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Re: [Tlf-devel] Problem with Spots and need for ttyS2 and ttyS3

From: Rein Couperus
Subject: Re: [Tlf-devel] Problem with Spots and need for ttyS2 and ttyS3
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 2004 20:40:44 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.5.4

On Sunday 14 March 2004 18:05, Ernst-Jan Eijlers wrote:
> Dear OM,
> Two weeks ago I installed TLF. Currently I am exploring the XPlanet
> functionality. Unfortunately, the spots window (Node: PI5TUE) does not show
> the information as provided by the cluster. Consequently, the tlfmasters
> file is not filled properly. Any advice?

Hallo Ernst-Jan, 

what do you mean with that? There are two ways to show the cluster data:
1.: full info, as the cluster sends it
2.: spot info, showing frequency, call and time

You can switch betreen these with ctrl-a. During a contest (2) is the default.

The latter (2.) produces the tlfmaster file for Xplanet, the former (1) does 
not. This works also in BANDMAP or NEEDED mode.

If you have problems with this, I'd be interested to get a copy of a cluster 
log file to see the format. I am normally using PI5TUE or, and I 
have never had problems.

> Further, I do have two radios connected by serial ports to my computer, I
> do understand that only ttyS0 and ttyS1 are supported yet. Is there any
> plan to implement the support for ttyS2 and ttyS3?

When your system supports the ports (check with minicom) , you can just say:
RIGPORT=/dev/ttyS2 or even 
Tlf supports this.

I have not been lucky yet to persuade my Debian system to understand the 
/dev/ttyUSBx, I am now waiting for a PCI 2x serial card for the extra ports 
(needed for the RTTY controller)...

73, and success

Rein PA0R

> Thanks for your respons!
> Best 73s de PA3FXS, Ernst-Jan

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