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[Texmacs-dev] About changes in

From: David Allouche
Subject: [Texmacs-dev] About changes in
Date: Fri, 8 Nov 2002 15:59:01 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.4i

Here come question about changes I do not understand in


There are more remarks on the web page, and a number of obvious bugs
are pointed out.

The questions:

up15 -- fix page margin menu items
  The removal of "Set text width..." proposed in patch
  was not applied. What is the rationale? I gave a rationale for the
  removal of that menu item at:


up20 -- made-by-texmacs macro

  How can I be sure that LaTeX provides translation for "This text has
  been produced using" and "see"?

up26 -- more dark and pastel colors

  these colors are supported in postscript output even though they are
  only defined in x_display_rep! How is that done?

up37 -- minor changes to math greek support

  what is the syntax of the maths-fonts.scm scheme file?
  It does not seem to use the sytax for text font resolution which is
  explained in the documentation.

up39 -- changes to the axiom interface

  What is the axiomtype change about?

up42 -- fix hyperlink problem in help buffer

  In release, the hyperlink traversal was broken in the help
  buffer. I believe that patch fixed the problem, yet I am not sure
  what it actually does.

up45 -- fix to edit_typeset_rep::typeset_prepare

  What does that fix?

up46 -- simplify keypresses in all modes but INPUT_NORMAL

  What does that fix?

up47 -- support for "yes" as "ano" (czech) and banner update

  why does tm_server_rep::is_yes not use the translation dictionnary?

up48 -- binary font files for rtcxr at 600 dpi

  How are these files produced? What is their copyright? Why are they
  included now?

David Allouche         | GNU TeXmacs -- Writing is a pleasure
Free software engineer |    http://www.texmacs.org
   http://ddaa.net     |    http://alqua.com/tmresources
   address@hidden  |    address@hidden
TeXmacs is NOT a LaTeX front-end and is unrelated to emacs.

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