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[Texmacs-dev] First results on Schemes, Lisps & others

From: David MENTRE
Subject: [Texmacs-dev] First results on Schemes, Lisps & others
Date: Sat, 22 May 2004 20:27:47 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.1006 (Gnus v5.10.6) Emacs/21.3 (gnu/linux)


I have redone most of Doug Bagley's Language Shootout on Schemes, Lisps
and other languages (python as a well known reference, gcc and g++ for
max speed reference, ocaml because it is fast and I like it :-).

Unfortunalty, I haven't be able to redo memory footprint results, so the
result is partial (memory footprint can be important for cache

Doug's benches are interesting because there are both compute intensive
ones (sieve, matrix, moments, ...) and string manipulation ones
(spellcheck, wc, wordfred, ...).

All the scripts & results are available at:

At first glance:

 - python and guile are very slow, guile being very very very slow (Oh
   surprise! ;)

 - cmucl (common lisp) and bigloo (scheme) are close to each other and
   are both very fast. Both of them are compiled and I don't know how
   they can be used and their speed in interpreter mode;

 - regarding interpreters, OCaml in bytecode (ocamlb) is the better, but
   it is not a Lisp-like language;

 - of course gcc and g++ are the faster.

I have not investigated other Joris' criteria (licence, capabilities,

If you have any comments (suggestion of Scheme to bench, specific bench
case, critics, ...), I'll gladly accept them.

You can play with Doug's results on his page:

I include below the raw results:
Hello World
Measurement of CPU as N varies
                    1      50     100     150     200
gcc              0.00    0.04    0.06    0.10    0.13
ocaml            0.00    0.05    0.10    0.15    0.20
ocamlb           0.00    0.12    0.24    0.35    0.48
bigloo           0.00    0.12    0.24    0.37    0.48
g++              0.00    0.13    0.27    0.40    0.53
cmucl            0.01    0.75    1.49    2.25    3.00
python           0.02    0.97    1.94    2.91    3.88
guile            0.02    1.37    2.72    4.07    5.42

Chart::Base : Caution: Tick limit of 100 exceeded. Backing of to an interval of 
0.1 which plots 56 ticks
Hello World
Summary [N = 1 (min)]
Program   CPU seconds Memory KB
bigloo           0.00        0
ocamlb           0.00        0
gcc              0.00        0
ocaml            0.00        0
g++              0.00        0
cmucl            0.01        0
python           0.02        0
guile            0.02        0

Hello World
Summary [N = 200 (max)]
Program   CPU seconds Memory KB
gcc              0.13        0
ocaml            0.20        0
bigloo           0.48        0
ocamlb           0.48        0
g++              0.53        0
cmucl            3.00        0
python           3.88        0
guile            5.42        0

Ackermann's Function
Measurement of CPU as N varies
                    4       5       6       7       8
g++              0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.01
ocaml            0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.01
gcc              0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.01
cmucl            0.02    0.02    0.01    0.02    0.04
bigloo           0.00    0.00    0.00    0.01    0.05
ocamlb           0.00    0.01    0.01    0.07    0.28
guile            0.04    0.06    0.19    0.68    2.92
python           0.02    0.04    0.14    0.60    3.27

Chart::Base : Caution: Tick limit of 100 exceeded. Backing of to an interval of 
0.05 which plots 67 ticks
Ackermann's Function
Summary [N = 4 (min)]
Program   CPU seconds Memory KB
bigloo           0.00        0
ocamlb           0.00        0
gcc              0.00        0
ocaml            0.00        0
g++              0.00        0
python           0.02        0
cmucl            0.02        0
guile            0.04        0

Ackermann's Function
Summary [N = 8 (max)]
Program   CPU seconds Memory KB
gcc              0.01        0
ocaml            0.01        0
g++              0.01        0
cmucl            0.04        0
bigloo           0.05        0
ocamlb           0.28        0
guile            2.92        0
python           3.27        0

