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[dgAIS] new version supports POST cgi even better

From: david nicol
Subject: [dgAIS] new version supports POST cgi even better
Date: Sun, 07 Jul 2002 16:33:21 -0500

It is used in the form handler at

package CGI::AIS::Session;

 use strict;

use vars qw{ *SOCK @ISA @EXPORT $VERSION };

require Exporter;

 @ISA = qw(Exporter);
 @EXPORT = qw(Authenticate);

 $VERSION = '0.02';

use Carp;

use Socket qw(:DEFAULT :crlf);
use IO::Handle;
sub miniget($$$$){
        my($HostName, $PortNumber, $Desired, $agent)  = @_;
        $PortNumber ||= 80;
        my $iaddr       = inet_aton($HostName)  || die "Cannot find host named 
        my $paddr       = sockaddr_in($PortNumber,$iaddr);
        my $proto       = getprotobyname('tcp');
        socket(SOCK, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $proto)  || die "socket: $!";
        connect(SOCK, $paddr)    || die "connect: $!";

        print SOCK
                "GET $Desired HTTP/1.1$CRLF",
                # Do we need a Host: header with an "AbsoluteURI?"
                # not needed:
                # but this is trumped by an Apache error message invoking 
RFC2068 sections 9 and 14.23
                "Host: $HostName$CRLF",
                "User-Agent: $agent$CRLF",
                "Connection: close$CRLF",



sub Authenticate{

        my %Param = (agent => 'AISclient', @_);
        my %Result;
        my $AISXML;

        my (@Cookies) = ($ENV{HTTP_COOKIE} =~  /AIS_Session=(\w+)/g);
        tie my %Session, $Param{tieargs}->[0],
                or croak "failed to tie @{$Param{tieargs}}";

        my $Cookie;

        # make Cookie imply its validity
        push @Cookies, undef;
        while ($Cookie = shift @Cookies){
                #$Session{$Cookie} and last;


        my $OTUkey;
        my $SessionKey;

        if (!$Cookie and $ENV{REQUEST_METHOD} eq 'POST' ){
                my $PostKey = join('',time,(map {("A".."Z")[rand 26]}(0..9)));
                $Session{$PostKey} = join('',(<>));

                print "Location: 

        if ($ENV{QUERY_STRING} =~ /AIS_POST_key=(\w+)/){
                my $PostKey = $1;
                pipe(POSTREAD,POSTWRITE) or die "Cannot create pipe: $!";
                if (fork){
                        # we are in parent
                        close POSTWRITE;
                        open STDIN, "<&POSTREAD";

                        # in child -- write POSTdata to pipe and exit
                        close STDOUT;
                        close STDIN;
                        close POSTREAD;
                        print POSTWRITE '&',$Session{$PostKey};
                        close POSTWRITE or die "$$: Error closing POSTWRITE\n";
                        $Cookie and delete $Session{$PostKey};
                        # exit;
                        #POSIX:_exit(0); # perldoc -f exit
                        exec '/usr/bin/true';

        if ($ENV{QUERY_STRING} =~ /AIS_OTUkey=(\w+)/){
           $OTUkey = $1;
           my ($method, $host, $port, $path) =
             ($Param{aissri} =~ m#^(\w+)://([^:/]+):?(\d*)(.+)$#)
              or die "Could not get meth,hos,por,pat from <$Param{aissri}>";
           unless ($method eq 'http'){
                croak "aissri parameter must begin 'http://' at this time";

           # my $Response = `lynx -source $Param{aissri}query?$OTUkey$CRLF$CRLF`
           my $Response = miniget $host, $port,
           "$Param{aissri}query?$OTUkey", $Param{agent};

           $SessionKey = join('',time,(map {("A".."Z")[rand 26]}(0..19)));
           # print "Set-Cookie: AIS_Session=$SessionKey; 
           print "Set-Cookie: AIS_Session=$SessionKey; path=/; expires=$CRLF";
           ($AISXML) =
                $Response =~ m#<aisresponse>(.+)</aisresponse>#si
                   or die "no <aisresponse> element from 
           $Session{$SessionKey} = $AISXML;

