
 "and sure enough it covered the program we were about to release.  But it "
-"could have been worse, the patent could have been issued a year later, or "
-"two years later, or three years later, or five years later.  Anyway, someone "
-"else came up with another, even better compression algorithm, which was used "
-"in the program <tt>gzip</tt>, and just about everybody who wanted to "
-"compress files switched to <tt>gzip</tt>, so it sounds like a happy ending.  "
-"But you'll hear more later.  It's not entirely so happy."
+"could have been worse: the patent could have been issued a year later, or "
+"two years later, or three years later, or five years later."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"Anyway, someone else came up with another, even better compression "
+"algorithm, which was used in the program <tt>gzip</tt>, and just about "
+"everybody who wanted to compress files switched to <tt>gzip</tt>, so it "
+"sounds like a happy ending.  But you'll hear more later.  It's not entirely "
+"so happy."
 msgstr ""
 # type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
@@ -261,78 +323,106 @@
 "though they may prohibit your work once they come out, but you can find out "
 "about the already issued patents.  They're all published by the Patent "
 "Office.  The problem is you can't read them all, because there are too many "
-"of them.  In the US I believe there are hundreds of thousands of thousands "
-"of software patents.  Keeping track of them would be a tremendous job.  So "
-"you're going to have to search for relevant patents.  And you'll find a lot "
-"of relevant patents, but you won't necessarily find them all."
+"of them."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"In the US I believe there are hundreds of thousands of thousands of software "
+"patents; keeping track of them would be a tremendous job.  So you're going "
+"to have to search for relevant patents.  And you'll find a lot of relevant "
+"patents, but you won't necessarily find them all."
 msgstr ""
 # type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
 "For instance, in the 80s and 90s, there was a patent on &ldquo;natural order "
 "recalculation&rdquo; in spreadsheets.  Somebody once asked me for a copy of "
-"it, so I looked in our computer file which lists the patent numbers, and "
+"it, so I looked in our computer file which lists the patent numbers.  And "
 "then I pulled out the drawer to get the paper copy of this patent and "
-"Xeroxed it and sent it to him.  And when he got it, he said &ldquo;I think "
+"xeroxed it and sent it to him.  And when he got it, he said, &ldquo;I think "
 "you sent me the wrong patent.  This is something about compilers.&rdquo; So "
 "I thought maybe our file has the wrong number in it.  I looked in it again, "
-"and sure enough it's a method for compiling formulas into object code.  So I "
-"started to read it to see if it was indeed the wrong patent.  I read the "
-"claims, and sure enough it was the natural order recalculation patent, but "
-"it didn't use those terms, it didn't use the term spreadsheet.  In fact, "
-"what the patent prohibited was dozens of different ways of implementing "
-"topological sort.  All the ways they could think of.  But I don't think it "
-"used the term &ldquo;topological sort&rdquo;."
+"and sure enough it said &ldquo;A method for compiling formulas into object "
+"code.&rdquo; So I started to read it to see if it was indeed the wrong "
+"patent.  I read the claims, and sure enough it was the natural order "
+"recalculation patent, but it didn't use those terms.  It didn't use the term "
+"&ldquo;spreadsheet&rdquo;.  In fact, what the patent prohibited was dozens "
+"of different ways of implementing topological sort&mdash;all the ways they "
+"could think of.  But I don't think it used the term &ldquo;topological "
 msgstr ""
 # type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"So if you had tried to find, if you were writing a spreadsheet and you tried "
-"to find relevant patents by searching, you might have found a lot of "
-"patents, but you wouldn't have found this one until somebody, you told "
-"somebody &ldquo;Oh, I'm working on a spreadsheet&rdquo; and he said "
-"&ldquo;Oh, did you know those other companies that are making spreadsheets "
-"are getting sued?&rdquo;.  Then you would have found out.  Well, you can't "
-"find all the patents by searching, but you can find a lot of them and then "
-"you've got to figure out what they mean, which is hard, because patents are "
-"written in tortuous legal language which is very hard to understand the real "
-"meaning of, so you're going to have to spend a lot of time talking with an "
-"expensive lawyer explaining what you want to do in order to find out from "
-"the lawyer whether you're allowed to do it.  Now, even the patent holders "
-"often can't recognize just what their patents mean."
+"So if you were writing a spreadsheet and you tried to find relevant patents "
+"by searching, you might have found a lot of patents.  But you wouldn't have "
+"found this one until you told somebody, &ldquo;Oh, I'm working on a "
+"spreadsheet,&rdquo; and he said, &ldquo;Oh, did you know those other "
+"companies that are making spreadsheets are getting sued?&rdquo; Then you "
+"would have found out."
 msgstr ""
 # type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
+"Well, you can't find all the patents by searching, but you can find a lot of "
+"them.  And then you've got to figure out what they mean, which is hard, "
+"because patents are written in tortuous legal language which is very hard to "
+"understand the real meaning of.  So you're going to have to spend a lot of "
+"time talking with an expensive lawyer explaining what you want to do in "
+"order to find out from the lawyer whether you're allowed to do it."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"Even the patent holders often can't recognize just what their patents mean.  "
 "For instance, there's somebody named Paul Heckel who released a program for "
-"displaying a lot of data on a small screen.  And based on a couple of the "
-"ideas in that program he got a couple of patents.  Now I once tried to find "
-"a simple way to describe what claim 1 of one of those patents covered.  I "
-"found that I couldn't find any simpler way of saying it than what was in the "
-"patent itself, and that sentence, I couldn't manage to keep it all in my "
-"mind at once, no matter how hard I tried.  And Heckel couldn't follow it "
-"either, because when he saw HyperCard, all he noticed was it was nothing "
-"like his program, it didn't occur to him that the way his patent was written "
-"it might prohibit HyperCard, but his lawyer had that idea, so he threatened "
-"Apple, and then he threatened Apple's customers, and eventually Apple made a "
-"settlement with him which is secret, so we don't know who really won.  And "
-"this is just an illustration of how hard it is for anybody to understand "
-"what a patent does or doesn't prohibit.  In fact, I once gave this speech "
-"and Heckel was in the audience, and at this point he jumped up and said "
-"&ldquo;That's not true, I just didn't know the scope of my "
-"protection.&rdquo; And I said &ldquo;Yeah, that's what I said,&rdquo; at "
-"which point he sat down and that was the end of my experience being heckled "
-"by Heckel.  If I had said no, he probably would have found a way to argue "
-"with me.  Anyway, so, after a long, expensive conversation with a lawyer, "
-"the lawyer will give you an answer like this:"
+"displaying a lot of data on a small screen, and based on a couple of the "
+"ideas in that program he got a couple of patents."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"I once tried to find a simple way to describe what claim 1 of one of those "
+"patents covered.  I found that I couldn't find any simpler way of saying it "
+"than what was in the patent itself; and that sentence, I couldn't manage to "
+"keep it all in my mind at once, no matter how hard I tried."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"And Heckel couldn't follow it either, because when he saw HyperCard, all he "
+"noticed was it was nothing like his program.  It didn't occur to him that "
+"the way his patent was written it might prohibit Hypercard; but his lawyer "
+"had that idea, so he threatened Apple.  And then he threatened Apple's "
+"customers, and eventually Apple made a settlement with him which is secret, "
+"so we don't know who really won.  And this is just an illustration of how "
+"hard it is for anybody to understand what a patent does or doesn't prohibit."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"In fact, I once gave this speech and Heckel was in the audience.  And at "
+"this point he jumped up and said &ldquo;That's not true, I just didn't know "
+"the scope of my protection.&rdquo; And I said &ldquo;Yeah, that's what I "
+"said,&rdquo; at which point he sat down and that was the end of my "
+"experience being heckled by Heckel.  If I had said no, he probably would "
+"have found a way to argue with me."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"Anyway, after a long, expensive conversation with a lawyer, the lawyer will "
+"give you an answer like this:"
 msgstr ""
 # type: Content of: <dl><dd><blockquote><p>
 msgid ""
-"If you do something in this area you're almost certain to lose a lawsuit.  "
-"If you do something in this area there's a considerable chance of losing a "
-"lawsuit, and if you really want to be safe you've got to stay out of this "
-"area, but there's a sizable element of chance in the outcome of any lawsuit."
+"&ldquo;If you do something in this area you're almost certain to lose a "
+"lawsuit.  If you do something in this area there's a considerable chance of "
+"losing a lawsuit, and if you really want to be safe you've got to stay out "
+"of this area, but there's a sizeable element of chance in the outcome of any "
 msgstr ""
 # type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
@@ -346,17 +436,26 @@
 # type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"First, there's the possibility of avoiding the patent, which means don't "
+"First, there's the possibility of avoiding the patent, which means, don't "
 "implement what it prohibits.  Of course, if it's hard to tell what it "
-"prohibits, it might be hard to tell what would suffice to avoid it.  A "
-"couple of years ago Kodak sued Sun using a patent for something having to do "
-"with object-oriented programming.  And Sun didn't think it was infringing "
-"that patent.  But the court decided it was, and when other people look at "
+"prohibits, it might be hard to tell what would suffice to avoid it."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"A couple of years ago Kodak sued Sun using a patent for something having to "
+"do with object-oriented programming, and Sun didn't think it was infringing "
+"that patent.  But the court decided it was; and when other people look at "
 "that patent they haven't the faintest idea whether that decision was right "
-"or not.  No one can tell what that patent does or doesn't cover.  But Sun "
-"had to pay hundreds of millions of dollars because of violating a completely "
-"incomprehensible law.  But sometimes you can tell what you need to avoid, "
-"and sometimes what you need to avoid is an algorithm."
+"or not.  No one can tell what that patent does or doesn't cover, but Sun had "
+"to pay hundreds of millions of dollars because of violating a completely "
+"incomprehensible law."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"Sometimes you can tell what you need to avoid, and sometimes what you need "
+"to avoid is an algorithm."
 msgstr ""
 # type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
@@ -366,94 +465,132 @@
 "application then that's an easy way to avoid this other one.  And most of "
 "the time that would work.  Once in a while you might be trying to do "
 "something where it runs doing FFT all the time, and it's just barely fast "
-"enough using the faster algorithm, and then you can't avoid it, although "
+"enough using the faster algorithm.  And then you can't avoid it, although "
 "maybe you could wait a couple of years for a faster computer.  But that's "
-"going to be rare.  Most of the time that patent will be easy to avoid.  On "
-"the other hand, a patent on an algorithm may be impossible to avoid.  "
+"going to be rare.  Most of the time that patent will to be easy to avoid."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"On the other hand, a patent on an algorithm may be impossible to avoid.  "
 "Consider the LZW data compression algorithm.  Well, as I explained we found "
 "a better data compression algorithm, and everybody who wanted to compress "
 "files switched to the program <tt>gzip</tt> which used the better "
 "algorithm.  And the reason is, if you just want to compress the file and "
 "uncompress it later, you can tell people to use this program to uncompress "
-"it, then you can use any program with any algorithm, and you only care how "
-"well it works.  But LZW is used for other things too, for instance the "
-"PostScript language specifies operators for LZW compression and LZW "
-"uncompression.  It's no use having another, better algorithm, because it "
-"makes a different format of data.  They're not interoperable.  If you "
-"compress it with the <tt>gzip</tt> algorithm, you won't be able to "
-"uncompress it using LZW.  So no matter how good your other algorithm is, and "
-"no matter what it is, it just doesn't enable you to implement PostScript "
-"according to the specs.  But I noticed that users rarely ask their printers "
-"to compress things.  Generally the only thing they want their printers to do "
-"is to uncompress, and I also noticed that both of the patents on the LZW "
-"algorithm were written in such a way that if your system can only uncompress "
-"it's not covered, it's not forbidden.  These patents were written so that "
-"they covered compression, and they had other claims covering both "
-"compression and uncompression, but there was no claim covering only "
-"uncompression.  So I realized that if we implement only the uncompression "
-"for LZW, we would be safe, and although it would not satisfy the "
-"specification, it would please the users sufficiently.  It would do what "
-"they actually needed.  So that's how we barely squeaked by avoiding that "
-"patent, the two patents."
