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[Texmacs-dev] Manage to get Maxima session in TeXmacs in Windows. Relati

From: Adrian S.
Subject: [Texmacs-dev] Manage to get Maxima session in TeXmacs in Windows. Relatively easy workaround.
Date: Thu, 19 Mar 2015 14:41:11 -0600

Hello everyone. I managed to get Maxima running in Windows. This is what I did:

(1) Install te TeXmacs binary, but *DO NOT*  install it in the default
location, but in one *THAT DOES NOT HAVE SPACES* (The location
"Program Files (x86)", which is the default, fails precisely because
of this reason.

In my case, I installed it in my desktop, with path:


(2) In the instalation directory, which in my case is
go to the file


and open it using notepad.

Then go to the line

(define-public (plugin-add-windows-path rad rel after?)
  (when (os-macos?)
    (add-windows-program-path (url-append rad rel) after?)))

and change it to

(define-public (plugin-add-windows-path rad rel after?)
  (when (os-mingw?)
    (add-windows-program-path (url-append rad rel) after?)))

If you had already started TeXmacs, then, in TeXmacs, update the
plugins to have it detect it.

I use Maxima

I do hope this helps others.

----More details below-------

The problem with the spaces seems to be coming from the line in the file
init-maxima in the following part:
         ,(string-append "maxima.bat -p \"" (getenv "TEXMACS_PATH")

Running the command  code in Scheme in my computer, it gives:

((#:launch "maxima.bat -p

which has no problems, but if I install in the default location, it
outputs a location with spaces, which somehow had to be escaped
somehow. I do not know how to fix that.

Take care.

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