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Re: [Texmacs-dev] Paragraphsign in PDF outlines

From: Karl Hegbloom
Subject: Re: [Texmacs-dev] Paragraphsign in PDF outlines
Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2016 20:13:19 +0000

Solved: If I use (with "font" "palatino" "¶") in my display-paragraph macro, it looks alright in the document and also shows up as the paragraph sign in the PDF outlines. Here in this email, we can see it as the paragraphsign, but in TeXmacs, inside those quotation marks is a sectionmark when the source is displayed using the standard TeX Computer Modern font. The trick is to use a font that is already encoded in a way compatible with PDF. I learned about that here: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=9&ved=0ahUKEwiShpyaoNDLAhUB_mMKHcyICwAQFghUMAg&url="">

On Mon, Mar 21, 2016 at 1:09 PM Karl Hegbloom <address@hidden> wrote:
Screenshot from 2016-03-21 13-05-38.png

The attached screenshot shows a few more problems I'm seeing. The tm file is also attached. I wonder if it looks different on other people's computer?

On Mon, Mar 21, 2016 at 11:56 AM Karl Hegbloom <address@hidden> wrote:
I've got a document style sheet that puts the paragraphsign  ¶  in front of the paragraph number. It shows up fine in the document, both at the start of the paragraph and in the table of contents, but in the PDF outlines, it shows up as  ű.

If I then run the command:

pdftk inputfile.pdf dump_data_utf8  | sed -r -e 's,ű,¶,g'  | pdftk inputfile.pdf update_info_utf8 - output outputfile.pdf

... the resulting PDF has the paragraphsign in the outlines the way it's supposed to. I guess if I actually used that thing that looks like a u with a double quote above it in the text of the document in any section or paragraph headings, there would be paragraph signs instead of that letter there, which would not be correct.

Because PDF accepts that character fine when I run that sed filter, I suspect that the problem is somewhere in TeXmacs, in how it translates the text from it's internal coding to the one in the PDF.

It seems to me that it used to work fine. It might be something that broke with one of the recent changes to the PDF writer, but I'm not certain. I've not used that paragraphsign prefixed paragraph numbering much yet.

Any idea how to fix it?

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