+"it; then you can use any program with any algorithm, and you only care how "
+"well it works."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"But LZW is used for other things too; for instance the PostScript language "
+"specifies operators for LZW compression and LZW uncompression.  It's no use "
+"having another, better algorithm, because it makes a different format of "
+"data.  They're not interoperable.  If you compress it with the gzip "
+"algorithm, you won't be able to uncompress it using LZW.  So no matter how "
+"good your other algorithm is, and no matter what it is, it just doesn't "
+"enable you to implement PostScript according to the specs."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"But I noticed that users rarely ask their printers to compress things.  "
+"Generally the only thing they want their printers to do is to uncompress; "
+"and I also noticed that both of the patents on the LZW algorithm were "
+"written in such a way that if your system can only uncompress, it's not "
+"forbidden.  These patents were written so that they covered compression, and "
+"they had other claims covering both compression and uncompression; but there "
+"was no claim covering only uncompression.  So I realized that if we "
+"implement only the uncompression for LZW, we would be safe.  And although it "
+"would not satisfy the specification, it would please the users sufficiently; "
+"it would do what they actually needed.  So that's how we barely squeaked by "
+"avoiding the two patents."
 msgstr ""
 # type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
 "Now there is <tt>gif</tt> format, for images.  That uses the LZW algorithm "
 "also.  It didn't take long for people to define another image format, called "
-"<tt>png</tt>, which stands for &ldquo;<tt>png</tt>'s not "
-"<tt>gif</tt>&rdquo;, and I think it uses the <tt>gzip</tt> algorithm, and I "
-"think we started saying to people don't use <tt>gif</tt> format, it's "
-"dangerous, switch to <tt>png</tt>, and the users said well, maybe some day, "
-"but the browsers don't implement it yet, and the browser may implement it "
-"someday, but there's not much demand from users.  Well, it's pretty obvious "
-"what's going on.  <tt>gif</tt> was a de facto standard.  In effect, asking "
-"people to switch to a different format, instead of their de facto standard, "
-"is like asking everyone in New Zealand to speak Hungarian.  People will say "
-"&ldquo;Well, yeah, I'll learn to speak it after everyone else does&rdquo;.  "
-"And so we never succeeded in asking people to stop using <tt>gif</tt>, even "
-"though one of those patent holders at least was going around to operators of "
-"web sites, threatening to sue them unless they could prove that all of the "
-"<tt>gif</tt> on the site were made with authorized, licensed software.  So "
-"<tt>gif</tt> was a dangerous trap for a large part of our community.  Now we "
+"<tt>png</tt>, which stands for &ldquo;Png's Not Gif&rdquo;.  I think it uses "
+"the <tt>gzip</tt> algorithm.  And we started saying to people, &ldquo;Don't "
+"use <tt>gif</tt> format, it's dangerous; switch to <tt>png</tt>.&rdquo; And "
+"the users said &ldquo;Well, maybe some day, but the browsers don't implement "
+"it yet,&rdquo; and the browser developers said, &ldquo;We may implement it "
+"someday, but there's not much demand from users.&rdquo;"
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"Well, it's pretty obvious what's going on&mdash;<tt>gif</tt> was a de facto "
+"standard.  In effect, asking people to switch to a different format, instead "
+"of their de facto standard, is like asking everyone in New Zealand to speak "
+"Hungarian.  People will say &ldquo;Well, yeah, I'll learn to speak it after "
+"everyone else does.&rdquo; And so we never succeeded in asking people to "
+"stop using <tt>gif</tt>, even though one of those patent holders was going "
+"around to operators of web sites, threatening to sue them unless they could "
+"prove that all of the <tt>gif</tt>s on the site were made with authorized, "
+"licensed software."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"So <tt>gif</tt> was a dangerous trap for a large part of our community.  We "
 "thought we had an alternative to <tt>gif</tt> format, namely <tt>jpeg</tt>, "
-"but then somebody said &ldquo;I was just looking through my portfolio of "
-"patents,&rdquo; I think it was somebody that just bought patents and used "
-"them to threaten people, and he said &ldquo;and I found that one of them "
-"covers <tt>jpeg</tt> format&rdquo;.  Well, <tt>jpeg</tt> was not a de facto "
-"standard, it's an official standard, issued by a standards committee, and "
-"the committee had a lawyer too.  Their lawyer said he didn't think that this "
-"patent actually covered <tt>jpeg</tt> format.  So who's right? Well, this "
-"patent holder sued a bunch of companies, and if there was a decision, it "
-"would have said who was right, but I haven't heard about a decision, I'm not "
-"sure if there ever was one.  I think they settled, and the settlement is "
-"almost certainly secret, which means that it didn't tell us anything about "
-"who's right."
+"but then somebody said, \"I was just looking through my portfolio of "
+"patents\"&mdash;I think it was somebody that just bought patents and used "
+"them to threaten people&mdash;and he said \"and I found that one of them "
+"covers <tt>jpeg</tt> format.\""
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"Well, <tt>jpeg</tt> was not a de facto standard, it's an official standard, "
+"issued by a standards committee; and the committee had a lawyer too.  Their "
+"lawyer said he didn't think that this patent actually covered <tt>jpeg</tt> "
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"So who's right? Well, this patent holder sued a bunch of companies, and if "
+"there was a decision, it would have said who was right.  But I haven't heard "
+"about a decision; I'm not sure if there ever was one.  I think they settled, "
+"and the settlement is almost certainly secret, which means that it didn't "
+"tell us anything about who's right."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"These are fairly lightweight cases: one patent on <tt>jpeg</tt>, two patents "
+"on the LZW algorithm used in <tt>gif</tt>.  Now you might wonder how come "
+"there are two patents on the same algorithm? It's not supposed to happen, "
+"but it did.  And the reason is that the patent examiners can't possibly take "
+"the time to study every pair of things they might need to study and compare, "
+"because they're not allowed to take that much time.  And because algorithms "
+"are just mathematics, there's no way you can narrow down which applications "
+"and patents you need to compare."
 msgstr ""
 # type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"So these are fairly lightweight cases, one patent on <tt>jpeg</tt>, two "
-"patents on the LZW algorithm used in <tt>gif</tt>.  Now you might wonder how "
-"come there are two patents on the same algorithm? It's not supposed to "
-"happen, but it did, and the reason is that the patent examiners can't "
-"possibly take the time to study every pair of things they might need to "
-"study and compare, because they're not allowed to take that much time.  And "
-"because algorithms are just mathematics, there's no way you can narrow down "
-"which ones, which applications and patents you need to compare.  You see, in "
-"physical engineering fields, they can use the physical nature of what's "
-"going on to narrow things down.  For instance, in chemical engineering, they "
-"can say what are the substances going in, what are the substances coming "
-"out, and if two different applications are different in that way, then "
-"they're not the same process so you don't need to worry.  But math can be "
-"represented, the same math can be represented in ways that can look very "
+"You see, in physical engineering fields, they can use the physical nature of "
+"what's going on to narrow things down.  For instance, in chemical "
+"engineering, they can say &ldquo;What are the substances going in? What are "
+"the substances coming out?&rdquo; If two different [patent] applications are "
+"different in that way, then they're not the same process so you don't need "
+"to worry.  But the same math can be represented in ways that can look very "
 "different, and until you study them both together, you don't realize they're "
 "talking about the same thing.  And, because of this, it's quite common to "
-"see the same thing get patented multiple times.  Remember that program that "
-"was killed by a patent before we released it, well, that algorithm got "
-"patented twice also.  In one little field we've seen it happen in two cases "
-"that we ran into, the same algorithm being patented twice.  Well, I think my "
-"explanation tells you why that happens."
+"see the same thing get patented multiple times [in software]."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"Remember that program that was killed by a patent before we released it? "
+"Well, that algorithm got patented twice also.  In one little field we've "
+"seen it happen in two cases that we ran into&mdash;the same algorithm being "
+"patented twice.  Well, I think my explanation tells you why that happens."
 msgstr ""
 # type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
@@ -462,8 +599,8 @@
 "the video format? I saw a list of over 70 patents covering that, and the "
 "negotiations to arrange a way for somebody to license all those patents took "
 "longer than developing the standard itself.  The <tt>jpeg</tt> committee "
-"wanted to develop a follow on standard, and they gave up.  They said there "
-"were too many patents, there was no way to do it."
+"wanted to develop a follow-on standard, and they gave up.  They said there "
+"were too many patents; there was no way to do it."
 msgstr ""
 # type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
@@ -471,146 +608,214 @@
 "Sometimes it's a feature that's patented, and the only to avoid that patent "
 "is not to implement that feature.  For instance, the users of the word "
 "processor Xywrite once got a downgrade in the mail, which removed a "
-"feature.  The feature was that you could define a list of abbreviations, for "
-"instance, if you define <tt>exp</tt> as an abbreviation for experiment, then "
-"if you type exp-space or exp-comma, the <tt>exp</tt> would change "
-"automatically to experiment.  Then somebody who had a patent on this feature "
-"threatened them and they concluded that the only thing they could do was to "
-"take the feature out.  And so they sent all the users a downgrade.  But they "
-"also contacted me, because my Emacs editor had a feature like that starting "
-"from the late 70s, and it was described in the Emacs manual, so they thought "
-"I might be able to help them invalidate that patent.  Well, I'm happy to "
-"know I've had at least one patentable idea in my life, but I'm unhappy that "
-"someone else patented it.  Fortunately in fact that patent was eventually "
-"invalidated, and partly on the strength of the fact that I had published "
-"using it earlier.  But in the meantime they had had to remove this feature.  "
+"feature.  The feature was that you could define a list of abbreviations.  "
+"For instance, if you define <tt>exp</tt> as an abbreviation for "
+"&ldquo;experiment&rdquo;, then if you type exp-space or exp-comma, the "
+"<tt>exp</tt> would change automatically to &ldquo;experiment&rdquo;."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"Then somebody who had a patent on this feature threatened them, and they "
+"concluded that the only thing they could do was to take the feature out.  "
+"And so they sent all the users a downgrade."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"But they also contacted me, because my Emacs editor had a feature like that "
+"starting from the late 70s.  And it was described in the Emacs manual, so "
+"they thought I might be able to help them invalidate that patent.  Well, I'm "
+"happy to know I've had at least one patentable idea in my life, but I'm "
+"unhappy that someone else patented it."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"Fortunately, in fact, that patent was eventually invalidated, and partly on "
+"the strength of the fact that I had published using it earlier.  But in the "
+"meantime they had had to remove this feature."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
 "Now, to remove one or two features may not be a disaster.  But when you have "
-"to remove 50 features, you could do it, but people are likely to say this "
-"program's no good, it's missing all the features I want, so it may not be a "
-"solution.  And sometimes a patent is so broad that it wipes out an entire "
-"field, like the patent on public key encryption, which in fact put public "
-"key encryption basically off limits for about ten years.  So that's the "
-"option of avoiding the patent, often possible, but sometimes not, and "
-"there's a limit to how many patents you can avoid."
+"to remove 50 features, you could do it, but people are likely to say "
+"&ldquo;This program's no good; it's missing all the features I want.&rdquo; "
+"So it may not be a solution.  And sometimes a patent is so broad that it "
+"wipes out an entire field, like the patent on public key encryption, which "
+"in fact put public key encryption basically off limits for about ten years."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"So that's the option of avoiding the patent&mdash;often possible, but "
+"sometimes not, and there's a limit to how many patents you can avoid."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid "What about the next possibility, of getting a license for the patent?"
 msgstr ""
 # type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"What about the next possibility, of getting a license for the patent? Well "
-"the patent holder may not offer you a license.  It's entirely up to him.  He "
-"could say, &ldquo;I just want to shut you down.&rdquo; I once got a letter "
-"from somebody whose family business was making casino games, which were of "
-"course computerized, and he had been threatened by a patent holder who said, "
-"who wanted to make his business shut down.  He sent me the patent.  Claim 1 "
-"was something like &ldquo;a network with a multiplicity of computers, in "
-"which each computer supports a multiplicity of games, and allows a "
-"multiplicity of game sessions at the same time&rdquo;.  Now, if, suppose, "
-"I'm sure in the 1980s there was a university that set up a room with a "
+"Well, the patent holder may not offer you a license.  It's entirely up to "
+"him.  He could say, &ldquo;I just want to shut you down.&rdquo; I once got a "
+"letter from somebody whose family business was making casino games, which "
+"which were of course computerized, and he had been threatened by a patent "
+"holder who wanted to make his business shut down.  He sent me the patent.  "
+"Claim 1 was something like &ldquo;a network with a multiplicity of "
+"computers, in which each computer supports a multiplicity of games, and "
+"allows a multiplicity of game sessions at the same time&rdquo;."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"Now, I'm sure in the 1980s there was a university that set up a room with a "
 "network of workstations, and each workstation had some kind of windowing "
-"facility, all they had to do was to install multiple games and it would be "
+"facility.  All they had to do was to install multiple games and it would be "
 "possible to display multiple game sessions at once.  This is so trivial and "
 "uninteresting that nobody would have bothered to publish an article about "
-"doing it, no one would have been interested in publishing an article about "
+"doing it.  No one would have been interested in publishing an article about "
 "doing it, but it was worth patenting it.  If it had occurred to you that you "
-"could get a monopoly on this trivial thing, and then you could shut down "
-"your competitors with it, but why does the Patent Office issue so many "
-"patents that seem absurd and trivial to us?"
