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Re: tramp (2.2.6-pre); remote rgrep doesn't work for me

From: Dave Abrahams
Subject: Re: tramp (2.2.6-pre); remote rgrep doesn't work for me
Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2012 14:40:35 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.130006 (Ma Gnus v0.6) Emacs/24.2 (darwin)

on Sun Dec 09 2012, Michael Albinus <> wrote:

> Dave Abrahams <address@hidden> writes:
> Hi Dave,
>> In the rgrep buffer I get a prompt, then 820 or so ^Gs (Control-Gs), and
>> nothing else.
> I would like to see the usual information: Set `tramp-verbose' to 6
> prior to the connection. Show me the debug buffer after the test run.
>> Package: tramp (2.2.6-pre)
> Hmm. There's something more recent. Please be cautious, Tramp lives in a
> git repository now.

OK, I found that, upgraded, and tried again.  Wow, connecting was a
*lot* faster after the upgrade.  The debug log is attached inline:

;; GNU Emacs: 24.2.2 Tramp: 2.2.7-pre -*- mode: outline; -*-
14:37:03.740505 tramp-maybe-open-connection (3) # Opening connection for honu 
using scpc...
14:37:03.747675 tramp-maybe-open-connection (6) # /bin/sh -i
14:37:03.751175 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
14:37:03.761847 tramp-maybe-open-connection (3) # Sending command `exec ssh   
-o ControlMaster=yes -e none honu'
14:37:03.762221 tramp-send-command (6) # exec ssh   -o 
-o ControlMaster=yes -e none honu
14:37:03.763027 tramp-process-actions (3) # Waiting for prompts from remote 
14:37:03.888535 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(.*ogin\( 
.*\)?: *\)\'" from remote shell
14:37:03.889023 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp 
"\(^.*\([pP]assword\|[pP]assphrase\).*:? *\)\'" from remote shell
14:37:03.889336 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp 
"\(^.*\(Connection \(?:\(?:clo\|refu\)sed\)\|Host key verification 
failed\.\|Login \(?:[Ii]ncorrect\)\|N\(?:ame or service not known\|o supported 
authentication methods left to try!\)\|Permission denied\|\(?:Sorry, try 
again\|Timeout, server not responding\)\.\).*\|^.*\(Received signal 
[0-9]+\).*\)\'" from remote shell
14:37:03.889701 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(^[^#$%>
]*[#$%>] *\)\'" from remote shell
14:37:03.890032 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(\(?:^\|
]*#?[]#$%>] *\(\[[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z] *\)*\)\'" from remote shell
14:37:03.890350 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(\(Are you 
sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)\?\)\s-*\)\'" from remote shell
14:37:03.890664 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp 
"\(\(\(?:Store key in cache\? (y/\|Update cached key\? (y/n, Return cancels 
connectio\)n)\)\s-*\)\'" from remote shell
14:37:03.890986 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(\(TERM = 
(.*)\|Terminal type\? \[.*\]\)\s-*\)\'" from remote shell
14:37:03.891295 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(\)\'" from 
remote shell
14:37:03.891599 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Call `tramp-action-process-alive'
14:37:03.900725 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(.*ogin\( 
.*\)?: *\)\'" from remote shell
14:37:03.902006 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp 
"\(^.*\([pP]assword\|[pP]assphrase\).*:? *\)\'" from remote shell
14:37:03.902877 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp 
"\(^.*\(Connection \(?:\(?:clo\|refu\)sed\)\|Host key verification 
failed\.\|Login \(?:[Ii]ncorrect\)\|N\(?:ame or service not known\|o supported 
authentication methods left to try!\)\|Permission denied\|\(?:Sorry, try 
again\|Timeout, server not responding\)\.\).*\|^.*\(Received signal 
[0-9]+\).*\)\'" from remote shell
14:37:03.903537 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(^[^#$%>
]*[#$%>] *\)\'" from remote shell
14:37:03.904131 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Call `tramp-action-succeed'
14:37:03.904864 tramp-process-actions (6) # 
Last login: Fri Dec 14 14:36:28 2012 from
honu:~ dave$ 
14:37:03.913298 tramp-maybe-open-connection (3) # Found remote shell prompt on 
14:37:03.914354 tramp-open-shell (5) # Opening remote shell `/bin/sh'...