Array Access III
Measurement of CPU as N varies
                 1000    3000    5000    7000
g++              0.00    0.00    0.01    0.01
ocaml            0.00    0.00    0.01    0.01
gcc              0.00    0.00    0.00    0.01
bigloo           0.00    0.01    0.01    0.01
cmucl            0.02    0.04    0.06    0.08
ocamlb           0.17    0.51    0.85    1.20
python           0.45    1.34    2.22    3.10
guile            1.14    3.39    5.65    7.88

Chart::Base : Caution: Tick limit of 100 exceeded. Backing of to an interval of 
0.1 which plots 80 ticks
Array Access III
Summary [N = 1000 (min)]
Program   CPU seconds Memory KB
bigloo           0.00        0
gcc              0.00        0
ocaml            0.00        0
g++              0.00        0
cmucl            0.02        0
ocamlb           0.17        0
python           0.45        0
guile            1.14        0

Array Access III
Summary [N = 7000 (max)]
Program   CPU seconds Memory KB
bigloo           0.01        0
gcc              0.01        0
ocaml            0.01        0
g++              0.01        0
cmucl            0.08        0
ocamlb           1.20        0
python           3.10        0
guile            7.88        0

Fibonacci Numbers
Measurement of CPU as N varies
                    8      24      32
ocaml            0.00    0.00    0.03
g++              0.00    0.00    0.04
gcc              0.00    0.00    0.04
bigloo           0.00    0.00    0.05
cmucl            0.01    0.01    0.11
cmucl2           0.02    0.03    0.13
ocamlb           0.00    0.01    0.57
python           0.02    0.10    3.83
guile            0.02    0.14    5.36

Chart::Base : Caution: Tick limit of 100 exceeded. Backing of to an interval of 
0.1 which plots 55 ticks
Fibonacci Numbers
Summary [N = 32 (max)]
Program   CPU seconds Memory KB
ocaml            0.03        0
gcc              0.04        0
g++              0.04        0
bigloo           0.05        0
cmucl            0.11        0
cmucl2           0.13        0
ocamlb           0.57        0
python           3.83        0
guile            5.36        0

Fibonacci Numbers
Summary [N = 8 (min)]
Program   CPU seconds Memory KB
bigloo           0.00        0
ocaml            0.00        0
ocamlb           0.00        0
gcc              0.00        0
g++              0.00        0
cmucl            0.01        0
cmucl2           0.02        0
python           0.02        0
guile            0.02        0

Hash (Associative Array) Access
Measurement of CPU as N varies
                20000   40000   60000   80000
gcc              0.02    0.04    0.07    0.10
ocaml            0.03    0.06    0.09    0.12
g++              0.04    0.08    0.12    0.16
cmucl            0.04    0.08    0.11    0.17
python           0.07    0.14    0.19    0.26
bigloo           0.04    0.11    0.19    0.28
ocamlb           0.07    0.15    0.24    0.32

Hash (Associative Array) Access
Summary [N = 20000 (min)]
Program   CPU seconds Memory KB
gcc              0.02        0
ocaml            0.03        0
bigloo           0.04        0
cmucl            0.04        0
g++              0.04        0
python           0.07        0
ocamlb           0.07        0

Hash (Associative Array) Access
Summary [N = 80000 (max)]
Program   CPU seconds Memory KB
gcc              0.10        0
ocaml            0.12        0
g++              0.16        0
cmucl            0.17        0
python           0.26        0
bigloo           0.28        0
ocamlb           0.32        0

Hashes Part II
Measurement of CPU as N varies
                   10      50     100     150
gcc              0.03    0.15    0.27    0.40
ocaml            0.04    0.14    0.28    0.41
bigloo           0.07    0.27    0.53    0.78
g++              0.07    0.29    0.56    0.84
cmucl            0.13    0.51    0.96    1.42
ocamlb           0.14    0.57    1.11    1.65
python2          0.16    0.60    1.14    1.67
python           0.21    0.70    1.32    1.94
guile            4.59   22.04   43.84   65.86