+"could get a monopoly on this trivial thing, then you could shut down your "
+"competitors with it."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"But why does the Patent Office issue so many patents that seem absurd and "
+"trivial to us?"
 msgstr ""
 # type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
 "It's not because the patent examiners are stupid, it's because they're "
 "following a system, and the system has rules, and the rules lead to this "
-"result.  You see, if somebody has made a machine that does something once, "
-"and somebody else designs a machine that will do the same thing, but "
-"<tt>n</tt> times, for us that's a <code>for</code> loop, but for the Patent "
-"Office that's an invention.  If there are machines that can do <tt>a</tt>, "
-"and there are machines that can do <tt>b</tt>, and somebody designs a "
-"machine that can do <tt>a</tt> or <tt>b</tt>, for us that's an <code>if, "
-"then, else</code> statement, but for the Patent Office that's an invention.  "
-"So they have very low standards, and they follow those standards, and the "
-"result is patents that look absurd and trivial to us.  Whether they're "
-"legally valid I can't say.  But every programmer who sees them laughs.  In "
-"any case, I was unable to suggest anything he could do to help himself, and "
-"he had to shut down his business.  But most patent holders will offer you a "
-"license.  It's likely to be rather expensive.  But there are some software "
-"developers that find it particularly easy to get licenses, most of the "
-"time.  Those are the megacorporations.  In any field the megacorporations "
-"generally own about half the patents, and they cross-license each other, and "
-"they can make anybody else cross-license if he's really producing anything.  "
-"The result is that they end up painlessly with licenses for almost all the "
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"You see, if somebody has made a machine that does something once, and "
+"somebody else designs a machine that will do the same thing, but <tt>N</tt> "
+"times, for us that's a <tt>for</tt>-loop, but for the Patent Office that's "
+"an invention.  If there are machines that can do <tt>A</tt>, and there are "
+"machines that can do <tt>B</tt>, and somebody designs a machine that can do "
+"<tt>A</tt> or <tt>B</tt>, for us that's an <tt>if-then-else</tt> statement, "
+"but for the Patent Office that's an invention.  So they have very low "
+"standards, and they follow those standards; and the result is patents that "
+"look absurd and trivial to us.  Whether they're legally valid I can't say.  "
+"But every programmer who sees them laughs."
 msgstr ""
 # type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"IBM wrote an article in its house magazine, Think Magazine, and I think it's "
-"issue 5 1990, and it's about the benefit IBM got from the almost 9,000 US "
-"patents at the time, now it's up to 45,000 or more.  They said that one of "
+"In any case, I was unable to suggest anything he could do to help himself, "
+"and he had to shut down his business.  But most patent holders will offer "
+"you a license.  It's likely to be rather expensive."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"But there are some software developers that find it particularly easy to get "
+"licenses, most of the time.  Those are the megacorporations.  In any field "
+"the megacorporations generally own about half the patents, and they "
+"cross-license each other, and they can make anybody else cross-license if "
+"he's really producing anything.  The result is that they end up painlessly "
+"with licences for almost all the patents."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"IBM wrote an article in its house magazine, Think Magazine&mdash;I think "
+"it's issue 5, 1990&mdash;about the benefit IBM got from its almost 9,000 US "
+"patents at the time (now it's up to 45,000 or more).  They said that one of "
 "the benefits was that they collected money, but the main benefit, which they "
-"said was perhaps an order of magnitude greater, was getting access to the "
-"patents of others, namely cross-licensing.  What this means is since IBM, "
-"with so many patents, can make almost everybody give them a cross-license, "
-"IBM avoids almost all the grief that the patent system would have inflicted "
-"on anybody else.  So that's why IBM wants software patents.  That's why the "
-"megacorporations in general want software patents, because they know that by "
-"cross-licensing, they will for a sort-of exclusive club on top of a mountain "
-"peak, and all the rest of us will be down here, and there's no way we can "
-"get up there.  You know, if you're a genius, you might start up a small "
-"company and get some patents, but you'll never get into IBM's league, no "
-"matter what you do."
+"said was perhaps an order of magnitude greater, was &ldquo;getting access to "
+"the patents of others,&rdquo; namely cross-licensing."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"What this means is since IBM, with so many patents, can make almost "
+"everybody give them a cross-license, IBM avoids almost all the grief that "
+"the patent system would have inflicted on anybody else.  So that's why IBM "
+"wants software patents.  That's why the megacorporations in general want "
+"software patents, because they know that by cross-licensing, they will have "
+"a sort of exclusive club on top of a mountain peak.  And all the rest of us "
+"will be down here, and there's no way we can get up there.  You know, if "
+"you're a genius, you might start up a small company and get some patents, "
+"but you'll never get into IBM's league, no matter what you do."
 msgstr ""
 # type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"Now a lot of companies tell their employees &ldquo;get us patents so we can "
+"Now a lot of companies tell their employees, &ldquo;Get us patents so we can "
 "defend ourselves&rdquo; and they mean use them to try to get "
 "cross-licensing, but it just doesn't work well.  It's not an effective "
-"strategy if you've got a small number of patents.  Suppose you've got three "
-"patents.  One points there, one points there, and one points there, and "
-"somebody over there points a patent at you.  Well, your three patents don't "
-"help you at all, because none of them points at him.  On the other hand, "
-"sooner or later, somebody in the company is going to notice that this patent "
-"is actually pointing at some people, and they could threaten them and "
-"squeeze money out of them, never mind that those people didn't attack this "
-"company.  So if your employer says to you &ldquo;we need some patents to "
-"defend ourselves, so help us get patents&rdquo;, I recommend this response:"
+"strategy if you've got a small number of patents."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"Suppose you've got three patents.  One points there, one points there, and "
+"one points there, and somebody over there points a patent at you.  Well, "
+"your three patents don't help you at all, because none of them points at "
+"him.  On the other hand, sooner or later, somebody in the company is going "
+"to notice that this patent is actually pointing at some people, and [the "
+"company] could threaten them and squeeze money out of them, never mind that "
+"those people didn't attack this company."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"So if your employer says to you &ldquo;we need some patents to defend "
+"ourselves&rdquo;, so help us get patents, I recommend this response."
 msgstr ""
 # type: Content of: <dl><dd><blockquote><p>
 msgid ""
-"Boss, I trust you and I'm sure you would only use those patents to defend "
-"the company if it's attacked.  But I don't know who's going to be the CEO of "
-"this company in five years, for all I know it might get acquired by "
-"Microsoft, so I really can't trust the company's word to only use these "
+"&ldquo;Boss, I trust you and I'm sure you would only use those patents to "
+"defend the company if it's attacked.  But I don't know who's going to be the "
+"CEO of this company in five years.  For all I know, it might get acquired by "
+"Microsoft.  So I really can't trust the company's word to only use these "
 "patents for defense unless I get it in writing.  Please put it in writing "
 "that any patents I provide for the company will only be used for "
 "self-defense and collective security, and not for repression, and then I'll "
-"be able to get patents for the company with a clean conscience."
+"be able to get patents for the company with a clean conscience.&rdquo;"
 msgstr ""
 # type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
 "It would be most interesting to raise this not just in private with your "
-"boss, but also on the company's discussion list.  The other thing that could "
-"happen is that the company could fail and its assets could be auctioned off, "
-"including the patents, and the patents will be bought by someone who means "
-"to use them to do something nasty.  This cross-licensing practice is very "
-"important to understand, because this is what punctures the argument of the "
-"software patent advocates who say that software patents are needed to "
-"protect the starving genius.  They give you a scenario which is a series of "
+"boss, but also on the company's discussion list."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"The other thing that could happen is that the company could fail and its "
+"assets could be auctioned off, including the patents; and the patents will "
+"be bought by someone who means to use them to do something nasty."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"This cross-licensing practice is very important to understand, because this "
+"is what punctures the argument of the software patent advocates who say that "
+"software patents are needed to protect the starving genius.  They give you a "
+"scenario which is a series of unlikelihoods."
 msgstr ""
 # type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
 "So let's look at it.  According to this scenario, there's a brilliant "
 "designer of whatever, who's been working for years by himself in his attic "
-"coming up with a better way to do whatever it is, and now that it's ready he "
-"wants to start a business and mass-produce this thing, and because his idea "
-"is so good his company will inevitably succeed, except for one thing.  The "
-"big companies will compete with him and take all the market away, and "
-"because of this his business will almost certainly fail and then he will "
+"coming up with a better way to do whatever it is.  And now that it's ready "
+"he wants to start a business and mass-produce this thing; and because his "
+"idea is so good his company will inevitably succeed, except for one thing: "
+"the big companies will compete with him and take all his market the away.  "
+"And because of this his business will almost certainly fail and then he will "
 "starve.  Well, let's look at all the unlikely assumptions here."
 msgstr ""
@@ -619,111 +824,159 @@
 "First of all, that he comes up with this idea working by himself.  That's "
 "not very likely.  In a high-tech field, most progress is made by people "
 "working in a field, doing things and talking with people in the field.  But "
-"I wouldn't say it's impossible, not that one thing by itself, but anyway the "
-"next supposition is that he's going to start a business and that it's going "
-"to succeed.  Well, just because he's a brilliant engineer doesn't mean that "
-"he's any good at running a business.  Most new businesses fail.  Like more "
-"than 95% of them, I think, fail within a few years.  So that's probably "
-"what's going to happen to him, no matter what.  OK, let's assume that in "
-"addition to being a brilliant engineer who came up with something great by "
-"himself, he's also talented at running businesses.  If he has a knack for "
-"running businesses, then maybe his business won't fail.  After all, not all "
-"new businesses fail, there are a certain few that succeed.  Well, if he "
-"understands business, then instead of trying to go head to head with large "
-"companies, he might try to do things that small companies are better at and "
-"have a better chance of succeeding, he might succeed.  But let's suppose it "
-"fails anyway.  If he's so brilliant and has a knack for running businesses, "
-"I'm sure he won't starve, because somebody will want to give him a job."
+"I wouldn't say it's impossible, not that one thing by itself."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"But anyway the next supposition is that he's going to start a business and "
+"that it's going to succeed.  Well, just because he's a brilliant engineer "
+"doesn't mean that he's any good at running a business.  Most new businesses "
+"fail; more than 95% of them, I think, fail within a few years.  So that's "
+"probably what's going to happen to him, no matter what."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"OK, let's assume that in addition to being a brilliant engineer who came up "
+"with something great by himself, he's also talented at running businesses.  "
+"If he has a knack for running businesses, then maybe his business won't "
+"fail.  After all, not all new businesses fail, there are a certain few that "
+"succeed.  Well, if he understands business, then instead of trying to go "
+"head to head with large companies, he might try to do things that small "
+"companies are better at and have a better chance of succeeding.  He might "
+"succeed.  But let's suppose it fails anyway.  If he's so brilliant and has a "
+"knack for running businesses, I'm sure he won't starve, because somebody "
+"will want to give him a job."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"So a series of unlikelihoods&mdash;it's not a very plausible scenario.  But "
+"let's look at it anyway."
 msgstr ""
 # type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"So a series of unlikelihoods it's not a very plausible scenario.  But let's "
-"look at it anyway.  Because where they go from there is to say the patent "
-"system will &ldquo;protect&rdquo; our starving genius, because he can get a "
-"patent on this technique, and then when IBM wants to compete with him, he "
-"says &ldquo;IBM, you can't compete with me because I've got this "
-"patent&rdquo;, and IBM says &ldquo;Oh, no, not again&rdquo;.  Well, here's "
-"what really happens.  IBM says &ldquo;Oh, how nice, you have a patent.  "
-"Well, we have this patent, and this patent, and this patent, and this "
-"patent, and this patent, all of which cover other ideas implemented in your "
-"product, and if you think you can fight us on all those, we'll pull out some "
-"more.  So let's sign a cross-license agreement, and that way nobody will get "
-"hurt.&rdquo; Now since we've assumed that our genius understands business, "
-"he's going to realize that he has no choice.  He's going to sign the "
-"cross-license agreement, as just about everybody does when IBM demands it, "
-"and then, this means that IBM will get access to his patent, meaning IBM "
-"would be free to compete with him just as if there were no patents, which "
-"means that the supposed benefit that they claim he would get by having this "
-"patent is not real.  He won't get this benefit."
+"Because where they go from there is to say the patent system will "
+"&ldquo;protect&rdquo; our starving genius, because he can get a patent on "
+"this technique.  And then when IBM wants to compete with him, he says, "
+"&ldquo;IBM, you can't compete with me, because I've got this patent,&rdquo; "
+"and IBM says, &ldquo;Oh, no, not again!&rdquo;"
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid "Well, here's what really happens."
 msgstr ""
 # type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"The patent might protect him from competition from you or me, but not from "
-"IBM, not from the very megacorporations which are supposed to be the "
-"scenario says are the threat to him.  You know in advance that there's got "
-"to be a flaw in this reasoning when people who are lobbyists for "
-"megacorporations recommend a policy supposedly because it's going to protect "
-"their small competitors from them.  If it really were going to do that, they "
-"wouldn't be in favor of it.  But this explains why they won't do it."