14:37:03.915106 tramp-send-command (6) # exec env ENV='' PROMPT_COMMAND='' 
PS1=\#\$\  PS2='' PS3='' /bin/sh 
14:37:03.925499 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
14:37:03.926064 tramp-send-command (6) # PS1=\#\$\ 
14:37:03.927617 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
14:37:03.928062 tramp-send-command (6) # PS2=''
14:37:03.929541 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
14:37:03.929840 tramp-send-command (6) # PS3=''
14:37:03.931131 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
14:37:03.963542 tramp-send-command (6) # PROMPT_COMMAND=''
14:37:03.965028 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
14:37:03.965295 tramp-open-shell (5) # Opening remote shell `/bin/sh'...done
14:37:03.965529 tramp-open-connection-setup-interactive-shell (5) # Setting up 
remote shell environment
14:37:03.965774 tramp-send-command (6) # stty -inlcr -echo kill '^U' erase '^H'
14:37:03.970719 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
14:37:03.971000 tramp-send-command (6) # echo foo
14:37:03.972226 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
14:37:03.972494 tramp-open-connection-setup-interactive-shell (5) # Setting 
shell prompt
14:37:03.972754 tramp-send-command (6) # 
14:37:03.974061 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
14:37:03.974372 tramp-send-command (6) # PS2=''
14:37:03.975479 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
14:37:03.975782 tramp-send-command (6) # PS3=''
14:37:03.976941 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
14:37:03.977232 tramp-send-command (6) # PROMPT_COMMAND=''
14:37:03.978601 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
14:37:03.978877 tramp-open-connection-setup-interactive-shell (5) # Determining 
coding system
14:37:03.979105 tramp-send-command (6) # echo foo ; echo bar
14:37:03.980336 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
14:37:03.980730 tramp-open-connection-setup-interactive-shell (5) # Setting 
coding system to `utf-8-unix' and `utf-8-unix'
14:37:03.980984 tramp-send-command (6) # set +o vi +o emacs
14:37:03.982567 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
14:37:03.982883 tramp-open-connection-setup-interactive-shell (5) # Checking 
system information
14:37:03.983245 tramp-send-command (6) # echo \"`uname -sr`\" 2>/dev/null; echo 
tramp_exit_status $?
14:37:03.988672 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
"Darwin 12.2.0"
tramp_exit_status 0
14:37:03.989119 tramp-open-connection-setup-interactive-shell (5) # Checking 
remote host type for `send-process-string' bug
14:37:03.989397 tramp-set-remote-path (5) # Setting $PATH environment variable
14:37:03.989830 tramp-send-command (6) # PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin; 
export PATH
14:37:03.991055 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
14:37:03.991513 tramp-send-command (6) # mesg n; biff n
14:37:04.003244 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
14:37:04.003600 tramp-send-command (6) # stty -oxtabs
14:37:04.008520 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
14:37:04.009029 tramp-send-command (6) # echo \"`tty`\" 2>/dev/null; echo 
tramp_exit_status $?
14:37:04.016122 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
tramp_exit_status 0
14:37:04.016581 tramp-open-connection-setup-interactive-shell (5) # Setting 
default environment
14:37:04.016848 tramp-send-command (6) # HISTFILE=$HOME/.tramp_history; export 
14:37:04.017996 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
14:37:04.018340 tramp-send-command (6) # HISTSIZE=1; export HISTSIZE
14:37:04.019550 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
14:37:04.019889 tramp-send-command (6) # LC_ALL=C; export LC_ALL
14:37:04.021264 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
14:37:04.046402 tramp-send-command (6) # TERM=dumb; export TERM
14:37:04.047916 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
14:37:04.048224 tramp-send-command (6) # EMACS=t; export EMACS
14:37:04.049297 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
14:37:04.049619 tramp-send-command (6) # INSIDE_EMACS='24.2.2,tramp:2.2.7-pre'; 
14:37:04.050670 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
14:37:04.051008 tramp-send-command (6) # PAGER=""; export PAGER
14:37:04.052075 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
14:37:04.052397 tramp-send-command (6) # unset correct autocorrect MAILPATH 
14:37:04.053434 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
14:37:04.054070 tramp-maybe-open-connection (3) # Opening connection for honu 
using scpc...done
14:37:04.054356 tramp-send-command (6) # test -e /Users/dave/buildAgent 
2>/dev/null; echo tramp_exit_status $?