Hashes Part II
Summary [N = 10 (min)]
Program   CPU seconds Memory KB
gcc              0.03        0
ocaml            0.04        0
bigloo           0.07        0
g++              0.07        0
cmucl            0.13        0
ocamlb           0.14        0
python2          0.16        0
python           0.21        0
guile            4.59        0

Hashes Part II
Summary [N = 150 (max)]
Program   CPU seconds Memory KB
gcc              0.40        0
ocaml            0.41        0
bigloo           0.78        0
g++              0.84        0
cmucl            1.42        0
ocamlb           1.65        0
python2          1.67        0
python           1.94        0
guile           65.86        0

Measurement of CPU as N varies
                 1000   20000   40000   60000   80000
g++              0.00    0.00    0.01    0.02    0.03
ocaml            0.00    0.00    0.01    0.02    0.03
gcc              0.00    0.00    0.01    0.02    0.03
cmucl            0.01    0.02    0.02    0.04    0.05
bigloo           0.00    0.06    0.13    0.22    0.31
ocamlb           0.00    0.16    0.34    0.54    0.75
python           0.03    0.38    0.82    1.28    1.77
guile            0.07    0.99    2.15    3.47    4.53

Chart::Base : Caution: Tick limit of 100 exceeded. Backing of to an interval of 
0.05 which plots 92 ticks
Summary [N = 1000 (min)]
Program   CPU seconds Memory KB
bigloo           0.00        0
ocamlb           0.00        0
gcc              0.00        0
ocaml            0.00        0
g++              0.00        0
cmucl            0.01        0
python           0.03        0
guile            0.07        0

Summary [N = 80000 (max)]
Program   CPU seconds Memory KB
gcc              0.03        0
ocaml            0.03        0
g++              0.03        0
cmucl            0.05        0
bigloo           0.31        0
ocamlb           0.75        0
python           1.77        0
guile            4.53        0

List Processing
Measurement of CPU as N varies
                    1       4       8      12      16
gcc              0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00
ocaml            0.00    0.00    0.01    0.01    0.02
bigloo           0.00    0.01    0.03    0.04    0.06
python           0.03    0.10    0.19    0.28    0.36
ocamlb           0.02    0.11    0.21    0.32    0.42

List Processing
Summary [N = 16 (max)]
Program   CPU seconds Memory KB
gcc              0.00        0
ocaml            0.02        0
bigloo           0.06        0
python           0.36        0
ocamlb           0.42        0

List Processing
Summary [N = 1 (min)]
Program   CPU seconds Memory KB
bigloo           0.00        0
gcc              0.00        0
ocaml            0.00        0
ocamlb           0.02        0
python           0.03        0

Matrix Multiplication
Measurement of CPU as N varies
                    1     100     200     300
g++              0.00    0.01    0.01    0.02
gcc              0.00    0.00    0.01    0.02
ocaml            0.00    0.01    0.02    0.03
bigloo           0.00    0.02    0.03    0.05
cmucl            0.01    0.04    0.06    0.08
ocamlb           0.00    0.57    1.14    1.70
python           0.03    1.74    3.45    5.16
guile            0.06    3.93    7.90   11.84

Matrix Multiplication
Summary [N = 1 (min)]
Program   CPU seconds Memory KB
bigloo           0.00        0
ocamlb           0.00        0
gcc              0.00        0
ocaml            0.00        0
g++              0.00        0
cmucl            0.01        0
python           0.03        0
guile            0.06        0

Matrix Multiplication
Summary [N = 300 (max)]
Program   CPU seconds Memory KB
gcc              0.02        0
g++              0.02        0
ocaml            0.03        0
bigloo           0.05        0
cmucl            0.08        0
ocamlb           1.70        0
python           5.16        0
guile           11.84        0

Method Calls
Measurement of CPU as N varies
               100000  400000  700000 1000000
g++              0.00    0.00    0.01    0.01
gcc              0.00    0.00    0.01    0.02
ocaml            0.00    0.02    0.03    0.05
cmucl            0.04    0.06    0.08    0.10
bigloo           0.01    0.06    0.10    0.14
ocamlb           0.07    0.27    0.48    0.68
python           0.43    1.70    2.96    4.24
guile            0.58    2.10    3.65    5.19

