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Re: [uracoli-devel] Update and sleep question

From: Axel Wachtler
Subject: Re: [uracoli-devel] Update and sleep question
Date: Wed, 06 Jun 2012 22:39:05 +0200
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Hallo Keith,

at first thank you for the very nice feedback. Such feedback pushs the motivation to continue with the code.

You have three things to do

a) set the transceiver to sleep (pull the SLP_TR line high, when it is in state TRX_OFF, or use radio_set_state(SLEEP);

b) configure a wake-up event, e.g. a timer or a watchdog IRQ or some other external IRQ.

c) put the MCU into sleep. This is currently done by code from the avr-libc.

We have a deep sleep operation implemented in the TicTacToe game, which is based on ATmega128rfa1, but the code should be transferable to ATmega1281.

... in the meanwhile, while I'm writing, Charles and Joergs mails came
in... so I refer to them instead of repeating their ideas :-)

Cheers, Axel

PS: B.t.w. with >100 nodes, Daniels Wibo (wireless bootloader) might be of interest. It is able to do a broadcast flash. If you can see the LEDs of your nodes, it also nice visual experience ;-)

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