14:37:04.055590 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
tramp_exit_status 0
14:37:04.060119 tramp-maybe-send-script (5) # Sending script 
14:37:04.060542 tramp-send-command (6) # tramp_perl_file_name_all_completions 
() {
\perl -e 'sub case {
 my $str = shift;
 if ($ARGV[2]) {
  return lc($str);
 else {
  return $str;
opendir(d, $ARGV[0]) || die("$ARGV[0]: $!\nfail\n");
@files = readdir(d); closedir(d);
foreach $f (@files) {
 if (case(substr($f, 0, length($ARGV[1]))) eq case($ARGV[1])) {
  if (-d "$ARGV[0]/$f") {
   print "$f/\n";
  else {
   print "$f\n";
print "ok\n"
' "$1" "$2" "$3" 2>/dev/null
} 2>/dev/null; echo tramp_exit_status $?
14:37:04.062085 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
tramp_exit_status 0
14:37:04.062422 tramp-maybe-send-script (5) # Sending script 
14:37:04.062783 tramp-send-command (6) # tramp_perl_file_name_all_completions 
/Users/dave/ buildAgent 1
14:37:04.074531 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
14:37:04.081525 tramp-send-command (6) # test -d /Users/dave/buildAgent 
2>/dev/null; echo tramp_exit_status $?
14:37:04.082714 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
tramp_exit_status 0
14:37:04.120889 tramp-send-command (6) # test -e /Users/dave/buildAgent/.dired 
2>/dev/null; echo tramp_exit_status $?
14:37:04.122643 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
tramp_exit_status 1
14:37:04.134879 tramp-sh-handle-insert-directory (4) # Inserting directory `ls 
-alh /scpc:honu:/Users/dave/buildAgent/', wildcard no, fulldir yes
14:37:04.135409 tramp-send-command (6) # /bin/ls -alh /Users/dave/buildAgent/. 
14:37:04.143132 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
total 8
drwxr-xr-x  15 dave  wheel   510B Dec  9 13:57 .
drwxr-xr-x+ 24 dave  staff   816B Dec  8 22:48 ..
-rw-r--r--   1 dave  wheel     0B Sep 21 08:35 BUILD_24074
-rw-r--r--   1 dave  staff   1.4K Dec  9 13:57 adduser
drwxr-xr-x  21 dave  wheel   714B Dec  8 22:52 bin
drwxr-xr-x   5 dave  wheel   170B Dec  8 22:45 conf
drwxr-xr-x   3 dave  wheel   102B Sep 21 08:35 contrib
drwxr-xr-x   6 dave  wheel   204B Sep 21 08:35 launcher
drwxr-xr-x  53 dave  wheel   1.8K Sep 21 08:35 lib
drwxr-xr-x  13 dave  wheel   442B Dec 14 06:23 logs
drwxr-xr-x   3 dave  wheel   102B Sep 21 08:35 plugins
drwxr-xr-x   5 dave  wheel   170B Dec  8 22:50 system
drwxr-xr-x   4 dave  wheel   136B Dec  8 22:50 temp
drwxr-xr-x   2 dave  wheel    68B Dec  8 22:50 tools
drwxr-xr-x   4 dave  wheel   136B Dec  8 22:50 work
14:37:04.146737 tramp-do-file-attributes-with-perl (5) # file attributes with 
perl: /Users/dave/buildAgent/
14:37:04.147100 tramp-maybe-send-script (5) # Sending script 
14:37:04.181297 tramp-send-command (6) # tramp_perl_file_attributes () {
\perl -e '
@stat = lstat($ARGV[0]);
if (address@hidden) {
    print "nil\n";
    exit 0;
if (($stat[2] & 0170000) == 0120000)
    $type = readlink($ARGV[0]);
    $type = "\"$type\"";
elsif (($stat[2] & 0170000) == 040000)
    $type = "t";
    $type = "nil"
$uid = ($ARGV[1] eq "integer") ? $stat[4] : "\"" . getpwuid($stat[4]) . "\"";
$gid = ($ARGV[1] eq "integer") ? $stat[5] : "\"" . getgrgid($stat[5]) . "\"";
    "(%s %u %s %s (%u %u) (%u %u) (%u %u) %u.0 %u t (%u . %u) -1)\n",
    $stat[8] >> 16 & 0xffff,
    $stat[8] & 0xffff,
    $stat[9] >> 16 & 0xffff,
    $stat[9] & 0xffff,
    $stat[10] >> 16 & 0xffff,
    $stat[10] & 0xffff,
    $stat[1] >> 16 & 0xffff,
    $stat[1] & 0xffff
);' "$1" "$2" 2>/dev/null
} 2>/dev/null; echo tramp_exit_status $?