Chart::Base : Caution: Tick limit of 100 exceeded. Backing of to an interval of 
0.1 which plots 53 ticks
Method Calls
Summary [N = 1000000 (max)]
Program   CPU seconds Memory KB
g++              0.01        0
gcc              0.02        0
ocaml            0.05        0
cmucl            0.10        0
bigloo           0.14        0
ocamlb           0.68        0
python           4.24        0
guile            5.19        0

Method Calls
Summary [N = 100000 (min)]
Program   CPU seconds Memory KB
gcc              0.00        0
ocaml            0.00        0
g++              0.00        0
bigloo           0.01        0
cmucl            0.04        0
ocamlb           0.07        0
python           0.43        0
guile            0.58        0

Statistical Moments
Measurement of CPU as N varies
                    1      50     100     150
gcc              0.00    0.00    0.01    0.02
g++              0.00    0.01    0.03    0.05
ocaml            0.00    0.02    0.04    0.08
cmucl            0.01    0.04    0.06    0.09
python           0.02    0.15    0.27    0.41
bigloo           0.00    0.10    0.27    0.52
ocamlb           0.00    0.16    0.35    0.53
guile            0.04    0.44    0.85    1.43

Chart::Base : Caution: Tick limit of 100 exceeded. Backing of to an interval of 
0.02 which plots 73 ticks
Statistical Moments
Summary [N = 150 (max)]
Program   CPU seconds Memory KB
gcc              0.02        0
g++              0.05        0
ocaml            0.08        0
cmucl            0.09        0
python           0.41        0
bigloo           0.52        0
ocamlb           0.53        0
guile            1.43        0

Statistical Moments
Summary [N = 1 (min)]
Program   CPU seconds Memory KB
bigloo           0.00        0
ocamlb           0.00        0
gcc              0.00        0
ocaml            0.00        0
g++              0.00        0
cmucl            0.01        0
python           0.02        0
guile            0.04        0

Nested Loops
Measurement of CPU as N varies
                    4       8      12      16
g++              0.00    0.00    0.00    0.03
gcc              0.00    0.00    0.00    0.03
ocaml            0.00    0.00    0.01    0.05
bigloo           0.00    0.00    0.01    0.05
cmucl            0.01    0.01    0.03    0.09
ocamlb           0.00    0.03    0.31    1.66
python           0.01    0.07    0.64    3.41
guile            0.03    0.29    2.84   15.30

Nested Loops
Summary [N = 16 (max)]
Program   CPU seconds Memory KB
gcc              0.03        0
g++              0.03        0
bigloo           0.05        0
ocaml            0.05        0
cmucl            0.09        0
ocamlb           1.66        0
python           3.41        0
guile           15.30        0

Nested Loops
Summary [N = 4 (min)]
Program   CPU seconds Memory KB
bigloo           0.00        0
ocamlb           0.00        0
gcc              0.00        0
ocaml            0.00        0
g++              0.00        0
python           0.01        0
cmucl            0.01        0
guile            0.03        0

Object Instantiation
Measurement of CPU as N varies
               100000  400000  700000 1000000
ocaml            0.01    0.05    0.09    0.13
gcc              0.01    0.06    0.10    0.14
g++              0.02    0.07    0.13    0.18
bigloo           0.02    0.08    0.13    0.19
cmucl            0.05    0.14    0.22    0.30
ocamlb           0.19    0.74    1.29    1.85
python           0.50    1.94    3.37    4.79
guile            1.06    3.96    6.89    9.78

Chart::Base : Caution: Tick limit of 100 exceeded. Backing of to an interval of 
0.1 which plots 99 ticks
Object Instantiation
Summary [N = 1000000 (max)]
Program   CPU seconds Memory KB
ocaml            0.13        0
gcc              0.14        0
g++              0.18        0
bigloo           0.19        0
cmucl            0.30        0
ocamlb           1.85        0
python           4.79        0
guile            9.78        0

