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Re: Bridging GProlog with other systems [Was: Re: FFI experimentation, s

From: emacstheviking
Subject: Re: Bridging GProlog with other systems [Was: Re: FFI experimentation, some advice please...]
Date: Fri, 5 Jul 2013 15:34:18 +0100

    For example Riak, CouchDB, and many of the NoSQL solutions out
there which implement a REST-ful approach, will require more than just
an URL and some URL-encoded parameters.  For example the two
previously cited solutions require you to set appropriate headers, and
carefully interpret both the returned status and headers besides the
body.  As such you'll need to provide many other HTTP-related tools to
tackle things like headers, encoding, chunks, etc.

I had already assumed that it'd be a big job hence my desire to let cURL do the heavy lifting... I have pre-orderd much pizza and diet coke for the winter...

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