14:37:04.183629 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
tramp_exit_status 0
14:37:04.183935 tramp-maybe-send-script (5) # Sending script 
14:37:04.184240 tramp-send-command (6) # tramp_perl_file_attributes 
/Users/dave/buildAgent/ integer 2>/dev/null; echo tramp_exit_status $?
14:37:04.196137 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
(t 15 501 0 (20683 32729) (20676 57129) (20676 57129) 510.0 16877 t (24 . 
41506) -1)
tramp_exit_status 0
14:37:56.043038 tramp-send-command (6) # ( \cd /Users/dave/buildAgent/; grep 
-nH \^English /Applications/ </dev/null; 
echo tramp_exit_status $? )
14:37:56.156060 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
grep: /Applications/ No such file or 
tramp_exit_status 2
14:37:56.159641 tramp-send-command (6) # ( \cd /Users/dave/buildAgent/; grep -e 
foo /dev/null </dev/null; echo tramp_exit_status $? )
14:37:56.165985 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
tramp_exit_status 1
14:37:56.167682 tramp-send-command (6) # ( \cd /Users/dave/buildAgent/; find 
/dev/null -exec echo \{\} \+ </dev/null; echo tramp_exit_status $? )
14:37:56.217103 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
tramp_exit_status 0
14:37:56.218838 tramp-send-command (6) # ( \cd /Users/dave/buildAgent/; grep 
--help </dev/null; echo tramp_exit_status $? )
14:37:56.225295 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
usage: grep [-abcDEFGHhIiJLlmnOoPqRSsUVvwxZ] [-A num] [-B num] [-C[num]]
        [-e pattern] [-f file] [--binary-files=value] [--color=when]
        [--context[=num]] [--directories=action] [--label] [--line-buffered]
        [--null] [pattern] [file ...]
tramp_exit_status 2
14:38:00.233133 tramp-send-command (6) # test -d /Users/dave/buildAgent 
2>/dev/null; echo tramp_exit_status $?
14:38:00.234773 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
tramp_exit_status 0
14:38:00.238957 tramp-send-command (6) # tramp_perl_file_name_all_completions 
/Users/dave/buildAgent/ '' 1
14:38:00.251570 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
14:38:00.259097 tramp-send-command (6) # test -d /Users/dave 2>/dev/null; echo 
tramp_exit_status $?
14:38:00.260306 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
tramp_exit_status 0
14:38:00.262171 tramp-send-command (6) # test -d /Users/dave/buildAgent/adduser 
2>/dev/null; echo tramp_exit_status $?
14:38:00.263436 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
tramp_exit_status 1
14:38:00.265508 tramp-send-command (6) # test -d /Users/dave/buildAgent/bin 
2>/dev/null; echo tramp_exit_status $?
14:38:00.266773 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
tramp_exit_status 0
14:38:00.268686 tramp-send-command (6) # test -d 
/Users/dave/buildAgent/BUILD_24074 2>/dev/null; echo tramp_exit_status $?
14:38:00.295688 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
tramp_exit_status 1
14:38:00.297678 tramp-send-command (6) # test -d /Users/dave/buildAgent/conf 
2>/dev/null; echo tramp_exit_status $?
14:38:00.299513 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
tramp_exit_status 0
14:38:00.301538 tramp-send-command (6) # test -d /Users/dave/buildAgent/contrib 
2>/dev/null; echo tramp_exit_status $?