Object Instantiation
Summary [N = 100000 (min)]
Program   CPU seconds Memory KB
gcc              0.01        0
ocaml            0.01        0
bigloo           0.02        0
g++              0.02        0
cmucl            0.05        0
ocamlb           0.19        0
python           0.50        0
guile            1.06        0

Producer/Consumer Threads
Measurement of CPU as N varies
                10000   30000   70000  100000
g++              0.03    0.08    0.18    0.26
gcc              0.02    0.08    0.17    0.27
ocaml            0.02    0.07    0.22    0.28
ocamlb           0.04    0.12    0.27    0.39
guile            0.11    0.26    0.57    0.79
cmucl            0.12    0.33    0.73    1.06
python           0.26    0.80    1.88    2.59

Chart::Base : Caution: Tick limit of 100 exceeded. Backing of to an interval of 
0.05 which plots 53 ticks
Producer/Consumer Threads
Summary [N = 100000 (max)]
Program   CPU seconds Memory KB
g++              0.26        0
gcc              0.27        0
ocaml            0.28        0
ocamlb           0.39        0
guile            0.79        0
cmucl            1.06        0
python           2.59        0

Producer/Consumer Threads
Summary [N = 10000 (min)]
Program   CPU seconds Memory KB
gcc              0.02        0
ocaml            0.02        0
g++              0.03        0
ocamlb           0.04        0
guile            0.11        0
cmucl            0.12        0
python           0.26        0

Random Number Generator
Measurement of CPU as N varies
                 1000  300000  600000  900000
gcc              0.00    0.00    0.01    0.01
g++              0.00    0.00    0.01    0.02
ocaml            0.00    0.02    0.03    0.05
cmucl            0.02    0.02    0.04    0.05
bigloo           0.00    0.09    0.17    0.24
ocamlb           0.00    0.13    0.27    0.41
python           0.01    0.44    0.86    1.28
guile            0.04    0.82    1.60    2.38

Chart::Base : Caution: Tick limit of 100 exceeded. Backing of to an interval of 
0.05 which plots 49 ticks
Random Number Generator
Summary [N = 1000 (min)]
Program   CPU seconds Memory KB
bigloo           0.00        0
ocamlb           0.00        0
gcc              0.00        0
ocaml            0.00        0
g++              0.00        0
python           0.01        0
cmucl            0.02        0
guile            0.04        0

Random Number Generator
Summary [N = 900000 (max)]
Program   CPU seconds Memory KB
gcc              0.01        0
g++              0.02        0
cmucl            0.05        0
ocaml            0.05        0
bigloo           0.24        0
ocamlb           0.41        0
python           1.28        0
guile            2.38        0

Regular Expression Matching
Measurement of CPU as N varies
                    1    3000    6000    9000
bigloo           0.00    0.22    0.44    0.66
cmucl            0.03    0.26    0.50    0.75
gcc              0.00    0.39    0.79    1.19
python           0.02    0.49    0.98    1.44
guile            0.04    2.31    4.55    6.80

Regular Expression Matching
Summary [N = 1 (min)]
Program   CPU seconds Memory KB
bigloo           0.00        0
gcc              0.00        0
python           0.02        0
cmucl            0.03        0
guile            0.04        0

Regular Expression Matching
Summary [N = 9000 (max)]
Program   CPU seconds Memory KB
bigloo           0.66        0
cmucl            0.75        0
gcc              1.19        0
python           1.44        0
guile            6.80        0

Reverse a File
Measurement of CPU as N varies
                    5      10      15      20
gcc              0.01    0.02    0.03    0.04
ocaml            0.01    0.02    0.04    0.05
python           0.05    0.09    0.14    0.18
bigloo           0.04    0.09    0.14    0.20
ocamlb           0.10    0.20    0.31    0.42
cmucl            0.27    0.46    0.68    1.00
guile            0.39    0.83    1.30    1.82

