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Re: [vile] Wrong background colour in vile

From: cl
Subject: Re: [vile] Wrong background colour in vile
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2006 11:06:50 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.11+cvs20060403

On Tue, Jul 18, 2006 at 05:57:58AM -0400, Thomas Dickey wrote:
> On Tue, 18 Jul 2006, address@hidden wrote:
> >I'm using vile on a new (to me) Linux shell service via an ssh
> >connection in an rxvt window.
> >
> >After setting the vile.keywords file correctly I now get the colours I
> >expect but all of the background is set black rather than being
> >unchanged (pale grey).  How do I tell vile (or the terminal) not to
> >change the background colour when the foreground colour is changed?
> It sounds as if the terminfo ($TERM) that you're using doesn't have the 
> features that vile is looking for to implement "default" color.  That
> would be (using infocmp to look) something like
>       op=\E[39;49m,
Is that the terminfo on the remote system?  I'm using exactly the same X
display (server) and terminal (rxvt on Solaris) at the 'viewing' end for
both the old system that works and the new system that doesn't.

Running 'infocmp' on the remote system in my rxvt window I get (along with
lots more of course):-

    op=\E[39;49m, rc=\E8, rev=\E[7m, ri=\EM, rin=\E[%p1%dT,

so it looks OK.

I may have some other things to check on though as my .vilerc file
doesn't seem to be being picked up at the moment.  I'll do some more

Thanks for the feedback.

Chris Green (address@hidden)

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