+"IBM says &ldquo;Oh, how nice, you have a patent.  Well, we have this patent, "
+"and this patent, and this patent, and this patent, and this patent, all of "
+"which cover other ideas implemented in your product, and if you think you "
+"can fight us on all those, we'll pull out some more.  So let's sign a "
+"cross-license agreement, and that way nobody will get hurt.&rdquo; Now since "
+"we've assumed that our genius understands business, he's going to realize "
+"that he has no choice.  He's going to sign the cross-license agreement, as "
+"just about everybody does when IBM demands it.  And then this means that IBM "
+"will get &ldquo;access&rdquo; to his patent, meaning IBM would be free to "
+"compete with him just as if there were no patents, which means that the "
+"supposed benefit that they claim he would get by having this patent is not "
+"real.  He won't get this benefit."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"The patent might &ldquo;protect&rdquo; him from competition from you or me, "
+"but not from IBM&mdash;not from the very megacorporations which the scenario "
+"says are the threat to him.  You know in advance that there's got to be a "
+"flaw in this reasoning when people who are lobbyists for megacorporations "
+"recommend a policy supposedly because it's going to protect their small "
+"competitors from them.  If it really were going to do that, they wouldn't be "
+"in favor of it.  But this explains why [software patents] won't do it."
 msgstr ""
 # type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
 "Even IBM can't always do this, because there are companies that we refer to "
 "as patent trolls or patent parasites, and their only business is using "
-"patents to squeeze money out of people who really make something.  Patent "
-"lawyers tell us that it's really wonderful to have patents in your field, "
-"but they don't have patents in their field.  There are no patents on how to "
-"send or write a threatening letter, no patents on how to file a lawsuit, and "
-"no patents on how to persuade a judge or jury, so even IBM can't make the "
-"patent trolls cross-license.  But IBM figures our competition will have to "
-"pay them too, this is just part of the cost of doing business, and we can "
-"live with it.  IBM and the other megacorporations figure that the general "
-"dominion over all activity that they get from their patents is good for "
-"them, and paying off the trolls they can live with.  So that's why they want "
-"software patents."
+"patents to squeeze money out of people who really make something."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"Patent lawyers tell us that it's really wonderful to have patents in your "
+"field, but they don't have patents in their field.  There are no patents on "
+"how to send or write a threatening letter, no patents on how to file a "
+"lawsuit, and no patents on how to persuade a judge or jury, so even IBM "
+"can't make the patent trolls cross-license.  But IBM figures &ldquo;Our "
+"competition will have to pay them too; this is just part of the cost of "
+"doing business, and we can live with it.&rdquo; IBM and the other "
+"megacorporations figure that the general dominion over all activity that "
+"they get from their patents is good for them, and paying off the trolls they "
+"can live with.  So that's why they want software patents."
 msgstr ""
 # type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
 "There are also certain software developers who find it particularly "
 "difficult to get a patent license, and those are the developers of free "
-"software.  The reason is that the usual patent license we can't possibly "
-"fulfill, because usual patent licenses demand a payment per copy.  But when "
-"software gives users the freedom to distribute and make more copies, we have "
-"no way to count the copies that exist.  If someone offered me a patent "
-"license for a payment of one-millionth of a dollar per copy, the total "
-"amount of money I'd have to pay maybe is in my pocket now, maybe it's 50 "
-"dollars, but I don't know if it's 50 dollars, or 49, or what, because "
-"there's no way I can count the copies that people have made.  A patent "
-"holder doesn't have to demand a payment per copy; a patent holder could "
-"offer you a license for a single lump sum, but those lump sums tend to be "
-"big, like US$100,000, and the reason that we've been able to develop so much "
-"freedom-respecting software is we can develop software without money, but we "
-"can't pay a lot of money without money.  If we're forced to pay for the "
-"privilege of writing software for the public, we won't be able to do it very "
-"much.  That's the possibility of getting a license for the patent."
+"software.  The reason is that the usual patent license has conditions we "
+"can't possibly fulfil, because usual patent licenses demand a payment per "
+"copy.  But when software gives users the freedom to distribute and make more "
+"copies, we have no way to count the copies that exist."
 msgstr ""
 # type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"The other possibility is to invalidate the patent.  If the country considers "
-"software patents to be basically valid, and allowed, the only question is "
-"whether that particular patent meets the criteria.  The only way you can "
-"prove it doesn't, it's only useful to go to court if you've got an argument "
-"to make that might prevail.  What would that argument be? You have to find "
-"evidence that, years ago, before the patent was applied for, people knew "
-"about the same idea, and you'd have to find things today that demonstrate "
-"that they knew about it publicly at that time.  So the dice were cast years "
-"ago, and if they came up favorably for you and if you can prove that fact "
-"today, then you have an argument to use to try to invalidate the patent, and "
-"it might work.  It might cost you a lot of money to go through this case, "
-"and as a result, a probably invalid patent is a very frightening weapon to "
-"be threatened with if you don't have a lot of money.  There are people who "
-"can't afford to defend their rights.  Lots of them.  The ones who can afford "
-"it are the exception."
+"If someone offered me a patent license for a payment of one-millionth of a "
+"dollar per copy, the total amount of money I'd have to pay maybe is in my "
+"pocket now.  Maybe it's 50 dollars, but I don't know if it's 50 dollars, or "
+"49, or what, because there's no way I can count the copies that people have "
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"A patent holder doesn't have to demand a payment per copy; a patent holder "
+"could offer you a license for a single lump sum, but those lump sums tend to "
+"be big, like US$100,000."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"And the reason that we've been able to develop so much freedom-respecting "
+"software is [that] we can develop software without money, but we can't pay a "
+"lot of money without money.  If we're forced to pay for the privilege of "
+"writing software for the public, we won't be able to do it very much."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"That's the possibility of getting a license for the patent.  The other "
+"possibility is to invalidate the patent.  If the country considers software "
+"patents to be basically valid, and allowed, the only question is whether "
+"that particular patent meets the criteria.  It's only useful to go to court "
+"if you've got an argument to make that might prevail."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"What would that argument be? You have to find evidence that, years ago, "
+"before the patent was applied for, people knew about the same idea.  And "
+"you'd have to find things today that demonstrate that they knew about it "
+"publicly at that time.  So the dice were cast years ago, and if they came up "
+"favorably for you, and if you can prove that fact today, then you have an "
+"argument to use to try to invalidate the patent.  And it might work."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"It might cost you a lot of money to go through this case, and as a result, a "
+"probably invalid patent is a very frightening weapon to be threatened with "
+"if you don't have a lot of money.  There are people who can't afford to "
+"defend their rights&mdash;lots of them.  The ones who can afford it are the "
 msgstr ""
 # type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
@@ -731,181 +984,298 @@
 "These are the three things that you might be able to do about each patent "
 "that prohibits something in your program.  The thing is, whether each one is "
 "possible depends on different details of the circumstances, so some of the "
-"time, none of them is possible, and when that happens, your project is "
-"dead.  But lawyers in most countries tell us &ldquo;don't try to find the "
-"patents in advance&rdquo; and the reason is that the penalty for "
-"infringement is bigger if you knew about the patent.  So what they tell you "
-"is &ldquo;Keep your eyes shut.  Don't try to find out about the patents, "
-"just go blindly taking your design decisions, and hope.&rdquo; And of "
-"course, with each single design decision, you probably don't step on a "
-"patent.  Probably nothing happens to you.  But there's so many steps you "
+"time, none of them is possible; and when that happens, your project is dead."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"But lawyers in most countries tell us &ldquo;don't try to find the patents "
+"in advance&rdquo;, and the reason is that the penalty for infringement is "
+"bigger if you knew about the patent.  So what they tell you is &ldquo;Keep "
+"your eyes shut.  Don't try to find out about the patents, just go blindly "
+"taking your design decisions, and hope.&rdquo;"
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"And of course, with each single design decision, you probably don't step on "
+"a patent.  Probably nothing happens to you.  But there's so many steps you "
 "have to take to get across the minefield it's very unlikely you will get "
 "through safely.  And of course, the patent holders don't all show up at the "
-"same time, so you don't know how many there are going to be.  The patent "
-"holder of the natural order recalculation patent was demanding 5% of the "
-"gross sales of every spreadsheet.  You could imagine paying for a few such "
-"licenses, but what happens when patent holder number 20 comes along, and "
-"wants you to pay out the last remaining 5%, and then what happens when "
-"patent holder number 21 comes along? People in business say that this "
-"scenario is amusing but absurd because your business would fail long before "
-"you got there.  They told me that two or three such licenses would make your "
-"business fail.  So you'd never get to 20.  They show up one by one, so you "
-"never know how many more there are going to be."
+"same time, so you don't know how many there are going to be."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"The patent holder of the natural order recalculation patent was demanding 5% "
+"of the gross sales of every spreadsheet.  You could imagine paying for a few "
+"such licenses, but what happens when patent holder number 20 comes along, "
+"and wants you to pay out the last remaining 5%? And then what happens when "
+"patent holder number 21 comes along?"
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"People in business say that this scenario is amusing but absurd, because "
+"your business would fail long before you got there.  They told me that two "
+"or three such licenses would make your business fail.  So you'd never get to "
+"20.  They show up one by one, so you never know how many more there are "
+"going to be."
 msgstr ""
 # type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
 "Software patents are a mess.  They're a mess for software developers, but in "
 "addition they're a restriction on every computer user because software "
-"patents restrict what you can do on your computer.  This is very different "
-"from patents, for instance, on automobile engines.  These only restrict "
-"companies that make cars, they don't restrict you and me, but software "
-"patents do restrict you and me, and everybody who uses computers.  So we "
-"can't think of them in purely economic terms, we can't judge this issue "
-"purely in economic terms, there's something more important at stake.  But "
-"even in economic terms, the system is self-defeating, because its purpose is "
-"supposed to be to promote progress, supposedly by creating this artificial "
-"incentive for people to publish ideas, it's going to help the field "
-"progress, but all it does is the exact opposite, because the big job in "
-"software is not coming up with ideas, it's implementing thousands of ideas "
-"together in one program.  And software patents obstruct that, so they're "
-"economically self-defeating, and there's even economic research showing that "
-"this is so, showing how in a field with a lot of incremental innovation, a "
-"patent system can actually reduce investment in R &amp; D.  And of course, "
-"it also obstructs development in other ways.  So even if we ignore the "
-"injustice of software patents, even if we were to look at it in the narrow "
-"economic terms that are usually proposed, it's still harmful.  People "
-"sometimes respond by saying that people in other fields have been living "
-"with patents for decades, and they've gotten used to it, so why should you "
-"be an exception? Now that question has an absurd assumption.  It's like "
-"saying &ldquo;other people get cancer, why shouldn't you?&rdquo;.  I think "
-"every time someone doesn't get cancer, that's good, regardless of what "
-"happened to the others.  That question is absurd because of its "
-"presupposition that somehow we all have a duty to suffer the harm done by "
-"patents.  But there is a sensible question buried inside it, and that "
-"sensible question is what differences are there between various fields that "
-"might affect what is good or bad patent policy in those fields?"
+"patents restrict what you can do on your computer."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"This is very different from patents, for instance, on automobile engines.  "
+"These only restrict companies that make cars; they don't restrict you and "
+"me.  But software patents do restrict you and me, and everybody who uses "
+"computers.  So we can't think of them in purely economic terms; we can't "
+"judge this issue purely in economic terms.  There's something more important "
+"at stake."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"But even in economic terms, the system is self-defeating, because its "
+"purpose is supposed to be to promote progress.  Supposedly by creating this "
+"artificial incentive for people to publish ideas, it's going to help the "
+"field progress.  But all it does is the exact opposite, because the big job "
+"in software is not coming up with ideas, it's implementing thousands of "
+"ideas together in one program.  And software patents obstruct that, so "
+"they're economically self-defeating."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"And there's even economic research showing that this is so&mdash;showing how "
+"in a field with a lot of incremental innovation, a patent system can "
+"actually reduce investment in R &amp; D.  And of course, it also obstructs "
+"development in other ways.  So even if we ignore the injustice of software "
+"patents, even if we were to look at it in the narrow economic terms that are "
+"usually proposed, it's still harmful."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"People sometimes respond by saying that &ldquo;People in other fields have "
+"been living with patents for decades, and they've gotten used to it, so why "
+"should you be an exception?&rdquo;"
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"Now, that question has an absurd assumption.  It's like saying, &ldquo;Other "
+"people get cancer, why shouldn't you?&rdquo; I think every time someone "
+"doesn't get cancer, that's good, regardless of what happened to the others.  "
+"That question is absurd because of its presupposition that somehow we all "
+"have a duty to suffer the harm done by patents."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"But there is a sensible question buried inside it, and that sensible "
+"question is, &ldquo;What differences are there between various fields that "
+"might affect what is good or bad patent policy in those fields?&rdquo;"
 msgstr ""
 # type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
 "There is an important basic difference between fields in regard to how many "
-"patents are likely to prohibit or cover parts of any one product.  Now we "
-"have a naive idea in our minds which I'm trying to get rid of, because it's "
-"not true, and it's that in any one product there is one patent, and that "
-"patent covers the overall design of that product, so if you design a new "
-"product, it can't be patented already, and you will have an opportunity to "
-"get &ldquo;the patent&rdquo; on that product.  That's not how things work."
