varnam - vtypes.h Contains pointer to scheme file, log file, and a varnam_internal instance varnam_internal - vtypes.h Lots of stuff. pointers to the sqlite database, string buffers, varray_t/varray - varray.h Contains [void **memory],allocated and used memory, and an index vpool_t/vpool_t - varray.h Contains 2 varrays (*array,*free_pool) token/vtoken - vtypes.h contains pattern,tag,priority etc for each token. That is, stores a token and the associated information strbuf - util.h A string buffer. Basically contains a character array, and its length. vcache_entry - vtypes.h [guessing] An entry in the cache. FUNCTIONS vst_tokenize - symbol-table.c Deals with tokenization. Seems pretty important varray_clear - varray.c Clears the varray that is passed as an argument. Sets memory->* as NULL strbuf_to_s - strbuf.c Returns the string that is stored in strbuf. That is , return strbuf_element->buffer read_all_tokens_and_add_to_array - symboltable.h MACROS READ_A_UTF8_CHAR - util.h Receives a ustring,input_stirng and bytes_read. Copies input_string to ustring and increments bytes_read. Finally, ustring contains the unicode version of input_string and bytes_read contain its size.