        }elsif (!$Cookie){
                my $PostString = '';
                # if ($ENV{REQUEST_METHOD} eq 'POST' and !eof){
                if ($ENV{REQUEST_METHOD} eq 'POST' ){
                        my $PostKey = join('',time,(map {("A".."Z")[rand 
                        $Session{$PostKey} = join('',(<>));
                        $PostString = "AIS_POST_key=$PostKey&";

                print "Location: 
        }else{ # We have a cookie
                $AISXML = $Session{$Cookie};
                delete  $Session{$Cookie} if $ENV{QUERY_STRING} eq 'AIS_LOGOUT';

        foreach (qw{
                $AISXML =~ m#<$_>(.+)</$_>#si or next;
                $Result{$_} = $1;

        if ( defined($Param{timeout})){
                my $TO = $Param{timeout};
                delete @Session{ grep { time - $_ > $TO } keys %Session };


        #Suppress caching NULL and ERROR
        if( $Result{identity} eq 'NULL' or $Result{identity} eq 'ERROR'){
                print "Set-Cookie: AIS_Session=$CRLF";
                $SessionKey and delete $Session{$SessionKey} ;
        return \%Result;

# Preloaded methods go here.


=head1 NAME

CGI::AIS::Session - Perl extension to manage CGI user sessions with external 
identity authentication via AIS

  use DirDB;    # or any other concurrent-access-safe
                # persistent hash abstraction
  use CGI::AIS::Session;
  my $Session = Authenticate(
             aissri <= '',
             tieargs <= ['DirDB', './data/Sessions'],
             XML <= ['name','age','region','gender'],
             agent <= 'Bollow', # this is the password for the AIS service, if 
             ( $$ % 100 ? () : (timeout <= 4 * 3600)) # four hours
  if($$Session{identity} eq 'NULL'){
        print "Location:\n\n";
  }elsif($Session->{identity} eq 'ERROR'){
        print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n";
        print "There was an error with the authentication layer",
              " of this web service: $Session->{error}\n\n",
              "please contact $ENV{SERVER_ADMIN} to report this.";
  tie my %UserData, 'DirDB', "./data/$$Session{identity}";


Creates and maintains a read-only session abstraction based on data in
a central AIS server.

The session data provided by AIS is read-only.  A second
database keyed on the identity provided by AIS should be
used to store persistent local information such as shopping cart
contents. This may be repaired in future releases, so the 
session object will be more similar to the session objects
used with the Apache::Session modules, but for now, all the
data in the object returned by C<Authenticate> comes from the
central AIS server.

On the first use, the user is redirected to the AIS server
according to the AIS protocol. Then the identity, if any,
is cached
under a session key in the session database as tied to by
the 'tieargs' parameter.

This module will create a http cookie named AIS_Session.

Authenticate will croak on aissri methods other than
http in this version.

Additional expected XML fields can be listed in an XML parameter.

If a 'timeout' paramter is provided,  Sessions older than
the timeout get deleted from the session database.  A new handshake
will then occur, providing a possible mechanism for accounting 
time using a service as well as keeping the session database clean.

'ERROR' and 'NULL' identities are not cached.

Internally, the possible states of this system are:

no cookie, no OTU

Only the last one results in returning a session object. The
other two cause redirection.

if a query string of AIS_LOGOUT is postpended to any url in the
domain protected by this module, the session will be deleted before
it times out.

=head1 Missing cookies with POSTed data

Due to the cookie security model, form submissions in POST form
often lack their cookies.  This AIS client works around this by
storing POST data in the session database and redirecting the web browser
back to itself.  As soon as the browser provides a valid session ID,
the POST data is piped to the program's STDIN and then deleted from
the session database.

This mechanism has the added desired effect of preserving POST data
submitted by an unauthenticated browser until after the AIS handshake
is complete.

CGI::AIS:Session deletes saved  POST data
for users who are not logged in to the AIS server via the timeout

AIS does not
provide an "on-validation-redirect-to" feature, as it is expected that
one AIS login will allow access to multiple web services.

=head1 EXPORTS

the Authenticate routine is exported.

=head1 AUTHOR

David Nicol, address@hidden

=head1 SEE ALSO

The Apache::Session family of modules on CPAN


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