+"patents are likely to prohibit or cover parts of any one product."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"Now we have a naive idea in our minds which I'm trying to get rid of, "
+"because it's not true.  And it's that on any one product there is one "
+"patent, and that patent covers the overall design of that product.  So if "
+"you design a new product, it can't be patented already, and you will have an "
+"opportunity to get &ldquo;the patent&rdquo; on that product."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"That's not how things work.  In the 1800s, maybe they did, but not now.  In "
+"fact, fields fall on a spectrum of how many patents [there are] per "
+"product.  The beginning of the spectrum is one, but no field is like that "
+"today; but fields are at various places on this spectrum."
 msgstr ""
 # type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"In the 1800s, maybe they did, but not now.  In fact, fields fall on a "
-"spectrum of how many patents per product.  The beginning of the spectrum is "
-"one, but no field is like that today, but fields are at various places on "
-"this spectrum.  The field that's closest to that is pharmaceuticals.  A few "
-"decades ago, there really was one patent per pharmaceutical, at least at any "
-"time, because the patent covered the entire chemical formula of that one "
+"The field that's closest to that is pharmaceuticals.  A few decades ago, "
+"there really was one patent per pharmaceutical, at least at any time, "
+"because the patent covered the entire chemical formula of that one "
 "particular substance.  Back then, if you developed a new drug, you could be "
 "sure it wasn't already patented by somebody else and you could get the one "
-"patent on that drug.  But that's not how it works now."
+"patent on that drug."
 msgstr ""
 # type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"Now there are broader patents, so now you could develop a new drug, and "
-"you're not allowed to make it because somebody has a broader patent which "
-"covers it already.  And there might even be a few such patents covering your "
-"new drug simultaneously, but there wont' be hundreds.  And the reason is our "
-"ability to do biochemical engineering is so limited that nobody knows how to "
-"combine so many ideas to make something that's useful in medicine.  If you "
-"can combine a couple of them you're doing pretty well at our level of "
-"knowledge.  But other fields involve combining more ideas to make one "
-"thing.  At the other end of the spectrum is software, where we can combine "
-"more ideas into one usable design than anybody else, because our field is "
+"But that's not how it works now.  Now there are broader patents, so now you "
+"could develop a new drug, and you're not allowed to make it because somebody "
+"has a broader patent which covers it already."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"And there might even be a few such patents covering your new drug "
+"simultaneously, but there won't be hundreds.  The reason is, our ability to "
+"do biochemical engineering is so limited that nobody knows how to combine so "
+"many ideas to make something that's useful in medicine.  If you can combine "
+"a couple of them you're doing pretty well at our level of knowledge.  But "
+"other fields involve combining more ideas to make one thing."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"At the other end of the spectrum is software, where we can combine more "
+"ideas into one usable design than anybody else, because our field is "
 "basically easier than all other fields.  I'm presuming that the intelligence "
 "of people in our field is the same as that of people in physical "
 "engineering.  It's not that we're fundamentally better than they are, it's "
 "that our field is fundamentally easier, because we're working with "
-"mathematics.  A program is made out of mathematical components, which have a "
-"definition, whereas physical objects don't have a definition.  The matter "
-"does what it does, so through the perversity of matter, your design may not "
-"work the way it should have worked.  And that's just tough.  You can't say "
-"that the matter has a bug in it, and the physical universe should get "
-"fixed.  So we can make a castle that rests on a mathematically thin line, "
-"and it stays up because nothing weighs anything."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"A program is made out of mathematical components, which have a definition, "
+"whereas physical objects don't have a definition.  The matter does what it "
+"does, so through the perversity of matter, your design may not work the way "
+"it \"should\" have worked.  And that's just tough.  You can't say that the "
+"matter has a bug in it, and the physical universe should get fixed.  "
+"[Whereas] we [programmers] can make a castle that rests on a mathematically "
+"thin line, and it stays up because nothing weighs anything."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"There're so many complications you have to cope with in physical engineering "
+"that we don't have to worry about."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"For instance, when I put an <code>if</code>-statement inside of a "
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><ul><li>
+msgid ""
+"I don't have to worry that if this <code>while</code>-loop repeats at the "
+"wrong rate, the <code>if</code>-statement might start to vibrate and it "
+"might resonate and crack;"
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><ul><li>
+msgid ""
+"I don't have to worry that if it resonates much faster, you know, millions "
+"of times per second, that it might generate radio frequency signals that "
+"might induce wrong values in other parts of the program;"
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><ul><li>
+msgid ""
+"I don't have to worry that corrosive fluids from the environment might seep "
+"in between the <code>if</code>-statement and the "
+"<code>while</code>-statement and start eating away at them until the signals "
+"don't pass anymore;"
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><ul><li>
+msgid ""
+"I don't have to worry about how the heat generated by my "
+"<code>if</code>-statement is going to get out through the "
+"<code>while</code>-statement so that it doesn't make the "
+"<code>if</code>-statement burn out; and"
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><ul><li>
+msgid ""
+"I don't have to worry about how I would take out the broken "
+"<code>if</code>-statement if it does crack, burn, or corrode, and replace it "
+"with another <code>if</code>-statement to make the program run again."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"For that matter, I don't have to worry about how I'm going to insert the "
+"<code>if</code>-statement inside the <code>while</code>-statement every time "
+"I produce a copy of the program.  I don't have to design a factory to make "
+"copies of my program, because there are various general commands that will "
+"make copies of anything."
 msgstr ""
 # type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"There's so many complications you have to cope with in physical engineering "
-"that we don't have to worry about.  For instance, when I put an "
-"<code>if</code> statement inside of a <code>while</code> loop, I don't have "
-"to worry that if this <code>while</code> loop repeats at the wrong rate, the "
-"<code>if</code> statement might start to vibrate and it might resonate and "
-"crack.  I don't have to worry that if it resonates much faster, you know, "
-"millions of times per second, that it might induce radio frequency signals, "
-"generate radio frequency signals that might induce wrong values in other "
-"parts of the program.  I don't have to worry that corrosive fluids from the "
-"environment might seep in between the <code>if</code> statement and the "
-"<code>while</code> statement and start eating away at them until the signals "
-"don't pass anymore.  I don't have to worry about how the heat generated by "
-"my <code>if</code> statement is going to get out through the "
-"<code>while</code> statement so that it doesn't make the <code>if</code> "
-"statement burn out.  And I don't have to worry about how I would take out "
-"the broken <code>if</code> statement if it does crack, burn, or corrode, and "
-"replace it with another <code>if</code> statement to make the program run "
-"again.  For that matter, I don't have to worry about how I'm going to insert "
-"the <code>if</code> statement inside the <code>while</code> statement every "
-"time I produce a copy of the program.  I don't have to design a factory to "
-"make copies of my program, because there are various general commands that "
-"will make copies of anything.  If I want to make copies on CD I just have to "
-"write a master, and there's one program, I can make a master out of "
-"anything, write any data I want, I can make a master CD and write it and "
-"send it off to a factory and they'll duplicate whatever I send them.  I "
-"don't have to design a different factory for each thing I want to "
-"duplicate.  Very often with physical engineering you have to do that, you "
-"have to design products for manufacturability.  Designing the factory may "
-"even be a bigger job than designing the product, and then you may have to "
-"spend millions of dollars to build the factory.  So with all of this "
-"trouble, you're not going to be able to put together so many different ideas "
-"in one product and have it work.  A physical design with a million "
-"non-repeating different design elements is a gigantic project.  A program "
-"with a million different design elements, that's nothing.  It's a few "
-"hundred thousand lines of code, and a few people will write that in a few "
-"years, so it's not a big deal.  So the result is that the patent system "
-"weighs proportionately heavier on us than it does on people in any other "
-"field who are being held back by the perversity of matter."
+"If I want to make copies on CD I just have to write a master; and there's "
+"one program I can [use to] make a master out of anything, write any data I "
+"want.  I can make a master CD and write it and send it off to a factory, and "
+"they'll duplicate whatever I send them.  I don't have to design a different "
+"factory for each thing I want to duplicate."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"Very often with physical engineering you have to do that; you have to design "
+"products for manufacturability.  Designing the factory may even be a bigger "
+"job than designing the product, and then you may have to spend millions of "
+"dollars to build the factory.  So with all of this trouble, you're not going "
+"to be able to put together so many different ideas in one product and have "
+"it work."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"A physical design with a million non-repeating different design elements is "
+"a gigantic project.  A program with a million different design elements, "
+"that's nothing.  It's a few hundred thousand lines of code, and a few people "
+"will write that in a few years, so it's not a big deal.  So the result is "
+"that the patent system weighs proportionately heavier on us than it does on "
+"people in any other field who are being held back by the perversity of "
 msgstr ""
 # type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
 "A lawyer did a study of one particular large program, namely the kernel "
-"Linux, which is used together with the GNU operating system that I launched, "
-"and, this was like five years ago now, he found 283 different US patents, "
+"Linux, which is used together with the GNU operating system that I "
+"launched.  This was five years ago now; he found 283 different US patents, "
 "each of which appeared to prohibit some computation done somewhere in the "
 "code of Linux.  At the time I saw an article saying that Linux was 0.25% of "
 "the whole system.  So by multiplying 300 by 400 we can estimate the number "
 "of patents that would prohibit something in the whole system as being around "
 "100,000.  This is a very rough estimate only, and no more accurate "
 "information is available, since trying to figure it out would be a gigantic "
-"task.  Now this lawyer did not publish the list of patents, because that "
-"would have endangered the developers of Linux the kernel, putting them in a "
-"position where the penalties if they were sued would be greater.  He didn't "
-"want to hurt them, he wanted to demonstrate how bad this problem is, of "
-"patent gridlock."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"Now this lawyer did not publish the list of patents, because that would have "
+"endangered the developers of Linux the kernel, putting them in a position "
+"where the penalties if they were sued would be greater.  He didn't want to "
+"hurt them; he wanted to demonstrate how bad this problem is, of patent "
 msgstr ""
 # type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"To explain this&mdash;programmers can understand this immediately, but "
-"politicians usually don't know much about programming&mdash;they can't "
-"appreciate this, they usually imagine that patents are basically much like "
-"copyrights, only somehow stronger.  They imagine that since software "
-"developers are not endangered by the copyrights on their work, that they "
-"won't be endangered by the patents on their work either.  They imagine that, "
-"since when you write a program, you have the copyright, OK, well if you "
-"write a program, so you have the patents also.  This is false, so how do we "
+"Programmers can understand this immediately, but politicians usually don't "
+"know much about programming; they usually imagine that patents are basically "
+"much like copyrights, only somehow stronger.  They imagine that since "
+"software developers are not endangered by the copyrights on their work, that "
+"they won't be endangered by the patents on their work either.  They imagine "
+"that, since when you write a program you have the copyright, [that] if you "
+"write a program so you have the patents also.  This is false, so how do we "
 "give them a clue what patents would really do? What they really do in "
 "countries like the US?"
 msgstr ""
@@ -913,57 +1283,81 @@
 # type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
 "I find it's useful to make an analogy between software and symphonies.  "
-"Here's why it's a good analogy.  A program or symphony combines many ideas.  "
-"A symphony combines many musical ideas.  But you can't just pick a bunch of "
-"ideas and say here's my combination of ideas, do you like it? Because in "
-"order to make them work you have to implement them all.  You can't just pick "
-"musical ideas and list them and say &ldquo;Hey, how do you like this "
-"combination?&rdquo;.  You can't hear that.  You have to write notes which "
-"implement all these ideas together.  The hard task, the thing most of us "
-"wouldn't be any good at, is writing all these notes to make the whole thing "
-"sound good.  Sure, lots of us could pick musical ideas out of a list, but we "
-"wouldn't know how to write a good sounding symphony to implement those "
-"ideas.  Only some of us have that talent.  That's the thing that limits "
-"you.  I could probably invent a few musical ideas, but I wouldn't know how "
-"to use them to any effect."
+"Here's why it's a good analogy."
 msgstr ""
 # type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
-"So imagine that it's the 1700s and the governments of Europe decide that "
+"A program or symphony combines many ideas.  A symphony combines many musical "
+"ideas.  But you can't just pick a bunch of ideas and say &ldquo;Here's my "
+"combination of ideas, do you like it?&rdquo; Because in order to make them "
+"work you have to implement them all.  You can't just pick musical ideas and "
+"list them and say &ldquo;Hey, how do you like this combination?&rdquo; You "
+"can't hear that [list].  You have to write notes which implement all these "
+"ideas together."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"The hard task, the thing most of us wouldn't be any good at, is writing all "
+"these notes to make the whole thing sound good.  Sure, lots of us could pick "
+"musical ideas out of a list, but we wouldn't know how to write a "
+"good-sounding symphony to implement those ideas.  Only some of us have that "
+"talent.  That's the thing that limits you.  I could probably invent a few "
+"musical ideas, but I wouldn't know how to use them to any effect."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"So imagine that it's the 1700s, and the governments of Europe decide that "
 "they want to promote the progress of symphonic music by establishing a "
 "system of musical idea patents, so that any musical idea described in words "
-"could be patented.  For instance, using a particular sequence of notes as a "
-"motif could be patented, or a chord progression could be patented, or a "
-"rhythmic pattern could be patented, or using certain instruments by "
-"themselves could be patented, or a format of repetitions in a movement could "
-"be patented, any sort of musical idea that could be described in words would "
-"have been patentable.  Now imagine that it's 1800 and you're Beethoven, and "
-"you want to write a symphony.  You're going to find it's much harder to "
-"write a symphony you don't get sued for than to write one that sounds good, "
-"because you have to thread your way around all the patents that existed.  If "
-"you complained about this, the patent holders would say, &ldquo;Oh, "
-"Beethoven, you're just jealous because we had these ideas first.  Why don't "
-"you go and think of some ideas of your own?&rdquo;."