14:38:00.302862 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
tramp_exit_status 0
14:38:00.304969 tramp-send-command (6) # test -d 
/Users/dave/buildAgent/launcher 2>/dev/null; echo tramp_exit_status $?
14:38:00.306250 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
tramp_exit_status 0
14:38:00.308359 tramp-send-command (6) # test -d /Users/dave/buildAgent/lib 
2>/dev/null; echo tramp_exit_status $?
14:38:00.309550 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
tramp_exit_status 0
14:38:00.311661 tramp-send-command (6) # test -d /Users/dave/buildAgent/logs 
2>/dev/null; echo tramp_exit_status $?
14:38:00.312914 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
tramp_exit_status 0
14:38:00.314959 tramp-send-command (6) # test -d /Users/dave/buildAgent/plugins 
2>/dev/null; echo tramp_exit_status $?
14:38:00.316292 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
tramp_exit_status 0
14:38:00.318379 tramp-send-command (6) # test -d /Users/dave/buildAgent/system 
2>/dev/null; echo tramp_exit_status $?
14:38:00.319694 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
tramp_exit_status 0
14:38:00.347253 tramp-send-command (6) # test -d /Users/dave/buildAgent/temp 
2>/dev/null; echo tramp_exit_status $?
14:38:00.348840 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
tramp_exit_status 0
14:38:00.350768 tramp-send-command (6) # test -d /Users/dave/buildAgent/tools 
2>/dev/null; echo tramp_exit_status $?
14:38:00.352059 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
tramp_exit_status 0
14:38:00.354090 tramp-send-command (6) # test -d /Users/dave/buildAgent/work 
2>/dev/null; echo tramp_exit_status $?
14:38:00.355364 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
tramp_exit_status 0
14:38:00.358613 tramp-send-command (6) # test -r /Users/dave/buildAgent/ 
2>/dev/null; echo tramp_exit_status $?
14:38:00.360220 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
tramp_exit_status 0
14:38:00.373224 tramp-send-command (6) # ( \cd /Users/dave/buildAgent/; find 
/dev/null -exec echo \{\} \+ </dev/null; echo tramp_exit_status $? )
14:38:00.382377 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
tramp_exit_status 0
14:38:00.383473 tramp-send-command (6) # ( \cd /Users/dave/buildAgent/; find 
/dev/null -ls </dev/null; echo tramp_exit_status $? )
14:38:00.391131 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
   305        0 crw-rw-rw-    1 root             wheel            0x3000002 Dec 
14 14:36 /dev/null
tramp_exit_status 0
14:38:00.423307 tramp-send-command (6) # test -d /Users/dave/buildAgent 
2>/dev/null; echo tramp_exit_status $?
14:38:00.424933 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
tramp_exit_status 0
14:38:00.427504 tramp-send-command (6) # test -x /Users/dave/buildAgent/ 
2>/dev/null; echo tramp_exit_status $?
14:38:00.428689 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
tramp_exit_status 0
14:38:00.445381 tramp-maybe-open-connection (3) # Opening connection for honu 
using scpc...
