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Re: [Texmacs-dev] [PATCH] solves GCC 3.2 auto_save segfault for me...

From: Igor V. Kovalenko
Subject: Re: [Texmacs-dev] [PATCH] solves GCC 3.2 auto_save segfault for me...
Date: Tue, 05 Nov 2002 17:55:14 +0300
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.0.1) Gecko/20020809

Joris van der Hoeven wrote:
I tested TeXmacs with the patch included and it seems to be stable now.

I also tested your patch now and, unfortunately,
I still get segfaults just after autosaving and typing a bit of text.

I also restudied the use of virtual destructors.
In fact, the current implementation is correct and best.
Indeed, you should not forget that a virtual destructor increases
the size of the data structure. Consequently, one should avoid
the use of it whenever possible.


 struct concrete_struct {
   int ref_count;
   inline concrete_struct (): ref_count (1) { DEBUG(concrete_count++); }
-  inline ~concrete_struct () { DEBUG(concrete_count--); }
+  inline virtual ~concrete_struct () { DEBUG(concrete_count--); }

The classes concrete_struct and abstract_struct are really base classes
and *not* abstract classes: we never explicitly allocate a concrete_struct
or an abstract_struct. Moreover, the destructor does nothing when DEBUG
is inactive. We might just add "DEBUG(virtual)" to be extremely correct.

In my opinion this "virtualization" has an effect to make all destructors
in derived classes virtualized, so pointer can be deleted without explicitly
accessing the data.

+inline tree::~tree ()
+    if ((--rep->ref_count)==0) {
+        //destroy_tree_rep (rep);
+        delete rep;
+        rep = NULL;
+    }

Again, the function destroy_tree_rep explicitly does the "delete rep"
depending on the kind of tree (string or compound). Indeed, this type
can be determined as a function of "op", so destroy_tree_rep plays
the rĂ´le of a virtual destructor *without* the extra space overhead.
It may still be interesting though to add the line "rep = NULL"
to destroy_tree_rep.

Nope, it does a wild cast do destruct an object. Correct?

What binutils version are you using? I'm now in deep confusion :) Mine is:

$ ld -V
GNU ld version 20021010
  Supported emulations:

I simply want to find a difference. Tests show that guile is probably not 

Igor V. Kovalenko    mailto: iko at crec dot mipt dot ru

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