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Re: [Tinycc-devel] Governance (Re: cleanups)

From: David Mertens
Subject: Re: [Tinycc-devel] Governance (Re: cleanups)
Date: Sun, 16 Oct 2016 13:00:16 -0400

Hey everyone,

I owe an apology to grishka. Grishka, I may not like how you currently handle unwanted pushes (often by revert without discussion), but I don't think you'd be half as reactive if we kept unwanted pushes out of the main repo in the first place. In that case we'd get the best of your efforts without the annoying parts, which I think would be a win for everyone.


On Sat, Oct 15, 2016 at 12:58 PM, David Mertens <address@hidden> wrote:
Hello all,

Jean-Claude articulates concerns I have felt as well. Sometimes we'll get a series of ridiculous commits from hitherto unknown programmers trying to "help". Sometimes we get commits from people trying to extend tcc's behavior beyond its core intent. Other times core hackers (OK, mostly just grishka) push a series of commits, some of which are brilliant and others of which are inappropriate and highly opinionated. (Overall I am glad to have grishka's contributions, but they always seem to come with a bit of avoidable pain.)

I would be happy to see this project moved out of a mob branch on repo.or.cz, and managed on a site that provides facilities for collaborative programming. My experience is with github, but I don't care if it's there or somewhere else. I would just like to have contributions submitted as pull requests, and managed by one or two gatekeepers. If there is significant interest in this, I'm sure that we can start a grass-roots group. This is open source, after all. :-)

So, are Jean-Claude and I mostly alone in this, or do others feel similarly?


On Sat, Oct 1, 2016 at 5:09 PM, Jean-Claude Beaudoin <address@hiddencom> wrote:

On Sat, Oct 1, 2016 at 3:03 PM, grischka <address@hidden> wrote:
Hey all,

I did push some cleanups to prepare for a release 0.9.27,
eventually.  Just if you wonder what's the point of that.

I was indeed wondering if we would see a new release sometime soon
considering that the latest one dates from a few years ago. That is
answered now.

That also brought me to wonder how that release process would be
managed and effectively executed. Could you elaborate on that
point please?

One fact that gives me serious pause in that area is that the
majority of the commits I contributed in the last few days were
simply reverted thus reintroducing the problems they tried to fix
or introducing some new lesser one when the revert was partial.
A good number of others recent commits have been also similarly

That leaves me quite puzzled.

My intent was to use libtcc as a significant part of the back-end
of MKCL. But after some study of the TCC source code I came
to the realization that there were a number of serious technical
problems with that. And now there is this governance aspect
being raised.  All that push me to reconsider my approach.


Jean-Claude Beaudoin

Tinycc-devel mailing list

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