+"could be patented."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"For instance, using a particular sequence of notes as a motif could be "
+"patented, or a chord progression could be patented, or a rhythmic pattern "
+"could be patented, or using certain instruments by themselves could be "
+"patented, or a format of repetitions in a movement could be patented.  Any "
+"sort of musical idea that could be described in words would have been "
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"Now imagine that it's 1800 and you're Beethoven, and you want to write a "
+"symphony.  You're going to find it's much harder to write a symphony you "
+"don't get sued for than to write one that sounds good, because you have to "
+"thread your way around all the patents that exist.  If you complained about "
+"this, the patent holders would say &ldquo;Oh, Beethoven, you're just jealous "
+"because we had these ideas first.  Why don't you go and think of some ideas "
+"of your own?&rdquo;"
 msgstr ""
 # type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
 "Now Beethoven had ideas of his own.  The reason he's considered a great "
 "composer is because of all of the new ideas that he had, and he actually "
-"used, and he knew how to use them in such a way that they would work, which "
+"used.  And he knew how to use them in such a way that they would work, which "
 "was to combine them with lots of well-known ideas.  He could put a few new "
 "ideas into a composition together with a lot of old and uncontroversial "
-"ideas, and the result was a piece that was controversial, but not so much so "
-"that people couldn't get used to it.  To us, Beethoven's music doesn't sound "
-"controversial, I'm told it was, when it was new.  But because he combined "
-"his new ideas with a lot of known ideas, he was able to give people a chance "
-"to stretch a certain amount, and they could, which is why to us those ideas "
-"sound just fine.  But nobody, not even a Beethoven, is such a genius that he "
-"could reinvent music from zero, not using any of the well-known ideas and "
-"make something that people would want to listen to.  And nobody is such a "
-"genius he could reinvent computing from zero, not using any of the "
-"well-known ideas, and make something that people want to use."
+"ideas.  And the result was a piece that was controversial, but not so much "
+"so that people couldn't get used to it."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"To us, Beethoven's music doesn't sound controversial; I'm told it was, when "
+"it was new.  But because he combined his new ideas with a lot of known "
+"ideas, he was able to give people a chance to stretch a certain amount.  And "
+"they could, which is why to us those ideas sound just fine.  But nobody, not "
+"even a Beethoven, is such a genius that he could reinvent music from zero, "
+"not using any of the well-known ideas, and make something that people would "
+"want to listen to.  And nobody is such a genius he could reinvent computing "
+"from zero, not using any of the well-known ideas, and make something that "
+"people want to use."
 msgstr ""
 # type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
@@ -972,22 +1366,27 @@
 "situation where what was done 20 years ago is totally inadequate.  Twenty "
 "years ago there was no World Wide Web.  So sure, people did a lot of things "
 "with computers back then, but what they want to do today are things that "
-"work with the World Wide Web, and you can't do that using only the ideas "
+"work with the World Wide Web.  And you can't do that using only the ideas "
 "that were known 20 years ago.  And I presume that the technological context "
 "will continue to change, creating fresh opportunities for somebody to get "
-"patents that give the shaft to the whole field.  Big companies can even do "
-"this themselves.  For instance, a few years ago Microsoft decided to make a "
-"phony open standard for documents and to get it approved as a standard by "
-"corrupting the International Standards Organization, which they did.  But "
-"they designed using something that Microsoft had patented.  Microsoft is big "
-"enough that it can start with a patent, design a format or protocol to use "
-"that patented idea, whether it's helpful or not, in such a way that there's "
-"no way to be compatible unless you use that same idea too.  And then "
-"Microsoft can make that a de facto standard with or without help from "
-"corrupted standards bodies.  Just by its weight it can push people into "
-"using that format, and that basically means that they get a stranglehold "
-"over the whole world.  So we need to show the politicians what's really "
-"going on here.  We need to show them why this is bad."
+"patents that give the shaft to the whole field."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"Big companies can even do this themselves.  For instance, a few years ago "
+"Microsoft decided to make a phony open standard for documents and to get it "
+"approved as a standard by corrupting the International Standards "
+"Organisation, which they did.  But they designed it using something that "
+"Microsoft had patented.  Microsoft is big enough that it can start with a "
+"patent, design a format or protocol to use that patented idea (whether it's "
+"helpful or not), in such a way that there's no way to be compatible unless "
+"you use that same idea too.  And then Microsoft can make that a de facto "
+"standard with or without help from corrupted standards bodies.  Just by its "
+"weight it can push people into using that format, and that basically means "
+"that they get a stranglehold over the whole world.  So we need to show the "
+"politicians what's really going on here.  We need to show them why this is "
 msgstr ""
 # type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
@@ -1019,7 +1418,7 @@
 # type: Content of: <dl><dd>
 msgid ""
 "No software patents.  I know that that works fine.  I was in the field when "
-"there were no software patents, and that meant people developed software, "
+"there were no software patents.  And that meant people developed software, "
 "and they distributed that software in various ways, and they didn't have to "
 "worry about getting sued by patent holders for doing it, so they were safe.  "
 "Software patents don't solve a real problem, so we don't need to ask what "
@@ -1030,56 +1429,88 @@
 msgid "How do the developers get rewarded?"
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <dl><dd>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
 "Many ways.  Software patents have nothing to do with that.  Remember if "
 "you're a software developer, software patents don't help you get whatever "
-"you want to get, different software developers want different things.  I "
-"developed some important software in the 1980s, and the reward I wanted was "
-"to see people using computers in freedom.  And I got that reward, although "
-"not totally.  Not everybody has freedom.  But software patents would only "
-"have stopped me.  Other people developed programs because they wanted "
-"money.  Software patents threaten them, too, and still threaten them, "
-"because you're not going to make any money if patent holders demand that you "
-"give it all to them, or if they make you shut down."
+"you want to get."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"Different software developers want different things.  I developed some "
+"important software in the 1980s, and the reward I wanted was to see people "
+"using computers in freedom.  And I got that reward, although not totally, "
+"not everybody has freedom.  But software patents would only have stopped me."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"Other people developed programs because they wanted money.  Software patents "
+"threaten them, too, and still threaten them, because you're not going to "
+"make any money if patent holders demand that you give it all to them, or if "
+"they make you shut down."
 msgstr ""
 # type: Content of: <dl><dd>
 msgid "How do you prevent plagiarism and still&hellip;"
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <dl><dd>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
 "Plagiarism has nothing to do with this issue.  It has absolutely nothing to "
-"do with this issue.  Plagiarism means copying the text of a work and "
-"claiming to have written it yourself.  But patents are not concerned with "
-"the text of any particular work.  They simply have nothing to do with this.  "
+"do with this issue."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"Plagiarism means copying the text of a work and claiming to have written it "
+"yourself.  But patents are not concerned with the text of any particular "
+"work.  They simply have nothing to do with this."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
 "If you write a work and this work embodies some ideas, which it always does, "
 "there's no reason to think that the patents covering those ideas would "
 "belong to you.  They're more likely to belong to lots of others, and half of "
 "them to the megacorporations, and they can then all sue you.  So you don't "
-"even have to worry, long before you get to the point where somebody else "
-"might copy it, you're going to be getting the shaft.  You are confusing "
-"patents with copyrights, I'm afraid.  They have nothing in common.  I've "
-"explained to you what the patent system does to software, but I think you "
-"don't believe me because you've heard what copyrights do and you're "
-"confusing the two, so these impressions you've got about what copyrights do, "
-"you're just assuming that patents do them also, and they don't.  If you "
-"write some code, the copyright on that code would belong to you, but if your "
-"code implements ideas, if some of these ideas are patented, those patents "
-"belong to others who could then sue you.  You don't have to be afraid with "
-"copyright that when you write code yourself, that somebody else already has "
-"a copyright on it and can sue you, because copyright only restricts "
-"copying.  In fact, even if you write something which is identical to what "
-"somebody else wrote, if you can prove you didn't copy it, that's a defense "
-"under copyright law, because copyright law is only concerned with copying.  "
-"But copyright law is only concerned with the details of authorship of a "
-"work, so it has nothing in common with patent law in terms of what it deals "
-"with, and the effects are totally different.  Now I'm not in favor "
-"personally of all the things that people do with copyright law, I've "
-"criticized it, but it's a totally different, unrelated issue.  If you think "
-"that patent law helps somebody who is developing software, it means that you "
-"have got a completely wrong picture of what patent law actually does."
+"even have to worry [about plagiarsm]; long before you get to the point where "
+"somebody else might copy it, you're going to be getting the shaft."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"You are confusing patents with copyrights, I'm afraid.  They have nothing in "
+"common.  I've explained to you what the patent system does to software, but "
+"I think you don't believe me because you've heard what copyrights do and "
+"you're confusing the two, so these impressions you've got about what "
+"copyrights do, you're just assuming that patents do them also&mdash;and they "
+"don't.  If you write some code, the copyright on that code would belong to "
+"you; but if your code implements ideas, if some of these ideas are patented, "
+"those patents belong to others who could then sue you."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"You don't have to be afraid, with copyright, that when you write code "
+"yourself, that somebody else already has a copyright on it and can sue you, "
+"because copyright only restricts copying.  In fact, even if you write "
+"something which is identical to what somebody else wrote, if you can prove "
+"you didn't copy it, that's a defense under copyright law, because copyright "
+"law is only concerned with copying.  But copyright law is only concerned "
+"with the details of authorship of a work [i.e., not th ideas it embodies], "
+"so it has nothing in common with patent law in terms of what it deals with, "
+"and the effects are totally different."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"Now I'm not in favor personally of all the things that people do with "
+"copyright law, I've criticized it.  But it's a totally different, unrelated "
+"issue.  If you think that patent law helps somebody who is developing "
+"software, it means that you have got a completely wrong picture of what "
+"patent law actually does."
 msgstr ""
 # type: Content of: <dl><dd>
@@ -1129,7 +1560,7 @@
 "patentable ever by anyone.  But what you are seeing there, more generally, "
 "is an example of the general corruption of our society by putting commercial "
 "aims above all others.  Now I'm not a communist and I don't want to abolish "
-"business, but when it becomes business above all, every aspect of life, "
+"business, but when it becomes business above all, every aspect of life "
 "oriented towards business, that is dangerous."
 msgstr ""
@@ -1155,7 +1586,7 @@
 # type: Content of: <dl><dd>
 msgid ""
 "Sorry, when you say &ldquo;which&rdquo; I don't know what you are referring "
-"to.  Software patents will make it difficult for anyone, if New Zealand "
+"to.  Software patents will make it difficult for anyone.  If New Zealand "
 "allows software patents, that will make it difficult in New Zealand for "
 "anybody to develop programs and distribute them, because you'll be in danger "
 "of getting sued.  Software patents have nothing to do with developing a "
@@ -1168,17 +1599,21 @@
 "protected by having no software patents."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <dl><dd>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
 "Yes.  You see, each country has its own patent system, and they work "
-"independently except that countries have signed up to a treaty that says "
-"&ldquo;if you have got a patent in that country, you can basically bring "
-"your application over here, and we'll judge it based on the year you applied "
-"for it over there&rdquo;.  But other than that, each country has its own "
-"criteria for what can be patented and has its own set of patents.  So the "
-"result is if the US allows software patents and New Zealand does not, that "
-"means that everybody in the world, including New Zealanders, can get US "
-"software patents and sue us poor Americans at home.  But, if New Zealand "
+"independently, except that countries have signed up to a treaty that says "
+"\"if you have got a patent in that country, you can basically bring your "
+"application over here, and we'll judge it based on the year you applied for "
+"it over there\".  But other than that, each country has its own criteria for "
+"what can be patented and has its own set of patents."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"So the result is if the US allows software patents and New Zealand does not, "
+"that means that everybody in the world, including New Zealanders, can get US "
+"software patents and sue us poor Americans at home.  But if New Zealand "
 "doesn't allow software patents that means that neither you nor we can get "
 "New Zealand software patents to sue you New Zealanders at home.  You can be "
 "sure that almost all the software patents will belong to foreigners who will "
@@ -1187,7 +1622,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 # type: Content of: <dl><dd>
-msgid "Since the Hughes Aircraft case, I think it was in the 1990s."
+msgid "Since the Hughes Aircraft case, I think it was in the 1990s"
 msgstr ""
 # type: Content of: <dl><dd>
@@ -1200,40 +1635,56 @@
 "into a field where we don't already have them, we do."