14:38:00.460165 tramp-maybe-open-connection (6) # /bin/sh -i
14:38:00.463718 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
14:38:00.509590 tramp-maybe-open-connection (3) # Sending command `exec ssh -q  
-o ControlMaster=yes -e none honu'
14:38:00.509931 tramp-send-command (6) # exec ssh -q   -o 
-o ControlMaster=yes -e none honu
14:38:00.520732 tramp-process-actions (3) # Waiting for prompts from remote 
14:38:00.636055 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(.*ogin\( 
.*\)?: *\)\'" from remote shell
14:38:00.636479 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp 
"\(^.*\([pP]assword\|[pP]assphrase\).*:? *\)\'" from remote shell
14:38:00.636752 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp 
"\(^.*\(Connection \(?:\(?:clo\|refu\)sed\)\|Host key verification 
failed\.\|Login \(?:[Ii]ncorrect\)\|N\(?:ame or service not known\|o supported 
authentication methods left to try!\)\|Permission denied\|\(?:Sorry, try 
again\|Timeout, server not responding\)\.\).*\|^.*\(Received signal 
[0-9]+\).*\)\'" from remote shell
14:38:00.637064 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(^[^#$%>
]*[#$%>] *\)\'" from remote shell
14:38:00.637328 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(\(?:^\|
]*#?[]#$%>] *\(\[[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z] *\)*\)\'" from remote shell
14:38:00.637617 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(\(Are you 
sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)\?\)\s-*\)\'" from remote shell
14:38:00.637864 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp 
"\(\(\(?:Store key in cache\? (y/\|Update cached key\? (y/n, Return cancels 
connectio\)n)\)\s-*\)\'" from remote shell
14:38:00.638114 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(\(TERM = 
(.*)\|Terminal type\? \[.*\]\)\s-*\)\'" from remote shell
14:38:00.638367 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(\)\'" from 
remote shell
14:38:00.638613 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Call `tramp-action-process-alive'
14:38:00.648461 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(.*ogin\( 
.*\)?: *\)\'" from remote shell
14:38:00.648886 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp 
"\(^.*\([pP]assword\|[pP]assphrase\).*:? *\)\'" from remote shell
14:38:00.649166 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp 
"\(^.*\(Connection \(?:\(?:clo\|refu\)sed\)\|Host key verification 
failed\.\|Login \(?:[Ii]ncorrect\)\|N\(?:ame or service not known\|o supported 
authentication methods left to try!\)\|Permission denied\|\(?:Sorry, try 
again\|Timeout, server not responding\)\.\).*\|^.*\(Received signal 
[0-9]+\).*\)\'" from remote shell
14:38:00.649453 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(^[^#$%>
]*[#$%>] *\)\'" from remote shell
14:38:00.649724 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Call `tramp-action-succeed'
14:38:00.649982 tramp-process-actions (6) # 
-*- mode: grep; default-directory: "/scpc:honu:/Users/dave/buildAgent/" -*-
Grep started at Fri Dec 14 14:38:00

find . -type d \( -path \*/SCCS -o -path \*/RCS -o -path \*/CVS -o -path 
\*/MCVS -o -path \*/.svn -o -path \*/.git -o -path \*/.hg -o -path \*/.bzr -o 
-path \*/_MTN -o -path \*/_darcs -o -path \*/\{arch\} \) -prune -o \( -name 
.\#\* -o -name \*.glob -o -name \*.vo -o -name \*.o -o -name \*\~ -o -name 
\*.bin -o -name \*.lbin -o -name \*.so -o -name \*.a -o -name \*.ln -o -name 
\*.blg -o -name \*.bbl -o -name \*.elc -o -name \*.lof -o -name \*.glo -o -name 
\*.idx -o -name \*.lot -o -name \*.fmt -o -name \*.tfm -o -name \*.class -o 
-name \*.fas -o -name \*.lib -o -name \*.mem -o -name \*.x86f -o -name 
\*.sparcf -o -name \*.dfsl -o -name \*.pfsl -o -name \*.d64fsl -o -name 
\*.p64fsl -o -name \*.lx64fsl -o -name \*.lx32fsl -o -name \*.dx64fsl -o -name 
\*.dx32fsl -o -name \*.fx64fsl -o -name \*.fx32fsl -o -name \*.sx64fsl -o -name 
\*.sx32fsl -o -name \*.wx64fsl -o -name \*.wx32fsl -o -name \*.fasl -o -name 
\*.ufsl -o -name \*.fsl -o -name \*.dxl -o -name \*.lo -o -name \*.la -o -name 
\*.gmo -o -name \*.mo -o -name \*.toc -o -name \*.aux -o -name \*.cp -o -name 
\*.fn -o -name \*.ky -o -name \*.pg -o -name \*.tp -o -name \*.vr -o -name 
\*.cps -o -name \*.fns -o -name \*.kys -o -name \*.pgs -o -name \*.tps -o -name 
\*.vrs -o -name \*.pyc -o -name \*.pyo \) -prune -o  -type f \( -iname \* \) 
-exec grep -i -n -e dave /dev/null {} +
Last login: Fri Dec 14 14:36:57 2012 from
honu:~ dave$ 
14:38:00.666761 tramp-maybe-open-connection (3) # Found remote shell prompt on 
14:38:00.667169 tramp-open-shell (5) # Opening remote shell `/bin/sh'...