Reverse a File
Summary [N = 20 (max)]
Program   CPU seconds Memory KB
gcc              0.04        0
ocaml            0.05        0
python           0.18        0
bigloo           0.20        0
ocamlb           0.42        0
cmucl            1.00        0
guile            1.82        0

Reverse a File
Summary [N = 5 (min)]
Program   CPU seconds Memory KB
gcc              0.01        0
ocaml            0.01        0
bigloo           0.04        0
python           0.05        0
ocamlb           0.10        0
cmucl            0.27        0
guile            0.39        0

Sieve of Eratosthenes
Measurement of CPU as N varies
                    1     300     600     900
gcc              0.00    0.02    0.04    0.06
ocaml            0.00    0.02    0.05    0.07
bigloo           0.00    0.03    0.05    0.08
g++              0.00    0.03    0.06    0.09
ocamlb           0.00    1.19    2.38    3.58
python           0.03    2.65    5.29    7.92
g++2             0.02    5.38   10.78   16.20
guile            0.06    6.50   12.89   19.26

Sieve of Eratosthenes
Summary [N = 1 (min)]
Program   CPU seconds Memory KB
bigloo           0.00        0
ocaml            0.00        0
ocamlb           0.00        0
gcc              0.00        0
g++              0.00        0
g++2             0.02        0
python           0.03        0
guile            0.06        0

Sieve of Eratosthenes
Summary [N = 900 (max)]
Program   CPU seconds Memory KB
gcc              0.06        0
ocaml            0.07        0
bigloo           0.08        0
g++              0.09        0
ocamlb           3.58        0
python           7.92        0
g++2            16.20        0
guile           19.26        0

Spell Checker
Measurement of CPU as N varies
                    1       4       7      10
gcc              0.05    0.10    0.15    0.19
ocaml            0.08    0.16    0.23    0.33
bigloo           0.06    0.19    0.33    0.46
python           0.13    0.27    0.41    0.55
ocamlb           0.14    0.33    0.52    0.70
cmucl            0.22    0.60    0.99    1.35
guile            0.77    1.96    3.14    4.38

Chart::Base : Caution: Tick limit of 100 exceeded. Backing of to an interval of 
0.05 which plots 88 ticks
Spell Checker
Summary [N = 10 (max)]
Program   CPU seconds Memory KB
gcc              0.19        0
ocaml            0.33        0
bigloo           0.46        0
python           0.55        0
ocamlb           0.70        0
cmucl            1.35        0
guile            4.38        0

Spell Checker
Summary [N = 1 (min)]
Program   CPU seconds Memory KB
gcc              0.05        0
bigloo           0.06        0
ocaml            0.08        0
python           0.13        0
ocamlb           0.14        0
cmucl            0.22        0
guile            0.77        0

String Concatenation
Measurement of CPU as N varies
                10000   20000   30000   40000
g++              0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00
gcc              0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00
ocaml            0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00
bigloo           0.00    0.00    0.00    0.01
cmucl            0.01    0.01    0.02    0.02
cmucl2           0.01    0.02    0.02    0.02
ocamlb           0.01    0.01    0.02    0.03
python           0.02    0.03    0.04    0.04
guile            0.13    0.18    0.22    0.28
bigloo2          0.68    2.65    5.97   10.85
ocaml2           0.47    2.15    6.96   12.56
python2          0.12    1.00    5.66   13.01
ocamlb2          0.49    2.31    7.45   13.11

String Concatenation
Summary [N = 10000 (min)]
Program   CPU seconds Memory KB
bigloo           0.00        0
ocaml            0.00        0
gcc              0.00        0
g++              0.00        0
cmucl2           0.01        0
ocamlb           0.01        0
cmucl            0.01        0
python           0.02        0
python2          0.12        0
guile            0.13        0
ocaml2           0.47        0
ocamlb2          0.49        0
bigloo2          0.68        0