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <dl><dd>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
 "I don't know, but I'm told that there's a decision being made now at the "
 "legislative level of whether to allow them.  But Patent Offices often "
-"respond to lobbying from megacorporations through WIPO.  WIPO, as you can "
-"tell from its name, which is the World Intellectual Property Organization, "
-"is up to no good, because any use of that term is spreading confusion.  WIPO "
-"gets a lot of its funds from megacorporations, and uses those funds to bring "
-"officials from Patent Offices to idyllic resort destinations for training.  "
-"What they train them to do is twist the law to allow patents in areas where "
-"they're not supposed to be allowed.  You've seen, in many countries there "
-"are laws and court decisions which say that software as such can't be "
-"patented, algorithms can't be patented, or &ldquo;mathematical&rdquo; "
-"algorithms can't be patented, no one's quite sure what it means for an "
-"algorithm to be mathematical or not, and various other criteria which if "
-"interpreted naturally would rule out software patents, but the patent "
-"offices twist the law to allow them anyway.  For instance, a lot of things "
-"which practically speaking are software patents, have the form where they "
-"describe a system involving a central processing unit, a memory, "
-"input/output facilities, instruction-fetching facilities, and means to "
-"perform this particular computation.  In effect what they've done is, "
+"respond to lobbying from megacorporations through WIPO."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"WIPO, as you can tell from its name, which is the World Intellectual "
+"Property Organisation, is up to no good, because any use of that term is "
+"spreading confusion.  WIPO gets a lot of its funds from megacorporations, "
+"and uses those funds to bring officials from Patent Offices to idyllic "
+"resort destinations for training.  What they train them to do is twist the "
+"law to allow patents in areas where they're not supposed to be allowed."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"In many countries there are laws and court decisions which say that software "
+"as such can't be patented, algorithms can't be patented, or "
+"&ldquo;mathematical&rdquo; algorithms can't be patented (no one's quite sure "
+"what it means for an algorithm to be mathematical or not), and various other "
+"criteria which if interpreted naturally would rule out software patents, but "
+"the patent offices twist the law to allow them anyway."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"For instance, a lot of things which practically speaking are software "
+"patents have the form where they describe a system involving a central "
+"processing unit, a memory, input/output facilities, instruction-fetching "
+"facilities, and means to perform this particular computation.  In effect "
 "they've written explicitly into the patent all the parts of an ordinary "
-"computer, and then they say &ldquo;well, this is a physical system which we "
+"computer, and then they say &ldquo;Well, this is a physical system which we "
 "would like to patent&rdquo;, but really it's just patenting certain software "
-"on a computer.  There are many subterfuges that they've used.  Patent "
-"Offices will generally try to twist the law into allowing more patents.  In "
-"the US software patents were created by a court decision in 1982, in the "
-"Appeals Court that deals with all patent cases, which misunderstood a "
-"Supreme Court decision from the previous year, and misapplied it.  Now it "
-"looks like that Appeals Court has finally changed its mind, and its come to "
-"the conclusion that it was mistaken all along, and it looks like this "
-"decision will get rid of all software patents, unless the Supreme Court "
-"reverses it.  The Supreme Court is now considering it, and within less than "
-"a year we should find out whether we've won or lost."
+"on a computer.  There are many subterfuges that they've used."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"Patent Offices will generally try to twist the law into allowing more "
+"patents.  In the US software patents were created by a court decision in "
+"1982, in the Appeals Court that deals with all patent cases, which "
+"misunderstood a Supreme Court decision from the previous year, and "
+"misapplied it.  Now it looks like that Appeals Court has finally changed its "
+"mind, and it's come to the conclusion that it was mistaken all along; and it "
+"looks like this decision will get rid of all software patents, unless the "
+"Supreme Court reverses it.  The Supreme Court is now considering it, and "
+"within less than a year we should find out whether we've won or lost."
 msgstr ""
 # type: Content of: <dl><dd>
@@ -1283,14 +1734,14 @@
 msgid ""
 "No, it's a mistake to look for partial solutions, because we have a much "
 "better chance of establishing a full solution.  Everybody involved in "
-"software development and distribution and use, when they see, except the "
-"ones in the megacorporations, when they see how dangerous software patents "
-"are, they will get behind total rejection of software patents, whereas an "
-"exception for some special case will only win support from the people in "
-"that special case.  These partial solutions are essentially distractions.  "
-"People start by saying, &ldquo;Oh, I'm sure we can't really solve the "
-"problem, so I give up on that.  Let me propose a partial solution.&rdquo; "
-"But these partial solutions don't make it safe to develop software."
+"software development and distribution and use, except the ones in the "
+"megacorporations, when they see how dangerous software patents are, they "
+"will get behind total rejection of software patents.  Whereas an exception "
+"for some special case will only win support from the people in that special "
+"case.  These partial solutions are essentially distractions.  People start "
+"by saying &ldquo;Oh, I'm sure we can't really solve the problem, so I give "
+"up on that.  Let me propose a partial solution.&rdquo; But these partial "
+"solutions don't make it safe to develop software."
 msgstr ""
 # type: Content of: <dl><dd>
@@ -1312,10 +1763,11 @@
 # type: Content of: <dl><dd>
 msgid ""
-"Something that says only a few of us, or only certain activities, or gets "
-"rid of half the software patents, that's analogous to say &ldquo;well, maybe "
-"we could clear part of the minefield, or maybe we could destroy half the "
-"mines in the minefield,&rdquo; but that doesn't make it safe."
+"Something that saves only a few of us, or only certain activities, or gets "
+"rid of half the software patents, that's analogous to saying &ldquo;Well, "
+"maybe we could clear part of the minefield, or maybe we could destroy half "
+"the mines in the minefield.&rdquo; [That's an improvement] but that doesn't "
+"make it safe."
 msgstr ""
 # type: Content of: <dl><dd>
@@ -1330,11 +1782,11 @@
 "Some have.  In India a few years ago, there was an attempt to change patent "
 "law to explicitly allow software patents and it was dropped.  A few years "
 "ago the US proposed a trade treaty, a free exploitation treaty, with Latin "
-"America, and it was blocked by the president of Brazil, who said no to "
+"America.  And it was blocked by the president of Brazil, who said no to "
 "software patents and another nasty thing relating to computers, and that "
 "killed the whole treaty.  That's apparently the whole thing that the US "
 "wanted to impose on the rest of the continent.  But these things don't stay "
-"dead. There are companies that have full-time staff looking for some way "
+"dead; there are companies that have full-time staff looking for some way "
 "they can subvert some country or other."
 msgstr ""
@@ -1345,21 +1797,31 @@
 msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <dl><dd>
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
 msgid ""
 "There isn't any.  It's almost impossible to measure these things.  Actually, "
 "I shouldn't say there isn't any.  There is a little.  It's very hard to "
 "measure the effect of the patent system, because you're comparing the real "
 "world with a counterfactual world, and there's no way to be sure what would "
-"happen.  What I can say is before there were software patents, there was "
-"lots of software development, not as much as there is now, because of course "
-"there were nowhere near as many computer users.  How many computer users "
-"were there in 1982, even in the US? It was a small fraction of the public.  "
-"But there were software developers, they weren't saying we desperately want "
-"patents.  They weren't getting sued for patent infringement after they "
-"developed their programs.  But there is a bit of research that I saw that "
-"apparently software patents did not, essentially, resulted not in an "
-"increase in research, but a shift of funds from research into patenting."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"What I can say is before there were software patents, there was lots of "
+"software development; not as much as there is now, because of course there "
+"were nowhere near as many computer users."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <dl><dd><p>
+msgid ""
+"How many computer users were there in 1982, even in the US? It was a small "
+"fraction of the public.  But there were software developers.  They weren't "
+"saying &ldquo;We desperately want patents&rdquo;.  They weren't getting sued "
+"for patent infringement after they developed their programs.  But there is a "
+"bit of [economic] research that I saw that apparently software patents "
+"resulted not in an increase in research, but [in] a shift of funds from "
+"research into patenting."
 msgstr ""
 # type: Content of: <dl><dd>
@@ -1369,15 +1831,15 @@
 # type: Content of: <dl><dd>
 msgid ""
 "No.  Before there were software patents, a lot of software developers kept "
-"the details of their programs secret, but they usually wouldn't keep any of "
+"the details of their programs secret.  But they usually wouldn't keep any of "
 "the general ideas secret, because that they realized that the big job in "
 "developing good software was not picking your general ideas, it was "
-"implementing a lot of ideas together.  So they would publish, they would let "
-"their employees publish in scholarly journals any interesting new ideas that "
-"they'd had.  So now, they'll patent those new ideas.  It has very little to "
-"do with developing a useful program, and just letting people know some ideas "
-"doesn't give them a program.  Besides, most of the ideas, the thousands of "
-"idea you've combined in your program, are known anyway."
+"implementing a lot of ideas together.  So they would publish, [or] they "
+"would let their employees publish, in scholarly journals any interesting new "
+"ideas that they'd had.  So now, they'll patent those new ideas.  It has very "
+"little to do with developing a useful program, and just letting people know "
+"some ideas doesn't give them a program.  Besides, most of the ideas, the "
+"thousands of ideas you've combined in your program, are known anyway."
 msgstr ""
 # type: Content of: <dl><dd>
@@ -1393,16 +1855,16 @@
 msgstr ""
 # type: Content of: <dl><dd>
-msgid "Excellent.  Richard has here stickers which I believe are free."
+msgid "Excellent.  Richard has here stickers which I believe are free"
 msgstr ""
 # type: Content of: <dl><dd>
-msgid "Gratis, and these are for sale."
+msgid "Gratis.  And these [other items] are for sale."
 msgstr ""
 # type: Content of: <dl><dd>
 msgid ""
-"So you're welcome to come down. It's been a great debate&mdash;thank you "
+"so you're welcome to come down.  It's been a great debate - thank you "
 msgstr ""

Index: software/devel.es.html
RCS file: /web/www/www/software/devel.es.html,v
retrieving revision 1.6
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -u -b -r1.6 -r1.7
--- software/devel.es.html      2 Aug 2009 20:30:40 -0000       1.6
+++ software/devel.es.html      1 Dec 2009 21:26:50 -0000       1.7
@@ -41,48 +41,28 @@
-  Por ese motivo, la Free Software Foundation recomienda a los proyectos de
-software de GNU usar las máquinas en <code>gnu.org</code> como una base
-central. Usar estas máquinas también beneficia indirectamente al Proyecto
-GNU, al incrementar la percepción pública sobre GNU y al esparcir la idea de
-trabajar juntos para el beneficio de todos.
+  Por ese motivo, la Free Software Foundation recomienda enérgicamente a los
+proyectos de software de GNU usar las máquinas en <code>gnu.org</code> como
+una base central. Usar estas máquinas también beneficia indirectamente al
+Proyecto GNU, al incrementar la percepción pública sobre GNU y al esparcir
+la idea de trabajar juntos para el beneficio de todos.
-<h3 id="CVS">CVS y Savannah</h3>
-  Proveemos acceso remoto a CVS para varios paquetes de GNU. Si está
-desarrollando un paquete de GNU y quisiera tener el repositorio en las
-máquinas de <em>gnu.org</em>, <a
-href="http://savannah.gnu.org/";>Savannah</a> le ofrece una manera fácil para
-crearlo y administrarlo. Primero, <a
+<h3 id="CVS">Savannah y el control de versiones</h3>
+<p>Si está desarrollando un paquete oficial de GNU, recomendamos sólidamente
+que cree y maneje un repositorio de código público en <a
+href="http://savannah.gnu.org/";>Savannah</a>, el repositorio de software de
+GNU. En primer lugar, <a
 href="https://savannah.gnu.org/account/register.php"; >crease una cuenta</a>
 y luego <a href= "http://savannah.gnu.org/register/";>registre su paquete de
-GNU</a>. Al cabo de unas pocas horas se creará el repositorio CVS. Podrá
-escribir en él y administrar usted mismo la lista de personas que tienen
-permisos de escritura.
-  Varios proyectos <a
-están usando</a> Savannah para este propósito.
-<h3 id="LoginAccounts">Cuentas de acceso</h3>
+GNU</a>. Después de crearse, usted mismo podrá elegir un sistema de control
+de versiones y manejar la lista de personas que tienen acceso de escritura,
+entre otras características.</p>
-  Brindamos acceso identificado a las máquinas de GNU a las personas que las
-necesitan para trabajar en software de GNU. Tener una cuenta de acceso
-personal es un privilegio y una responsabilidad a la vez, y debiera usarse
-solamente para su trabajo en GNU. Por favor, lea <a
-href="README.accounts.html">métodos de acceso para máquinas de GNU</a> para
-obtener una cuenta.
 <h3 id="MailLists">Listas de correo</h3>
   Operamos listas de correo para paquetes de software de GNU cuando se
 necesiten, incluyendo listas administradas a mano y listas autoadministradas
@@ -96,19 +76,11 @@
-  Si, por alguna razón, no es posible o deseable registrar un paquete de GNU
-en Savannah, pida a <a
-que cree listas por usted, o créelas usted mismo si está seguro que sabe
-cómo hacerlo.