14:38:00.667467 tramp-send-command (6) # exec env ENV='' PROMPT_COMMAND='' 
PS1=\#\$\  PS2='' PS3='' /bin/sh 
14:38:00.748013 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
14:38:00.748912 tramp-send-command (6) # PS1=\#\$\ 
14:38:00.751023 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
14:38:00.751729 tramp-send-command (6) # PS2=''
14:38:00.753761 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
14:38:00.754622 tramp-send-command (6) # PS3=''
14:38:00.756401 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
14:38:00.756944 tramp-send-command (6) # PROMPT_COMMAND=''
14:38:00.758505 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
14:38:00.785618 tramp-open-shell (5) # Opening remote shell `/bin/sh'...done
14:38:00.785851 tramp-open-connection-setup-interactive-shell (5) # Setting up 
remote shell environment
14:38:00.786086 tramp-send-command (6) # stty -inlcr -echo kill '^U' erase '^H'
14:38:00.791527 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
14:38:00.791823 tramp-send-command (6) # echo foo
14:38:00.793036 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
14:38:00.793313 tramp-open-connection-setup-interactive-shell (5) # Setting 
shell prompt
14:38:00.793583 tramp-send-command (6) # 
14:38:00.794951 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
14:38:00.795286 tramp-send-command (6) # PS2=''
14:38:00.796531 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
14:38:00.796859 tramp-send-command (6) # PS3=''
14:38:00.798095 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
14:38:00.798420 tramp-send-command (6) # PROMPT_COMMAND=''
14:38:00.799392 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
14:38:00.799697 tramp-open-connection-setup-interactive-shell (5) # Determining 
coding system
14:38:00.799944 tramp-send-command (6) # echo foo ; echo bar
14:38:00.801186 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
14:38:00.801641 tramp-open-connection-setup-interactive-shell (5) # Setting 
coding system to `utf-8-unix' and `utf-8-unix'
14:38:00.801894 tramp-send-command (6) # set +o vi +o emacs
14:38:00.803178 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
14:38:00.803497 tramp-open-connection-setup-interactive-shell (5) # Checking 
system information
14:38:00.803831 tramp-send-command (6) # echo \"`uname -sr`\" 2>/dev/null; echo 
tramp_exit_status $?
14:38:00.809223 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
"Darwin 12.2.0"
tramp_exit_status 0
14:38:00.809698 tramp-open-connection-setup-interactive-shell (5) # Checking 
remote host type for `send-process-string' bug
14:38:00.809985 tramp-set-remote-path (5) # Setting $PATH environment variable
14:38:00.810416 tramp-send-command (6) # PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin; 
export PATH
14:38:00.811580 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
14:38:00.812045 tramp-send-command (6) # mesg n; biff n
14:38:00.823557 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
14:38:00.823944 tramp-send-command (6) # stty -oxtabs
14:38:00.829792 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
14:38:00.831041 tramp-send-command (6) # echo \"`tty`\" 2>/dev/null; echo 
tramp_exit_status $?