String Concatenation
Summary [N = 40000 (max)]
Program   CPU seconds Memory KB
ocaml            0.00        0
gcc              0.00        0
g++              0.00        0
bigloo           0.01        0
cmucl2           0.02        0
cmucl            0.02        0
ocamlb           0.03        0
python           0.04        0
guile            0.28        0
bigloo2         10.85        0
ocaml2          12.56        0
python2         13.01        0
ocamlb2         13.11        0

Sum a File of Numbers
Measurement of CPU as N varies
                  100     400     700    1000
gcc              0.02    0.07    0.13    0.19
gcc2             0.02    0.07    0.13    0.19
ocaml            0.02    0.10    0.17    0.24
g++              0.03    0.12    0.21    0.31
bigloo           0.05    0.20    0.34    0.48
ocamlb           0.07    0.30    0.51    0.73
python           0.13    0.50    0.87    1.22
cmucl            0.17    0.69    1.18    1.68
python2          0.19    0.74    1.26    1.80
guile            0.45    1.74    3.03    4.29

Chart::Base : Caution: Tick limit of 100 exceeded. Backing of to an interval of 
0.05 which plots 87 ticks
Sum a File of Numbers
Summary [N = 1000 (max)]
Program   CPU seconds Memory KB
gcc2             0.19        0
gcc              0.19        0
ocaml            0.24        0
g++              0.31        0
bigloo           0.48        0
ocamlb           0.73        0
python           1.22        0
cmucl            1.68        0
python2          1.80        0
guile            4.29        0

Sum a File of Numbers
Summary [N = 100 (min)]
Program   CPU seconds Memory KB
gcc2             0.02        0
ocaml            0.02        0
gcc              0.02        0
g++              0.03        0
bigloo           0.05        0
ocamlb           0.07        0
python           0.13        0
cmucl            0.17        0
python2          0.19        0
guile            0.45        0

Count Lines/Words/Chars
Measurement of CPU as N varies
                  500    1000    1500    2000
gcc              0.01    0.03    0.04    0.06
ocaml            0.01    0.04    0.06    0.08
cmucl            0.05    0.09    0.13    0.17
g++              0.06    0.10    0.16    0.22
python           0.11    0.20    0.30    0.39
bigloo           0.09    0.20    0.29    0.40
ocamlb           0.55    1.10    1.66    2.22
guile            3.88    7.75   11.60   15.49

Count Lines/Words/Chars
Summary [N = 2000 (max)]
Program   CPU seconds Memory KB
gcc              0.06        0
ocaml            0.08        0
cmucl            0.17        0
g++              0.22        0
python           0.39        0
bigloo           0.40        0
ocamlb           2.22        0
guile           15.49        0

Count Lines/Words/Chars
Summary [N = 500 (min)]
Program   CPU seconds Memory KB
gcc              0.01        0
ocaml            0.01        0
cmucl            0.05        0
g++              0.06        0
bigloo           0.09        0
python           0.11        0
ocamlb           0.55        0
guile            3.88        0

Word Frequency
Measurement of CPU as N varies
                    1       5      10      15      20
gcc2             0.01    0.05    0.08    0.12    0.16
gcc              0.01    0.04    0.09    0.13    0.17
ocaml            0.04    0.08    0.15    0.20    0.27
bigloo           0.03    0.10    0.20    0.28    0.38
python           0.09    0.22    0.39    0.56    0.73
ocamlb           0.18    0.58    1.09    1.59    2.08
guile            0.86    2.84    5.35    7.73   10.15

Word Frequency
Summary [N = 1 (min)]
Program   CPU seconds Memory KB
gcc2             0.01        0
gcc              0.01        0
bigloo           0.03        0
ocaml            0.04        0
python           0.09        0
ocamlb           0.18        0
guile            0.86        0

Word Frequency
Summary [N = 20 (max)]
Program   CPU seconds Memory KB
gcc2             0.16        0
gcc              0.17        0
ocaml            0.27        0
bigloo           0.38        0
python           0.73        0
ocamlb           2.08        0
guile           10.15        0

 David Mentré <address@hidden>

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