-  En general, cada paquete de software de GNU debería tener una lista para
-reportar errores con el nombre canónico
-<code>bug-<em>nombre</em>@gnu.org</code>, más cualquier otro alias que pueda
-ser útil. Al usar Savannah, puede crear listas para su paquete con nombres
-como <code><em>nombre</em>-bug</code>. Esto es bueno, pero haga un alias
+  Cada paquete de software de GNU debería tener una lista para informar sobre
+errores con el nombre canónico <code>bug-<em>nombre</em>@gnu.org</code>, más
+cualquier otro alias que pueda ser útil. Al usar Savannah, puede crear
+listas para su paquete con nombres como
+<code><em>nombre</em>-bug</code>. Esto es bueno, pero haga un alias
 <code>bug-<em>nombre</em></code> o pida que lo hagan, por favor. Algunos
 paquetes comparten la lista address@hidden, pero ahora incentivamos a
 que los paquetes comiencen sus propias listas individuales.
@@ -135,6 +107,7 @@
 enlace mutuo a la lista de correo.
 <h3 id="WebServer">Servidor web</h3>
@@ -145,14 +118,15 @@
 los paquetes de software de GNU.
-  La máquina que aloja las páginas web de <code>www.gnu.org</code> está
-separada del resto de las máquinas de GNU. Las páginas web están almacenadas
-en un repositorio CVS en Savannah. Entonces, se le entregan permisos de
-escritura a cada mantenedor de paquetes de GNU registrado en <a
-href="http://savannah.gnu.org/";>Savannah</a> para el directorio
+<p>La máquina que sirve las páginas web de <code>www.gnu.org</code> está
+separada respecto al resto de las máquinas. Los paquetes de GNU deben usar
+<tt>http://www.gnu.org/software/</tt><i>package</i> como su página
+principal. En Savannah, los encargados de mantenimiento pueden crear páginas
+en esa dirección web mediante un «repositorio web» CVS, separado del
+repositorio principal de código del paquete.  <a
+href="/prep/maintain/maintain.html#Web-Pages">Más información sobre páginas
 <h3 id="FTP">FTP</h3>
@@ -175,12 +149,24 @@
 por FTP.
-<!-- If needed, change the copyright block at the bottom. In general, -->
-<!-- all pages on the GNU web server should have the section about    -->
-<!-- verbatim copying.  Please do NOT remove this without talking     -->
-<!-- with the webmasters first. -->
-<!-- Please make sure the copyright date is consistent with the document -->
-<!-- and that it is like this "2001, 2002" not this "2001-2002." -->
+<h3 id="LoginAccounts">Cuentas de acceso</h3>
+  Brindamos acceso identificado a las máquinas de GNU a las personas que las
+necesitan para trabajar en software de GNU. Tener una cuenta de acceso
+personal es un privilegio y una responsabilidad a la vez, y debiera usarse
+solamente para su trabajo en GNU. Por favor, lea <a
+href="README.accounts.html">métodos de acceso para máquinas de GNU</a> para
+obtener una cuenta.
+<!-- If needed, change the copyright block at the bottom. In general,
+     all pages on the GNU web server should have the section about
+     verbatim copying.  Please do NOT remove this without talking
+     with the webmasters first.
+     Please make sure the copyright date is consistent with the document
+     and that it is like this: "2001, 2002", not this: "2001-2002". -->
 <div style="font-size: small;">
 <!--TRANSLATORS: Use space (SPC) as msgstr if you don't have notes.-->
@@ -191,20 +177,16 @@
 <!--#include virtual="/server/footer.es.html" -->
 <div id="footer">
-Por favor, envíe sus comentarios y preguntas sobre la 
<acronym title="Free
+<p>Por favor, envíe sus comentarios y preguntas sobre la 
 Software Foundation">FSF</acronym> y el proyecto GNU
a <a
 href="mailto:address@hidden";>&lt;address@hidden&gt;</a>. También puede <a
 href="/contact/">contactar con la FSF por otros medios</a>. <br />
 favor, envíe enlaces rotos y otras correcciones o sugerencias a 
-Por favor, vea el <a href="/server/standards/README.translations.html">LÉEME
+<p>Por favor, vea el <a 
 de las traducciones</a> para obtener información de cómo coordinar y enviar
-traducciones de este artículo.
+traducciones de este artículo.</p>
 Copyright &copy; 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
@@ -229,7 +211,7 @@
 <!-- timestamp start -->
 Última actualización:
-$Date: 2009/08/02 20:30:40 $
+$Date: 2009/12/01 21:26:50 $
 <!-- timestamp end -->

Index: software/po/devel.es.po
RCS file: /web/www/www/software/po/devel.es.po,v
retrieving revision 1.4
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -b -r1.4 -r1.5
--- software/po/devel.es.po     30 Nov 2009 22:40:58 -0000      1.4
+++ software/po/devel.es.po     1 Dec 2009 21:26:55 -0000       1.5
@@ -72,12 +72,6 @@
 "accesibles a los demás."
 # type: Content of: <p>
-#| msgid ""
-#| "For that reason, the Free Software Foundation encourages GNU software "
-#| "projects to use the machines at <code>gnu.org</code> as a home base.  "
-#| "Using these machines also benefits the GNU Project indirectly, by "
-#| "increasing public awareness of GNU, and spreading the idea of working "
-#| "together for the benefit of everyone."
 msgid ""
 "For that reason, the Free Software Foundation strongly encourages GNU "
 "software projects to use the machines at <code>gnu.org</code> as a home "
@@ -85,28 +79,17 @@
 "increasing public awareness of GNU, and spreading the idea of working "
 "together for the benefit of everyone."
 msgstr ""
-"Por ese motivo, la Free Software Foundation recomienda enérgicamente a "
-"los proyectos de software de GNU usar las máquinas en <code>gnu.org"
-"</code> como una base central. Usar estas máquinas también beneficia "
-"indirectamente al Proyecto GNU, al incrementar la percepción pública "
-"sobre GNU y al esparcir la idea de trabajar juntos para el beneficio de "
+"Por ese motivo, la Free Software Foundation recomienda enérgicamente a los "
+"proyectos de software de GNU usar las máquinas en <code>gnu.org</code> como "
+"una base central. Usar estas máquinas también beneficia indirectamente al "
+"Proyecto GNU, al incrementar la percepción pública sobre GNU y al esparcir "
+"la idea de trabajar juntos para el beneficio de todos."
 # type: Content of: <h3>
 msgid "Savannah and version control"
 msgstr "Savannah y el control de versiones"
 # type: Content of: <p>
-#| msgid ""
-#| "We provide remote CVS access for many GNU packages; if you are developing "
-#| "a GNU package and would like to keep the repository on the <em>gnu.org</"
-#| "em> machines, <a href=\"http://savannah.gnu.org/\"; >Savannah</a> offers "
-#| "an easy way to create and manage it. First, <a href=\"https://savannah.";
-#| "gnu.org/account/register.php\" >create yourself an account</a> and then "
-#| "<a href= \"http://savannah.gnu.org/register/\";>register your GNU package</"
-#| "a>.  Within a few hours the CVS repository will be created. You will be "
-#| "able to write into it and manage the list of people who have write access "
-#| "to it by yourself."
 msgid ""
 "If you are developing an official GNU package, we strongly encourage you to "
 "create and manage a public source repository on <a href=\"http://savannah.";
@@ -118,14 +101,13 @@
 "to it by yourself, among other features."
 msgstr ""
 "Si está desarrollando un paquete oficial de GNU, recomendamos sólidamente "
-"que cree y maneje un repositorio de código público en <a "
-"href=\"http://savannah.gnu.org/\";>Savannah</a>, el repositorio de software "
-"de GNU. En primer lugar, <a "
-"href=\"https://savannah.gnu.org/account/register.php\"; >crease una cuenta"
-"</a> y luego <a href= \"http://savannah.gnu.org/register/\";>registre su 
paquete "
-"de GNU</a>. Después de crearse, usted mismo podrá elegir un sistema de "
-"control de versiones y manejar la lista de personas que tienen acceso de "
-"escritura, entre otras características."
+"que cree y maneje un repositorio de código público en <a href=\"http://";
+"savannah.gnu.org/\">Savannah</a>, el repositorio de software de GNU. En "
+"primer lugar, <a href=\"https://savannah.gnu.org/account/register.php\"; "
+">crease una cuenta</a> y luego <a href= \"http://savannah.gnu.org/register/";
+"\">registre su paquete de GNU</a>. Después de crearse, usted mismo podrá "
+"elegir un sistema de control de versiones y manejar la lista de personas que "
+"tienen acceso de escritura, entre otras características."
 # type: Content of: <h3>
 msgid "Mailing Lists"
@@ -151,14 +133,6 @@
 "administrar las listas de correo dedicadas a este paquete."
 # type: Content of: <p>
-#| msgid ""
-#| "In general, each GNU software package ought to have a bug-reporting list "
-#| "with the canonical name <code>bug-<em>name</em>@gnu.org</code>, plus "
-#| "whatever other aliases may be useful. Using Savannah, you can create "
-#| "lists for your package with names like <code><em>name</em>-bug</code>; "
-#| "this is good, but please make <code>bug-<em>name</em></code> an alias, or "
-#| "ask for it to be done.  Some packages share the list address@hidden"
-#| "org but we now encourage packages to set up their own individual lists."
 msgid ""
 "Each GNU software package ought to have at least a bug-reporting list with "
 "the canonical name <code>bug-<em>name</em>@gnu.org</code>, plus whatever "
@@ -168,11 +142,11 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Cada paquete de software de GNU debería tener una lista para informar sobre "
-"errores con el nombre canónico <code>bug-<em>nombre</em>@gnu.org</"
-"code>, más cualquier otro alias que pueda ser útil. Al usar Savannah, puede 
-"crear listas para su paquete con nombres como <code><em>nombre</em>-bug</"
-"code>. Esto es bueno, pero haga un alias <code>bug-<em>nombre</em></code> o "
-"pida que lo hagan, por favor. Algunos paquetes comparten la lista bug-gnu-"
+"errores con el nombre canónico <code>bug-<em>nombre</em>@gnu.org</code>, 
más "
+"cualquier otro alias que pueda ser útil. Al usar Savannah, puede crear "
+"listas para su paquete con nombres como <code><em>nombre</em>-bug</code>. "
+"Esto es bueno, pero haga un alias <code>bug-<em>nombre</em></code> o pida "
+"que lo hagan, por favor. Algunos paquetes comparten la lista bug-gnu-"
 "address@hidden, pero ahora incentivamos a que los paquetes comiencen sus "
 "propias listas individuales."
@@ -237,11 +211,10 @@
 "La máquina que sirve las páginas web de <code>www.gnu.org</code> está "
 "separada respecto al resto de las máquinas. Los paquetes de GNU deben usar "
 "<tt>http://www.gnu.org/software/</tt><i>package</i> como su página "
-"principal. En Savannah, los encargados de mantenimiento pueden crear "
-"páginas en esa dirección web mediante un «repositorio web» CVS, separado "
-"del repositorio principal de código del paquete.  <a "
-"href=\"/prep/maintain/maintain.html#Web-Pages\">Más información sobre "
-"páginas web</a>."
+"principal. En Savannah, los encargados de mantenimiento pueden crear páginas 
+"en esa dirección web mediante un «repositorio web» CVS, separado del "
+"repositorio principal de código del paquete.  <a href=\"/prep/maintain/"
+"maintain.html#Web-Pages\">Más información sobre páginas web</a>."
 # type: Content of: <h3>
 msgid "FTP"
@@ -282,12 +255,6 @@
 msgstr "Cuentas de acceso"
 # type: Content of: <p>
-#| msgid ""
-#| "We give out login access to GNU machines to people who need them for work "
-#| "on GNU software. Having a login account is both a privilege and a "
-#| "responsibility, and they should be used only for your work on GNU.  "
-#| "Please read <a href=\"README.accounts.html\">access methods for GNU "
-#| "machines</a> in order to obtain an account."
 msgid ""
 "We give out shell login access to GNU machines to people who need them for "
 "work on GNU software. Having a login account is both a privilege and a "
@@ -307,13 +274,6 @@
 msgstr " "
 # type: Content of: <div><p>
-#| msgid ""
-#| "Please send FSF &amp; GNU inquiries to <a href=\"mailto:address@hidden";
-#| "\"><em>address@hidden</em></a>.  There are also <a 
href=\"/contact/\">other "
-#| "ways to contact</a> the FSF.  <br /> Please send comments on these web "
-#| "pages to <a href=\"mailto:address@hidden";><em>address@hidden</"
-#| "em></a>, send other questions to <a href=\"mailto:address@hidden";
-#| "\"><em>address@hidden</em></a>."
 msgid ""
 "Please send general FSF &amp; GNU inquiries to <a 
 "\">&lt;address@hidden&gt;</a>.  There are also <a href=\"/contact/\">other 
ways "
@@ -336,8 +296,6 @@
 "y enviar traducciones de este artículo."
 # type: Content of: <div><p>
-#| msgid ""
-#| "Copyright &copy; 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.,"
 msgid ""
 "Copyright &copy; 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.,"
 msgstr ""

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