14:38:00.838236 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
tramp_exit_status 0
14:38:00.838679 tramp-open-connection-setup-interactive-shell (5) # Setting 
default environment
14:38:00.838964 tramp-send-command (6) # HISTFILE=$HOME/.tramp_history; export 
14:38:00.840201 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
14:38:00.840568 tramp-send-command (6) # HISTSIZE=1; export HISTSIZE
14:38:00.841806 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
14:38:00.842211 tramp-send-command (6) # LC_ALL=C; export LC_ALL
14:38:00.843552 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
14:38:00.843908 tramp-send-command (6) # TERM=dumb; export TERM
14:38:00.845015 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
14:38:00.870654 tramp-send-command (6) # EMACS=t; export EMACS
14:38:00.872123 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
14:38:00.872460 tramp-send-command (6) # INSIDE_EMACS='24.2.2,tramp:2.2.7-pre'; 
14:38:00.873430 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
14:38:00.873767 tramp-send-command (6) # PAGER=""; export PAGER
14:38:00.874704 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
14:38:00.875029 tramp-send-command (6) # unset correct autocorrect MAILPATH 
14:38:00.876187 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
14:38:00.876830 tramp-maybe-open-connection (3) # Opening connection for honu 
using scpc...done
14:38:00.877216 tramp-send-command (6) # cd /Users/dave/buildAgent/; exec env 
PS1=/scpc\:honu\:\ \#\$\  /bin/sh -c find\ .\ -type\ d\ \\\(\ -path\ \\\*/SCCS\ 
-o\ -path\ \\\*/RCS\ -o\ -path\ \\\*/CVS\ -o\ -path\ \\\*/MCVS\ -o\ -path\ 
\\\*/.svn\ -o\ -path\ \\\*/.git\ -o\ -path\ \\\*/.hg\ -o\ -path\ \\\*/.bzr\ -o\ 
-path\ \\\*/_MTN\ -o\ -path\ \\\*/_darcs\ -o\ -path\ \\\*/\\\{arch\\\}\ \\\)\ 
-prune\ -o\ \\\(\ -name\ .\\\#\\\*\ -o\ -name\ \\\*.glob\ -o\ -name\ \\\*.vo\ 
-o\ -name\ \\\*.o\ -o\ -name\ \\\*\\\~\ -o\ -name\ \\\*.bin\ -o\ -name\ 
\\\*.lbin\ -o\ -name\ \\\*.so\ -o\ -name\ \\\*.a\ -o\ -name\ \\\*.ln\ -o\ 
-name\ \\\*.blg\ -o\ -name\ \\\*.bbl\ -o\ -name\ \\\*.elc\ -o\ -name\ \\\*.lof\ 
-o\ -name\ \\\*.glo\ -o\ -name\ \\\*.idx\ -o\ -name\ \\\*.lot\ -o\ -name\ 
\\\*.fmt\ -o\ -name\ \\\*.tfm\ -o\ -name\ \\\*.class\ -o\ -name\ \\\*.fas\ -o\ 
-name\ \\\*.lib\ -o\ -name\ \\\*.mem\ -o\ -name\ \\\*.x86f\ -o\ -name\ 
\\\*.sparcf\ -o\ -name\ \\\*.dfsl\ -o\ -name\ \\\*.pfsl\ -o\ -name\ 
\\\*.d64fsl\ -o\ -name\ \\\*.p64fsl\ -o\ -name\ \\\*.lx64fsl\ -o\ -name\ 
\\\*.lx32fsl\ -o\ -name\ \\\*.dx64fsl\ -o\ -name\ \\\*.dx32fsl\ -o\ -name\ 
\\\*.fx64fsl\ -o\ -name\ \\\*.fx32fsl\ -o\ -name\ \\\*.sx64fsl\ -o\ -name\ 
\\\*.sx32fsl\ -o\ -name\ \\\*.wx64fsl\ -o\ -name\ \\\*.wx32fsl\ -o\ -name\ 
\\\*.fasl\ -o\ -name\ \\\*.ufsl\ -o\ -name\ \\\*.fsl\ -o\ -name\ \\\*.dxl\ -o\ 
-name\ \\\*.lo\ -o\ -name\ \\\*.la\ -o\ -name\ \\\*.gmo\ -o\ -name\ \\\*.mo\ 
-o\ -name\ \\\*.toc\ -o\ -name\ \\\*.aux\ -o\ -name\ \\\*.cp\ -o\ -name\ 
\\\*.fn\ -o\ -name\ \\\*.ky\ -o\ -name\ \\\*.pg\ -o\ -name\ \\\*.tp\ -o\ -name\ 
\\\*.vr\ -o\ -name\ \\\*.cps\ -o\ -name\ \\\*.fns\ -o\ -name\ \\\*.kys\ -o\ 
-name\ \\\*.pgs\ -o\ -name\ \\\*.tps\ -o\ -name\ \\\*.vrs\ -o\ -name\ \\\*.pyc\ 
-o\ -name\ \\\*.pyo\ \\\)\ -prune\ -o\ \ -type\ f\ \\\(\ -iname\ \\\*\ \\\)\ 
-exec\ grep\ -i\ -n\ -e\ dave\ /dev/null\ \{\}\ \+
Dave Abrahams
BoostPro Computing                  Software Development        Training             Clang/LLVM/EDG Compilers  C++  Boost

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